Quote: boymimboHe probably believes that I am a critical hack who doesn't want him to succeed. Quite the contrary. If he applied the math to another type of game and didn't make it visible, it might be successful. Personally the idea of playing a PacMan slot (or Asteroids, or any other classic game, like SuperMario) machine with a skill-based bonus round where you get to play the game would be phenomenal. My wife and I for example used to play hours at a Wheel of Fortune slot which was skill-based (solving the puzzle faster gave you a prize).
But from what I have seen so far, this doesn't impress me much. It's neat and cool mind you, and I applaud Ahigh for his programming skill. Huzzah, as my daughter would say.
The trick will be selling it to a casino who will take the risk of taking it on. The marketing is amiss, the math, confusing to most SLOT players, the age group it is aiming at: older. But I'm just one middle aged dude who is making an opinion. OTOH this is a forum and I assume he wants everyone to see it and perhaps comment on it.
I realize that Ahigh thinks I am wrong, and to be fair, I am only going on the information he has presented here and I've read the brochure he linked to. But that's all I have to go on. I am obviously not a slot manager in a casino, nor am I privy to marketing studies.
What will happen to Ahigh and his company is that his idea will get bought out by someone who can market his technology and make a buck. And that's not a bad thing.
No I can tell you have respect for me and my team and I have respect for you as well. No worries, friend.
We can also have different opinions as well, although I don't know how different our opinions are.
What one person finds absolutely fantastic and fascinating and worthy of giving up a bunch of dough, someone else might think is retarded. So it's subjective, really. But time will tell how much interest there is in our approach.
We find it fascinating to play ourselves and that captivates us all, though. And we have had play testers who are poker dealers come in and play the game and give us some great feedback.
One in particular in this photo

The guy on the far right with the blue shirt and the sunglasses hanging from his shirt. Gilbert Carranza is a poker dealer for Binion's Casino. So he came and played CasinoKat and he absolutely loved it and said it was the best game of its kind that he's ever played. That photo is of Gilbert and many others who frequent Flipperspeil Wonderland, which is a pinball opeartino here in Vegas run by the Barajas brother (Adrian is Adam's brother and Adam runs the pinball business, Adrian is a cabinet designer and maker). Gilbert then called another dealer Nick Leon to come in and check out the game and they both just flipped out with joy. It was awesome. They basically stayed here for the first 12 hours after the first cabinet was finished being assembled by Adam absolutely glued to the game and we had to tell them we had work to do!
I do appreciate everyone's support and as you all know I am a long-time member of the WOV. This is a home of mine even if I don't get along with all my siblings. It's still a home of mine online.
We are here to have a good time and we hope that you will want to JOIN US.
Quote: AhighI am a long-time member of the WOV. .
Kind of. You joined in 2010 but
didn't post until Sept 2012. I
had no idea who you were,
nobody did. All of a sudden
here's a guy claiming to be a
fantastic craps player, and some
of us took issue with it.
Quote: AhighNo I can tell you have respect for me and my team and I have respect for you as well. No worries, friend.
We can also have different opinions as well, although I don't know how different our opinions are.
What one person finds absolutely fantastic and fascinating and worthy of giving up a bunch of dough, someone else might think is retarded. So it's subjective, really. But time will tell how much interest there is in our approach.
We find it fascinating to play ourselves and that captivates us all, though. And we have had play testers who are poker dealers come in and play the game and give us some great feedback.
First, good work on Nanotech small company getting in on the ground floor of skill based gaming. You will undoubtably have very stiff competition from the big boys on this. I really hope that your games take off and that you have some trials coming up in the new year.
I've read the quarterlies and your annual reports on otcmarkets, and I am hoping that you get full company support on your division's inventions and at least are able to give it a full kick in the can before they think about pulling the plug. Your company is small and I am trying to understand what's going on with the accounting and the audits. Otherwise it looks like a couple of the divisions are plugging along well and may keep the company a going concern to ensure that you have the capital required to finish your development and get a few games to market.
For myself, I think you've missed the mark. I ask the question: "where are the women and young people in that picture?" I see a bunch of middle-aged pinball lovers and or/video game junkies, and that is exactly who that game is going to attract, which is too small of a demographic (I think) for what casinos (I think) are looking for. What would be cool is to see some people playing the games in your photographs, because all they see is the empty rooms with lots of empty games in there. It would be cool to see a young couple playing pinball together or a bunch of 20 somethings playing your Pacman-like machine.
Now perhaps I am completely wrong. You are closer to the action than I am, but what are your sales people telling you? When you are close to your product, you might think that everything is great, and I am sure that the math and playing community appreciates the efforts that you have put into it and have given you lots of positive encouragement. But these don't represent the buyers of the game. What are the buyers thinking?
The maze game we made is specifically targeted at female audience as was the first maze-eating game, PUCK MAN.

So I'm not sure how you take away that we're not paying attention to girls.
In fact, with the 18" sub and tunes of your choosing, I guarantee there will be some screaming girls at our booth and at the Integrated Resort Experience.
We are going to be busy, and I encourage those who are attending to take some photos and support us.
We should all be in the same family here from the WOV as people who care about gambling value and who support what I'm doing.
It's frankly disappointing to have so many people want to take a narrow view of it and voice criticisms without fully understanding even what it is that we are doing.
But I do encourage folks to get educated and to learn about how this can work. We know several ways that it can't, and we feel confident that we have one way that it can. As far as big boys and competition, let me know, I guess. Okay? We could be surprised. But when I had people come by from competitors all I heard was "ooh ahh" and "I wish my company had stuff like this."
The excitement is the proof. And if you show me the more exciting skill-based (where skill makes the game earn more money) game, I'm more than happy to pay attention to lessons for how to make the skilled game better.
But we've had some experience with making compelling skill-based games, all of us, at NanoTech. So maybe something else to think about.
Quote: AhighWe could be surprised. But when I had people come by from competitors all I heard was "ooh ahh" .
But all you hear from casinos is, yawn, what?
And 'we'll wait till it's really caught on somewhere
else, then we'll take it seriously..'
Same ol story. Vegas casinos are seriously gun
shy of new stuff. They wait till it's showing progress
in the hinterlands before they show any interest. But
everybody knows that..
The proof will come next year when a casino picks up your game for field trials.Quote:The excitement is the proof.
but have you had any experiencing with monetizing it and making it attractive to casinos?Quote:We've had some experience with making compelling skill-based games
Good luck. I will shut up now.
That is the traditional way of thinking, and it may in fact have been true back when the rat pack ruled the strip, but in the casinos today there are A LOT of men playing slots.
Yes, I see more men than women at most table games (roulette is the exception), but the old "slots for women, table games for men" mantra no longer holds up.
Quote: RaleighCrapsNot trying to derail this thread. Although the lead story is about a new card game, the end of the article hits exactly on what NanoTech and a few other companies are trying to do with skill based games.
That was the first article that Richard sent to me. We are all super happy to have Richard behind us on this.
Pretty awesome to have his support.
Quote: Ahigh
OMG, laughing out loud! The interviewer says
"as you can see from the crowd behind me",
and there are two clueless guys standing there!
That's a crowd to Nanotech. My spies tell me
the Nano booth is empty most of the time
when they cruise by. I'm sure the 'crowds'
in their booth will grow to maybe three people
on day 2.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: Ahigh
OMG, laughing out loud! The interviewer says
"as you can see from the crowd behind me",
and there are two clueless guys standing there!
That's a crowd to Nanotech. My spies tell me
the Nano booth is empty most of the time
when they cruise by. I'm sure the 'crowds'
in their booth will grow to maybe three people
on day 2.
Whatever. By the way his name is Frank Fantini.
• NanoTech, Booth #4116
• Aristocrat, Booth #1141
• Spin Games, Booth #2410
• Scientific Games, Booth #1126
• Everi, Booth #1116
• GameAccount Network, Booth #1416
• AGS, Booth #2256
• Duetto, Booth #4000
• Galaxy Gaming, Booth #4146
• Interblock, Booth #1239
• Transact, Booth #2423
• Konami, Booth #1154
• Gaming and Entertainment Touch Technology, Booth #1435
• Banyan Gaming, Booth #2213
• Sightline Payments, Booth #1623
• Inspired, Booth #3230
Frank made the point that "we don't generally interview small companies. You must be very proud <to be at the top of this list -- my interpretation>"
Initially the interview was going to be done by Ashley the Marketing Manager, but on Monday at 9:44 AM I was informed that Frank himself would be doing the interview after learning more about what people were buzzing about.
I am so excited about all of this. And so is my team. And so is EVERY SINGLE PERSON I TALKED TO AT THE SHOW.
But I do live in a different world that is heavily biased. So it's possible I'm just imagining it.
I do have photos, though, so maybe some of it is true. I'll wait until tomorrow to know if it was a dream.
Quote: EvenBob
OMG, laughing out loud! The interviewer says
"as you can see from the crowd behind me",
and there are two clueless guys standing there!
That's a crowd to Nanotech. My spies tell me
the Nano booth is empty most of the time
when they cruise by. I'm sure the 'crowds'
in their booth will grow to maybe three people
on day 2.
While certainly not violating of any Forum Rules, I would say that there is a fine line between thinking that someone/something will fail and actively cheering for that person or thing to fail. With posts like these, I believe you seem to be drifting perilously close to the latter. I understand that you think that the idea will never even sprout the legs it needs to run, much less actually run, but wouldn't you at least enjoy seeing AHigh succeed?
Quote: Mission146While certainly not violating of any Forum Rules, I would say that there is a fine line between thinking that someone/something will fail and actively cheering for that person or thing to fail. With posts like these, I believe you seem to be drifting perilously close to the latter. I understand that you think that the idea will never even sprout the legs it needs to run, much less actually run, but wouldn't you at least enjoy seeing AHigh succeed?
It's my fault for reading his content. Don't punish him. He just wanted to see if I would respond. I know he needs attention. I'm sorry for ignoring you, EB.

This is a shot of the cabinet just a few minutes after it was finished up by Adrian and Adam Barajas...
Did I mention http://vegaspinball.com/
As well, you absolutely require, as president of your company, to get your accounting and reporting right, to put out a set of audited financials that make sense, especially if you want outside investors and want your stock price to increase.
But there were many positive takeaways from your demo:
- Game looks fun - when does your gameplay end?
- Spin of the wheel and the concept itself is extremely cool for the player.
But there are drawbacks too:
- player has to understand the math of the game to the point I think where to all but the mathematically inclined will be a complete turn-off. For the gaming geek, it would draw up some excitement to see the math in action.
- I think that the spinning wheel needs to be jazzed up and the math hidden. Rather than have a simple wheel where the odds of winning/losing are changed, why not have a slot machine with the CasinoKat symbols with more winning combinations when the payback is higher, Perhaps for illustration purposes the wheel makes sense but a video reel might be more fun.
- I think there should be more choices than a yes/no for your prize. For example, when I play VP, I know I am going to lose my bet, or win 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 13, 26, 25, 200 or 800x my bet. When I play a slot machine, generally I know that I have a variation of payouts that include losing but win amounts from <1x my bet to hundreds of times my bet.
I still question the whole skill-based interpretation of your game, and completely understand how for the player, this would be a boon. I also understand the excitement your interpretation would generate.
I just wonder if it's anything that a casino would put on its floor. I still think the math needs to be dumbed down and to take the word "ADVANTAGE" out and replace with "IMPROVED". "An improved player has greater odds of winning". Advantage play has a terrible connotation in the gaming industry I would think.
Quote: Mission146wouldn't you at least enjoy seeing AHigh succeed?
Curmudgeons eschew joy.
Their cold hearts nestle in a bed of icy schadenfreude.
Aaron, you're fighting the good fight and clearly are at the vanguard of this new tech.
I look forward to trying your game some day on the floor at MGM.
It your first efforts don't succeed, no doubt you guys will come up with a new game, one that may well become The Next Big Thing.
Quote: MrV
It your first efforts don't succeed, no doubt you guys will come up with a new game, one that may well become The Next Big Thing.
The "next big thing" was there. They had 30 commitments for installs by 1pm for their skill based games.
NanoTech may eventually succeed, I just don't think its going to be with the current choices, for the many reasons many us have given.
Glad to read that there is interest.
Perhaps those expressing interest will give Aaron and his team feedback over time which can be used to develop a new skill-based game which is easier to understand and play.
Poised on the edge, ready to rock, just waiting for that one game that "clicks."
Quote: MrVExcellent.
Glad to read that there is interest.
Perhaps those expressing interest will give Aaron and his team feedback over time which can be used to develop a new skill-based game which is easier to understand and play.
Poised on the edge, ready to rock, just waiting for that one game that "clicks."
Yup, that's all you need. A table games inventor that just gets one game installed at 100 locations at 20% of the lease fee can pull in $15,000 a month.
Quote: Zcore13The "next big thing" was there. They had 30 commitments for installs by 1pm for their skill based games.
Can you share what this hit was?
Quote: BozCan you share what this hit was?
I'm still in Vegas and don't want to talk about the other Campana in this thread. I'll post about it tonight in a new post.
Quote: Zcore13I'm still in Vegas and don't want to talk about the other Campana in this thread. I'll post about it tonight in a new post.
From your other posts I thought it was Nanotech
that got the 30 installs. No? I have to be supportive
now or Mission will get get angry, so:
go nanotech
Quote: boymimboAs well, you absolutely require, as president of your company, to get your accounting and reporting right, to put out a set of audited financials that make sense, especially if you want outside investors and want your stock price to increase.
I have a whole lot of work to do and not just this.
What I would suggest is that by supporting rather than combating, we can all work together and have a better result.
Today, with skill, we increased our probability of getting our game into the casino.
Education is key at this point, and people are learning and loving.
Quote: RonCI've expressed doubts about the potential for success, but I want Aaron and his company to succeed. I wouldn't mind being proven wrong. It has happened before.
This is exactly what I need and thank you so much!
Quote: Zcore13NanoTech may eventually succeed
Quote: MrVGlad to read that there is interest.
We have been on what I think are good terms for quite some time and I want to thank you SO MUCH for ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT!
Quote: boymimboDid you pay for the spot?
If I didn't pay for that spot, do you think I would be allowed to tell you?
Do you like rhetorical questions?
Do you like asking questions that I can't answer?
Do you like creating problems for other people?
I do. We gave a nickname "bionic arm" to the person we pissed off at the show today.
He was expected, and he played the role perfectly. We had the authorities called on us, and guess what happened?
We continued to rock the f'ing show. That's what.
They can hate -- and I didn't even vape today.
Thanks for all the love everyone who helped.
Also, SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO SAL -- dealer from Silverton who donated time for the cause!
Well, while I was in the G2E show today I happened to stop by Nanotech Gaming to see their new game and how it worked.
Well, much to my surprise the Wizard happened to show up to check out their games. Now last year I said that Nanotech was ahead of everybody in the gaming industry with skill base gaming. If any of you didn't get to see that pinball machine last year you really missed out on a game that is done with nothing but graphics, that looks and feels like a real pinball machine.
This year there were a lot of new skill base games that are coming out. So it looks like the skill base games will be coming to a casino near you!
Ahigh in case none of you have ever met him is brilliant, and is way ahead of everybody in the industry.
Now when I was talking to the Wizard, he said that he was a little skeptical of these new skilled base games, and I think that there are some in the industry that does feel the same way. But even with that said I watch the younger people that were there really having a good time with the two machine. They didn't hesitate at all and sat right down to play the one game and then went over to the pinball machine. They couldn't get enough of them. The younger generation has stayed away for the slot machine. They come into Vegas to play at the clubs and this looks like it might pull them back into the casinos!
Now there was other skilled based game that were being showed so I think that they wizard is wrong when he said that he was skeptical of all of the skilled base games.
Time will tell who was right, and I think it will be Ahigh, as the younger generation gets a chance to play these games.
Quote: AhighIf I didn't pay for that spot, do you think I would be allowed to tell you?
Do you like rhetorical questions?
Do you like asking questions that I can't answer?
Do you like creating problems for other people?
I do. We gave a nickname "bionic arm" to the person we pissed off at the show today.
He was expected, and he played the role perfectly. We had the authorities called on us, and guess what happened?
We continued to rock the f'ing show. That's what.
They can hate -- and I didn't even vape today.
Thanks for all the love everyone who helped.
Also, SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO SAL -- dealer from Silverton who donated time for the cause!
Wow. The reason I ask is that Fantini is a marketing company, and I wondered if they were genuinely interested in your cause or if you paid them to be interested in your cause. You answered my question.
As for causing problems, I might suggest that you cause your own problems by generating unbelievable crap.
Absolute kudos to your efforts in creating a game and getting it into a show and creating enough capital to bring it to market. It is a skillset that I couldn't hope to have. You are likely doing something that you love doing. That in itself is something to be proud of.
And obviously you want to put on a very positive face on an internet gambling forum. But this forum is public. It isn't a marketing arm for Hightower productions in the form of Nanotech Gaming unless you are paying Mike or the owners money to do so, in which case this thread would be locked and you could post whatever you wanted.
But it isn't locked. You don't get to have unfettered support on an open forum. That isn't how it works.
I've suggested ways to make your company better (audited financial statements) and your product better (which you can completely ignore, you are the expert).
It's probably best to ignore me.
Just bought a block of NTGL: got some skin in the game.
Let's do this thing!
C'mon I know it cant be much. Let's see... .02 times 10,000 equals $200. That's not much skin. :)Quote: MrVI'm pumped.
Just bought a block of NTGL: got some skin in the game.
Let's do this thing!
Quote: Zcore13C'mon I know it cant be much. Let's see... .02 times 10,000 equals $200. That's not much skin. :)
If (IF) it goes to 2.1 cents, he's made 10 bucks,
minus fees. Enough for a Starbucks.
Quote: Zcore13C'mon I know it cant be much. Let's see... .02 times 10,000 equals $200. That's not much skin. :)
I can't understand, why someone that works in a small casino, hate Ahigh so much. Is it that he is living the dream and has the talent to be ahead of everybody in the way that he thinks?
I was at the show, and from what I saw there was a lot of interest in his products. The young people loved them and if the casinos are going to survive that is the market they need to go after. All I see now from them now is they're walking through the casinos going to the clubs and pools.
Quote: superrickAll I see now from them now is they're walking through the casinos going to the clubs and pools.
And you think that's because they have hundred
dollar bills falling out their butts and there's
nothing to play in the casino? No, it's because
they have no real money and the pool is all
they can afford.
Quote: EvenBobAnd you think that's because they have hundred
dollar bills falling out their butts and there's
nothing to play in the casino? No, it's because
they have no real money and the pool is all
they can afford.
Hahahaha. What an image...
Quote: EvenBobthey have no real money and the pool is all they can afford.
Keep telling yourself that, it might even begin to sound like something other than ill-informed nattering negativity.
The clubbers drive in from So Cal in Lexus' and Scions, and fly in from around the world, all with enough money to play slots IF THEY WANTED TO, BUT THEY'D RATHER PARTY.
In its attempt to reinvent itself once again, the "family" theme having fizzled out, Las Vegas is now Ibiza in the desert.
It does gambling no good at all, but helps pump up the bottom line of the casinos which host the clubs.
Quote: EvenBobAnd you think that's because they have hundred
dollar bills falling out their butts and there's
nothing to play in the casino? No, it's because
they have no real money and the pool is all
they can afford.
I beg your pardon, you haven't seen what they young people spend at the clubs and the pools. Vegas didn't use their brains years ago when they wanted it to become a family destination! The guys brought their wife and kids when they came into town. So every time they were here their parents we're arguing over dear old dad losing their money.
So when junior and is sister became 21 they came to Vegas to only party. The younger generation has money, don't kid yourself. They do not play the slot machines, because of their parents and what they did when they came to Vegas.
These skill base game which they are used to playing is about the only thing that will draw them into the casinos. If you don't think they have any money you better look at all of the clubs the casinos built to accommodate them and their money!
Quote: superrickThe younger generation has money, don't kid yourself. !
Sigh. A very small % of EVERY younger generation
has money, so what. The REST of them, the majority
of them are college grads living in their old bedroom
at home. 50% of them now. Or working a job four pay
grades below what they were trained for. Saying
kids 21-29 are just flush with cash and no place
in the casino to spend it is ludicrous. You see a
few rich kids and assume they're all that way?
Look around at the real world sometime.
This week I've scouting my locals for kids and
I've found NONE. Not a single one. Don't give
me the crap about how great is in SoCal. I
posted the stats that 21-29 years olds here
make the same amount and have $11,000
more a year besides, because of the cost of
living. So they are far better off than SoCal
kids and they still don't go to casinos here.
I noticed this back in the 70's when I was
a kid and had no money. Some things never
Quote: superrickI can't understand, why someone that works in a small casino, hate Ahigh so much. Is it that he is living the dream and has the talent to be ahead of everybody in the way that he thinks?
I was at the show, and from what I saw there was a lot of interest in his products. The young people loved them and if the casinos are going to survive that is the market they need to go after. All I see now from them now is they're walking through the casinos going to the clubs and pools.
I don't hate him. In case you aren't familiar with penny stocks, it's generally not a good idea to invest too much in them. I have stock in Ahigh's parent company and two total penny stocks.
I was at the show also. There was very little interest in Nanotech's product compared to the other I mentioned. As I said, they may eventually find something that works. Skill based gaming is coming and some products will make it. I just don't think the pinball or kat games are the ones.
You have your opinion based on your experience playing in a casino. I have my opinion based on playing in casinos and working in one and spending countless hours and hours and hours studying gaming trends, gaming habits, gaming behaviors, gaming interests and many other things related to why people play certain games and not others.
You are welcome to rely on your experience and I'll rely on mine.