Quote: ams288I do.
Nazis should be unemployable. Period.
I thought you were a Democrat, but yet you keep ripping on them like the above quote.
Quote: IbeatyouracesI thought you were a Democrat, but yet you keep ripping on them like the above quote.
This is getting old.
Not clever. Not funny.
Quote: boymimboBut you trying to blame the Democrats for a violent white nationalist protest is too much drinking FoxNews' (or the Daily Caller's) coolaid
Wrong again.
Not blaming Democrats. Blaming McAuliffe and Signer for putting their political ambitions ahead of public safety by preventing more than 1,000 police from taking proactive steps to prevent the violence from occurring in the first place, and preventing those officers from intervening to protect lives and stop the violence when it occurred.
Coward McAuliffe now blames the Virginia ACLU for the deadly violence.
ACLU Fights Back
Quote: ams288This is getting old.
Not clever. Not funny.
It's the TRUTH!
Why do you think David Duke tweeted "who do you think elected you?" at Trump, and promises to keep trumps campaign promises to "take back" america?Quote: rxwineIf Nazis vote for anyone, it's Republicans. It's the closest to race purging ideals that they can get.
Hitler didn't like Homosexuals either.
Justice was for white people, but non-Jewish.
Exhibit A
Quote: IbeatyouracesIt's the TRUTH!
Sorry, boo-boo.
These ain't Democrats.

Quote: RomesWhat I don't get is at this point there is just hours and hours of Video out there with these Nazi/Racist pieces of sh*t literally spewing hate speech about jews, gays, etc. How, if you're ANY decent of a human being, you're not instantly aware of their clear hatred and evil and thusly against their cause (regardless of political affiliation) is beyond me.
Exhibit A
I believe you have answered your own question.
So there's been no one making up reasons for the "white supremacists" doing the things they do in this thread? Our president (whom the entire thread is about) didn't go 'off script' and say "on many sides" instead of directly condemning the nazis and racists?Quote: billryanQuote: RomesWhat I don't get is at this point there is just hours and hours of Video out there with these Nazi/Racist pieces of sh*t literally spewing hate speech about jews, gays, etc. How, if you're ANY decent of a human being, you're not instantly aware of their clear hatred and evil and thusly against their cause (regardless of political affiliation) is beyond me.
Exhibit A
I believe you have answered your own question.
Or were you just referring to the fact that they're not any kind of decent human being? =)
I'm watching this Trump press conference live on TV.
Comedic gold!
So let me see if I get what you're saying... First, if I "sympathize" with blacks you're using a completely racist bias to assume they live in poor neighborhoods? Next, you're stating that to prove I'm not a hypocrite I need to move and live in their poor neighborhoods?Quote: IbeatyouracesThis country is going downhill in a hand basket because of tolerance. It's comical that all of these sympathizers will NEVER live in the neighborhood or around the people they're sympathizing with. Hypocrisy at its best.
Or are you referring to something completely different?
A picture says a thousand words...
Quote: ams288Chief of Staff John Kelly during Donald's insane press conference:
A picture says a thousand words...
If you are anywhere near sane it takes some practice to stand behind Trump and not make any revealing faces or poses.
This has to be a turning point.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of our country.
Quote: billryanWords simply can't express my disgust for trump at this press conference.
This has to be a turning point.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of our country.
What else would you say? You have been against Trump from the start. What he said today is the truth, the crazies on the left are to blame as well. According to the Huff Post, they threw raw sewage on reporters trying to take pictures of them. Quality citizens or pieces of shit like the Nazis are?
My guess is even a few of these pieces of shit on both sides, which they are, might actually have jobs and are contributing to the government tax rolls that help pay for your subsidized health care you seem to be so proud of.
To claim that there were many many fine people in that hate filled Nazi torch lit rally is bizarre. There is no such thing as a fine Nazi. Do you really want to be the guy defending Nazis, white supremacist and the Klan?
You really should drop the healthcare nonsense. Jealousy doesn't become you.
Quote: RSI had no idea what they're protesting, nor do I care (to know what they're protesting about). Don't block the damn street. I read a snippet of an article saying there was some protest with "white nationalists" (which really means nothing in particular, other than they're likely conservative/republican). I made my post with the (mis-)understanding it was right-side people protesting that got run over. Turns out the ones who got run over were counter-protestors I think?
I stand by my belief. Don't block the road. I was kidding about protestors being terrorists, unless they start doing some real crazy sh**. Protesting for a noble cause or against a noble cause, don't block the streets (or do damaging things like rioting/looting/etc.).
There was a YouTube video that surfaced in November or December after the election. Bunch of protesters got on the freeway, trying to stop traffic. One of them got slammed by a car.....then they started calling 911 for an ambulance. How's the ambulance going to get there with all the traffic they caused?
People gotta start thinking instead of just going off of their feelings and making stupid decisions.
"Don't block the road."
OMG, what were you thinking? Are you under influence of any kind, or are you simply lack of knowledge about American history?
I wish to have time to comment on your don't block the road statement in details. But for now, I can briefly say that if your self identity is believable, then the reason behind your sole existence is due largely on past protesters, and particularly those who did "block the road" during their protests.
Sure, many of us can sit here and say "If I was alive during the civil war I would have fought against the racists as well." Well, here we are. We have them organizing and marching spewing hatred and directly sharing their plans to "ethnic cleanse" the US. The difference today is, we've seen this happen and UNLIKE in the past we know what kind of evil this is... and what it takes to defeat it.
Neo-Nazi and Racist KKK empathizers will need to be killed, just as they were in the war. That's what it came to. You can talk on both sides all you want, with neither side convincing the other, but in the end, it came down to a WAR. That's what it will take today to end it. That's what we need. That's what will "eventually" happen.
The likes of these neo-nazi and racist hate mongers needs to be met with harsh and cold physical justice. There is no pretty way to say it. There is no way around it. We've been down this path before and we saw where it led. So when they gather hundreds/thousands together, with guns, riot gear, spewing their hate and filth, yes, yes they should be attacked. Yes we should meet their evil in the streets head on to declare that this country will not harbor nor support the kind of rhetoric they spew. They need to be met with reality, which is we've defeated you once, and we will defeat you again. It's nothing more than the war continuing due to generation after generation being taught to hate for reasons no more than race, religion, and sexual orientation. They are evil. That's what they deserve. That is justice, irregardless of your race, religion, or your political affiliation.
Men of good will simply can not defend this. trump showed himself to be sympathetic to these scum today. I certainly hope no one here is. trump has Jewish grandchildren. I can't wait until they are old enough to ask him why he defends folks who say they don't belong in this country.
Quote: billryantrump has Jewish grandchildren. I can't wait until they are old enough to ask him why he defends folks who say they don't belong in this country.
He'll be dead by then.
And the world will be a better place.
Quote: billryanOne side is there to protest the very presence of blacks , Jews, Moslems and gays in their county. The other was there to protest hatred and bigotry.
To claim that there were many many fine people in that hate filled Nazi torch lit rally is bizarre. There is no such thing as a fine Nazi. Do you really want to be the guy defending Nazis, white supremacist and the Klan?
You really should drop the healthcare nonsense. Jealousy doesn't become you.
Sorry to disappoint you Billy, if the reward for walking away from being a valuable contributor to society is ending up playing BJ at Jokers Wild with other Government dependents, I'm good.
Quote: billryanFine people should be sickened by Nazis marching through the streets chanting " Jews shall not replace us" or The Nazi motto of " Blood and Soil".
Men of good will simply can not defend this. trump showed himself to be sympathetic to these scum today. I certainly hope no one here is. trump has Jewish grandchildren. I can't wait until they are old enough to ask him why he defends folks who say they don't belong in this country.
Fine people are. But they are also upset by BLMers chanting Pigs must Fry.
Quote: ams288He'll be dead by then.
And the world will be a better place.
You probably feel the same way about the people who wouldn't bake a cake for gays as well. The "Tolerant " left is the greatest Oxymoron of all time.
It's embarrassing how the left can't see the double standards they live by.
Quote: BozSorry to disappoint you Billy, if the reward for walking away from being a valuable contributor to society is ending up playing BJ at Jokers Wild with other Government dependents, I'm good.
Walking away from a job that paid great and trading it in for the ability to do hundreds of hours of volunteer work is something I'm extremely proud of.
It's a shame you simply don't get it. I'm not sure why you have to try and get personal with people who you disagree with, but if trying to demean me for walking away to pursue the life I love gets you off, enjoy it.
Quote: BozYou probably feel the same way about the people who wouldn't bake a cake for gays as well. The "Tolerant " left is the greatest Oxymoron of all time.
It's embarrassing how the left can't see the double standards they live by.
Don't put words in my mouth and then try to make some sweeping generalization about the "left" based on your incorrect assumption. You look foolish.
Quote: ams288Don't put words in my mouth and then try to make some sweeping generalization about the "left" based on your incorrect assumption. You look foolish.
And you said the world will be a better place when the President of the United States is dead. You do fine sticking things in your mouth yourself, you don't need my help.
Quote: BozAnd you said the world will be a better place when the President of the United States is dead.
The world will be a much better place when Donald Trump is no longer here to infect it with his hateful bile.
Am I saying I want him killed or something? HELL NO!
That would make him a martyr. When he dies, I want him to be remembered as the disgraced, incompetent, P.O.S. that he is.
Quote: billryanWalking away from a job that paid great and trading it in for the ability to do hundreds of hours of volunteer work is something I'm extremely proud of.
It's a shame you simply don't get it. I'm not sure why you have to try and get personal with people who you disagree with, but if trying to demean me for walking away to pursue the life I love gets you off, enjoy it.
Proud? Maybe but when you are now dependent on others still working paying higher costs to subsidize your lifestyle choices, I'm not so sure proud is the word. I assume it depends on how you see things. Hopefully you teach some of your LEGAL tricks on how to avoid taxes, hide income and live the life you love to others at your volunteering endeavors. We need more following your lead to make the country a better place for future generations.
And isn't politics and political discussions always personal? When you have people saying the world will be a better place when the President is dead, I see that as personal.
Quote: ams288The world will be a much better place when Donald Trump is no longer here to infect it with his hateful bile.
Am I saying I want him killed or something? HELL NO!
That would make him a martyr. When he dies, I want him to be remembered as the disgraced, incompetent, P.O.S. that he is.
And I feel the exact same way about Barack Obama. At least we can agree on something.
Supporting communism or socialism is not against the law as far as I know. It may not be illegal to fire a member of the communist party, but why should a company do that ?Quote: darkozIf u hav personal but distasteful beliefs ie nazism or communism and keep quiet i would hope a company cannot fire you for that
Shouldn't firing someone be based on job performance or inappropriate behavior at work (my company has zero tolerance policies for employees who exhibit unacceptable behaviors, ie race / religious / sexual harassment, etc).
Inciting violence and fighting and rioting is against the law.
Quote: BozAnd I feel the exact same way about Barack Obama. At least we can agree on something.
Yep. Just look at this face, it's clear Obama is real worried about what the minority of Americans who don't like him are thinking:

Quote: JohnnyQSupporting communism or socialism is not against the law as far as I know. It may not be illegal to fire a member of the communist party, but why should a company do that ?
Shouldn't firing someone be based on job performance or inappropriate behavior at work (my company has zero tolerance policies for employees who exhibit unacceptable behaviors, ie race / religious / sexual harassment, etc).
Inciting violence and fighting and rioting is against the law.
If someone marches in a Nazi rally, I'm pretty sure they have clearly stated how they feel towards their minority coworkers and have created a hostile workplace environment. There is no place in our country for Nazis, racial supremacists or their ilk. Especially when they attempt to march armed to the teeth.
In NY, wearing body armor in the commission of a crime is a felony. I'd suggest other states look into this. Showing up at a rally, armed and wearing body armor should be illegal.
Quote: ams288Yep. Just look at this face, it's clear Obama is real worried about what the minority of Americans who don't like him are thinking:
I wonder if he took off his Muslim garb just for the photo, or because he was wakeboarding.
Quote: BozProud? Maybe but when you are now dependent on others still working paying higher costs to subsidize your lifestyle choices, I'm not so sure proud is the word. I assume it depends on how you see things. Hopefully you teach some of your LEGAL tricks on how to avoid taxes, hide income and live the life you love to others at your volunteering endeavors. We need more following your lead to make the country a better place for future generations.
And isn't politics and political discussions always personal? When you have people saying the world will be a better place when the President is dead, I see that as personal.
I've been visiting some homebound elderly veterans. Once guy lamented how over the course of time he had lost his medals and how he really wanted to have his Purple Heart on his coffin when he died and how he wished he could leave it to his grandson. I went out and found a Korean War era Purple Heart for sale, bought it , had it engraved and had the Commander of his Jewish War Veterans group come with a Honor Guard to present it to him, with his daughter and grandchildren present.
Proud of what I do? Damn right I am.
Quote: BozWhen you have people saying the world will be a better place when the President is dead, I see that as personal.
People said that for 8 years under Barack Obama, and now it bothers you?
Quote: billryanI've been visiting some homebound elderly veterans. Once guy lamented how over the course of time he had lost his medals and how he really wanted to have his Purple Heart on his coffin when he died and how he wished he could leave it to his grandson. I went out and found a Korean War era Purple Heart for sale, bought it , had it engraved and had the Commander of his Jewish War Veterans group come with a Honor Guard to present it to him, with his daughter and grandchildren present.
Proud of what I do? Damn right I am.
And we need more like you. Hell everyone should do it. As I am sure he Thanked you for it, you should thank the others out there working hard to allow you to do it and not have to pay full price for your HC. Let's face it, you have enough assets to pay retail for your HC but you CHOOSE not to, which the system allows. It's shows you are smart enough to beat the system. What else it shows about you, I'll leave to others to decide. But it's certainly not very liberal like. Or is it?
"Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams called for the removal of the giant carving that depicts three Confederate war leaders on the face of state-owned Stone Mountain, saying it “remains a blight on our state and should be removed.” -
New Mantra: "Symbols Matter"

Quote: BozBut it's certainly not very liberal like. Or is it?
Im not sure why volunteering would be considered a non-liberal thing to do. It's almost like making blanket statements towards an entire group isn't accurate.
I'm a volunteer firefighter/EMT and generally consider myself pretty far left on most topics.
Let me ask you this. Do you think there are any monuments to Washington, Jefferson or Lafayette in England?
I'm not sure why you think we should honor Americans, many of whom broke their Oaths of duty, took up arms against our Federal Government and caused the deaths of well over a hundred thousand of our countrymen. Do we have tributes to Benedict Arnold?
What really offends me is that we have many US Army bases and installations not only named after men who betrayed their oaths, but many of them were terrible Generals to begin with.
Braxton Bragg almost single handily snatched Defeat from the jaws of Victory at Shiloh. Gen. Pendleton foolishly stayed in Vicksburg, knowing the town couldn't be saved. His 30,000 men could have been pretty useful in places besides a prison camp. Gen Polk did nothing to distinguish himself. Yet they are memorialized by having bases named after them, an honor some of our Greatest Heroes are denied. Honor Blackjack Pershing. Honor Patton, even MacArthur, not minor rebel commanders.
Quote: BozAnd we need more like you. Hell everyone should do it. As I am sure he Thanked you for it, you should thank the others out there working hard to allow you to do it and not have to pay full price for your HC. Let's face it, you have enough assets to pay retail for your HC but you CHOOSE not to, which the system allows. It's shows you are smart enough to beat the system. What else it shows about you, I'll leave to others to decide. But it's certainly not very liberal like. Or is it?
Rather than play your games , I 'd rather let you show your ignorance with your own words. Little I could say would be anywhere as effective as simply letting you continue to hoist your petard.
Thus the State claims to have little to no control over it. The statue was done by the same people who did Mt. Rushmore, and is a good bit larger.
A couple of years ago, there was a proposal to add the face of Martin Luther King, to it, as well as a giant bell and part of his "I have a dream" speech.
I'm not aware of any progress towards actually doing it.
If memory serves me well, some nutjob tried to drive a plane into the statue in an attempt to destroy it, but missed and simply killed himself by hitting a different part of the mountain.
I don't care how they feel if they keep it to themselves.Quote: billryanIf someone marches in a Nazi rally, I'm pretty sure they have clearly stated how they feel towards their minority coworkers
Probably.Quote: billryanand have created a hostile workplace environment.
Agreed.Quote: billryanThere is no place in our country for Nazis, racial supremacists or their ilk. Especially when they attempt to march armed to the teeth.
What I said is that being a communist or socialist isn't illegal here. And it shouldn't be. If you take a check from the government, aren't you at least partly a socialist ?
Quote: JohnnyQWhat I said is that being a communist or socialist isn't illegal here. And it shouldn't be. If you take a check from the government, aren't you at least partly a socialist ?
If you drive on the road or expect the police to come when you call, you're at least a tiny bit socialist.
Quote: billryanRather than play your games , I 'd rather let you show your ignorance with your own words. Little I could say would be anywhere as effective as simply letting you continue to hoist your petard.
In other words you have no defense for accepting government benefits that you know you really don't need. Sure you qualify for them but you certainly don't need them. Is it a smart play to take them? Maybe but what you are really saying is the system is setup to allow people to take advantage of it and that's all you are doing.
No games, only an honest exposure of how flawed the HC system is.
Sorry Billy, your no hero, just another guy who found a way to screw the average American taxpayer. Congratulations you found an EV play. You probably should run for office. Or write a book on how to walk away from the business world and do what you enjoy, while getting help from the government doing it. It would be a best seller. But of course then you would lose your claim to fame.
By the way Thanks for allowing me to show my ignorance. I only hope to learn from you. How about I show you how to be ignorant and you show me how you sleep at night? Fair trade?