Quote: rxwineTwitter banned the user who was central to spreading the Native American vs schoolkid news. Had 40,000 followers.
The user was not from California, or a school teacher, and was using someone else's picture.
Interesting twist on the censorship argument. I don't think they should ban users for legal content, or even a simple fake name. But this might be a viable alternative for someone setting up a multi-disguised account to look like something it doesn't actually represent.
I applaud this
There is no freedom of speech right on somebody else's web site
I don't consider the Wiz nuking somebody on this web site as censorship
Quote: terapinedI applaud this
There is no freedom of speech right on somebody else's web site
I don't consider the Wiz nuking somebody on this web site as censorship
Of course twitter can (legally) ban whomever they want. That doesn't make it "right" or "okay".
I'm not a huge twitter person, mainly because it's downright retarded, but there are still plenty of twitter people without banned accounts like @HouseShoes who was calling for the Covington HS to get burned down, to kill all the maga hat kids, etc. etc.
Quote: rxwineTwitter banned the user who was central to spreading the Native American vs schoolkid news. Had 40,000 followers.
The user was not from California, or a school teacher, and was using someone else's picture.
Interesting twist on the censorship argument. I don't think they should ban users for legal content, or even a simple fake name. But this might be a viable alternative for someone setting up a multi-disguised account to look like something it doesn't actually represent.
Just when you think this freak show couldn’t say anything stupider, she does. And saying she was a bartender is an insult to hard working bartenders everywhere.
Certainly makes budgeting for retirement a lot easier. So Thanks for your enlightening incite Miss Cortez, I’m sure someone is proud of you somewhere.
Quote: billryanIf talk radio cared half as much about how private business 's are keeping wages for the private section down, it may not have happened. Government workers get annual raises, just like everyone else used to.
My college roommates Dad had worked for IBM. He was considered a legacy and needed only get his degree before taking a job with great benefits, a pension and a very nice salary. He also had an unofficial job for life. Those type of private sector jobs used to numerous. The private sector workers have been getting screwed for twenty years now but the talking heads would rather have them being jealous of civil service workers rather than fight for themselves.
Take the average wage a worker made in the 80s and adjust it for inflation. You'll find todays workers are down about 30% from where they should be. Just about the difference between the private sector and public servants.
The powers that be somehow convinced the public that unions weren't needed and salaries failed to match inflation. I'm shocked.
If minimum wage were tied to inflation, it would be close to $11 an hour. A person who works a good part of their life at minimum wage jobs will end up making about $300,000 less over his lifetime than if the MW was tied to inflation. As most other workers get rises whenever the minimum wage goes up, the economic losses of workers adds into trillions.
I disagree with you philosophically. Prviate jobs should pay what the market bears with modifiers due to government policy (minimum wage, benefit minimums and ceilings, etc). Public jobs are borne out of fair wage principles and are sometimes out of touch with private sector jobs due to unionisation and a different ethos (governments should be paying wages sufficient enough so that same workers should not to receive forms of welfare payments from the same entity).
Workers in the private sectors should progress to higher paying jobs when available. A good and experienced cashier making 9 at Walmart should be able to progress to the equivalent Costco job paying 17 with health benefits.
And of course benefits are a huge part of the equation, especially health care. This goes far beyond the hourly wage. Many people at my former company only stayed because the company paid 85% of the health care premiums with very low deductibles and co-pays, even though wages stayed frozen for years.
For public workers who are criticized for their very high sick payouts or the ability to carry forward eons of vacation pay, that's a benefit of getting paid a set wage with little opportunity to advance and to have your budget set by politicians whose priorities change on a dime.

Quote: jackmagic777Looks like Nathan Philips was not a Vietnam Veteran, never a marine, never set foot in Vietnam. Gee, who could have seen that coming ?
Haven't seen this. Any links?
Quote: jackmagic777Looks like Nathan Philips was not a Vietnam Veteran, never a marine, never set foot in Vietnam. Gee, who could have seen that coming ?
US marine 1972 to 1976
He is a Viet Nam era veteran
Quote: terapined?????????????
US marine 1972 to 1976
He is a Viet Nam era veteran
Unless he was guarding an embassy or something I would say no to being in Vietnam as a Marine. Marine ground troops left in 1971.
Quote: MaxPenUnless he was guarding an embassy or something I would say no to being in Vietnam as a Marine. Marine ground troops left in 1971.
The war ended in 1975
He was a Viet Nam era marine
Quote: jackmagic777Washington Post issues retraction that he ever fought in Vietnam War. This is not first time Nathan has made that claim.
That's what you do when you're wrong.
Quote: SteverinosThat's what you do when you're wrong.
The news can be wrong???
Don't tell me polls are sometimes wrong too.

Quote: RSI’m not a military person n stuff but wouldn’t there be records of this stuff in some military database? Should be easily proven or disproven, no? Ofc idk if the military has a precedent for confirming or denying someone’s military history.
Things are easily proven or disproven by reviewing a person's DD214. I don't think there is a public database. This guy may have enlisted during the Vietnam war but he most likely never stepped foot in the country unless he was either an embassy guard or part of some sort of security contingent. Marine ground troops departed the country in 1971.
Marines take and secure ground. Army occupies and loses ground. Marines are usually first in first out.😀
Quote: MaxPenUnless he was guarding an embassy or something I would say no to being in Vietnam as a Marine. Marine ground troops left in 1971.
I can't speak to where this guy may or may not have been, but there were thousands of Marines in Vietnam through at least 1973. Aviation units, support units, Fleet Marines, and more importantly, military advisors. Not a lot of official combat roles.
Quote: RogerKintThe news can be wrong???
Of course. It's not news that news can be wrong. They issue retractions all the time.
How do we handle the social media aspect of all this moving forward is the question. I think there was a lesson to be learned here.
For every man on patrol, there is an enormous support presence. I wouldn't even want to hazard a guess at the number of people needed to maintain the helicopter squadrons needed just to get around the country.
Quote: MaxPenUnless he was guarding an embassy or something I would say no to being in Vietnam as a Marine. Marine ground troops left in 1971.
My ex did two tours in Vietnam 1972-73. He was shot down several times (door gunner on a Blue Team) won his Silver Star in a firefight, 2 Bronze Stars with Valor, 16 Air Combat medals, and got 2 of his 3 Purple Hearts there. Also has the Order of Vietnam, but I don't know the significance of that medal.
The Marines may have left, but Army Infantry stayed a lot longer. I would hate for anyone to think the fighting ended in 1971.
Quote: MaxPenUnless he was guarding an embassy or something I would say no to being in Vietnam as a Marine. Marine ground troops left in 1971.
I do not claim to be an expert on Vietnam. I was simply stating that ground troops, meaning combat boots on the ground, left in 1971.
I went and summoned up a link. Click on it and scroll to the 1970-1972 period.
That guy Nathan Philips is most likely a fraud in my opinion.
Was he on a ship, in the air, at a base in Cambodia? I don't know and don't care but chances are he was never in Vietnam.
Quote: billryanIf I were a parent of the kids in the video, I wouldn't be thrilled with their behavior, but I'd be wanting the heads of whomever was chaperoning them.
What is your kid supposed to do when someone approaches them and insults their friends and beats a drum in their face?
Quote: billryanIf I were a parent of the kids in the video, I wouldn't be thrilled with their behavior, but I'd be wanting the heads of whomever was chaperoning them.
Yeah, the chaperones failed miserably. It should've never got to the point it did.
Quote: MaxPenWhat is your kid supposed to do when someone approches them and insults their friends and beats a drum in their face?
Look to the responsible adult to handle it. That's why the chaperons should be held accountable. There is over an hour of video of these kids and what went on. Regardless of who was at fault, the kids were in a situation a parent wouldn't expect their kid to be in on a school trip to a March for Life.
Quote: beachbumbabsMy ex did two tours in Vietnam 1972-73. He was shot down several times (door gunner on a Blue Team) won his Silver Star in a firefight, 2 Bronze Stars with Valor, 16 Air Combat medals, and got 2 of his 3 Purple Hearts there. Also has the Order of Vietnam, but I don't know the significance of that medal.
The Marines may have left, but Army Infantry stayed a lot longer. I would hate for anyone to think the fighting ended in 1971.
Receiving a National Order of Vietnam Medal is something I would not disclose if I were you.
Quote: billryanLook to the responsible adult to handle it. That's why the chaperons should be held accountable. There is over an hour of video of these kids and what went on. Regardless of who was at fault, the kids were in a situation a parent wouldn't expect their kid to be in on a school trip to a March for Life.
100% exactly right. I coached bball at the youth and high school level for 15 years. I've chaperoned many multi-overnight trips with kids of all ages. If I was a parent of one of these kids and the group was not escorted to a different location after being told they will be nothing but a school shooter, I would be LIVID. The fact that they were allowed to hang out for over an hour and engage those knuckleheads is a failure.
Some old person marched toward your high school kid, do you really tell them to keep standing in the way? Ah, I don't know. The kid always had the upper hand, unless the native American is some sort of grandmaster kung fu artist.
Overall, that guy looked pretty frail to me.
They started out by saying that there is a video of Donald trump flirting and kissing a man dressed as a women.
Which is actually true:
But then it turned to a lot of hateful fundamentalist garbage.
All of this is a lot of nothing. It's getting attention because "journalism" and news is just BS marketing clickbait nowadays. Anyone take the time to protest at the Lincoln Memorial on a random Tuesday is a weirdo anyway.
Talk about fake news. Is every scary black man an Islamic Fundamentalists to some people? These jerks have stood in front of my post office in Jackson Heights for at least twenty years, and another group is on 7th Ave by the Grays Papaya. They are some sort of bizarre African Hebrew cult.
Quote: billryanIs every scary black man an Islamic Fundamentalists to some people?
I consider this a personal insult but I’m not a NARC so I am not going to call for a mod or anything.
I do not appreciate the insinuation of racism. It had nothing to do with them being “scary black men”. It everything to do with the disgusting sexist and homophobic garbage they were spewing.
Quote: gamerfreakREALLY?
I consider this a personal insult but I’m not a NARC so I am not going to call for a mod or anything.
I do not appreciate the insinuation of racism. It had nothing to do with them being “scary black men”. It everything to do with the disgusting sexist and homophobic garbage they were spewing.
So the fact that they aren't Islamic Fundamentalists doesn't actually enter into the equation?
If you were with the HS bball team, our Kodiak team probably kicked your butt at least once ?Quote: Steverinos100% exactly right. I coached bball at the youth and high school level for 15 years.
Quote: billryanSo the fact that they aren't Islamic Fundamentalists doesn't actually enter into the equation?
Nope not not really.
Christian Fundamentalists (like Westboro Baptist Church)
Islamic Fundamentalists (like the Taliban and Hamas)
Hewbrew/Jewish Fundamentalists (like your friends in the video)
They all have the same exact sexist and homophobic talking points.
I called them Islamic instead of Hebrew (my bad), but it doesn’t change the point I was making. Fundamentalist drivel is all the same.
Quote: petroglyphIf you were with the HS bball team, our Kodiak team probably kicked your butt at least once ?
LOVE playing in a Kodiak. They have a great gym, the community is awesome, and the atmosphere is a blast to play in. I’ve been to Joe Floyd twice.
Quote: SteverinosYeah, the chaperones failed miserably. It should've never got to the point it did.
Is Nathan “Phillips” not an adult or something?
Quote: RSIs Nathan “Phillips” not an adult or something?
Umm...yes, he is. My point was that the kids should've never been allowed to gather and engage the other group, before Phillips even entered the picture. As soon as that dude called the kids the next school shooters, it was time to escort them to another location. The chaperones failed...miserably.
Quote: SteverinosUmm...yes, he is. My point was that the kids should've never been allowed to gather and engage the other group, before Phillips even entered the picture. As soon as that dude called the kids the next school shooters, it was time to escort them to another location. The chaperones failed...miserably.
I agree
I have attended many protests in Washington because I lived in the area
The protest Mall area is massive. It can handle hundreds of thousands of protestors
You can choose to confront other groups or you can choose not to confront other groups
If I was a chaperone, I would make sure the students were in an area where there are no confrontations for safety sake
Quote: RogerKintI don't remember y'all blaming David Hogg's chaperones...
The reason David Hogg's chaperones weren't blamed for anything is because David Hogg didn't have chaperones. If Nick Sandman wants to be a political activist for a cause he believes in after this experience, he has every right to do so. I say go for it.
It's amazing how far people will go to absolve any and all responsibility from anybody associated with a #MAGA hat.
The truth about this story is that ALL parties bear some responsibility for what transpired. The Black Israelites, Nathan Phillips, the kids, and yes, the adults that were supposed to be chaperoning the kids. And since I believe the entire situation could've been avoided if the chaperones had done their job, the brunt of the responsibility lies with them. I have two teenage boys. I'd be livid after learning that my kids were not escorted away from a group yelling the things the Black Isrealites were yelling. There is no excuse for it.
Quote: SteverinosThe reason David Hogg's chaperones weren't blamed for anything is because David Hogg didn't have chaperones. If Nick Sandman wants to be a political activist for a cause he believes in after this experience, he has every right to do so. I say go for it.
It's amazing how far people will go to absolve any and all responsibility from anybody associated with a #MAGA hat.
The truth about this story is that ALL parties bear some responsibility for what transpired. The Black Israelites, Nathan Phillips, the kids, and yes, the adults that were supposed to be chaperoning the kids. And since I believe the entire situation could've been avoided if the chaperones had done their job, the brunt of the responsibility lies with them. I have two teenage boys. I'd be livid after learning that my kids were not escorted away from a group yelling the things the Black Isrealites were yelling. There is no excuse for it.
Don't forget the Islamic Fundamentalists. Just because they weren't there, somehow they get a pass?
Quote: SteverinosThe reason David Hogg's chaperones weren't blamed for anything is because David Hogg didn't have chaperones. If Nick Sandman wants to be a political activist for a cause he believes in after this experience, he has every right to do so. I say go for it.
It's amazing how far people will go to absolve any and all responsibility from anybody associated with a #MAGA hat.
The truth about this story is that ALL parties bear some responsibility for what transpired. The Black Israelites, Nathan Phillips, the kids, and yes, the adults that were supposed to be chaperoning the kids. And since I believe the entire situation could've been avoided if the chaperones had done their job, the brunt of the responsibility lies with them. I have two teenage boys. I'd be livid after learning that my kids were not escorted away from a group yelling the things the Black Isrealites were yelling. There is no excuse for it.
Don't forget the Islamic Fundamentalists. Just because they weren't there, somehow they get a pass?
Quote: RogerKintI don't remember y'all blaming David Hogg's chaperones...
Which situation and who were the chaperones?
If a chaperone is guilty of not doing their job, yes I will condemn.
Politics is meaningless in a context of a chaperone not keeping the kids safe
Please educate me on the chaperone you are referring to. I don't know one in regards to David Hogg
Added edit
I googled David Hogg chaperone, got nothing
I googled Covington chaperone, got a gazillion hits
Whats going on Roger?
Quote: SteverinosIt's amazing how far people will go to absolve any and all responsibility from anybody associated with a #MAGA hat.
It is amazing how far people will go to attempt to instantly blame things on people who wear a #MAGA hat.
I am with you on there could be blame to be passed around and I won't say that I have watched enough of it to decide who deserves how much blame. I do know one thing--too many of us, the media, commentators here (me, sadly included), and others jumped to a conclusion that was way off of the truth of the whole incident.
I will continue to try to find out more before writing about such incidents, but there are people out there like Joy Behar that aren't sorry about it all that much...because all she wants is Trump out of office.
Gee, Joy, why not get out there, build the Democratic base and work on getting someone elected in just 21 months or so. Unless Mueller has something really substantial, which is possible but is unknown now and will be until he reveals it, all of the investigations, nastiness to anyone supporting Trump even in the smallest way, overblown stories, etc. won't change a darn thing. President Trump, for better or worse, is the duly elected President of the United States.
On second thought...keep up the good work!
Quote: RonCIt is amazing how far people will go to attempt to instantly blame things on people who wear a #MAGA hat.
I'll continue to hold people responsible for the things they are responsible for.
Quote: RonCI do know one thing--too many of us, the media, commentators here (me, sadly included), and others jumped to a conclusion that was way off of the truth of the whole incident.
Based on the very early reporting of this incident, I would contest that the kids would've been ridiculed for their behavior by the media, commentators, and you, even if they didn't have MAGA hats on.
But see that's another poor decision made by the chaperones, letting the kids wear them to the March for Life, especially when you consider that the partisan political agenda that is represented by that hat is not currently inline with Catholic church teachings. #hypocrisy
If I was chaperoning the event, we would've wore school pride colors and gear.
Quote: SteverinosThe reason David Hogg's chaperones weren't blamed for anything is because David Hogg didn't have chaperones. If Nick Sandman wants to be a political activist for a cause he believes in after this experience, he has every right to do so. I say go for it.
It's amazing how far people will go to absolve any and all responsibility from anybody associated with a #MAGA hat.
The truth about this story is that ALL parties bear some responsibility for what transpired. The Black Israelites, Nathan Phillips, the kids, and yes, the adults that were supposed to be chaperoning the kids. And since I believe the entire situation could've been avoided if the chaperones had done their job, the brunt of the responsibility lies with them. I have two teenage boys. I'd be livid after learning that my kids were not escorted away from a group yelling the things the Black Isrealites were yelling. There is no excuse for it.
And the entire situation could have been avoided if the black Israelites and Nathan “the Vietnam vet” Phillips had done their job. So I solely blame them.
See how easy that is? Nevermind....continue your rant please.