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August 16th, 2012 at 1:44:57 PM permalink
Quote: AcesAndEights

I believe both parties should accept this offer as this drama is not helping anyone and is only entertainment at the basest levels.

Except that Soopoo already backed down once before and everything seemed to be over and done with. But then he went on to misreprsent the situation again, and to reopen the whole thing. If he want sto stop all he has to do is stop. No one's gone after him.
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August 16th, 2012 at 1:55:42 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

Maybe not. But the way you describe the road to HotBlonde's current situation is not how it happened.

Just as an example, she mentioned going to the ER for some reason, months back, and people were all over her about her personal finances. Many wondered if whe would honor the bet if she'd happened to lose. Really, all that, and more, was excessive. also, the moment she quits making updates because of the adverse comments about it, other people start pestering her to post them.

Point taken and I don't disagree with you about people pestering her. However,

1. All those things I listed did actually happen and the vast majority of what we now know about HB's personal life was voluntarily offered by her to the forum at large. Any reasonable person should expect that some people will agree with her and some will not. This internet thing isn't new - an aware adult should understand that the anonymity offered will allow people to be more harsh about things than they would be in person. (I'm sure you will not agree with this statement but I'll stand behind it; SOOPOO's last few posts have had more feeling of congenialty and remorse in them than in ANY of HB's posts she's made after someone has disagreed with her throughout the entire thread).

2. She has openly proclaimed not to care what people think about her choices. That doesn't jibe with her somehow being coerced into repeated posts. All she has to do is not log on.

I understand that we're not going to agree about what she might choose to do, but with the click of a mouse instead of putting herself in a position of being upset she could instead be enjoying a book, going for a walk, working out, watching TV, etc. etc. etc.
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August 16th, 2012 at 2:07:25 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

Really, all that, and more, was excessive. also, the moment she quits making updates because of the adverse comments about it, other people start pestering her to post them.

There is no need for her to post or read a single thing here. There is no need for her to acknowledge anything she does read here. There is no reason for any kind of a pissing contest here. All she has to do is ignore the forum until the weigh-in is completed and she wins.

She likes the drama and she likes the attention. She posted a lot of stuff here that most people would not post. People have said that time and again, yet she comes back and posts a bunch of stuff.

You also spend a lot of time defending her. That just gives people more stuff to write back about. My advice to her would be to keep an eye on things (if you are really scared) but don't add anything to the cauldron of crap you have already created!!
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August 16th, 2012 at 2:08:28 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146


If you're in the mood to dispense with free medical advice:

If I am a 6'4", 216 pound male, and I consume roughly 1,400 calories per a vegetarian...and consume 0 calories (except consuming alcohol once per week) in the form of beverages...what is the absolute Maximum of my calories intake that should come in the form of complex carbohydrates?

I am being literal about, "Absolute maximum," by the way. I love bread more than a person has any right to.

I don't know if this is relevant, but my last BP screening was when I donated last month (120/82) and my resting pulse is 82. My iron was 14, I think.

Thank you in advance, "No problem, thanks anyway," if you're not in the mood to do that.

Its not like I'm not in the mood, but i am an anesthesiologist, and really don't have any more exact knowledge about diets than most folks. No joking around, HB has done lots of research on the subject and would be in a better position to thoughtfully answer your question. I do have specific knowledge about the dangers of obesity, but not specific knowledge on how BEST to diet.
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August 16th, 2012 at 2:11:00 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

Maybe not. But the way you describe the road to HotBlonde's current situation is not how it happened.

Just as an example, she mentioned going to the ER for some reason, months back, and people were all over her about her personal finances. Many wondered if whe would honor the bet if she'd happened to lose. Really, all that, and more, was excessive. also, the moment she quits making updates because of the adverse comments about it, other people start pestering her to post them.

Most people here consider it irresponsible for someone who does not have enough money to pay their bills each month, and to pay for an ER visit, to be gambling in any form. I'm not saying that you can never be behind on a bill or you can never owe on a medical bill, but the general idea is to gamble with money you can afford to lose. If you can't afford to lose it, then you should not be gambling.

With a majority of members falling into that general opinion, why in the world would you talk about not being able to pay things and gambling in the same thread or forum?

HB is the cause of a lot of her own problems.
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August 16th, 2012 at 2:12:24 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

Except that Soopoo already backed down once before and everything seemed to be over and done with. But then he went on to misreprsent the situation again, and to reopen the whole thing. If he want sto stop all he has to do is stop. No one's gone after him.

How many quotes of you and HB calling me a bully, a liar, etc... do you need for me to think that "No one's gone after him" is not true? Are you serious, Nareed?
And once again, how do you know I misrepresented anything? You have never met me, never heard my voice, presumably never read any private messages between HB and me....... So are you clairvoyant? Come on Nareed, you just don't like me from our interpersonal mishap, which I truly believe you overblew.....
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August 16th, 2012 at 2:14:00 PM permalink
Sounds like a game of Who's the Boss?

HB - I dont wanna post pics anymore

SP - I wanna see them

HB - no, I have rights, you meany

SP - I aint taking you to dinner anymore


SP - seriously?

HB - You can't see me anymore, even when I weigh in in Vegas

SP - Why?

HB - You are a terrible person who won't take me to an expensive dinner and did a bunch of other mean stuff to me that I obviously didn't care about back when you promised to take me to an expensive dinner, but now this is the last straw!!!

SP - What?

HB - I said STAY AWAY!! or I will call the police!!! or even worse my BROTHERRRR!!!

SP - Note to self - What the fuck was I thinking?? You are a doctor, figure it out and don't think like that ever again.

******The above conversation is not verbatim.*****
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August 16th, 2012 at 2:15:15 PM permalink
Quote: Woldus

2. She has openly proclaimed not to care what people think about her choices. That doesn't jibe with her somehow being coerced into repeated posts. All she has to do is not log on.

I don't care what people think about me or the choices I make, either. What this means is that I won't change what I do or what I choose based on mere disaproval from someone else. It does not mean people can call me names, be rude, be obnoxious, be disrespectful, etc etc, or that I won't be upset or angry if they attack me in any such way.

More important, and I mean much more important, I won't waste any friendship on such people.
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August 16th, 2012 at 2:24:44 PM permalink
Quote: RonC

You also spend a lot of time defending her.

Yes, indeed. There are reasons for that. One is that she does not deserve the attacks she gets in the forum. Another is that in this forum full of self-described gentlemen, none will lift a finger to defend her.
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August 16th, 2012 at 2:25:15 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

I don't care what people think about me or the choices I make, either.

Yes, you do care. If you really didn't care, you would not be bothered by anyone who disagreed with your choices. You would just agree to disagree.

Quote: Nareed

What this means is that I won't change what I do or what I choose based on mere disaproval from someone else. It does not mean people can call me names, be rude, be obnoxious, be disrespectful, etc etc, or that I won't be upset or angry if they attack me in any such way.

People here have pretty much been accepting of your story and I haven't seen a whole lot haters. I think the whole obnoxious thing goes two ways...

Quote: Nareed

More important, and I mean much more important, I won't waste any friendship on such people.

Exaclty...why waste time and energy on the naysayers? Why even argue with them on an internet forum?

I know why I am reading and commenting on this thread. It reminds me of why most people like a NASCAR race...everyone is watching for ALL of the big wrecks...and there have been plenty of them!!
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August 16th, 2012 at 2:28:07 PM permalink

Its not like I'm not in the mood, but i am an anesthesiologist, and really don't have any more exact knowledge about diets than most folks. No joking around, HB has done lots of research on the subject and would be in a better position to thoughtfully answer your question. I do have specific knowledge about the dangers of obesity, but not specific knowledge on how BEST to diet.

I appreciate it all the same. There's an anesthesiologist out of Columbus that stays here on call when one (or more?) of the local anesthesiologist(s) are out on vacation and cannot be on call. He's not gone into too much technical detail, but it seems like a very interesting practice with an extremely heavy math focus.

I would say that he and I are friends, except he enjoys the occasional prostitute, quite a few of whom (I have suspected) are very close to the minimum age of consent, which is 16, in Ohio. I don't condone people who engage with prostitutes, particularly those who are not of a legal age to buy a pack of cigarettes. However, when he is on one side of the counter, and I am on the other, one must remain friendly and cordial.
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August 16th, 2012 at 2:30:46 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

I don't care what people think about me or the choices I make, either. What this means is that I won't change what I do or what I choose based on mere disaproval from someone else. It does not mean people can call me names, be rude, be obnoxious, be disrespectful, etc etc, or that I won't be upset or angry if they attack me in any such way.

More important, and I mean much more important, I won't waste any friendship on such people.

People being rude or obnoxious on the internet??? Come on! Really? FWIW, HB has gotten A LOT of passes from some of the things she's written.

But, I get what you're saying and like I said in an earlier post you seem very well grounded (hopefully you will take that as a compliment). However, none of what you wrote changes the fact that HB can very simply fix her own problems by simply not responding here, or anywhere, for that matter. Lose the weight, take the money, and go on with her life. I don't think anyone here wants her to leave the forum - it seems like they just expect her to live by the same rules - bullshit will be called as such. My point has always been she can't have it both ways;

SOOPOO is big and mean and scary and even with her brother to protect her from him, SOOPOO shouldn't be at the weigh-in. Fine - kick him out of the challenge. SOOPOO has said several times that he expects to lose the bet. I don't think anyone's honor about the bet will be tarnished.

She's a big girl and makes her own decisions and knows how to handle herself. In that case, shut up and win the bet!
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August 16th, 2012 at 2:33:55 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146

I don't condone people who engage with prostitutes, particularly those who are not of a legal age to buy a pack of cigarettes, so I kind of hope that he contracts HIV.

You might want to put that hope into a PM instead so it is sealed forever!
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August 16th, 2012 at 2:35:50 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

Yes, indeed. There are reasons for that. One is that she does not deserve the attacks she gets in the forum. Another is that in this forum full of self-described gentlemen, none will lift a finger to defend her.

If you read back to the beginning of this thread, people were generally on her side and pulling for her. I see several remarks just looking at a couple of pages that were not so nice and people instantly coming to her defense.

She's become a little more controversial and confrontational during the thread and the attitude towards her has changed a bit.

Again, and maybe you will get this at some point, she is bringing most of this stuff on herself.
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August 16th, 2012 at 2:36:02 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

Yes, indeed. There are reasons for that. One is that she does not deserve the attacks she gets in the forum. Another is that in this forum full of self-described gentlemen, none will lift a finger to defend her.

I've defended a few things that have been said against her, in this very thread. I also defended her in the fake breasts thread.

I am not taking a solid position on the HB v. SOOPOO issue because I don't have all of the facts, further, even if I did, this kind of stuff is highly subjective, anyway. There are interpretations of things that happen, and I doubt the interpretation of either party is exactly right, because the only, "Right," is an individual's, "Right," and those are obviously going to differ. When I am dealing with my own affairs, my interpretations are not exactly right, either, so don't think I am saying anything about either of them.

Oh, yes, and I also defended the ban pursuant to the insultive term used to describe the state of having been overweight.

I'm very confused by this generalization you have made about nobody defending her.
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August 16th, 2012 at 2:46:29 PM permalink
Quote: Woldus

You might want to put that hope into a PM instead so it is sealed forever!

Well, I Edited the post, but whether or not you want to Edit yours in return is up to you. I perused the Forum Rules reading for the strictest possible interpretation, and it doesn't violate any.
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August 16th, 2012 at 2:50:21 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

Yes, indeed. There are reasons for that. One is that she does not deserve the attacks she gets in the forum. Another is that in this forum full of self-described gentlemen, none will lift a finger to defend her.

I find that a little insulting, Nareed. I've enjoyed our conversation the past day or so, and I don't think we've been rude to each other. I admit I don't understand all the complexities of your life, but I respect how you wish to be addressed and I do so accordingly. But I will call bullshit when I see it. And I'm calling bullshit on your comment. It's very convenient to paint with a broad brush as a weapon of defense. I think the board's tolerance for bullshit with the drama that HB creates for herself has been reached and she doesn't like it. Suddenly, she is being bullied, attacked, ganged up on and strong armed.

Promise to release the PM'S before the Fall hiatus in the shooting schedule, Snooki! That'll keep everyone tuned in right up to the weigh-in.
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August 16th, 2012 at 2:50:54 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146

Well, I Edited the post, but whether or not you want to Edit yours in return is up to you. I perused the Forum Rules reading for the strictest possible interpretation, and it doesn't violate any.

Just a joke, sir...

What with all the drama over the PM's and all...
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August 16th, 2012 at 3:01:36 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

Another is that in this forum full of self-described gentlemen, none will lift a finger to defend her.

Thats because we've read the whole thread,
have you? If you really think she needs
defending, and can't defend herself, I vote
vote for you to do it. The days of 'poor helpless
woman' are long gone. They want to be
treated equally, thats whats going on here.

You want to defend her, knock yourself out.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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August 16th, 2012 at 3:06:57 PM permalink
Quote: Woldus

Just a joke, sir...

What with all the drama over the PM's and all...

Of course!

I actually laughed, but then became worried that perhaps it wasn't a joke. Things have been kind of strange around here, lately. LOL
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August 16th, 2012 at 4:34:35 PM permalink
Is it just me, or has this thread suddenly gone quiet?
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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August 16th, 2012 at 4:44:15 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Is it just me, or has this thread suddenly gone quiet?

Everyone is just taking a couple hours off...I'm betting we'll get rolling again soon!!

I'm guessing you'd likely rather see it quiet...
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August 16th, 2012 at 4:45:41 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Is it just me, or has this thread suddenly gone quiet?

Since yesterday we've added exactly 20 pages
to this thread. Were doing the best we can,
for cying out loud..
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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August 16th, 2012 at 4:57:41 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Is it just me, or has this thread suddenly gone quiet?

With Nareed's suspension, it may not heat up again this evening. It'll either pick back up in three days or when HB chimes in...
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August 16th, 2012 at 5:02:34 PM permalink
Nareed got suspended? Damn, leave for a few hours and see what happens. Well, responding the the "self professed gentlemen" remark would be a waste now.
Stupid is a choice
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August 16th, 2012 at 5:12:22 PM permalink
Quote: texasplumr

Nareed got suspended? Damn, leave for a few hours and see what happens. Well, responding the the "self professed gentlemen" remark would be a waste now.

Can you imagine this...suspended for a personal insult in a PM. Probably thought you could just say whatever you wanted in those, but he got a ticket for it....
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August 16th, 2012 at 5:27:07 PM permalink
Quote: RonC

Probably thought you could just say whatever you wanted in those, but he got a ticket for it....

I certainly never thought that. I have 76 pages
of PM's sent and received and they're all civil.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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August 16th, 2012 at 5:36:15 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Is it just me, or has this thread suddenly gone quiet?

I cannot possibly think of anything to add that hasn't already been said. That rarely happens.
Each of us is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts. Preparing for a fight about your bad decision is not as smart as making a good decision.
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August 16th, 2012 at 5:37:16 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

I certainly never thought that. I have 76 pages
of PM's sent and received and they're all civil.

Wait til November 6th;-)
"So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened." - Maurice Clarett
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August 16th, 2012 at 9:39:34 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Is it just me, or has this thread suddenly gone quiet?

Well, Wizard, let's see.

In the past month, there have been six suspensions of members, with each being due to a personal insult having been hurled. What could have stimulated such a sudden hostile environment here? Let's examine the six cases and where each insult was delivered:

Nareed: in a private message that I highly suspect came out of Thursday's interactions in the Hot Blonde Challenge thread.
MrV: in the Hot Blonde Challenge thread.
MakingBook: in the Hot Blonde Challenge thread.
kewlj: in a political thread.
Fleastiff: in the Hot Blonde Challenge thread.
Zippyboy: in a collection of posts later split off from the Hot Blonde Challenge thread.

It strikes me that there is only one thread around here in which members are really nasty and insulting to each other. About nine hours ago, I made a post in the Private Messages thread in which I asked the question, "Is there some cutoff such that after so many members have been suspended due to comments in a single thread that the thread itself should be suspended?"

Now our host seems concerned instead that the thread has gone quiet. I just dunno.
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August 16th, 2012 at 11:21:15 PM permalink
I agree with Doc. Lock the thread. One suspension needs to be set at 3 months. Too much bandwidth on one persons ego.
When a rock is thrown into a pack of dogs, the one that yells the loudest is the one who got hit.
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August 16th, 2012 at 11:25:07 PM permalink
I'm afraid I agree. Lock the thing. This ridiculous
soap opera has gone far enough on a gambling
forum, its making us act like damn fools. All
the suspensions, all the hard feelings, do the
right thing, Mike.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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August 17th, 2012 at 12:03:18 AM permalink
Wagers have been placed the wheel and ball have been set in motion. Its too late let it ride, The ball will come to rest shortly. Wizard don't close the table. The rude players were sanctioned as they deserved.

Maybe this thread is bringing out peoples true colors..
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August 17th, 2012 at 1:22:14 AM permalink
So I realized just how upset I have gotten over this thread and really needed to cool down. Luckily I had my appointment with my new therapist today and here’s what I got from our conversation:

1) I have gotten in the habit of associating with the wrong men, particularly because I (sub-consciously) would pick men who treat me similarly to how my father treated me (the situation with Scott exploding at me for example for something when I did not do anything wrong and was calling him for help was almost exactly the same scenario with an occurrence that happened with my own father). This makes sense as Mike had once asked me, “Why do you hang out with these kind of men?” to which at the time I wasn’t quite sure why I continually put myself in these situations

2) I’ve foolishly tried unceasingly to get people on the forum to see my point of view and where I’m coming from and to try and be understanding of me when it’s a losing battle because no one will ever truly understand or even try to understand

3) I’ve cared too much about the fact that there are so many people on here who don’t like me, and have allowed myself to get way too upset over the enormous amount of negativity that has been thrown my way from people here who I don’t even know or will never meet

4) Although my intentions on being a member of this forum were to have fun and participate in the threads and make friends and be social, there are those who are not here for the same reasons and I can’t expect people to be friendly with me or be here for the same reasons

5) If I am getting as upset as I have been being on the forum then the simple answer is to not log on

I have to say I’ve spent too much time on here lately where I could be doing more productive things, especially since my back has been feeling better these last few days. I no longer need to lay on my stomach for days on end on my laptop waiting for my back pain to go away. Instead of being a part of the negativity that has been going on here it makes more sense to put my focus and efforts towards positive things in my life and my own personal pursuits.

Since SOOPOO gave me permission to post the conversation regarding our dinner from my excited discussion with him and up until his email back to me telling me he was withdrawing his dinner offer I will do that. My only reason in doing so is to prove that he was lying about why I got upset. Now you will see that he in fact was not being truthful to you Wednesday in why I was upset at him. But I already know that ultimately this isn’t even going to make a dent as how you see him or how you see me and I know not to care any more as it is a losing battle. I at least wanted to present the facts.

I apologize about the small print. And when reading our conversations below, read it from the BOTTOM UP in order to avoid confusion. I’ve numbered them in order so to help you read through it easier and understand the flow of conversation:

This will be my last post for a while. I am not leaving the forum, I just need to cool off and tend to way more important matters in my life for the time being. I will leave for now saying that I am glad for the opportunity of this weight loss challenge. Had this challenge not been set in place I likely would’ve fallen off the wagon and not have accomplished what I will have accomplished by October 17th of this year, and for that I am thankful. Having October 17th, the financial reward, and, for a while there, the extravagant culinary restaurant experience I was looking forward to, all in mind made a big difference in keeping me on the right path (although I had strayed many times this year, but not substantially enough to keep me from getting back on track). I am thankful for those of you who thought I could do it, you were right! I still giggle at those who honestly thought I had little to no chance of succeeding. Anyway, have fun, or don’t, I don’t care. Write nice things about me, tear me apart, do whatever you want cuz I’m not going to care any more. Maybe during my time away there will be some new juicy drama to spring up and you will have all forgotten about the drama that’s gone down here.
OFFICIALLY and justifiably reclaimed my title as SuperHotBlonde!
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August 17th, 2012 at 2:40:34 AM permalink
I feel a suspension coming on. If posting those pm's is supposed to portray soopoo in a negative light, it doesn't.
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August 17th, 2012 at 3:43:22 AM permalink
Really? This is the type of conversation that led to Nareed and HB calling SOOPOO a liar, bully, and abuser? That led HB to say she would involve her brother and the police?

I don't think this set of PM's even reaches the standard of mildly insulting. It just sounds like one person was in danger of not getting her way.

There is either a whole lot more than this or HB has greatly exaggerated the whole thing.
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August 17th, 2012 at 4:06:22 AM permalink
I do not plan to close this thread. For those who don't like the Jerry Springer show of the site, nobody is making you come here.

About the SOOPOO messages, I will take you at your word that he gave permission for you to post them. I don't see why he would object, as everyone knows all the drama that last month or so comes down to a canceled dinner plan.

However, please don't respond to that HB. I agree 100% that a vacation from this drama will do you good. Enjoy your respite and we'll see you when you get back.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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August 17th, 2012 at 4:31:24 AM permalink
Quote: RonC

Really? This is the type of conversation that led to Nareed and HB calling SOOPOO a liar, bully, and abuser? That led HB to say she would involve her brother and the police?

I don't think this set of PM's even reaches the standard of mildly insulting. It just sounds like one person was in danger of not getting her way.

There is either a whole lot more than this or HB has greatly exaggerated the whole thing.


One other thing. If I had thousands of dollars coming my way, I wouldn't be too worried about a dinner...
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August 17th, 2012 at 5:03:09 AM permalink
Quote: FinsRule

One other thing. If I had thousands of dollars coming my way, I wouldn't be too worried about a dinner...

If I had thousands of dollars coming my way, I would feel like treating a guy who made it all possible for me to a fancy dinner myself.
"When two people always agree one of them is unnecessary"
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August 17th, 2012 at 5:38:38 AM permalink
Very first thing I thought of after reading HB's post: They're there to see HB.

Second thing:

HB - I see the light! You are the hero this board needs but does not deserve!

I went from hoping you would succeed to realizing that I don't like you at all. I believe you to be manipulative and a raging egomaniac. Please make a note in your records that I should be in the "Spreading Negativity" column. You appear to have little or no grasp on reality that isn't HB-centric.

Come to think of it a better clip would've been the one where Jerry tells George that he needs to go to Stockholm to see a TEAM of therapists.... yeah, that one.

Anyone wishing to discuss a wager about how long the weight will stay off please PM me. (I'll probably be unable to read or respond for three days, though).
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August 17th, 2012 at 5:55:45 AM permalink
Quote: HotBlonde

I really hope there's more to it than that. Otherwise, that's nothing more than Scott showing you that while people do have the right to change their mind, it does also affect other people as well. Many of us miss your blog posts, just as you'll miss that dinner. Reading that, I'm quite certain that was Scott's entire point...
"So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened." - Maurice Clarett
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August 17th, 2012 at 6:22:49 AM permalink
Quote: Woldus

Very first thing I thought of after reading HB's post: They're there to see HB.

Second thing:

HB - I see the light! You are the hero this board needs but does not deserve!

I went from hoping you would succeed to realizing that I don't like you at all. I believe you to be manipulative and a raging egomaniac. Please make a note in your records that I should be in the "Spreading Negativity" column. You appear to have little or no grasp on reality that isn't HB-centric.

Come to think of it a better clip would've been the one where Jerry tells George that he needs to go to Stockholm to see a TEAM of therapists.... yeah, that one.

Anyone wishing to discuss a wager about how long the weight will stay off please PM me. (I'll probably be unable to read or respond for three days, though).

The biggest problem with this bet will be proving whether she does or does not keep the weight off.

We'll talk about it when you get back from your upcoming vacation!!
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August 17th, 2012 at 6:39:10 AM permalink
Nareed owes someone a big apology after her ban is up. She likened Soopoo to a bully and an abuser of woman over that!? unbelievable
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August 17th, 2012 at 6:41:04 AM permalink
By the way, a normal woman would be jealous/ crazy mad if you took them to Las Vegas and then decided to let another single woman join together for dinner.
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August 17th, 2012 at 6:56:16 AM permalink
Quote: Beardgoat

By the way, a normal woman would be jealous/ crazy mad if you took them to Las Vegas and then decided to let another single woman join together for dinner.

Or, anyway, HB certainly would be.
"So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened." - Maurice Clarett
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August 17th, 2012 at 7:04:01 AM permalink
Quote: Beardgoat

By the way, a normal woman would be jealous/ crazy mad if you took them to Las Vegas and then decided to let another single woman join together for dinner.

QFT. Not saying HB's more enlightened views are worse, but they're not representative. Add me to the camp supporting SOOPOO here.

@HB - Five major insights from one therapist visit? I don't feel like I need a therapist, but with that sort of return I'd visit yours :) On the other hand I gotta' wonder what the old therapist was taking your money for...

PS - To answer the PM that mentioned that I needed to pay up three times in a one-paragraph note, I plan to. I may not be a prominent member here but I understand the honor of a bet.
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August 17th, 2012 at 7:20:15 AM permalink
Quote: sunrise089

QFT. Not saying HB's more enlightened views are worse, but they're not representative. Add me to the camp supporting SOOPOO here.

@HB - Five major insights from one therapist visit? I don't feel like I need a therapist, but with that sort of return I'd visit yours :) On the other hand I gotta' wonder what the old therapist was taking your money for...

PS - To answer the PM that mentioned that I needed to pay up three times in a one-paragraph note, I plan to. I may not be a prominent member here but I understand the honor of a bet.

I hope this doesn't merit a suspension based on answering a PM, but it does seem a bit premature for HB to be asking ANYONE to pay up. The bet is not complete and no one has mentioned not paying...

If this really happened, HB is doing a bit of bullying...
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August 17th, 2012 at 7:22:17 AM permalink
Quote: RonC

If this really happened, HB is doing a bit of bullying...

"A bit"? You haven't read this thread, have you? :)
"When two people always agree one of them is unnecessary"
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August 17th, 2012 at 7:38:24 AM permalink
Quote: weaselman

"A bit"? You haven't read this thread, have you? :)

His Excellency.... I may be missing for a few days, but upon my return I had considered putting together a Woldus Challenge parody. Would you have any interest in being part of that? Please PM me, but understand that at some point in the future I will indicate that the response you send will be a bullying, abuse filled experience for me.

But seriously, I want to do the parody.
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August 17th, 2012 at 7:45:37 AM permalink
I have a teacup here. There's a storm in it as well.
"Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante" - Honore de Balzac, 1829
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