CytoDyn Announces Voluntary Withdrawal of BLA for HIV-MDR Due to CRO Data Management Issues
this morning opened down 20% but recovered a little
Buy them now before they are just a memory. Three for a dollar! Fund the kiddies' education for the cost of a Happy Meal.
Multi-purpose in a jar, if you ain't sick ,it will wax your car!
A lot of acronyms in that headline. It should have just read:Quote: 100xOddspress release fri after hrs:
CytoDyn Announces Voluntary Withdrawal of BLA for HIV-MDR Due to CRO Data Management Issues
this morning opened down 20% but recovered a little
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CytoDyn: SOL & FUBAR.
Quote: UP84A lot of acronyms in that headline. It should have just read:Quote: 100xOddspress release fri after hrs:
CytoDyn Announces Voluntary Withdrawal of BLA for HIV-MDR Due to CRO Data Management Issues
this morning opened down 20% but recovered a little
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CytoDyn: SOL & FUBAR.
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It's not their fault. It's never their fault. Big Pharma is afraid of lemonlabob so they and the corrupt FDA are keeping it out of the publics hands. If you want the truth, just go to the Cyto forums. They know the truth!
Usually jealous and unhealthy people with nothing to look forward to enjoy schadenfreude.
You're confusing schadenfreude with I-told-you-so.Quote: darkozI find that schadenfreude runs deep on this forum.
Usually jealous and unhealthy people with nothing to look forward to enjoy schadenfreude.
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What are we supposed to be jealous of? Your stock-picking abilities? Your skill in turning what you said was tens of thousands of dollars into a $20 bill?
Quote: UP84You're confusing schadenfreude with I-told-you-so.Quote: darkozI find that schadenfreude runs deep on this forum.
Usually jealous and unhealthy people with nothing to look forward to enjoy schadenfreude.
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Everyone has an opinion on stocks.
When they go up or down the other side always says I told you so.
Holds as much weight as a styrofoam coffee cup.
The FDA went through an 8 year process with the drug and I HAVE read the FDA documents.
This isn't a scam unless you continue to insist like Bill that the FDA can't tell the difference between a drug and a scam. (Note the company still trades, no charges from SEC or DOJ, people have been yelling scam now for years but without proof it's really bad slander)
The fact is it's a pre-revenue biotech and those are always risky investment. Falling share price doesn't mean scam or even an I Told you so. Because prices can rise as well.
It's probably going to take a few years of further development unfortunately.
Quote: darkozQuote: UP84You're confusing schadenfreude with I-told-you-so.Quote: darkozI find that schadenfreude runs deep on this forum.
Usually jealous and unhealthy people with nothing to look forward to enjoy schadenfreude.
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Everyone has an opinion on stocks.
When they go up or down the other side always says I told you so.
Holds as much weight as a styrofoam coffee cup.
The FDA went through an 8 year process with the drug and I HAVE read the FDA documents.
This isn't a scam unless you continue to insist like Bill that the FDA can't tell the difference between a drug and a scam. (Note the company still trades, no charges from SEC or DOJ, people have been yelling scam now for years but without proof it's really bad slander)
The fact is it's a pre-revenue biotech and those are always risky investment. Falling share price doesn't mean scam or even an I Told you so. Because prices can rise as well.
It's probably going to take a few years of further development unfortunately.
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Keep hope alive! Stay home for a week and use the bus fare to buy a couple hundred more shares.
Quote: billryanQuote: darkozQuote: UP84You're confusing schadenfreude with I-told-you-so.Quote: darkozI find that schadenfreude runs deep on this forum.
Usually jealous and unhealthy people with nothing to look forward to enjoy schadenfreude.
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Everyone has an opinion on stocks.
When they go up or down the other side always says I told you so.
Holds as much weight as a styrofoam coffee cup.
The FDA went through an 8 year process with the drug and I HAVE read the FDA documents.
This isn't a scam unless you continue to insist like Bill that the FDA can't tell the difference between a drug and a scam. (Note the company still trades, no charges from SEC or DOJ, people have been yelling scam now for years but without proof it's really bad slander)
The fact is it's a pre-revenue biotech and those are always risky investment. Falling share price doesn't mean scam or even an I Told you so. Because prices can rise as well.
It's probably going to take a few years of further development unfortunately.
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Keep hope alive! Stay home for a week and use the bus fare to buy a couple hundred more shares.
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Again you suffer from a sad and debilitating disease of schadenfreude.
You bring up bus fare because in your mind a person who takes the bus must be low and vile otherwise why bring that up?
You are just a wannabe multicarder who failed to make it work and have latched onto my Cytodyn investment as a means to make you feel better that someone who makes a lot more than you ever did at AP, who currently runs a successful AP team has something you can criticize.
You sit all day and week and month checking Cytodyn prices to see if you can make critical posts so you can put down an Advantage Player who you are so envious of it's taking up all your time on a stock you own a single share of.
Sad and pathetic are those actions.
I wish you a better and more enjoyable life than the bitter one you currently display.
You are the one who keeps putting down bus riders. Why I have no idea. Having lived in NY for many years, I love mass transit. I was also my chosen way to travel to and from AC. I've taken that trip literally hundreds of times
As far as checking the prices on lemonlabob, I didn't start this thread, and while I knew it was down about 90% since you claimed it was going to snuff out covid, I didn't know the current price, nor did I really care. While checking stocks was a large part of my morning for years, I've stated I turned all my financial dealings over to my financial advisor and check them out quarterly.
I've no idea why you choose to use your failed investment to launch attacks against me, but I learned long ago that being considered small is not about one's height.
If, and when I ever try to promote a worthless stock on this forum, please feel free to call me out on it, and if I ever claim to know more about science than the actual scientific community, hammer away.
I'd love to carry on, but I have a few empties to return. Buy a six-pack, and you can use the refund on the empties to buy a share of CyDi. Best investment of the week.
Quote: billryanI bring up bus fare because you say you take the bus. I said to stay home, save the bus fare, follow your dream and buy more shares.
You are the one who keeps putting down bus riders. Why I have no idea. Having lived in NY for many years, I love mass transit. I was also my chosen way to travel to and from AC. I've taken that trip literally hundreds of times
As far as checking the prices on lemonlabob, I didn't start this thread, and while I knew it was down about 90% since you claimed it was going to snuff out covid, I didn't know the current price, nor did I really care. While checking stocks was a large part of my morning for years, I've stated I turned all my financial dealings over to my financial advisor and check them out quarterly.
I've no idea why you choose to use your failed investment to launch attacks against me, but I learned long ago that being considered small is not about one's height.
If, and when I ever try to promote a worthless stock on this forum, please feel free to call me out on it, and if I ever claim to know more about science than the actual scientific community, hammer away.
I'd love to carry on, but I have a few empties to return. Buy a six-pack, and you can use the refund on the empties to buy a share of CyDi. Best investment of the week.
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I never said I know more about science than the scientific community.
In fact that's what you repeatedly do.
The drug is an investigational molecule. The FDA has been working more than eight years with Cytodyn.
You claiming it's a scam is YOU stating you know more than the FDA and the scientific community.
In fact most all of your posts are so hypocritical that it's difficult to have intelligent conversation with you.
Quote: MDawgIf CYDY (or any stock) is mentioned, the discussion should center on the stock. CYDY has been discussed in this thread for some time. As have AMZN and TSLA.
Yes I have stated from Day One that I believe CYDY is a poor choice for investment, but that is intrinsic to the company and to the stock. I have also mentioned at times that it would be time to sell! sell! sell! CYDY, but again this has to do with the action movement of the stock, and my professional opinion of it. So far, I was right - the time to dump it WAS the few times it hit 6 or 7. Look at it now, it's sadly at a 52 week low. 1.61
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Who could have known this was the glory days?
Other than the millions of investors who passed on it, that is.
That’s kind of good news bad news though.
Quote: rxwineI believe Microsoft took 10 years to get over $3.
That’s kind of good news bad news though.
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CyDi is twenty years old, and failed in its first carnation. A bunch of scam artists took over the zombie company and have been enriching themselves for the last decade. Their printing press allows them to float more and more stock, diluting previous stockholder's shares. They also seem to be borrowing money at inflated rates from suspect sources to pay their salaries. It's nice work if you can get it.
CyDi has 23 employees. Four work in investor relations, two in reception, and three seem to be assistants to the Pres and VP. That accounts for eleven of it's twenty three employees.
Since they fired the old CEO, they have also stopped paying a press agency $5,000 a month to promote their press releases, so perhaps the 12th employee might be a PR guy.
Meanwhile, their board gets compensation on par with companies that have tens of thousands of workers and actually make products people use.
Its saul good man.
Quote: billryanQuote: rxwineI believe Microsoft took 10 years to get over $3.
That’s kind of good news bad news though.
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CyDi is twenty years old, and failed in its first carnation. A bunch of scam artists took over the zombie company and have been enriching themselves for the last decade. Their printing press allows them to float more and more stock, diluting previous stockholder's shares. They also seem to be borrowing money at inflated rates from suspect sources to pay their salaries. It's nice work if you can get it.
CyDi has 23 employees. Four work in investor relations, two in reception, and three seem to be assistants to the Pres and VP. That accounts for eleven of it's twenty three employees.
Since they fired the old CEO, they have also stopped paying a press agency $5,000 a month to promote their press releases, so perhaps the 12th employee might be a PR guy.
Meanwhile, their board gets compensation on par with companies that have tens of thousands of workers and actually make products people use.
Its saul good man.
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Ad infinitum poor Bill cannot address or explain the FDA and their eight years of involvement with the development of Leronlimab.
He also childishly twists the name to lemonlabob which is something kids on the playground do.
If he had a valid opinion I might listen.
Quote: darkozAd infinitum poor Bill cannot address or explain the FDA and their eight years of involvement with the development of Leronlimab.
He also childishly twists the name to lemonlabob which is something kids on the playground do.
If he had a valid opinion I might listen.
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So you still have confidence that cydy will pull through and succeed?
The company needs FDA approvals and keeps not getting them. That is how the FDA has worked with them.
It's like saying Pablo Escobar has a long-term relationship with the FBI.
Quote: 100xOddsQuote: darkozAd infinitum poor Bill cannot address or explain the FDA and their eight years of involvement with the development of Leronlimab.
He also childishly twists the name to lemonlabob which is something kids on the playground do.
If he had a valid opinion I might listen.
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So you still have confidence that cydy will pull through and succeed?
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Confidence they will succeed? No not at this point. There is a slim possibility. I'm not selling. It's either they succeed or go bankrupt for me at this point.
I always said this was an investigational drug and there were no guarantees of success. That's the point of trialing it. I had a belief it was going to go well and put my money where my mouth is.
What I take umbrage is Bill is insistent I didn't just invest in a company but that I was scammed because the drug was a fraud. I have read the FDA documents. There is no way the FDA was fooled by a fraud for 8 years. I'm talking about tens of thousands of data points.
For example the FDA review included assays and syringe dosage, side effects observed, adverse reactions, chemical composition in patients after dosing on multiple trials. They aren't documents a non-medical person can understand but it's clear the FDA did a deep dive that in no way could have been fraudulent and they didn't catch it.
The drug may be tested further. The NIH granted $5 million last month for another study. (And I guess Bill believes the NIH got suckered as well).
But I don't expect this to be profitable for a few years unfortunately. Not happy about that but that's biotech.
Quote: billryanThe FDA is involved in rejecting their trials and in putting out public notices warning of this company putting out misleading information.
The company needs FDA approvals and keeps not getting them. That is how the FDA has worked with them.
It's like saying Pablo Escobar has a long-term relationship with the FBI.
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Come on now Bill you are making yourself look a fool.
The FDA does not guarantee drugs will pass their trials.
An FDA warning letter was issued that the company had some minor misleading info.
Fraudulent info gets the stock trading halted and the offices raided and indictments.
For you to spout crap that the FDA actively and exhaustively went through the data on eight years of trials and didn't understand what they examined is just the height of lunacy.
Just admit that you don't have a clue what you are talking about Bill.
Nothing else matters.
The letter the FDA sent out about misrepresenting the results is extremely unusual. They don't issue them for minor misleading.
Quote: AlanMendelsonIn stock market technical analysis it all comes down to the stock price.
Nothing else matters.
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Well, I don't know...
If I make 11k from 10k in a week that's way better than 12k from 10k in 10 years.
Quote: AlanMendelsonIn stock market technical analysis it all comes down to the stock price.
Nothing else matters.
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Not in the world of boiler room stocks, where hype is king and FDA approval is always just beyond the next rise.
Quote: billryanQuote: AlanMendelsonIn stock market technical analysis it all comes down to the stock price.
Nothing else matters.
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Not in the world of boiler room stocks, where hype is king and FDA approval is always just beyond the next rise.
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I look at the 5 year chart and I see a failure.
Quote: billryanThey have failed the FDA trials. Why do you try to make it otherwise. They studied the trials and found them wanting. As in Failures.
The letter the FDA sent out about misrepresenting the results is extremely unusual. They don't issue them for minor misleading.
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I'm not trying to make it otherwise.
The drug was trialed
Do you believe that all drug trials succeed otherwise they are frauds?
Quote: darkozQuote: billryanThey have failed the FDA trials. Why do you try to make it otherwise. They studied the trials and found them wanting. As in Failures.
The letter the FDA sent out about misrepresenting the results is extremely unusual. They don't issue them for minor misleading.
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I'm not trying to make it otherwise.
The drug was trialed
Do you believe that all drug trials succeed otherwise they are frauds?
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It's time to shoot this horse.
Think of it as a casino that shut down your pin numbers.
Take your tax loss and move on.
Quote: AlanMendelsonQuote: darkozQuote: billryanThey have failed the FDA trials. Why do you try to make it otherwise. They studied the trials and found them wanting. As in Failures.
The letter the FDA sent out about misrepresenting the results is extremely unusual. They don't issue them for minor misleading.
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I'm not trying to make it otherwise.
The drug was trialed
Do you believe that all drug trials succeed otherwise they are frauds?
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It's time to shoot this horse.
Think of it as a casino that shut down your pin numbers.
Take your tax loss and move on.
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I usually hit those Casinos harder lol
I just come back a year or two later.
Quote: 100xOdds+10% but no news i can find?
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When a price increase of three cents equals a 10% price hike, that should be news enough.
Someone bought 1M shares today
but now it went up to .30.
.30 new support line?
DarkOz can confirm his buy later.Quote: 100xOdds(unconfirmed)
Someone bought 1M shares today
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Quote: DRichI just tried to listen to and watch the Cytodyn presentation on their company update from last week. I made it through about 15 minutes and gave up. My $1000 investment, now worth about $100, is not enough to motivate my to sit through that.
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That's a shame. I'd hope you'd at least get some entertainment value for it.
In order to make a pump and dump fraud civil or criminal case, obviously there must be a
pump and dump
but also the pump must involved false misleading information - and the information must be more than mere subjective beliefs about how the stock is going to the moon (or the toilet)
the intent to dump must have been there at the time of the pump.
For example, DarkOz has pumped CYDY here at WOV since he found out about it, but whatever he has posted about the company he has had a genuine belief was true and could be more or less backed up by company press releases.
Even here
when he posted about how the government was about to make a major announcement about a breakthrough therapy for Covid and obviously hoped that the announcement might be about CYDY, he didn't go as far as to say that the announcement would be about leronlimab
so he posted nothing false or misleading,
and in any case, DarkOz tells us he has never sold any of his CYDY, even after it went many times higher than his average purchase price, so no dump.
I already know BillRyan is going to pour it on. I personally will ignore his posts. Instead I will just count every negative post against me that he puts up. There's no need to be cruel but we know he probably will be.
Today the SEC/DOJ handed down the strangest fraud charges I have seen.
I say strange because the last two years there has been an arbitration between Cytodyn and it's CRO Amarex.
Amarex is an independent company that keeps track of the drug trials. They keep track of drug trials for several drug companies.
Amarex accused Cytodyn of ordering them to submit bad data.
Cytodyn has accused Amarex of creating and submitting faulty data.
Which side is correct? The case is still in arbitration (both sides saying the other owes them for the wrongdoing)
The DOJ just charged BOTH the former president of Cytodyn AND the former president of Amarex with the fraud.
I honestly didn't see that coming. These companies had become rivals. It's like an accusation that Clinton and Trump both conspired together in the 2016 election.
The DOJ charges also that the drug never had a chance at passing the HIV but it passed phase three monitoring by the FDA. (I HAVE READ THE FDA DOCUMENTS THEMSELVES).
So the FDA was also involved?
At any rate even if the charges prove false this is the end.
I admit I lost a ton of cash. About $80,000.
Cie la Vie
EDIT:. This doesn't mean I am selling. Still holding. At this point it's practically worthless to sell. You never know maybe something will turn around.
But I don't believe that it will
Sorry to hear that man.Quote: darkozI'm guessing the end is here so I might as well discuss it.
I already know BillRyan is going to pour it on. I personally will ignore his posts. Instead I will just count every negative post against me that he puts up. There's no need to be cruel but we know he probably will be.
Today the SEC/DOJ handed down the strangest fraud charges I have seen.
I say strange because the last two years there has been an arbitration between Cytodyn and it's CRO Amarex.
Amarex is an independent company that keeps track of the drug trials. They keep track of drug trials for several drug companies.
Amarex accused Cytodyn of ordering them to submit bad data.
Cytodyn has accused Amarex of creating and submitting faulty data.
Which side is correct? The case is still in arbitration (both sides saying the other owes them for the wrongdoing)
The DOJ just charged BOTH the former president of Cytodyn AND the former president of Amarex with the fraud.
I honestly didn't see that coming. These companies had become rivals. It's like an accusation that Clinton and Trump both conspired together in the 2016 election.
The DOJ charges also that the drug never had a chance at passing the HIV but it passed phase three monitoring by the FDA. (I HAVE READ THE FDA DOCUMENTS THEMSELVES).
So the FDA was also involved?
At any rate even if the charges prove false this is the end.
I admit I lost a ton of cash. About $80,000.
Cie la Vie
EDIT:. This doesn't mean I am selling. Still holding. At this point it's practically worthless to sell. You never know maybe something will turn around.
But I don't believe that it will
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But look on the bright side....there's always BitCoin.
That really bad news notwithstanding, the stock hasn't even dropped to its 52 week low yet, so there might still be a glimmer of hope ("You mean there's a chance").
I stand by my assessment that the mistake you made, DarkOz, was not selling when you had a nice profit at hand, which I believe happened more than twice even. For that you should be kicking yourself the same way I do after leaving a table game session behind, after having been up. Live and learn.
Quote: MDawgTo take CYDY all the way down to a penny or less ( only as a shell corporation that another company could take over to save on the costs of creating and registering a publicly tradable entity) would require CYDY itself being charged with fraud, or going entirely bankrupt and not being able to emerge from the bankruptcy.
That really bad news notwithstanding, the stock hasn't even dropped to its 52 week low yet, so there might still be a glimmer of hope ("You mean there's a chance").
I stand by my assessment that the mistake you made, DarkOz, was not selling when you had a nice profit at hand, which I believe happened more than twice even. For that you should be kicking yourself the same way I do after leaving a table game session behind, after having been up. Live and learn.
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Hindsight is 20/20 and I was confident the drug was going to be proven successful based on the trial information at that point.
The CRO (trial data collection) is kept independent to prevent fraudulent reporting of data by the drug companies.
To find out the independent contractor and the drug CEO were in cahoots. Oh well.
Innocent until proven guilty. I am certain the FDA documents will be presented at trial.
And then there's the recent $5 million grant by the NIH to further study Leronlimab. The NIH got it wrong too?
Why not admit I was right and simply apologize?
Quote: billryanI told you it was a fraud from the start and you attacked me for it. I warned you the CEO was engaging in illegal shit and you mocked me over and over, saying I didn't know what I was talking about.
Why not admit I was right and simply apologize?
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I am still not convinced it's a fraud.
I know that's shocking but I am not the only one who has read the FDA documents, the NIH grant and several peer reviewer papers. Witness after the precipitous drop when the news broke how the stock already rallied back partially
What I am certain is that these charges are not good.
So I will hold off at least till the trial of DOJ is finished.
Not being funny but imagine if I apologise to you and then the DOJ isn't able to prove their case?
Also these charges are not against Cytodyn but their former CEO. The stock is not halted by the SEC yet.
Assuming a years long trial that's how long you have to wait for any apologies.
Quote: DRichI absolutely blame Dakoz. He talked this stock up so much for so long I decided to invest $1000 in it at around $3. I expect Darkoz to buy me a drink or dinner everytime we see each other until my $900 loss is recouped. If not, I will buy him a drink or dinner because I really don't care..
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I will make it more interesting.
Every time we see each other we will do a $100 pass line bet up to nine times.
If we win you keep the $100 profit. If we lose its my loss. That offer is for DRich only and void if the stock suddenly turns us a profit.
Maybe once a year at spring flings we can have fun together at the Craps tables lol.
So many buyers now at the point where "who cares, I've already lost almost everything, why sell now."
Quote: MDawgBoth of your posts perhaps explain why the stock dropped "only" 4 cents today.
So many buyers now at the point where "who cares, I've already lost almost everything, why sell now."
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Most years, this would be a good stock to dump and reduce your taxes on profits for the year, but not a lot of people made money on stocks this year. My main portfolio is down about 13%, but two much smaller ones are up 27%, and 22%, all from two beaten-down giants that are starting to awaken. My Advisor has a policy if your portfolio is down 15% for a calendar year, next year's fees are 50% off.
Quote: billryan
Most years, this would be a good stock to dump and reduce your taxes on profits for the year,
Thankfully, I rarely have to worry about taking profits. My stock picking is about as good as my roulette bets.