I wouldn't feel insulted by anyone's saying "your post is hard to believe" about anything to do with my posts. All I have to do is look allll that pretty polly to realize that such an opinion doesn't matter.
Quote: MDawg
which he did it again recently by referring to Snoop as the "THE REAL Dog" in more of this sort of thing:
Terapined has this obsession with the word "REAL" and has been suspended or warned
Are you kidding me
I was just trying to be funny
Take a bong hit and chill out
Even a little humor offends you
I posted it to get a laugh, not to be mean or derogatory
I'm amazed how thin your skin is
I apologize to Snoop
Let me correct my spelling
Snoop is the real DOGG
He's the real deal
Check it out as he raps to one of my favorite songs, Clint Eastwood
Quote: WizardOkay, that was cut #999 of a death by 1,000 cuts. Please dispense with the references to mdawg and worry about your own side of the street. The alternative will be interpreted as trolling.
You already passed 1000 and have been suspended since then....
Quote: WizardThat was cut #1,000. Three-day suspension.
You know what you did, pal.
Quote: MDawgQuote: WizardOkay, that was cut #999 of a death by 1,000 cuts. Please dispense with the references to mdawg and worry about your own side of the street. The alternative will be interpreted as trolling.
You already passed 1000 and have been suspended since then....
You know what you did, pal.
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I made a joke
Hopefully somebody in the forum smiled
Lighten up
The post was an attempt to ease the tension in the forum with a joke, not to make you angry
Prove me wrong that you are capable of getting your mind off MDawg then.
Quote: MDawgProve me wrong that you are capable of getting your mind off MDawg then.
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You are asking me to prove something ???????????
Do you have a challenge in mind?
Maybe, just maybe, you are incapable of getting your mind off my Adventures thread
The majority of my recent adventures posts have absolutely nothing to do with you
Take this pic I posted
I like the Vegas street art. Believe me, you were not on my mind when I posted this. Not every dog on the planet is about you

You might want to discuss that with the forum see why they take so long to load.
Anyway, as I posted above:
Quote: MDawgThank you. I am not angry, just think it has to stop at some point...I already posted in your thread that I have no problem with your thread and complimented you as well "Right now he seems to be doing Wizard a great service by providing ground service on the machine Wizard is investigating."
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Quote: MDawgThere is no subtlety between "I don't believe you" and "You are a liar."
The subtlety might be between "I don't believe you" and "your post is a lie" or "your post is fiction" but nevertheless the last two are suspendable offenses, on the Wizard enumerated grounds that they are offensive and insulting to the writer, which they are. Also, think about the intent of someone who writes "your post is a lie" or "your post is fiction" it is obviously intended to roil deliberately the writer and meant as an insult.
Where we get into real subtlety is why it was not okay to call Mission146 a big fan but it was okay for Terapined to refer to me as a fan of his. At least Mission146 was spending time working on my posts, while I have posted once only in Terapined's thread and that wasn't a show of support it was more of a point of clarification as to why he keeps trolling MDawg,Quote: WizardOkay, that was cut #999 of a death by 1,000 cuts. Please dispense with the references to mdawg and worry about your own side of the street. The alternative will be interpreted as trolling.
which he did it again recently by referring to Snoop as the "THE REAL Dog" in more of this sort of thing:Quote: Marcusclark66Why do you feel the need to indirectly pay homage to the Fantastic and Great MDawg with every single post you make? You seem to be thinking about him every time you post? The first few words at the beginning of EVERY SINGLE POST you make are supposed to be directed at him, no?
Terapined has this obsession with the word "REAL" and has been suspended or warnedQuote: WizardWarning issued indeed for personal insult and inappropriate content.
multiple times over its misuse in a trolling way.
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Whoa.. some observations.
Tone is important. One sounded confrontational, one sounded jovial.
Punching up vs punching down does shift the perception a bit.
Quote: MDawgHowever, the Terapined post was beyond 1000/1000 in a documented long line of MDawg trolling paper cuts, and came directly on the heels of his being given a break and warned (again), so in that context....
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By the way
It's not Terapined
The capital T offends me
I'm not that important
Please go with the lower case :-)
Quote: MDawgMagister was a KewlJ sock puppet, as AxelWolf suspected from the start.
Axel doesn't think so (see his comment above), so....where is your PROOF of your claim?
Perhaps you obsess too much over KJ: I mean he seems to occupy the mezzanine in your mind, based on your continual attacks.
But hey, I understand why you might be upset at him, given his sharp efforts to prove your claims, how shall I word it without being consigned once again to the dunking stool: as being "suspect?"
Quote: MrVQuote: MDawgMagister was a KewlJ sock puppet, as AxelWolf suspected from the start.
Axel doesn't think so (see his comment above), so....where is your PROOF of your claim?
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What's going with you today V and the misreading? Re-Read what AxelWolf wrote.
Anyway, just like when a casino gives you the boot and doesn't always tell you exactly why (for obvious reasons), neither need it be disclosed how KewlJ gave himself away.
As far as this:
Quote: MrVPerhaps you obsess too much over KJ: I mean he seems to occupy the mezzanine in your mind, based on your continual attacks.
But hey, I understand why you might be upset at him, given his sharp efforts to prove your claims, how shall I word it without being consigned once again to the dunking stool: as being "suspect?"
I barely even responded to Magister and even told him that I was going to ignore him because I suspected that he was nothing more than a previously banned member.
Quote: MDawgI apologize but it's just hard to muster up the desire to respond to this Magister character when established forum members seem to think that he's not a legitimate forum member. So if I ignore you from here on, that's why. Sorry, pal, you have to earn the right to get a response out of MDawg and apparently sneaking onto a forum in disguise when you appear to be someone banned from the past is not the way.
Shortly afterwards, Magister aka KewlJ was nuked.
I was fairly certain Magister was KJ from the very first post. I believe I called him out on it on VCT? It was so not important that I don't remember.Quote: MrVQuote: MDawgMagister was a KewlJ sock puppet, as AxelWolf suspected from the start.
Axel doesn't think so (see his comment above), so....where is your PROOF of your claim?
Perhaps you obsess too much over KJ: I mean he seems to occupy the mezzanine in your mind, based on your continual attacks.
But hey, I understand why you might be upset at him, given his sharp efforts to prove your claims, how shall I word it without being consigned once again to the dunking stool: as being "suspect?"
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I just didn't believe JK and the new dogislying were the same people.
Quote: NathanMods, who was Youlyingdawg? 🤔
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My guess was expectedvalue
Quote: AxelWolfI just didn't believe KJ and the new dogislying were the same people.
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It was youlyingdawg not dogislying.
Let's at least get the pejoratives right!
Quote: gordonm888MDawg, you have so much interest in forum rules and socks, perhaps you should apply to be a moderator next time there's an opening.
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Quote: MDawg
You know what you did, pal.
I agree
The tone had me feeling like Virgil being interrogated in the Usual Suspects
Quote: gordonm888MDawg, you have so much interest in forum rules and socks, perhaps you should apply to be a moderator next time there's an opening.
Great idea.
I'm sure he'd be fair and dispassionate to his critics...bwa ha ha ha
I suspect that he'd almost certainly use whatever "power" he has to smite his foes and elevate himself in the eyes of others, at least if history is our guide.
But I could be wrong; it could be just the epiphany he'd benefit by; sure, give it a shot...what could go wrong?
LOL @ the fact that a high rolling jet setting multi-millionaire took the time and effort to correct the obvious.Quote: MDawgWizardOfNothing / ExpectedValue / Wynn4Me was my guess too. He, like KewlJ, has some telltale signs that he leaves behind in his posts across all forums.
Quote: AxelWolfI just didn't believe KJ and the new dogislying were the same people.
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It was youlyingdawg not dogislying.
Let's at least get the pejoratives right!
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Quote: MrVQuote: gordonm888MDawg, you have so much interest in forum rules and socks, perhaps you should apply to be a moderator next time there's an opening.
Great idea.
I'm sure he'd be fair and dispassionate to his critics...bwa ha ha ha
I suspect that he'd almost certainly use whatever "power" he has to smite his foes and elevate himself in the eyes of others, at least if history is our guide.
But I could be wrong; it could be just the epiphany he'd benefit by; sure, give it a shot...what could go wrong?
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As I understand, moderators have been degreened for far less.
There are higher standards in effect; step up, or step down.
edit: G, there's a brick wall about a hundred feet away. I'm going to go bonk my head on it a few times and see if my headache subsides.
Im thinking a Great Flood.Quote: DieterQuote: MrVQuote: gordonm888MDawg, you have so much interest in forum rules and socks, perhaps you should apply to be a moderator next time there's an opening.
Great idea.
I'm sure he'd be fair and dispassionate to his critics...bwa ha ha ha
I suspect that he'd almost certainly use whatever "power" he has to smite his foes and elevate himself in the eyes of others, at least if history is our guide.
But I could be wrong; it could be just the epiphany he'd benefit by; sure, give it a shot...what could go wrong?
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As I understand, moderators have been degreened for far less.
There are higher standards in effect; step up, or step down.
edit: G, there's a brick wall about a hundred feet away. I'm going to go bonk my head on it a few times and see if my headache subsides.
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I know The Wizard likes him some bible stuff.
What We Can Learn From Nehemiah About Rebuilding Your Broken World.
Does he even know/understand the forum is broken?

The headache persists. Masons used to take more pride in the brickwork. It's solid, just not pretty up close.
Quote: Dieter[ Masons used to take more pride in the brickwork.
When I was a Mason we mostly drank, shot the breeze and wore silly outfits while pondering the mysteries of geometry in our Masonic Temple.
"Meet on the angle, part on the square."
But the oath involved the threat of having one's throat cut from ear to ear...that doesn't play in Peoria.
Quote: MrVQuote: Dieter[ Masons used to take more pride in the brickwork.
When I was a Mason we mostly drank, shot the breeze and wore silly outfits while pondering the mysteries of geometry in our Masonic Temple.
"Meet on the angle, part on the square."
But the oath involved the threat of having one's throat cut from ear to ear...that doesn't play in Peoria.
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By telling what the oath involves you are opening yourself to its penalties.
Quote: AZDuffmanBy telling what the oath involves you are opening yourself to its penalties.]
Yes, so I was led to believe.
Frightening concept in modern day America, yes?
What, will some geezer in a fez sneak into my home in the middle of the night and decapitate me?
I think not.
Besides, Masonry seems to be in serious decline; it was a useful adjunct and social lubricant a couple hundred years ago but today seems about as relevant to modern day life as a buggy whip.
Quote: SOOPOOI see MrV is in red again. I can’t figure out why?
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Whatever Moderator discretion is.
Quote: NathanCan any Admin PLEASE tell us who Youlyingdawg was? It's still driving me crazy. 💡
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That would seem to be a violation of Rule 4.
Two wrongs don't make a right, even if three lefts do.
Forum rules may be found here.
edit: we posted nearly concurrently. No foul, Gordon.
Quote: WizardQuote: MDawg"I want you to know I intend to moderate with a light hand."
Wait a minute - didn't BBB say something like that when she started? 😁
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Personal insult. Three days.
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Good call on the suspension, but I would have cited it as mischievous misquoting. The insult was pretty subtle.
Quote: OnceDearGood call on the suspension, but I would have cited it as mischievous misquoting. The insult was pretty subtle.
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The suspension was for the insult, which was enough. If it was for the quote, I would have given MDawg the opportunity to prove it was accurate, which he might do upon his return.
Quote: unJonQuote: JoemanI will volunteer to serve half of Wiz's sentence so that he will be free to post his Superb Owl prop wisdom next week. In my almost-decade here, I have never seen the inside of the WoV slammer. I hope it doesn't smell too bad!
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I would do that also. Take some days from Wiz so he can post in Super Bowl lead up.
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I just noticed this (doesn't matter to me, just happened on this):
Wizard: I'd like to remind the forum that to serve some time for another's suspension, you had to have had something to do with the suspension in the first place.
You can always tell them, but you can't tell them much.
How true that is.
Wizard said something like,"Nathan's right. This post is insulting to her. The Insulter is Suspended for three days." I was justified in admitting the Poster insulted me. 💡 Another Poster posted a picture of someone in a straightjacket to a thread I started. Someone said something like,"I feel that this Poster is insulting Nathan with this straightjacket picture. I think he deserves to be Suspended." I, Nathan, found the straightjacket picture funny, not insulting. I said something like,"I don't find the straightjacket picture Insulting, I find it funny," and didn't press charges for him to be Suspended. The guy who posted the straightjacket picture said something like,"I wasn't trying to insult Nathan, I was making a lighthearted joke about how close the WOV community is." He didn't get Suspended. The Thread I started was talking about how I love the rapport of WOV or something like that.
My idea that Posters should say they feel insulted in order for the Poster to be Suspended was ignored.
Quote: MDawgQuote: unJonQuote: JoemanI will volunteer to serve half of Wiz's sentence so that he will be free to post his Superb Owl prop wisdom next week. In my almost-decade here, I have never seen the inside of the WoV slammer. I hope it doesn't smell too bad!
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I would do that also. Take some days from Wiz so he can post in Super Bowl lead up.
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I just noticed this (doesn't matter to me, just happened on this):
Wizard: I'd like to remind the forum that to serve some time for another's suspension, you had to have had something to do with the suspension in the first place.
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Someone recently said: But stare decisis has never been treated as an inexorable command.
Let me be even more frank...
BBB claimed an insult based on that I mis-paraphrased her with something she never said. That is not true.
My ENTIRE post was:
"I want you to know I intend to moderate with a light hand."
Wait a minute - didn't BBB say something like that when she started? 😁

I did not state anything in my post other than that she said something like that. There is no per se insult in what I posted, it is just a statement of fact that, hey she said something like this when she started moderating.
I do not comment on my paraphrase. I merely assert in my post that she said something like that when she first was made a moderator.
Her charge against me was that she felt insulted because she never said anything like that:
"You're insulting me by claiming to paraphrase something I didn't say???"

In other words, her charge against me is that by claiming to paraphrase something she didn’t say, she felt insulted.
However, she did say “something like that when she started”:
“It’s my goal to have a very light footprint.”

Therefore her grounds for feeling insulted by my alleged mis-paraphrasing are baseless, and constitute a false accusation against me.
I accuse BeachBumBabs of make a false accusation against me: that I mis-paraphrased her for something she claims she did not say.
Her entire basis for feeling insulted is that I mis-paraphrased her. I did not! I cannot be suspended just because she can’t remember saying what I posted.
Quote: AZDuffman
I got suspended by her a couple times under at most borderline things. On at least one several people said it was not warranted. I cannot remember for sure but that probably happened with other folks as well. She proposed and made a rule that you would be suspended for saying "china virus." Meanwhile she got suspended on the other side more than once, one of them being personally insulting me.
She seemed to like suspending people, at least as far as I saw.
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You tell me if suggesting that it is a suspension worthy offense to indicate in public what members you have blocked, is having “a very light footprint.”
Quote: beachbumbabsWARNING. Please stop with the blocked users screenshots. It comes off as trolling the other members, and in the past, was cause for suspensions, though was never codified into forum rules. If you continue, I will have to take it as deliberate trolling and take action. Thanks.
Firstly, I request an apology and retraction from BBB for accusing me of paraphrasing her falsely.
Secondly, it’s not a forum offense to comment in general on how a moderator is moderating. As far as I know, we haven’t gotten to the point at this forum where it is suspension worthy to criticize moderation or suspensions. DarkOz created a whole THREAD devoted to why he felt unjustly suspended over a Coach’s Challenge and then even altered a quote made by Wizard over the matter –

no suspension resulted.
In her post, she made a series of insulting accusations against me where certainly the totality violate the WOV rules against insults:
Unless, of course, you're a sock of a banned member from back then. Would not surprise me - I have someone in mind, in fact.
2) WORSE THAN CALLED MY POSTS FICTION (which Wizard has stated time and again that calling posts fiction is suspendable)
spewed unrealistic and fantastical claims at nauseating length.

You could not provide those values to this board if your life depended on it
And yet…in the past she spoke of her own suspension, and seemed unrepentant about what she did.

It seems to me to be hypocritical to talk about “Fair and impartial treatment” and a sort of mesure, all the time hurling insults in a sort of unhinged diatribe, against another.
These words
Quote: beachbumbabsHow DARE you disparage me?
ring hollow in the wake of a false accusation of mis-quoting followed by a string of insults.
Quote: ChumpChangeNobody wins against these mods, but thanks for playing.
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I think its hillarious that some posters make a federal case out of their suspension
Its just a forum
A gazillion of them on the internet
A suspension is really much ado about nothing.
Overall kind of a meaningless punishment
Last time I was suspended, didnt come back for many months. Its just a forum
I'd rather live in the real world
The forum is just a minor diversion to me
Some members get furious about a suspension and obviously spend a ton of time researching to make a convoluted long long long case post
I just chuckle.
Its just a forum
Quote: terapinedQuote: ChumpChangeNobody wins against these mods, but thanks for playing.
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I think its hillarious that some posters make a federal case out of their suspension
Its just a forum
A gazillion of them on the internet
A suspension is really much ado about nothing.
Overall kind of a meaningless punishment
Last time I was suspended, didnt come back for many months. Its just a forum
I'd rather live in the real world
The forum is just a minor diversion to me
Some members get furious about a suspension and obviously spend a ton of time researching to make a convoluted long long long case post
I just chuckle.
Its just a forum
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I couldn’t keep my concentration reading the first of his three recent diatribes. So didn’t finish it nor the next two. I was going to post something akin to what you did, but you beat me to the punch. I only care about suspensions during the WoV NFL pick game.
(Cue ‘someone’ finding a post of mine from 2016 implying I care a lot about suspensions….)
Quote: terapinedLast time I was suspended, didnt come back for many months.
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If you stayed away from the forum for four months following a suspension (not the first time you threw in the towel and walked away ostensibly in a huff - you did it for ten months right after the previous time you were suspended), I'd say that you take suspensions very seriously. Far more seriously than most.
Quote: MDawgQuote: terapinedLast time I was suspended, didnt come back for many months.
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If you stayed away from the forum for four months following a suspension (not the first time you threw in the towel and walked away in a huff), I'd say that you take suspensions very seriously. Far more seriously than most.
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Quite the opposite
Prior to that suspension, I wasnt posting here for a long time
Sometimes honesty is looked upon by the admins as an insult and decided to get real real honest and take a meaningless suspension
I didn't mind that suspension because I enjoy the real world more then this forum and really wasnt posting here much anyway.
Back because currently a Vegas local and really really enjoyed that Mission thread. You go Mission. Ive met Mission in real life
Its just a forum. Not real life
Posting somewhat regularly...gets suspended, and gone for ten months.
Five posts over four days...gets suspended, and gone for three months.
Posting pretty much every day for months and months...gets suspended, and gone for six months.
Let you tell it!
Quote: MDawgI'd say that you take suspensions very seriously. Far more seriously than most.
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Doesn't look like a coincidence the timing of your departures...you disappear immediately after the suspension.