Quote: EvenBobWhat do you think she's been doing
for the last 20 years. And no, there
are lots of antique businesses still
open, thousands of them. She was
doing it to make a living and not as
a hobby, and the profit margin
became so low.
I like how you're grasping at straws
trying to convince yourself this
fly by night venture you're in has
Lol. Profit margin was so low
Classic. Thinks his wife is successful with low profits
Mine are pretty high
And you can stop with criminality accusations
You dont know the law
I have researched it
I have had dealing with police (who couldn't find a crime involved no matter how much they tried.)
All those accusations about me being a criminal are falling into libelous areas especially since some people on here claim to know my identity
P.s. you clearly are accusing redacted and redacted of criminality too since they do very similar if not the same maneuvers as well as the Wizard himself
Quote: AdminNames redacted per site policy of respecting privacy. Darkoz suspended for one week for not respecting privacy and/or slander.
Quote: unJonChapter 7 is liquidation. Everyone knows that.
At least one person understands me.
Quote: AxelWolfThe fact that you guys named your own team is hilarious to me. IMO good team doesn't give themselves names, other people in the industry do.
Four Dudes and a Miata? ;)
Quote: darkoz
All those accusations about me being a criminal
Where did I say that. In the eyes of
the casino, card counters are criminals.
Doing something shady doesn't mean
you have to be breaking laws, quite
the contrary. Stop letting your obvious
paranoia read things in my posts that
aren't there.
Quote: MaxPenHeck, I don't even know what I do.
Exactly, and keep it that way..
I dont want this to become a thread of anger and invective (like the trump threads)
Someone asked what I was doing in the immediate aftermath. Well what anyone does after a robbery.
Of course my shopping is on a bit of a larger scale
Check out my first acquisition since the robbery. It was delivered yesterday.

EDIT: Note how the machine is set to FREE PLAY
Oh, you gotta love the irony
I am an avid pinball enthusiast. I own 2 machines myself. But neither are nearly as desirable as that game.
Is it an original or a remake? I’m assuming it’s the remake since it looks brand spankin new.
Have you been to any pinball shows in PA?
Quote: gamerfreakNow you have my heart DarkOz.
I am an avid pinball enthusiast. I own 2 machines myself. But neither are nearly as desirable as that game.
Is it an original or a remake? I’m assuming it’s the remake since it looks brand spankin new.
Have you been to any pinball shows in PA?
I had the choice of either. Decided the remake which was only a small percentage cheaper would give me less problems mechanically. Last pinball I got was a nightmare being over 30 years old. Could never find the parts
Hint: stay away from Gottlieb. They are the worst when locating parts
EDIT: that machine of course is a Ballys
Ballys for gaming. I got a Ballys Free Play in my living room. Oh, more irony
Quote: darkozThanks
I had the choice of either. Decided the remake which was only a small percentage cheaper would give me less problems mechanically. Last pinball I got was a nightmare being over 30 years old. Could never find the parts
Hint: stay away from Gottlieb. They are the worst when locating parts
EDIT: that machine of course is a Ballys
Ballys for gaming. I got a Ballys Free Play in my living room. Oh, more irony
I have a Gottlieb, Tee’d Off.
Parts aren’t hard to find now, but they will be when this guy retires:
Quote: gamerfreakI have a Gottlieb, Tee’d Off.
Parts aren’t hard to find now, but they will be when this guy retires:
I didnt know about that resource. Thanks
Still it probably was the particular Gottlieb I had
It was a very rare Caveman. Pinball with two "cave" slots which when the ball landed in switched over to a video game. You tried to catch dinosaurs in a maze until they changed colors and ran after you (Pacman ripoff yes)
If you ran back into the maze tunnel (long as it was not the one you first entered) you awitched back to the pinball game.
Lots of rare parts for that one. It was standing where my attack from mars is now
Here is a pic from the net.

What if I started a thread and spilled 10 top AP plays.... What then?
Quote: unJonI like to read on a hammock in the summer. My shady hobby is unlikely to fail.
The more quiet little jokes you interject, the more I like you. Welcome to the forum, in case I forgot! Lol....
Quote: FCBLComishWhat if I started a thread and spilled 10 top AP plays.... What then?
I'd read it, as would others.
Whether the mods would be tolerant is another kettle of fish entirely.
been getting interesting PM's about what
he's really doing. Very interesting PM's
Quote: MrVI'd read it, as would others.
Whether the mods would be tolerant is another kettle of fish entirely.
What is wrong with sharing information? If there were no information on the board, nobody would read it.
How many sites openly discuss card counting including how, when, where, and why. There are still good blackjack games out there. They have not all dried up and gone away.
"Wanna be" card counters are the casino's bread and butter. Blackjack is the most popular game out there because people think it can be beaten. These other AP opportunities are the same.
I play FPDW. The casino where I play has about 30 of them, quarters, 5 and 10 coin variation. There are SO many players there playing less than optimally, the machines are still making money. If I named this casino, would they close it down? You can find the name of it on the web very easily. That's how I found it. I even know the General Manager of that property, and he knows I play there.
These AP plays are not going to get completely burnt.
It's not like there is a clueless casino out there paying 2-1 on Blackjack.
into the pinball thread.
Quote: MrVI'd read it, as would others.
Whether the mods would be tolerant is another kettle of fish entirely.
Why would any Mod remove it? There's no rule against posting AP information. My casino just caught a table games cheater that got about $200,000 in 3 months. I can post about that call I want as long as I dont use names/identifying info.
Quote: Zcore13Why would any Mod remove it? There's no rule against posting AP information. My casino just caught a table games cheater that got about $200,000 in 3 months. I can post about that call I want as long as I dont use names/identifying info.
I would be interested to hear about that (in a new thread), if you are keen on sharing.
Quote: darkozI was homeless sleeping on the subways of nyc
Went into a casino with 3 pennys (no bankroll)
6 years later I am where I am now. Perseverance and being in the right place and ingenuity
No one showed me
Every single thing I own today is paid for from money won at casinos.
That is quite a story
How much time did it take before you were sure that you were going to be a professional AP?
FWIW, I think it would be quite an interesting tale to recount how you moved from whatever to homelessness and then to where you are now.
yes, how did you go from walking into a casino with 3cents to your name to making your 1st $1000?Quote: JohnnyQDarkOz:
FWIW, I think it would be quite an interesting tale to recount how you moved from whatever to homelessness and then to where you are now.
Quote: 100xOddsyes, how did you go from walking into a casino with 3cents to your name to making your 1st $1000?
Easy. A guy on another gambling website said he made $90 on one penny. The second top symbol came multiplied like 6 times by the wild symbol in a row or something like that and that's how he won the $90. This isn't far fetched at all. You can play CATS at one penny a line and if all CATS symbol show up, you get $100 on just one penny. So if you play your cards right, you can easily take that $100 and play the right games and end up leaving with $1,000. Hell, even putting $25 on number 3 on Roulette will net you $875 on just one spin. And you still have $75 left of the $100 win and you can easily make $125 profit on that $75 just by playing games that spin your way. :)
Quote: EvenBobHere's why DO was suspended:
Wow. Assuming DO just mentioned two members who admit they are APs I can't fathom him being suspended for it. I mean people continually mention EB's AP Roulette, and I haven't seen a one of them suspended for it.
And as to EB's continually harping that DO's AP life may not last forever, the same can be said of any job, career. I am aware of one AP on here (name redacted) who if I was to give advice I'd say this.... "Keep doing exactly what you are doing. If things change, I know you will too."
Quote: SOOPOOAnd as to EB's continually harping that DO's AP life may not last forever, the same can be said of any job, career.
When the robots become APs it's all over.
And as to EB's continually harping that DO's AP life may not last forever, the same can be said of any job, career.
But the point is with what he's doing,
it's an absolute sure thing it has an
expiration date. With being a waiter
or a dental assistant or a truck driver,
not true.
I love explaining reality to doctors,
it makes me feel smart..
I was homeless sleeping on the subways of nyc...
Or so his story goes.. There are just
so many stories on the net, if you
know what I mean..
I assume DarkOZ doesn't have any substance abuse problems, I assume he is sane for the most part, I assume he is educated and he has all his arms and legs. I wonder how someone like that becomes homeless?Quote: EvenBobQuote: darkoz
I was homeless sleeping on the subways of nyc...
Or so his story goes.. There are just
so many stories on the net, if you
know what I mean..
I have never been homeless myself. Had I ever been homeless, I wouldn't bring it up unless asked.
Quote: AxelWolfI assume DarkOZ doesn't have any substance abuse problems, I assume he is sane for the most part, I assume he is educated and he has all his arms and legs. I wonder how someone like that becomes homeless?
I have never been homeless myself. Had I ever been homeless, I wouldn't bring it up unless asked.
It's very easy for a normal and educated person to become suddenly homeless. A lot of people are literally one missed paycheck from ending up on the streets. Sad but true.
Normal people usually have friends and family who could help out if need be.Quote: NathanIt's very easy for a normal and educated person to become suddenly homeless. A lot of people are literally one missed paycheck from ending up on the streets. Sad but true.
Quote: AxelWolfNormal people usually have friends and family who could help out if need be.
A lot of normal people are introverts and actually have no friends and family(A lot of family drama has them not speaking to family, so not really NO family, but estranged family they are not in contact with and don't even live in the same state or city) and live on their own.
Introverts don't usually run the most feared secretive AP team on the East coast.Quote: NathanA lot of normal people are introverts and actually have no friends and family(A lot of family drama has them not speaking to family, so not really NO family, but estranged family they are not in contact with and don't even live in the same state or city) and live on their own.
Quote: AxelWolfI have never been homeless myself. Had I ever been homeless, I wouldn't bring it up unless asked.
I've been an adult since the 60's
and have never known a single
person that went from normal
citizen to homeless. It almost
always involves substance abuse,
credit abuse, or the person is
a blithering idiot.
This belief that people are just a
'paycheck away from homelessness'
is twaddle. I've heard and read
scores of stories from homeless
people over the years and it
always involves more than just money.
Claiming you were homeless now,
even if you were never homeless, is
a badge of honor to some people.
Gosh, look what they overcame!
They're almost heroes.. Not quite..
Quote: AxelWolfNormal people usually have friends and family who could help out if need be.
I've seen a few people descend into homelessness and by the time that happens, they've usually alienated everyone they knew. There is a difference between having to sleep in your car for a few days and true homelessness. Thankfully, the only times I've ever slept in my car was because I was too screwed up to drive and stayed wherever I'd parked. Even more thankfully, that hasn't happened in about thirty years or so.
I don't know anyone who became homeless because of a single missed paycheck, but I'm sure it happens. I just read a book about a senior in HS who was killed over a $6,000 gambling debt. Everyone knew about it, his brother even offered to make good on it, but the guy got killed to send a message to others not to jerk the killer around. When the kid turned up shot, everyone knew who did it but no one would talk.
Quote: AxelWolfIntroverts don't usually run the most feared secretive AP team on the East coast.
LMAO! :D I'm done with you, Axel! :D I'm as done with you as people are done with fidget spinners! :D I wish I could do the laughing so hard I am crying face to emote what I am feeling! :D
Quote: billryanI've seen a few people descend into homelessness and by the time that happens, they've usually alienated everyone they knew.
You've seen people go into homelessness
over money alone. No substance abuse,
no gambling problem, no mental
health issues, no criminal problems.
Really. Were they blithering idiots?
Quote: AxelWolfIntroverts don't usually run the most feared secretive AP team on the East coast.
Exactly. Darkoz probably means he slept
on the subway once and considers that
being 'homeless'. Studies have shown
the vast majority of homeless people
in this country want to live that way,
they can't take the stress of a 9 to 5
life. Typical testimony:
"My daughter is homeless in Oakland, CA She chose this life. All of her homeless friends that she has introduced us to chose to be homeless. Because of her we have met a lot of homeless people, they have all made the same choice. We have offed her a bedroom in our home and she chooses to sleep on the streets.
She is capable of having a job, she chooses not to. She has gone to training, and passed, for many jobs, she quits them after only a few months in.
She tells us she likes being homeless the people are more real.
She has never had any psychological problems or been sexually abused. The homeless life is her choice.
It breaks my wife’s heart but she doesn’t care. It is a choice."
the other point of view. Homeless
people poop on the streets and
leave needles everywhere, which
creates job security for the people
who have to wash down the sidewalks
and clean up the needles. If it wasn’t
for homeless people, no one would
have a job cleaning up after them.
Quote: RSBob you have to look at it from
the other point of view. Homeless
people poop on the streets and
leave needles everywhere, which
creates job security for the people
who have to wash down the sidewalks
and clean up the needles. If it wasn’t
for homeless people, no one would
have a job cleaning up after them.
You're being sardonic, but there is a
whole industry built around the
homeless that has no desire for it to
go away.
grimly mocking or cynical.
Quote: AxelWolfI assume DarkOZ doesn't have any substance abuse problems, I assume he is sane for the most part, I assume he is educated and he has all his arms and legs. I wonder how someone like that becomes homeless?
I have never been homeless myself. Had I ever been homeless, I wouldn't bring it up unless asked.
Then again there are a lot of things you wouldn’t bring up. But then again, you have common sense with your business dealings. And like work ethic, you can’t teach common sense.
Quote: RSBob you have to look at it from
the other point of view. Homeless
people poop on the streets and
leave needles everywhere, which
creates job security for the people
who have to wash down the sidewalks
and clean up the needles. If it wasn’t
for homeless people, no one would
have a job cleaning up after them.
You obviously are privileged and have no clue what it’s like to try and live in liberal San Francisco. Just struggling to get out and vote for Pelosi since 1987 with no other options makes one want to s@@t in the streets.
I can think of two people that became homeless. I'm sure that I have met more in the restaurant industy that have. But they are too shy to talk about it.
I didn't want this to turn into a lets bash Darkoz.
I was curious at what point, he became an AP. I'm quite sure that story is not coming now
Quote: jjjooogggI'm quite sure that story is not coming now
With emphasis on the word story. Darkoz
has lots of stories it seems..
Quote: jjjooogggOne is supposed to have 3 months of back up money saved up for an emergency. 1/2 of America does not do this. They live paycheck to paycheck. California is riddled with homeless people living in vans that are working jobs like bus driver.
I can think of two people that became homeless. I'm sure that I have met more in the restaurant industy that have. But they are too shy to talk about it.
I didn't want this to turn into a lets bash Darkoz.
I was curious at what point, he became an AP. I'm quite sure that story is not coming now
2 things.
I'm almost sure he told that story about himself several years ago, around 2014. You could check his posts via the archives. I could be wrong.
I do think, assuming he returns, and I think he will, he would tell it again.
Quote:Quote: Admin
A complaint on the basis on personal insult and slander was made regarding the post above. The advice of the forum administrators is that you take the post above as satirical and in jest.
Boz shall be suspended for three days for personal insult and slander.
I don't get how it could be taken any
other way. This place gets très odder
by the day..
Quote: EvenBobQuote: darkoz
I was homeless sleeping on the subways of nyc...
Darkoz is back, is he going to tell
us the story behind this?
Quote: EvenBobDarkoz is back, is he going to tell
us the story behind this?
Will you doubt my authenticity after?