Quote: MDawg
That looks miserably cold.
Quote: Mission146I also want you to know your 'Adventures' thread is the most God forsaken boring thread I've ever had the displeasure of reading in my entire life; it's no wonder I mostly ignored it.
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Quote: Wizard
Personal insult. Three days.
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Quote: gordonm888I have returned to find this unusual thread of Mission tallying the posted wins and losses of Mdawg at the behest of Wizard and lilredrooster.
I disagree with three of the four suspensions, I think only Wizard's self-imposed penance was justified.
MDawg made a joke, tuttigym and Mission were guilty only of creative writing.
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I'm firmly with Gordon on this. He's not hallucinating, Wizard really did make an horrendous judgement call, especially in suspending Mission.
Normally moderators don't criticise other moderator actions, so I can see that Gordon must feel strongly on this.
Put yourself in Mission's shoes: The forum boss asks you to analyse one of the longest and 'god forsaken boring' threads on the whole forum. He asked a big favour of a volunteer contributor. Then he humiliates the guy with a suspension. What do you think Mission will do? Say ~"Thanks for giving me some free time to complete that sisyphean task, I'll crack on and report back in 3 days"? Or will he see sense and say "[expletive] this."
Well maybe Gordon has heard the latter through some back channel....
Quote: gordonm888Also, Mission is now proclaiming he is going to isolate himself from the slings and arrows of an outrageous forum.
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Gordon and Dieter should lobby Wizard for at least Mission's reinstatement and I'd suggest an apology from wizard.
Quote: gordonm888I made a mistake by making that post. Not that I regret the viewpoints, but as a moderator I have channels which I can use to disagree with other moderators in a more constructive fashion than posting openly on the forum. I'll not compound my error by editorializing further.
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The truth is never a mistake. When the truth is spoken about me I respect it even if not favorable.
Wizard owes me no apology; I assume that’s part of the reason he did the self-imposed penance, so I will take that by way of apology (unless he states to the contrary) and I accept.
If LilRedRooster’s claim that he asked Wizard ask me to do this and Wizard asked me is true, and LRR is not banned for making a false claim about Wizard…so you can draw your own conclusions there…then I think Wizard inadvertently put himself in a tough spot.
This project, from MDawg’s perspective, could be seen as antagonistic to him. Whilst I did find his post insulting, my reply was not strictly necessary (actually, the post that got him banned for insult came after mine that got me banned---but I was quite irritated as one of the first things I said was I had no personal interest in his results); I could have taken the high road and simply ignored the provocation…but I think everyone here knows I have a really bad habit of not doing that when I feel personally attacked. Compound that with the fact that I wouldn’t be doing this had I not been asked…and without specifically revealing who asked me…had the person who asked been anyone else, I would have said no.
Actually, I was asked for something along these lines about a year ago (LilRedRooster was NOT the person who asked), offered a fairly generous sum, and flatly declined.
So, whatever my statement may or may not have been…I accept that it wasn’t necessary. For someone who has maintained that people should simply ignore other posters if they don’t like what they are saying, I did a really poor job of that.
Are you familiar with my thread where I hypothesize on the advantage play move MDawg uses?
If not I will post the link once you open the other thread or I can PM you.
(BTW - When I logged in and opened the other thread first, seeing I couldn't post anything I was like "What did I do now?" And checked if I was in red.)
Quote: darkozMission,
Are you familiar with my thread where I hypothesize on the advantage play move MDawg uses?
If not I will post the link once you open the other thread or I can PM you.
(BTW - When I logged in and opened the other thread first, seeing I couldn't post anything I was like "What did I do now?" And checked if I was in red.)
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I’ll read it, but as I am actively engaged in this project, I’m not inclined to opine on theoretical ways MDawg could be winning. I did present a few theories in his first Adventures thread that anyone could see.
After that, I’ll simply have no interest in discussing MDawg’s winnings in any context or for any reason.
Quote: Mission146Quote: darkozMission,
Are you familiar with my thread where I hypothesize on the advantage play move MDawg uses?
If not I will post the link once you open the other thread or I can PM you.
(BTW - When I logged in and opened the other thread first, seeing I couldn't post anything I was like "What did I do now?" And checked if I was in red.)
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I’ll read it, but as I am actively engaged in this project, I’m not inclined to opine on theoretical ways MDawg could be winning. I did present a few theories in his first Adventures thread that anyone could see.
After that, I’ll simply have no interest in discussing MDawg’s winnings in any context or for any reason.
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Isn't this something casinos would be interested in
What's difficult to understand is that supposedly casinos know exactly how much they are making on a high roller and will comp a part of of what they win back in the form of perks to keep making money on a high roller
If a casino constantly loses to a high roller in the long term and knows it, why isn't somebody fired and the situation rectified. It makes no sense that a casino let's a high roller take hundreds of thousands of dollars out of a place and it's totally out in the open and the pit boss knows exactly how much the casino loses to a particular player. Just makes no sense. Aren't high rollers and how much they win and lose the most important aspect of running a profitable casino?
Quote: Mission146Actually, I was asked for something along these lines about a year ago (LilRedRooster was NOT the person who asked), offered a fairly generous sum, and flatly declined.
Are you being paid to do this?
If not, why not?
I mean, really...what's the point, the end game?
A lot of time will be required, so..."What's in it for you?"
Quote: terapinedQuote: Mission146Quote: darkozMission,
Are you familiar with my thread where I hypothesize on the advantage play move MDawg uses?
If not I will post the link once you open the other thread or I can PM you.
(BTW - When I logged in and opened the other thread first, seeing I couldn't post anything I was like "What did I do now?" And checked if I was in red.)
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I’ll read it, but as I am actively engaged in this project, I’m not inclined to opine on theoretical ways MDawg could be winning. I did present a few theories in his first Adventures thread that anyone could see.
After that, I’ll simply have no interest in discussing MDawg’s winnings in any context or for any reason.
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Isn't this something casinos would be interested in
What's difficult to understand is that supposedly casinos know exactly how much they are making on a high roller and will comp a part of of what they win back in the form of perks to keep making money on a high roller
If a casino constantly loses to a high roller in the long term and knows it, why isn't somebody fired and the situation rectified. It makes no sense that a casino let's a high roller take hundreds of thousands of dollars out of a place and it's totally out in the open and the pit boss knows exactly how much the casino loses to a particular player. Just makes no sense. Aren't high rollers and how much they win and lose the most important aspect of running a profitable casino?
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We would all probably do well not to use the Suspension List thread as a proxy for the Adventures of MDawg II thread or the MDawg results thread.
Quote: MrVQuote: Mission146Actually, I was asked for something along these lines about a year ago (LilRedRooster was NOT the person who asked), offered a fairly generous sum, and flatly declined.
Are you being paid to do this?
If not, why not?
I mean, really...what's the point, the end game?
A lot of time will be required, so..."What's in it for you?"
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Again, we should not be using this thread as a proxy for others that are currently locked.
Whether compensated, or not, or quid pro quo arrangement...I wouldn't be at liberty to discuss matters that would have been discussed privately.
This project was not my idea; I have no idea what the end game is, didn't ask and prefer not to know.
EDIT TO ADD: One theory is that it could be just to generate discussion that people who are not me might find interesting; it will not generate any discussion that I am interested in. When I say, "One theory," it is truly that-a theory; I am not trying to skirt around revealing something I know that was told to me privately.
Quote: MrVQuote: Mission146Actually, I was asked for something along these lines about a year ago (LilRedRooster was NOT the person who asked), offered a fairly generous sum, and flatly declined.
Are you being paid to do this?
If not, why not?
I mean, really...what's the point, the end game?
A lot of time will be required, so..."What's in it for you?"
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Its an age old question
Why climb Everest??????? Whats in it for the climber besides sheer exhaustion :-)
Mission created a very entertaining thread
Quote: terapinedQuote: Mission146Quote: darkozMission,
Are you familiar with my thread where I hypothesize on the advantage play move MDawg uses?
If not I will post the link once you open the other thread or I can PM you.
(BTW - When I logged in and opened the other thread first, seeing I couldn't post anything I was like "What did I do now?" And checked if I was in red.)
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I’ll read it, but as I am actively engaged in this project, I’m not inclined to opine on theoretical ways MDawg could be winning. I did present a few theories in his first Adventures thread that anyone could see.
After that, I’ll simply have no interest in discussing MDawg’s winnings in any context or for any reason.
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Isn't this something casinos would be interested in
What's difficult to understand is that supposedly casinos know exactly how much they are making on a high roller and will comp a part of of what they win back in the form of perks to keep making money on a high roller
If a casino constantly loses to a high roller in the long term and knows it, why isn't somebody fired and the situation rectified. It makes no sense that a casino let's a high roller take hundreds of thousands of dollars out of a place and it's totally out in the open and the pit boss knows exactly how much the casino loses to a particular player. Just makes no sense. Aren't high rollers and how much they win and lose the most important aspect of running a profitable casino?
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Sort of. The casinos rely on ‘we have an edge on every bet in baccarat’. They must have analyzed ANY big bettor’s play that has a winning record against them. If the casino cannot see any advantage the player has the casino will just figure the player has been lucky. And that for future bets the casino still has the edge.
Your question is valid though. After how many bets/sessions/$$ will someone on the casino side say this…. ‘I don’t know what he’s doing, but somehow he has the edge on us! So ban him….’ I think their egos must be too big to admit that easily….
Quote: SOOPOOQuote: terapinedQuote: Mission146Quote: darkozMission,
Are you familiar with my thread where I hypothesize on the advantage play move MDawg uses?
If not I will post the link once you open the other thread or I can PM you.
(BTW - When I logged in and opened the other thread first, seeing I couldn't post anything I was like "What did I do now?" And checked if I was in red.)
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I’ll read it, but as I am actively engaged in this project, I’m not inclined to opine on theoretical ways MDawg could be winning. I did present a few theories in his first Adventures thread that anyone could see.
After that, I’ll simply have no interest in discussing MDawg’s winnings in any context or for any reason.
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Isn't this something casinos would be interested in
What's difficult to understand is that supposedly casinos know exactly how much they are making on a high roller and will comp a part of of what they win back in the form of perks to keep making money on a high roller
If a casino constantly loses to a high roller in the long term and knows it, why isn't somebody fired and the situation rectified. It makes no sense that a casino let's a high roller take hundreds of thousands of dollars out of a place and it's totally out in the open and the pit boss knows exactly how much the casino loses to a particular player. Just makes no sense. Aren't high rollers and how much they win and lose the most important aspect of running a profitable casino?
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Sort of. The casinos rely on ‘we have an edge on every bet in baccarat’. They must have analyzed ANY big bettor’s play that has a winning record against them. If the casino cannot see any advantage the player has the casino will just figure the player has been lucky. And that for future bets the casino still has the edge.
Your question is valid though. After how many bets/sessions/$$ will someone on the casino side say this…. ‘I don’t know what he’s doing, but somehow he has the edge on us! So ban him….’ I think their egos must be too big to admit that easily….
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Agreed however MDawg has logged some big losing sessions. For example if you were a pit boss wondering why this guy seemed unaffected by the long run and then he logs a fifty grand losing session, you probably will be concerned about explaining why you banned the guy just when the HE was just kicking in.
And that's why they shouldn't be locking threads.Quote: Mission146Quote: MrVQuote: Mission146Actually, I was asked for something along these lines about a year ago (LilRedRooster was NOT the person who asked), offered a fairly generous sum, and flatly declined.
Are you being paid to do this?
If not, why not?
I mean, really...what's the point, the end game?
A lot of time will be required, so..."What's in it for you?"
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Again, we should not be using this thread as a proxy for others that are currently locked.
Whether compensated, or not, or quid pro quo arrangement...I wouldn't be at liberty to discuss matters that would have been discussed privately.
This project was not my idea; I have no idea what the end game is, didn't ask and prefer not to know.
EDIT TO ADD: One theory is that it could be just to generate discussion that people who are not me might find interesting; it will not generate any discussion that I am interested in. When I say, "One theory," it is truly that-a theory; I am not trying to skirt around revealing something I know that was told to me privately.
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Spending hours dissecting the hound's posts would be my version of a personal hell.
Quote: MrVI was simply wondering why Mission would choose to undertake such a quasi-Herculean task?
Spending hours dissecting the hound's posts would be my version of a personal hell.
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Perhaps he owed LRR some old favor and this was a way of knocking that off his shoulders.
He wouldn't be mistating that he had no interest in MDawg. His interest being the return of a long overdue favor.
Just a guess on my part.
For clarity, prior to LilRedRooster appearing in the other thread, I had no idea that he had anything to do with this.
Let me also add to that---I don't believe LRR and I have ever interacted outside of the forum in any way whatsoever, other than, possibly, on some other forum. He and I have never had any dealings, business or otherwise, that I am aware of; the only exception would be if I had dealings with someone that I didn't know to be the poster, "LilRedRooster."
I am not accusing anyone here of ever doing anything that I am about to describe:
Other than writing, I don't do anything to make a big production out of myself. I am a writer and a very low stakes AP; comical stakes, really. I certainly don't perceive that I do anything that would be construed as bragging, other than, perhaps, about my (probably erroneous) perception of my intelligence.
For that reason, I would truly appreciate if people not openly speculate about my private affairs. In terms of my private affairs, this is what I will say:
1.) Ever since the WoN/StrictlyAP thing, I have not entered into a business relationship with anyone from the forums with whom I hadn't already done some kind of business.
2.) The only new individuals who I have spoken to, off-forum, since resigning as an Administrator have been for the following reasons:
A.) There was an individual who read a lot of my posts and was relatively young into his, so far successful, AP career. I was something of a mentor to him and we spoke on the phone with some regularity; he and I never engaged in any business together.
B.) Interviews for various articles.
C.) There are one or two people who I think I've texted or talked to on the phone occasionally, who I wasn't already talking to before that, but I have never suggested that me or any of those people do business of any kind.
D.) There is one person who wanted me to look out for certain plays for him, but we haven't done any business as yet and I don't think I have his number anymore anyway.
With that, I would like to politely request that people try to avoid speculating about what I do privately. I certainly don't go out of my way to discuss any of my private affairs. And, quite honestly, I don't do very much...I just don't like my private life being openly speculated upon. I don't like the attention.
As far as Wizard goes, Wizard and I have been what I consider personal friends for over a decade now. We remain friends to this day.
Even though I hadn't been participating here for very long, when I saw that Wizard seemed overburdened with Forum Administration, and that I had some experience with Forum Moderation and felt that I could do a good job at it, Wizard gave me a shot.
For several years, I enjoyed the task of Administrating the forum; mostly keeping things civil, giving discussions a little rope when I felt they could use it (while generally keeping tempers in check behind the scenes) and helping the forum promote quality mathematical information.
It didn't take very long for Wizard to come to trust my judgment; after a fairly short time, I basically handled almost all day-to-day Administrative duties and Wizard trusted me so much with the forum (that he solely owned at the time, I believe) that I came to see myself as the de facto primary head Administrator. Wizard almost never questioned my judgment; I don't remember a specific instance of him ever doing so.
As a thank you for a job that I volunteered to do freely, Wizard arranged for me to fly out to Vegas and took care of my airfare and travel/hotel.
When the site was purchased, the new owners 'Noticed' what they perceived as my writing ability. I have a sneaking suspicion that Wizard also put in a good word for me, but I don't know that...and this being a decade ago, he might have directly asked me about writing, for pay, for the new owners and I simply don't remember that.
I'm not saying Wizard asked me to do this project, but I currently write for the various sites as part of my income and I consider Wizard mostly responsible for that...my impeccable writing ability (that's a joke) aside.
Let's put it this way: I appreciate people who help me. Free, paid, quid pro quo...who cares? There's really not much Wizard could ask me for and me be capable of doing that would result in me refusing.
Quote: Mission146I would like to politely request that people try to avoid speculating about what I do privately.
Fair enough, but your volunteering to do this thankless task isn't a private endeavor, it is a very public one, so...speculation would seem to be fair game.
*not trying to bust your balls, just genuinely curious*
Quote: Mission146Again, I am not offended and would not like to see action taken against anyone: this is simply a request.
I am not accusing anyone here of ever doing anything that I am about to describe:
Other than writing, I don't do anything to make a big production out of myself. I am a writer and a very low stakes AP; comical stakes, really. I certainly don't perceive that I do anything that would be construed as bragging, other than, perhaps, about my (probably erroneous) perception of my intelligence.
For that reason, I would truly appreciate if people not openly speculate about my private affairs. In terms of my private affairs, this is what I will say:
1.) Ever since the WoN/StrictlyAP thing, I have not entered into a business relationship with anyone from the forums with whom I hadn't already done some kind of business.
2.) The only new individuals who I have spoken to, off-forum, since resigning as an Administrator have been for the following reasons:
A.) There was an individual who read a lot of my posts and was relatively young into his, so far successful, AP career. I was something of a mentor to him and we spoke on the phone with some regularity; he and I never engaged in any business together.
B.) Interviews for various articles.
C.) There are one or two people who I think I've texted or talked to on the phone occasionally, who I wasn't already talking to before that, but I have never suggested that me or any of those people do business of any kind.
D.) There is one person who wanted me to look out for certain plays for him, but we haven't done any business as yet and I don't think I have his number anymore anyway.
With that, I would like to politely request that people try to avoid speculating about what I do privately. I certainly don't go out of my way to discuss any of my private affairs. And, quite honestly, I don't do very much...I just don't like my private life being openly speculated upon. I don't like the attention.
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Thank you, I wasn't trying to offend.
I am quite surprised you are doing this monumental task just on strength of another members request and such a selfless and thankless task is quite astonishing.
I wouldn't have done it lol.
Kudos to you.
Before, or after BBB?Quote: Mission146
As far as Wizard goes, Wizard and I have been what I consider personal friends for over a decade now. ]
Quote: AxelWolfBefore, or after BBB?Quote: Mission146
As far as Wizard goes, Wizard and I have been what I consider personal friends for over a decade now. ]
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Before or after BBB became a mod? I have no idea. Why would I be opposed to BBB being a mod? I used to speak to her off-forum with great regularity; we’d probably chat once a week or so.
Before orQuote: Mission146Quote: AxelWolfBefore, or after BBB?Quote: Mission146
As far as Wizard goes, Wizard and I have been what I consider personal friends for over a decade now. ]
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Before or after BBB became a mod? I have no idea. Why would I be opposed to BBB being a mod? I used to speak to her off-forum with great regularity; we’d probably chat once a week or so.
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after is meaningless to me.
Before orQuote: Mission146Quote: AxelWolfBefore, or after BBB?Quote: Mission146
As far as Wizard goes, Wizard and I have been what I consider personal friends for over a decade now. ]
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Before or after BBB became a mod? I have no idea. Why would I be opposed to BBB being a mod? I used to speak to her off-forum with great regularity; we’d probably chat once a week or so.
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after she, you or anyone else is meaningless to me.
Quote: AxelWolfBefore orQuote: Mission146Quote: AxelWolfBefore, or after BBB?Quote: Mission146
As far as Wizard goes, Wizard and I have been what I consider personal friends for over a decade now. ]
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Before or after BBB became a mod? I have no idea. Why would I be opposed to BBB being a mod? I used to speak to her off-forum with great regularity; we’d probably chat once a week or so.
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after is meaningless to me.
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Are you drinking Axel? You ask Mission a ‘before or after’ question. Then your next post is ‘before or after is meaningless to me’. Care to splain?
No, no and no. It's, an inside "joke" perhaps not even he gets it yet. Whatever the case, it's probably something I should just let go of. I like and or respect 97% of the people I have met from the gambling forums, however, I don't always like certain situations, but it's not really by business.Quote: SOOPOOQuote: AxelWolfBefore orQuote: Mission146Quote: AxelWolfBefore, or after BBB?Quote: Mission146
As far as Wizard goes, Wizard and I have been what I consider personal friends for over a decade now. ]
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Before or after BBB became a mod? I have no idea. Why would I be opposed to BBB being a mod? I used to speak to her off-forum with great regularity; we’d probably chat once a week or so.
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after is meaningless to me.
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Are you drinking Axel? You ask Mission a ‘before or after’ question. Then your next post is ‘before or after is meaningless to me’. Care to splain?
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My reports are just so non interesting. Won $50 on the multiplier scavenge on Ultimate X. Probably slightly above expectation. Won $85 on my -EV Pai Gow. Earned $6 in comps. Saved $4 getting gas at the casino due to no tax.
Anything MDawg posts is better than that drivel.
Quote: SOOPOOCan’t someone let MDawg out of jail? It seems like everyone else has been freed.
My reports are just so non interesting. Won $50 on the multiplier scavenge on Ultimate X. Probably slightly above expectation. Won $85 on my -EV Pai Gow. Earned $6 in comps. Saved $4 getting gas at the casino due to no tax.
Anything MDawg posts is better than that drivel.
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$50 on +, $85 on - Let that be a lesson to you, play a lot of neg EV.
Every Dawg has his day and his is Wednesday.
Quote: SOOPOOCan’t someone let MDawg out of jail? It seems like everyone else has been freed.
My reports are just so non interesting. Won $50 on the multiplier scavenge on Ultimate X. Probably slightly above expectation. Won $85 on my -EV Pai Gow. Earned $6 in comps. Saved $4 getting gas at the casino due to no tax.
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"Ten bucks is ten bucks."
-- Geddy Lee
Why don't you try to rustle up an extra $2 towards your starting bankroll. Then run it up to $100,002 $:o)Quote: ChumpChangeI'm gonna start with $2 Don't Pass with $4 odds bets and run that up to $100,000 in 8 sessions. Nobody can make their damn points, not even me.
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My main focus for a while will be the VIDEO POKER PROGRESSIVE THAT CANNOT BE HIT thread. However, I look forward to the reopening of the MDawg Results Thread. When it does reopen I hope all will be well behaved.
I would like to ask the permission of Mission and lilredrooster if I may speak freely from private communication about the nature of the reason and compensation for the aforementioned thread. Otherwise, I want to stay above reproach when it comes to quoting from private messages.
*If I am being compensated, I wouldn't want people to know. Also, I wouldn't want anyone to get the impression that I routinely accept compensation to do side favors. Third, if I were being compensated, I'd certainly be charging you substantially less than I'd charge anyone else for work of a similar duration.
Quote: Mission146I'd prefer for compensation not to be discussed and don't care what you relate from our messages other than that.
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So noted.
Quote: SOOPOOCan’t someone let MDawg out of jail? It seems like everyone else has been freed.
My reports are just so non interesting. Won $50 on the multiplier scavenge on Ultimate X. Probably slightly above expectation. Won $85 on my -EV Pai Gow. Earned $6 in comps. Saved $4 getting gas at the casino due to no tax.
Anything MDawg posts is better than that drivel.
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But your posts are believable. I don’t come on here to read fiction.
Quote: HunterhillBut your posts are believable. I don’t come on here to read fiction.
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Personal insult. 3 days.
Youlyingdawg might have been KewlJ, a sort of

version of Magister, but I don't know for sure.
However, what I do know is that socks of nuked members will keep coming here as long as they think that their words will be heard.
Pursuant to Rule 16, "If we ban somebody it means we don't want to hear from them any longer,"
and a deterrent policy of making it so that whatever a sock posts here will not be heard,
I believe that anything a sock posts here should be eradicated. Deleted. Stricken from all pylons and obelisks.

Ya falla?
Quote: WizardQuote: HunterhillBut your posts are believable. I don’t come on here to read fiction.
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Personal insult. 3 days.
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Isn’t the rule attack the content not the poster? How is saying that posts are untrue or unbelievable a personal insult. Mdawg said that DO posted something unbelievable and wasn’t suspended…

Quote: MDawg
You can say someone is going to the cinema but not to the movies.
Big difference. See?
Quote: darkozQuote: MDawg
You can say someone is going to the cinema but not to the movies.
Big difference. See?
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There is a difference between "I don't believe you." and "You are a liar."
I personally find the latter less offensive.
Quote: DieterQuote: darkozQuote: MDawg
You can say someone is going to the cinema but not to the movies.
Big difference. See?
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There is a difference between "I don't believe you." and "You are a liar."
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Slicing the butter real thin
Quote: darkozQuote: DieterQuote: darkozQuote: MDawg
You can say someone is going to the cinema but not to the movies.
Big difference. See?
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There is a difference between "I don't believe you." and "You are a liar."
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Slicing the butter real thin
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Yes, but it melts nicely that way.
"I don't believe you" can apply to mistakes and tall tales just as readily.
"I" is the subject of the sentence, in this case. I am presumably an incontrovertable expert on this subject.
(My fifth grade English teacher is presumably rolling in her grave over that '"I" is' construction.)
Quote: DieterQuote: darkozQuote: DieterQuote: darkozQuote: MDawg
You can say someone is going to the cinema but not to the movies.
Big difference. See?
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There is a difference between "I don't believe you." and "You are a liar."
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Slicing the butter real thin
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Yes, but it melts nicely that way.
"I don't believe you" can apply to mistakes and tall tales just as readily.
"I" is the subject of the sentence, in this case. I am presumably an incontrovertable expert on this subject.
(My fifth grade English teacher is presumably rolling in her grave over that '"I" is' construction.)
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"Would you believe..."
Maxwell Smart
The subtlety might be between "I don't believe you" and "your post is a lie" or "your post is fiction" but nevertheless the last two are suspendable offenses, on the Wizard enumerated grounds that they are offensive and insulting to the writer, which they are. Also, think about the intent of someone who writes "your post is a lie" or "your post is fiction" it is obviously intended to roil deliberately the writer and meant as an insult.
Where we get into real subtlety is why it was not okay to call Mission146 a big fan but it was okay for Terapined to refer to me as a fan of his. At least Mission146 was spending time working on my posts, while I have posted once only in Terapined's thread and that wasn't a show of support it was more of a point of clarification as to why he keeps trolling MDawg,
Quote: WizardOkay, that was cut #999 of a death by 1,000 cuts. Please dispense with the references to mdawg and worry about your own side of the street. The alternative will be interpreted as trolling.
which he did it again recently by referring to Snoop as the "THE REAL Dog" in more of this sort of thing:
Quote: Marcusclark66Why do you feel the need to indirectly pay homage to the Fantastic and Great MDawg with every single post you make? You seem to be thinking about him every time you post? The first few words at the beginning of EVERY SINGLE POST you make are supposed to be directed at him, no?
Terapined has this obsession with the word "REAL" and has been suspended or warned
Quote: WizardWarning issued indeed for personal insult and inappropriate content.
multiple times over its misuse in a trolling way.