Quote: RS*Trump literally condemns Nazis and white supremacists.*
Liberals: "He had a meltdown and supports Nazis and white supremacists."
It's right out of their playbook. You can't make this %#$& up!
Uh huh. That's why key Republicans lawmakers are saying exactly what the "Liberals" are saying.
I'll say it again. Trump's words from Tuesday are pretty much undefendable. I am awaiting to hear a rational defense to what he said instead of the one-liner bs. Read his transcript on Tuesday from his presser. Defend his words. Rationally. Equivocate white racial supremacists and Nazis with those who stand up for democracy and equality as Trump did. Compare Lee with Jefferson or Washington as Trump did. Tell me that the anti-protesters didn't have a permit when they didn't need to as Trump did.. Tell me, why Jewish people and black people would be comforted by Trump's words that he didn't read from a teleprompter on Sunday and Tuesday, words from his own brain and not written by a staffer who probably understands the role of the president better than anyone else in the WhiteHouse.
Be more intelligent, instead of "You can't make this %#$& up!".
Trump is simply wrong in this case. His tacit neutrality towards the white supremacists (as echoed by David Duke) has resulted in white supremacists rallies this weekend which will spur more violence. How is this taking the country in any direction that is good for America?
Quote: boymimboUh huh. That's why key Republicans lawmakers are saying exactly what the "Liberals" are saying.
I'll say it again. Trump's words from Tuesday are pretty much undefendable. I am awaiting to hear a rational defense to what he said instead of the one-liner bs. Read his transcript on Tuesday from his presser. Defend his words. Rationally. Equivocate white racial supremacists and Nazis with those who stand up for democracy and equality as Trump did. Compare Lee with Jefferson or Washington as Trump did. Tell me that the anti-protesters didn't have a permit when they didn't need to as Trump did.. Tell me, why Jewish people and black people would be comforted by Trump's words that he didn't read from a teleprompter on Sunday and Tuesday, words from his own brain and not written by a staffer who probably understands the role of the president better than anyone else in the WhiteHouse.
Be more intelligent, instead of "You can't make this %#$& up!".
Trump is simply wrong in this case. His tacit neutrality towards the white supremacists (as echoed by David Duke) has resulted in white supremacists rallies this weekend which will spur more violence. How is this taking the country in any direction that is good for America?
"Be more intelligent, instead of "You can't make this %#$& up!".
You have to give RS the courage for defending and associating with those who had opposed and are now still opposing inter-racial marriage, and it is the essence that they do not want RS to exist in this world. Talking about intelligence ...
Quote: Tanko
My post only questioned whether there were paid agitators at the rally.
I get that a lot
I've been to a ton of protests. Used to live near DC
I even protested scientology once
At that protest, I interacted with a scientologist. He was convinced I was being paid by Psychiatrists.
protesting is not a job
Just to set the record straight. I have never ever been paid to protest
Quote: billryanIs that real? I want it.
Yes, it's real, but you'd be hard pressed to fit it into your carry-on baggage.
It's a statue of Genghis Khan in Mongolia.
see: Genghis Khan statue
The ship be sinking.
What I don't get is with labor leaders bailing, business leaders bailing, key Republicans bailing, not a single religious leader from his Council has even bad mouthed him.
personal flame thrower

Quote: billryanBreitbart just declared war on Trump and the White House.
There is nothing for the racist, sexist, rapist, scam artist and con man Trump to worry about. He still has very loyal support from SooPoo, RS and many other loyalists on this WoV board.
I don't know if SooPoo is a loyal Trump supporter, either way, wasn't it the discounting of his loyal supporters what got him elected in the first place?Quote: 777There is nothing for the racist, sexist, rapist, scam artist and con man Trump to worry about. He still has very loyal support from SooPoo, RS and many other loyalists on this WoV board.
Quote: 777There is nothing for the racist, sexist, rapist, scam artist and con man Trump to worry about. He still has very loyal support from SooPoo, RS and many other loyalists on this WoV board.
That's what i love about this site, the mods let users post libelous comments about non members but if i post facts about memebers i get a 3 day ban.
Quote: HomelessnycThat's what i love about this site, the mods let users post libelous comments about non members but if i post facts about memebers i get a 3 day ban.
You should be skeptical about anything you read on the web. It is perfectly fine for SooPoo and anyone to make declarations about themselves, but I still judge them based on thousands and thousands of their messages.
I don't judge a book by its cover or SooPoo's by his few declarations ...
It's not a coincidence that the day after trumps rambling defense of the many "very fine" people in the Nazi march that the four Chiefs of Staffs each separately stated that racial supremacy and neo-Nazis have no place in the military. Weeks after trump declared transgendered people have no place in the military, they haven't lifted a finger to follow through with his order, in spite of the administration stating trumps tweets are official policy.
No President has ever lost the US Military before. I sincerely hope it doesn't happen now, but it is something to watch carefully.
Actor Kal Penn, artist Chuck Close and the entire membership of the President's Committee On the Arts and Humanities have announced their resignation. A letter dated Friday, and signed by 16 of 17 committee members, cited the "false equivalence" of President Donald Trump's comments about last weekend's "Unite the Right" gathering in Charlottesville, Virginia. Trump has blamed "many sides" for the demonstrations that left an anti-racism activist dead.
"Ignoring your hateful rhetoric would have made us complicit in your words and actions," the letter reads. "Supremacy, discrimination, and vitriol are not American values. Your values are not American values. We must be better than this."
Unlike the newly created councils he disbanded, this one goes back to the Reagan Era.
Still not a murmur from our so called Religious Leaders.
Romney takes Trump to the woodshed over racist remarksQuote: RS*Trump literally condemns Nazis and white supremacists.*
Liberals: "He had a meltdown and supports Nazis and white supremacists."
It's right out of their playbook. You can't make this %#$& up!
GOP members of Congress criticize Trump's comments
Republicans denouncing Trump by name
Republicans rebuke Trump all over again
Republicans stand up to Trump over Charlottesville comments
Fellow Republicans assail Trump after he defends Confederate monuments
GOP lawmakers react to Trump: "Very fine people" don't participate in rallies with racist chants
Yep, damn liberals with their covert playbook!
I sleep better at night knowing that they haven't pulled the wool over RS's eyes, and that he's bravely revealing their secret agenda.
A president can't make that mistake. Add to that the Russia investigation, the words on North Korea, failure to divest himself of his business interests, and other ethical failures should finish him.
The final nail in the coffin would be a vote for impeachment in the Congress supported by the GOP Congress, and ratification in the Senate. Frankly, it will be the only way to move the GoP agenda forward and save their butt for the midterms.
When you think things can't get worse, they do. Did anyone ever imagine it would get this bad?
Quote: 777You should be skeptical about anything you read on the web. It is perfectly fine for SooPoo and anyone to make declarations about themselves, but I still judge them based on thousands and thousands of their messages.
I don't judge a book by its cover or SooPoo's by his few declarations ...
Mike's house = Mike's rules. It has for the most part kept this forum quite civil.
Public figures are generally fine to judge. For members and former members of WoV they are protected. It's fine to attack the position, not the person and there are fine lines that are drawn. Those lines aren't there for public figures or for non-members.
But even I don't wish ill will on your president. The last thing I want is the secret service knocking on my door (and the secret service does indeed knock on one's door if there is a perceived threat to the president).
Me. I did. I also expect it to take a quantum leap in 'absurd badness'Quote: boymimboWhen you think things can't get worse, they do. Did anyone ever imagine it would get this bad?
Bannon is on record as saying that there is no military option with Korea. Trump will choose to prove him wrong as an act of spite.
Quote: boymimboI know Face is a white guy.
I know things too
Quote: boymimboUh huh. That's why key Republicans lawmakers are saying exactly what the "Liberals" are saying.
I'll say it again. Trump's words from Tuesday are pretty much undefendable. I am awaiting to hear a rational defense to what he said instead of the one-liner bs. Read his transcript on Tuesday from his presser. Defend his words. Rationally. Equivocate white racial supremacists and Nazis with those who stand up for democracy and equality as Trump did.
You mean when he said there was violence and bad people on both sides? THAT is what he said.
Quote: boymimboCompare Lee with Jefferson or Washington as Trump did.
I'm not a huge history buff, but I'm pretty sure they were slave owners. Given the issue is about slavery, logic leads us to think we should take down the statues and anything that promotes slave owners or those who were pro slavery. IF we're going to take down a statue for someone who supported slavery, then we should take down all statues of people who supported slavery. The key word is IF.
Quote: boymimboTell me that the anti-protesters didn't have a permit when they didn't need to as Trump did..
From the protests I've seen in the media, I think most of them are stupid -- or at least I disagree with them (usually). With that being said, I also think it's stupid you should need a permit to protest. That's like asking your boss if he'll let you go on strike.
Quote: boymimboTell me, why Jewish people and black people would be comforted by Trump's words that he didn't read from a teleprompter on Sunday and Tuesday, words from his own brain and not written by a staffer who probably understands the role of the president better than anyone else in the WhiteHouse.
I think that's a moot point, first of all. The KKK, white supremacy, etc. isn't as big of a deal or problem as the media makes it out to be. I'm not saying they're good by any stretch of imagination, but they aren't as big of a deal as people think. There's what, 5-8k members in the KKK today? [ https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/the-kkk-today/ ] I don't know how many other types of hate groups there are, but even if there were 30,000 people in the neo-Nazi, KKK, white supremacist, etc. grouping, that's about 0.01% of our population, or 1 in every 10,000.
Fact is, the KKK isn't what it used to be. If the KKK is like what it like back in the day, it would have been a full out war battle in Charlottesville, with far more deaths than 1. How many guns did they have? How many times were those guns used? Hundreds if not thousands would have been killed? The media or at least people are acting like the KKK are going around in the south killing black people at random or there are lynchings all the time.
Instead of "Why would they be comforted?" a better question is this -- What are they scared of? Less than 0.01% of the population (and even then, only 1 of them killed someone)? The 1 fringe death at Charlottesville? Come on...
Nobody takes these hate groups seriously, except the very few in them. Nobody supports them. There are very few who support them in the "everyone has freedom of speech" kind of way, but other than that, there is no following, support, praise, etc. of the KKK or other hate groups.
Quote: boymimboBe more intelligent, instead of "You can't make this %#$& up!".
Trump is simply wrong in this case.
What is he wrong about? He denounced the KKK, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, etc. He didn't praise them or say something good of them. He said there were some fine people on that side of the protest that were there to protest the removal of the statue. I don't know if that's true or not (if there were people that were only interested in keeping the statue and weren't KKK or part of other hate groups), but logic and reason says there were people there like that. Just as there are many people today on facebook, twitter, and other social media who say the statues should stay up, even though they aren't white supremacists.
But of course, you have the media showing clips of Trump saying there were fine people on both sides, followed by clips of KKK/neo-Nazis marching and chanting, "Blood and soil", "Jews will not replace us", and/or "F** you f***ots", then followed by the media people saying, "Trump thinks those are fine people!" -- which of course, is not what he said.
Quote: boymimboHis tacit neutrality towards the white supremacists....
I'll give you that. I think he should have been harsher on them.
Quote: boymimbo...(as echoed by David Duke) has resulted in white supremacists rallies this weekend which will spur more violence. How is this taking the country in any direction that is good for America?
From what I saw, David Duke thinks Trump supports the KKK, neo-Nazis, etc. Duke didn't say something like, "Well, based on his neutrality towards us, he thinks we're pretty swell folk." Like I've said before, people are going to interpret things the way they want to see them. Perhaps I'm interpreting this the way I want to see it. Considering he didn't say he supports KKK, neo-Nazis, etc., and considering I haven't seen any such videos or transcripts.....well, you know the saying, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....
I'm not sure if you or others do this, but looks at all sorts of different viewpoints on this. Don't just look at Fox, CNN, MSNBC, or other main stream media outlets. Look on youtube, facebook, twitter, etc. Look to see what people are actually saying. Although Facebook is full of people making good valid points (like where were the police.....monuments should stay up for X, Y, or Z reasons), followed up by people saying something like, "F*** you, Nazi-sympathizer!" Don't just look at the articles or videos of people saying Trump is wrong or he's a Nazi supporter etc., and don't just look at the alt-right crap supporting white supremacy, Nazis, etc.
Quote: RS*Trump literally condemns Nazis and white supremacists.*
Liberals: "He had a meltdown and supports Nazis and white supremacists."
It's right out of their playbook. You can't make this %#$& up!
Yep, damn liberals with their covert playbook! These libtards now include not only Republican governors, Republican senators, and Republican representatives, but also Republican Presidents as well. RS is apparently one of the few true conservatives left in the world, bravely realizing that Trump's true feelings are represented by his scripted statement, and not by his spontaneous comments, which we should all just ignore.Quote: The Hill"The two living Republican ex-presidents, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, released a joint statement implicitly condemning Trump." (source)
People much smarter than us made the decision to distance themselves from Trump, including business leaders and prominent republican leaders.
In the original decision on Charlottesville, there were reasonable and nice proponents of keeping the statue, including a UVa Art History professor.
Participating in a rally where people are shouting "Sig Heil" and carrying Nazi flags is not something a reasonable person would participate in. The rally wasn't about keeping the statue. There were earlier rallies by the KKK and white supremacists group in Charlottesville earlier in the year. And citizens of Charlottesville knew that.
I don't look very much at videos or news sources at all. I read the Trump transcript, watched the speech, and tried to understand the context by looking at people's points of view, on all sides, and making my own informed decisions and concluded that Trump's words were quite wrong.
Trump did well today, by the way. Maybe the departure of Bannon and new influences will smarten him up.
Quote: BozTime to ban masks from public rally's. From the piece of sh*t KKK members to the aholes in black masks on the alt left. What do they have to fear? I can't wear a mask into a bank for public safety, should be the same. These lunatics on both sides should have the pride to show their faces.
Agree 100%. No masks, no body armor, no guns, clubs, clubs, or weapons. The right of the people to peacefully protest is paramount. NYC has a no mask law that applies everyday but Halloween. Until not too recently, it was so strictly enforced that even masked wrestlers had to apply for special permission to wear them for work.
In an email obtained by the Hollywood Reporter, James Murdoch told friends that Trump’s reaction was concerning.
“These events remind us all why vigilance against hate and bigotry is an eternal obligation ― a necessary discipline for the preservation of our way of life and our ideals,” he wrote. “The presence of hate in our society was appallingly laid bare as we watched swastikas brandished on the streets of Charlottesville and acts of brutal terrorism and violence perpetrated by a racist mob.”
And in a line that seemed to take on Trump’s claim that there were some “very fine people” among the white supremacists, many of whom carried swastikas and shouted anti-Semitic chants, Murdoch wrote:
“I can’t even believe I have to write this: standing up to Nazis is essential; there are no good Nazis. Or Klansmen, or terrorists. Democrats, Republicans, and others must all agree on this, and it compromises nothing for them to do so.”
Quote: billryanAgree 100%. No masks, .
In these days of instructional videos, natural make-up disguises would probably circumvent that. Temporary dyed hair, skin lightner or bronzer, etc., Face makeup.
As long as you make it natural and not clown makeup, no one might catch on.
Quote: billryanAgree 100%. No masks, no body armor, no guns, clubs, clubs, or weapons. The right of the people to peacefully protest is paramount. NYC has a no mask law that applies everyday but Halloween. Until not too recently, it was so strictly enforced that even masked wrestlers had to apply for special permission to wear them for work.
I'm good with everything you say. Nice to find common ground for a change!
Quote: BozTime to ban masks from public rally's.
Boston and NYC have a zero tolerance policy concerning masks, with excellent results.
Virginia State Law also prohibits masks, except unlike Mayor Walsh and Mayor De Blasio, Charlottesvilles Mayor Signer ignored the law.
Quote: billryanAgree 100%. No masks, no body armor, no guns, clubs, clubs, or weapons. The right of the people to peacefully protest is paramount. NYC has a no mask law that applies everyday but Halloween. Until not too recently, it was so strictly enforced that even masked wrestlers had to apply for special permission to wear them for work.
Its only for more than one person gathering together. Of you wore a mask by yourself that in itself is not illegal
Also it certainly is not well enforced. For two decades performers have worn full body coatume and masks in times square giving autographs and it was only a few years ago they made them get licenses because they were harrassing people for tips. But spiderman and the chipmunks and whoever else were never arrested
And i dont see why masked wrestlers would be wearing the masks outside the sporting event. Im quite certain they didnt have to get licensed to wear a mask in the ring (unless for some safety reason like obstruction of view during physical sporting activities but that would make more sense and be totally unrelated)
Quote: darkoz
And i dont see why masked wrestlers would be wearing the masks outside the sporting event.
Because Dusty Rhodes had to make sure no one outed him as the Midnight Rider. Therefore he had to wear his mask when leaving the arena to ensure the referee did not see him as he was suspended at the time from wrestling.
Quote: BozBecause Dusty Rhodes had to make sure no one outed him as the Midnight Rider. Therefore he had to wear his mask when leaving the arena to ensure the referee did not see him as he was suspended at the time from wrestling.
Thats outside the ring. I mean outside thr sporting event. Wrestlers dont exit the ring and go directly out the exit onto fifth avenue. They go to the dressing room
Besides that was just part of a storyline. You dont think the wrestling bosses didnt know who their employees were. They didnt make those paychecks out to anonymous masked men lol
Quote: darkozThats outside the ring. I mean outside thr sporting event. Wrestlers dont exit the ring and go directly out the exit onto fifth avenue. They go to the dressing room
Besides that was just part of a storyline. You dont think the wrestling bosses didnt know who their employees were. They didnt make those paychecks out to anonymous masked men lol
Oh come on now. You don't think pro wrestling is fake now, do you? 😉
Quote: BozBecause Dusty Rhodes had to make sure no one outed him as the Midnight Rider. Therefore he had to wear his mask when leaving the arena to ensure the referee did not see him as he was suspended at the time from wrestling.
My favorite Midnight Rider story is actually from an earlier incarnation. Dusty and Dirty Dick Murdoch were partners, just as they transitioned from bad guys to good.
Something happened and Dusty got suspended. Dick was supposed to defend the tag titles with a new partner and up popped the Midnite Rider. They held the title for awhile and the week before his suspension was up, Murdoch got " injured" and was going to be out awhile. Dusty made an appearance and said even though he was rusty, he would wrestle next week with The Midnight Rider as his partner.
Sure enough, next week Dusty and the Midnite Rider take on The Minnesota Wrecking Crew- two of the Andersons. After the match, The Midnite Rider takes off his mask to reveal his true identity. Turns out to be Dick Murdoch, the very guy the Rider had been teaming with.
Quote: darkozThats outside the ring. I mean outside thr sporting event. Wrestlers dont exit the ring and go directly out the exit onto fifth avenue. They go to the dressing room
Some Mexican wrestlers do - it's part of their gimmick that they are seen in public with the mask. Every now and then, one of them is buried with the mask on.
Meanwhile, getting back on topic, what is Trump going to say about Afghanistan tomorrow night - and how is NBC going to handle the fact that it starts halfway through an episode of American Ninja Warrior?
Perhaps privatize the fight and turn it over to Blackwater? Maybe say something about the opium and how heroin is ending up on the street ?Quote: ThatDonGuy....what is Trump going to say about Afghanistan tomorrow night....
Start at 1;20
Quote: ThatDonGuySome Mexican wrestlers do - it's part of their gimmick that they are seen in public with the mask. Every now and then, one of them is buried with the mask on.
Meanwhile, getting back on topic, what is Trump going to say about Afghanistan tomorrow night - and how is NBC going to handle the fact that it starts halfway through an episode of American Ninja Warrior?
It's not what he says tomorrow, reading from a teleprompter. It's what he'll say a couple of days layer when he has to try and think for himself.
Lord help us if he tried to privatize the war.
The Trump administration has rejected a coal industry push to win a rarely used emergency order protecting coal-fired power plants, a decision contrary to what one coal executive said the president personally promised him.
President Donald Trump committed to the measure in private conversations with executives from Murray Energy Corp. and FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. after public events in July and early August, according to letters to the White House from Murray Energy and its chief executive, Robert Murray. In the letters, obtained by The Associated Press, Murray said failing to act would cause thousands of coal miners to be laid off and put the pensions of thousands more in jeopardy. One of Murray's letters said Trump agreed and told Energy Secretary Rick Perry, "I want this done" in Murray's presence.
The thing is, even if we don't like our leaders we should respect them and hope that they do the right thing for whatever country they are in charge of. If they do not do the right thing as anyone sees it, we should vote in another leader or party.
Quote: TomfishThe thing is, even if we don't like our leaders we should respect them and hope that they do the right thing for whatever country they are in charge of.
Since his Inauguration, Donald has done literally nothing to earn anyone's respect other than those in his shrinking base.
And is he even in charge of the country? I'm pretty sure he outsourced that to the generals.... He just watches TV all day and golfs.
Quote: Tomfishthere is always going to be people that are sick of the leader of the country where they live. There were people that were sick of Obama, people that were sick of Bush and so on.
The thing is, even if we don't like our leaders we should respect them and hope that they do the right thing for whatever country they are in charge of. If they do not do the right thing as anyone sees it, we should vote in another leader or party.
I'm sick of President trump. Well, actually, he is the sickness. He is a cancer within the body of the US political system, which has been rather sick for many decades.
But I don't have any reason to respect him: He's not my leader and I have no vote for or against him. I'm not American, you see.
I guess he isn't really in charge proper, but then what president ever was?
Quote: ams288Since his Inauguration, Donald has done literally nothing to earn anyone's respect other than those in his shrinking base.
And is he even in charge of the country? I'm pretty sure he outsourced that to the generals.... He just watches TV all day and golfs.
If that was true, you should be happy as hell. But fear not, he still is large and in charge and will Make America Great Again. With or without Congress, Book it.
Quote: BozBut fear not, he still is large and in charge and will Make America Great Again. .
Lame duck that cant get jack passed
Going after Rep Senators insures he cant get jack passed. Weakest President ever with a majority in both houses.
Whiner in chief, blames EVERYBODY
The buck never stops at Trump
Quote: terapinedLame duck
It may help your argument if you knew what lame duck was and used it appropriately
Quote: BozIf that was true, you should be happy as hell.
I am happy as hell.
Quote: terapinedLame duck that cant get jack passed
Going after Rep Senators insures he cant get jack passed. Weakest President ever with a majority in both houses.
Whiner in chief, blames EVERYBODY
The buck never stops at Trump
To be called a lame duck, you need to be a duck to begin with. Lame duck refers to someone who is in their last phase of power and can't get anything done.
CNN might not swallow, but otherwise they are the exact same girl.
If any liberal in the world watched on either channel last night they could only come to one of two conclusions:
1. They (MSNBC and CNN) have resigned themselves to gear up for the 2024 election
2. They only care about being contrarian for the money and cannot think of any other way to keep the lights on
I don't want anyone jumping off buildings, swinging masterlocks at innocent bystanders, or having their mom iron a modern day swastika on their pajamas so they can continue to promote violence with masks on, so I will leave you with this:
Quote: Maverick17MSNBC is Trump's B. They can't help but get down on their collective knees and beg for it immediately after being bent over a chair.
CNN might not swallow, but otherwise they are the exact same girl.
If any liberal in the world watched on either channel last night they could only come to one of two conclusions:
1. They (MSNBC and CNN) have resigned themselves to gear up for the 2024 election
2. They only care about being contrarian for the money and cannot think of any other way to keep the lights on
I don't want anyone jumping off buildings, swinging masterlocks at innocent bystanders, or having their mom iron a modern day swastika on their pajamas so they can continue to promote violence with masks on, so I will leave you with this:
Replace the above with "Fox" and you have 2008 - 2016. Nothing to see here folks, move on.