Wherein jared kushner is meeting with top russian involved with financing spies recruiting other trump top people
Quote: RSWhat is it that Trump and/or the Russians did or supposedly did? I've heard of this "interfered with the election" thing several times, but never what that actually entails.
Rs watch these two vids. Should answer your legit question
Quote: darkozHmm lets see evenbob and sanchopanza want some proof
They don't want proof.
The want to jam their fingers in their ears and go "LALALALALALALALA" until it hopefully goes away. That's why they both keep downplaying the severity of having a POTUS under investigation by the FBI for collusion with a foreign enemy.
Quote: mcallister3200Dude is unhinged, can't get out of campaign mode. Seems he has a relatively important job enough people wanted/thought he would do but he can't stop foaming at the mouth and ranting incoherent thoughts about Hillary like she has anything to do with the job he has to do now. Not exactly "presidential" and extremely divisive.
It is an attempt to distract from the Russia investigation and the ethical questions and conflicts of interest within the current administration, and with the actions that the administration is taking.
That's the first time I've heard anyone involved say they have proof of criminal activity. I don't know if it's true, but it's a pretty shocking statement.
Quote: billryanCongressman Castro just said in an interview that based on what he has seen so far, he would bet that more than one Trump ally goes to jail over this. He wouldn't go into details and didn't answer when asked if the people are currently in the administration.
That's the first time I've heard anyone involved say they have proof of criminal activity. I don't know if it's true, but it's a pretty shocking statement.
I guess he should be locked up then.
Although that "temporarily" is fishy. Probably means until the White House needs him to cover their tracks again.
Quote: MrVYee-haw!
As ye reap, so shall ye sow.
Quote: ams288Nunes steps down from the Russian investigation "temporarily."
Although that "temporarily" is fishy. Probably means until the White House needs him to cover their tracks again.
Nunes claims its till he can prove charges from the congressional ethics office are false but with even repubs like mccain claiming he violated ethics i doubt he ia returning. Hes just Trying to save face
Take any invesrigation and do the same thing and to me its a no brainer
Lets see: former mafia lawyer turned judge oversees same mafia on trial then has secret unannounced meeting with them is handed mysterious evidence then cancels trial
What would u think
Lets see: former trump employee turned panel jusge oversees trump associated on trial then has secret unannounced meeting with them is handed mysterious evidence then cancels trial
What would you think
Donald's shifting stance on Syria?
Quote: RSWhat is it that Trump and/or the Russians did or supposedly did? I've heard of this "interfered with the election" thing several times, but never what that actually entails.
I thought this was public knowledge. The Russians are alleged to have hacked the Democrats emails and released them verbatim to the American public. When the American public became aware of exactly who and what the Democrats were and are they chose to vote for the weakest candidate in American presidential history(not including Hillary Clinton).
Quote: SOOPOOThe Russians are alleged to have hacked the Democrats emails and released them verbatim to the American public
More importantly: there is mounting evidence that Trump's campaign coordinated with the Russians as to when the emails were to be released.
I dont know what an anti -neocon Trumpster is, but I dont hate the fact that he just attacked a Syrian airfield with 59 tomahawk missiles.Quote: ams288So....... how are the anti-neocon s feeling about
Donald's shifting stance on Syria?
Quote: AxelWolfI dont know what an anti -neocon Trumpster is, but I dont hate the fact that he just attacked a Syrian airfield with 59 tomahawk missiles.
This is probably the least controversial thing he has done his entire presidency.
It seems like most everyone right now is agreeing that international law needs to be enforced.
Quote: gamerfreakThis is probably the least controversial thing he has done his entire presidency.
As I noted elsewhere, why would anyone doubt Trump's ability to destroy something?
Obama would have done nothing.Quote: rxwineAs I noted elsewhere, why would anyone doubt Trump's ability to destroy something?
Quote: AxelWolfObama would have done nothing.
Well, he did order air strikes and kill terrorists at selected targets in his time in office. But you're right as Trump will be more aggressive. Trump will likely to make a mistake in the opposite direction, as he admires strong man moves. He's already had accusations he acted too quickly in the raid that got the Seal member killed. Will it be the only time?
I guess if it helps some people sleep better at night...
Tacking one more on: Trump also predicted that Obama would order some military strike because Obama's poll numbers were in a "tailspin"
Quote: AxelWolfI dont know what an anti -neocon Trumpster is,
Ask bobbartop.
Quote: BozFirst Trump decision I disagree with. No threat to us at this point. We are not the Worlds police.
+ Infinity!!!
You can be certain they or an ally of theirs WILL retaliate.
I was hoping someone would point all 3 of these out. That's the funny thing about twitter... Your posts are public and people save them forever. People have been posting his tweets about doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of what he's doing now.Quote: Dalex64Trump also said that Obama shouldn't attack Syria (for a chemical gas attack, too), and that Obama should also get congressional approval first.
Tacking one more on: Trump also predicted that Obama would order some military strike because Obama's poll numbers were in a "tailspin"
But this tweet is my favorite:
Quote: @realDonaldTrumpNow that Obama's poll numbers are in tailspin - watch for him to launch a strike in Libya or Iran. He is desperate.
From 10/9/12.
Someone isn't following the party line:Quote: ams288Yes, there are lots of massively hypocritical Tweets from Donald about Syria (and honestly, every other topic under the sun).
" (CNN)Hillary Clinton called on the United States to take out Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad's Air Force on Thursday, days after a chemical attack killed more than 70 people in the war-torn country.
"Assad has an air force, and that air force is the cause of most of these civilian deaths as we have seen over the years and as we saw again in the last few days," Clinton said in a speech at the "Women in the World" summit in New York City. "And I really believe that we should have and still should take out his air fields and prevent him from being able to use them to bomb innocent people and drop sarin gas on them."--cnn
Quote: SanchoPanzaSomeone isn't following the party line:
" (CNN)Hillary Clinton called on the United States to take out Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad's Air Force on Thursday, days after a chemical attack killed more than 70 people in the war-torn country.
"Assad has an air force, and that air force is the cause of most of these civilian deaths as we have seen over the years and as we saw again in the last few days," Clinton said in a speech at the "Women in the World" summit in New York City. "And I really believe that we should have and still should take out his air fields and prevent him from being able to use them to bomb innocent people and drop sarin gas on them."--cnn
No surprise. Both Trump and Clinton were terrible Presidential candidates. We'd be better off with Donald Duck than either one of those two.
Quote: SanchoPanzaSomeone isn't following the party line:
" (CNN)Hillary Clinton called on the United States to take out Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad's Air Force on Thursday, days after a chemical attack killed more than 70 people in the war-torn country.
"Assad has an air force, and that air force is the cause of most of these civilian deaths as we have seen over the years and as we saw again in the last few days," Clinton said in a speech at the "Women in the World" summit in New York City. "And I really believe that we should have and still should take out his air fields and prevent him from being able to use them to bomb innocent people and drop sarin gas on them."--cnn
That would be Donald who isn't following the party line..... Steve Bannon didn't want to strike Syria. But that racist drunk seems to be losing his influence over Donald.
There are lots of unhappy frogs on Twitter today. It's quite enjoyable to see, actually.
No thanks, I have no desire to know what that is.Quote: ams288Ask bobbartop.
Oh wait, was that just a jab at him or something?
Call me selfish or whatever you want, but all I know is that everyone I know is doing much better as of late.
Quote: AxelWolfOh wait, was that just a jab at him or something?
No... I'm legitimately curious as to what he thinks about Donald's actions in Syria. As he is strongly on the record as not liking neocons...
Quote: SanchoPanzaSomeone isn't following the party line:
" (CNN)Hillary Clinton called on the United States to take out Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad's Air Force on Thursday, days after a chemical attack killed more than 70 people in the war-torn country.
"Assad has an air force, and that air force is the cause of most of these civilian deaths as we have seen over the years and as we saw again in the last few days," Clinton said in a speech at the "Women in the World" summit in New York City. "And I really believe that we should have and still should take out his air fields and prevent him from being able to use them to bomb innocent people and drop sarin gas on them."--cnn
I have no problem with Clinton and Trump agreeing on an issue, or agreeing on a strategy. Just because they are a democrat and a republican does not mean they will always and automatically have polar opposite opinions.
Sometimes they might agree, because sometimes, something is just the right think to do. Sometimes they might agree, and both be wrong.
96,000 jobs added last month. What happened to the jobs, jobs, jobs?
Dems do it this way, they screwed themselves.
They cut off their nose to spite their face.
They should have approved Gorsuch and
saved the protests for a more conservative
judge in the future. Yes, someday there
might be a Dem president and a Dem
senate, but that could easily be 10 years
away when there are 7 conservative
judges on the court.
Quote: EvenBobWe have a new SCOTUS judge. Why did the
Dems do it this way, they screwed themselves.
They cut off their nose to spite their face.
Agree. It was a strength of the Senate that at least some consensus was needed to get a bill passed. Now it has been defined that Shumer is powerless. At least for 2 full years, almost assuredly 4 years, and likely 6 years. Sure there will be some time in the future where the tables will be turned and the Repubs will be powerless, but by then as Bob pointed out, the Supreme Court will be Conservative for a generation at least.
Quote: billryanIf Republicans try to pass a bill with a simple majority, you'll see all out war. A Democrat will object to every bill in committee and nothing will get to the floor.
There are few issues the Republicans are united on. The Supreme Court vote is about it.
Other then that, a simple majority is actually tough to accomplish unless its a for or against issue such as a court pick.
Healthcare is the biggie they cant unite on
Cant even take a vote
Freedom caucus on one side, moderates on the other.
Bills that need negotiating will not make it throgh
Great Presidents mold and build a majority on controversial issues. Trump isnt one of those Presidents
The end result is the same. Either the majority party respects the right of a minority greater than 40 to block legislation, or they don't.
In the past, it was a seldom used power, reserved for when the minority felt most strongly about something.
I heard that in Obama's first term, the Republicans fillibustered something like 47 times, a number equal to all of the fillibusters that had happened before in the entire history of the Senate.
Is it any surprise that the Democrats would start to weaken the rule, so they could get something done? It is also no surprise that the Republicans would point to that weakening of the rule to take it further.
They didn't hit the runway.
They told the Russians before they launched the attack. Did the Russians then warn the Syrians, who could then scramble their jets to safety?
It is almost as if they wanted to minimize the damage.
As Lawrence points out russia anf putin were in charge of eliminating chemical warfare from assad. And assad makes his benefactor putin look bad by doing this. How does assad explain this to putin ... Unless putin gave him the go ahead
Quote: darkozLawrence o donnell is questioning the possibility putin told assad to do the chemical attack so trump would do a minor assault that would boost trump and keep his boy in office
As Lawrence points out russia anf putin were in charge of eliminating chemical warfare from assad. And assad makes his benefactor putin look bad by doing this. How does assad explain this to putin ... Unless putin gave him the go ahead
Personally, I think Assad may have taken his cue when Trump said he didn't see why Assad shouldn't be able to remain in power.
He could have violated the agreement while Obama was still in power as people are saying if Obama was perceived as weak, as is said here, so why did he wait until Trump is the President to do it? As far as I know, once Obama and the Russians made their agreement, there were no further violations until now.
If you perceive one guy as weak and the other strong, why do it when the strong guy in charge? Makes no sense.
Trump has the Russians warned so they can get their planes to safety. I'm sure they didn't tell the Syrians what was coming.
It did occur under the last administration, more lethal and on quite a few occasions. Here are just a couple from April and August 2013:Quote: rxwineAs far as I know, once Obama and the Russians made their agreement, there were no further violations until now.
BEIRUT, Lebanon — One of the worst chemical bombings in Syria turned a northern rebel-held area into a toxic kill zone on Tuesday, inciting international outrage over the ever-increasing government impunity shown in the country’s six-year war.
Western leaders including President Trump blamed the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad and called on its patrons, Russia and Iran, to prevent a recurrence of what many described as a war crime.
Dozens of people, including children, died — some writhing, choking, gasping or foaming at the mouth — after breathing in poison that possibly contained a nerve agent or other banned chemicals, according to witnesses, doctors and rescue workers. They said the toxic substance spread after warplanes dropped bombs in the early morning hours. Some rescue workers grew ill and collapsed from proximity to the dead.
The opposition-run Health Department in Idlib Province, where the attack took place, said 69 people had died, providing a list of their names. The dead were still being identified, and some humanitarian groups said as many as 100 had died.” ny times
Syria's opposition accused government forces of gassing hundreds of people on Wednesday by firing rockets that released deadly fumes over rebel-held Damascus suburbs, killing men, women and children as they slept.
With the death toll estimated between 500 and 1,300, what would be the world's most lethal chemical weapons attack since the 1980s prompted an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council in New York.
The council did not explicitly demand a U.N. investigation of the incident, although it said "clarity" was needed and welcomed U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon's calls for a prompt investigation by the U.N. inspection team in Syria, led by Ake Sellstrom.” reuters
Even after Obama and Putin reached their embracing accord, the attacks continued:
“In October 2016, a joint effort by the United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons reported that Syrian Arab Armed Forces had dropped chemical-laden bombs four times between 2014 and 2015. . .
Syrian forces used chlorine gas in 2014 and 2015. Brian Finlay, president of the Stimson Center, a military and defense think tank in Washington, noted that Syria promised to rid itself of sarin, mustard and VX, a nerve agent. But chlorine-based chemicals present a different challenge.politifact
Subsequently, the U.S. claimed that Syria had been cleaned of its chemical weapons, thank you Susan Rice. Nikki Haley has made ultra clear to the U.N. just how that has worked out.
Trump. CNN and MsnBC have been telling
us for months that Trump and Putin are
blood brothers, they're almost the same
person. Putin got Trump elected. Trump
is Putin's sock puppet, so CNN tells us.
This feud is just a show they're putting
on to hide the fact that Putin spiked
Hillary's wine cooler on Sept 11th and
caused her to be thrown into the back
of a van.
How many dead Russians at the air base would have satisfied you? We need to know the next raid.Quote: billryanTrump doesn't want to share his plans in advance with the American people, but gives the Russians a courtesy heads up. Guess that says a lot about who he really works for.
Quote: SanchoPanzaEven after Obama and Putin reached their embracing accord, the attacks continued:
“In October 2016, a joint effort by the United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons reported that Syrian Arab Armed Forces had dropped chemical-laden bombs four times between 2014 and 2015. . .
Syrian forces used chlorine gas in 2014 and 2015. Brian Finlay, president of the Stimson Center, a military and defense think tank in Washington, noted that Syria promised to rid itself of sarin, mustard and VX, a nerve agent. But chlorine-based chemicals present a different challenge.politifact
Subsequently, the U.S. claimed that Syria had been cleaned of its chemical weapons, thank you Susan Rice. Nikki Haley has made ultra clear to the U.N. just how that has worked out.
And chlorine wasn't included. So, whatever you want to claim it didn't violate that specific agreement.
Quote:Chlorine, a common industrial chemical, was allegedly used in poison-gas attacks by the Assad government in 2014. Chlorine is not on the list of prohibited chemicals covered by the disarmament agreement;
And they'll never be able to ban chlorine anyway. Might as well try to ban bleach.
Quote: EvenBobCNN and MsnBC have been telling
us for months that Trump and Putin are
blood brothers, they're almost the same
person. Putin got Trump elected. Trump
is Putin's sock puppet, so CNN tells us.
In all fairness, when this came up in the debate Trump's response was "NO PUPPET! NO PUPPET! YOU'RE THE PUPPET!"