Quote:More than 20,000 sign petition to allow guns at Republican National Convention
Probably the perfect time to bring guns, especially if it's contested.
Do you think Trump is the kind of guy who talks and waves a loaded gun around without thinking about it? Seems like it.
Quote: rxwinehttp://www.cnn.com/2016/03/26/politics/guns-petition-republican-national-convention/
Probably the perfect time to bring guns, especially if it's contested.
Do you think Trump is the kind of guy who talks and waves a loaded gun around without thinking about it? Seems like it.
They should absolutely allow anyone (who is legally eligible) to bring a gun to the Republican convention. It would be extremely hypocritical for them not to allow them there.
Make America safe again!
Quote: EvenBobTo say they are unreliable is
just not true.
I said nothing to the effect. It could be Walter f#$%ing Cronkite for all I care.
My point is - WHO CARES?! If that high voiced, Grandpa Munster lookin fool scored some strange, GOOD FOR HIM! Or not! The status of his penis, where it goes, where it's been, has zero f$%^ing thing to do with my life, America, or any other GD thing but his relationship with his wife.
It's like this every four GD years. This isn't f$%^ing American Idol, we're not voting for the coolest guy in school. My kid's gonna be an adult in about ten years, I'd like him to have a country when he gets there. $20mmmm in debt? Pah, The Donald has small hands! TEEHEEf#$%ingHEE!
Where is the USA#1 I've been taught to believe in my whole Christing life? What are we #1 in? Guns per capita? Percentage of population behind bars? Lord knows we spend out the ass for A#1 military, yet we run around pissing ourselves because a couple of rock throwing savages made a loud bang once or twice. 9/11? A f#$%ing razor. A utility knife. 3,000 dead, billions in damage, all because we have become so pussified we forgot how to stand up and GD do something. Had there been just 2 or 3 men out of the hundreds of sheep stuffed on those planes, everything would be different.
Saddest of all is that this is what we want. Relative to the members of this forum, I am an intellectual retard, yet even I can see the writing on the wall. We don't want to fix. We don't want work. We want as much as we can get, so long as it is EASY. And I seem to be the only retard who realizes that easy is most expensive of all.
Y'all are lucky my grandpa's dead. You're lucky your grandpa, your father is dead. If the Jesus ever sends the men of the early 1900's back to us, we're in for a legendary ass kicking. And that's the least we deserve. "The Greatest Generation" might've been a bunch of poor idiots with a third grade education, but they created the Real Greatest Country in the World. And our fat asses just pissed it all away.
USA#1? In shame, maybe.
Coup '22.
Quote: rxwine
Do you think Trump is the kind of guy who talks and waves a loaded gun around without thinking about it? Seems like it.
He's a NY'er. Doubtful he'd be able to pick one out of a lineup consisting of common household tools.
Quote: FaceHe's a NY'er. Doubtful he'd be able to pick one out of a lineup consisting of common household tools.
Trump is one of the few people in NYC
with a permit to carry, and he does, even
though he has body gurads and the SS
to protect him. He also wears a vest since
he started being ahead in the polls.
Quote: EvenBobTrump is one of the few people in NYC
with a permit to carry, and he does, even
though he has body gurads and the SS
to protect him. He also wears a vest since
he started being ahead in the polls.
I never bought that. It always seemed like another lie from a compulsive liar.
When that guy jumped the stage, he didn't go for a concealed gun. He immediately ducked behind the secret service guys. Most concealed carry people seem to fantasize for an opportunity like he got right there...
Quote: ams288I never bought that. ..
It's nothing new, Trump has talked about carrying
a gun for years. You really know so little about so
many things, you doubt almost everything posted
here. Aren't you the guy who had never even
heard of Matt Drudge? You want evidence of
something and I post a video, and you say
won't watch it. Why are you even here?
Quote: ams288When that guy jumped the stage, he didn't go for a concealed gun. He immediately ducked behind the secret service guys.
The fool never made to the stage, and Trump didn't hesitate before turning in the direction of the attacker and going toward him before the Secret Service even moved.
Quote: ams288When that guy jumped the stage, he didn't go for a concealed gun. He immediately ducked behind the secret service guys. Most concealed carry people seem to fantasize for an opportunity like he got right there...
Patently false. Both in the story you spin and in the way most concealed, or open, carry people feel about discharging their weapon.
Trump's actions first...Looking at the video again, after seeing it many times during the news cycle following the incident, it is obvious that he did not "hide" behind anyone; they jumped in front of him and did their jobs. He had no reason to go for his gun since he knew he was protected by the best and also since the guy never got close enough (or even brandished a weapon) to make him that large of a threat. Sounds like the actions of a responsible holder of a concealed carry license. Of course, we're not sure he's actually carrying all the time right now because of the myriad of state and local laws he has to follow as he campaigns around the country. A gun law violation would be an issue easily avoided with the protection that he is afforded by the Secret Service.
Your other observation about concealed carry people fantasizing about the opportunity he got is just as ridiculous as your first point. MOST people, by a huge margin, don't ever have the desire to discharge their weapons except in practicing their skills on the range. I enjoy shooting, and I hunt often, but I have absolutely no desire to shoot anyone. Will I shoot someone? Yes. In basically two capacities--in a military-type situation where the action is called for and in a situation where the overwhelming danger, and lack of ability to change the situation in any other reasonable way, threatens my life or the lives of others and the use of deadly force is appropriate. Not someone running away, but someone bringing their violence to me or mine...and that is the way most people really feel about using their weapons.
Quote: RonCPatently false. Both in the story you spin and in the way most concealed, or open, carry people feel about discharging their weapon. .
I didn't bother reading this whole post (life is too short), but we will just have to agree to disagree.
Quote: ams288I didn't bother reading this whole post (life is too short), but we will just have to agree to disagree.
Yes, it takes an extremely long time to read less than three paragraphs. Heck something might even make you change your opinion a bit. If you just ignore it, you can just keep the same opinion without putting any more thought into it!!
Quote: ams288I didn't bother reading this whole post (life is too short), but we will just have to agree to disagree.
I wish I could tell you might I think of
you but I'd be banned for a month.
You're what ruins forums for people.
You constantly doubt what everybody
posts, and then when they prove it,
you say you won't even look at what
they wrote (but of course you did).
You did it to me yesterday, and the day
before. When I posted a video proving
what I said was true, you said you wouldn't
view it (but of course you did). If you're
not willing to stand by your statements,
no matter how wrong and ridiculous they
might be, why are you here? All you're
doing is making extra work for people
trying in vain to wise you up.
To me, you're the typical low info Liberal
voter. You know almost nothing about
anything, but you do know that any
Lib walks on water and anybody on the
Right is Satan's brother. Because that's
what you've been told.
While it would almost bother me to seem to agree with EB in his post just above, I don't mind saying I found the writing in your response to RonC to be rather rude, that after he took the time to write a thoughtful post which was a response to another post of yours. One where the writing seemed rude to a whole class of people, guns carriers. I think you know there are a number of gun carriers on the forums.Quote: ams288I didn't bother reading this whole post (life is too short), but we will just have to agree to disagree.
I know most of us are anonymous here, but still. I'd hate to see a gun carrier turn their back on you when you needed some assistance just 'cause they knew who you were, and how you felt about gun carriers.
I think you can do alot better than this, I got faith in you. 2F
Quote: ams288I didn't bother reading this whole post (life is too short), but we will just have to agree to disagree.
Read it. RonC made some really good points.
I am anti-gun but gun owners such as RonC are the type I have total respect for
Here it is again. Thanks RonC
Quote: Ronc
Your other observation about concealed carry people fantasizing about the opportunity he got is just as ridiculous as your first point. MOST people, by a huge margin, don't ever have the desire to discharge their weapons except in practicing their skills on the range. I enjoy shooting, and I hunt often, but I have absolutely no desire to shoot anyone. Will I shoot someone? Yes. In basically two capacities--in a military-type situation where the action is called for and in a situation where the overwhelming danger, and lack of ability to change the situation in any other reasonable way, threatens my life or the lives of others and the use of deadly force is appropriate. Not someone running away, but someone bringing their violence to me or mine...and that is the way most people really feel about using their weapons..
Quote: RonC
Your other observation about concealed carry people fantasizing about the opportunity he got is just as ridiculous as your first point. MOST people, by a huge margin, don't ever have the desire to discharge their weapons except in practicing their skills on the range.
Not only that, most police officers not
only never shoot anybody, but the
large percentage of them never once
even draw their weapons in the line
of duty for a whole career. Yet on cop
shows, you can't find an episode where
some cop isn't shooting at somebody
at least once.
Just more gun fantasy that Liberals
eat up like candy.
Quote: RonCYour other observation about concealed carry people fantasizing about the opportunity he got is just as ridiculous as your first point. MOST people, by a huge margin, don't ever have the desire to discharge their weapons except in practicing their skills on the range.
Since the only way to know is for people to self-identify, I think it is pretty inconclusive state it's true one way or the other. So, you're no more right than Ams, as far as that goes.
The only way you can get people to fess up honestly, is if they want to. But you still never know. It's like the damn election polling.
Quote: rxwineSince the only way to know is for people to self-identify, I think it is pretty inconclusive state it's true one way or the other. So, you're no more right than Ams, as far as that goes.
The only way you can get people to fess up honestly, is if they want to. But you still never know. It's like the damn election polling.
I call bull crap. IF everyone "wanted" to blow people away, a lot more people would be blown away. We're all smarter than that-- thinking that most people want to shoot someone--whether we are for or against gun control. I know we don't have an exact percentage either way, but it is poppycock to believe that some large majority of people get concealed carry permits and have a desire to blow someone away. It just doesn't work that way. Hell, that is like saying that most Muslims want to kill us. Both are wrong,
I'll poll. Occasionally I just want to kill something ;-) I usually calm that need by shooting RS's jumpy pink avatar. I have been licensed to carry concealed, not currently (expired). Never been charged with a gun crime, prolly should re-instate that license since I carry sometimes. I was licensed when I worked downtown ATL everyday, till late at night. Come to think of it, the world is more dangerous today in general than it was then/there specifically. I will re-apply... Thx for bringing it to my attention;-)Quote: rxwineSince the only way to know is for people to self-identify, I think it is pretty inconclusive state it's true one way or the other. So, you're no more right than Ams, as far as that goes.
The only way you can get people to fess up honestly, is if they want to. But you still never know. It's like the damn election polling.
Quote: RonCI call bull crap. IF everyone "wanted" to blow people away, a lot more people would be blown away. We're all smarter than ,
I don't care what you want to call bull crap.
So, by that logic, do you know anyone who thought about having sex with someone they shouldn't have sex with? You think most people went ahead and did it?
bonkers 3 days later. A new post every 1.6
seconds. I read a former Enquirer staffer say
the mag would have never printed those
pics of the 5 women, easily identifiable,
unless they had rock solid proof that they
were right. The lawsuits involved would go
into the hundreds of millions. The NE
has attorneys that are experts in this field and
they would have had to sign off on this, which
they obviously did.
The best part so far is the Amanda Carpenter/Cruz
tatoo thing. They both got fake Churchill tats and
showed them to the public on the exact same
day. Now she is named as one of the Cruz women.
What a coincidence.
Quote: EvenBob
This is (so far) the worst scandal ever. (in that, just unbelievable)
I think Cruz should have gotten that tattoo on his lower back.
Quote: EvenBob
To me, you're the typical low info Liberal
voter. You know almost nothing about
Hmm..... I'd certainly say that's suspension worthy, especially since it's directed at me.
Happy Easter.
Quote: ams288Hmm..... I'd certainly say that's suspension worthy, especially since it's directed at me.
That's it? That's your total response? Good grief.
Quote: rxwineI don't care what you want to call bull crap.
So, by that logic, do you know anyone who thought about having sex with someone they shouldn't have sex with? You think most people went ahead and did it?
Quote: ams288Most concealed carry people seem to fantasize for an opportunity like he got right there...
I'm sorry, but the latter piece of writing is a very broad assumption that is likely totally false in its inclusion of "most" people who concealed carry. The former one is an attempt to equate "having a thought" with actually "wanting" to do something. The context of that seems to mean that if you ever thought of another woman, had the thought of suicide cross your mind, or wondered how you would react in a situation that called for deadly force would make you someone who "fantasizes" about those things. No, that isn't how it works...having a "thought" about something doesn't mean that you "fantasize" about it automatically...you could be working the issue to make sure you don't react improperly in the situation or it could just be one of those random thoughts that all of us have.
Quote: ams288Hmm..... I'd certainly say that's suspension worthy, especially since it's directed at me.
Happy Easter.
If you get your wish, I am sure that you will be happy. Adding your little "Happy Easter" to it seems like a very obvious "F You" to the other member. Perhaps management will see through the whole thing and either not suspend anyone (preferred) or toss the both of you in the sin bin (not what I would like to see happen). I am sure you'd like to see EB suspended alone, of course.
is acting just like a guilty person acts.
Instead of flatly denying everything,
he instead goes into attack mode.
'This type of lopsided attack-to-denial ratio is very consistent with what we have historically seen with deceptive people when allegations are levied against them.'
Quote: RonCIf you get your wish, I am sure that you will be happy. Adding your little "Happy Easter" to it seems like a very obvious "F You" to the other member. Perhaps management will see through the whole thing and either not suspend anyone (preferred) or toss the both of you in the sin bin (not what I would like to see happen). I am sure you'd like to see EB suspended alone, of course.
EB has been a member for a long time. He has the most posts of anyone on the board.
He should know better than to use personal insults.
Those insults against me are ABSOLUTELY suspension worthy.
I know the rules. I wouldn't sink down to that level, no matter how much any particular member's posts irritate me.
If I were Ted Cruz, what a lead in to a post! If I was a rather wealthy (compared to avg Joe - NO not Biden, don't change subjects ;-) try again. If I were a US Senator from the great state of Texas, I would prolly get myself into some 'sex-type' trouble. Anyone remember JFK? And others, maybe all of the others, or most of the others, or at least a bunch of the others since then? Not to mention those that came before. How would YOU do? Me, prolly not a record that should be plastered across all the tabloids, not to mention the cable parasites, or even the original 3 networks. And I'm a dis-advantaged misfit from the wrong side of the tracks. Did you understand the question? Sex is good. Simple statement. I believe an individual should be extremely conservative in choosing partners. No, not that conservative, partners are good, meant to say a partner is good;-) Sex can be lonely....Quote: EvenBobThis is an interesting short article. Cruz
is acting just like a guilty person acts.
Instead of flatly denying everything,
he instead goes into attack mode.
'This type of lopsided attack-to-denial ratio is very consistent with what we have historically seen with deceptive people when allegations are levied against them.'
So Trump got a bunch of sex in his past, good for him.
Cruz got at least a little sex in his life, good for him.
Hillary, well let me just list her name and leave it at that.
Bernie? I have not followed him that closely, I hope he is not a virgin since he is a serious candidate.
Can we go back to talking about any of the candidates that has a clue 'bout how they would serve in the job of The President Of The United States Of America?
If anyone thinks that any one of the candidates is going to devote the majority of their day as POTUS chasing their next climax, I suppose I should listen to your opinion.
Are we having fun yet?
I refuse to have sex online, or on the national media...
Quote: ams288EB has been a member for a long time. He has the most posts of anyone on the board.
He should know better than to use personal insults.
Those insults against me are ABSOLUTELY suspension worthy.
I know the rules. I wouldn't sink down to that level, no matter how much any particular member's posts irritate me.
I think it is ABSOLUTELY obnoxious for a member to write a statement asking for a suspension and then add an "F You" to it. Ask for the suspension, if one just must do so. If one can resist that, let the moderators moderate; I am sure they will do whatever they do...and it sure would help if everyone didn't take offense at every little thing that might be a tad insulting.
Quote: RonCI think it is ABSOLUTELY obnoxious for a member to write a statement asking for a suspension and then add an "F You" to it. Ask for the suspension, if one just must do so. If one can resist that, let the moderators moderate; I am sure they will do whatever they do...and it sure would help if everyone didn't take offense at every little thing that might be a tad insulting.
Only in RonC's world does "Happy Easter" equal "F you."
Quote: ams288Only in RonC's world does "Happy Easter" equal "F you."
You used the term "Happy Easter" right in the same post as you reported a potential violation of the rules to the moderators as if they were unable to find such things themselves. It is basically the same as firing someone and saying "Have a nice day"... If you really wanted to wish everyone a "Happy Easter" that would not be the place to do so.
"EB should get suspended. Happy Easter"...c'mon...
Quote: RonCYou used the term "Happy Easter" right in the same post as you reported a potential violation of the rules to the moderators as if they were unable to find such things themselves. It is basically the same as firing someone and saying "Have a nice day"... If you really wanted to wish everyone a "Happy Easter" that would not be the place to do so.
"EB should get suspended. Happy Easter"...c'mon...
When I read EB's hate-filled and insulting post, I was at my parent's place in Ohio celebrating Easter.
I found it..... interesting that he would write such a blatant attack on today of all days.
And I'm not even religious! lol
Quote: mipletDid I ever say how much I dislike caucusing instead of having a primary? We had 34 people (and 5 surrogate affidavits) in my precinct. 3 for Clinton and 35 for Sanders. 4 years ago, I was the only one (But only Obama was running). These caucuses need to be more organized. 8 years ago they had a workshop the week before, so you would atleast knew what you were doing.
We caucus in Nevada as well. I still do not see the up-side compared to conventional voting. The end result is the same thing but it takes longer and must be done at a specific time or not at all.
Quote: ams288I found it..... interesting that he would write such a blatant attack on today of all days.
I'm an atheist. Nailing ol Jesus back up
on his cross every year is not my thing.
I find it disgusting that a religion would
glorify a horrible method of execution
that they used on over a hundred thousand
people. It glorifies violence and makes me
turn away every time I see a crucifix.
Quote: ams288When I read EB's hate-filled and insulting post, I was at my parent's place in Ohio celebrating Easter.
I found it..... interesting that he would write such a blatant attack on today of all days.
And I'm not even religious! lol
Did your parents make you mushed bananas, carrots, or peas for Easter?
Quote: EvenBobI'm an atheist. Nailing ol Jesus back up
on his cross every year is not my thing.
I find it disgusting that a religion would
glorify a horrible method of execution
that they used on over a hundred thousand
people. It glorifies violence and makes me
turn away every time I see a crucifix.
I cannot understand why these people worship a supposed* murder weapon.
* I say supposed because there's no proof Jesus existed.
Quote: EvenBobI'm an atheist. Nailing ol Jesus back up
on his cross every year is not my thing.
I find it disgusting that a religion would
glorify a horrible method of execution
that they used on over a hundred thousand
people. It glorifies violence and makes me
turn away every time I see a crucifix.
I'm an Athiest too. I have no reaction good or bad when I see a crucifix.
I guess I'm lucky that way.
Quote: IbeatyouracesI cannot understand why these people worship a supposed* murder weapon.
I wonder if Jesus had been hanged, if he'd
be dangling in every Catholic church from
the gallows. I'm sure he would.
Quote: EvenBobI wonder if Jesus had been hanged, if he'd
be dangling in every Catholic church from
the gallows. I'm sure he would.
Wouldn't be looking so great if he came back after this one/
Quote: WizardWe caucus in Nevada as well. I still do not see the up-side compared to conventional voting. The end result is the same thing but it takes longer and must be done at a specific time or not at all.
It's cheaper for the party to get it done in two hours instead of lasting all day
Quote: TwoFeathersATLThe 'pledged' super delegates bother me. I saw, actually listened to, the head of the DNC (sp) try to dance around the question as to whether the voters, or the party, got to pick the 'Party's nominee' for the election in the fall. Might even have the Parties confused, seems to be an issue on both sides of the aisle. Left a bad taste in my mouth. Right a bad taste in my mouth too! Tens of millions of people go vote in primaries and caucuses. But maybe it's the 'Party' that chooses it's candidate? Really? Seems very inefficient in terms of $$ spent. Tis what it is...
Does either party spend money efficiently once in office? Why would it be any different in campaigns. Bernie's only strategy is to pilfer the pledged Super Delegates from HRC. She currently has 469 of them. Even if he got 234 (basically half of them) which I don't even know if it is possible, he would still need 56.07% of the remaining delegates. I mean Super Delegates didn't ditch Hillary for Obama in 2008 until he was leading in the delegate count. HRC still leads the regular delegate count 1243 to 975. So Bernie would have to really have to make so hay to give a large amount of them cause to switch IMO
Pls don't misunderstand, if there were only two options in the fall election, Sanders or Clinton, I would vote Clinton. I will vote, I will always take the time to vote, I am proud that I can vote, but I don't like to think that my vote is a scam. In the primaries/ caucuses it just seems more of a scam than it used to seem. Maybe just me, just 2F.Quote: Gabes22Does either party spend money efficiently once in office? Why would it be any different in campaigns. Bernie's only strategy is to pilfer the pledged Super Delegates from HRC. She currently has 469 of them. Even if he got 234 (basically half of them) which I don't even know if it is possible, he would still need 56.07% of the remaining delegates. I mean Super Delegates didn't ditch Hillary for Obama in 2008 until he was leading in the delegate count. HRC still leads the regular delegate count 1243 to 975. So Bernie would have to really have to make so hay to give a large amount of them cause to switch IMO
"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump threatened Sunday to sue Ted Cruz over potentially claiming more Louisiana delegates in a state he technically won. "
"Just to show you how unfair Republican primary politics can be, I won the State of Louisiana and get less delegates than Cruz-Lawsuit coming" (from his Twitter feed)
Gee whiz, Donald, I am sorry...but can you sue for someone having people that know the rules better than your people? You are trying to win the Republican nomination; shouldn't your people be all over knowing all the rules and possible uses of them to help candidates? I wonder if he understands the whole "Electoral College" thing or will he sue if he wins the popular vote (assuming no hanging chads...) and loses the electoral vote come general election time?
Just heard this guy this morning
This guy gets it
""I do not think that we have to discriminate against anyone to protect the faith-based community in Georgia of which I and my family have been a part of for all of our lives"
Hooray for Gov Deal
North Carolina does not get it
They just made it legal to discriminate
Christianity is supposed to be about love and acceptance