I'm not a fan of tipping culture, but I do it when I feel it's warranted.
I was playing at a $15 Blackjack table on a busy weekend at Resorts Atlantic City. The dealer was an older, small Philipino man who seemed like he'd been there a long time. I was back and forth, up $50 then down $50, but enjoying my time.
At this particular casino, if you have a double down, you can ask for the card to be dealt face down even at low limit tables. Do to covid restrictions this table only allowed 3 players at a time and when I joined there was just another older lady at the table named Sharifa. Then a middle aged Asian man joined us to fill the table. Both of them were playing the match the dealer side bets, while I didn't.
I got a few consecutive double down hands and kindly asked for the card face down. The dealer would make a hand every time, and EVERY time I would beat him by one. Before paying me, he would pause & look at me, then pay out the double down accordingly while muttering something under his breath. I did not feel I was obligated to tip him for a winning hand, as he certainly did not tip me when I lost. But he grew increasingly angry when I did not tip. He then started being blunt and saying "You no tip cause You're [certain ethnicity] "
I just ignored it as not only was he incorrect on his assumption, he was wrong about my ethnicity also. Either way he was out of line, but I just shrugged it off and carried on playing. Then the other guy at the table placed a $50 bet on the side bet and hit a perfect match for $700. He was so excited he threw myself and the other lady a Green chip each, to which I thanked him. However, before I could even accept this generous token, the little angry dealer reached across the table in a huff and snatched both green chips from our pile and gave it back to the guy, out of spite! Proclaiming in his shrill nasally voice "You can't do dat!"
I sat there in disbelief and just shook my head at his actions saying "It's his money, he can do whatever HE wants!" The little tyrant stuck to his guns and made no apologies until the guy who hit the perfect match shelled out $10 to him. The next hand, I had a doubled down 11 and asked for the card face down, to which he angrily dealt the card face up. I still won the hand, but it was clear this little clown was on tilt. Now the mood at the table effectively died, and one by one we walked off with our remaining chips never wanting to come back to this place or play with dealers that have a serious inferiority complex.
Quote: onenickelmiracleI knew a young lady who told she was banned from a casino because someone passed chips to her at the table. It's a thing in the movie Rounders where Matt Damon's character gets scolded for throwing chips to Worm at the table. Is this even real?
Some guy at Delaware Park liked my sister and kept trying to give me chips at the table.
I was willing to take them but the dealer/pit boss freaked out.
Delaware park is the stingiest casino I have ever been to rules wise.
Quote: onenickelmiracleI knew a young lady who told she was banned from a casino because someone passed chips to her at the table. Is this even real?
If the person getting the chips was instructed to play a hand or bet with said money, then it CAN be looked at as breaking the rule of one hand per bankroll.
However, this was NOT the case and not even close to it. It was simply an angry little man losing his shit over a player getting tipped instead of him. Plain and simple.
Quote: onenickelmiracleIt was interesting he went out of his way saying a woman named Shariffa, and older Asian man and him were at the table. Then the dealer comments some slur indicating he was cheap which didn't fit his race and there is no mention of either 2 being offended. I'm not sure if it's a riddle, a joke or troll. I noticed he is red, was bedwetterbettor banned?
Suspension list says nuked for being sock of Gambit55.
BuffaLoadOfCrap/Gambit55 was nuked back in 9/12/2012. wow...Quote: unJonSuspension list says nuked for being sock of Gambit55.
he was a frequent poster of this anti-tipping thread:
also, from that page, what happened to RaleighCraps?
He hasnt been seen since Aug 2019. (Join date February 20, 2010)
In total i had been playing a red for the dealer 8-10 times.
After coloring up I had 2 white chips left which i pushed to the dealer. Then the pit boss came, gave them back to me and told "She dont need 2 dollar."
Bad PB or is it wrong of me to give that small amount on the end?
Quote: TorghattenYesterday I was playing BJ in Reno. After about 4 hours on a $25-table i was up 1800 and decided to leave for the day. (Recovering from a 1500 loss earlier same day).
In total i had been playing a red for the dealer 8-10 times.
After coloring up I had 2 white chips left which i pushed to the dealer. Then the pit boss came, gave them back to me and told "She dont need 2 dollar."
Bad PB or is it wrong of me to give that small amount on the end?
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The pit boss was wrong.
If you had already made bets for the dealers during your play you have more than fulfilled the tipping etiquette.
You did not have to tip the additional $2.
I would not have tipped the $2 at the end but I'm very surprised you got that response from PB
When I was playing at Palace Stations. The dealer would say," A dollar tip is one dollar more than I have to do. And he appreciates that". PB doing was very bad for business.Quote: TorghattenYesterday I was playing BJ in Reno. After about 4 hours on a $25-table i was up 1800 and decided to leave for the day. (Recovering from a 1500 loss earlier same day).
In total i had been playing a red for the dealer 8-10 times.
After coloring up I had 2 white chips left which i pushed to the dealer. Then the pit boss came, gave them back to me and told "She dont need 2 dollar."
Bad PB or is it wrong of me to give that small amount on the end?
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Silver Legacy, that is a DUMP.
Of course any videos where the sucker loses all those bets, disappears... JUST LIKE THAT!?!?!
Quote: AZDuffmanJust saw Rio took my idea for a 50% "toke tax" on dealers, so they keep half for their own and the other 50% goes into a pool,
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When you say 'they' are you referring to the individual dealer or the house?
Quote: ChicagoSkinnyQuote: AZDuffmanJust saw Rio took my idea for a 50% "toke tax" on dealers, so they keep half for their own and the other 50% goes into a pool,
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When you say 'they' are you referring to the individual dealer or the house?
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Dealer. $500 in tips they keep $250. $250 goes to toke pool which they are a part of.
KYO typically only works in smaller casinos. Keeping things fair with the dealer rotations cannot be easy for management.