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January 8th, 2024 at 11:57:12 AM permalink
sucks i cant post an email address until 20 posts lol

got it tho. cheers
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January 8th, 2024 at 4:52:51 PM permalink
Please wait on any further payments until Mission officially announces winners and gives instructions on payments. Sometimes the payment situation is a bit more complex than we might anticipate.
So many better men, a few of them friends, are dead. And a thousand thousand slimy things live on, and so do I.
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January 9th, 2024 at 3:37:01 AM permalink
Quote: gordonm888

Please wait on any further payments until Mission officially announces winners and gives instructions on payments. Sometimes the payment situation is a bit more complex than we might anticipate.
link to original post

Too late for me as I've already paid DJChaps
There's no way out of here When you come in You're in for good There was no promise made The part you played The took
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January 9th, 2024 at 6:59:19 AM permalink
Quote: gordonm888

Please wait on any further payments until Mission officially announces winners and gives instructions on payments. Sometimes the payment situation is a bit more complex than we might anticipate.
link to original post

Mission hasn't been seen since before kickoff Sunday. Seems pretty clear in the OP of the contest that winner receives all entries. Only kink being that some folks have covered there entry fee with a prize and therefore I will get their entry fee from Mission. Those people know not to send, I'd imagine. i'm in no rush, but dug the fast payouts from the 2 that have hehe, my bad.
Last edited by: DJChaps on Jan 9, 2024
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January 9th, 2024 at 7:36:19 AM permalink

I'd like to again thank everyone for making this an excellent 2023 WoV NFL Picks Game! The post to follow this one will discuss payouts; after that, I will immediately be creating the Playoff Picks thread.

Once again, my thanks to Miplet for his line comparison tool; I'd also like to thank Gordon and Unjon for helping out by grading the Picks; I know I've already said this, but that would otherwise be the single most time-consuming element of running the contest.

Let's start with the consolation prizes:

Mr. 'Average Joe," Joeman

Congratulations on taking down the, 'Most Average,' prize, Joeman!

As everyone knows (and has been pointed out), two players finished one game off from .500, but Joeman was emphatically average whereas JStephe8WVU was only sort of average. The difference between the two players came down to Joeman possibly making more Confidence Picks, but most importantly, not taking a Skip Week.

I can't imagine that anyone goes into the season specifically shooting for, 'Most Average,' but I would suggest that everyone should be making Confidence Picks unless they have a specific reason to want to avoid variance, speaking of avoiding variance:

Mission146 SUCKS

Well, well, we have Mission146; what might we say about him?

I think that we can safely say that Mission146 is a quitter, but sometimes, being a quitter saves you $75. Mission146, by his own admission, has barely paid attention to the NFL this year:

Despite that, he went into the season arrogantly believing that he could perform his usual just north of .500 picking. He had the audacity to be shocked when he went 3-9 over the first two weeks of the season.

In response to that, did Mission dig his heels in and decide to actually pay some level of attention to make a comeback run to the top? Of course not! Being someone who absolutely sucks, per the usual, Mission146 chose the path of least resistance. After all, if he could lose whilst trying to win, then certainly, Mission146 could lose while trying to lose, right?

DrawingDead speculated that, around Week 3, I started planting some seeds that I might just try to lose, instead. After all, that's when I had declared this attempt to lose actually began. But, was it just face-saving to make up for my terrible performance the first two weeks?

I guess we'll never know; I'm certainly not telling.

If I had to defend myself on this one, then my position would be that it's undeniable that I started attempting to tank, in earnest, going into Week 6. As evidence of this, I submit that I did not make a Confidence Pick that week (already being in last, why would I want variance?); ironically, I went 0-5 that week, so any Confidence Pick that I might have made could only have helped me.

Speaking of quitting, Mission146 took a Skip Week for Week 9. Not only did he not like the Lines, because he actually sucks at picking games and knows it, but he planned to concede unless AvianRandy had a bad (which is to say good) week. AvianRandy did have a good week (5-1), thus enabling Mission to reclaim last place by virtue of doing nothing, which is what someone who sucks is best at...and that can certainly be said for Mission.

Realizing that he was no better than a blind monkey throwing darts, or feces, Mission146 began to incorporate Totals into his Picks during Week 10...not for any particular reason other than his spread Picks weren't getting it done. No matter how you slice it, he never relinquished last place again.

Mission146's winning percentage would slowly creep upward the rest of the season. I should be fair to myself here---when mostly going 2-3 (you can check the week-to-week for yourself) causes your winning percentage to improve, there's really not a ton of room for it to drop further. I think there were also two 3-2 weeks and a 1-3 week in the last several weeks of the season.

That's the story of Mission146-a man who sucks. He went into the season without doing any research whatsoever; he arrogantly believed that he should perform anything other than 3-9 the first two weeks of the season, then he gave up.

Why is he called Mission, anyway? He should just be called, 'Miss,' not only because that's what his Picks do, but also because he gave up on trying to win, very early, like a little b****. He almost gave up on trying to lose, as well, and nearly aborted the, 'Mission,' altogether.

How the world might be better if only his mother had done the same.*

Mission146, you suck. You did save $75, though. It's always nice to see a quitter's mentality so rewarded.

Unjon-3rd Place

Week 1: Tied-First
Week 2: First
Week 3: First
Week 4-6: First
Week 7: Third
Week 8: Second
Week 9: Fourth

But, that's not how I remembered at all. Maybe UnJon's early season dominance was so absolute that I had simply stopped even glancing at the top of the leaderboard.

Death, Taxes, UnJon's going to win: these are the three things guaranteed in life.

Going back through the standings, it looks like DJChaps had claimed the top spot on multiple occasions, midseason. Chaps had claimed the Week 9 Perfection bonus and, in so doing, was actually a dominant First Place after that week.

No, this was UnJon's year; there could only be one result.

Just as quickly, UnJon fired off a perfect Week 11; after that week, PlayYourCardsRight enjoyed a brief ride atop the leaderboard, but UnJon was inevitable. DJChaps saw a commanding First Place deflate to a pretty firm second, but one that could theoretically collapse to not even being Top Three in the event of a disastrous week.

A Week 12 5-1 record would see UnJon reclaim his Top Spot. UnJon is inevitable. There can only be one winner of this contest. 5-1, 4-2 a 2-4 Week during Week 15, but DJChaps has five fewer wins and only one fewer loss.

In Week 16, UnJon would go 1-4 and DJChaps would take the top spot over with a 3-3 record. Of course, that wasn't the end of the Week; it was just a partial grading. UnJon would remain inevitable after the Ravens Picks improved him to 2-4 that week.

UnJon and DJChaps would match 4-2 records in Week 17.

Going into Week 18, UnJon had a choice. He had done his job and had picked over 60% on the season; he had not used his Skip Week. He could simply sit the week out and let his 61.4% winning percentage stand, on its own, as a challenge to those below him.

But, he had a DJChaps problem. If DJChaps were to go 4-2, then he would have tied UnJon for 1st Place. If DJChaps had performed better than that, then Chaps would be the winner. PlayYourCardsRight was also a minor threat, but would have needed a 5-0 or 6-0 week.

If UnJon was going to go down, then he would go down fighting.

Had he not fought, he wouldn't have went down.

UnJon's decision not to sit out Week 18 will be talked about for decades to come. In the annuls of the WoV Picks Game History, children, generations from now, will discuss that decision.

Personally, I think making a Confidence Pick (out of first place) is the head-scratcher; I don't know why anyone would want to add variance when they are already in first place. In fact, despite losing, UnJon would have finished in Second Place, but for the Confidence Pick.

While future generations will create factions and debate the matter endlessly, I stand by UnJon's decision not to Skip Week 18. Given that DJChaps would likely make a Confidence Pick, and also the fact that DJChaps had been picking at a rate north of 60% on the season, it is my opinion that you can't leave it in his hands. That's especially true if DJChaps would make a point to avoid Lines that could push, though he actually picked three such lines.

Still, congratulations to UnJon for being in Third Place and in the money!

PlayYourCardsRight-Second Place

PlayYourCardsRight played the sleeper for most of this season.

In a season that mostly seemed to be made up of UnJon and DJChaps trading first place back and forth, PlayYourCardsRight, perhaps quietly, also spent a little bit of time at the top. PlayYourCardsRight went into the final week needing some help---and he almost got it.

Had UnJon taken a Skip Week, then only Perfection could have secured First Place for PlayYourCardsRight, and that would have depended on what DJChaps did. Unjon played, however and PlayYourCardsRight put together a 4-2 record and was only a single game from winning the contest.

It would have been nice for it to come down to a single play to have a shot, but we would get nothing so romantic. As Tyler Lockett would haul in, first a reception for a TD, then another for the 2PT conversion, PlayYourCardsRight's fate was sealed with just under two minutes left to play; the Seahawks would not be winning the game by three, or more. Ironically, PlayYourCardsRight likely needed the 2PT conversion to be unsuccessful, thereby putting the Seahawks in a situation (depending on the timeout situation) where they'd have likely attempted an onside kick.

Still, PlayYourCardRight takes home Second Place honors and Second Place money---congratulations!!!


This won't be quite as long as my write-ups on both UnJon and PlayYourCardsRight suffice to explain what got us here, but I will say that it's fitting that a winner of multiple Perfection Bonuses this season would take the top spot.

Before I congratulate you, we need to have a little heart-to-heart:

DJChaps, when I go to other outlets to invite people to this game, the idea is that they will lose. When you play this game for the first time, as someone who came from another forum, and win...people ask questions like, "Mission, why would you do that?" "Mission, how much of a cut is the ringer giving you?" Other such questions. Suspicious packages start arriving at my doorstep. They're in an Amazon box, but the driver is wearing a gas mask, for some reason.

UnJon was supposed to be inevitable. He's also the person that I had a deal with. You wouldn't believe how many of his Picks I changed after kickoff, and yet, you managed to win anyway. What can we do against you, AN NFL PICKING GOD, when even cheating isn't good enough!?

That's all a joke, of course. Congratulations on FIRST PLACE!!!

*That joke is ice cold! It popped into my head and I had to use it---there's no way I'd be cold enough to ever make the joke about anyone else, but it's been swirling around in my head for weeks and this was the perfect opportunity, because it's self-directed.
Last edited by: Mission146 on Jan 9, 2024
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January 9th, 2024 at 8:08:25 AM permalink
I didn’t have the attention span to read your last post, but once again, thanks to Mission for doing this. And congrats to all winners.
I’m planning on winning the playoff picks game. (But will sell my picks for those that want to fade me!).
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January 9th, 2024 at 8:26:56 AM permalink


First of all, I'd like to extend my apologies for my absence yesterday; I simply had a ton of stuff come up...and I wanted to write my usual dissertation congratulating all of the winners, but I didn't think I'd have time to get it all done at once.

With that, I suppose I could have made a post just announcing the winners and prizes. But, had I done that, nobody would have read my long-winded, and only marginally funny (at best) diatribe of a congratulations post. I simply refuse to give money away without subjecting the recipients of that money to reading my public semi-literary (or, should that be semi-literate?) masturbation.

With said masturbation out of the way, let's get into the matters of money. We will begin with a list of all of the players who did not drop out so early that I would suggest that reaching out to them is entirely at DJChaps' option and would make no effort to encourage this; after all, I believe the person in question only played one week. With that, here is what I consider the Official player list:

1. DJChaps
2. JStephe8WVU***
3. Gordonm888
4. Mission146
6. Rainman
7. PlayYourCardsRight***
8. Wizard
9. Unjon***
10. Nunbeater
11. Miplet
12. JohnZimbo
13. AvianRandy
14. NCFatCat
15. JML24
16. VegasBrent
17. GenWyzgy***
18. IndyJeffrey
19. JohnnyQ
20. Scolist
21. Joeman***
22. AssWhooperMcDaddy
23. Sparty10k
24. OdiousGambit


DJChaps has accumulated the following prizes:

First Place: $250 + ENTRY FEES from everyone listed above, except those marked with a ***

Perfection Bonuses Total: $60

The following players SHOULD NOT pay Entry Fees to DJChaps---UnJon, GenWyzgy, Joeman, PlayYourCardsRight, JStephe8WVU

REASONS: Unjon took Third Place (sufficient to cover Entry Fees), PlayYourCardsRight took Second Place (sufficient to cover Entry Fees), GenWyzgy had sufficient Perfection Bonuses to cover Entry Fees; finally, Joeman took Most Average, which covers his Entry Fees.***

***If any of these players have already paid DJChaps, that's fine, just let me know and you will receive the full amount of your prize(s) directly from me, rather than me withholding the $25 that I would normally have used to cover your Entry Fee. There is no need to get a refund if you have already paid DJChaps.

With that, DJ Chaps will receive the following:

First Place: $250 + $550 (22 players) in Entry Fees.*

The reason it is 22 players is because I do not pay an Entry Fee (my prize contributions well exceed the Entry Fee) and DJChaps would, obviously, have no need to pay himself.

DJChaps also wins $60 in Perfection Bonuses, so should ultimately be $860 more wealthy once all payouts have been completed.

Of these funds, DJChaps will receive the following directly from me:

($250 Prize) + ($60 (Perfection Bonuses) + $125 (Entry Fees for PlayYourCardsRight, Joeman, Unjon, GenWyzgy and JStephe8WVU) = $435 coming directly from me. He will collect $425 directly from seventeen individuals.


PlayYoursCardsRight will receive $150 for Second Place, less $25 (which will be used to pay DJChaps), so will ultimately receive $125 directly from me.


Unjon wins $100 for coming in Third Place and also has a $20 Perfection Bonus. The total is $120, except $25 will be withheld and paid (by me) to DJChaps; ergo, Unjon will receive $95 directly from me.


Joeman wins $75 for the Most Average prize. $25 will be withheld from this to pay his Entry Fee to DJChaps, so Joeman will receive $50 from me, directly.


Despite not coming in the Top Three, GenWyzgy took down two Perfection Bonuses, one of which was $50!!! In total, he won $70, of which $25 will be withheld to pay his Entry Fee to DJChaps and GenWyzgy will receive the other $45 from me, directly.


Finally, VegasBrent wins a $10 Perfection Bonus; this Perfection Bonus is insufficient to cover the Entry Fee, so VegasBrent will pay DJChaps the $25 Entry Fee and I will send $10 directly to VegasBrent.

---Please note that I plan to handle all payouts immediately after the 2023 WoV Playoff Picks Game because it's easier to do it that way. We also might have individuals taking prizes in that which would add to their prizes from this contest.

---DJCHAPS, please arrange payment from the following game participants, via PM. Please note that the following have been removed, pursuant to the above, DJChaps, Mission146, Unjon, Joeman, GenWyzgy, PlayYourCardsRight, JStephe8WVU*.

1. Gordonm888---PAID
3. Rainman
4. Wizard—PAID
5. Nunbeater---PAID
6. Miplet---PAID
7. JohnZimbo---PAID
8. AvianRandy---PAID
9. NCFatCat—-PAID
10. JML24—PAID
11. VegasBrent---PAID
12. IndyJeffrey—-PAID
13. JohnnyQ---PAID
14. Scolist---PAID
15. AssWhooperMcDaddy---PAID
16. Sparty10k---PAID
17. OdiousGambit---PAID

*JStephe8WVU and I know each other personally, so I am covering his Entry Fee and we'll sort that out between ourselves.

There's also one player who dropped out, essentially after Week 1, that DJChaps has the option of collecting from.
Last edited by: Mission146 on Feb 6, 2024
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January 9th, 2024 at 8:31:20 AM permalink
Mission, please donate my $95 towards the playoff pool. Thanks again for running a very entertaining competition. Maybe next year I can throw my darts at those nfl spreads with some better variance.
The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong; but that is the way to bet.
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January 9th, 2024 at 8:37:08 AM permalink
Cheers, will do.

nunbeater and scolist have paid already, ftr.
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January 9th, 2024 at 8:43:55 AM permalink
Quote: DJChaps

Cheers, will do.

nunbeater and scolist have paid already, ftr.
link to original post

Excellent, thank you.

Payouts are typically all handled by PM, but if you want to send me a PM each time one of the individuals on your list makes a payment, then I would be happy to update the list (for your convenience) that they have paid. I'll do so by simply editing my post above, as I have done for Nunbeater and Scolist.
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January 9th, 2024 at 8:50:13 AM permalink
i'll get a head start on that and repost my paypal etc

dj dot chaps79 at icloud dot com

BTC- bc1qqkca0s8frp9puvqevldkdmqf499s9ywglxttty

can receive most crypto, if you have other than BTC let me know and i'll grab an addy to send to.
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January 9th, 2024 at 8:50:24 AM permalink
Quote: unJon

Mission, please donate my $95 towards the playoff pool. Thanks again for running a very entertaining competition. Maybe next year I can throw my darts at those nfl spreads with some better variance.
link to original post

That's awesome; thank you, UnJon!

If you would like to specifically direct how that $95 is offered (in terms of prizes), then please send me a PM after I create the Playoff Picks thread. As you probably suspected, I'm also kicking my $75, in savings, from the, 'You Suck,' prize to the Playoff Game.

As far as the unclaimed Perfection Bonuses ($20) are concerned, I might need someone to remind me, but my plan is just to carry it over to next season and start 2024's Week 1 with a $30 Perfection Bonus. (If it is not won, then it will still be going up by $10 per week, not $30.)
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January 9th, 2024 at 8:51:45 AM permalink
Quote: DJChaps

i'll get a head start on that and repost my paypal etc

dj dot chaps79 at icloud dot com

BTC- bc1qqkca0s8frp9puvqevldkdmqf499s9ywglxttty

can receive most crypto, if you have other than BTC let me know and i'll grab an addy to send to.
link to original post

That's very good, but some players don't necessarily follow the thread that closely even during the season. It's my strong recommendation that you also send a PM to everyone on the list of those from whom you are to collect directly; that's typically how this has been handled in the six or seven years that we've had Entry Fees.
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January 9th, 2024 at 8:52:53 AM permalink
DJChaps…. As sometimes happens to my account, I can’t send any PMs that are ‘new’, but I can respond to PMs. So OM me with payment info and I’ll reply.
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January 9th, 2024 at 8:55:10 AM permalink
kk. incoming.
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January 9th, 2024 at 3:38:21 PM permalink
Quote: DJChaps

i'll get a head start on that and repost my paypal etc

dj dot chaps79 at icloud dot com

BTC- bc1qqkca0s8frp9puvqevldkdmqf499s9ywglxttty

can receive most crypto, if you have other than BTC let me know and i'll grab an addy to send to.
link to original post

On paypal, I am being shown a currency conversion when trying to send to you (DJChaps). Just checking - is that what you would have expected?
So many better men, a few of them friends, are dead. And a thousand thousand slimy things live on, and so do I.
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January 9th, 2024 at 3:50:41 PM permalink
Quote: gordonm888

Quote: DJChaps

i'll get a head start on that and repost my paypal etc

dj dot chaps79 at icloud dot com

BTC- bc1qqkca0s8frp9puvqevldkdmqf499s9ywglxttty

can receive most crypto, if you have other than BTC let me know and i'll grab an addy to send to.
link to original post

On paypal, I am being shown a currency conversion when trying to send to you (DJChaps). Just checking - is that what you would have expected?
link to original post

Yeah, Im in Canada so they'll usually convert en route to me.
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January 9th, 2024 at 4:14:04 PM permalink
rec'd from Gordon. will shoot a PM to you as well MIssion
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January 10th, 2024 at 10:15:13 AM permalink
Congrats DJChaps! Payment sent. I haven't used PayPal internationally in a while and I note that since the last time they have instituted additional fees, taking 5% of the transaction directly on the sender side and adding a conversion spread of 5% on the receiving side. It's good to be the middle man.
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January 10th, 2024 at 10:48:24 AM permalink
Quote: jml24

Congrats DJChaps! Payment sent. I haven't used PayPal internationally in a while and I note that since the last time they have instituted additional fees, taking 5% of the transaction directly on the sender side and adding a conversion spread of 5% on the receiving side. It's good to be the middle man.
link to original post

Confirmed. Also rec'd from odiousgambit
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January 10th, 2024 at 5:30:13 PM permalink
AvianRandy PAID
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January 11th, 2024 at 11:28:54 AM permalink
JohnnyQ PAID
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January 11th, 2024 at 5:27:02 PM permalink
johnzimbo PAID
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January 12th, 2024 at 9:18:59 AM permalink
Vegasbrent has paid. Didn't see my name in the posts, so wanted it confirmed to everyone.
It's not a sin if you don't win, but it's a tragedy if you don't try. Be happy and have fun!
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January 12th, 2024 at 10:19:04 AM permalink
Quote: Vegasbrent

Vegasbrent has paid. Didn't see my name in the posts, so wanted it confirmed to everyone.
link to original post

ya you were one of the first to be marked paid as i had mentioned it in a PM to Mission. you'll see it in his post above.
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January 12th, 2024 at 10:20:01 AM permalink
just rec'd from SOOPOO as i was typing the above haha
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January 12th, 2024 at 10:24:53 AM permalink
My bad. Sorry about that. I remember skipping reading most of that post as it was so long! I'm lazy and have the attention span of a flea!
It's not a sin if you don't win, but it's a tragedy if you don't try. Be happy and have fun!
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January 12th, 2024 at 1:55:24 PM permalink
Quote: jml24

Congrats DJChaps! Payment sent. I haven't used PayPal internationally in a while and I note that since the last time they have instituted additional fees, taking 5% of the transaction directly on the sender side and adding a conversion spread of 5% on the receiving side. It's good to be the middle man.
link to original post

dont wanna clog your inbox mission but this guy isnt marked as paid but he has, as seen here.
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January 12th, 2024 at 1:58:24 PM permalink
Quote: DJChaps

Quote: jml24

Congrats DJChaps! Payment sent. I haven't used PayPal internationally in a while and I note that since the last time they have instituted additional fees, taking 5% of the transaction directly on the sender side and adding a conversion spread of 5% on the receiving side. It's good to be the middle man.
link to original post

dont wanna clog your inbox mission but this guy isnt marked as paid but he has, as seen here.
link to original post

Thank you! I’ll make the edit.
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January 13th, 2024 at 6:55:32 AM permalink
Sparty10k PAID
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January 20th, 2024 at 10:15:08 AM permalink
Quick bump. Will be firing off PMs to the following users this weekend unless they see this first heh.


PayPal is if yas pop in and see this.
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January 20th, 2024 at 1:52:32 PM permalink
rec'd from miplet, in talks with Rainman about method of pmt.
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January 20th, 2024 at 8:10:53 PM permalink
DJChaps, congrats on the win. I've been sick with flu the past couple of weeks, so have been mostly MIA. PM the payment details for paypal, and I'll take care of it.
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January 20th, 2024 at 10:10:44 PM permalink
Quote: Asswhoopermcdaddy

DJChaps, congrats on the win. I've been sick with flu the past couple of weeks, so have been mostly MIA. PM the payment details for paypal, and I'll take care of it.
link to original post

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January 25th, 2024 at 6:52:33 PM permalink
Quote: DJChaps

Quote: Asswhoopermcdaddy

DJChaps, congrats on the win. I've been sick with flu the past couple of weeks, so have been mostly MIA. PM the payment details for paypal, and I'll take care of it.
link to original post

link to original post

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January 25th, 2024 at 8:02:45 PM permalink
paypal received. Cheers
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February 6th, 2024 at 1:22:59 PM permalink
As far as I can tell, I have rec'd from everyone except Rainman but we have been in touch, just waiting to hear back from him.

Any chance to get my main prizes this week, Mission? I'm hoping to gamble on the big game LOL.
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February 6th, 2024 at 2:46:38 PM permalink
Quote: DJChaps

As far as I can tell, I have rec'd from everyone except Rainman but we have been in touch, just waiting to hear back from him.

Any chance to get my main prizes this week, Mission? I'm hoping to gamble on the big game LOL.
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I usually do the week after so I can pay everything at once after the Playoff Game is over. I’d almost say better you wait so that you don’t bet it all on the big game, though I suppose you might have won for a reason…
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February 6th, 2024 at 3:14:10 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146

Quote: DJChaps

As far as I can tell, I have rec'd from everyone except Rainman but we have been in touch, just waiting to hear back from him.

Any chance to get my main prizes this week, Mission? I'm hoping to gamble on the big game LOL.
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I usually do the week after so I can pay everything at once after the Playoff Game is over. I’d almost say better you wait so that you don’t bet it all on the big game, though I suppose you might have won for a reason…
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Haha I don't wanna bet it all. :)
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February 6th, 2024 at 11:47:10 PM permalink
I think I will bet if Taylor Swift gets proposed to haha
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February 7th, 2024 at 7:44:00 AM permalink
But seriously, I won't tell anyone if you don't that I got paid a few days early. Im hurtin for a few extra bucks for SB lol.
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February 13th, 2024 at 11:45:12 AM permalink
The following have these amounts coming from this game:

DJChaps: $435
PlayYourCardsRight: $75 ($50 was donated to Playoff Game)
UnJon: (Donated to Playoff Game)
Joeman: $50
Genwyzgy: $45
VegasBrent: $10*

Playoff Winners:
OdiousGambit: $1,310---WINS: $210
VegasBrent: $1,025---WINS $110*
JML24: $900---WINS $75
SOOPOO: $775---WINS $25

*$120 Total
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February 21st, 2024 at 5:00:08 AM permalink
So, like, what is going on here?
Last edited by: DJChaps on Feb 21, 2024
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February 21st, 2024 at 5:31:23 AM permalink
I’m sending out a PM this morning and updating everyone on payout status. I’ll be doing payouts next week. I’ve been more than a little preoccupied recently with trivial matters that, unfortunately, are delaying more important affairs in addition to putting me in a terrible mood and causing great lethargy in me.
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February 21st, 2024 at 5:50:40 AM permalink
Quote: Mission146

I’m sending out a PM this morning and updating everyone on payout status. I’ll be doing payouts next week. I’ve been more than a little preoccupied recently with trivial matters that, unfortunately, are delaying more important affairs in addition to putting me in a terrible mood and causing great lethargy in me.
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we were told we would be paid this past monday. now its next week? jesus christ, this is so you can tally up another grown man's gambling winnings, correct? take a break. ;) I would care much less if I wasn't still struggling a bit IRL, but this is silly now. I, speaking selfishly for just myself at the moment, won in early January. Really didn't expect to have to wait until March. Quite the slap in the face watching us get back burnered while you do the cringy MDawg shit.
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February 21st, 2024 at 5:58:01 AM permalink
Quote: DJChaps

Quote: Mission146

I’m sending out a PM this morning and updating everyone on payout status. I’ll be doing payouts next week. I’ve been more than a little preoccupied recently with trivial matters that, unfortunately, are delaying more important affairs in addition to putting me in a terrible mood and causing great lethargy in me.
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we were told we would be paid this past monday. now its next week? jesus christ, this is so you can tally up another grown man's gambling winnings, correct? take a break. ;) I would care much less if I wasn't still struggling a bit IRL, but this is silly now. I, speaking selfishly for just myself at the moment, won in early January. Really didn't expect to have to wait until March. Quite the slap in the face watching us get back burnered while you do the cringy MDawg shit.
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It's free money that I'm paying out of my own personal funds; feel free not to play next year.
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February 21st, 2024 at 6:03:46 AM permalink
Quote: Mission146

Quote: DJChaps

Quote: Mission146

I’m sending out a PM this morning and updating everyone on payout status. I’ll be doing payouts next week. I’ve been more than a little preoccupied recently with trivial matters that, unfortunately, are delaying more important affairs in addition to putting me in a terrible mood and causing great lethargy in me.
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we were told we would be paid this past monday. now its next week? jesus christ, this is so you can tally up another grown man's gambling winnings, correct? take a break. ;) I would care much less if I wasn't still struggling a bit IRL, but this is silly now. I, speaking selfishly for just myself at the moment, won in early January. Really didn't expect to have to wait until March. Quite the slap in the face watching us get back burnered while you do the cringy MDawg shit.
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It's free money that I'm paying out of my own personal funds; feel free not to play next year.
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Mission, you are wrong to take this attitude. Who in the world doesn't hate getting jacked around about money owed to them ... In my case I don't need the money if you need to keep it ... HOWEVER... I consider 'slow pay' as a form of welching ... and though I don't need the money, welching is not something I am rational about ... I really hate it with a passion
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!”   She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
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February 21st, 2024 at 6:06:06 AM permalink
I have sent a PM and will be increasing all prizes by the greater of 10%, or $25, as compensation for the delay. This is essentially an extra $25 for everyone, except DJChaps, in whose case it is $43.50 (though I will probably just add $45).
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February 21st, 2024 at 6:17:50 AM permalink
Quote: OdiousGambit

Mission, you are wrong to take this attitude. Who in the world doesn't hate getting jacked around about money owed to them ... In my case I don't need the money if you need to keep it ... HOWEVER... I consider 'slow pay' as a form of welching ... and though I don't need the money, welching is not something I am rational about ... I really hate it with a passion
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You have my apologies, then. Money is generally not something that I am very concerned about, but I should be more empathetic to the fact that not everyone shares this attitude. In any event, by way of compensation, I am increasing the prizes.
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February 21st, 2024 at 7:23:54 AM permalink
Quote: Mission146

Quote: OdiousGambit

Mission, you are wrong to take this attitude. Who in the world doesn't hate getting jacked around about money owed to them ... In my case I don't need the money if you need to keep it ... HOWEVER... I consider 'slow pay' as a form of welching ... and though I don't need the money, welching is not something I am rational about ... I really hate it with a passion
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You have my apologies, then. Money is generally not something that I am very concerned about, but I should be more empathetic to the fact that not everyone shares this attitude. In any event, by way of compensation, I am increasing the prizes.
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it's not necessary to increase mine

if I loan someone money, in most instances I figure it is just as likely t be a gift as a loan ... I don't have the same feeling about welching. In fact I would have to say in my life I have been +EV in private betting in the literal meaning ... ie "expected" value, but the reality has been I have been stiffed so many times it's -EV instead. This started in college with letting people owe you money playing poker. That cost me a couple of hundreds of dollars, a lot of money to me at the time. I'm not rational on this now

thus my feelings about it are much different than for loaning
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!”   She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
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