Man, I wish Americans could get high quality healthcare like the healthcare their representatives have! #Truth #Sad #NeverGonnaHappen #NeverGonnaGiveYouUpNeverGonnaLetYouDownNeverGonnaRunAroundOrDesertYouQuote: ams288I'm assuming this means the Senate can't vote on TrumpCare this week? McCain's vote is needed.
Quote: OnceDearIt's only money: Oh wait. It's more than that
I'm surprised this gets any support from the left or the right.
Well, it's only advertised for drug traffickers. But some police departments just don't stay within those parameters.
Quote: TigerWuJust been revealed there was another Russian at that Trump Jr meeting.
I'm sure it was taped and Putin has the recordings
I'm hoping he's wrong, as he usually is...
2) I don't care for hypocrisy. Can you imagine the vortex of hot air that would be spewing out of Trump's piehole if he had lost the election AND IF the Clinton campaign had done 1/10th of any one of the numerous questionable and unethical situations that the entire Trump organization has done ? In the race to the bottom, Trump is well out in front and taking our country with him.
Yep, or at least a full transcript from the attendees.Quote: terapinedI'm sure it was taped and Putin has the recordings
So, basically we have a conversation that is not even recorded for all the private record keeping, and documentation AND VIRTUALLY NO POSSIBILITY OF REVIEW BY ANYONE.
I totally understand the dialogue not being released for public consumptions due to sensitive subject matter, but the absence of any record???
How is that any better than Hillary deleting her records?
Summer slide: A new ABC News-Washington Post poll shows Trump's six-month approval rating at 36 percent, the lowest of any president at this point in 70 years.
More to the meeting … At least eight people were in the room for Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer, CNN reports. That's four more than he originally said were there. And 63 percent of Americans say it was inappropriate for the younger Trump to take that meeting, according to the ABC-Post poll.
And on and on and on it goes.....
Quote: rxwineSo it turns out Trump also had a 1 hour meeting with Putin and Putin's Russian translator. No other Americans listening or recording.
So, basically we have a conversation that is not even recorded for all the private record keeping, and documentation AND VIRTUALLY NO POSSIBILITY OF REVIEW BY ANYONE.
Is that abnormal for a President to do? I mean, is every single word a President says for 24/7/365 being overheard by some kind of witness or record keeper? I've never really thought about that before...
Don't worry, I am sure it was about nothing spectacular. Categories for double jeopardy: Miss Universe, golf courses, shuch-money, dachas, potent potables, and "Erkle."
Quote: TigerWuIs that abnormal for a President to do? I mean, is every single word a President says for 24/7/365 being overheard by some kind of witness or record keeper? I've never really thought about that before...
Well, part of my point is, Hillary and anyone else, just stays out of trouble by not keeping any records of State business where they plan any funny business. Now if that isn't a giant freakin' loophole to the whole, records being deleted, I don't know what it is.
Why bother accusing anyone of compromising anything? Just don't let anyone keep any records..
And like I said, even sensitive information should be recorded archivally even if it can't be made public. And uh, it's the kind of stuff someone might later want to subpoena. There's a little investigation going on... related.
Quote: boymimboMeetings between world leaders are usually carefully arranged, even those meetings at world conferences. The G20 dinner is much more about show than substance. Protocol was broken when the the US side did not bring an interpreter meaning (1) Trump had to rely on the Russian interpreter (2) there is no account of the meeting from the American side.
Don't worry, I am sure it was about nothing spectacular. Categories for double jeopardy: Miss Universe, golf courses, shuch-money, dachas, potent potables, and "Erkle."
What an idiot move. Putin is playing chess, and Trump is playing the fool. How does he know what their translator said HE said? What was he asked and what did he give? We already know willing to disclose top secret info to Russians to ingratiate himself to them /feed his ego.
Can't tell me one of the two didn't have a recorder going.
Also can't tell me at this point that the hookers/urine thing didn't happen.
The smoking gun on what Trump is doing with the Russians HAS to be in his tax returns. This is all about his companies and what he can do for the Russian oligarchs, at our expense. So he won't release them voluntarily. But Muller has subpoena power; I bet he already has them. At least I hope he does. Even if Trump won't give them up, the IRS has them, too, and they're not beyond Muller ' s scope.
Quote: beachbumbabsI also find it hard to believe Tillerson is willing to endure the c#/kblockung humiliation. Only thing I can figure is he's hanging on trying to get the Exxon-RusskiOil thing unsanctuoned. It's only 500 Billion, after all.
No one is worried about their reputation. This administration is purely after a cash grab. Those involved are willing to destroy their reputation if they can avoid criminal prosecution and come out a little wealthier on the other side.
The whole freaking mob should have all their assets seized as 'proceeds of crime'Quote: gamerfreakNo one is worried about their reputation. This administration is purely after a cash grab. Those involved are willing to destroy their reputation if they can avoid criminal prosecution and come out a little wealthier on the other side.
Oh they're worried about it, but it's not top priority. You can look as bad as you want for 4 years while getting all the millions and billions in cash. Then, over the next 20-30 years you can do charity events, donations, etc, etc, etc to try to get your reputation popular, while still having all of your cash (win win).Quote: gamerfreakNo one is worried about their reputation. This administration is purely after a cash grab. Those involved are willing to destroy their reputation if they can avoid criminal prosecution and come out a little wealthier on the other side.
Same kind of brain cancer Beau Biden and Ted Kennedy had...
Quote: ams288Mayo Clinic says John McCain has a "brain tumor known as a glioblastoma was associated with the blood clot."
Same kind of brain cancer Beau Biden and Ted Kennedy had...
So I guess they need to roll him out and get a vote done before he dies like the Dems did with the old KKK Member from WV.
Quote: BozSo I guess they need to roll him out and get a vote done before he dies like the Dems did with the old KKK Member from WV.
You can bet that that is Mitch McConnel's plan....
Quote: BozSo I guess they need to roll him out and get a vote done before he dies like the Dems did with the old KKK Member from WV.
Won't the replacement be a Republican just appointed? And likely more Right than McCain?
Quote: SOOPOOWon't the replacement be a Republican just appointed? And likely more Right than McCain?
Yes but there will be a special election and AZ isn't all GOP anymore and you know this will be the most expensive Senate race in history. The Dems will try to make it about Trump and there is a good chance they could take the seat in a the Special.
Somehow I doubt it.
He hasn't been in Trump Tower in months, his wife and kids are gone, but the US military is paying $130,000 plus a month to rent a command center there.
I'm inclined to think that the story is bogus, but it certainly sounds like something Trump would do.
Quote: billryanI wonder if he'll stay in Washington until the Health Bill passes.
Somehow I doubt it.
He hasn't been in Trump Tower in months, his wife and kids are gone, but the US military is paying $130,000 plus a month to rent a command center there.
That's is a real conflict of interest. The racist, rapist, sexist, scam-artist, and con-artist Trump can avoid all this conflict-of-interest. His apparent violation of U.S. Constitution's Emulation Clause is troublesome, and he should sell some of his hotel & condom (sp?) properties to others ...
Quote: rsactuarySean Spicer resigns, leaving the White House with absolutely zero credibility.
Not surprising... he acted like he didn't want to be there almost from day one. He's probably gittin' while the gittin's still good...
Quote: rsactuarySean Spicer resigns, leaving the White House with absolutely zero credibility.
It's a tough job working as a pinball.
This guy, when asked about Trumps claim that millions of people illegally voted, instead of saying it was rhetoric or something implied that when Trump says something ,he knows more than everyone else.
A piss poor beginning for a person who seems completely ill-suited for his job. Guess he'll fit right in.
Quote: billryanI've been a political junkie since 1972, and I don't think I've ever heard anyone ever stand at the WH podium and speak of the love they have for the President, or that the American people love their president as much as they do.
This guy, when asked about Trumps claim that millions of people illegally voted, instead of saying it was rhetoric or something implied that when Trump says something ,he knows more than everyone else.
A piss poor beginning for a person who seems completely ill-suited for his job. Guess he'll fit right in.
Same here. 2 things of note: Spicer, despite widespread humiliation and mockery, hung in there until this guy was named as his boss. I think that's a pretty compelling thumbs -down.
Second, the deal he cut gives him direct access to Trump, taking the WHCD out of the Priebus (COS) chain of command, first time ever. Priebus didn't want him hired, so THAT'S the answer they came up with.
I'd guess duck and cover will be in order very soon. Yikes.
Quote: beachbumbabsSame Priebus didn't want him hired, so THAT'S the answer they came up with.
Despite selling their souls to Trump, I think many Republicans like Priebus are still trying manage their erratic leader. The more sycophants and loyalists Trump gets around himself, the less able they are to do so.
Trump likes solving problems by digging himself in a hole deeper and deeper, As long as the rest of us don't slide in with him, I guess we will survive.
Except trumpy places zero value on anything that he doesn't personally have a stake in. He'd not hesitate for one second to cause riots or wars if it would buy him one more second of influence. He must be getting close to the time of considering actual assassinations of his enemies. Maybe that was what he was seeking Putin's advise on?Quote: rxwineTrump likes solving problems by digging himself in a hole deeper and deeper, As long as the rest of us don't slide in with him, I guess we will survive.
I'm thinking it will be Friday 28th when trumpy declares that the whole Russia Hoax investigation has been diverted into an investigation of the 'Democrats real Russia Collusion Scandal' and that Bob has been stood down to be replaced by his own quango to be coordinated by his own appointee.
Hillary lost, Donald... get over it. How about you get off of Twitter and do your god damn job?
Quote: TigerWu"So many people are asking why isn't the A.G. or Special Council looking at the many Hillary Clinton or Comey crimes. 33,000 e-mails deleted?" -- Donald Trump, July 22, 2017
Hillary lost, Donald... get over it. How about you get off of Twitter and do your god damn job?
It's just breaking the ground on his classic deflect/project tactic. Boring really.
E.g. blaming Obama for letting that Russian lawyer be in the country. Investigate Obama.
Whatever treasonous crime he's rightly accused of, lash out that one of his opponents did it worse. Irrelevant who he puts in the crosshairs, so long as it's not him.
Quote: TigerWu"So many people are asking why isn't the A.G. or Special Council looking at the many Hillary Clinton or Comey crimes. 33,000 e-mails deleted?" -- Donald Trump, July 22, 2017
Hillary lost, Donald... get over it. How about you get off of Twitter and do your god damn job?
As far as I know, at any time Trump can ask the AG to look at or to appoint a SC to look at HC. He made a campaign promise to do just that.
Quote: Dalex64As far as I know, at any time Trump can ask the AG to look at or to appoint a SC to look at HC. He made a campaign promise to do just that.
I expect to hear that excuse one day. "I never prosecuted Hillary, so why me?"
However, I expect at worse his term to end like Nixon. The Republicans will convince him to resign. Tell him he can make any silly speech full of excuses that he likes (which he would anyway) and then he'll resign with the promise Pence will eventually pardon him. And that will be it.
Quote: rxwine
However, I expect at worse his term to end like Nixon. The Republicans will convince him to resign.
I don't think his ego will let him resign, and Republicans know that, so they won't press the issue. My prediction is they will simply not re-nominate him for 2020, citing too much scandal. This will allow Trump to escape with his ego intact, which is what I think he has wanted to do since day one, and HIS excuse will be, "I accomplished everything I set out to do in one term, so I don't need to run for a second."
Quote: TigerWuI don't think his ego will let him resign, and Republicans know that, so they won't press the issue. My prediction is they will simply not re-nominate him for 2020, citing too much scandal. This will allow Trump to escape with his ego intact, which is what I think he has wanted to do since day one, and HIS excuse will be, "I accomplished everything I set out to do in one term, so I don't need to run for a second."
They did everything they could not to nominate him last time around. He's the peoples champion. Just like his soulmate, PT Barnum.
Quote:— The U.S. Pacific Fleet commander said on Thursday he would launch a nuclear strike against China next week if President Donald Trump ordered it,
And that's what he is supposed to do.
But sure wish it would make people think twice about electing someone with a personality like Trumps.
Quote: rxwineAnd that's what he is supposed to do.
But sure wish it would make people think twice about electing someone with a personality like Trumps.
My personal worst nightmare, out of my many objections to Trump.