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December 17th, 2018 at 7:51:31 PM permalink
If I go 1-4 next week, I'm a lock for most average at exactly 50%. That's a tough one though, but it should allow me an out the next week if I fail. I suspect many will have a similar situation. I didn't really do any research the last week or two, didn't really go for my best. Next year, all I can say, if the battle is fought at 56-58%.

Added: It's a tough spot for GZiggy and Gordon, they are at 50%, but need to use a confidence pick either right or wrong and have the other 4 match up. They're just 50% a little early. Whether a skip has already been used or not will really matter.
Last edited by: onenickelmiracle on Dec 17, 2018
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December 17th, 2018 at 8:50:55 PM permalink
Week 15 Results and Current Standings

Bruce1 (1-5)
Buccaneers UNDER 46.5 (win)
Packers OVER 45 (loss)
Patriots OVER 52 Confidence (loss)
Rams (-11) (loss)
Saints OVER 51.5 (loss)

MaxPen (4-2)
Vikings -7.5 (win)
Ravens -7.5 (win)
Jaguars -7.5 (loss)
Falcons -9.5 Confidence (win)
Rams -11 (loss)

DJATC (1-5)
Bills -2 (loss)
Packers OVER 45 (loss)
Patriots OVER 52 Confidence (loss)
Rams -11 (loss)
Saints UNDER 51.5 (win)

JohnZimbo (4-2)
Colts -3 Confidence (win)
Packers +6 (loss)
Titans +2 (win)
Vikings -7.5 (win)
Rams -11 (loss)

MidwestAP (2-4)
Buccaneers +7.5 (loss)
Packers +6 Confidence (loss)
Cardinals +9.5 (loss)
49ers +3.5 (win)
Eagles +11 (win)

unJon (3-3)
Ravens -7.5 (win)
Bears OVER 45 (loss)
Titans +2 (win)
Falcons -9.5 (win)
Steelers OVER 52 Confidence (loss)

Gwae (5-1)
Cowboys (+3) (loss)
49ers (+3.5) (win)
Steelers (+2.5) (win)
Steelers UNDER 52 (win)
Eagles (+11) Confidence (win)

RisingDough (3-2)
Raiders +3 (loss)
Bears -6 (win)
Titans +2 (win)
Seahawks -3.5 (loss)
Panthers +6 (win)

miplet (3-3)
Ravens -7.5 (win)
Bills -2 (loss)
Packers +6 (loss)
Titans +2 Confidence (win)
Rams -11 (loss)

Sparty10k (1-4)
Raiders UNDER 46 (push)
Cowboys +3 (loss)
Bills -2 – Confidence (loss)
Titans +2 (win)
Seahawks -3.5 (loss)

BeachBumBabs (1-5)
Saints -6 Confidence (loss)
Patriots -2.5 (loss)
Lions +2 (win)
Packers +6 (loss)
Rams -11 (loss)

EdCollins (3-2)
Cowboys +3 (loss)
49ers +3.5 (win)
Giants -2 (loss)
Lions +2 (win)
Bengals -3 (win)

Gordonm888 (3-2)
Bengals -3 (win)
Ravens -7.5 (win)
Colts -3 (win)
Patriots -2.5 (loss)
Saints -6 (loss)

scolist (1-4)
Bills -2 (loss)
Bears -6 (win)
Seahawks -3.5 (loss)
Saints -6 (loss)
Patriots -2.5 (loss)

PlayYourCardsRight (3-2)
Dolphins +7.5 (loss)
Titans +2 (win)
Patriots -2.5 (loss)
Colts -3 (win)
Bengals -3 (win)

Prozema (3-3)
Packers +6 (loss)
Titans +2 (win)
Falcons -9.5 Confidence (win)
Patriots OVER 52 (loss)
Rams -11 (loss)

FourFiveFace (3-3)
Dolphins +7.5 (loss)
Buccaneers +7.5 (loss)
Redskins +7.5 (win)
Cardinals +9.5 (loss)
Eagles +11 Confidence (win)

SOOPOO (3-3)
Dolphins +7.5 Confidence (loss)
Lions +2 (win)
Eagles +11 (win)
Panthers +6 (win)
Bucs +7.5 (loss)

JohnnyQ (2-4)
Bengals (-3) (win)
Bills (-2) (loss)
Giants (-2) (loss)
Patriots (-2.5) Confidence (loss)
Eagles (+11) (win)

Terapined (2-3)
Bucs +7.5 (loss)
Jags -7.5 (loss)
Eagles +11 (win)
Cards +9.5 (loss)
Bucs UNDER (win)

GenWyzgy (3-2)
Cowboys +3 (loss)
Falcons -9.5 (win)
Steelers OVER 52 (loss)
Lions +2 (win)
Bears -6 (win)

AyeCarumba (5-1)
Colts -3 (win)
Redskins UNDER 36 (win)
49ers +3.5 Confidence (win)
Patriots OVER 52 (loss)
Panthers +6 (win)

Onenickelmiracle (2-4)
Eagles +11 (win)
Bills -2 (loss)
Dolphins +7.5 Confidence (loss)
Jaguars -7.5 (loss)
Titans +2 (win)

Michael99000 (0-5)
Dolphins UNDER 44.5 (loss)
Raiders OVER 46 (push)
Buccaneers OVER 46.5 (loss)
Cowboys OVER 47 (loss)
Lions OVER 39.5 Confidence (loss)

Romes (5-1)
Falcons -9.5 (win)
Rams -11 (loss)
Vikings -7.5 (win)
Ravens -7.5 (win)
Patriots UNDER 52 Confidence (win)

Joeman (4-2)
Jaguars UNDER 36 (win)
Bears -6 (win)
Ravens -7.5 (win)
Redskins +7.5 (win)
Seahawks -3.5 Confidence (loss)

IndyJeffrey (2-4)
Cowboys +3 (loss)
Titans +2 (win)
Steelers +2.5 (win)
Steelers OVER 52 Confidence (loss)
Rams -11 (loss)

Odiousgambit (4-0)
Titans +2 (win)
Vikings OVER 44.5 (win)
Bengals UNDER 46 (push)
49ers +3.5 (win)
Panthers +6 (win)

Troopscott (1-3)
Vikings OVER 44.5 (win)
Bengals OVER 46 (push)
Ravens OVER 46.5 (loss)
Colts OVER 47 (loss)
Bills OVER 39.5 (loss)

Wizard (0-6)
Dolphins +7.5 Confidence (loss)
Raiders +3 (loss)
Buccaneers +7.5 (loss)
Cowboys +3 (loss)
Packers +6 (loss)

Rigondeaux (3-2)
Dolphins +7.5 (loss)
Colts -3 (win)
Bills -2 (loss)
Bengals -3 (win)
Bears -6 (win)

Name Wins Losses %
DJatc 52 29 64.20%
JohnZimbo 50 32 60.98%
GWAE 50 35 58.82%
Prozema 45 37 54.88%
FourFiveFace 48 41 53.93%
Bruce1 42 38 52.50%
RisingDough 42 39 51.85%
EdCollins 43 40 51.81%
kuma 43 40 51.81%
onenickelmiracle 45 42 51.72%
Rigondeaux 38 36 51.35%
JohnnyQ 40 38 51.28%
UnJon 46 44 51.11%
Fleastiff 35 34 50.72%
IndyJeffrey 40 39 50.63%
Miplet 42 41 50.60%
GenWyzgy 38 38 50.00%
Gordonm888 39 39 50.00%
PlayYourCardsRight 36 37 49.32%
Terapined 36 38 48.65%
Michael99000 38 41 48.10%
JW17 38 42 47.50%
Joeman 40 45 47.06%
Wizard 38 44 46.34%
MaxPen 37 43 46.25%
Sparty10k 37 44 45.68%
MidwestAP 36 43 45.57%
OdiousGambit 34 41 45.33%
Romes 39 48 44.83%
Ayecarumba 38 50 43.18%
BeachBumBabs 35 53 39.77%
Scolist 27 41 39.71%
SOOPOO 34 55 38.20%
Troopscott 25 48 34.25%
Totals 1,346 1,395 49.11%

Record of Skip Weeks:
DJatc - Week 5
Fleastiff - Week 15
IndyJeffrey - Week 10
JohnnyQ - Week 13
JW17 - Week 15
kuma - Week 15
MaxPen - Week 6
Michael99000 - Week 1
Miplet - Week 6
PlayYourCardsRight - Week 14
RisingDough - Week 11
scolist - Week 1
Sparty10K - Week 10
TroopScott - Week 3
Wizard - Week 12
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December 17th, 2018 at 9:39:34 PM permalink
Wtg Darth Nugget. Please tell me you took a dive. Anyway keep it up.
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December 17th, 2018 at 9:49:37 PM permalink
I'm honestly needing feedback, was the Philly game about Philly or about LAR? If it's about the Rams, then count more on Houston beating Philly, but if it's about Philly, they'll be a tougher match for Houston. Foles will have a week of practice with the first team, that should help Philly a little. Wentz hasn't been so MVP worthy this year, he kind of sucks this year and was a super hero last year before he was hurt(who needs legs throwing a long ball remember against Seattle).
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December 17th, 2018 at 11:17:01 PM permalink
Quote: onenickelmiracle

I'm honestly needing feedback, was the Philly game about Philly or about LAR? If it's about the Rams, then count more on Houston beating Philly, but if it's about Philly, they'll be a tougher match for Houston. Foles will have a week of practice with the first team, that should help Philly a little. Wentz hasn't been so MVP worthy this year, he kind of sucks this year and was a super hero last year before he was hurt(who needs legs throwing a long ball remember against Seattle).


"Man Babes" #AxelFabulous
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December 18th, 2018 at 12:43:34 AM permalink
Quote: djatc



DARTH NUGGET, do you know anybody that has reasonable prices for kicking your butt?
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December 18th, 2018 at 9:22:04 AM permalink
I guess I need to come up with a hail mary strategy....

Motivational Thought:
Nobody circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills. - Berman
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December 18th, 2018 at 10:01:59 AM permalink

In favor of perfect game pool. Would pay extra for that.

As for defaults, get rid of them.
One skip week.

Either way, your game, your rules. I'm in. Its a lot of fun to see how I'm doing
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December 18th, 2018 at 12:09:07 PM permalink
Quote: onenickelmiracle

Added: It's a tough spot for GZiggy and Gordon, they are at 50%, but need to use a confidence pick either right or wrong and have the other 4 match up. They're just 50% a little early. Whether a skip has already been used or not will really matter.

GZiggy is my rap name!
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December 18th, 2018 at 4:17:54 PM permalink
I Agree, no defaults unless you want all of your picks to be default. Default shouldn't be a just in case thing IMO. If we want to have a just in case thing then I think there should be a default that is predefined and everyone that misses gets to use the same set.
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December 18th, 2018 at 7:48:04 PM permalink
Quote: GWAE

I Agree, no defaults unless you want all of your picks to be default. Default shouldn't be a just in case thing IMO. If we want to have a just in case thing then I think there should be a default that is predefined and everyone that misses gets to use the same set.

I like above. In a pick 5 now where if you don’t submit picks you default to the home team on Thebes last five games on the list. Saves people from a catastrophic result like 0-5 when life gets in the way by replacing with random picks that are the same for everyone in that spot.

I’m fine with add on for the weekly perfect prize. Like the idea of making it $17 or $8.50 to keep math easy.

Agree no more than one skip week.
The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong; but that is the way to bet.
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December 18th, 2018 at 9:14:09 PM permalink
The race for Mr. Average is full of drama.

All of us who have a skip week left and who have 0.500 after next week's results will take Week 17 as a skip week. Everyone else will be scrambling and hoping to get the exact result in Week 17 that will give them 0.500.
So many better men, a few of them friends, are dead. And a thousand thousand slimy things live on, and so do I.
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December 18th, 2018 at 10:03:07 PM permalink
Quote: gordonm888

The race for Mr. Average is full of drama.

All of us who have a skip week left and who have 0.500 after next week's results will take Week 17 as a skip week. Everyone else will be scrambling and hoping to get the exact result in Week 17 that will give them 0.500.

You're screwed, that's my prediction, as you should know getting there is easier than staying there. As I said before, you don't choose most average, most average chooses you.
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December 19th, 2018 at 3:29:17 AM permalink
Quote: onenickelmiracle

you don't choose most average, most average chooses you.

Very Wise, You Are.

There are a number of members within 1 game of the coveted most average prize:

Name Wins Losses %
Fleastiff 35 34 50.72%
IndyJeffrey 40 39 50.63%
Miplet 42 41 50.60%
GenWyzgy 38 38 50.00%
Gordonm888 39 39 50.00%
PlayYourCardsRight 36 37 49.32%
There's emptiness behind their eyes There's dust in all their hearts They just want to steal us all and take us all apart
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December 19th, 2018 at 4:42:23 AM permalink
A six way split means you can all get together and have a beer on Mission.
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December 19th, 2018 at 7:54:41 AM permalink
Quote: gordonm888

The race for Mr. Average is full of drama.

All of us who have a skip week left and who have 0.500 after next week's results will take Week 17 as a skip week. Everyone else will be scrambling and hoping to get the exact result in Week 17 that will give them 0.500.

I don't want to point out the obvious but the way to bet this week is very important for those people
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December 19th, 2018 at 11:07:31 AM permalink
Quote: GWAE

I don't want to point out the obvious but the way to bet this week is very important for those people

Oh it's going to be hilarious if/when someone throws away a lock. That'll be glorious!
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December 20th, 2018 at 2:47:13 PM permalink
Quote: GWAE

I don't want to point out the obvious but the way to bet this week is very important for those people

any list of choices yet?????
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December 20th, 2018 at 7:28:18 PM permalink

The Week 16 Lines are as follows:

Buccaneers (+7) @ Cowboys (-7) O/U 48
Bills (+13.5) @ Patriots (-13.5) O/U 44.5
Falcons (-3) @ Panthers (+3) O/U 43.5
Jaguars (+4) @ Dolphins (-4) O/U 38.5
Giants (+9) @ Colts (-9) O/U 47
Texans (+1.5) @ Eagles (-1.5) O/U 46
Vikings (-6) @ Lions (+6) O/U 42.5
Packers (-3) @ Jets (+3) O/U 47
Bengals (+8.5) @ Browns (-8.5) O/U 44.5
Rams (-14.5) @ Cardinals (+14.5) O/U 44.5
Bears (-4) @ 49ers (+4) O/U 43
Steelers (+6) @ Saints (-6) O/U 53
Chiefs (-2.5) @ Seahawks (+2.5) O/U 54.5
Broncos (-3) @ Raiders (+3) O/U 43
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December 20th, 2018 at 9:41:20 PM permalink
My picks are in, hoping it's not the one week I go perfect.
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December 23rd, 2018 at 9:39:45 AM permalink

The Week 16 Picks are as follows:

Patriots -13.5 confidence
Falcons -3
Falcons UNDER 43.5
Giants UNDER 47
Rams OVER 44.5

Buccaneers +7
Bills +13.5
Giants +9
Bengals +8.5
Cardinals +14.5 - Confidence

Saints -6 confidence
Saints under 53
Cowboys -7
Eagles -1.5
Panthers +3

Falcons OVER 43.5
Cleveland -8.5
Texans +1.5
Cardinals +14.5
Buccaneers +7-confidence

Panthers +3
Falcons OVER 43.5
Giants OVER 47
Rams UNDER 44.5
Bears OVER 43

Falcons OVER 43.5
Giants OVER 47
Eagles (-1.5)
Browns (-8.5)
Bears OVER 43

Jaguars +4
Colts -9
Eagles -1.5
Browns -8.5
Seahawks +2.5-confidence

Jets (+3)
49ers (+4)
Saints (-6)
Seahawks (+2.5)
Raiders (+3)

Buccaneers +7 Confidence
Bills +13.5
Colts -9
49ers +4
Texans +1.5

Bills under44.5

Patriots -13.5
Colts -9
49ers +4
Lions +6
Eagles -1.5

Bills +13.5 confidence
Bears -4
Giants +9
Cardinals +14.5

Cowboys -7
Falcons -3
Dolphins -4
Bears -4
Chiefs -2.5

Cowboys -7
Jaguars +4
Giants +9 Confidence
Saints -6
Raiders +3

Bills (+13.5)
Giants (+9)
Lions (+6)
Packers (-3)
Cardinals (+14.5)

Patriots -13.5
Falcons -3
Jets +3
Browns -8.5 - Confidence
Saints -6

Buccaneers +7
Bills +13.5
Giants +9-Confidence
Bengals +8.5
Cardinals +14.5

Giants +9
Vikings -6-Confidence
Saints -6
Saints UNDER 53
Seahawks +2.5

Broncos (-3) confidence
Bills (+13.5)
Cardinals (+14.5)
Browns (-8.5)
Saints (-6)

Cowboys UNDER 48
49ers UNDER 43
Saints -6
Jets +3
Seahawks +2.5 CONFIDENCE

Buccaneers (+7)
Jaguars (+4)
Browns (-8.5) -- Confidence
Cardinals (+14.5)
Broncos (-3)

Dolphins UNDER 38.5
Rams UNDER 44.5
49ers +4
Seahawks +2.5
Raiders +3 -Confidence

Colts -9
Falcons -3
Jaguars UNDER 38.5
Saints OVER 53
Bills +13.5

Bucs +7
Bills +13.5
Cards +14.5
Giants +9
Bengals +8.5

49ers +4
Raiders +3
Dolphins -4
Cowboys UNDER 48

Panthers (+3)
Jets (+3) confidence
Oakland (+3)
49ers (+4)
Chiefs (-2.5)

Buccaneers +7
Vikings -6
Raiders +3
Chiefs -2.5
49ers +4

Buccaneers (+7)
Bills (+13.5)
Falcons (+3) -confidence
Jaguars (+4)
Giants (+9)

falcons - 3
Eagles - 1.5
49ers +4
seahawks +2.5
Raiaders +3

Jaguars Over 38.5
Giants Under 47
Texans Over 46
Vikings Over 42.5
Packers Under 47 Confidence

Cowboys OVER 48
Patriots OVER 44.5
Panthers OVER 43.5
Dolphins OVER 38.5
Colts OVER 47

Cowboys -7
Patriots -13.5
Dolphins -4
Colts -9
Eagles -1.5 CONFIDENCE

Dolphins -4
Browns -8.5
Jets +3
Colts -9
Bills +13.5
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December 23rd, 2018 at 9:40:20 AM permalink
I couldn't find any Default Picks for PlayYourCardsRight, but if he says he has them, I'll take a closer look.
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December 23rd, 2018 at 10:02:02 AM permalink
Hail Mary fail. :-/
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December 23rd, 2018 at 10:57:06 AM permalink
My goal is 1-4, so I shot for 0-5. I don't feel if I went for 1-4 I could get it. Based on my results never picking 6-0, I cannot be convinced my strategy was wrong.
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December 23rd, 2018 at 2:06:49 PM permalink
Quote: onenickelmiracle

My goal is 1-4, so I shot for 0-5. I don't feel if I went for 1-4 I could get it. Based on my results never picking 6-0, I cannot be convinced my strategy was wrong.

Damn Dallas should have won by 8.5 and instead a push. There is no God. ;D
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December 23rd, 2018 at 2:20:51 PM permalink
I was at 0.500 with a skip week to take, so I was hoping for 3-3.

God, it sucks to be me. I am 1-4 and waiting on the outcome of the Saints game.

My confidence pick was Browns -8.5 and Browns won by 8.

I picked Jets +3 and Jets were up by 15, then up by 5 with 2 minutes to go and then down by exactly 3 as time was running out but tied it with a FG and and then lost a coin flip and lost by 6 on the Packer's 1st possession of overtime.

I picked Patriots +13.5, and of course the Pats won by 12.
So many better men, a few of them friends, are dead. And a thousand thousand slimy things live on, and so do I.
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December 23rd, 2018 at 2:59:42 PM permalink
I wanted to lose. Needed to lose. Probably my only chance to win any money. Put 3 seconds' thought into it, took the first 5 dogs. Figured the Falcons were my surest loss.

So of course I went 5-0 with a push. First time all season. 2nd time with a winning week out of 16.


DJ, I sure hope you came out ok. Cuz I won't be making any money on my own.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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December 23rd, 2018 at 5:07:22 PM permalink
Quote: gordonm888

I was at 0.500 with a skip week to take, so I was hoping for 3-3.

God, it sucks to be me. I am 1-4 and waiting on the outcome of the Saints game.

My confidence pick was Browns -8.5 and Browns won by 8.

I picked Jets +3 and Jets were up by 15, then up by 5 with 2 minutes to go and then down by exactly 3 as time was running out but tied it with a FG and and then lost a coin flip and lost by 6 on the Packer's 1st possession of overtime.

I picked Patriots +13.5, and of course the Pats won by 12.

Lol I had the other side of those. Saw packers down big and stopped paying attention, saw Patriots with ball and up by 18 and walked away came back and both were winners.
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December 23rd, 2018 at 5:12:10 PM permalink
Go Raiders.

Did I just say that?
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December 23rd, 2018 at 9:12:10 PM permalink
No picks, no default... new job with Fd up hours messed me up. So much for being average.

About that rule change for 2 skip weeks .... :)
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December 23rd, 2018 at 11:12:15 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146


The Week 16 Picks are as follows:

Patriots -13.5 confidence
Falcons -3
Falcons UNDER 43.5
Giants UNDER 47
Rams OVER 44.5

Buccaneers +7
Bills +13.5
Giants +9
Bengals +8.5
Cardinals +14.5 - Confidence

Saints -6 confidence
Saints under 53
Cowboys -7
Eagles -1.5
Panthers +3

Falcons OVER 43.5
Cleveland -8.5
Texans +1.5
Cardinals +14.5
Buccaneers +7-confidence

Panthers +3
Falcons OVER 43.5
Giants OVER 47
Rams UNDER 44.5
Bears OVER 43

Falcons OVER 43.5
Giants OVER 47
Eagles (-1.5)
Browns (-8.5)
Bears OVER 43

Jaguars +4
Colts -9
Eagles -1.5
Browns -8.5
Seahawks +2.5-confidence

Jets (+3)
49ers (+4)
Saints (-6)
Seahawks (+2.5)
Raiders (+3)

Buccaneers +7 Confidence
Bills +13.5
Colts -9
49ers +4
Texans +1.5

Bills under44.5

Patriots -13.5
Colts -9
49ers +4
Lions +6
Eagles -1.5

Bills +13.5 confidence
Bears -4
Giants +9
Cardinals +14.5

Cowboys -7
Falcons -3
Dolphins -4
Bears -4
Chiefs -2.5

Cowboys -7
Jaguars +4
Giants +9 Confidence
Saints -6
Raiders +3

Bills (+13.5)
Giants (+9)
Lions (+6)
Packers (-3)
Cardinals (+14.5)

Patriots -13.5
Falcons -3
Jets +3
Browns -8.5 - Confidence
Saints -6

Buccaneers +7
Bills +13.5
Giants +9-Confidence
Bengals +8.5
Cardinals +14.5

Giants +9
Vikings -6-Confidence
Saints -6
Saints UNDER 53
Seahawks +2.5

Broncos (-3) confidence
Bills (+13.5)
Cardinals (+14.5)
Browns (-8.5)
Saints (-6)

Cowboys UNDER 48
49ers UNDER 43
Saints -6
Jets +3
Seahawks +2.5 CONFIDENCE

Buccaneers (+7)
Jaguars (+4)
Browns (-8.5) -- Confidence
Cardinals (+14.5)
Broncos (-3)

Dolphins UNDER 38.5
Rams UNDER 44.5
49ers +4
Seahawks +2.5
Raiders +3 -Confidence

Colts -9
Falcons -3
Jaguars UNDER 38.5
Saints OVER 53
Bills +13.5

Bucs +7
Bills +13.5
Cards +14.5
Giants +9
Bengals +8.5

49ers +4
Raiders +3
Dolphins -4
Cowboys UNDER 48

Panthers (+3)
Jets (+3) confidence
Oakland (+3)
49ers (+4)
Chiefs (-2.5)

Buccaneers +7
Vikings -6
Raiders +3
Chiefs -2.5
49ers +4

Buccaneers (+7)
Bills (+13.5)
Falcons (+3) -confidence
Jaguars (+4)
Giants (+9)

falcons - 3
Eagles - 1.5
49ers +4
seahawks +2.5
Raiaders +3

Jaguars Over 38.5
Giants Under 47
Texans Over 46
Vikings Over 42.5
Packers Under 47 Confidence

Cowboys OVER 48
Patriots OVER 44.5
Panthers OVER 43.5
Dolphins OVER 38.5
Colts OVER 47

Cowboys -7
Patriots -13.5
Dolphins -4
Colts -9
Eagles -1.5 CONFIDENCE

Dolphins -4
Browns -8.5
Jets +3
Colts -9
Bills +13.5

Lets, see, I just bet Denver -3. The picks of Broncos to Raiders is 3 to 6. Mine was an opposite bet, but I don't know who else was picking to lose. I I win, I'm ahead $125 for the year on NFL spread bets, but if I lose, it's $295(through 5 bets( $110, $165, $110, $110, $220)). I'm not sure if they're good bets, they're supposed to be, but who knows. Just seems too easy for the darkside to just share them with me over the internet.

Added: regret this bet, just because I am giving up 3 instead of 2.5, but it'll probably be a large victory most of the time if Denver wins. This half point could be big,but we'll see. Obviously, I might wind up with a push that days before could have been a win had I got in with -2.5.
Last edited by: onenickelmiracle on Dec 24, 2018
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December 24th, 2018 at 5:57:38 PM permalink
Come home to daddy mommy.

Added: no more sports bets ever.
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December 24th, 2018 at 8:18:31 PM permalink
Week 16 Results and Current Standings

MaxPen (2-4)
Patriots -13.5 Confidence (loss)
Falcons -3 (win)
Falcons UNDER 43.5 (win)
Giants UNDER 47 (loss)
Rams OVER 44.5 (loss)

MidwestAP (3-2)
Buccaneers +7 (push)
Bills +13.5 (win)
Giants +9 (win)
Bengals +8.5 (win)
Cardinals +14.5 Confidence (loss)

JohnZimbo (1-4)
Saints -6 Confidence (loss)
Saints UNDER 53 (loss)
Cowboys -7 (push)
Eagles -1.5 (win)
Panthers +3 (loss)

unJon (0-4)
Falcons OVER 43.5 (loss)
Cleveland -8.5 (loss)
Texans +1.5 (loss)
Cardinals +14.5 (loss)
Buccaneers +7 Confidence (push)

DJATC (2-3)
Panthers +3 (loss)
Falcons OVER 43.5 (loss)
Giants OVER 47 (win)
Rams UNDER 44.5 (win)
Bears OVER 43 (loss)

Bruce1 (2-3)
Falcons OVER 43.5 (loss)
Giants OVER 47 (win)
Eagles (-1.5) (win)
Browns (-8.5) (loss)
Bears OVER 43 (loss)

miplet (4-2)
Jaguars +4 (win)
Colts -9 (loss)
Eagles -1.5 (win)
Browns -8.5 (loss)
Seahawks +2.5 Confidence (win)

JohnnyQ (2-3)
Jets (+3) (loss)
49ers (+4) (loss)
Saints (-6) (loss)
Seahawks (+2.5) (win)
Raiders (+3) (win)

GenWyzgy (1-3)
Buccaneers +7 Confidence (push)
Bills +13.5 (win)
Colts -9 (loss)
49ers +4 (loss)
Texans +1.5 (loss)

Sparty10k (5-1)
Bills UNDER 44.5 (win)
Falcons -3 (win)
Colts -9 (loss)
Vikings -6 Confidence (win)
Steelers +6 (win)

EdCollins (1-4)
Patriots -13.5 (loss)
Colts -9 (loss)
49ers +4 (loss)
Lions +6 (loss)
Eagles -1.5 (win)

SOOPOO (4-2)
Bills +13.5 Confidence (win)
Bears -4 (win)
Broncos-3 (loss)
Giants +9 (win)
Cardinals +14.5 (loss)

scolist (2-2)
Cowboys -7 (push)
Falcons -3 (win)
Dolphins -4 (loss)
Bears -4 (win)
Chiefs -2.5 (loss)

Prozema (4-1)
Cowboys -7 (push)
Jaguars +4 (win)
Giants +9 Confidence (win)
Saints -6 (loss)
Raiders +3 (win)

Gwae (3-2)
Bills (+13.5) (win)
Giants (+9) (win)
Lions (+6) (loss)
Packers (-3) (win)
Cardinals (+14.5) (loss)

Gordonm888 (1-5)
Patriots -13.5 (loss)
Falcons -3 (win)
Jets +3 (loss)
Browns -8.5 Confidence (loss)
Saints -6 (loss)

FourFiveFace (4-1)
Buccaneers +7 (push)
Bills +13.5 (win)
Giants +9 Confidence (win)
Bengals +8.5 (win)
Cardinals +14.5 (loss)

IndyJeffrey (4-2)
Giants +9 (win)
Vikings -6 Confidence (win)
Saints -6 (loss)
Saints UNDER 53 (loss)
Seahawks +2.5 (win)

JW17 (1-5)
Broncos (-3) Confidence (loss)
Bills (+13.5) (win)
Cardinals (+14.5) (loss)
Browns (-8.5) (loss)
Saints (-6) (loss)

RisingDough (4-2)
Cowboys UNDER 48 (win)
49ers UNDER 43 (win)
Saints -6 (loss)
Jets +3 (loss)
Seahawks +2.5 Confidence (win)

kuma (1-4)
Buccaneers (+7) (push)
Jaguars (+4) (win)
Browns (-8.5) Confidence (loss)
Cardinals (+14.5) (loss)
Broncos (-3) (loss)

Ayecarumba (5-1)
Dolphins UNDER 38.5 (win)
Rams UNDER 44.5 (win)
49ers +4 (loss)
Seahawks +2.5 (win)
Raiders +3 Confidence (win)

Joeman (4-1)
Colts -9 (loss)
Falcons -3 (win)
Jaguars UNDER 38.5 (win)
Saints OVER 53 (win)
Bills +13.5 (win)

terapined (3-1)
Bucs +7 (push)
Bills +13.5 (win)
Cards +14.5 (loss)
Giants +9 (win)
Bengals +8.5 (win)

Odiousgambit (2-3)
49ers +4 (loss)
Raiders +3 (win)
Dolphins -4 (loss)
Colts -9 (loss)
Cowboys UNDER 48 (win)

Wizard (1-5)
Panthers (+3) (loss)
Jets (+3) Confidence (loss)
Oakland (+3) (win)
49ers (+4) (loss)
Chiefs (-2.5) (loss)

onenickelmiracle (2-2)
Buccaneers +7 (push)
Vikings -6 (win)
Raiders +3 (win)
Chiefs -2.5 (loss)
49ers +4 (loss)

BeachBumBabs (5-0)
Buccaneers (+7) (push)
Bills (+13.5) (win)
Falcons (+3) Confidence (win)
Jaguars (+4) (win)
Giants (+9) (win)

Fleastiff (4-1)
Falcons -3 (win)
Eagles -1.5 (win)
49ers +4 (loss)
Seahawks +2.5 (win)
Raiders +3 (win)

Michael99000 (1-5)
Jaguars OVER 38.5 (loss)
Giants UNDER 47 (loss)
Texans OVER 46 (win)
Vikings OVER 42.5 (loss)
Packers UNDER 47 Confidence (loss)

TroopScott (1-4)
Cowboys OVER 48 (loss)
Patriots OVER 44.5 (loss)
Panthers OVER 43.5 (loss)
Dolphins OVER 38.5 (loss)
Colts OVER 47 (win)

Romes (2-3)
Cowboys -7 (push)
Patriots -13.5 (loss)
Dolphins -4 (loss)
Colts -9 (loss)
Eagles -1.5 Confidence (win)

Rigondeaux (1-4)
Dolphins -4 (loss)
Browns -8.5 (loss)
Jets +3 (loss)
Colts -9 (loss)
Bills +13.5 (win)

Name Wins Losses %
DJatc 54 32 62.79%
GWAE 53 37 58.89%
JohnZimbo 51 36 58.62%
Prozema 49 38 56.32%
FourFiveFace 52 42 55.32%
RisingDough 46 41 52.87%
Fleastiff 39 35 52.70%
Bruce1 44 41 51.76%
IndyJeffrey 44 41 51.76%
Miplet 46 43 51.69%
onenickelmiracle 47 44 51.65%
JohnnyQ 42 41 50.60%
EdCollins 44 44 50.00%
kuma 44 44 50.00%
Terapined 39 39 50.00%
Rigondeaux 39 40 49.37%
PlayYourCardsRight 36 37 49.32%
UnJon 46 48 48.94%
Joeman 44 46 48.89%
GenWyzgy 39 41 48.75%
Sparty10k 42 45 48.28%
Gordonm888 40 44 47.62%
MidwestAP 39 45 46.43%
Michael99000 39 46 45.88%
Ayecarumba 43 51 45.74%
JW17 39 47 45.35%
MaxPen 39 47 45.35%
OdiousGambit 36 44 45.00%
Romes 41 51 44.57%
Wizard 39 49 44.32%
BeachBumBabs 40 53 43.01%
Scolist 29 43 40.28%
SOOPOO 38 57 40.00%
Troopscott 26 52 33.33%
Totals 1,428 1,484 49.04%

Record of Skip Weeks:
DJatc: Week 5
Fleastiff: Week 15
IndyJeffrey: Week 10
JohnnyQ: Week 13
JW17: Week 15
kuma: Week 15
MaxPen: Week 6
Michael99000: Week 1
Miplet: Week 6
PlayYourCardsRight: Week 14, Week 16
RisingDough: Week 11
scolist: Week 1
Sparty10K: Week 10
TroopScott: Week 3
Wizard: Week 12
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December 24th, 2018 at 8:45:13 PM permalink
I did the math and oh boy GG to GWAE and JohnZimbo
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December 24th, 2018 at 8:47:27 PM permalink
Quote: djatc

I did the math and oh boy GG to GWAE and JohnZimbo

Well done sir. Congratulations.
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December 24th, 2018 at 9:05:06 PM permalink
Quote: onenickelmiracle

Come home to daddy mommy.

Added: no more sports bets ever.

See you next year
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December 24th, 2018 at 10:06:33 PM permalink
Quote: djatc

I did the math and oh boy GG to GWAE and JohnZimbo

You not so good at the maths?
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December 25th, 2018 at 12:26:20 AM permalink
Quote: GWAE

You not so good at the maths?

My math skills are incredible, like the best you ever seen ok? I mean when I was younger everyone used to say wow DJ is the best mather in the entire state, no entire country, no entire world! People still say that today, and I believe them. You know folks I've been mathing for so long, and so good that my math has been plastered all over buildings, which are the biggest and finest. By the way, I heard a lot of kids use textbooks and calculators to math and lemme tell ya I never used either one and still got an A in all my math classes. If people wanna get better books and calculators I say we propose a bill, an education bill that will blow away the rest of the world, and make the Mexicans pay for it.

Another thing. I know people love to see my picks. They are the bestest in the country folks, and lemme tell ya, very good, very smart, you know, if you're in the know as a sports bettor. Even if you don't like my picks, I still love you if you're black, white, or I love you because you're from Japan, or you're from China, or you're from Kenya, or you're from Scotland or Sweden. I love all the people of our country.

But there are some who doubt me! Now they only choose, you know, like a half a sentence here or there and then they just go on this long rampage, or they put on these real lightweights all around a table that nobody ever heard of, and they all say what a bad guy I am.

Man I dunno how Trump pulls off these incredible speeches but I tried. I had to copy paste a few things tho.
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December 25th, 2018 at 5:00:03 AM permalink
Quote: JohnnyQ

$ 25 for the percentage closest to the Cleve Browns, who are currently 5-7-1, 0.423 ( but if this duplicates any of the other pre-existing prizes, ie most average or you suck, it is not awarded. )

Right now, OdiousGambit is right on target with 0.4225

7-7-1 now. That would seem to me to be 7/15, not 7/14? If 7/15, that;s 0.467 . Clearly a moving target
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!”   She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
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December 25th, 2018 at 5:19:04 AM permalink
Quote: djatc

My math skills are incredible, like the best you ever seen ok? I mean when I was younger everyone used to say wow DJ is the best mather in the entire state, no entire country, no entire world! People still say that today, and I believe them. You know folks I've been mathing for so long, and so good that my math has been plastered all over buildings, which are the biggest and finest. By the way, I heard a lot of kids use textbooks and calculators to math and lemme tell ya I never used either one and still got an A in all my math classes. If people wanna get better books and calculators I say we propose a bill, an education bill that will blow away the rest of the world, and make the Mexicans pay for it.

Another thing. I know people love to see my picks. They are the bestest in the country folks, and lemme tell ya, very good, very smart, you know, if you're in the know as a sports bettor. Even if you don't like my picks, I still love you if you're black, white, or I love you because you're from Japan, or you're from China, or you're from Kenya, or you're from Scotland or Sweden. I love all the people of our country.

But there are some who doubt me! Now they only choose, you know, like a half a sentence here or there and then they just go on this long rampage, or they put on these real lightweights all around a table that nobody ever heard of, and they all say what a bad guy I am.

Man I dunno how Trump pulls off these incredible speeches but I tried. I had to copy paste a few things tho.

Haha that is funny. I was going to make a joke about a certain country and someone ethnicity about math but didnt want to come across the wrong way.
Expect the worst and you will never be disappointed. I AM NOT PART OF GWAE RADIO SHOW
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December 25th, 2018 at 5:22:34 AM permalink
Well if DJ wins he can put a downpayment on
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December 25th, 2018 at 6:14:32 AM permalink
Dang somehow I let GWAE sneak past me. No worries, I have some super special week 17 locks of the century.
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December 25th, 2018 at 6:24:35 AM permalink
Quote: Johnzimbo

Dang somehow I let GWAE sneak past me. No worries, I have some super special week 17 locks of the century.

Don't blow it (again). Someone is 2 games behind you.

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December 25th, 2018 at 6:34:49 AM permalink
Quote: odiousgambit

7-7-1 now. That would seem to me to be 7/15, not 7/14? If 7/15, that;s 0.467 . Clearly a moving target

So a team being 7-7-1 is the same as being 7-8 ?

Meaning playing a team to a tie is not any better than losing to them
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December 25th, 2018 at 6:40:05 AM permalink
Quote: michael99000

So a team being 7-7-1 is the same as being 7-8 ?

Meaning playing a team to a tie is not any better than losing to them

Minnesota's tie is what is keeping them in the WC slot ahead of others, so it must matter. But I don't fully understand how they figure it, though I know it counts how a team played against others in their division.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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December 25th, 2018 at 6:44:08 AM permalink
Quote: odiousgambit

7-7-1 now. That would seem to me to be 7/15, not 7/14? If 7/15, that;s 0.467 . Clearly a moving target

I believe a tie is considered 1/2 a win. The official NFL standings show the Browns currently at .500 (7.5/15).

If they beat the Ravens:
8-7-1 --> 53.13%

If they lose to the Ravens:
7-8-1 --> 46.88%

If they tie... Mr. Average will be very happy!

BTW, many thanks to Mission, UnJon, and JohnnyQ for seeding the prize fund with their own cash!
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December 25th, 2018 at 9:30:15 AM permalink
Quote: djatc

My math skills are incredible, like the best you ever seen ok?

They are big-ly.
There's emptiness behind their eyes There's dust in all their hearts They just want to steal us all and take us all apart
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December 25th, 2018 at 9:42:17 PM permalink
Quote: GWAE

Well if DJ wins he can put a downpayment on

you know hwat the Toyota Supra is coming back and I was thinking about it. But Ol' Bessie (my miata) just keeps chugging along and I don't see a point in buying a new car when it still runs.
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December 26th, 2018 at 12:38:57 AM permalink
Quote: djatc

you know hwat the Toyota Supra is coming back and I was thinking about it. But Ol' Bessie (my miata) just keeps chugging along and I don't see a point in buying a new car when it still runs.

Because its hard out there being a pimp when you trying to get that money for the rent (In a Miata).
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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December 26th, 2018 at 9:09:32 PM permalink
A big thanks to mission and Edcollins.
I see we have a 3 way tie for average.
Kuna allready has a bye so has to pick.
EdCollins and myself have not used a bye
We could both sit out and win but not much at stake for a split.
If EdCollins agrees to not use a bye, I wont either.
More fun and kind of rediculous to split the small average prize.
Game EdCollins ?
When somebody doesn't believe me, I could care less. Some get totally bent out of shape when not believed. Weird. I believe very little on all forums
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