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March 23rd, 2014 at 3:42:28 PM permalink
Back to the topic of the thread

it seems a large sector of hispanics in colorado are not happy with obamacare..although an overwhelming percent of hispanics in that state voted for obama

he its states that the healthyyoung people arent signing up which may cause an increase in premiums next year.

wow no kidding?

If people arent happy with obamacare this year with the forced change in doctors, and increased expenses..........wait till next year.

When obama was pushing this affordable care was told to us that there were 30 million uninsured people desperately wanting isnusrance coverge.

Meanwhile we have less thsan 5 millon signed up on the exchanges as of the end of feb. We dont know how many of those people actually paid a premium. We dontknow how many of those people were previously uninsured....or were they just previously insured people who were forced to the exchanges.

where are those 30 million americans that were tugging at our heartstrings....they we were viewd as dying on the hospital steps with no insurance coverage.

Obama and the dems stood the healthcare system on its head, for these 30 million people. Where the heck ae they?
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March 25th, 2014 at 4:12:58 AM permalink
Like LarryS and others, I'd like some of that "transparency" we were told we would get once we got rid of Bush and elected Obama our President. They were going to do away with all the evil Bush supposedly created and make things better. Now they aren't even allowing reporters to cover them and there is no transparency. I'm ready for the next President because this one is hopeless and he is hurting our country much more than he is helping. Millions not looking for work. Millions still uninsured. Losing more jobs than we are gaining. Our standing in the world damaged.

On topic...transparency in the implementation of Obamacare. What are the numbers? How many lost insurance? How many gained better and cheaper insurance? How many are still uninsured? Why are they not signing up? How many have paid something for their Obamacare plan?

Why is our media letting this President get away with this? They rightly challenged Bush and other Presidents for answers; they skewered folks who didn't give them in editorials. Time to treat this President like any other President.
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March 25th, 2014 at 4:28:52 AM permalink

This empty suit should have been kicked to the curb in 2012. But you know the old expression, "Fool me once..."
Now we are left to pay for this mess, and doubtful the next POTUS will have the ***** to unravel it.
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March 25th, 2014 at 7:28:01 AM permalink
Quote: RonC

Why is our media letting this President get away with this? They rightly challenged Bush and other Presidents for answers; they skewered folks who didn't give them in editorials. Time to treat this President like any other President.

So many in the media are just as liberal as he is. And the media is desirous of having a black POTUS and have him succeed. How many other completely unaccomplished Senators got the coverage and push Obama received? Heck, even Mrs. Bill Clinton made the joke of asking him if he wanted a pillow to sit on during their debate.

It is too late for them to be able to spin real success, all they can do now is mitigate failure, blaming it on outside forces. Because none of the other 42 men who had the office of POTUS ever had to deal with a slowing economy, hostile congress, or belligerent Russia it is unfair to blame Obama for his own results.
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March 26th, 2014 at 4:30:01 AM permalink
They don't even pay attention to the things they've said in the past month or so...they continue to make up their own rules as they go:

"On a conference call with reporters Tuesday afternoon, officials at the Department of Health and Human Services insisted that March 31 is the firm deadline to sign up for Obamacare. "We have no plans to extend the open enrollment period," HHS official Julie Bataille said. "In fact, we don't actually have the statutory authority to extend the open enrollment period in 2014."

...and just a few short days later, this:

"Federal officials confirmed Tuesday evening that all consumers who have begun to apply for coverage on, but who do not finish by Monday, will have until about mid-April to ask for an extension.

Under the new rules, people will be able to qualify for an extension by checking a blue box on to indicate that they tried to enroll before the deadline. This method will rely on an honor system; the government will not try to determine whether the person is telling the truth."

At this point, it is time to tell it like it is and it does not matter who is insulted:

If you support President Obama's and his administrations constant changes to a law without proper authority (which they admitted to PUBLICLY, in this case, in the first quote), you are saying that you don't care what any President or administration does and that they can run roughshod over the laws of the land.

Before you go into your silly arguments about what Bush or someone else did, remember that you were opposed to the action when he took it because it was an attack on our democracy. I agreed with that at the time Bush did things that seemed outside the lines but the intellectually dishonest among us here say Bush was wrong but it is okay for Obama to do it because he somehow has enhanced powers.

Wake up and smell what is gong on, folks!
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March 26th, 2014 at 5:17:58 AM permalink
Quote: RonC

Wake up and smell what is gong on, folks!

I've been awake and smelling the stink since 2009. But the thing is everyone is so afraid of being called a racist that they will not call him out on anything. Or they are liberal and just plain don't care if the Constitution is broken "as long as it is for a good reason."

47% of the people willingly trade their freedom for free stuff. The best way to keep a slave a slave is to make him think he is free or has it good. Think about it.
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March 26th, 2014 at 5:57:52 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

The best way to keep a slave a slave is to make him think he is free or has it good. Think about it.


That is oh so true. Obama and low information voters have almost like a master-slave type of relationship. Obama (along with Clinton, Biden, etc.) is the master and the LIV's (low information voters) are his slaves who eat up everything he says. But like you said, all of the LIV's think they're free. *facepalm*
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March 26th, 2014 at 6:31:18 AM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th


That is oh so true. Obama and low information voters have almost like a master-slave type of relationship. Obama (along with Clinton, Biden, etc.) is the master and the LIV's (low information voters) are his slaves who eat up everything he says. But like you said, all of the LIV's think they're free. *facepalm*

To be fair what I see them as are serfs and not slaves. A serf had nominal freedom in most cases. They could choose their own spouse and go into town on their own. But they were bound to the land, unfree to do anything but till the lord's plot. And their kids were bound as well. In return the lord kept them safe from an even worse fate.

Compare that to today and the maze of federal programs. WIC, SNAP, welfare, disability, section 8, Head Start, Obamacare, and on and on. If you see how they live you would never want such a fate. They are "bound" in that if they put their income over some set amount they lose the lord's "protection." While a normal person might start at minimum wage of $15K a year, then move up the ladder to the 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond to a good living in a nice house with nice things the serfs keep living low. When they get a flat screen or some other trinket they think they have made it, and vote to keep the lord in charge.

Meanwhile the lord says, "if you don't support me, Jones will come back!" So the cycle repeats.
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March 26th, 2014 at 6:39:39 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

Compare that to today and the maze of federal programs. WIC, SNAP, welfare, disability, section 8, Head Start, Obamacare, and on and on. If you see how they live you would never want such a fate. They are "bound" in that if they put their income over some set amount they lose the lord's "protection."

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March 26th, 2014 at 7:56:58 AM permalink
Democrat pollsters now saying stop defending Obamacare and instead promise to fix it.

I can see Obama doing this now.

"Yeah, I drove us into the ditch. But let me keep the keys and let me keep driving."
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March 26th, 2014 at 1:09:29 PM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th


That is oh so true. Obama and low information voters have almost like a master-slave type of relationship. Obama (along with Clinton, Biden, etc.) is the master and the LIV's (low information voters) are his slaves who eat up everything he says. But like you said, all of the LIV's think they're free. *facepalm*

Especially the media. How did Bush get 8 years of constant ridicule on TV, and Obama not nearly as much?

PS: Welcome back B9!
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March 26th, 2014 at 1:53:39 PM permalink
Quote: djatc

Especially the media. How did Bush get 8 years of constant ridicule on TV, and Obama not nearly as much?

PS: Welcome back B9!

Thank you! :)
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March 26th, 2014 at 1:56:55 PM permalink
Quote: RonC

Before you go into your silly arguments about what Bush or someone else did, remember that you were opposed to the action when he took it because it was an attack on our democracy. I agreed with that at the time Bush did things that seemed outside the lines but the intellectually dishonest among us here say Bush was wrong but it is okay for Obama to do it because he somehow has enhanced powers.

Wake up and smell what is gong on, folks!

So, you want us to forget that too many Republicans chose to ignore Bush excesses but now you want us to forget all that and work together? Fat chance.

Republican administrations have presided over delays of laws. Look it up. Or see below.

They will again.


With pressure mounting to extend next Monday's enrollment deadline for the Medicare prescription-drug benefit, the Bush administration took another small step in that direction Tuesday, waiving penalty fees for very low-income seniors and people with disabilities who sign up late.

Officials determined that collecting the fees from poor beneficiaries would cost more than the penalties themselves

As well as Obama still hasn't issued as many executive orders as Bush or Clinton. Look it up.

Read more here:
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March 26th, 2014 at 4:59:53 PM permalink
Some pretty good stats on who the real low information voters are.

2/3 without health insurance have not attempted to get coverage the last 6 months.

Now, weren't we told how all these people desired was to get coverage? Looks like that one wasn't true and the claims of several of us on the right that many people without health insurance didn't want it WERE true.

1/3 who lack coverage are unaware of the individual mandate deadline (supposedly) coming at the end of the month.

How you could totally miss that there is a deadline is amazing. Even if you do not know the exact deadline, don't they have news bumps in whatever these people are watching?

50% of the uninsured say they will not get coverage even with the deadline.

Maybe mostly young, healthy folks?

I will always maintain the LIVs voted Obama because they thought it would be free.
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March 26th, 2014 at 5:07:53 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

I will always maintain the LIVs voted Obama because they thought it would be free.

"It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication somehow think that we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication and a government bureaucracy to administer it."

Saw this today. Thought of you lol
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March 26th, 2014 at 5:25:15 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

I will always maintain the LIVs voted Obama because they thought it would be free.

Just yesterday, I overheard a couple college-aged kids talking about how much Obamacare proves that Obama really does care about the people.

That's all I needed to hear. Those kids tested LIV positive on the
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March 26th, 2014 at 5:37:30 PM permalink
Quote: Face

"It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication somehow think that we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication and a government bureaucracy to administer it."

Saw this today. Thought of you lol

What I find funny is how they think doing it via government will somehow be "easier" and "less paperwork."

They probably do not know that government invented red tape--of which I have a real piece somewhere in all my stuff. Genuine piece!
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March 26th, 2014 at 5:54:28 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

What I find funny is how they think doing it via government will somehow be "easier" and "less paperwork."

They probably do not know that government invented red tape--of which I have a real piece somewhere in all my stuff. Genuine piece!

I am becoming very suspicious of anyone who believes that anything short of dismantling the government is a good idea.

I give a pass to those under 25yrs old. Total free pass. I know they can vote. I know a majority will vote blue. I don't care if they vote red, blue, green, or aquamarine. Free pass. I was 25 not long ago, and 25yr olds are (redacted).

Once you hit 30, I get real suspicious. They still have the vim and vigor of youth and now they have partial information. And they're still half (redacted). The only thing worse than someone who knows nothing, is someone who knows a little bit more.

Once you hit your mid 30's you must know this inalienable truth - More Gov Is Always Bad. Vote red. Vote blue. Vote your heart. Vote your mind. Vote your wallet. I do not care. But if you vote for more Gov, then you are part of the problem.

And with that, I think I have officially given my political stance. Not anarchist, but maybe just two doors down =p
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March 26th, 2014 at 6:16:04 PM permalink
Quote: Face

I am becoming very suspicious of anyone who believes that anything short of dismantling the government is a good idea.

I give a pass to those under 25yrs old. Total free pass. I know they can vote. I know a majority will vote blue. I don't care if they vote red, blue, green, or aquamarine. Free pass. I was 25 not long ago, and 25yr olds are (redacted).

Once you hit 30, I get real suspicious. They still have the vim and vigor of youth and now they have partial information. And they're still half (redacted). The only thing worse than someone who knows nothing, is someone who knows a little bit more.

Once you hit your mid 30's you must know this inalienable truth - More Gov Is Always Bad. Vote red. Vote blue. Vote your heart. Vote your mind. Vote your wallet. I do not care. But if you vote for more Gov, then you are part of the problem.

And with that, I think I have officially given my political stance. Not anarchist, but maybe just two doors down =p

Wow, you have moved way closer to my point of view the last six months or so. Not saying we agree on everything, but I basically agree with you here.

I find that after almost 20 years of hoping that things will change I am getting closer to acceptance that it won't. More and more people are going to vote free stuff over freedom. Fewer and fewer people can manage to help themselves. Look at Katrina and Sandy and how many people couldn't last a stinking *week* after them and ended up in some kind of shelter. A week, for crying out loud. Look at the "99ers" who could not find a new job after almost 2 years. On election night I sat across from a girl who was nearly in tears of happiness that Obama won. I mean like she would not be able to function otherwise. (at $60K in student loan debt maybe it was true?)

I have said it before that the USA has a major shake-up every 80 years or so. The next one will happen in the 2020s. It will be bad. So I am just doing all I can to prepare for it and to ride it out. Get a paid for house and car; get a white and blue collar skill; learn to garden. 1855-1870 and 1930-1945 were no picnics. 2020-2040 will not be, either.
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March 26th, 2014 at 6:19:53 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

On election night I sat across from a girl who was nearly in tears of happiness that Obama won. I mean like she would not be able to function otherwise. (at $60K in student loan debt maybe it was true?).

Was it this lady? (I dunno how to embed a video)
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March 26th, 2014 at 6:27:07 PM permalink
Quote: Face

I am becoming very suspicious of anyone who believes that anything short of dismantling the government is a good idea.

Run a municipality of 100,000 people minimum with no government, I will observe your success and take notes.
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March 26th, 2014 at 6:32:52 PM permalink
Quote: djatc

Was it this lady? (I dunno how to embed a video)

Nope, but I will say I have never seen anything like it. She was seriously on another planet. This was not a few supporters high-fiving. I am talking like an addict who just shot up with something. She was in a trance for nearly a minute.

FWIW she was weird to begin with. Had a horticulture degree and actually had a job in her field which she quit and ended up processing bad mortgages for re-works. Her goal seemed to be to get the debt married off.
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March 26th, 2014 at 6:35:12 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Run a municipality of 100,000 people minimum with no government, I will observe your success and take notes.

I would say we could easily do with half the government we have now. At the rate it is going we will have to because pensions alone are going to kill most large cities soon.
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March 26th, 2014 at 6:43:02 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Run a municipality of 100,000 people minimum with no government, I will observe your success and take notes.

I didn't say "no gov" and specifically said I wasn't anarchist.

Dismantle: verb - to take to pieces.

Much like my race car. Strip it to its core, find what you absolutely must have for basic, utilitarian operation, and scrap every bit of the rest. Or, you know... add a bunch of stuff which neither has purpose, nor works, and negatively affects the utility you do need =p
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March 27th, 2014 at 1:02:16 AM permalink
Quote: rxwine

So, you want us to forget that too many Republicans chose to ignore Bush excesses but now you want us to forget all that and work together? Fat chance.

There you go again. Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Clinton, Bush...

I was against any abuses of power by them and I am against abuses of power by President Obama.

We're talking here about Obamacare, how poorly it is working, how President Obama and his team implement the law (changing things as they see fit), how few people it is serving relative to the promises, etc.

We're also talking at times about the broader point that President Obama has failed miserably at having the most open and transparent administration ever.
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March 27th, 2014 at 5:08:47 AM permalink
Quote: rxwine

So, you want us to forget that too many Republicans chose to ignore Bush excesses but now you want us to forget all that and work together? Fat chance.

Bush did not orchestrate the state takeover of almost 20 percent of the U.S. economy.
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March 27th, 2014 at 6:56:07 AM permalink
Quote: RonC

There you go again. Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Clinton, Bush...


Yep, don't know what else to do other than point out that bringing up Bush is another tangent. He's been gone for over 5 years now.
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March 27th, 2014 at 7:00:02 AM permalink
How about Roosevelt, Roosevelt, Roosevelt if you're looking for someone to blame.
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March 27th, 2014 at 8:32:53 AM permalink
Quote: RonC

There you go again. Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Clinton, Bush...

Yeah. Using some historical context in an argument is perfectly valid. So, maybe you're a conservative who doesn't use history for anything concerning today's events.

Interesting. I will argue as I like though.
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March 27th, 2014 at 9:38:55 AM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Yeah. Using some historical context in an argument is perfectly valid. So, maybe you're a conservative who doesn't use history for anything concerning today's events.

Interesting. I will argue as I like though.

No, you are wrong again. I do use historical context concerning today's events. You just choose to ignore it at will.

Historical context: President Obama promised the most open and transparent administration in history. He also promised all bills, except emergency ones, would be vetted before voted on. Further, he said that everyone could keep their doctor.

Today's events: This administration is not nearly as transparent as he promised us. Bills, like Obamacare, were not vetted or even read (see Pelosi's comment on this) before being brought to a vote even though there was no emergency except perhaps the possibility he could lose the votes needed to pass it. The doctor one? A proven and admitted lie.

I understand your desire to continually attack Bush. It makes sense. Why? As long as you attack someone five years removed from office, you don't need to worry so much about the fellow in the job now.
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March 27th, 2014 at 9:51:23 AM permalink
Quote: RonC

No, you are wrong again. +1 I do use historical context concerning today's events. You just choose to ignore it at will. +1

I understand your desire to continually attack Bush. +1 It makes sense. Why? As long as you attack someone five years removed from office, you don't need to worry so much about the fellow in the job now. +1

Total: +4

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March 27th, 2014 at 11:16:50 AM permalink
Quote: RonC

I understand your desire to continually attack Bush. It makes sense. Why? As long as you attack someone five years removed from office, you don't need to worry so much about the fellow in the job now.

Yeah, conservatives have never used it before, except all the time. -4 for Hypocrisy. Your post was about hypocrisy also. But you have to be a saint first before you can throw stones and get away with it unscathed.
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March 27th, 2014 at 1:33:03 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Yeah, conservatives have never used it before, except all the time. -4 for Hypocrisy. Your post was about hypocrisy also. But you have to be a saint first before you can throw stones and get away with it unscathed.

First, I am not doing the + or - thingy; someone else is making that call based on their opinion.

You have pretty much lost the argument if all you have to say is:

"He did it first!!"

I've already said that Bush failed us in some ways. If you'd step up and recognize that President Obama has had as many or more failures, perhaps we could make progress towards not accepting poor results. You seen to advocate poor results being okay if your side does it.
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March 28th, 2014 at 2:24:31 PM permalink
"A new poll shows that just 26 percent of Americans support Obamacare,"

Obamacare is a DISASTER! The defenders can come out and tell us it is misunderstood, mishandled, etc. but the idea that this is a good law is out the window. This law has taken a system that had issues and made it worse.

...and some just sit around accusing people of being hypocrites.

Funny stuff...well, if it wasn't so serious it would be funny.
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March 28th, 2014 at 2:39:51 PM permalink
OBAMACARE JUST TOPPED 6 MILLION...this represents the amount of people who have picked out a plan....has no indication of who payed

The estimate is that only 80 percent have now we are at 5 million

Out of that 5 million,....IS IT JUST THE SICKEST OF THE SICK?.....or is there a flood of young men and women who are healthy

I am doubting that there will be enough young healthy applicants to offset the major cost of the surge of previously uninsured people with serious pre-exisiting conditions.


obamacare was pushed through playing on the sympathies of the dems that felt guilty that 30 milluion people were uninsured....dying on the steps of hospitals.

where are those 30 million in the enrollment process.
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March 28th, 2014 at 3:41:14 PM permalink
Quote: LarryS

The estimate is that only 80 percent have paid..

And that estimate is low. What nobody talks about
is the people that make 2 payments and stop and
they're still on Obamacare as a legit member.
Doctors are already complaining about this.

Now this is funny. In an Obamacare trial today,
a federal judge said not only is the ACA poorly
written and unworkable, it's 'stupid'. lol
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March 28th, 2014 at 6:23:04 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

And that estimate is low. What nobody talks about
is the people that make 2 payments and stop and
they're still on Obamacare as a legit member.
Doctors are already complaining about this.

Now this is funny. In an Obamacare trial today,
a federal judge said not only is the ACA poorly
written and unworkable, it's 'stupid'. lol

Obamacare is the result of thinking we need to DO SOMETHING every time some problem is found. There are a million problems in the world, that does not mean something needs to be done. Mature leaders know that most problems require no response, and often the best thing to do is nothing and let things work themselves out.

Of course, what we have is anything but mature leadership.
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March 28th, 2014 at 6:31:27 PM permalink
Obamacare was always about income redistribution,
it was never about better healthcare. That's why
Obama lied about all the pertinent parts of it.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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March 29th, 2014 at 1:52:22 AM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Obamacare was always about income redistribution,
it was never about better healthcare. That's why
Obama lied about all the pertinent parts of it.

Some people just don't get that giving the government more control of our lives won't make things better.
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March 29th, 2014 at 5:38:25 AM permalink
Quote: RonC

Some people just don't get that giving the government more control of our lives won't make things better.

Some people seem to have a kind of "institutionalization" about them. As long as they have a place to lay their head, as long as they have food, as long as they are able to watch Honey Boo Boo; as long as this is all OK they do not care about the rest.

Freedom takes work. You have do decide things for yourself and this decision process takes effort. To get the nicer option takes more effort. Face it, how many people would eat hamburger every night if it was free and not have to work vs work and be able to buy steak?
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March 29th, 2014 at 5:53:59 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

Some people seem to have a kind of "institutionalization" about them. As long as they have a place to lay their head, as long as they have food, as long as they are able to watch Honey Boo Boo; as long as this is all OK they do not care about the rest.

Freedom takes work. You have do decide things for yourself and this decision process takes effort. To get the nicer option takes more effort. Face it, how many people would eat hamburger every night if it was free and not have to work vs work and be able to buy steak?

I agree--progressives and liberals in both parties have not helped the American Dream; they have diminished it. The desire to be everything to everybody has given us a bloated government full of waste and hypocrisy. Look at Obamacare--we are spending millions and millions of dollars to advertise for people to join a program that has been a lead item in the news for four years. You'd think people would be lining up for it but it turns out the law is terrible and people are running from it. The Ponzi scheme for funding won't work as inteneded and we'll spend countless billions to prop it up.

We didn't fix a thing--the problem just got shifted, if not made worse.

There is a permanent underclass that has a different dream than the American Dream--they maneuver to get support from the government in any way possible because it helps them to not have to work. The lack of job creation in our economy helps this because there are not jobs readily available. With fewer jobs and lots of free money, it is easier to sit and home, watch the shows, and pop out six illegitimate children (each coming with some more money) than it is to get an education, get a job, and help make America better. People can dispute this, of course, but I've heard it from the lips of people from this group.

The Democrats like this. These folks vote for them.
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March 29th, 2014 at 6:51:26 AM permalink
Quote: RonC

I agree--progressives and liberals in both parties have not helped the American Dream; they have diminished it. The desire to be everything to everybody has given us a bloated government full of waste and hypocrisy. Look at Obamacare--we are spending millions and millions of dollars to advertise for people to join a program that has been a lead item in the news for four years. You'd think people would be lining up for it but it turns out the law is terrible and people are running from it. The Ponzi scheme for funding won't work as inteneded and we'll spend countless billions to prop it up.

I listen to a daily podcast during my daily commute. The guy gives a brief history blurb to coincide with the number of his episode. IOW, he is on about his 1315th episode so he talks about the year 1315. Now the interesting part is that the "news" in history is so similar to the "news" of today. Government needs something, government taxes something, government calls the tax something else. The masses do this or the masses do that. But the story is always the same. Government bloats until it cannot keep funding itself, so it finds some novel way to fund itself, followed by collapse.

The difference today is that 90% of the world finance goes at least partly through the USD. If USD collapses, world trade falls back to essential barter. That will mean near collapse as trade would probably fall to food and oil/energyy with few manufactured goods finding homes long-term. It will not be pretty.


There is a permanent underclass that has a different dream than the American Dream--they maneuver to get support from the government in any way possible because it helps them to not have to work. The lack of job creation in our economy helps this because there are not jobs readily available. With fewer jobs and lots of free money, it is easier to sit and home, watch the shows, and pop out six illegitimate children (each coming with some more money) than it is to get an education, get a job, and help make America better. People can dispute this, of course, but I've heard it from the lips of people from this group.

And a huge issue with that group is they really do not know how to behave and conduct themselves in a polite society. Their manners are horrible and they are demanding of everything. Ask anyone who deals with them on a regular basis about that. They think nothing about being loud and boisterous in public. They do not know how to dress or act for a job interview. They do not know figure 45% or 985, but they can tell you the cutoff for EIC to the dollar.

When things do fall apart things will be very bad for them. Look at the aftermath of Katrina and Sandy where they could not make it a week. Look at the near riot in WMT when the SNAP system was down and they thought food was free. Look at how the calls came in after they heard "this Obamacare thing passed" and they thought it was free as well.

The sad part is some kids want to escape it, but they do not know any other behavior. So the cycle continues.
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March 29th, 2014 at 6:54:24 AM permalink
"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid stuck his foot in his mouth again this week. He tried to defend the many Obamacare deadline delays by implying that Americans are stupid. Reid said hundreds of thousands of people who tried to sign up online kept getting cut off, not because the site stinks, but because they’re “not educated on how to use the Internet.” "

Mike Huckabee post on Facebook

Okay...let's start with the obvious--someone who does not like Huckabee will say that he is not the right person to quote in posting something about Harry Reid. That works about as far as...well, heck, it doesn't work...unless the quote is a lie, it is a good enough source.

Not only do Harry Reid and his party help keep the lower class in their place with their policies, they also insult their intelligence.

...and some people don't get what they are doing....
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March 29th, 2014 at 9:16:22 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

90% of the world finance goes at least partly through the USD. If USD collapses, world trade falls back to essential barter. That will mean near collapse as trade would probably fall to food and oil/energyy with few manufactured goods finding homes long-term. It will not be pretty.

That could be unduly pessimistic. The renminbi is already eclipsing the US dollar as the global reserve currency.
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March 29th, 2014 at 3:58:42 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

I listen to a daily podcast during my daily commute. The guy gives a brief history blurb to coincide with the number of his episode. IOW, he is on about his 1315th episode so he talks about the year 1315. Now the interesting part is that the "news" in history is so similar to the "news" of today. Government needs something, government taxes something, government calls the tax something else. The masses do this or the masses do that. But the story is always the same. Government bloats until it cannot keep funding itself, so it finds some novel way to fund itself, followed by collapse.

The difference today is that 90% of the world finance goes at least partly through the USD. If USD collapses, world trade falls back to essential barter. That will mean near collapse as trade would probably fall to food and oil/energyy with few manufactured goods finding homes long-term. It will not be pretty.

And a huge issue with that group is they really do not know how to behave and conduct themselves in a polite society. Their manners are horrible and they are demanding of everything. Ask anyone who deals with them on a regular basis about that. They think nothing about being loud and boisterous in public. They do not know how to dress or act for a job interview. They do not know figure 45% or 985, but they can tell you the cutoff for EIC to the dollar.

When things do fall apart things will be very bad for them. Look at the aftermath of Katrina and Sandy where they could not make it a week. Look at the near riot in WMT when the SNAP system was down and they thought food was free. Look at how the calls came in after they heard "this Obamacare thing passed" and they thought it was free as well.

The sad part is some kids want to escape it, but they do not know any other behavior. So the cycle continues.

That is the falacy about minimum wage increase....sure these people may now start to get up and look for jobs, ut that doesnt mean they will be hired....for the reasons you gave decribing behavior.

there is a subculture that views healthcare, housing, clothing, food, cable, telephone an entitlement that others need to pay for on their behalf.

If the govt ever wanted totake any of the aboveaway, or give a time limit bewfore discontinuing it....i feel there would be mass riots in the streets
Enough people over the last 4 decades have see generation after generation live off public funds. They view it as an entitlement...and if you take something away from millions of people that they feel they are entitled will have mass riots.

Didnt this happen in greece?

right now the welfare system keeps the streets free of riots. Keeps the nice little bedroom communities safe from looting
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March 29th, 2014 at 5:39:56 PM permalink
Quote: SanchoPanza

That could be unduly pessimistic. The renminbi is already eclipsing the US dollar as the global reserve currency.

I don't see that from here. Even the Euro is not doing so. Even if it does, the amount of debt countries and companies have in USD means a collapse would take decades to recover from.
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April 4th, 2014 at 10:57:34 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

I don't see that from here. Even the Euro is not doing so. Even if it does, the amount of debt countries and companies have in USD means a collapse would take decades to recover from.

This thread has gone strangely silent. What happened to all the guys who thought that they could read the tea leaves and know what will happen with the Affordable Care Act? You know, those guys who thought that they knew what was best for all of us......thru their divine wisdom I guess.

The Republicans are going to end up being awfully sorry that they attached Obama's name to this act. They may end up making him a legend, which would be a shame.
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April 4th, 2014 at 11:01:30 AM permalink
Quote: steeldco

The Republicans are going to end up being awfully sorry that they attached Obama's name to this act. They may end up making him a legend, which would be a shame.

I've said that from the beginning. Stupid move on their part.

Obamacare is not and has never been the disaster so many on this board wish it was. And it's popularity will only improve over time....
Ding Dong the Witch is Dead
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April 4th, 2014 at 11:06:02 AM permalink
Quote: ams288

I've said that from the beginning. Stupid move on their part.

Obamacare is not and has never been the disaster so many on this board wish it was. And it's popularity will only improve over time....

Yep. It's why my once favorite party sucks.....sheer stupidity.
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April 4th, 2014 at 11:40:38 AM permalink
Quote: steeldco

This thread has gone strangely silent. What happened to all the guys who thought that they could read the tea leaves and know what will happen with the Affordable Care Act? You know, those guys who thought that they knew what was best for all of us......thru their divine wisdom I guess.

The supporters of Obamacare are the ones thinking they "know what is best for us" by choosing the kind of plan we must buy.

Let me guess, you guys think it is a success because you believe 7 million people actually signed up and paid all of which had no coverage before?

Obamacare is a failure by any objective measure and the failures will keep coming.
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