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July 26th, 2011 at 1:03:54 PM permalink
Isn't that life? We all play by our own rules, as we see fit, don't we?
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July 26th, 2011 at 1:07:49 PM permalink
Quote: Paigowdan

We routinely reset fouled Pai Gow hands for the push/tie - instead of declaring a player's loss.

Don't you mean push/tie or win?
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July 26th, 2011 at 1:27:46 PM permalink
You typically get an explanation of what you did, an explanation of what you should have done, a reinforcement of the rule that the 2 cards have to be less of a poker hand than the 5 cards and the following: "According to the rules of the game this is an automatic lose. But this one time we'll call it a push, OK?"

So, it goes something like this: "See this pair (points to 2-card hand)? This is a better poker hand than A-high. (points to 5-card hand). Here's what you should have done (re-sets hand to be the pair in the back and A-whatever in front). You can set your cards however you want, but those 5 cards have to be a better poker hand than these 2 cards. According to the rules of the game this is an automatic lose. But this one time we'll call it a push, OK?

I have never seen a casino pay off a truly fouled hand as a win, even if it clearly would have resulted in such. Note, this never happens in the case I referenced above where you find a legitimate, but truly stupid, setting. At that point, you get a shrug and a "pay attention to your cards" lecture as they play your hand as-is.
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July 26th, 2011 at 1:33:50 PM permalink
Double-post. Oops.
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July 26th, 2011 at 1:37:06 PM permalink
Quote: PerpetualNewbie

Isn't that life? We all play by our own rules, as we see fit, don't we?

No....too many damn cops around.

Sometimes it gets to the point where we actually police ourselves....

It used to be..."What if somebody were looking at me when I think no one else is looking" [- usually while I am trying to pull something off...]

In my middle age becoming a dice dealer, it became, "Damn, I see other people trying to pull off sh]t!..."

Now in my old age, it's "Damn!...I am afraid of "seeing ME...seeing Me...trying to do something" - if that makes sense.

You know, just the other day a player ( a 40-something woman, - only one on my table - who still looks REALLY good) said to me, "Ya know, Dan - what time do you get off work?? :)))))))

So I said, "You know....Unfortunately I'm MARRIED....." (and BOY did I mean it!"The Unfortunaltely part")

So SHE said, "You know, Dan, I didn't ASK if you were married....I asked what time can you get off know Dan..."

It has gotten to the point where I say to myself, "If you do what you KNOW is right, - you'll always end up feeling right, even if you don't believe it then."
Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes - Henry David Thoreau. Like Dealers' uniforms - Dan.
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July 26th, 2011 at 1:48:45 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

Let me cite a concrete example. One time at Excalibur the PGP dealer had a flush, but set his hands with a high card on both, breaking up the 5 card flush to do so. I noticed it, as did at elast another player. I said nothing for two reasons 1) I'd have won that hand with that dealer set and 2) I wasn't sure he wasn't following some weird house way rule setting his cards like that.

As the Wiz often says, I am calling BULLSHIT on that last statement. "I wasn't sure he wasn't following some weird house way rule"? Really? Splitting up a flush to have TWO hands neither with a pair? You've been caught in a falsehood, Nareed? Let's see if you are person enough to admit it... You didn't say anything because you dont have to, and you WON.
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July 26th, 2011 at 1:55:07 PM permalink
Quote: Paigowdan

You know, just the other day a player ( a 40-something woman, - only one on my table - who still looks REALLY good) said to me, "Ya know, Dan - what time do you get off work?? :)))))))

So I said, "You know....Unfortunately I'm MARRIED....." (and BOY did I mean it!"The Unfortunaltely part")

So SHE said, "You know, Dan, I didn't ASK if you were married....I asked what time can you get off know Dan..."

It has gotten to the point where I say to myself, "If you do what you KNOW is right, - you'll always end up feeling right, even if you don't believe it then."

Funny how ones conscience can overcome ones urges. I can see myself in this situation saying "self, you know you want to get off in that....but you know how bad you'd feel(conscience-wise, not physically-wise) afterwards- like shit I wish I wouldn't have done that now"-that's called regret!
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July 26th, 2011 at 1:55:36 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

I'll admit that most people would return a penny to a sales clerk, but not a $100 given in error by a bank.

I think you are wrong. I know a teller error will be found out at the end of the day during the teller's reconcilliation process. I absolutely will inform the teller of the error upon my finding it out and return the extra $100. I saw a fast food cashier fired over a smaller error 33 years ago ($20).
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July 26th, 2011 at 1:57:22 PM permalink
Quote: PerpetualNewbie

I have never seen a casino pay off a truly fouled hand as a win, even if it clearly would have resulted in such.

You need to play at Dan's casino. Apparently, from what Dan has been saying, they will pay you for a win on any hand that could have been set to win, regardless how you set it, or if you fouled it.
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July 26th, 2011 at 2:08:53 PM permalink
Quote: kp

You need to play at Dan's casino. Apparently, from what Dan has been saying, they will pay you for a win on any hand that could have been set to win, regardless how you set it, or if you fouled it.

That's a distinction that's missing from this discussion, I think. It's pretty common for a player's hand to be un-fouled (at least once), and allowed to push/win as it would have if the error hadn't occurred. It's easy to pick the wrong cards in the up-hand, and I'd imagine we've all done it. Hell, I did it this weekend (AA33xxx, accidentally put AA up & the house un-fouled me).

But I've never ever, not even once anywhere, seen a player's non-fouled hand be changed after the dealer's hand was set. That'd just be silly. And those situations happen allllll the time. "Oh, you have a straight with a 54 top? Let me just keep my full house together..." or " have 44xxx/AK? Let me just make this hand be 55AQx/22..."
"So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened." - Maurice Clarett
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July 26th, 2011 at 2:12:02 PM permalink
Dan and I have butted heads on this one many times before, but here goes.... two separate points...
As far as the casino not wanting to distract you, that is of course correct. If I ask for a Snicker's bar they would laugh at me. If I ask for my double pomegrappletini, it will be at my side in minutes. They have semi nude women dealing in certain areas with 6:5 BJ, likely so I don't even notice the rules of the game.
As far as correcting dealer errors, I ask you again.... Is it my RESPONSIBILITY as defined in the casino's rules to correct a dealer's error? These are what I believe my RESPONSIBILITIES are- follow the written rules of the game. I place a bet at the time designated by the casino. I DO NOT add or subtract from that bet at times not allowed. I set my cards using all information I have available at that moment. The casino sets its cards and then decides to either take my bet, leave it as a push, or pay me. I have the RIGHT but not the responsibility to alert the dealer to any PERCEIVED error I thought they made. It is up to the pit boss or supervisor to adjudicate that question.
And to answer kp, I have seen a dealer pay off a total newbie who grossly misset HER hand. The dealer called over the pit boss who allowed such, and of course informed her to ask for help as this would not be allowed again. Great business move by the dealer/pit boss, as that player, destined to lose all her money, will have that positive memory.
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July 26th, 2011 at 2:21:19 PM permalink
Quote: kp

You need to play at Dan's casino. Apparently, from what Dan has been saying, they will pay you for a win on any hand that could have been set to win, regardless how you set it, or if you fouled it.

Yes, some do indeed pay off the hand - and as it was dealt and would have been played - and in good faith on any honest mistake. "Some" casinos here...

Namely, and that I can vouch for and witnessed as very fair - as a player (or as a dealer at Fiesta):
Fiesta Henderson (very decent - an honest mistake is given back to you, - however, any shot-taker playing is rejected...)
East Side Cannery (I like them very much)
Sam's Town (but can be strict)
Golden Nuggent (on some shifts - only one floor person there is nasty and unbudging, most all others there are just great...)
Sunset Station
Green Valley Ranch Station (at Green Valley Parkway and I-215) - a class act in dealing with players

Most Strip casinos, and most other "local houses" don't wanna hear it.
Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes - Henry David Thoreau. Like Dealers' uniforms - Dan.
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July 26th, 2011 at 2:38:06 PM permalink
Quote: Paigowdan

Yes, some do indeed pay off the hand - and as it was dealt and would have been played - and in good faith on any honest mistake. "Some" casinos here...

That is awesome. It the respect for fair play I would correct dealer mistakes in those houses.

Quote: Paigowdan

Most Strip casinos, and most other "local houses" don't wanna hear it.

That is what I'd expect. It the respect for fair play I would not correct dealer mistakes in those houses.

Now, when I say "correct dealer mistakes" I mean assist with setting Pai-Gow hands. In any house and on any game I'd correct dealer mistakes when they are paying/collecting my bets. I do not get involved with other payers unless requested, and maybe not even then.
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July 26th, 2011 at 2:42:22 PM permalink
Quote: rdw4potus

But I've never ever, not even once anywhere, seen a player's non-fouled hand be changed after the dealer's hand was set. That'd just be silly. And those situations happen allllll the time. "Oh, you have a straight with a 54 top? Let me just keep my full house together..." or " have 44xxx/AK? Let me just make this hand be 55AQx/22..."

You are providing examples of legitimate strategy decisions that just don't work out based on the dealer's hand. I don't think anyone would argue that these would not be changed. But what about circumstances where a newbie player just doesn't notice a straight or a flush? Or accidentally splits up a pair? These are obviously inferior ways to set a hand, and I frequently see the house reset the hand to allow the tie. Or even the win, occasionally. Even as a very experienced player, I occasionally screw up, but I accept responsibility and pay the stupid tax.
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July 26th, 2011 at 2:51:02 PM permalink
How about this for an ethical challenge:

I sat at a table once with a player who was obviously making strange wagers in an attempt to challenge the dealer's ability to calculate the 5% commission. Bets like $215, with 6 greens and 13 whites all jumbled together. The dealer was having a hard time. Every time the dealer improperly calculated the commission in the house's favor, the player corrected him. Whenever the error was in the player's favor, he wouldn't say a word. I thought this was pretty slimy.

The same player pocketed every quarter he got as a result of commissions. Quickly tapped the tray out of quarters, and the dealer/pit were delinquent on getting a fill. When the tray ran out of quarters, the player demanded that the house round up his payouts to the nearest dollar. I'm sure he had about $20 in quarters in his pocket at that point.
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July 26th, 2011 at 2:52:44 PM permalink

Dan and I have butted heads on this one many times before, but here goes.... two separate points...
As far as the casino not wanting to distract you, that is of course correct. If I ask for a Snicker's bar they would laugh at me. If I ask for my double pomegrappletini, it will be at my side in minutes. They have semi nude women dealing in certain areas with 6:5 BJ, likely so I don't even notice the rules of the game.
As far as correcting dealer errors, I ask you again.... Is it my RESPONSIBILITY as defined in the casino's rules to correct a dealer's error? These are what I believe my RESPONSIBILITIES are- follow the written rules of the game. I place a bet at the time designated by the casino. I DO NOT add or subtract from that bet at times not allowed. I set my cards using all information I have available at that moment. The casino sets its cards and then decides to either take my bet, leave it as a push, or pay me. I have the RIGHT but not the responsibility to alert the dealer to any PERCEIVED error I thought they made. It is up to the pit boss or supervisor to adjudicate that question.
And to answer kp, I have seen a dealer pay off a total newbie who grossly misset HER hand. The dealer called over the pit boss who allowed such, and of course informed her to ask for help as this would not be allowed again. Great business move by the dealer/pit boss, as that player, destined to lose all her money, will have that positive memory.

Never said it was your RESPONSIBILITY. I am saying that one's ETHICS and VALUES are the issue, and I mean of the General Gambling populace - regardless of handcuffs being applied by the Police or not at a casino, or under surveillance cameras, or getting caught on something - what have you.
Again, I am saying is this:
1. We generally do a very lousy job of being our own surveillance in terms of our ethics and values. Just seeing this and just saying this as a long term crap dealer, in discussing the "general ethics and morals level of your typical dice player or gambler" - and of a typical $5 gambling hall, - which ain't in that high from what I witness ON A DAILY OCCUPATIONAL BASIS....
3. your actions, I mean the actions YOU TAKE, do define you - and the little uncersored thing count most of all, because that's the petty larceny that we act on the basis of "getting away with..."
4. WE ALL ACT In full knowledge of a situation that we are aware of, if we are conscious, that is, if we are not asleep or dead. I know: HEAR NO EVEL, SPEAK NO EVIL and when we witness it all.....don't invite trouble, even if it doesn't invite real trouble, so as long as it is no skin off our asses....

Look, if YOU went to an ATM machine - and you knew the cameras were down and your card was not being tracked...if you keyed in to pull out $40 in two $20 bills...but the machine accidentally spat out two $100 bills -two freaking C-notes - would YOU say anything TO THE BANK if you could get away with it? To call yourself an advantage pllayer or the likes in this situation?? cops involved, just free money for you...

NOW, if you went to pull out $200 from an ATM machine, - but the machine made a mistake and spat out two $20 bills, would you NOW make a stink? cops involved, just free money for the bank this time on you...

Honest mistake, a computer mistake, a dealer error, a bank teller error, a machine error in all both cases, what have you.
An advantage player in one case, a victim case in the other.
Same siotuation - aside from your POV.
Both are bad.
All are bad.

You play the the rules and keep your mouth shut - then you are technically and legally off the hook, OKAY?
Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes - Henry David Thoreau. Like Dealers' uniforms - Dan.
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July 26th, 2011 at 2:57:48 PM permalink
Quote: PapaChubby

How about this for an ethical challenge:

I would say that my own ethical standards would not allow any of this. On the other hand the player should not, for example, be asked to leave the casino. He was staying within certain bounds.
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!”   She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
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July 26th, 2011 at 3:08:12 PM permalink
Quote: PapaChubby

The same player pocketed every quarter he got as a result of commissions. Quickly tapped the tray out of quarters, and the dealer/pit were delinquent on getting a fill. When the tray ran out of quarters, the player demanded that the house round up his payouts to the nearest dollar. I'm sure he had about $20 in quarters in his pocket at that point.

Round up the commission to the nearest dollar. So a winning $25 bet would pay $2 in commission. This is the same as a $6 bet owing $.50 rather than $.30 as there are no nickles at the table.
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July 26th, 2011 at 3:10:29 PM permalink
Quote: PapaChubby

How about this for an ethical challenge:

I sat at a table once with a player who was obviously making strange wagers in an attempt to challenge the dealer's ability to calculate the 5% commission. Bets like $215, with 6 greens and 13 whites all jumbled together. The dealer was having a hard time. Every time the dealer improperly calculated the commission in the house's favor, the player corrected him. Whenever the error was in the player's favor, he wouldn't say a word. I thought this was pretty slimy.

The same player pocketed every quarter he got as a result of commissions. Quickly tapped the tray out of quarters, and the dealer/pit were delinquent on getting a fill. When the tray ran out of quarters, the player demanded that the house round up his payouts to the nearest dollar. I'm sure he had about $20 in quarters in his pocket at that point.

This is one of the reasons that Commission-free EZ Pai Gow Poker is getting a lot of's hard to take "commission shots" when there is no commission on the game; most Pai Gow dealers are break-ins. But WHY take shots, sheesh! Quite often, other players would put a stop to this crap on a live table!

Neither the hand-setting house way, nor the commission calculation is really all that hard for an experienced dealer, or gambler who became a dealer. Many houses now would shut down that player's action, saying "If you're just here to pull on our d]cks and waste our dealers' time, we'll either flat bet you, you just escort you out the door to go to rent a movie somewhere - we actually don't need your particular action, which just consists of you pulling on our dicks at a table..."

In light of this, what is hard to do is to find good casino dealers for $7.25 a hour plus sh]tty tips to carry all this out without problem, and without getting upset over the multitudes of shot-taking gamblers, or working 10PM to 6AM with no benefits, - when there's better conditions in office temp work, or at Burger King, at Pizza Hut (Yum! Brands), or driving a cab, or going back home to Manila.
Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes - Henry David Thoreau. Like Dealers' uniforms - Dan.
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July 26th, 2011 at 3:12:41 PM permalink
Quote: Paigowdan

Honest mistake, a computer mistake, a dealer error, a bank teller error, a machine error in all both cases, what have you.
An advantage player in one case, a victim case in the other.
Same siotuation - aside from your POV.
Both are bad.
All are bad.

I protect me and mine. That is my responsibility. It is your responsibility to protect you and yours. And everyone else's responsibility to protect their own. You're welcome to be cordial, assistant and otherwise A Good GuyTM or you're welcome not to be. Heck, even with the hard-line, Internet Tough GuyTM stance that I'm taking here, in person I'm actually a pretty cordial guy. I open doors for little old ladies, give accurate directions to whomever asks, teach people who are watching over my shoulder how to play Pai Gow successfully and, generally, help people, if it costs me nothing to do so.

But, if the benefit of myself comes at odds to the benefit of someone else, or 'the group' as a whole, your darned skippy straight that I'm going to look after me and mine first. I'd advise you to do the same. But, in the end, you're free to do as you wish.
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July 26th, 2011 at 3:20:58 PM permalink
Quote: odiousgambit

On the other hand the player should not, for example, be asked to leave the casino.

Quote: odiousgambit

He was staying within certain bounds.

VERY arguable!
Actually, - no he was not. And the "casino house" makes the call for him to leave under security guard escort, - or face tresspassing arrest.
If you were to throw spit-balls or make any other public or business disturbances or disruptions at any restaurant or movie house, or otherwise being a complete dick, you would be asked to leave under security guard escort. Same here.

Let me ask you - who would Las Vegas Metro Police side with? The Casino owners who are paying for it all via their own resources - and including from all the decent players in that statement - or from some clown and trouble-maker causing disturbances in the casinos view - on a police or surveillance report??

What if it gets to court in Las Vegas, Nevada? Who's on the jury? Me and my family? Or nine other dice dealers who are fed up with people who think they can walk into casinos who get their action just from causing casino disturbances by throwing sh]t on the walls for their jollies? This is ridiculous.

As far as justice is served, causing problems, disruptions and business slow-downs at any business - including casinos - are taken into account.
Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes - Henry David Thoreau. Like Dealers' uniforms - Dan.
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July 26th, 2011 at 3:52:29 PM permalink
Hey Dan

The Tipping Point: Tips and Scheduling Dealers
11:45AM - 12:45PM (Tuesday, October 04, 2011)
One of the least understood aspects of the table game world is the phenomenon of tipping and how it impacts profits, morale and scheduling. At this session, learn about different tipping schemes, how and why they work, the recent trend of sharing tips with non-dealers as well as how to schedule efficiently while keeping your dealing corps happy.
Key Takeaways:
Different tipping schemes and how they work
Tip-sharing with non-dealers
Efficient scheduling

G2E Conference : the recent trend of sharing tips with non-dealers ????????????????????????????????????????
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July 26th, 2011 at 4:16:15 PM permalink
Quote: Paigowdan


we don't see eye to eye it seems. I don't deny there is a certain point at which you say 'no more' to a guy like that.
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!”   She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
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July 26th, 2011 at 4:31:51 PM permalink
Quote: Paigowdan

leave under security guard escort, - or face tresspassing arrest.

Cops: We're here to arrest a player. What was his offense?
Casino: He put his change into his pocket.
Cops: Was it his money?
Casino: Yes.
Cops: And he put it into his pocket?
Casino: Yes.
Cops: And you want his arrested for that?
Casino: Well, he did it more than once.
Cops: Is that all?
Casino: Well, he also mixed his red chips with his white chips into one stack.
Cops: Were they his chips?
Casino: Yes.
Cops: And he mixed them up?
Casino: Yes.
Cops: And you want his arrested for that?
Casino: Well, he did it more than once.
Cops: Is that all?
Casino: Isn't that enough! Arrest the scumbag!
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July 26th, 2011 at 5:13:46 PM permalink

As the Wiz often says, I am calling BULLSHIT on that last statement. "I wasn't sure he wasn't following some weird house way rule"? Really? Splitting up a flush to have TWO hands neither with a pair? You've been caught in a falsehood, Nareed? Let's see if you are person enough to admit it... You didn't say anything because you dont have to, and you WON.

If you'll look at the portion of my post you quoted, you'll notice I said first I did not say anything about the dealer's error because I'd have won the hand with the error. That's the important factor and I listed it first.

The rest is true, as well. if you don't believe me, that's your problem.

If you care to know what happened next, look it up. it's somewhere in the board.
Donald Trump is a fucking criminal
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July 26th, 2011 at 6:01:22 PM permalink
Come on Nareed!!! Admit that you KNOW there wasn't some 'weird house way rule' that involved splitting a flush with no pairs present.... Come on Nareed... The rest may be true... but irrelevant to my 'call of Bullshit'. If you really play Pai Gow you KNOW there is no house way that would split up a flush to make 2 non pair hands......
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July 26th, 2011 at 6:15:11 PM permalink

Come on Nareed!!! Admit that you KNOW there wasn't some 'weird house way rule' that involved splitting a flush with no pairs present....

You know, I rather like you.

But if you want to discuss this seriously, you've got to stop being obtuse.
Donald Trump is a fucking criminal
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July 26th, 2011 at 6:19:22 PM permalink
Quote: kp

Cops: We're here to arrest a player. What was his offense?
Casino: He put his change into his pocket.
Cops: Was it his money?
Casino: Yes.
Cops: And he put it into his pocket?
Casino: Yes.
Cops: And you want his arrested for that?
Casino: Well, he did it more than once.
Cops: Is that all?
Casino: Well, he also mixed his red chips with his white chips into one stack.
Cops: Were they his chips?
Casino: Yes.
Cops: And he mixed them up?
Casino: Yes.
Cops: And you want his arrested for that?
Casino: Well, he did it more than once.
Cops: Is that all?
Casino: Isn't that enough! Arrest the scumbag!

Complete bullshit. We know whom we arrest.
KP, you're still in our good graces.
Stop going into casinos, or saying this is so on casino forums, if this is true.
Or if there is a problem with gambling at casinos.
I'll be at work on Thursday at my table.
I'll see you there - or other customers there - if this is false.
Come on in, you may indeed win. 49 to 51. Minor house edge as an entertainment fee.
777 lake Meade blvd, Henserson, NV.
Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes - Henry David Thoreau. Like Dealers' uniforms - Dan.
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July 26th, 2011 at 6:19:55 PM permalink
It is nice to know I am liked!!! I guess I sometimes have more fun being "not serious" here. Given the choice of triangles.... most call me acute....
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July 26th, 2011 at 6:35:33 PM permalink
Quote: buzzpaff

Hey Dan

The Tipping Point: Tips and Scheduling Dealers
11:45AM - 12:45PM (Tuesday, October 04, 2011)
One of the least understood aspects of the table game world is the phenomenon of tipping and how it impacts profits, morale and scheduling. At this session, learn about different tipping schemes, how and why they work, the recent trend of sharing tips with non-dealers as well as how to schedule efficiently while keeping your dealing corps happy.
Key Takeaways:
Different tipping schemes and how they work
Tip-sharing with non-dealers
Efficient scheduling

G2E Conference : the recent trend of sharing tips with non-dealers ????????????????????????????????????????

Your Opinion please Dan
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July 26th, 2011 at 7:10:54 PM permalink
Tipping should have absolutely No Effect On Dealer Performance!


unless of course we have lying-cheating shot-taker players poking us in the goddamn eye all the time.
Then they have to tip us $100 a hand if that is done....but if they don't...we still remain silent at the table...

Basically - a Dealer MUST:
1. NEVER worry about g-ddamn tips...
2. Because if he is PROVIDING service, well...then the tips take care of themselves without worry.

I mean, it all averages themsevles out...

3. a dealer must NEVER BITCH about how nasty the gamblers are at the table or on the floor!!!
4. We never do - at the table.
5. but we may feel free to VENT about the real situation - where you can indeed.

And that's at....
Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes - Henry David Thoreau. Like Dealers' uniforms - Dan.
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July 26th, 2011 at 7:13:42 PM permalink
As long as we're posting session topics, here's one that fits into the tangent brought on a couple posts before:

Eject and Exclude: Dealing with Unwanted Guests
12:45PM - 1:45PM (Monday, October 03, 2011)
Personal responsibility is lacking in many individuals in today's society and occassionally these people visit casinos. At this session, experts will how to properly exercise authority to exclude involuntarily persons who behave in an unacceptable manner. Failure to maintain compliance can result in sanctions issued by the governing authority, civil litigation, or a bad corporate image. Learn some unique approaches to keeping the riff-raff out and maintaining an image as a good corporate citizen.
Key Takeaways:
How to avoid government-issued sanctions and civil litigation
Protecting your corporate image
Legal ways to exercise authority

It never occurred to me that a casino could catch trouble for NOT ejecting problem guests. But that's one of the points of this session.
I invented a few casino games. Info: ————————————————————————————————————— Superstitions are silly, irrational, childish rituals, born out of fear of the unknown. But how much does it cost to knock on wood? 😁
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July 26th, 2011 at 7:16:41 PM permalink
Quote: DJTeddyBear

It never occurred to me that a casino could catch trouble for NOT ejecting problem guests. But that's one of the point of this session.

Casinos catch flak for a sunny day in Kansas.
We curse us - in this industry - to hell right here at this blessed forum...
Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes - Henry David Thoreau. Like Dealers' uniforms - Dan.
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July 26th, 2011 at 7:23:20 PM permalink
Nice answer Dan but the question I was asking is your opinion on this,

G2E Conference : the recent trend of sharing tips with non-dealers ?
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July 26th, 2011 at 7:52:35 PM permalink
You know, I don't really Stations, the dealer pool is split among dealers only; floormen get a flat rate...doesn't seem to be any change on this...
Anyway, back to the Pai Gow thread, anyone....
Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes - Henry David Thoreau. Like Dealers' uniforms - Dan.
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July 26th, 2011 at 7:56:05 PM permalink

It is nice to know I am liked!!! I guess I sometimes have more fun being "not serious" here. Given the choice of triangles.... most call me acute....

I think there's only one choice left and that's a 'right' triangle. You know you're not right, right?...LOL
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July 26th, 2011 at 11:42:57 PM permalink
I have a general question about PaiGow Poker... I'm hoping to give it a shot next time I'm in Vegas (as I'll be at the Nugget, it'll be EZ, which solves paying commission nonsense). How much extra of a house edge do I expose myself to if I make errors in the setting of my hand? (E.g. what is the cost of common errors in hand setting).
"Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante" - Honore de Balzac, 1829
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July 27th, 2011 at 4:04:48 AM permalink
Most common PG errors involve multi-path hands, hands that can be set many ways. About 60% of hands are one pair or pai gow (high-card singleton) type hands, that really should be set only one way (One pair play pair on five card side with best two-card side; high card hand play your 2nd and 3rd strongest cards on the two-card side).

Most errors involve two pair hands. Basically, with two pairs:
1. Split ace-high two pairs always. (AA44982, etc.)
2. Always split J's and 7's or better on both sides, except when having an AK only for the top. (88/QQA72, but AK/QQ882)
3. Keep together two pairs 6's and less with a K or better for the top (K9/44337, but 33/44J97)
4. All other two pairs split, unless there's an ace for the top.

With two pairs and a flush or straight, always play as a two-pair hand above, unless:
1. you can play a straight or a flush with an AK for the top, or
2. the straight or flush has two low pair (6's and less), and you cannot at least play a king for the top (6544332 play as 54/65432, not 65/44332)

Keep four of a kinds together of jacks or lower with any ace (A7/99993), but split all four of a kinds of 6's or better otherwise.

Split up a full house, unless the pair part is 6's or lower AND you have an AK/AQ for the top.

This basically covers a short and strong Pai Gow Poker hand setting method.

At the Golden Nugget, play our EZ Pai Gow!
Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes - Henry David Thoreau. Like Dealers' uniforms - Dan.
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July 27th, 2011 at 4:21:33 AM permalink
Quote: Paigowdan


At the Golden Nugget, play our EZ Pai Gow!

Dan - Any EZ Pai Gow in Biloxi yet?
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July 27th, 2011 at 4:45:18 AM permalink
Two areas we're absent from are the Gulf area and the East Coast, hopefully only temporary.
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August 9th, 2012 at 8:08:16 AM permalink
Just a mention that EZ Pai Gow has been installed at the Borgata in AC a couple of months ago, and seems to be gaining in popularity there. Opened with one table, now with two tables. The dealers seem to have had no training in the game though, as they are not familiar with the rules and the operation of the controls for resetting the hands dealt since an envy payout or a dealer Queen high. Also several times they are paying players hands when dealer has a Queen high. I play the game every week and enjoy it.
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August 9th, 2012 at 8:15:21 AM permalink
Yes, it has been installed at the Borgata this summer, though I wasn't at liberty to discuss or tout it until "known."
The dealers have had training on it, but the Borgata is a busy place, and some dealers forget a little here and there, that's normal.
Keep in mind, that when any new game comes out, or with new equipment, the dealers naturally go through a learning curve, no biggie.
Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes - Henry David Thoreau. Like Dealers' uniforms - Dan.
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August 9th, 2012 at 8:23:41 AM permalink
I expect to see it on more tables there. Last couple times I was there on weekdays, there were two EZ Pai Gow tables opened as opposed to only one regular Fortune Pai Gow. Congratulations on the growing popularity of the game, hope you make a fortune from it.
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August 9th, 2012 at 8:30:08 AM permalink
bw, thanks!
The game is a good design, and is performing well. I'm very thankful. No, I am not rich (yet), but I do have some "breathing room!"
Like Geoff Hall of BJ Switch, I am now focusing on my "new babies..."
Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes - Henry David Thoreau. Like Dealers' uniforms - Dan.
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August 9th, 2012 at 10:11:45 AM permalink
Quote: bw

Just a mention that EZ Pai Gow has been installed at the Borgata in AC a couple of months ago, and seems to be gaining in popularity there. Opened with one table, now with two tables. The dealers seem to have had no training in the game though, as they are not familiar with the rules and the operation of the controls for resetting the hands dealt since an envy payout or a dealer Queen high. Also several times they are paying players hands when dealer has a Queen high. I play the game every week and enjoy it.

Does Borgata allow banking? Dan, do you have a feel for what percentage of EZ-Pai Gow tables allow for player banking? I enjoy Pai Gow Poker, and feel I would enjoy the EZ variant, although the lack of player banking would be a significant problem for me over the traditional version.
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August 9th, 2012 at 11:24:28 AM permalink
No banking on the EZ Pai Gow at Borgata.
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August 9th, 2012 at 11:27:16 AM permalink
As I understand it, player banking is discouraged, or even forbidden, on the EZ table, everywhere it is played.

If allowed, they revert back to the 5% commission, which means they need quarters on the table.

If you don't see quarters, don't expect player banking to be allowed.
I invented a few casino games. Info: ————————————————————————————————————— Superstitions are silly, irrational, childish rituals, born out of fear of the unknown. But how much does it cost to knock on wood? 😁
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August 9th, 2012 at 12:15:48 PM permalink
Quote: DJTeddyBear

As I understand it, player banking is discouraged, or even forbidden, on the EZ table, everywhere it is played.

If allowed, they revert back to the 5% commission, which means they need quarters on the table.

If you don't see quarters, don't expect player banking to be allowed.

I understand the reasons why casinos will not allow banking, although it's a negative for me personally. That said, it's probably not for most and if I ran a casino, I'd probably have both EZ and traditional Pai Gow. I would say "Emperor's Challenge" has the most to fear for replacement, but it'll be interesting. I look forward to trying it out one day, if it can make it to the Mid-West...
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August 9th, 2012 at 12:38:59 PM permalink
Quote: TheBigPaybak

I understand the reasons why casinos will not allow banking, although it's a negative for me personally. That said, it's probably not for most and if I ran a casino, I'd probably have both EZ and traditional Pai Gow. I would say "Emperor's Challenge" has the most to fear for replacement, but it'll be interesting. I look forward to trying it out one day, if it can make it to the Mid-West...

Unless things have changed, it is in the mid-west. See - Ameristar
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August 9th, 2012 at 12:47:37 PM permalink
Quote: FinsRule

Unless things have changed, it is in the mid-west. See - Ameristar

Fair enough, would have been more accurate to say my neck of the woods... :)
Lack of prior planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on my part.
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