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Quote: sabreHe plays with an edge. You don't.
link to original post
I think a more diplomatic way to say that would be something like, "You have not provided evidence you have an advantage."
As I've said before, one cay say they don't believe MDawg, but they can't say he is lying. That is where a line is drawn.
Your comment comes closer to accusing him of lying. I'm going to give you a chance to rephrase your comment or stronger action may be taken.
Quote: Wizard
Your comment comes closer to accusing him of lying. I'm going to give you a chance to rephrase your comment or stronger action may be taken.
It is a stone cold fact that other members of this forum have claimed to have paid 6% withdrawal fees to withdraw thousands of dollars to play baccarat in a manner encouraged by MDawg over phone conversation. If that manner was +EV, then that poster never alluded to +EV play once. They alluded to -EV play based on progressions, card flow, and other voodoo repeatedly. Dozens of times in fact.
If MDawg is playing -EV and tells others to withdraw thousands at exorbitant fees to play like him then he deserves derision
If MDawg is playing +EV and tells others to withdraw thousands at exorbitant fees to play -EV then it's frankly much worse.
I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming it's the former.
If he's playing +EV and he's encouraging others to pay exorbitant withdrawal fees to play +EV then I honestly have no idea what this whole dog and pony show is about
Quote: sabreIt is a stone cold fact that other members of this forum have claimed to have paid 6% withdrawal fees to withdraw thousands of dollars to play baccarat in a manner encouraged by MDawg over phone conversation.
I'm waiting to hear if this quote officially gets challenged. If it does, I'll have to ask you to demonstrate where MDawg says this. If you can't, you get suspended, if you can MDawg does. However, I'll give you the chance right now to retract it, if you wish. If you stand by it, no need to document it, unless a challenge is filed.
Quote: sabreIt is a stone cold fact that other members of this forum have claimed to have paid 6% withdrawal fees to withdraw thousands of dollars to play baccarat in a manner encouraged by MDawg over phone conversation.
If I can assist.....Quote: WizardI'm waiting to hear if this quote officially gets challenged. If it does, I'll have to ask you to demonstrate where MDawg says this. If you can't, you get suspended, if you can MDawg does. However, I'll give you the chance right now to retract it, if you wish. If you stand by it, no need to document it, unless a challenge is filed.
link to original post
In a hidden thread which I will not dignify with a link, the member MarcusClark66 attributes his baccarat success to the guidance that he has received from MDawg. I've never seen any reference to them being in communication by phone. I HAVE seen a member, which I believe was Marcusclark66 post that he drew cash from an ATM at considerable cost so that he could place his wager. However, that post seems to have been quickly redacted*
Some quotes
Quote: MarcusClark66... MDawg turned me on to baccarat and is the one that totally influenced me. He allowed me to realize many positive things that totally influenced me. Credit where credit is due. Nothing wrong where I come from big guy!
Quote: MarcusClark66Thanks to all of you but most of all to the Great MDawg!
Bolding mine. First suggestion that they have been in private conversation.Quote: Marcusclark66EXTRA NOTE: Almost gave up and left a $1,500.00 loser, but MDAWG is to credit and receive a huge hug and high five for his ‘words of wisdom’ and other private things that have been absorbed from the great one! Public thanks and huge appreciation to the Great MDawg!
Quote: Marcusclark66I played nine times so far and I'm very modest in what I do and I contribute everything I've been able to learn and do because of MDawg. I have no affiliation whatsoever with him in any way, shape or form. A lot of long-time members here have made me out to be the bad guy. All fine and good as the saying goes. Hugs once again!! :)
Quite possibly if some of the well-established longtime members here didn't stay on me and talk down to me, I might not have had the wherewithal to accomplish what I did with the knowledge and the Insight that I adopted and adapted from MDawg.
So I think that we can fairly say that MDawg has influenced MarcusClark66. BUT. I see no mention of phone calls between them. Never have seen mentions of such calls.
There are many similar references to MDawg being MarcusClark's inspiration, but those references are at other forunms and so are out of scope here.
*Now, as to the drawing cash from an ATM to gamble. There WAS a post where a member, I believe it was MarcusClark66 mentioned drawing cash from an ATM at significant cost. I believe the original post...
was heavily redacted to hide that mention, but it is referenced here.
*I do recall a mention of ATM fees of $600, but might be mistaken.
Quote: sabreIt is a stone cold fact that other members of this forum have claimed to have paid 6% withdrawal fees to withdraw thousands of dollars to play baccarat in a manner encouraged by MDawg over phone conversation.
A coach's challenge has been issued for this claim. Here is what is going to happen. You have 48 hours to provide evidence for your claim. If you can't, you will be suspended for false quoting. If you can, MDawg will be suspended for losing the challenge. The term of the suspension to be decided by me, but I'm thinking a week.
The clock is ticking.
I talked to sabre via text and told him I paid 6% in withdrawal fees to withdraw thousands of dollars to play baccarat in a manner encouraged by MDawg over phone conversation.Quote: WizardA coach's challenge has been issued for this claim. Here is what is going to happen. You have 48 hours to provide evidence for your claim. If you can't, you will be suspended for false quoting. If you can, MDawg will be suspended for losing the challenge. The term of the suspension to be decided by me, but I'm thinking a week.
link to original post
The clock is ticking.
It did not happen, I just claimed it did as a joke. Unfortunately, I didn't put a J/k afterwards, so he may have thought it to be true.
But seriously, Sabre didn't claim anyone posted it or that it was first hand, it could have been a private conversation by a 3rd party.
It seems very odd sabre would just pull this out of his ass.
I agree that's a serious allegation and some fact-checking would be in order on his part if he insisted on posting that. I certainly am not in favour of serious misinformation like this being spread and stated as a fact about anyone.
Quote: sabreIt is a stone cold fact that other members of this forum have claimed to have paid 6% withdrawal fees to withdraw thousands of dollars to play baccarat in a manner encouraged by MDawg over phone conversation.
I'm extensively editing this after finding what I'd described]Quote: WizardA coach's challenge has been issued for this claim. Here is what is going to happen. You have 48 hours to provide evidence for your claim. If you can't, you will be suspended for false quoting. If you can, MDawg will be suspended for losing the challenge. The term of the suspension to be decided by me, but I'm thinking a week.
link to original post
The clock is ticking.
I believe this is what is being referred to.
link to original post
Quote: marcusclark66
Well I went to the casino, brought $3,500.00 ...... Won $1,500.00. I parlayed and wagered $3,000.00 on the players again. Players got a 6 and the bankers side got a natural 8. I was down $1,500.00 now.
Quote: marcusclark66I was now down $3,000.00.
Quote: marcusclark66 Emphasis mineHere is where the plot definitely thickens! And against everything I told myself up to this very point about walking away. Win or Lose. But I went to the cashiers counter and pulled $5,000.00 from my card linked to my bankroll account, cost me a shade under $300.00 service fees. Got the cash and returned to the baccarat table.
Quote: marcusclark66$3,500.00 I put on bankers.
So. We have MarcusClark66, MDawg's No#1 fan wagering on baccarat. He often says he is inspired by MDawg.
MarcusClark66 making multiple Thousand dollar+ wagers on baccarat.
MarcusClark66 finding himself $3,000 in the hole for the session.
MarcusClark66 finding himself inclined to withdraw $5,000 using a card at a cost of $300 ( 6% by my reckoning)
MarcusClark66 finding himself wagering $3,500 of that $5,000 on his next hand.
He then goes on to win some $11,000 or so in that session and has in that post
Quote: marcusclark66Thanks out once again to MDawg. Thank You! Hug as well!
Now, I don't know if that fits exactly Sabre's allegation. I recognise that there is no evidence of any phone call. But as I see it, Sabre has reasonably faithfully characterized the situation. Maybe Sabre will find the extra evidence of some phone call, though MDawg has already refuted that he ever made such a call, and I believe him on that.
Anyhow, here is what I had posted before this edit. Only fair that I leave it as a matter of record.
I will testify that I recall seeing such a post. It did relate to drawing thousands out from a casino ATM at considerable cost. That money was, of course then used to play Baccarat. I believe that it was posted by MarcusClark on 5th September in this postbut that that post was later redacted. As such, the evidence seems to only exist in my memory. Look closely in the follow up post by ChallengeMilley.
Quote: ChallengeMillySurprised you pulled out so much having to pay fees that steep for it.
Bolding mine.Quote: marcusclark66Advances are steep. Some places local, not in casinos, have no fee atm's but limited withdrawals. Probably my first and last time doing that.
I vaguely recall the ATM withdrawal suffering a $300 or $600 fee. I don't recall a percentage being mentioned.
Wizard. Who was the 'coach'? MDawg? Forgive me I'm not overly familiar with coach's challenge terminology.
Quote: WizardA coach's challenge has been issued for this claim. Here is what is going to happen. You have 48 hours to provide evidence for your claim. If you can't, you will be suspended for false quoting. If you can, MDawg will be suspended for losing the challenge. The term of the suspension to be decided by me, but I'm thinking a week.
link to original post
The clock is ticking.
As I made clear
I have never talked on the phone with anyone from WOV other than the Wizard, and I certainly never have advised anyone to cash advance money at 6% or to cash advance money period to gamble.
That OnceDear is coming forward with some vague recollection of what someone else posted is irrelevant hearsay. There is no evidence to support what Sabre has said and that he posted it as "stone cold fact" is especially egregious.
Keep in mind the second part of his post. I challenge all of that too.
If MDawg is playing -EV and tells others to withdraw thousands at exorbitant fees to play like him then he deserves derision
If MDawg is playing +EV and tells others to withdraw thousands at exorbitant fees to play -EV then it's frankly much worse.
I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming it's the former.
Sabre is saying ("assuming") that I TELL others to withdraw thousands at exorbitant fees to play. Where is the evidence for that? PLURAL OTHERS. There is an S there no less!
That's a terrible assertion to make.
The point of Sabre's post is that I advise ("tell") people to go withdraw thousands at exorbitant fees. That OnceDear is wasting time trying to support such a terrible allegation makes him as guilty as Sabre in my book. Unless he doesn't understand that the nature of Sabre's post is that I tell others [on the phone] to withdraw thousands at exorbitant fees to play, I'd expect him to withdraw his weak and irrelevent, in any case, support for sabre, now.
I dealt with someone I met in Vegas a couple years or so ago, whom I specifically advised NOT to EVER use credit cards for gambling, and I provided the links to my saying that in those posts above - I am against anyone's using a cash advance for gambling, which is why I object so much to this mischaracterization of something I'd tell someone to do.

Quote: MDawgQuote: WizardA coach's challenge has been issued for this claim. Here is what is going to happen. You have 48 hours to provide evidence for your claim. If you can't, you will be suspended for false quoting. If you can, MDawg will be suspended for losing the challenge. The term of the suspension to be decided by me, but I'm thinking a week.
link to original post
The clock is ticking.
As I made clear
I have never talked on the phone with anyone from WOV other than the Wizard, and I certainly never have advised anyone to cash advance money at 6% or to cash advance money period to gamble.
That OnceDear is coming forward with some vague recollection of what someone else posted is irrelevant hearsay. There is no evidence to support what Sabre has said and that he posted it as "stone cold fact" is especially egregious.
Keep in mind the second part of his post. I challenge all of that too.
If MDawg is playing -EV and tells others to withdraw thousands at exorbitant fees to play like him then he deserves derision
If MDawg is playing +EV and tells others to withdraw thousands at exorbitant fees to play -EV then it's frankly much worse.
I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming it's the former.
Sabre is saying that I tell others to withdraw thousands at exorbitant fees to play[/]. Where is the evidence for that? PLURAL OTHERS. There is an S there no less!
That's a terrible assertion to to original post
In almost every single post Marcus Clark writes he thanks you and has claimed in the past that you so called mentored him. You chime in on his thread so you know what’s going on. You know if you are telling him some hocus pocus or not
Quote: MDawgQuote: WizardA coach's challenge has been issued for this claim.
As I made clear
I have never talked on the phone with anyone from WOV other than the Wizard, and I certainly never have advised anyone to cash advance money at 6% or to cash advance money period to gamble.
That OnceDear is coming forward with some vague recollection of what someone else posted is irrelevant hearsay. There is no evidence to support what Sabre has said and that he posted it as "stone cold fact" is especially to original post
FYI to Mdawg, Sabre and Wizard.
I had some vague evidence to recollect and I posted about that. I have since found the hard evidence that supported my recollection and I hadn't done too bad at all for an old guy.
I went back and edited and cited the full evidence by referring to a found post from 5 Sept.
You will see that I agree that there is never any suggestion or evidence of any phone call or even any 'advice' in that post. In other posts, MC refers to some words of wisdom that he attributes to MDawg.
Now. I suggest that we await Wizards ruling on this challenge and let this thread get back to it's original topic.
I am thankful that you are at least stepping back to make clear that you "agree that there is never any suggestion or evidence of any phone call or even any 'advice' in that post."
I mean, it's one thing to say that someone was influenced by me to do something crazy like do a cash advance with which to gamble, it's quite another to say that I TELL others (plural) on the phone to do something crazy.
And even there anyone who knows me and has read my posts knows that I have gone on record repeatedly about gambling responsibly and that I am very much against credit card advances.

Just telling it as I see it. I've gathered my evidence and presented it fairly. It supports an implication that at least one member (Not necessarily plural) has been inspired to throw down some substantial wagers in an attempt to emulate you. Sabre seems to be wrong in asserting that you tell them what to do, individually.Quote: MDawgSabre has stated that he assumes that I TELL others to withdraw thousands at exorbitant fees.
I am thankful that you are at least stepping back to make clear that you "agree that there is never any suggestion or evidence of any phone call or even any 'advice' in that post."
Quote:I mean, it's one thing to say that someone was influenced by me to do something crazy like do a cash advance with which to gamble, it's quite another to say that I TELL others (plural) on the phone to do something crazy.
Quote:And even there anyone who knows me and has read my posts knows that I have gone on record repeatedly about gambling responsibly and am very much against credit card advances.
Now, Mdawg, we have presented Wizard with more than enough evidence. Maybe Sabre will be back to contribute.
I really must insist that we drop it now and await Wizard's judgement.
The issue seems to be that when Marcus Clarke kept saying you were giving him advice and making it sound of a personal nature as in you guys privately talked your indignation didn't materialize.
Where were your protestations to the forum for Marcus to take back his claims you were helping him?
That has led to forum members feeling Marcus is believable.
You can be certain if any member on here I haven't met starts saying I spoke to him with advice not written in any post I am going to be right here denying it.
And without trying to bring other forum matters here, that did happen to me at another forum where someone was saying things about me that were unauthorized by me and you specifically know this MDawg as you were part of that conversation, and what did I do. I actually took time to join that other forum and let you and anyone else know that info wasn't coming from me and was unauthorized. So you know I speak truth to this matter.
That's where this whole issue is emanating from. You should have nipped it in the bud with Marcus Clarke's vocal statements that he was speaking to you directly. You should have said Marcus doesn't know what he is talking about at that time fan club member or not.
For the record, I read many posts on a few forums. I HAVE NEVER read MarcusClark66 claiming direct 1 to 1 communication from MDawg.Quote: darkozMDawg
link to original post
The issue seems to be that when Marcus Clarke kept saying you were giving him advice and making it sound of a personal nature as in you guys privately talked your indignation didn't materialize.
You should have nipped it in the bud with Marcus Clarke's vocal statements that he was speaking to you directly. You should have said Marcus doesn't know what he is talking about at that time fan club member or not.
And now, for you DarkOz, and any other that might choose to contribute. PLEASE refrain from chiming in on this challenge sub-thread, It has gone beyond an hijack now. I don't want to split the thread because it's a chore. LET'S JUST AWAIT Sabre's last word or Wizard's. Wizard gave him 48 hours. Patience please.
Now..... Let Sabre and Wizard have the last words.
2)In reply to OnceDear, how can you say you have never seen MarcusClark say he has had private conversations with MDawg when there is one quoted, in this thread? He has made multiple claims that while not by phone, he has had private conversations and owes his success to MDawg.
Quote: OnceDearIf I can assist.....Quote: WizardI'm waiting to hear if this quote officially gets challenged. If it does, I'll have to ask you to demonstrate where MDawg says this. If you can't, you get suspended, if you can MDawg does. However, I'll give you the chance right now to retract it, if you wish. If you stand by it, no need to document it, unless a challenge is filed.
link to original post
In a hidden thread which I will not dignify with a link, the member MarcusClark66 attributes his baccarat success to the guidance that he has received from MDawg. I've never seen any reference to them being in communication by phone. I HAVE seen a member, which I believe was Marcusclark66 post that he drew cash from an ATM at considerable cost so that he could place his wager. However, that post seems to have been quickly redacted*
Some quotesBolding mine. First suggestion that they have been in private conversation.Quote: Marcusclark66EXTRA NOTE: Almost gave up and left a $1,500.00 loser, but MDAWG is to credit and receive a huge hug and high five for his ‘words of wisdom’ and other private things that have been absorbed from the great one! Public thanks and huge appreciation to the Great MDawg!
So I think that we can fairly say that MDawg has influenced MarcusClark66. BUT. I see no mention of phone calls between them. Never have seen mentions of such calls.
There are many similar references to MDawg being MarcusClark's inspiration, but those references are at other forunms and so are out of scope here.
*Now, as to the drawing cash from an ATM to gamble. There WAS a post where a member, I believe it was MarcusClark66 mentioned drawing cash from an ATM at significant cost. I believe the original post...
was heavily redacted to hide that mention, but it is referenced here.
*I do recall a mention of ATM fees of $600, but might be to original post
Let’s get some things straight here big guy.
#1. For the record MDawg has never advised or influenced me to do a cash advance. If I ever did that I did it on my own because I decided to do it myself. MDawg, from what I remember, has always advised people to gamble responsibly.
#2. I belong to no other forums, not one at this time or previously to this. So the statement about I am writing on other forums is totally fiction.
#3. I withdrew $5,000.00 cash advance from a casino cage counter that is from a nation company where you agree to the service fees, in my case it was just under $300.00, swipe your credit or debit card at the counter and the cage personnel gets the authorization. But no one ever advised me to do this except myself.
#4. I credit MDawg for many things and they are all posted within my thread or his main thread, Adventures oh MDawg. MDawg and MDawg alone has allowed me to profit tens of thousands of dollars as well as having a $25,000.00 bankroll now.
#5. I thank MDawg again for being my inspiration and allowing me to develop certain insights and knowledge through his writing and reports.
End of rebuttal and my 5 cents!
Marcus Clark
Quote: Marcusclark66Quote: OnceDearIf I can assist.....Quote: WizardI'm waiting to hear if this quote officially gets challenged. If it does, I'll have to ask you to demonstrate where MDawg says this. If you can't, you get suspended, if you can MDawg does. However, I'll give you the chance right now to retract it, if you wish. If you stand by it, no need to document it, unless a challenge is filed.
link to original post
In a hidden thread which I will not dignify with a link, the member MarcusClark66 attributes his baccarat success to the guidance that he has received from MDawg. I've never seen any reference to them being in communication by phone. I HAVE seen a member, which I believe was Marcusclark66 post that he drew cash from an ATM at considerable cost so that he could place his wager. However, that post seems to have been quickly redacted*
Some quotesBolding mine. First suggestion that they have been in private conversation.Quote: Marcusclark66EXTRA NOTE: Almost gave up and left a $1,500.00 loser, but MDAWG is to credit and receive a huge hug and high five for his ‘words of wisdom’ and other private things that have been absorbed from the great one! Public thanks and huge appreciation to the Great MDawg!
So I think that we can fairly say that MDawg has influenced MarcusClark66. BUT. I see no mention of phone calls between them. Never have seen mentions of such calls.
There are many similar references to MDawg being MarcusClark's inspiration, but those references are at other forunms and so are out of scope here.
*Now, as to the drawing cash from an ATM to gamble. There WAS a post where a member, I believe it was MarcusClark66 mentioned drawing cash from an ATM at significant cost. I believe the original post...
was heavily redacted to hide that mention, but it is referenced here.
*I do recall a mention of ATM fees of $600, but might be to original post
Let’s get some things straight here big guy.
#1. For the record MDawg has never advised or influenced me to do a cash advance. If I ever did that I did it on my own because I decided to do it myself. MDawg, from what I remember, has always advised people to gamble responsibly.
#2. I belong to no other forums, not one at this time or previously to this. So the statement about I am writing on other forums is totally fiction.
#3. I withdrew $5,000.00 cash advance from a casino cage counter that is from a nation company where you agree to the service fees, in my case it was just under $300.00, swipe your credit or debit card at the counter and the cage personnel gets the authorization. But no one ever advised me to do this except myself.
#4. I credit MDawg for many things and they are all posted within my thread or his main thread, Adventures oh MDawg. MDawg and MDawg alone has allowed me to profit tens of thousands of dollars as well as having a $25,000.00 bankroll now.
#5. I thank MDawg again for being my inspiration and allowing me to develop certain insights and knowledge through his writing and reports.
End of rebuttal and my 5 cents!
Marcus Clarklink to original post
So to be clear:
MDawg told you how to win at Baccarat ("MDawg alone has allowed me to profit tens of thousands of dollars").
Since MDawg has never to my knowledge posted his exact winning methods, then he privately relayed them to you?
So while MDawg keeps his super secret system or methods for winning close to the vest, he has imparted to a casino surveillance guy what to do?
Please clear this up for me, thanks.
Quote: darkozQuote: Marcusclark66Quote: OnceDearIf I can assist.....Quote: WizardI'm waiting to hear if this quote officially gets challenged. If it does, I'll have to ask you to demonstrate where MDawg says this. If you can't, you get suspended, if you can MDawg does. However, I'll give you the chance right now to retract it, if you wish. If you stand by it, no need to document it, unless a challenge is filed.
link to original post
In a hidden thread which I will not dignify with a link, the member MarcusClark66 attributes his baccarat success to the guidance that he has received from MDawg. I've never seen any reference to them being in communication by phone. I HAVE seen a member, which I believe was Marcusclark66 post that he drew cash from an ATM at considerable cost so that he could place his wager. However, that post seems to have been quickly redacted*
Some quotesBolding mine. First suggestion that they have been in private conversation.Quote: Marcusclark66EXTRA NOTE: Almost gave up and left a $1,500.00 loser, but MDAWG is to credit and receive a huge hug and high five for his ‘words of wisdom’ and other private things that have been absorbed from the great one! Public thanks and huge appreciation to the Great MDawg!
So I think that we can fairly say that MDawg has influenced MarcusClark66. BUT. I see no mention of phone calls between them. Never have seen mentions of such calls.
There are many similar references to MDawg being MarcusClark's inspiration, but those references are at other forunms and so are out of scope here.
*Now, as to the drawing cash from an ATM to gamble. There WAS a post where a member, I believe it was MarcusClark66 mentioned drawing cash from an ATM at significant cost. I believe the original post...
was heavily redacted to hide that mention, but it is referenced here.
*I do recall a mention of ATM fees of $600, but might be to original post
Let’s get some things straight here big guy.
#1. For the record MDawg has never advised or influenced me to do a cash advance. If I ever did that I did it on my own because I decided to do it myself. MDawg, from what I remember, has always advised people to gamble responsibly.
#2. I belong to no other forums, not one at this time or previously to this. So the statement about I am writing on other forums is totally fiction.
#3. I withdrew $5,000.00 cash advance from a casino cage counter that is from a nation company where you agree to the service fees, in my case it was just under $300.00, swipe your credit or debit card at the counter and the cage personnel gets the authorization. But no one ever advised me to do this except myself.
#4. I credit MDawg for many things and they are all posted within my thread or his main thread, Adventures oh MDawg. MDawg and MDawg alone has allowed me to profit tens of thousands of dollars as well as having a $25,000.00 bankroll now.
#5. I thank MDawg again for being my inspiration and allowing me to develop certain insights and knowledge through his writing and reports.
End of rebuttal and my 5 cents!
Marcus Clarklink to original post
So to be clear:
MDawg told you how to win at Baccarat ("MDawg alone has allowed me to profit tens of thousands of dollars").
Since MDawg has never to my knowledge posted his exact winning methods, then he privately relayed them to you?
So while MDawg keeps his super secret system or methods for winning close to the vest, he has imparted to a casino surveillance guy what to do?
Please clear this up for me, to original post
Oh Please! Read #5.
Your answers are clearly contained within that sentence.
Marcus Clark
P.S. IMO all you are doing Darkoz is TROLLING. Mods please review?
Quote: Marcusclark66Quote: darkozQuote: Marcusclark66Quote: OnceDearIf I can assist.....Quote: WizardI'm waiting to hear if this quote officially gets challenged. If it does, I'll have to ask you to demonstrate where MDawg says this. If you can't, you get suspended, if you can MDawg does. However, I'll give you the chance right now to retract it, if you wish. If you stand by it, no need to document it, unless a challenge is filed.
link to original post
In a hidden thread which I will not dignify with a link, the member MarcusClark66 attributes his baccarat success to the guidance that he has received from MDawg. I've never seen any reference to them being in communication by phone. I HAVE seen a member, which I believe was Marcusclark66 post that he drew cash from an ATM at considerable cost so that he could place his wager. However, that post seems to have been quickly redacted*
Some quotesBolding mine. First suggestion that they have been in private conversation.Quote: Marcusclark66EXTRA NOTE: Almost gave up and left a $1,500.00 loser, but MDAWG is to credit and receive a huge hug and high five for his ‘words of wisdom’ and other private things that have been absorbed from the great one! Public thanks and huge appreciation to the Great MDawg!
So I think that we can fairly say that MDawg has influenced MarcusClark66. BUT. I see no mention of phone calls between them. Never have seen mentions of such calls.
There are many similar references to MDawg being MarcusClark's inspiration, but those references are at other forunms and so are out of scope here.
*Now, as to the drawing cash from an ATM to gamble. There WAS a post where a member, I believe it was MarcusClark66 mentioned drawing cash from an ATM at significant cost. I believe the original post...
was heavily redacted to hide that mention, but it is referenced here.
*I do recall a mention of ATM fees of $600, but might be to original post
Let’s get some things straight here big guy.
#1. For the record MDawg has never advised or influenced me to do a cash advance. If I ever did that I did it on my own because I decided to do it myself. MDawg, from what I remember, has always advised people to gamble responsibly.
#2. I belong to no other forums, not one at this time or previously to this. So the statement about I am writing on other forums is totally fiction.
#3. I withdrew $5,000.00 cash advance from a casino cage counter that is from a nation company where you agree to the service fees, in my case it was just under $300.00, swipe your credit or debit card at the counter and the cage personnel gets the authorization. But no one ever advised me to do this except myself.
#4. I credit MDawg for many things and they are all posted within my thread or his main thread, Adventures oh MDawg. MDawg and MDawg alone has allowed me to profit tens of thousands of dollars as well as having a $25,000.00 bankroll now.
#5. I thank MDawg again for being my inspiration and allowing me to develop certain insights and knowledge through his writing and reports.
End of rebuttal and my 5 cents!
Marcus Clarklink to original post
So to be clear:
MDawg told you how to win at Baccarat ("MDawg alone has allowed me to profit tens of thousands of dollars").
Since MDawg has never to my knowledge posted his exact winning methods, then he privately relayed them to you?
So while MDawg keeps his super secret system or methods for winning close to the vest, he has imparted to a casino surveillance guy what to do?
Please clear this up for me, to original post
Oh Please! Read #5.
Your answers are clearly contained within that sentence.
Marcus Clark
P.S. IMO all you are doing Darkoz is TROLLING. Mods please review?link to original post
There have been no insights from his reports because he has never listed how he wins.
Just saying he wagered and won is your insight? And that when he lost he ran across the street and started winning again?
And yes bring in the mods because it appears you just accused me of being a troll.
Quote: DieterThe moderators are keenly observing.
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Just to reiterate and publicly state, I totally believe what Darkoz is doing is trolling.
I clearly stated in my number five answer what he outlined and detailed out into a continuance that IMO is trolling.
Quote: Marcusclark66Quote: DieterThe moderators are keenly observing.
link to original post
Just to reiterate and publicly state, I totally believe what Darkoz is doing is trolling.
I clearly stated in my number five answer what he outlined and detailed out into a continuance that IMO is to original post
And what I believe is Marcus is now insulting me by calling me a troll.
This redirect is because he really hasn't learned anything from reading MDawg adventures when it comes to how to win at Baccarat
Quote: darkozQuote: Marcusclark66Quote: DieterThe moderators are keenly observing.
link to original post
Just to reiterate and publicly state, I totally believe what Darkoz is doing is trolling.
I clearly stated in my number five answer what he outlined and detailed out into a continuance that IMO is to original post
And what I believe is Marcus is now insulting me by calling me a troll.
This redirect is because he really hasn't learned anything from reading MDawg adventures when it comes to how to win at Baccaratlink to original post
How can you seriously say what I know and what I don’t know?
How can you say what has inspired me and what has allowed me to develop my own winning strategies and anything else in the game baccarat?
How can you sit there and type words that insult not only my intelligence but the intelligence of many others?
Is it because you don’t agree with something or you don’t find something interesting or you can’t get inspiration from somebody’s reports and writings that you have to degrade and humiliate anyone else that does?
Respectfully, Marcus Clark
Quote: darkozlink to original post
And what I believe is Marcus is now insulting me by calling me a troll.
This redirect is because he really hasn't learned anything from reading MDawg adventures when it comes to how to win at Baccarat
The decision on this is on hold until 9:37pm, lest it interfere with another ongoing matter.
MarcusClarke is permitted to raise a concern about possible trolling, no personal insult.
Quote: gordonm888DarkOz was not trolling.
link to original post
MarcusClarke is permitted to raise a concern about possible trolling, no personal insult.
Thank you sincerely.
I stated my responses and concerns.
IMO there was a lot of twisting and turning.
Please Darkoz, stop claiming what I know or have creatively adapted into my own wonderful profitable’gig’.
Respectfully, Marcus Clark
sabre, oncedear, or anyone, cannot hold MDawg responsible for how people obtain their bankroll, and how much their bankroll is.Quote: sabreIt is a stone cold fact that other members of this forum have claimed to have paid 6% withdrawal fees to withdraw thousands of dollars to play baccarat in a manner encouraged by MDawg over phone conversation.
I don't even think they can hold him to what his strategies are. They, as adults, gamble at their own risk. Gambling is risk, period.
MD can be held responsible to an individual site's acceptable rules. Has he broken any?
Also, as far as I'm aware, MD is not forcing MC to follow him. And, MC is entitled to listen to and follow MD so long as he chooses. What is wrong with either of those sentences?
I really don't quite get the Wizard here. The Wizard appears to be saying that if Sabre is found to be making false statements, he will be suspended. No problem there.Quote: WizardA coach's challenge has been issued for this claim. Here is what is going to happen. You have 48 hours to provide evidence for your claim. If you can't, you will be suspended for false quoting. If you can, MDawg will be suspended for losing the challenge. The term of the suspension to be decided by me, but I'm thinking a week.
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The clock is ticking.
But the Wizard also appears to be saying that if Sabre is not found to be making false statements, MD will get suspended. So why would MD get suspended if Sabre is found not to have made false statements?
What the statements contain, I believe, are:
1. that people are withdrawing $'000s (purely their choice),
2. that people are paying 6% in fees for their withdrawal/s (purely their choice), and
3. both of the above are done because MDawg is privately encouraging others to gamble a certain way (again, purely their choice).
I can see that Sabre may be in trouble if what he is saying is false, but I can't see that MD is doing anything wrong if what Sabre is saying is true.
The only thing I can see the Wizard ping MD for, is that MD is denying TRUE statements made by Sabre.
Mr. Wizard made a game out of it
at first glance I thought it was ridiculous
but upon re-consideration I realized it makes perfect sense
in fact a fair size portion of WOV would make a great reality TV show
the title of the show should be:
___________________________𝙂𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙇𝙞𝙚𝙨
you know it's not so far fetched LRR. The toing and froing of many different aspects of gambling and what psychological upheavals it can cause between people, particularly when forum rules come in to play, would make this a great ongoing reality tv show. It could even be done via an online video posting show! "Oh, WB from Australia has this to say." "OD, a moderator from the UK, is not happy about this." "The Wizard in Florida (or wherever he is) is saying this." "There's controversy over such and such, and it'll be decided whether XX gets suspended on Friday." Hilarious.Quote: lilredrooster_________
Mr. Wizard made a game out of it
at first glance I thought it was ridiculous
but upon re-consideration I realized it makes perfect sense
in fact a fair size portion of WOV would make a great reality TV show
the title of the show should be:
___________________________𝙂𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙇𝙞𝙚𝙨link to original post
LLR's humourous contribution was somewhere between hijacking and trolling. He can have 7 days out for that. Mdawg's fans chipping in from the viewing gallery can stop now as I close this thread.
Any last minute evidence can go to Wizard by PM, but I earnestly advise against pestering him with petty points of order.
Quote: Wellbushyou know it's not so far fetched LRR. The toing and froing of many different aspects of gambling and what psychological upheavals it can cause between people, particularly when forum rules come in to play, would make this a great ongoing reality tv show. It could even be done via an online video posting show! "Oh, WB from Australia has this to say." "OD, a moderator from the UK, is not happy about this." "The Wizard in Florida (or wherever he is) is saying this." "There's controversy over such and such, and it'll be decided whether XX gets suspended on Friday." Hilarious.
link to original post
I think that's worth 7 days as well.
Quote: sabreIt is a stone cold fact that other members of this forum have claimed to have paid 6% withdrawal fees to withdraw thousands of dollars to play baccarat in a manner encouraged by MDawg over phone conversation. If that manner was +EV, then that poster never alluded to +EV play once. They alluded to -EV play based on progressions, card flow, and other voodoo repeatedly. Dozens of times in fact.
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If MDawg is playing -EV and tells others to withdraw thousands at exorbitant fees to play like him then he deserves derision
If MDawg is playing +EV and tells others to withdraw thousands at exorbitant fees to play -EV then it's frankly much worse.
I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming it's the former.
If he's playing +EV and he's encouraging others to pay exorbitant withdrawal fees to play +EV then I honestly have no idea what this whole dog and pony show is about
Quote: Marcusclark66#1. For the record MDawg has never advised or influenced me to do a cash advance. If I ever did that I did it on my own because I decided to do it myself. MDawg, from what I remember, has always advised people to gamble to original post
After more than 48 hours, I have not seen evidence that MDawg encouraged anybody to make cash advances. That another member has done so, does not mean that MDawg encouraged it. In fact, the member in question specifically denies that MDawg ever advised or encouraged it.
The verdict is in favor of the challenger, MDawg. Sabre is sentenced to seven days for false quoting.