rich. His lawyers are suing Jeff Bezos WaPo
for $250 million. He won't get that much, but
he'll get a lot. The lawyers say this is just the
start of the media lawsuits. It was bound to
happen, the media is out of control with it's

Quote: billryanThey were mean to him.
Lawsuit is not going anywhere
It will be dismissed
To win, you have to prove the Post knew the truth and decided to lie
If the post simply reported on what info was available at the time, right or wrong, that's not actionable
Asking for 250 million just shows how dumb the lawyer is. Gee why didn't the lawyer go all in and ask for 1 billion lol
We'll get Paula Abdul, Howard Stern and Sean Spicer to toss softball questions and Heidi Klum ,just because.
It can culminate in a massive Airing of The Grievances followed by Feats of Strength.
Quote: terapinedLawsuit is not going anywhere
Wrong. The media jumped to judgement
without all the facts and wrongfully effected
the rest of this kids life. Lots more lawsuits
coming, it's an open and shut case. All they
have to do is play the videos of the wrong
conclusions the media jumped to, and then
show what really happened. The checks this
kid gets have so many zeros they will run
off the side of the check.
Quote: gordonm888The lawsuit appears to have enough substance that it will be settled out of court
All of them will. Never seen a more slam
dunk case.
I wonder if the brothers Ola and Abel Osundario , have a viable lawsuit against the media or Smollett for jumping to conclusions and calling them violent racists? EvenBobAll of them will. Never seen a more slam
dunk case.
Sure doesn't look frivolous or easily dismissed. The kid is going to be a millionaire.
Quote: FleaswatterFollowing is a link to the actual lawsuit filed (for those here it seems did not actually read it)
In targeting and bullying Nicholas by falsely accusing him of instigating the January 18 incident, the Post conveyed that Nicholas engaged in acts of racism by “swarming” Phillips, “blocking” his exit away from the students, and otherwise engaging in racist misconduct...But the Post did not care about protecting Nicholas. To the contrary, the Post raced with a reckless disregard of the facts and truth... The Post bullied an innocent child with an absolute disregard for the pain and destruction its attacks would cause to his life...
The kid will be a zillionaire when
all the lawsuits are settled. The
evidence is abundant and conclusive.
Reminds me of when George Zimmerman (another worthless racist) tried to sue NBC News.
Quote: ams288This is going nowhere.
Reminds me of when George Zimmerman (another worthless racist) tried to sue NBC News.
I miss Georgie. How is the misunderstood starving artist doing these days?
Quote: FleaswatterFollowing is a link to the actual lawsuit filed (for those here it seems did not actually read it)
Sure doesn't look frivolous or easily dismissed. The kid is going to be a millionaire.
From the lawsuit:
"....which caused permanent damage to his life and reputation."
LOL... it's been less than a month, what "permanent damage" has been done? Anyway, most people have already forgotten about the story. This kid will be forgotten about before he graduates high school.
The $250 million is symbolic. They pretty much admit that right in the lawsuit. There's no way they'll get anywhere near that much, and they know it.
I think the Post is going to settle for a few hundred grand, maybe $1-2 million AT MOST, the lawyers will take most of it, and this kid will have a nice jump start on paying for college.
It's America. He can sure and the lawyers will charge.
Quote: ams288This is going nowhere.
Reminds me of when George Zimmerman (another worthless racist) tried to sue NBC News.
Unfortunately, I think the Post lawyers are going to have to consider how a jury might react to a fresh faced kid against a newspaper conglomerate. I think they may indeed offer a settlement. Personally I'd like to see it settled in court, but it's not my money to lose.
I think the kid's lawyers smelled a money grab and took it.
Quote: TigerWuIf he should be suing anyone, it's that Native American guy. His original interview is where the whole story started going off the rails. But his lawyers probably said, "No, we need to go after someone with money. It'll be an easy settlement."
But the lamestream, drive-by media ran with it without checking facts. Same as hey always do when they can make a conservative look bad. Same as they assumed there was nothing strange with a woman who said she enjoyed the Kavanaugh rape parties so much she went back to them several times. Same as the just assumed old memos about Bush made on Word were the real thing. And not to forget same as they believed two guys beat up a guy and poured bleach on him, shouting "MAGA."
I hope the kid cleans their clocks. Not that they will learn.
Quote: rxwineUnfortunately, I think the Post lawyers are going to have to consider how a jury might react to a fresh faced kid against a newspaper conglomerate. I think they may indeed offer a settlement. Personally I'd like to see it settled in court, but it's not my money to lose.
I think the kid's lawyers smelled a money grab and took it.
Of course they did. Wouldn't you? Of all the media outlets they can sue, do you think its a coincidence they are going after The Post first?
Any settlement with the Post sets up literally hundreds of similar suits.
Not to worry. I'm sure another caravan will form and the circus will move on.
Quote: FinsRuleI didn’t see anything written that was untrue.
I didn't either but I've run out of my free articles on WaPo on every browser I have, lol. The major complaint in the lawsuit is that the Post engage in "moder-day form of McCarthyism by competing with CNN and NBC< among others, to claim leadership of a mainstream and social media mob of bullies."
Ummm, okay. Seems like a stretch but I guess we'll see.
Quote: rxwineUnfortunately, I think the Post lawyers are going to have to consider how a jury might react to a fresh faced kid against a newspaper conglomerate. I think they may indeed offer a settlement. Personally I'd like to see it settled in court, but it's not my money to lose.
I think the kid's lawyers smelled a money grab and took it.
No way the post settles. Its a extremely weak case. You cant sue if a newspaper gets it wrong. You only win if you can prove the post knew the truth and lied anyway. Just getting a story wrong is not actionable.
The post settles, it opens the floodgates
Besides, how do you concretely prove that you have been damaged to the tune of 250 mil???????????? Its impossible.
Quote: terapinedNo way the post settles.
I strongly believe that you are completely wrong. The post will either settle or lose in court. I will bet you one hundred dollars that the Washington Post will either settle out of court or lose in court.
Quote: FleaswatterI strongly believe that you are completely wrong. The post will either settle or lose in court. I will bet you one hundred dollars that the Washington Post will either settle out of court or lose in court.
It could take years to resolve this bet.
Quote: FleaswatterI strongly believe that you are completely wrong. The post will either settle or lose in court. I will bet you one hundred dollars that the Washington Post will either settle out of court or lose in court.
I'll go a hundred too if terapined really wants to bet. I'm not disagreeing with Ed that possibly the WP might have not erred enough to properly lose the lawsuit, but in the real world a million or so with a Stormy Daniels type non disclosure agreement is not that big a price to pay for their pathetic reporting.
Quote: FleaswatterI strongly believe that you are completely wrong. The post will either settle or lose in court. I will bet you one hundred dollars that the Washington Post will either settle out of court or lose in court.
How about this
He wins 125 million or the Post settles for 125 million in 1 year from today, I pay you 100.00.
He only has to win 1/2 of what he is demanding
He does not get the 125 mil after 1 year, I win 100.00
Quote: terapinedHow about this
He wins 125 million or the Post settles for 125 million in 1 year from today, I pay you 100.00.
He only has to win 1/2 of what he is demanding
He does not get the 125 mil after 1 year, I win 100.00
Huh? No one has said or even implied he will get that much. Just that there will be a settlement. Barring a leak, we will never know how much the settlement is, unless for some reason the WP has to make it public.
You said "no way he gets a settlement". That is clear and simple. Are you changing your mind?
Quote: SOOPOOYou said "no way he gets a settlement". That is clear and simple. Are you changing your mind?
Did I offer a bet when I made that statement?
I'm watching Duke NC tonight
No way Duke loses tonight
Am I willing to bet a 100 on Duke, nope. but I still believe no way Duke loses :-)
Quote: terapinedDid I offer a bet when I made that statement?
I'm watching Duke NC tonight
No way Duke loses tonight
Am I willing to bet a 100 on Duke, nope. but I still believe no way Duke loses :-)
No, I made the offer of a bet. I just want to see if you are willing to "put your money where your mouth is".
Quote: FleaswatterNo, I made the offer of a bet. I just want to see if you are willing to "put your money where your mouth is".
Terapined has “put his money where his mouth is” several times on these boards.
Off the top of my head I believe he made a (losing) bet that there would be no summit with Kim Jong Un and a (winning) bet that Dems would take back the house in 2018.
No one is questioning whether he is willing to bet when he believes the odds are favorable. This is a site dedicated to gambling after all. It’s a question of whether he was willing to make a bet about this.Quote: ams288Terapined has “put his money where his mouth is” several times on these boards.
Off the top of my head I believe he made a (losing) bet that there would be no summit with Kim Jong Un and a (winning) bet that Dems would take back the house in 2018.
be hundreds of potential lawsuits. CNN and
NBC are next. When you watch clip after clip,
all of these news services talking about a 16
year old kid as if he was the devil incarnate,
and you know the real story, it's abominable.
The lawsuit is 38 pages long, written by
somebody who's been trying cases like this
for 25 years. Even Dershowitz, after reading
it, said the kid has a reasonable case. The
lawyer said this will be ongoing for the next
two and a half years. Maybe this will finally
instill some sanity into a media that's gone
completely out of control. Watching them
report this unverified story, some of them
gleeful and jubilant that this happened.
Now they get to pay for their mistake.
Quote: terapinedDid I offer a bet when I made that statement?
I'm watching Duke NC tonight
No way Duke loses tonight
Am I willing to bet a 100 on Duke, nope. but I still believe no way Duke loses :-)
Duke got crushed tonight. They were screwed when Zion Williamson's shoe broke. I still have no clue how that happened.
Quote: FleaswatterSure doesn't look frivolous or easily dismissed.
Reminds me of hero Richard Jewell who after saving many lives when he discovered an unattended backpack in Olympic Park in 1996, was wrongfully accused by the Ministry of Fake News, of planting the bomb.
After he was cleared by the FBI, he sued and received settlements from CNN, NY Post, NBC, ABC, and his employer Piedmont College.
This should severely limit civil forfeiture abuses.
Quote: EvenBobNow they get to pay for their mistake.
I'd be much more interested in EB "putting his money where his mouth is" on this subject.
But we all know he doesn't really believe half the things he posts...
Mark Harris who benefitted from the fraud is saying he had no idea it was going on
Well his son just dropped a bombshell
He testified that he warned his father about the shady operative harvesting votes illegally
the $1mil a year he was being paid
on his show wasn't enough for the
lifestyle he wanted to live. So now
he loses the million dollar job, has
to pay for the cost of the investigation,
and gets to wear an orange jumpsuit
for at least a year.
If he's found to have sent the hate
letter with white powder to himself,
it's 5-10 years slammer time. It was
such a good plan to him, where did
he go wrong..
None of them knew how to tie a noose, so they used a Windsor knot.Quote: EvenBobSmollett says he did the hoax because
the $1mil a year he was being paid
on his show wasn't enough for the
lifestyle he wanted to live. So now
he loses the million dollar job, has
to pay for the cost of the investigation,
and gets to wear an orange jumpsuit
for at least a year.
If he's found to have sent the hate
letter with white powder to himself,
it's 5-10 years slammer time. It was
such a good plan to him, where did
he go wrong..
Quote: EvenBob
If he's found to have sent the hate
letter with white powder to himself,
it's 5-10 years slammer time. It was
such a good plan to him, where did
he go wrong..
Hard to say. So believable a story. I carry rope and bleach with me wherever I go!
I was skeptical when my wife first told me about this story. It just didnt make any sence to me. I told her I thought it was all made up BS. What a dumb ass he is.Quote: EvenBobSmollett says he did the hoax because
the $1mil a year he was being paid
on his show wasn't enough for the
lifestyle he wanted to live. So now
he loses the million dollar job, has
to pay for the cost of the investigation,
and gets to wear an orange jumpsuit
for at least a year.
If he's found to have sent the hate
letter with white powder to himself,
it's 5-10 years slammer time. It was
such a good plan to him, where did
he go wrong..
Quote: AxelWolfI was skeptical when my wife first told me about this story. It just didnt make any sence to me. I told her I thought it was all made up BS. What a dumb ass he is.
His biggest mistake was hiring his
Nigerian trainer and his brother
to do it with him. Those guys
were so scared of being deported,
they ratted him out almost immediately.
Quote: EvenBobHis biggest mistake was hiring his
Nigerian trainer and his brother
to do it with him. Those guys
were so scared of being deported,
they ratted him out almost immediately.
Cops are probably pretty good at ferreting out stories like this. People fake hate crimes all the time. This was so over the top that even a junior detective should have been smelling rat as he took the report. Dietrich and Wojo would have figured it out right off!