Quote: tuttigymI too love raw ground beef preferably sirloin or round.
I prefer to grind chuck roast, I like the flavor
of a little more fat.
Pics like this drive me crazy with cravings
for a rare burger. I like it so fat and juicy
it runs down my arms sometimes. Yum..

Quote: EvenBobI prefer to grind chuck roast, I like the flavor
of a little more fat.
Pics like this drive me crazy with cravings
for a rare burger. I like it so fat and juicy
it runs down my arms sometimes. Yum..![]()
I would definitely eat that if it didn't have all that junk on top of it.
Quote: billryanToo thick for my likings. My sweet spot is 4 to 6 ounces.
I like them thick so the very middle of the burger is essentially warm raw ground beef.
Like this burger, you can see the very center is basically raw.

Quote: jjjooogggNachos Cheese on ramen
Remember this masterpiece. Looks gross.
Is it true you can't get black pudding in the States?Quote: EvenBobIt's where all the flavor is. Go into more
sophisticated countries where they know what
real food is and they eat things like raw beef and
blood sausage all the time.
What about haggis?
Quote: OnceDearIs it true you can't get black pudding in the States?
What about haggis?
Why would we eat blood made into pudding and offal (decomposing animal organs)?
In the States, I think the only people who dine on that stuff are visiting Englishman who have been out in the sun too long. ;)
A full English breakfast is incomplete without two slices of black pudding, or pig pudding as we call it locally. Our Scottish cousins have Haggis instead in their Full Scottish. Haggis is gross.Quote: gordonm888Why would we eat blood made into pudding and offal (decomposing animal organs)?
In the States, I think the only people who dine on that stuff are visiting Englishman who have been out in the sun too long. ;)
Decomposing? Nooooo we don't let it decompose. You are maybe thinking of chorizo which is uncooked and allowed to ferment
Quote: OnceDearA full English breakfast is incomplete without two slices of black pudding, or pig pudding as we call it locally.
I cannot consider anything that includes baked beans to be any sort of breakfast.

Quote: OnceDearIs it true you can't get black pudding in the States?
What about haggis?
I’ve never seen either.
I did a bunch of googling and found a few Irish pubs in the area that have it on the brunch menu.
Haggis would be a really hard sell here. I remember an Anthony Bourdain episode where he tried it and hated it.
Quote: OnceDearIs it true you can't get black pudding in the States?
What about haggis?
AFAIK, lung meat is banned by USDA (food inspectors). Haggis without lung meat is just a stomach full of oatmeal, so... yeah.
Black pudding is probably available from specialty butchers.
From what I understand, it's hard to find Scrapple in the UK, so that's a point for us.
Here, one cannot make quality black pudding at home because the sale of fresh pigs blood is illegal.!!!Quote: DieterAFAIK, lung meat is banned by USDA (food inspectors). Haggis without lung meat is just a stomach full of oatmeal, so... yeah.
Black pudding is probably available from specialty butchers.
From what I understand, it's hard to find Scrapple in the UK, so that's a point for us.
Yes. I think I read about your ban on lung meat. It's because...
Quote: the man on the internetQuite frankly, the modern slaughterhouse is just not an environment that can ensure a lung is removed in a clean and uncontaminated manner. If the lungs come into contact with the bowels, there’s just no way to really clean them since they’re full of tiny passages.
When just about any other part of the cow falls on a 5h1t-stained floor, you can rinse it off. Drop a lung and it’s just full of nasty.
No. Never seen scrapple. You'll be surprised to hear that you can't get 'grits' here. I wanted to try them and the nearest substitute was polenta.
Quote: OnceDearYou'll be surprised to hear that you can't get 'grits' here. I wanted to try them and the nearest substitute was polenta.
One should never eat grits in regions where "grits" is a one syllable word.
LOL. In my head, I tried saying it with a Southern drawl "Gree-its".Quote: DieterOne should never eat grits in regions where "grits" is a one syllable word.
Then I checked on Youtube and I was right. $:o) ... Appalling instructional video...

Quote: NicksGamingStufflobster claw meat
Welcome back! It’s been how many years? And your first post is about lobster claw meat!

Quote: EvenBobPressure cooker kielbasa cabbage radishes and turnips with gravy for dinner.
The kielbasa looks good, I wouldn't touch the rest of it.
Quote: DRichQuote: EvenBobPressure cooker kielbasa cabbage radishes and turnips with gravy for dinner.
The kielbasa looks good, I wouldn't touch the rest of it.
Of course not. That's why you're the glorious specimen of human health that you are today. You eat the exact opposite of a vegan diet.
Quote: EvenBobYou eat the exact opposite of a vegan diet.
So do you, you carnivore.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: DRichQuote: EvenBobPressure cooker kielbasa cabbage radishes and turnips with gravy for dinner.
The kielbasa looks good, I wouldn't touch the rest of it.
Of course not. That's why you're the glorious specimen of human health that you are today. You eat the exact opposite of a vegan diet.
Not true. I eat French Fries.
Quote: MrVSo do you, you carnivore.
A carnivore means I eat meat. I also eat raw fruit and vegetables twice a day. I make sure I eat at least half a dozen vegetables everyday. They are the best part of the meal.
For lunch I eat the same thing every single day. I mash up an avocado and a hard boiled egg to which I add nutritional yeast, cinnamon, turmeric, homemade cajun spice, ground black pepper, 8 almonds and 5 Walnut halves . I put in at least three or four tablespoons of hot sauce and mix it all together. I put it on dark green romaine lettuce leaves and roll it up and eat it. I also have a can of sardines on the side with hot sauce. Everything I mentioned here for one reason or another is considered a superfood.

Quote: EvenBobFor lunch I eat the same thing every single day. I mash up an avocado and a hard boiled egg to which I add nutritional yeast, cinnamon, turmeric, homemade cajun spice, ground black pepper, 8 almonds and 5 Walnut halves . I put in at least three or four tablespoons of hot sauce and mix it all together. I put it on dark green romaine lettuce leaves and roll it up and eat it. I also have a can of sardines on the side with hot sauce. Everything I mentioned here for one reason or another is considered a superfood.
I have been eating healthy, and this actually sounds interesting to me. Why so much hot sauce and ground black pepper -is it just too bland without hot spices? I would think that with the avocado and cinnamon it might taste okay. But 4 tablespoons of hot sauce? Yecch.
Quote: gordonm888. But 4 tablespoons of hot sauce? Yecch.
Four Tablespoons of hot sauce sounds like one chicken wing to me.
'Capsaicin's anti-inflammatory qualities make it an effective supplement for promoting heart health. For example, a three-month study found that capsaicin significantly reduced the risk factors of heart disease in adults. Consuming these peppers is associated with a 13 percent lower incidence of deaths from heart disease and stroke. Capsaicin
can boost your immune system.'

Quote: EvenBobI'm trying to lose weight to get rid of a few extra pounds and to do that have to cut a lot of fat out of my diet not to mention low carbohydrate. The other day I cooked 1 pound ground beef in the pressure cooker and when it was done it weighed just under 8 oz. It cooked 8 oz of fat out of the ground beef.. It went from being 1,500 calories down to being 900.
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Are you still doing keto? You mentioned cutting the fat from your diet and this is opposite of the keto diet. Maybe you are trying low carbs, low fat. That is much harder but would definitely cut the weight.
Quote: vegas
Are you still doing keto? You mentioned cutting the fat from your diet and this is opposite of the keto diet. ]
Not hardly. Eating too much fat is the mortal enemy of the keto diet. You can cut your carbs right down to almost zero but if you're eating too much butter, cheese, fatty cuts of red meat, you'll put the weight right back on. Losing or gaining weight is still all about calories. An adult male needs about 2,000 calories a day to maintain his weight. If you're eating 3000 calories a day in low carb high fat foods the weight is coming back. On the keto diet you have to do something called keeping track of your Macros. And one of your Macros is calories.
Marcus Clark
First time smoking one on Weber kettle
Everyone destroyed it

Cube pork and brown
Add beer and chicken broth. Bring to low boil.
Slice onion thick and blacken on both sides on grill. Dice and add to pot with pork.
Add all ingredients and simmer on low 1-2 hours.
Good with sour cream and/or cheese and fresh tortillas or corn chips.

This is the hatch chili salsa I use - Young Guns out of New Mexico. My local Kroger clearance for $0.99 a bottle.
Very good. Only 4 ingredients. Roasted hatch chili, salt, garlic, lime juice.

Quote: EvenBobEgg salad on toast with sliced mushrooms a half a tomato. Smoked paprika on top of the egg salad
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Absolutely not anything that I would eat but it is a nice presentation Bob.
Quote: linksjunkieIt’s been a great year for tomatoes here in Central Ohio. Everyone has more than they know what to with.
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My father who lives in Florida now was commenting this week that he has not had a single good tomato in the 30 years he has been in Florida. He moved from Ohio to Florida.
Quote: DRich[/qlink to original post
Absolutely not anything that I would eat .
Why would you. Nothing is fried and there is no saturated animal fat involved. Everything on that plate is healthy.
Quote: EvenBobEverything on that plate is healthy.
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Exactly, I'm glad we understand each other.
I've posted about "Sarku" before - but I didn't show a pick
this is their chicken teriyaki which I usually get with fried rice instead of noodles
I get double meat for $11 and it's a huge plate - I get 2 meals out of it
Sarku is IMHO several cuts above the typical fast food offering - and it is pretty fast
