Quote: BuzzardI'll take that as a YES !
Yes. Umm, no. I think so. I don't know. Jeez, I'm so confused by your question. It's so arbitrary in nature that I can't help but think I'm being made fun...and insulted. After my mention of a Yugoslavian friend you ask the same odd "hat" question that was asked of Zuga-please explain the correlation.
Hell, have 6 or 7 jackets in stock. Amy member who wears an xxl, just Pm me your mailing address. I will even pay shipping.
As for my good friend Zuga, it was he who relayed my request to Mission 146 that he email me me so I could get my NFL picks in.
The ex-owner of this forum told me in Las Vegas a few days ago, " There is a new sheriff in town "
I also have some Oakland A's xl jersies in stock. Cooperstown collection. Green and yellow big A on them. The A's still in Oakland ??
I know the braves are in Atlanta now, but the St Louis Rams nfl still confuse me. and the Jazz in UTAH Welcome to Fruita !
Also a xl Michael Vick if you are a dog lover.
And the GRRRRRR was for Great to be back.
Why would I be mad ? I believe in what Little Beaver said when he grew up to be a young white man. Now when he was an old man and said " I did not kill my wife ", Yeah, him and OJ too.
Certainly this post is clear and concise !
Quote: BuzzardAnd the GRRRRRR was for Great to be back.
Welcome back.
Quote: mwalz9I have lerked in the shadows for 2 years around here. Reading a lot. Posting very little. I am confused about the forum rules. Do personal insults not count in the "Discussion about the Suspension List" thread? Or for it to be a "personal insult" does the person have to be offended? Just curious.
It seems to me like this thread is full of people insulting people, who were suspended for insulting someone. ;o)
Once they are not a member in good standing you can insult them all you want. I think that is what happens in here, people get suspended then get bashed.
" Zuga suspended him in the donations thread but didn't say how long. I am hoping it is eternity. "
Quote: BuzzardGWAE You might be right about that;
" Zuga suspended him in the donations thread but didn't say how long. I am hoping it is eternity. "
that was not an insult, just want I was hoping for. I didn't say anything negative about you personally.
Want a XXL Black All stars jackets. Just only size I have in stock. Not a comment on your size. REALLY.
Just PM mailing address.
Quote: BuzzardI did not feel insulted. I never take anything personal. Maybe you will get your wish soon. Mike told me there is a new sheriff in town.
Want a XXL Black All stars jackets. Just only size I have in stock. Not a comment on your size. REALLY.
Just PM mailing address.
I have absolutely nothing against you and have heard that you are great to be around in person.
thanks for the offer but no thanks. Besides I am probably to fat for XXL. :-(
PM address , my pleasure to mail FREE.
Any body else want any of xl's just PM.
+1Quote: GWAEI have absolutely nothing against you and have heard that you are great to be around in PRISON .
thanks for the offer but no thanks. Besides I am probably to fat for XXL. :-(
Quote: AxelWolf+1
Member since: Oct 10, 2012
Threads: 63
Posts: 5229
Quote: GWAE
I have absolutely nothing against you and have heard that you are great to be around in PRISON .
thanks for the offer but no thanks. Besides I am probably to fat for XXL. :-(
Real quote was 'in person'. This is how fights get started, Axel. Cut it the hell out, unless you make it obvious you're misquoting someone else as a joke.
I swear, has everyone gone cuckoo for coconuts around here?
I assumed Buzz would be the last person to be offended or GWAE.Quote: beachbumbabsAxelWolf
Member since: Oct 10, 2012
Threads: 63
Posts: 5229
Quote: GWAE
I have absolutely nothing against you and have heard that you are great to be around in PRISON .
thanks for the offer but no thanks. Besides I am probably to fat for XXL. :-(
Real quote was 'in person'. This is how fights get started, Axel. Cut it the hell out, unless you make it obvious you're misquoting someone else as a joke.
I swear, has everyone gone cuckoo for coconuts around here?
If it was Ahigh or someone I would have added a smiley face.
Should of saved it for RB (insert smiley face)
PS. Duly noted
Next thing you know I will be proposing to Babs again.
But I fear rejection. SIGH
Quote: beachbumbabsAxelWolf
Member since: Oct 10, 2012
Threads: 63
Posts: 5229
Quote: GWAE
I have absolutely nothing against you and have heard that you are great to be around in PRISON .
thanks for the offer but no thanks. Besides I am probably to fat for XXL. :-(
Real quote was 'in person'. This is how fights get started, Axel. Cut it the hell out, unless you make it obvious you're misquoting someone else as a joke.
I swear, has everyone gone cuckoo for coconuts around here?
LOL, humor should be an affirmative defense to suspensions. I think you misquoted the cocoa puffs bird. I spent hours shopping for Coconuts cereal, thanks a lot.
Quote: AxelWolfI assumed Buzz would be the last person to be offended or GWAE.
If it was Ahigh or someone I would have added a smiley face.
Should of saved it for RB (insert smiley face)
PS. Duly noted
Axel. I'm sorry, I came on too harsh; you caught the tail end of I-don't-know-how-many fights and complaints the past week or so. My PM box is stuffed with them, along with the stuff getting said in some of the threads.
If you're making a joke, just make it clear, everybody. I'd love to see more jokes.
It's all good, your just doing your job, no harm no foul. No doubt under the right conditions / person it would cause a problem.Quote: beachbumbabsAxel. I'm sorry, I came on too harsh; you caught the tail end of I-don't-know-how-many fights and complaints the past week or so. My PM box is stuffed with them, along with the stuff getting said in some of the threads.
If you're making a joke, just make it clear, everybody. I'd love to see more jokes.
I wonder if Buzz would be a nice guy in prison..... Top or bottom bunk?☺
Quote: beachbumbabs
I swear, has everyone gone cuckoo for coconuts around here?
Good stuff, if you have a sugar death wish..

Quote: WizardSorry for the interruption to give you this announcement. Ahigh has upgraded his self-suspension from 60 days to permanent.
So with a 60 day self-exclusion he had to wait 60 days...how long does he have to wait with a permanent one?
I ask only because others have resigned and been allowed back...
Yep.Quote: DeMangoOur loss. Big win for the Nattering Nabobs of Negativity.
and "effete corps of impudent snobs" and my favorite "Yippies, Hippies, Yahoos, Black Panthers, lions and tigers alike -- I would swap the whole damn zoo for the kind of young Americans I saw in Vietnam"Quote: DeMangoSpiro was SO ahead of his time
Quote: DeMangoOur loss. Big win for the Nattering Nabobs of Negativity. Spiro was SO ahead of his time.
I agree with a forum loss. He is entertaining, and makes you think, even if you don't agree with him all the time.
However, I think he has done the prudent thing for him, and the NTek business. He has never tried to hide, and is easily identifiable. The last thing NTek needs is someone in the industry holding a vendetta against him for something he posted on some gambling forum, especially this one.
I hope Steve sticks around so we can stay informed on Vegas2047.
Quote: beachbumbabsAxelWolf
Member since: Oct 10, 2012
Threads: 63
Posts: 5229
Quote: GWAE
I have absolutely nothing against you and have heard that you are great to be around in PRISON .
thanks for the offer but no thanks. Besides I am probably to fat for XXL. :-(
Real quote was 'in person'. This is how fights get started, Axel. Cut it the hell out, unless you make it obvious you're misquoting someone else as a joke.
I swear, has everyone gone cuckoo for coconuts around here?
I agree with your decision to let him off with a slap on the wrist.
Quote: beachbumbabsAxel. I'm sorry, I came on too harsh; you caught the tail end of I-don't-know-how-many fights and complaints the past week or so. My PM box is stuffed with them, along with the stuff getting said in some of the threads.
If you're making a joke, just make it clear, everybody. I'd love to see more jokes.
This however is ponderous. Just ponderous...yet I understand the rules, now more than ever. ; )
is this a second time?Quote: WizardSorry for the interruption to give you this announcement. Ahigh has upgraded his self-suspension from 60 days to permanent.
What does that mean as far as you are concerned?
Not that I will participate, but is it now open season on Ahigh concerning personal insults?
What a great way to point out a "slap on the wrist"I love the sarcasm, but Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.Quote: MaxSwelleI agree with your decision to let him off with a slap on the wrist.
Isn't that swell, I'm glad you agree with the decision. I was up all night wondering WWMSD.
PS. Hows your craps goddess doing? Has the TV show Breaking Vegas contacted you two yet. I have a good title for the show The Dice Dominatra and the muse. Or, Fear and throwing in las vegas.
Quote: WizardSorry for the interruption to give you this announcement. Ahigh has upgraded his self-suspension from 60 days to permanent.
He "resigned" in the past, then came back.
Now, does permanent in fact mean permanent, or might he be permitted to return after taking a break to clear the cobwebs out of his internet life?
I doubt he can keep quiet; this might result in his now moribund board, goodshooter.com, becoming active once more.
Good luck, Aaron; you may not in fact know as much as you think you know, but that never stopped you from expressing a strong opinion and fighting to defend it.
Quote: AxelWolfNot that I will participate, but is it now open season on Ahigh concerning personal insults?
No. I haven't put this in writing, but if somebody leaves voluntarily then he will still be covered by insult protection, unless he waives it.
Quote: AxelWolfWhat a great way to point out a "slap on the wrist"I love the sarcasm, but Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.
Isn't that swell, I'm glad you agree with the decision. I was up all night wondering WWMSD.
PS. Hows your craps goddess doing? Has the TV show Breaking Vegas contacted you two yet. I have a good title for the show The Dice Dominatra and the muse. Or, Fear and throwing in las vegas.
Brangelina is Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. TomKat was Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Dice Dominatra, umm wait. Oh oh I got it...Andrew Dice Clay and Dom DeLuise and Frank Sinatra. Friggin, genius little buddy. Not very hetero but still funny. Dominatrix is what you meant, I'm sure, but a valiant attempt nonetheless. Funny stuff brother.
Quote: BuzzardDAMN Now where will I post my review of Pinball 2047 ? Anybody remember his website ? Am I the only one who thought 2047 was like a model number on a washing machine ?
I just visited his website and it's pretty sad.
Anybody else think it's hard to pitch a game to a casino that only had half the market potential ?? How many women you see playing pinball machines ?
Quote: BuzzardHow many women you see playing pinball machines ?
The Tuscaderos were huge (female) pinball aficiandos; both of them, Pinky and Leather.
And his leather jacket had to be brown back then. Did not want to offend any viewer's high morals . LOL
Quote: BuzzardHave you seen Fonzie doing commercials for Reverse Mortgages? Sure makes a guy feel old !
And his leather jacket had to be brown back then. Did not want to offend any viewer's high morals . LOL
...and before that it couldn't even be leather, it was a khaki, cotton jacket. Oh, the scared citizens.
What a sad ending for a beautiful women. Read her obit with mixed feelings. At least she has left this veil of tears.
Don't say it Bob, DO NOT !
He's a bit younger than Annette who starred on the Mickey Mouse club in the mid-50's but he was in the 70's and IIRC Annette had peaked in the mid-60's and had moved on.Quote: MaxSwelleWas she a contemporary of Kurt Russell, within the Disney realm?
Could not even catch a break when she dies. Media coverage was almost non-existent. Margaret Thatcher dies early that day.
Richard Pryor also died from MS. What a man. Never used the N word in his act after visiting Africa. Lost 90% of his material.
Last years of his life, he had a website that told you all you needed to know about him.
" I ain't dead yet, Motherf***** "
Quote: BuzzardDAMN Now where will I post my review of Pinball 2047 ? Anybody remember his website ? Am I the only one who thought 2047 was like a model number on a washing machine ?
Why not here? Would be happy to see more info about it and more discussion. Maybe stv2047 will talk about it? By here, I mean down there in the forums somewhere.
Right, not here. As it is this thread is just 151 150 posts short of overtaking the Casino Chip of the Day thread. :(Quote: thecesspitBy here, I mean down there in the forums somewhere.
Quote: thecesspitWhy not here? Would be happy to see more info about it and more discussion. Maybe stv2047 will talk about it? By here, I mean down there in the forums somewhere.
Need to make time to read all I can, then I will start a thread and hopefully get input from others too. I expected to see some great graphics and I was overwhelmed as it exceeded my expectations. I mean I knew it was not a real steel ball I was seeing because I knew it was not real but only because I knew it was not real. In video of Mike playing it, I watched him trap ball on flipper, then let it roll down flipper to control his shot. And I was watching a real pinball ball.
But everything after the graphics sucked. That's all I can say or now. Hopefully my research will prove me wrong.
Glad Axle showed them what a real pinball player looks like !