BTW, I too was sorry to learn that JuliaPa was a sock.
Quote: gordonm888Whenever you have a question about a suspension, you can go to the thread called Suspension List (under Rules) and find out the reason, and length of suspension and click onto a link to the relevant post (as appropriate.)
neither "Rules" nor "Suspension List" appear on the top of the Wov page with "articles, hotels forums " etc.
they also don't come up when put in the Wov search box
I was able to find them with a google search combining "Rules" and "Suspension List" with
in the interests of fair play and justice for all I am linking these 2 important pages here below
being a Mod is not an easy task and I for one feel the need to be careful not to be overly critical
Quote: JoemanI think you mean it's right that the mods keep their system secret! ;)Quote: OnceDearIt's right that the mods keep some of their 'method' secret, so as to stymie spammers and mischief makers.
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It's an approach closely tied to effects of removal.
Buzzard has been banned for years.Quote: gordonm888Whenever you have a question about a suspension, you can go to the thread called Suspension List (under Rules) and find out the reason, and length of suspension and click onto a link to the relevant post (as appropriate.)
BTW, I too was sorry to learn that JuliaPa was a sock.
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dont understand his obsession with this small forum with maybe an avg of 1 new topic a day
Quote: 100xOddsBuzzard has been banned for years.Quote: gordonm888Whenever you have a question about a suspension, you can go to the thread called Suspension List (under Rules) and find out the reason, and length of suspension and click onto a link to the relevant post (as appropriate.)
BTW, I too was sorry to learn that JuliaPa was a sock.
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dont understand his obsession with this small forum with maybe an avg of 1 new topic a day
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Some people get strange obsessions with forums. I cannot imagine having a life so empty that you obsess about a place you were banned from be it an internet forum or some local bar. But obsess people do. I went back to visit friends after I graduated college and people were talking about me on the forum the semester after I left. Why? get a hobby.
Quote: lilredroosterQuote: gordonm888Whenever you have a question about a suspension, you can go to the thread called Suspension List (under Rules) and find out the reason, and length of suspension and click onto a link to the relevant post (as appropriate.)
neither "Rules" nor "Suspension List" appear on the top of the Wov page with "articles, hotels forums " etc.
they also don't come up when put in the Wov search box
I was able to find them with a google search combining "Rules" and "Suspension List" with
in the interests of fair play and justice for all I am linking these 2 important pages here below
being a Mod is not an easy task and I for one feel the need to be careful not to be overly critical
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This can helpfully take you to the section where these topics are filed.
(Yes, I know almost everyone just uses the hotlist, and the Suspension List and Rules never show up on the hotlist because they never get new posts in the thread.)
Quote: Mission146Quote: lilredrooster____________
okay, it appears I was mistaken
I apologize
how would it be determined that she had multiple accounts___________?
because postings came from the same IP address_____________________________________?
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I’m actually curious about this answer! That’s especially true if the IP match was an IP in Nevada, or something.
The Admins might actually have something better than that now, but IP matching was all I ever had to use. I also think other Admins can probably figure out more from an IP than I could. A different Forum operator seems to be able to get your entire life story from an IP, but I think he must be a computer genius or something.
Another reason I’m curious is, as you mentioned, the JuliePA account didn’t seem to ever break any rules, so I’d have had no reason (if still an Admin) to look at the IP address anyway, imo.
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If the sim is duped the phone registered to someone else and jailbroken plus a few other things the poster is only giving off information they want. It’s like the fish who post links to YouTube on their social media profiles to grab your IP. Basically always assume on these forums the administrators work for the casinos and act accordingly. Literally everything about your online identity should be impersonated. That’s probably the way to go in this day and age. Also disabling your camera is a good idea as well.
If you figured out how to play on poker sites like stars from the US then it’s not to hard to hide your identity if you really want or need to on the forums. Give the computer geniuses just enough to confirm they are indeed that good and do whatever you want
Quote: Seedvalue
If the sim is duped the phone registered to someone else and jailbroken plus a few other things the poster is only giving off information they want. It’s like the fish who post links to YouTube on their social media profiles to grab your IP. Basically always assume on these forums the administrators work for the casinos and act accordingly. Literally everything about your online identity should be impersonated. That’s probably the way to go in this day and age. Also disabling your camera is a good idea as well.
If you figured out how to play on poker sites like stars from the US then it’s not to hard to hide your identity if you really want or need to on the forums. Give the computer geniuses just enough to confirm they are indeed that good and do whatever you want
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I used to be an Admin, and currently do work for the websites, and I never worked for the casinos in anyway...though I guess I would say that even if I did.
We advertise for online casinos. As far as outing AP's, or anything like that, I think it's the position of everyone affiliated with these sites that the casinos could go (omitted) themselves if they even so much as asked. There's not an amount of money they could offer me to out (as AP's) just the people I know, much less everyone.
In fact, the smaller the offer, the better...the fewer bills the easier it would be for them to shove them up their...
That's absolutely true! Also, Hillary Clinton is running a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza shop.Quote: SeedvalueBasically always assume on these forums the administrators work for the casinos...
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Quote: Dieter
Hey Dieter,
Loving the new protest avatar. But it's too subtle. I spotted it where you thanked a post.
Quote: OnceDearQuote: Dieter
Hey Dieter,
Loving the new protest avatar. But it's too subtle. I spotted it where you thanked a post.
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Oh, you. I haven't been out that way in years.
"New" indeed. I think I've been speaking truth to power with this avatar since late July 2015. (Apologies to miro over the initial confusion.)
Quote: Seedvalue
Basically always assume on these forums the administrators work for the casinos and act accordingly.
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Maybe this is good generic advice, I dunno. On this forum, quite a number of members know Mike Shackleford personally and know that it ain't so. I certainly don't work for "the casinos." All I have ever seen in WOV is that the identities of forum members, to the extent that they are known or knowable, are fervently safeguarded. Hell, I barely know who I am. And my fellow moderator, dieter? I'm still clueless as to whether he's of Germanic descent or self-identifies as shedding a few pounds. And I don't really care to know. I'm just glad that he's such a capable moderator and so reliable.
Sometimes it's best to assume the worst case scenario, even if unlikely. For example, I assume my wife knows everything! and if she is not confronting me with it now, it's due to needing to pick the time and place of her battles.Quote: MichaelBluejayThat's absolutely true! Also, Hillary Clinton is running a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza shop.Quote: SeedvalueBasically always assume on these forums the administrators work for the casinos...
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Many such discoveries are unlikely, no sign of it, but still it's best to be prepared, thus assume so
As far as the other matter goes, I'm hiding nothing from the casinos anyway.
In addressing other forum members, use the pronouns they identify with. If that is not okay with you, then say nothing at all or carefully word whatever you have to say using the member's name, as opposed to a pronoun.
This policy shall apply to latent members in good standing, even if they haven't posted in years.
Using "it," as opposed to a pronoun, is not an acceptable substitute.
I hope this isn’t considered hijacking, but when I fill out a form and they ask for my pronouns, I always write “it/thing”.Quote: WizardUsing "it," as opposed to a pronoun, is grounds not an acceptable substitute.
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(But those aren’t my preferred pronouns for this forum.)
I do like the Wizard’s policy, btw.
Quote: WizardI would like to clarify site policy on pronouns.
In addressing other forum members, use the pronouns they identify with. If that is not okay with you, then say nothing at all or carefully word whatever you have to say using the member's name, as opposed to a pronoun.
This policy shall apply to latent members in good standing, even if they haven't posted in years.
Using "it," as opposed to a pronoun, is grounds not an acceptable substitute.
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So if someone identifies as a "Tiny Pink Bunny", that's what we have to call them even though they are not a tiny pink bunny?
Quote: Zcore13Quote: WizardI would like to clarify site policy on pronouns.
In addressing other forum members, use the pronouns they identify with. If that is not okay with you, then say nothing at all or carefully word whatever you have to say using the member's name, as opposed to a pronoun.
This policy shall apply to latent members in good standing, even if they haven't posted in years.
Using "it," as opposed to a pronoun, is grounds not an acceptable substitute.
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So if someone identifies as a "Tiny Pink Bunny", that's what we have to call them even though they are not a tiny pink bunny?
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I do not think "Tiny Pink Bunny" is a common pronoun.
I think there is a fairly safe path - if someone tells you they prefer you not to refer to them in a certain way, avoid referring to them in that way.
Deliberate discourteous address against their wishes would seem to be the crux of the issue.
People change which words mean themselves all the time; from my viewpoint, it doesn't seem all that different from Miss Jones changing her words to Mrs. Smith after a significant life event.
Quote: WizardI would like to clarify site policy on pronouns.
In addressing other forum members, use the pronouns they identify with. If that is not okay with you, then say nothing at all or carefully word whatever you have to say using the member's name, as opposed to a pronoun.
This policy shall apply to latent members in good standing, even if they haven't posted in years.
Using "it," as opposed to a pronoun, is grounds not an acceptable substitute.
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Should we just use what they are registered as? That seems to be the most simple way to know what to use. They have freedom to register as they preferred, which is both fair to all and prevents someone from making a silly beef to "trap" someone they do not like.
hear hear. There really is no need for us to comment on anyone's gender identity, member or not.Quote: Dieter
... if someone tells you they prefer you not to refer to them in a certain way, avoid referring to them in that way.
Deliberate discourteous address against their wishes would seem to be the crux of the issue.
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Quote: AZDuffmanShould we just use what they are registered as? That seems to be the most simple way to know what to use. They have freedom to register as they preferred, which is both fair to all and prevents someone from making a silly beef to "trap" someone they do not like.
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You should use what they currently go by. In the whole history of the forum, there has been a pronoun change once, as far as I know. In the unlikely event it happens again, I'll be mindful of accidental pronoun misusages at first.
Oncedear is an internet persona, male on this forum. His author is male. There are other personas on other forums 🙂Quote: ChumpChangeI always thought Once Dear was a female, but others claim this person is a man. I'm so confused. Now Once Dear wants to terminate the subject. I'd ask if Once Dear is male or female, but it's so easy to cheat on a forum.
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And if anyone says 'what about real life?' 'whats that?
Quote: WizardI would like to clarify site policy on pronouns.
In addressing other forum members, use the pronouns they identify with. If that is not okay with you, then say nothing at all or carefully word whatever you have to say using the member's name, as opposed to a pronoun.
This policy shall apply to latent members in good standing, even if they haven't posted in years.
Using "it," as opposed to a pronoun, is not an acceptable substitute.
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start practicing
zie zim zir zis zieself
sie sie hir hirs hirself
ey em eir eirs eirself
ve ver vis vers verself
tey ter tem ters terself
e em eir eirs emself
use the link to practice,
OK, just being a smartass here.
Saying again, here's what works for me: If someone irks me with this pronoun business, the best policy, often, is to not talk 'about them'. You can be friendly to them. If you talk 'to them', you use the second person, example, "how are *you* doing?" If you don't talk 'about them' then you don't have to go the 3rd person minefield.
I would love to see someone on here try it.
Quote: darkozI am certain none of the members here who refuse to call someone by their preference would dare gonin front of a judge and say, "Mr. X, I refuse to call you "Your Honor" because you weren't born that way and in fact didn't become your honor until recently when appointed as a judge so you will have to respect my wish to call you Mr. And Sir."
I would love to see someone on here try it.
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How on earth does that relate? A judge is actually a judge.
But I identify as a judge so from now on please refer to me as The Most Honorable AZDuffman.
Thanks in advance.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: darkozI am certain none of the members here who refuse to call someone by their preference would dare gonin front of a judge and say, "Mr. X, I refuse to call you "Your Honor" because you weren't born that way and in fact didn't become your honor until recently when appointed as a judge so you will have to respect my wish to call you Mr. And Sir."
I would love to see someone on here try it.
link to original post
How on earth does that relate? A judge is actually a judge.
But I identify as a judge so from now on please refer to me as The Most Honorable AZDuffman.
Thanks in advance.
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So you believe a judge was born a judge?
Quote: Babylon BeeStarbucks Begins Promotion Offering Free Coffee If You Correctly Guess Your Barista's Gender
Others expressed trepidation regarding the promotion, however. "Don't you know what happens these days if you don't guess someone's gender correctly?" asked loyal Starbucks customer Tate Kelly. "It's like a one-in-a-million chance of guessing it right! I'm not sure I want to risk getting canceled just to have a chance at a free espresso shot."
Henceforth, my pronouns shall be:
Quote: AZDuffman
But I identify as a judge so from now on please refer to me as The Most Honorable AZDuffman.
Thanks in advance.
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That would appear to be an honorific, not a pronoun.
Quote: DrawingDead
Quote: Babylon BeeStarbucks Begins Promotion Offering Free Coffee If You Correctly Guess Your Barista's Gender
Others expressed trepidation regarding the promotion, however. "Don't you know what happens these days if you don't guess someone's gender correctly?" asked loyal Starbucks customer Tate Kelly. "It's like a one-in-a-million chance of guessing it right! I'm not sure I want to risk getting canceled just to have a chance at a free espresso shot."
Henceforth, my pronouns shall be:
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Lol obviously one of those Onion style news mags
The difference, AZDuffman, even if, "Judge," was strictly a pronoun, rather than a noun, when used as a title:
Judge AZDuffman---Person, therefore, noun.
I know you have a sudden interest in proper grammar, so let me educate you by informing you that a pronoun takes the place of a noun in a sentence; typically after the noun has been used, or is known, but not always.
Even then, the difference is that you do not actually think you are a judge. You do not perceive yourself to be a judge. With that, it's a question of using language that respects how a person perceives themself.
When we talk about ze/zer, and I think OdiousGambit was kidding around anyway, I have a few observations:
1.) It seems that it is a gender-neutral singular pronoun, but I don't see how they/their cannot be used for that.
For example, we use, "They/their," as a singular all the time, though it's typically when we don't necessarily know the person's gender. In traffic, someone almost hits you, "What the hell are they doing!?'
Generally speaking, the driver is going to be some specific gender, but we don't know it, so we use, "They," to refer to a single person. It may not be grammatically precise, but I don't think it's ever been seen as grammatically unacceptable.
Also, I find it strange that so many people who would have once decried strictly formal usages of language suddenly being so concerned with the formal rules of grammar, anyway.
2.) I don't recall anyone from this Forum ever requesting to be referred to this way.
3.) I have encountered some transsexuals in my real-world affairs, but I have never encountered one who wishes to be referred to as anything other than he/him or she/her, so I really don't see this as a big deal.
Anyway, it all comes down to calling people that which they perceive themselves as being. To yourself, I don't think that you are required to agree with their self-perception, but it is fundamentally respectful to at least acknowledge people as they see themselves.
In coming up with a bunch of nonsensical comparisons, that's the difference. The nonsensical comparisons refer back to ways that you don't actually see yourself, where, in Nareed's case, the preferred pronouns relate back to how she does.
That's a fairly important distinction. It's a distinction that makes it, at best, an inapt comparison; at worst, the comparison is downright offensive.
If I get suspended for this post, so be it. Just wait until I have the Picks up, please and thank you.
Quote: darkozQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: darkozI am certain none of the members here who refuse to call someone by their preference would dare gonin front of a judge and say, "Mr. X, I refuse to call you "Your Honor" because you weren't born that way and in fact didn't become your honor until recently when appointed as a judge so you will have to respect my wish to call you Mr. And Sir."
I would love to see someone on here try it.
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How on earth does that relate? A judge is actually a judge.
But I identify as a judge so from now on please refer to me as The Most Honorable AZDuffman.
Thanks in advance.
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So you believe a judge was born a judge?
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What on earth are you talking about?
Listen, I said I identify as a judge. So quit saying “you” and say “your honor” please. Tolerance for my identification.
Quote: WizardQuote: AZDuffmanShould we just use what they are registered as? That seems to be the most simple way to know what to use. They have freedom to register as they preferred, which is both fair to all and prevents someone from making a silly beef to "trap" someone they do not like.
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You should use what they currently go by. In the whole history of the forum, there has been a pronoun change once, as far as I know. In the unlikely event it happens again, I'll be mindful of accidental pronoun misusages at first.
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You are not good at counting! Nareed and Nathan both required pronoun changes from their initial personas.
Agree on your simple way to handle this. If you WANT to use a pronoun about a member, use the one the member prefers. There is NEVER a reason that a pronoun needs to be used, actually. EVERY time I could use a he or she to discuss Nareed, I can just say Nareed.
I am praying we don’t have a non binary individual identify as such on the forum. Using ‘they’ to describe a single individual makes for some very confusing posts.
Quote: AZDuffman
What on earth are you talking about?
Listen, I said I identify as a judge. So quit saying “you” and say “your honor” please. Tolerance for my identification.
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1.) Your Honor should be capitalized.
2.) Your Honor is also a formal title, which is why it should be capitalized.
3.) The usage of, "Your Honor," is in the second person anyway, which I would think the term starting with, "Y-O-U," would give away, but I guess not. I would not say, "Your Honor (insert name)," to describe a judge who is not present.
If you're going to make nonsensical points to defend the fundamental intolerance of others that your post would demonstrate on this specific issue, then at least write it in a fashion that would demonstrate intelligence.
I don't imagine anyone that objects to, "You," being used when you are referring to them in the second-person sense. LOL.
Quote: SOOPOOQuote: WizardQuote: AZDuffmanShould we just use what they are registered as? That seems to be the most simple way to know what to use. They have freedom to register as they preferred, which is both fair to all and prevents someone from making a silly beef to "trap" someone they do not like.
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You should use what they currently go by. In the whole history of the forum, there has been a pronoun change once, as far as I know. In the unlikely event it happens again, I'll be mindful of accidental pronoun misusages at first.
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You are not good at counting! Nareed and Nathan both required pronoun changes from their initial personas.
Agree on your simple way to handle this. If you WANT to use a pronoun about a member, use the one the member prefers. There is NEVER a reason that a pronoun needs to be used, actually. EVERY time I could use a he or she to discuss Nareed, I can just say Nareed.
I am praying we don’t have a non binary individual identify as such on the forum. Using ‘they’ to describe a single individual makes for some very confusing posts.
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Good manners really aren't that difficult.
Answer, or don't. I need a few days off from talking to people. See you all Thursday, unless I have an article to pimp. Have a good few days in the meantime, to everyone.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: darkozQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: darkozI am certain none of the members here who refuse to call someone by their preference would dare gonin front of a judge and say, "Mr. X, I refuse to call you "Your Honor" because you weren't born that way and in fact didn't become your honor until recently when appointed as a judge so you will have to respect my wish to call you Mr. And Sir."
I would love to see someone on here try it.
link to original post
How on earth does that relate? A judge is actually a judge.
But I identify as a judge so from now on please refer to me as The Most Honorable AZDuffman.
Thanks in advance.
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So you believe a judge was born a judge?
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What on earth are you talking about?
Listen, I said I identify as a judge. So quit saying “you” and say “your honor” please. Tolerance for my identification.
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Lol suddenly AZ doesn't know what I am talking about.
It was the simplest question. Does he believe judges are born that way.
He can't answer directly because he really understands his position is wrong so he answers with the blubbering "what are you talking about?" Line.
Quote: darkozQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: darkozQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: darkozI am certain none of the members here who refuse to call someone by their preference would dare gonin front of a judge and say, "Mr. X, I refuse to call you "Your Honor" because you weren't born that way and in fact didn't become your honor until recently when appointed as a judge so you will have to respect my wish to call you Mr. And Sir."
I would love to see someone on here try it.
link to original post
How on earth does that relate? A judge is actually a judge.
But I identify as a judge so from now on please refer to me as The Most Honorable AZDuffman.
Thanks in advance.
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So you believe a judge was born a judge?
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What on earth are you talking about?
Listen, I said I identify as a judge. So quit saying “you” and say “your honor” please. Tolerance for my identification.
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Lol suddenly AZ doesn't know what I am talking about.
It was the simplest question. Does he believe judges are born that way.
He can't answer directly because he really understands his position is wrong so he answers with the blubbering "what are you talking about?" Line.
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Unless there is a divine right of judges they are not born judges. Again I ask what are you talking about?
Does the 'flag' feature still exist? I don't currently see any flag buttons.
That feature always did work differently for moderators, but I'm surprised to no longer see the button.
Quote: Rule 15Flagging: The primary purpose of flagging is to rid the forum of spam but can also be used for other obvious rule violations. Flagging legitimate posts, for any reason, is not allowed. (Added 4/15/2016)
One man's 'obvious' is another man's opinion.
Quote: OnceDearA question for the moderators and maybe for the tech guys.
Does the 'flag' feature still exist? I don't currently see any flag buttons.
That feature always did work differently for moderators, but I'm surprised to no longer see the button.Quote: Rule 15Flagging: The primary purpose of flagging is to rid the forum of spam but can also be used for other obvious rule violations. Flagging legitimate posts, for any reason, is not allowed. (Added 4/15/2016)
One man's 'obvious' is another man's opinion.
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"Flagging" may have been disabled in late 2014/early 2015.
I seem to remember getting scolded for (subjectively) "misusing" it, and shortly afterwards it was not-visible.
As for other definitions of the term, I don't really go to those bars.
Rule 16 is applicable
Messages from banned members: Do not quote anything, neither public nor private, a banned member has said. If we ban somebody it means we don't want to hear from them any longer. (Added 6/9/2016)
I believe this means both that whatever the banned member posted here should be deleted at the same time that the sock puppet is banned, because the banning "means we don't want to hear from them any longer," and also that anything that might have been inadvertently quoted from the banned member should be deleted as well (leaving intact only what any members in good standing might have said in response).
In fact, knowingly quoting what a banned member has posted here is itself a Rule 16 violation "Do not quote anything...."
I mean obviously, leaving anything a banned member has posted, whether directly or via quotation, is to allow us to hear from him - but as well, the best way to discourage sock puppets is to let them know that we don't cotton to their nonsense and will not allow sock puppets to be continued mouthpieces for the banned. Make it as if they never came here and sock puppeteers will give up more quickly as they realize it's a waste of their time since no one will hear what they have to say.
Quote: MDawg Bolding is mineOccasionally we have banned members come in here as sock puppets to further their campaigns.
Rule 16 is applicable
Messages from banned members: Do not quote anything, neither public nor private, a banned member has said. If we ban somebody it means we don't want to hear from them any longer. (Added 6/9/2016)
I believe this means both that whatever the banned member posted here should be deleted at the same time that the sock puppet is banned, because the banning "means we don't want to hear from them any longer," and also that anything that might have been inadvertently quoted from the banned member should be deleted as well (leaving intact only what any members in good standing might have said in response).
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MDAWG, Why do you raise this here and now?
I don't disagree with MDawg, and when i was moderating, i would often delete anything that had been quoted of a sock.
BUT. It's Wizard's stated policy that a member's post is sacrosanct and that moderators should not generally edit or redact anything in a good standing member's posts. And that includes anything in quotes even from a sock.
The reality was that every case was taken on it's merits.

Ya' follow?
Quote: OnceDear
The reality was that every case was taken on it's merits.
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That SOUNDS good but all it means in reality is - if the sock posts faster than the mod is able to delete and before someone gets around to quoting, some traces of the sock might remain. That's an inane way to do things; the rule should be applied more even handedly.
Quote: MDawgYes, agreed, and it doesn't make sense to leave a banned member's quoted posts intact while deleting his direct posts, obviously all traces of the offender should be eradicated.
Ya' follow?Quote: OnceDear
The reality was that every case was taken on it's merits.
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That SOUNDS good but all it means in reality is - if the sock posts faster than the mod is able to delete and before someone gets around to quoting, some traces of the sock might remain. That's an inane way to do things; the rule should be applied more even handedly.
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I believe that I agree with the crux of your argument, But I tend not to call any of wizard's policies 'Inane'.
Mike's house, Mike's rules.
The policy as I understand it, ( I have a PM, but won't break confidentiality) is that members posts do not get bits hacked out of them, even if it's a quote from a sock.
I'm sure wizard would love to hear your case.
I ask again, out of curiosity. Why do you raise this very specific topic now?