Quote: 1BBThis should be made into a movie. Patton Oswalt as SOOPOO, Joe Pesci as Buzz and EvenBob as himself but in silhouette only, per order of the Witness Protection Program. Any suggestions for the rest of the cast? Kirstie Alley, Carnie Wilson, Chaz Bono, John Cryer, William Hung, Jason Alexander, Whitney Cummings as European Hottie? I know, I know but Mila Kunis was busy.
Nice casting 1BB ! I could totally see this.
Any post that says "if the admins feel free to ban me" is normally a clue that you probably are crossing a line... and is in someways a worse 'crime' than just out and insulting someone. It shows knowledge of the rules with a flagrant ignoring of them.
Aces- just get on board for the main challenge... even money at $100. After the challenge starts we can get into sub-bets.
I'm afraid I just can't support the constant yo-yo-ing. I will either make the bet I just described in my last post (proper line still pending), or if HB would rather keep it simple, I am open to making a side bet with her once the challenge is complete (win or lose, I'm sure she'll be down from 180) that she'll keep the wight off for a specified period.
Is this really true? DAMN And I have already mailed out the xmas presents !
Quote: Buzzard" My God, there's people on the internet who might not be a the age/sex/location they claim?"
Is this really true? DAMN And I have already mailed out the xmas presents !
What did you get me?
Quote: thecesspitWhat did you get me?
A barge pole and a hat, Nora!
Quote: thecesspitWhat did you get me?
Free tuition to ahigh's dice setting seminar
Quote: NareedTrue.
On the other hand, most people don't try to get a reaction from somene else by means of unwarranted personal attacks, and posts about how the targetis mentally ill. What DG did is mean-spirited and malicious.
Nareed, did you read the awful and offensive posts by HB that got her into trouble this time? Talk about mean-spirited and malicious! At the end I was sick about my participation in the first HB challenge and I'll be damned if I am going to participate in this one. I am mad with myself that I can't seem to resist reading and keeping up with this one. When I saw your comments defending HB I felt like I had to call you on it.
Quote: FrGambleNareed, did you read the awful and offensive posts by HB that got her into trouble this time?
I did.
Quote:When I saw your comments defending HB I felt like I had to call you on it.
I assume you believe in turning the other cheek. I believe in retaliation.
Quote: FrGambleand I'll be damned if I am going to participate in this one.
In my wildest dreams I never expected to see a priest use that phrase!!!!!!! When discussing a weight loss challenge!!!!!!!!!
Quote: SOOPOOIn my wildest dreams I never expected to see a priest use that phrase!!!!!!! When discussing a weight loss challenge!!!!!!!!!
To be fair, he damn well means it more than the rest of us :)
in Britain, New Zealand and Australia, it can convey a positive sense of the object or person referred to.
Quote: BuzzardDo not use if a citizen of the USA
in Britain, New Zealand and Australia, it can convey a positive sense of the object or person referred to.
Not really. In parts of Scotland, it's used as a general filler word, but the c-word is pretty much the nuclear swear word in the rest of the country.
How about we host a weight gain challenge, which will be only slightly less healthy than this one. It will be like the "King-size Homer" episode of the Simpsons. The financial reward will be someone getting on disability pay.
To quote Dr. Nick, when rubbing fatty food onto paper, "It' your window to weight gain."
Quote: CrystalMathI am disgusted at the thought of another HB challenge.
How about we host a weight gain challenge, which will be only slightly less healthy than this one. It will be like the "King-size Homer" episode of the Simpsons. The financial reward will be someone getting on disability pay.
To quote Dr. Nick, when rubbing fatty food onto paper, "It' your window to weight gain."
I love that idea.
Going from working stiff to government disability and free Obama healthcare would be the ultimate advantage play.
Quote: BuzzardYeah that $510 a month and food stamps, you will live like a king.
+ Section 8 and the part time gig you do under the table for some spending $$,
If you can swallow where you would have to live to get Sec 8, the gig can look appealing on those days when life sucks.
Quote: CrystalMathHow about we host a weight gain challenge, which will be only slightly less healthy than this one.
It's been in place and fattening 'em up across town in Las Vegas for years.
It's spelled "B-U-F-F-E-T."
Quote: DocOf course, most members ... have neither the proof of what they weighed on that "starting" date nor any real compulsion to feel that someone should financially reimburse them for losing weight.
Key word: "most."
Went from only pill I ever took was baby aspirin, and only started them 6 months ago.
After heart attack, taking Lisinopril, atorvastatin, metoprolol, and clopidogrel. Will be on all 4 for a year, then drop 2.
Blood thinner working, cause I bleed like a stuck pig now, take forever to clot. Plus bruise easily.
Used to kid about all my friends from the old days being in jail or dead. Now I can drop the " in jail" part.
Good health ought to be enough of an incentive for anyone who is obese, but sadly it is not.
I am still amazed I never see kids playing outside anymore, even on weekends and summer days.
Quote: BuzzardI am still amazed I never see kids playing outside anymore, even on weekends and summer days.
Not just kids: ever take a close look at the people in a casino?
Lots of rotund folk "getting their workout" slamming those slot buttons and then chowing on comped food.
Quote: MoscaCome on, can we get away from this mamby pamby stuff and get back to the insults? Us spectators are starting to get bored.
I was thinking of a challenge whereby I'd have to get a story accepted for publication, at a for pay magazine at least, within twelve months. BUt looking at it closely it amkes no sense. After all, the whole point is that I would get paid for publishing a story.
But if anyone's interested, I won't say no :)
Quote: MoscaCome on, can we get away from this mamby pamby stuff and get back to the insults? Us spectators are starting to get bored.
This from a man who started a thread " Poem of the Day "
I have written the world's shortest poem
Quote: BuzzardThis from a man who started a thread " Poem of the Day "
I have written the world's shortest poem
Aw, cmon. I did it in response to someone saying it wouldn't be a bad idea. I think even I myself got bored with it after a week.
Here's a shorter anti-drug poem:
GO ? NO !
I believe is the lost second verse.
Don't Won't
Quote: Maverick17is the use of the word "cunt" within or off limits here at WoV?
Depends on the context. In your thinly veiled usage it is off limits, and gets you an official warning to be mindful of the rule against personal insults of forum members.
Surely you don't think you can get away with plagiarism ...Quote: BuzzardI have written the world's shortest poem
--Ms. D.
Quote: DorothyGaleI cower to no one ... but in this case ... okay:
<humbly bow>Mr. W.</humbly bow>
... I do want to go home, after all ... I've said what I wanted to say ... I'm outta this one ... Kansas has a lot of dirt left to sweep and I'm just about fed up with this old broom ...
--Ms. D.
What happened to " I'm outta this one " ?
Quote: DorothyGaleSurely you don't think you can get away with plagiarism ...
--Ms. D.
Don't call him Shirley!
Quote: BuzzardCall me anything but late for dinner is my motto. But you can call me anytime.
I'll call you, maybe...

When a woman says she will call you after a date, she means tomorrow.
When a man say he will call you after a date, he means before he dies !
Quote: FarFromVegasI'll call you, maybe...
Quote: DocHow about a challenge as to which member has the greatest net weight loss between October 17, 2012 and WoVCon ]I[, with periods of weight gain allowed, just working to the disadvantage for a net loss? Of course, most members who might be seriously interested in losing weight (a common New Year's resolution) probably have neither the proof of what they weighed on that "starting" date nor any real compulsion to feel that someone should financially reimburse them for losing weight.
If we are talking about other members losing weight, I am interested.
I worked out with a personal trainer from February to June of this year, but never really lost a lot of weight, just got stronger. I would like to be as thin as my spouse (some people have met him). I have also been meaning to race the Wizard this year (now would be a good time to do it since I have not been running that much lately).
Right now I am about 202 (it hurt to see that number), when I was in high school I weighed 152. I don't know if I can get that low, but I would like to weigh less than 160 by the first day of summer 2013 (June 21). I have been lifting more, and I know that muscle can add weight (but right now the majority of my weight is definitely not muscle). I had a personal trainer evaluate my body fat % last month and he said I was about 23%, so it is overweight.
I am thinking the challenge could be to weigh less than 160 or have a body fat % less than 10% on June 21. If both happen that is fine too! I agree with DOC that I should not be financially reimbursed, but a donation to a charity would be nice (we can decide it later). I can take pix and blog if anyone is interested. I can keep my challenge drama free (I guess it will be boring...)
I just started this workout 4 Day Maximum Muscle The 5 minute burn periods are brutal, I have not been able to go more than 15 reps without pausing. I also tried yoga for the first time and it was really interesting. Flexibility is one of my weakest areas.
Anyway if I can get some people interested in my progress and maybe some pledges of about $100 (yeah thats it only a hundred) I will be extra motivated to share my experience.
Quote: NickI would like to be as thin as my spouse
No! He is much too thin. I think 160 is sounds like a good goal.
I don't profess to be a health and exercise expert, but I think for what you want you should emphasize cardiovascular exercises as opposed to weight lifting.
Since you have helped me many times, here is what I propose. On June 21 I'll give you $50 if you get to 160, plus another $50 if you can beat me in a five-mile race. This is totally a free roll.
Quote: NicksGamingStuff
I just started this workout 4 Day Maximum Muscle The 5 minute burn periods are brutal, I have not been able to go more than 15 reps without pausing.
this sounds similar to what we would refer to as lactates in swimming. youd swim real hard. then rest for a moment. swim real hard. then rest for a moment. and so on. it would get you used to the lactic acid (the burning sensation) that builds up in your muscles. lactic acid is produced when your body turns glucose into energy without using oxygen.