Quote: SanchoPanzaIn view of the fact that Clapper and Morrell have said there was absolutely no collusion, what "foreign intelligence" are you referring to?
No, what they have said is they have not found any evidence, thus the investigation is ongoing. When Flynn or some other lackey is interviewed and offered a plea bargain to get his testimony, who knows what may be found. Or not found. That's what investigations are about.
Quote: SOOPOOSummary time......
No matter what evidence is presented EB will believe Obama wiretapped DJT, and DJT has no inappropriate ties to Russia. No matter what actually happens EB will believe first 100 days are a big success.
No matter what evidence is presented ams will believe Obama had nothing to do with wiretapping DJT, and DJT has inappropriate ties to Russia. No matter what actually happens ams will be believe first 100 days are an abject failure.
Just in case someone doesn't have time to read all the posts......
SooPoo you forgot the most important part of the Summary...many minds across the country will be influenced by the drivel posted here, all those deeply involved in the daily posts will be hailed as fundamentally changing the course of the country due to their selflessly investment of time here to educate so many. To those, and you know who you are, I say "thank you". Where would we find ourselves without these important civil service works performed right here on WoV? I shudder to imagine the horror that would follow...
Got a cite for that?Quote: billryanNo, what they have said is they have not found any evidence, thus the investigation is ongoing.
Nunes' membership on the team conceivably even leads to tapped communications involving him. And that raises the possibility that he, too, could be among those "unmasked." All that is a result of secret and protected domestic spies running without sufficient controls, a problem that they have even extended to their accomplices in the blood-hungry news media.Quote: billryanNunes should have turned the information over to the Congressional Committee. Maybe now people will realize having a former member of Trumps Transition Team chairing an investigation into Trumps Transition Team doesn't quite pass the smell test.
Bottom line is we still haven't seen any evidence and whatever evidence comes out now is hopelessly tainted.
Quote: SOOPOOI will agree on the amateur hour comment. But it is possible he will go down as a great President. Worst is also a distinct possibility.
To many if he succeeds at tightening the borders, deporting illegals,
The wall is never going to be built
There is no way Mexico will pay for a fantasy wall
I really doubt deporting Trump can make a significant dent in the illegal population
'fixing' healthcare,
The Republicans are fractured on how to repeal Obamacare
Ryancare aint cutting it with a lot of republicans
You have one faction of repups that feel they will be voted out if a lot of their voters lose insurance gained from Obamacare
Another repub faction wants to totally repeal amd blow up Obamacare regardless of who loses insurance
Neither side has the votes therefore Obamacare will not be improved or repealed due to a fractured Republican party
improving the economy,
This is will help determine If Trump can win 2020. Presidents always get credit for an improving economy and they also get the blame if the economy tanks. Regardless of credit or blame, Presidents don't have a lot of influence on the economy
eliminating the liberal bias on the Supreme Court,
I support a liberal court. Thank you for Miranda. Thank you for gay marriage.
strengthening the military,
The military needs to be improved.
Stop spending billions on the latest Aircraft Carriers, Jets and tanks
Close the multiple US military base facilities that are overall useless but congress wont close due to affecting local economies.
Properly fund the VA (Repubs are way way too cheap to properly fund the VA)
Spend money fighting terrorism.
eliminating sanctuary cities,
lowering taxes,
The budget Trump put out is meaningless. Congress controls the purse strings. If Trump can lower taxes, I will be impressed. Just so many in congress, repubs and dems, are addicted to the pork.
Quote: terapinedThe wall is never going to be built
There is no way Mexico will pay for a fantasy wall
I really doubt deporting Trump can make a significant dent in the illegal population
The Republicans are fractured on how to repeal Obamacare
Ryancare aint cutting it with a lot of republicans
You have one faction of repups that feel they will be voted out if a lot of their voters lose insurance gained from Obamacare
Another repub faction wants to totally repeal amd blow up Obamacare regardless of who loses insurance
Neither side has the votes therefore Obamacare will not be improved or repealed due to a fractured Republican party
This is will help determine If Trump can win 2020. Presidents always get credit for an improving economy and they also get the blame if the economy tanks. Regardless of credit or blame, Presidents don't have a lot of influence on the economy
I support a liberal court. Thank you for Miranda. Thank you for gay marriage.
The military needs to be improved.
Stop spending billions on the latest Aircraft Carriers, Jets and tanks
Close the multiple US military base facilities that are overall useless but congress wont close due to affecting local economies.
Properly fund the VA (Repubs are way way too cheap to properly fund the VA)
Spend money fighting terrorism.
The budget Trump put out is meaningless. Congress controls the purse strings. If Trump can lower taxes, I will be impressed. Just so many in congress, repubs and dems, are addicted to the pork.
Agree that there will not be a full border wall built. But i do think that there will be some areas that do get such a wall. Agree Mexico will not pay for a wall, nor should they.
Agree that the Obamacare repeal will be a big problem for the Repubs. Once you give someone something for free (or at a deep discount) and you then take it away they are not happy. And those getting it do not give arat's ass about the increasing deficit their free care causes.
Agree that presidents get either too much credit for a good economy, or too much blame for a bad one. But it is what it is.
I know you support a liberal court. But my point is that many Americans voted for Trump despite not liking him BECAUSE of their fear of a more liberal court. I hate the idea that our Supreme Court is either 'liberal' or 'conservative'. I want an unbiased court that applies the constitution...
Agree strongly with your take on the military.
Disagree strongly with your yawn. The idea of a specific geographic area in our country that chooses not to follow our federal laws is anathema to me. And most Americans obviously.
I disagree on your take that Trump will not lower taxes. I am not saying it is good, but I think he will get that accomplished.
Always good to banter with you, Mr. Ed.
The afterschool programs that FEED CHILDREN, meals on wheels, understanding our climate and the fact that we're quite literally destroying the earth... yeah, sound pretty not necessary to me.Quote: EvenBobThose are needed services, what Trump wants
to stop funding aren't. They are full of nonsense,
we're paying for nothing.
You literally have republicans saying there is no evidence after-school programs actually feed kids. Yes, the same idiots who then in turn think a magic man fed a crowd of thousands with a couple loafs of bread and a few fish. Yep, that's what they believe instead of our government programs feeding real children.
Oh, and just how much are we SAVING btw???

Here's a thought. Maybe we don't sped what the next top 7 countries in the world... ALL of my friends in the army, marines, and navy have told me there are just warehouses of flat screens they burn the rest of their budget on when they need to so that they don't ever get their budget cut and they can ask for more the following year. It's a complete and utter WASTE of money to spend that much on military regardless of TV's or not. We could cut the budget in HALF and still spend more than ANY OTHER COUNTRY in the world.
Obama getting outed. Trump winning, yet again.
One thing that's nice about all this is that the evil doers are too busy running for cover to plan and execute false flag mass murders. Trump for the ultimate win.
Quote: terapinedThe wall is never going to be built
I love your Trump predictions, every one of them
has been wrong so far.
Companies Are Now Bidding for Contracts to Build Trump's Border Wall
"About 500 companies signed up to bid and designs are due to the Department of Homeland Security by next week, William La Jeunesse reported. The White House has released preliminary guidelines for the wall, which must be 30 feet high while looking imposing from the Mexican side and aesthetically pleasing from the U.S."
Architects Have Been Gearing Up to Build Trump’s Border Wall
"On March 17, the US Department of Homeland Security issued not one but two requests for proposals (RFP) for design prototypes. One RFP solicits ideas for a solid concrete wall, while another labeled “other border wall” calls for alternative design solutions."
Quote: MaxPenThe Russian thing is over. Trump vindicated.
Obama getting outed. Trump winning, yet again.
One thing that's nice about all this is that the evil doers are too busy running for cover to plan and execute false flag mass murders. Trump for the ultimate win.
Often mistaken, but never in doubt.
The bill looked dead yesterday, but never doubt the will of Republicans to kill your entire family in order to give millionaires a tax break.
Quote: ams288Big vote on Health Care today.
The bill looked dead yesterday, but never doubt the will of Republicans to kill your entire family in order to give millionaires a tax break.
The Republicans who opposed the bill yesterday probably just wanted to raise their objections and demonstrate their power over the party and the president by delaying the vote and having a closed door bitch session. That done, they will probably vote in favor of it today. They may or may not have been able to extract more concessions.
Quote: Dalex64The Republicans who opposed the bill yesterday probably just wanted to raise their objections and demonstrate their power over the party and the president by delaying the vote and having a closed door bitch session. That done, they will probably vote in favor of it today. They may or may not have been able to extract more concessions.
Opposition among some republicans seems to remain strong
A tweet this morning from Thomas Massie house rep KY
"If Exec branch tells Legislative branch "when 2 vote" "how 2 vote" & "what it will b allowed 2 work on if vote fails," is that a republic?"
Wait, WHAT? More and MORE ties come out every single day to trump and russia. Yes, past his already seemingly having every single adviser and close person to him committing treason and having russian connections during the election. When exactly did this end??? Answer: it most certainly hasn't. He is going to get nailed for sure with the russian scandal because he's been doing crap with them for decades in money laundering.Quote: MaxPenThe Russian thing is over. Trump vindicated.
Good lord could you think of the shrieking every single republican would be doing if HILLARY talked with RUSSIA during the campaign/etc???? LOCK HER (AND BY HER I MEAN HIM) UP!
Again... WAT? Got outed for what? The false claim of wire tapping that every single person/agency has said is a complete lie? The fact that BRITEBART (a completely idiotic/lying/nonfactual/biased site) posted that claim and then trump pushed it along through his mouth and that's literally ALL of the proof he has of anything? How exactly is trump winning there? Answer: he's not. He looks like the ::tinfoil:: hat wearing retard that he is.Quote: MaxPenObama getting outed. Trump winning, yet again.
Trump is literally a cancer to our country and the hilariously ironic thing about it is he's going to (already trying to) completely F over the mass majority of people that voted for him. Oh the lolz.
Quote: RomesWait, WHAT? More and MORE ties come out every single day to trump and russia.
Just ignore him.
He's one of the biggest conspiracy theorists on these boards, and yet all this Russia stuff apparently doesn't peak his interests.
Quote: ams288Just ignore him.
He's one of the biggest conspiracy theorists on these boards, and yet all this Russia stuff apparently doesn't peak his interests.
Quote: Dalex64pique
At least I didn't use the wrong "your" - that would be unforgivable.
What Nunes was referring to was conversations from the Trump camp that were picked up, not because they were targeting Trump's campaign, but because his campaign was talking to legitimate FISA intelligence targets.
That is more evidence damning than anything we have seen so far.
Despite the lies of the fake media, Donny loves Obama care and was a strong supporter from jump street.
But I thought they were fake news?!
Add or subtract options and poll each change, and when you finally have the most reps from both sides supporting a version, that's the best bipartisan bill possible.
Not saying anyone won't be screaming about the result.
Currently Trump says Obamacare is gonna blow up and now just blaming Democrats.
When the Dems were in the white house republicans didn't want to work with them for a bill that's "best for the people" because the longer lasting effect would be "good healthcare got passed while a Dem was in the WH." Similarly the Dems won't pass anything great because then it'll make the republicans look good. It's sad because in the end, us the citizens are the ones that get screwed regardless of which of the "2 party system" is in the WH.
Quote: RomesAnd our 2 party system is the problem that won't let us find a relevant solution...
When the Dems were in the white house republicans didn't want to work with them for a bill that's "best for the people" because the longer lasting effect would be "good healthcare got passed while a Dem was in the WH." Similarly the Dems won't pass anything great because then it'll make the republicans look good. It's sad because in the end, us the citizens are the ones that get screwed regardless of which of the "2 party system" is in the WH.
yea its a 2 party system
you did not address the elephant in the room
One party is in power.
Great Presidents get tough controversial legislation across the goal line when their party is in power
Weak Presidents don't get legislation across the goal line when their party is in power
Quote: RomesAnd our 2 party system is the problem that won't let us find a relevant solution...
When the Dems were in the white house republicans didn't want to work with them for a bill that's "best for the people" because the longer lasting effect would be "good healthcare got passed while a Dem was in the WH." Similarly the Dems won't pass anything great because then it'll make the republicans look good. It's sad because in the end, us the citizens are the ones that get screwed regardless of which of the "2 party system" is in the WH.
While I agree the 2 party system is F'd and partisanship does nothing good for the Country, they did not need any support from the democrats to pass this in the House. The Republicans just needed to agree amongst themselves. This was supposed to be the easy part, the real fight would have been in the Senate.
They had 7 years to figure out how to do healthcare better, but all they ever came up with was "Obamacare sux!!!!!!". No one in the GOP knows how to legislate or govern. Their only talent is complaining without proposing alternatives, inventing alternative facts, and obstructing the other party. The events this week have made that painfully obvious.
The conservative Freedom Caucus controls about 40-45 votes and almost always votes as a block. Without their support, leadership can't do much because of an inane rule that the Speaker won't introduce a bill unless the majority of Republicans to vote for it. Ryan could easily carve out a coalition of 150 moderate Republicans and 100 moderate Democrats to make much needed improvements in the law but he won't introduce anything the majority of Republicans wont vote for.
Its going to be a long two years.
Quote: SOOPOODoes anyone here think that Shumer (or ams) would listen to reason if some explained to him a strength of a Republican replacement for Obamacare? Ain't happening.....
Trump quote throughout his campaign at stop after stop.
""We're going to have insurance for everybody. There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can't pay for it, you don't get it. That's not going to happen with us, can expect to have great health care. It will be in a much simplified form. Much less expensive and much better."
If the CBO office came out and totally agreed with Trump regarding the new bill
I have no doubt Shumer, AMS , terapined (me), the entire country , would get behind Trump
The bottom line is Trump aint getting it done as he said he would. Cheaper and better.
The CBO estimates are higher costs and loss of insurance for millions
If Trump walks the walk due to his statements
I am all behind Trump
This bill that was not voted on is nowhere near what Trump has said he would get done at campaign stop after campaign stop
Quote: SOOPOOThe problem as outlined by the previous few posters is this..... Some Repubs (most?) just want Obamacare gone because it was started by the Dems, and the consequences are not important. Some Dems (most?) would not vote even for a moderate positive change if Trump was for it solely because Trump was for it. There are some (a minority?) on both sides of the aisle that actually care about what bill is best for the country. Does anyone here think that Trump (oe EvenBob) would listen to reason if someone explained to him a strength of Obamacare? Does anyone here think that Shumer (or ams) would listen to reason if some explained to him a strength of a Republican replacement for Obamacare? Ain't happening.....
I disagree with both your premises. Democrats have been trying to improve it for eight years and are more than willing to do so now. I believe a majority of Republicans feel the same. Get rid of Ryan and Pelosi and take it from there.
Quote: billryanI disagree with both your premises. Democrats have been trying to improve it for eight years and are more than willing to do so now. I believe a majority of Republicans feel the same. Get rid of Ryan and Pelosi and take it from there.
On this issue
I would love to see Trump pivot to the center and reach out to Dems to try to improve rather then repeal or repeal/replace
Trump and the freedom caucus came down to a showdown and its Trump that blinked big time
This just emboldens the freedom caucus
Right now they are in the drivers seat regarding all Republican legislation going forward.
Trump could show true leadership by pivoting to the center, get a coalition together with Repubs and Dems and improve Obamacare and screw the freedom caucus.
Just a dream
Put me in for two, as long as they are the same color and font as the trump hats. And bonus if they are made in China like the trump hats.Quote: RomesI'm gonna start having hats, t-shirts, and other accessories made now for the big "We told you so" moment that seems fairly inevitable to come.
Hey, if you've been following the news at all, there is no question that trump is a retard. And I say that with no disrespect to the special needs individuals out there.Quote: RomesThe fact that BREITBART (a completely idiotic/lying/nonfactual/biased site) posted that claim and then trump pushed it along through his mouth and that's literally ALL of the proof he has of anything? How exactly is trump winning there? Answer: he's not. He looks like the ::tinfoil:: hat wearing retard that he is.
Well, I am going to disagree with you a little bit here. It is in fact clear that MANAFORT and others have cozied up to the Russkies, "bigleague", like in 10's of millions of dollars.Quote: RomesWait, WHAT? More and MORE ties come out every single day to trump and russia. Yes, past his already seemingly having every single adviser and close person to him committing treason and having russian connections during the election. When exactly did this end??? Answer: it most certainly hasn't. He is going to get nailed for sure with the russian scandal because he's been doing crap with them for decades in money laundering.
But has been trump been directly and KNOWINGLY involved, I don't think so, but Putin and his cronies has been playin' him all along. And that's the beauty of the KGB approach. Cast a wide net.....
warriorish over the bill not coming for
a vote. He's shrugging it off like he
planned it that way. Some are saying
it's an Art of the Deal strategy, that
it was engineered to fail. He sure is
handling it well. Watch CNN/MS for
5min and they have Trump resigning/
impeached/Hari Kari-ing himself over
the weekend. They are beside themselves
with glee, it's like Hillary finally won, the
hanging chads have been counted,
Quote: SOOPOODoes anyone here think that Shumer (or ams) would listen to reason if some explained to him a strength of a Republican replacement for Obamacare?
There WAS no strength in Trump care. The bill sucked. It raised the deficit and was expected to vastly reduce the number of people who were insured. The oldest people who need health insurance were going to see substantial increases in premium costs, even though they are the segment that already pays huge amounts that most find difficult to afford. But it did give a huge tax cut to the wealthiest Americans, and put into place new rules that would allow the insurance companies to profit even more than they do now.
But the biggest travesty of all is that even though there has been 8 years of talk and blaming and other BS there has been absolutely ZERO discussion about the real problems that make health care unaffordable; exorbitant costs in treatment and outrageous profits from drug manufacturers, all of which the insurance carriers couldn't care less about because the higher the costs the more they can charge, and profit from.
As long as everyone keeps ignoring those issues health costs are going to land all of us in the poor house.
Quote: Hullabaloo...and was expected to vastly reduce the number of people who were insured...
So what. It's not any of the damn governments business whether anyone has insurance or not!!
Quote: IbeatyouracesSo what. It's not any of the damn governments business whether anyone has insurance or not!!
Absolutely. Its not like diseases can be contagious or anything. Did Rome have health insurance? What happened to the good old days when a midwife would see to your wife and newborn and you gave her a fattened hen.
Quote: IbeatyouracesSo what. It's not any of the damn governments business whether anyone has insurance or not!!
A shortsighted view. General public health is important to everyone.
Quote: rsactuaryA shortsighted view. General public health is important to everyone.
Make emergency and primary treatment free, problem solved.
So who pays for the free emergency rooms and primary care?
Someone has a heart attack on the street and is rushed to an ER. Their stay can cost $100,000 in a day. A NYC hospital gets a dozen of these a day.
Quote:"MAR-A-LAGO Act."
The legislation would require the publication of White House visitor logs, something that was done regularly by the Obama administration but has since ended since President Trump took office. It would also mandate the release of visitor logs at other locations where the president conducts business -- for example, Mar-a-Lago,
Trump's Florida resort that he has recently called the Southern White House.
Introduced by Sens. Tom Udall of New Mexico, Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Tom Carper of Delaware and Rep. Mike Quigley of Illinois, it comes after the president spent five weekends in Mar-a-Lago since his inauguration.
"By refusing to release the White House visitor logs, President Trump is only validating the rampant concerns about who may be pulling the levers in his administration," Udall said in a statement. "The president should end his administration's disturbing pattern of stonewalling information and immediately reinstate the previous administration's policy of publishing White House visitor logs. And given President Trump's unprecedented decision to conduct official business at his private business properties, the Trump administration has an obligation to make public the visitor lists at places like Mar-a-Lago and Trump Tower."
Quote: billryanSimple solutions for simple minds.
One political post in months and already an insult, that didn't take long.
NOTE TO ADMINS: I take the insult as impersonal and unintended, and also, would never want to see a suspension for an insult against me anyway.
Okay, I'm done.
I'll just leave you to research how many countries already have free primary care and how the early returns seem to be showing that treatment based upon control and prevention has a lower net cost than the expensive procedures you are discussing in the first place. To wit, it is cheaper to prevent a heart attack than to treat a heart attack.
Also, why are the treatment costs in this country so high for emergencies? That would be another question you would do well to research.
Quote: Mission146One political post in months and already an insult, that didn't take long.
Actually, it took 16 minutes. I can easily generate three or four insults in that time span. But I'm a pro.
Quote: Mission146
Also, why are the treatment costs in this country so high for emergencies?
One might get the Democrats and Republicans to agree which conditions would benefit from preventive care and which do not. The Republicans might get on board for any treatment prevention that saves money in the long run.
You can't win many conservatives with health alone, but saving money might bring them over.
I can at least agree while preventive care in general is good to have for everyone, if we want to really attack costs we need to worry specifically about the measures that will decrease long term expense and not every health need.