And no, there was no "coordinated short attack" that is a meaningless term no one says that. What drove the price of the stock down after it was pumped up to its high was too many sellers trying to dump the stock at ever lower prices.
As I've explained multiple times, short positions do not affect the price of the stock whatsoever. Bad news is what may pull a stock down but in the end it is SELLING that brings the price down - selling by people holding the stock, too many sellers wiling to drop their asks and enough buyers willing to scoop up the price at the lowered asks.
Quote: MDawgOne thing I don't "get" is that Dark had some shares and must have been up at lot at some point - CYDY hit an ATH of 8.77 on June 29th? Why didn't he cash out? I assume it is because the stock is so illiquid that many shareholders - including, I will take a wild guess - 🤓 - insiders, cashed out quickly after the price was pumped up, before the average guy on the street had a chance.
And no, there was no "coordinate short attack" that is a meaningless term no one says that. What drove the price of the stock down after it was pumped up to its high was too many sellers trying to dump the stock at ever lower prices.
As I've explained multiple times, short positions do not affect the price of the stock whatsoever. Bad news is what may pull a stock down but in the end it is SELLING that brings the price down - selling by people holding the stock, too many sellers wiling to drop their asks and enough buyers willing to scoop up the price at the lowered asks.
Tomorrow I will post a separate thread on how the coordinated short attack occurred.
it's fascinating to watch the bids and asks flash by, especially if you are in a trade on a given stock at that moment.
If it's going down and I am long, I actually say to myself, LOOK AT THAT GREEDY *-HOLE! as I see an ever lowering bid flash across the screen. I mean seriously, all those bids represent emotions of buyers, whether human or controlled by algorithms, trying to get the stock as cheap as possible, while the asks represent sellers trying to get as much as possible for their shares. And the spread - in between - is pocketed by the market makers, whose job it is to match the bids with the asks.
Quote: MDawgOne thing I don't "get" is that Dark had some shares and must have been up at lot at some point - CYDY hit an ATH of 8.77 on June 29th? Why didn't he cash out? I assume it is because the stock is so illiquid that many shareholders - including, I will take a wild guess - 🤓 - insiders, cashed out quickly after the price was pumped up, before the average guy on the street had a chance.
And no, there was no "coordinated short attack" that is a meaningless term no one says that. What drove the price of the stock down after it was pumped up to its high was too many sellers trying to dump the stock at ever lower prices.
As I've explained multiple times, short positions do not affect the price of the stock whatsoever. Bad news is what may pull a stock down but in the end it is SELLING that brings the price down - selling by people holding the stock, too many sellers wiling to drop their asks and enough buyers willing to scoop up the price at the lowered asks.
I don't blame him for not selling if he thinks it is going to be worth more.
Quote: darkozThis is IMHO the most important Coronavirus thread created. Because this is what is the game changer, again imo.
I'm sorry, but IMO this has CERTAINLY not been the most important Coronavirus thread created. Unexpectedly, though, it has become the most entertaining. Because we can watch the spectacle of billryan and MDAWG discuss the superheated claims and recent Cytodyn developments with what seems to be far more expertise and objectivity.
If this thread was a boxing match, the ref would have stopped it all ready. But true believers can't be convinced. We may just have discovered the Chuck Wepner of Coronavirus stock touts.
Of course, time will tell who was right and wrong. I would love to apologize to DarkOz in the future because Leronlimnab was revealed to be an important and effective covid treatment. I think we just all handicap the odds differently.
Just this week, the CEO held a videoconference where he spoke quite highly of the results of the most recent clinical trial and then released the actual results after the call. They didn't match.
In advertising, people are allowed to use puffery, which means you can exaggerate a bit, but not tell total lies.
In stocks, we have what they call forward-looking statements which means you can project how things will be, rather than say how they really are. These statements can often be misleading , and can be mistaken for factual statements. Someone says the market for this drug will be two billion dollars a year and people write about the billion dollar drug, even though not a single dose has been sold, or maybe even made.
I'm sure there are dozens of people here with far more experience and expertise on this matter than me, and it was surprising no one else was picking up on this. I doubt I've spent more than an hour looking into this company, and the red flags were seen early on.
From its bizarre board composition to the end-run around the FDA to its partnership with some sleazy characters and the insider sales, it just sets off alarm after alarm.
Quote: billryanI doubt I've spent more than an hour looking into this company,
I think this pretty much sums it up
Quote: darkozI think this pretty much sums it up
It does, indeed. The facts just are screaming at you. It's funny, this reminded me of a classic pump and dump but when I entered the company name and Martin Shkreli in, I wasn't surprised to see an intimate relationship between their companies.
When I looked for news articles, I found that the negative articles came from well known investment reporters and the positive ones almost always were house articles posted without editing by various websites. In other words- press releases.
How is your thread on why shorts are killing the stock price coming?
This is a field I know nothing about, as I don't short stocks. I'm looking forward to it.
Quote: billryanIt does, indeed. The facts just are screaming at you. It's funny, this reminded me of a classic pump and dump but when I entered the company name and Martin Shkreli in, I wasn't surprised to see an intimate relationship between their companies.
When I looked for news articles, I found that the negative articles came from well known investment reporters and the positive ones almost always were house articles posted without editing by various websites. In other words- press releases.
How is your thread on why shorts are killing the stock price coming?
This is a field I know nothing about, as I don't short stocks. I'm looking forward to it.
The article is already up
"Stock short attack analysis"
Discount time.
I purchased 1000 more shares at $3.50.
Average is now $4.04.
Total investment = $49,000.
It's a few dollars higher actually according to my Merrill account. Just rounding it.
time to Martindale that sh*tQuote: darkozCytodyn stock has come down now to $3.50.
Discount time.
I purchased 1000 more shares at $3.50.
Average is now $4.04.
Total investment = $49,000.
It's a few dollars higher actually according to my Merrill account. Just rounding it.
Hell, just GO ALL IN!
Quote: darkozCytodyn stock has come down now to $3.50.
Discount time.
I purchased 1000 more shares at $3.50.
Average is now $4.04.
Total investment = $49,000.
It's a few dollars higher actually according to my Merrill account. Just rounding it.
I really hope this works out for you, Darkoz.
Quote: unJonI really hope this works out for you, Darkoz.
Thank You for your support.
Regardless of if it does or not no one here will say I didn't brag about my stock picks after it goes up or down
CytoDyn is in financial and clinical distress, newly filed annual report shows
An annual report disclosed by CytoDyn on Friday night describes a drug maker in distress. It’s a more troubling summary of CytoDyn’s current situation than the boom times described by company executives in innumerable press releases, conference calls, and YouTube videos.
Quote: darkozCytodyn stock has come down now to $3.50.
Discount time.
I purchased 1000 more shares at $3.50.
Average is now $4.04.
Total investment = $49,000.
It's a few dollars higher actually according to my Merrill account. Just rounding it.
One small piece of advice. When cost averaging in...make it worth the effort or don't do it at all. For example, if I buy extra trading shares of TSLA at 1774, given today's rapid action, I am not going to bother averaging in more shares until/unless it drops at least 20 points. I'm not going to bother at just a few points lower, or even 5 or 10, given the movement today.
In your case all you did was cost average yourself down ten cents, hardly worth the effort. GIVEN that you are so committed, I would have waited for more like 3. or even 2.50 before buying in more, or have averaged in enough shares to lower the basis more measurably.
Quote: MDawgOne small piece of advice. When cost averaging in...make it worth the effort or don't do it at all. For example, if I buy extra trading shares of TSLA at 1774, given today's rapid action, I am not going to bother averaging in more shares until/unless it drops at least 20 points. I'm not going to bother at just a few points lower, or even 5 or 10, given the movement today.
In your case all you did was cost average yourself down ten cents, hardly worth the effort. GIVEN that you are so committed, I would have waited for more like 3. or even 2.50 before buying in more, or have averaged in enough shares to lower the basis more measurably.
I don't think it's going to go below $3 but thanks for the advice. If it does I will add to my position.
The Adam Fuerstein hit piece you quoted above is distorting the facts. He does this to a lot of stocks. And I know that's where Bill is getting all his negative info from for two reasons.
1) Bill repeats his talking points
2) There are about 12 highly negative articles on Cytodyn that you can find on the web and they are all authored by Adam Fuerstein.
Ask your self this. If the 10K really showed horrible lies and an imminent destruction of Cytodyn isn't it curious that after the article came out stock only went down a quarter (.26 cents to be exact).
That's on horrible news.
Except that a lot of people are onto Adam Fuerstein tactics. So his hit piece had only minimal Effect today
Quote: DRichDarkoz, did you actually read the 10k?
Not the entire thing. It's dry to me.
But here is who Adam Feuerstein is.
So as you see Adam Feuerstein has been doing this for years.
Quote: darkozNot the entire thing. It's dry to me.
But here is who Adam Feuerstein is.
So as you see Adam Feuerstein has been doing this for years.
I'm not sure if you don't read the links you provide, or if you don't understand them but many of them don't make the points you seem to think they do.
Quote: darkozNot the entire thing. It's dry to me.
But here is who Adam Feuerstein is.
So as you see Adam Feuerstein has been doing this for years.
Thoughts from someone rooting for you:
1) Think about the sources on which you base your view that this drug works for Covid. Take a fresh look with a skeptical eye. Does it still add up? (Maybe it does. It’s just always worth constantly questioning.)
2) Just because bad people attack a company, doesn’t mean the company is good. Short sellers chase already bad companies by nature. They are easier to profit on through shorts. Very dangerous to short a company that is likely to receive FDA approval.
3) There are red flags with this company. Don’t ignore them. Make sure you factor them in with your information set.
Quote: billryanCytoDyn held it's annual meeting today. Shareholders were less than impressed as the stock went down about seven percent after the meeting. Stock closed at $2.92.
Did you listen to it? I haven't yet but probably will in the next day or two.
There’s a guy at seeking alpha that follows the stock. I’m sure he will have some analysis out in due course. Disclaimer: he’s a CytoDyn bull, but generally sharp guy.Quote: billryanI have not. I'll wait until someone releases a cliff notes version.
Quote: unJonThe president seems to be taking a bunch of different treatments for his Covid. Including a steroid, and a non FDa approved cocktail. But not the CYDY treatment. Darkoz, you should consider the implications for what that might mean.
Right now unfortunately it means this
Quote: darkozRight now unfortunately it means this
Won’t comment on politics, but the data reported in that article supports a conclusion that he doesn’t have a financial stake any longer. Cap gain plus not on latest financial disclosure form indicates the stocks were sold.
Quote: unJonWon’t comment on politics, but the data reported in that article supports a conclusion that he doesn’t have a financial stake any longer. Cap gain plus not on latest financial disclosure form indicates the stocks were sold.
Yeah I'm not saying there is anything underhanded.
What I meant is that people will ask for those treatments they are familiar with from former investments
Most certainly I would choose Leronlimab if I caught covid.
Now based on his recovery they may branch out to other drugs.
Quote: billryanCytoDyn held it's annual meeting today. Shareholders were less than impressed as the stock went down about seven percent after the meeting. Stock closed at $2.92.
Interview today on Fox Business
Shareholders were more than impressed as the stock went up about 16% after the airing

Is this the third time huge results have been promised, or the fourth?
The breakthrough is always coming in two weeks. Serious people under-promise and deliver. Charlatan's over-promise and sell on the hype. I hope I'm wrong for my Country's, but that management is more interested in selling than developing.
The stock is swirling downward. It hits a new low, goes up a bit and then reaches another new low. The CEO releases some hype and new money pushes the stock up for a few days.
Trial results finally!
Due to this blinded trial having a statistical anomaly FDA has requested another 140 patients be enrolled unfortunately so another slight delay(I still believe the FDA is purposefully slow-walking this.)
More younger patients received Leronlimab (blinded) vs. older people so were more lives saved because the younger generation would have survived anyway is the basis for the statistical anomaly as I understand it. The extra 140 patient study will be limited to older age to clear this up.
I'm particularly interested in Soopoo take with his medical background.
The article above lays out the drugs success in detail.
Due to the delay I expect some stock price manipulation but that's part for the course.
In the 9 months I have had the stock I have only been red for a two week period despite most forum members on here bashing this stock.
Interesting times ahead!
Quote: darkoz
Trial results finally!
In the 9 months I have had the stock I have only been red for a two week period despite most forum members on here bashing this stock.
I don't see how that last statement is possibly true.
Quote: rsactuarystock price tanked this morning
Quote: billryanI don't see how that last statement is possibly true.
Did you just call me a liar, Bill?????
I have 20,000 shares currently average at $3.44 differing in my average for last nine months.
My claim that I have only been in red for two maybe three weeks is easily proven and I expect an apology from you.
Here is the last six months
Also I averaged in up and down a few times along the way but clearly the price has been higher than my average quite a bit

Quote: darkozDid you just call me a liar, Bill?????
I have 20,000 shares currently average at $3.44 differing in my average for last nine months.
My claim that I have only been in red for two maybe three weeks is easily proven and I expect an apology from you.
Here is the last six months
Also I averaged in up and down a few times along the way but clearly the price has been higher than my average quite a bit![]()
You stated you bought shares at $2.86, and then thousands more at $3 a share. From mid October to almost early December, the stock was well below either of those numbers, so I'd love to hear how you weren't underwater that entire period. Even if you added thousands more shares, they had to have been bought at more than the stock is now selling for.
Quote: billryanQuote: darkozDid you just call me a liar, Bill?????
I have 20,000 shares currently average at $3.44 differing in my average for last nine months.
My claim that I have only been in red for two maybe three weeks is easily proven and I expect an apology from you.
Here is the last six months
Also I averaged in up and down a few times along the way but clearly the price has been higher than my average quite a bit![]()
You stated you bought shares at $2.86, and then thousands more at $3 a share. From mid October to almost early December, the stock was well below either of those numbers, so I'd love to hear how you weren't underwater that entire period. Even if you added thousands more shares, they had to have been bought at more than the stock is now selling for.
Mid October till almost early December is a few weeks.
Perhaps I am off a week or two but for the majority of my nine months investment I have been green
In any case, what I find tragic is that based on the averages represented, four or five times this stock popped to where DarkOz had a double, and yet he let it fall back, AGAIN now, to a loss. I've been there! with trading stock, but usually it has to do with that I had some sell order in place that just barely missed, not because I refused to sell in the green and had no sell order in place at all. It is tragic not solely because he let that happen, letting a winner turn into a loser repeatedly, but because he doesn't seem to care, and represents this as "all according to plan."
With a stock like CYDY one should treat it as a "trading" stock in terms of stop losses and short term goals. If I were in at 3.44 I'd have long ago sold half at a double and gambled with the rest, at no cost or risk. Or, I would have sold and rebought lower, more than once. I am not just saying that, I do that ALL the time with the stocks I trade. I am not married to any trade - once I have a profit I let it go.
I don't view CYDY as a stock one should long term hold. I do have many long term holds.
Quote: darkoz
I'm particularly interested in Soopoo take with his medical background.
My take.... it appears to be helpful in the cases that are most severe.... There are LOTS of other similar drugs now.... I am NOT a business person when it comes to these drugs.... so NO IDEA if it is good enough to make it financially.... but if I had a relative with severe disease, would I ask for him/her to get leronlimab? Yes! But I would also like to hear from an expert if they feel some other 'ab' drug is better, or convalescent antibodies, or remdesivir plus something else, etc....
Quote: SOOPOOMy take.... it appears to be helpful in the cases that are most severe.... There are LOTS of other similar drugs now.... I am NOT a business person when it comes to these drugs.... so NO IDEA if it is good enough to make it financially.... but if I had a relative with severe disease, would I ask for him/her to get leronlimab? Yes! But I would also like to hear from an expert if they feel some other 'ab' drug is better, or convalescent antibodies, or remdesivir plus something else, etc....
So if someone with a severe case asks to be given this today, who pays for it? Will that person's insurance pick up the charges?
Would a Doctor prescribe this with no idea how it will interact with the patients' other meds?
Quote: billryanSo if someone with a severe case asks to be given this today, who pays for it? Will that person's insurance pick up the charges?
Would a Doctor prescribe this with no idea how it will interact with the patients' other meds?
Lol, so now you pivot from the drug is worthless and the company is a scam stock to how to deal with billing issues and drug interaction.
Drug interaction has already been addressed in a number of the trials. In now over 1400 people administered the drug there is not one instance of a bad side effect. Of course drug interaction will need to be monitored but no interaction issues have been reported.
If Leronlimab gets people out of the hospital faster I would think the insurance company would see what they are saving by usenof the drug
Quote: SOOPOOMy take.... it appears to be helpful in the cases that are most severe.... There are LOTS of other similar drugs now.... I am NOT a business person when it comes to these drugs.... so NO IDEA if it is good enough to make it financially.... but if I had a relative with severe disease, would I ask for him/her to get leronlimab? Yes! But I would also like to hear from an expert if they feel some other 'ab' drug is better, or convalescent antibodies, or remdesivir plus something else, etc....
Thanks Soopoo. Appreciated!
Quote: billryanSo if someone with a severe case asks to be given this today, who pays for it? Will that person's insurance pick up the charges?
Would a Doctor prescribe this with no idea how it will interact with the patients' other meds?
I am not sure.... but I think insurance companies are paying for all these COVID treatments. As far as the prescribing doctors.... I would think that ‘interactions’ that are known will be well known to a doctor on the front lines taking care of the sickest COVID patients.
I have mentioned it before, but I have a friend who lives in Vegas, coincidentally, who is an Infectious Disease expert. I have contacted him a few times for advice, and if I or any loved one gets sick I will use him as an intermediary with whomever is my local doctor.
The Cytodyn rollercoaster has definitely been through a number of curves.
In the end either I have been grossly incorrect about Leronlimab or the FDA will be shown to be hugely corrupt.
And yes, I know what the forum members here think. But I always said if I am proven wrong it's on record and will accept the losses. That's part of what taking risks on investment is about.
Leronlimab was approved for a single patient in the Philippines about two months ago. It seemed ludicrous as thousands per day were dying in the Philippines.
Then surprise, the single patient turns out to be their former hugely popular ex-president.
The former president of the Philippines was given Remdesivir and got worse. Given Dexamethasone and got worse. He was put on a ventilator!
And then he was given Leronlimab. Within three days he was being removed from the ventilator. Within a week he was singing. Like seriously on YouTube singing.
Since then things seem to have sped along. Chiral Pharma has signed agreements to distribute Leronlimab in the Philippines. They have experience getting final approval with the Philippines FDA.
India is currently suffering huge death tolls. The multi-national drug distribution company MacLeod's signed an agreement to distribute Leronlimab in India.
There was a lot of discussion about what would happen if Leronlimab, an American developed drug winds up saving thousands of lives in the Philippines and India while remaining unapproved in the USA.
The FDA is funded by big pharma which serves to make billions with it's vaccines. Unless, of course, a drug that takes death off the table gets approved.
So here we are as of this afternoon, breathless, awaiting India and Philippines news when the FDA does something unprecedented.
They release an announcement that they cannot discuss ongoing unapproved drugs but due to public pressure including physicians enquires (there are many that have been made public) they are commenting that they see no benefit from Leronlimab. A lot of details were left out involving trial errors that were out of Cytodyn purview (Cytodyn does not conduct the trials, it's done by a third party) so eyebrows are being raised
Here is the link.
So now it's FDA public record that they refused to approve Leronlimab.
If it gets approved in Philippines and India and if the drug actually works and saves thousands of lives if not tens of thousands eventually then a massive investigation into FDA malfeasance will probably occur.
Or I will proven wrong in my investment.
Either way I expect a lot of analysis and articles to analyze this highly unusual FDA announcement.
I haven't sold. Still holding all my shares. Fighting till the end.
Quote: billryanYou might want to check your links. When I click the top one it takes me to an article about the deadline for joining the fraud lawsuit against the company for misleading investors.
Thanks Bill.
It's been corrected in the post