Quote: IbeatyouracesHow ironic. I go to Yahoo and this is the very first headline I see...
Ibya. Can you please replace your avatar with one of a sequential Royal- I know you must have one somewhere - in spades preferably lol
Quote: WizardofnothingIbya. Can you please replace your avatar with one of a sequential Royal- I know you must have one somewhere - in spades preferably lol
Don't have one.
Quote: RonCI didn't know moderators got to pick and choose what threads they moderate.
There has never been a thread I refused to moderate but I tend to pay more attention to the mathy ones, which are generally better behaved to begin with. I totally respect Barb's choice to stay away, especially knowing that I'll police it. I must admit, I was drawn to the last challenge like a moth to a flame.
BTW, for anybody who is opposed to this thread, let me offer a radical suggestion -- don't read it.
So far the majority of the ones I have participated in have returned between 50-100%. The 6 month bets are more lucrative since more people are likely to fall off throughout the game.
Quote: HotBlondeSo this is big to me. Not to mention the fact that I am still single and want to get married and have kids and my biological clock is winding down.
Why not just make it a HotHusband Challenge!?
THIS... sounds interesting... Go on.Quote: kmumfWhy not just make it a HotHusband Challenge!?
By the way, I re-read her terms, she has to lose 135 pounds this time! It was only around 100 last time. Even patients who undergo bariatric surgery would be a long shot to lost that much weight in such a short period of time.
Last time I only had to lose 90 pounds and this time it's 124.6 pounds.
If I wager 1 million I'll be you could get down to 120
Just google Ted Forrest weight loss bet
Quote: kmumfWhy not just make it a HotHusband Challenge!?
The increased bargaining power on the dating market should pale in comparison to winning a couple grand here. I think every pound you lose will be worth an extra $10,000 in the net worth of a mate you'll be able to attract.
Quote: WizardofnothingYou are technically in control of the net and the more money you receive for it the worse we have of winning against you- so it a point of diminishing returns
If I wager 1 million I'll be you could get down to 120
Just google Ted Forrest weight loss bet
I think most people would do anything for $1 million
Laughing! You didn't really write that down on a public Forum did you ;-)Quote: WizardThe increased bargaining power on the dating market should pale in comparison to winning a couple grand here. I think every pound you lose will be worth an extra $10,000 in the net worth of a mate you'll be able to attract.
Quote: RomesTHIS... sounds interesting... Go on.
Well I already landed my hotblonde about 5 years ago but I think that was more luck than skill. I do think finding a spouse (a good one) is way harder than losing weight. Keeping your ideal weight or muscle tone is extremely hard if your not in a healthy routine. I think Hotblonde is an example 150 a few years ago now up to almost 300!
Hotblonde do you think if kept the wight off you would have found a husband by now?
Quote: TwoFeathersATLLaughing! You didn't really write that down on a public Forum did you ;-)
I did. Let's be realistic here.
Quote: TwoFeathersATLLaughing! You didn't really write that down on a public Forum did you ;-)
That's hysterical
Quote: WizardThe increased bargaining power on the dating market should pale in comparison to winning a couple grand here. I think every pound you lose will be worth an extra $10,000 in the net worth of a mate you'll be able to attract.
Yeah then just hope you get to keep half that when you gain the weight back and single again.
Quote: GreasyjohnI looked at the beginning of the original Hot Blonde weight-loss thread because I wanted to see the photos again. The photos do not now open up. Does anyone else have the same issue?
I don't see them either. The site that I hosted them on probably expired the pics or something.
Quote: WizardI did. Let's be realistic here.
But then again if she had 2.5 million I might allow my girlfriend to be slightly overweight. I think it's a sliding scale.
The previous HB challenge thread was by far the best in WoV history. You took on a challenge that few if any thought you would succeed at, put up your own money to bet, and crushed it. The thread brought more actual wagers by WoV members than all other WoV threads combined. And this is a GAMBLING forum.
SOOPOO, IMO, is spot on. When it comes to member involvement, wagering, and interest, the HBC thread was/is peerless. No other thread comes close.
Quote: beachbumbabsThe first Hot Blonde thread was just finishing when I joined the board. IMO, it was the single worst thing on the board, with a lot of un-civilness and manipulative accusations thrown around, several suspensions, many offended people. It was a relief when it finally went dormant.
Babs, IMO, is spot on. When it comes to double standards, poor behavior, and the general lack of civility, the HBC thread was/is peerless. No other thread comes close.
And since Babs kindly advised her recusal, I will likewise advise that I am in this with both feet. No way can I stand idly by and watch a Rd. 2. So with that, some words...
I would like to remind everyone that the block function exists, as does the self control to not open a thread. Negativity about this thread will only serve to incite, and there will likely be plenty of that to go around already. I would appreciate some self control and cooperation, if you could find it within yourself to bestow it upon us.
I would also like to remind that this is a public forum. Posts in this thread are fair game to be commented upon by whomsoever chooses, and in whatever manner they choose. Negativity about negativity will only serve to incite, and there will likely be plenty of that to go around. Self control, co-op, blah, blah, blah.
Wagers can be made by whomever and about whatever, as there is no possible way for anyone to control it, nor is it something in which we need to concern ourselves about controlling. As always, remember that WoV or it's blah blah blah does not guarantee yada yada lawyer talk etc and so forth. Know who you're dealing with; it's all on you.
If I may be specific now, I found the last challenge to feature far, FAR too much...behavior reminiscent of a former member. It seemed any critique was perceived as the highest of slights, to which HB would react, which almost without fail resulted in a member getting banned. I also felt HB herself crossed the line many times for which no correction was made, and I think this disparity was the main cause of the negativity in the thread. Remember that the "members are expected to act like ladies and gentlemen". That does not mean you may only post glowing reviews and adulation, nor does it mean you are prohibited from communicating critiques or opinions. All I'm asking is to be cognizant of this thread's history and post accordingly. I'm gonna set the line of suspensions at 2.5 and I'm taking the under, because even atheists have faith.
LOL. Okay we shall all proceed in Optimistic and Civil manner. Sort of like a craps game. We avoid uttering the word 'seven' and we let Face be the only one to wield a Stick.Quote: FaceI'm gonna set the line of suspensions at 2.5 and I'm taking the under, because even atheists have faith.
Laughing! You didn't really write that down on a public Forum did you ;-)
Wiz wrote:
"I did. Let's be realistic here.
It's not whether you win or lose; it's whether or not you had a good bet. "
Realistic is one thing.
Having the LLOTW set-up a permanent protest in your front yard can get very realistic ;-)
Large Ladies Of The World ;-) Some of them carry guns.
Still laughing! 2F
times in a row and then wanting people to
bet I couldn't do it again. You won't find
any takers no matter what the odds.
I remember when HB was petitioning the forum
to put up the money for her to get a boob job.
That was special. I remember the screaming and
name calling she did, aimed at me. Personally,
I can't stand the woman and if she fails in yet
another attempt to get money for something
she should be doing on her own anyway, I
won't shed any tears over it.
Kudo's to Babs for staying as far away as possible
from this sideshow.
I started out with a few good suggestions 1) A two part bet 2) others also take a weight loss challenge perhaps someone like GWAE(I didn't think he was as big as he thinks he is)
But then...this comment weighed very heavy on me.
HB said, "If we do this the way we did in 2012 then I would be the only one making the 'yes' bet. If you wanted to bet you would have to bet 'no'"
Sine gambling is something im somewhat passionate about(not necessarily the act), I was very annoyed that you would tell people who they could bet with and what side they could take. I'm offended that you would call my offer ungentlemanly (no wonder BBB headed for the hills, the near insults are starting early)
I have been undercut on challenges and bets here, I'm sure Mike has before( he is always setting lines and taking action that irritates my AP side off)
I thought you said your main incentive (not motivation)was be at a healthy weight by your 40th birthday.
A healthy weight by your 40th birthday is the entire point, so being healthy, feeling good about yourself should be your motivation which is something more long term, an incentive is short term and that's the opposite of what one should do if the want to keep their weight off. Mikes bet should be enough incentive getting a man being healthy, looking and feeling good should be you're motivation, or it starts to feel like an attempted money grab.
Anyone looking at this as an advantage bet/ play who wants the no would significantly benefit by NOT betting with you. Not telling anyone not to bet with you they should bet the bets line or whomever they feel conformable betting with. I have already taken action.
I'm also annoyed at your suggestion about starting our own thread regarding this and when people lay claim to a thread just because they started it. It belongs to all members and lurker's as far as im concerned (Perhaps a blog is more appropriate when people want it to be theirs) I really don't get when people find a bunch of self-admiration when they start a thread. Normally I forget when I started one ("look at how many posts/pages I got in MY thread")
When I mentioned to my GF about this thread, she suggested you might want to ask people betting on your success for a small % if you succeed, that way you would encourage all betting...... I asked her if the dishes were done yet(-;
*this comment weighed very heavy on me. (no pun intended)
PS personally I sincerely wish you success on a personal level. As far as the betting goes, I want to win some money and keep my its not about the money I like choosing the right side when betting challenges i have a very good record so far. Ill be starting a WOV challenge touting service soon.
Bob I'm willing to take the NO. But I get the feeling this isn't going to happen if there's not enough money involved.Quote: EvenBob
Kudo's to Babs for staying as far away as possible
from this sideshow.
And I 100% agree Babs should be able to recuse herself from this or any situation. I was shocked anyone would take issue with that. People get upset when she gets too involved, now they are upset she doesn't want to? WTF? Damned if you do......
Quote: RonCOkay...an incentive to lose it and keep it off...
I'll go $10 against you making the goal if you'll make the following bet as part of the wager...
My second $10 against your $1000...my side is that you will gain more than 15 pounds from your lowest weight during the challenge back sometime within the three years of successfully completing the challenge. Your side is that you will never go 15 pounds over...
This is to be verified by weekly weigh-ins.
HB, are you willing to accept this bet? I am 100% serious about it. This is the kind of bet I think you should be looking for as the incentive to staying close to the goal weight, which is what you failed to do last time.
Quote: AxelWolfBob I'm willing to take the NO. But I get the feeling this isn't going to happen if there's not enough money involved.
And I 100% agree Babs should be able to recuse herself from this or any situation. I was shocked anyone would take issue with that. People get upset when she gets too involved, now they are upset she doesn't want to? WTF? Damned if you do......
Moderators moderate. That is a position that she accepted here. I'm not asking her to be part of it as in betting or actually participating, but I don't think moderators should refuse to moderate. Of course, it is fine with the Wizard and he'll have this covered... Yes, she is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't...that's part of the gig! Someone's going to disagree with you fairly often.
Even in craps if a pregnant woman is about to shoot and the Stick intones 'No Don't Bets' its a joke.
Which side of an issue a bettor wants to take is his decision and differing opinions on the probable outcome relates to either 'the odds' or 'opinions of the odds'.
In a bet on weight loss, math is less relevant than in craps, so I'll leave the odds making to others.
I'm probably just going to leave this thread alone since I can't afford to take either side of the bet no matter what the odds.
Quote: RonCModerators moderate. That is a position that she accepted here. I'm not asking her to be part of it as in betting or actually participating, but I don't think moderators should refuse to moderate. Of course, it is fine with the Wizard and he'll have this covered... Yes, she is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't...that's part of the gig! Someone's going to disagree with you fairly often.
I will admit there have been threads I have all but recused myself from in the past. Though I think myself generally able to set aside bias and moderate with integrity, I have to admit that some threads have biased me to such a degree that I cannot put it aside and be fair. That certainly is a negative aspect; however, isn't the "best of a bad situation" choice to recuse and refuse the duty, as opposed to doing the duty when it will only be done wrongly?
I have to give Babs the vote of confidence, not only because I do it too, but because I think it is the proper choice.
If it will make you perfectly happy, I'll motion to have her pay docked 2%. Fair? ;)
Quote: TwoFeathersATLRealistic is one thing.
Having the LLOTW set-up a permanent protest in your front yard can get very realistic ;-)
They will have to get past the security guards first.
Maybe I'm politically incorrect but I'm quite sure I'm right. I'd love to write a book how to quantify your bargaining power on the singles market. I have no statistics at hand to back this up but here is what truly matters:
For men: Money and height.
For women: Youth and a slender body.
Yes, or course, other things matter too. However, I stand by my statement that a woman is going to be WAAAAAY more marketable on the singles market 130 pounds lighter. The difference would pale in comparison to winning a thousand or two here.
p.s. Is HeyJude2222 still single?

Quote: FaceIf it will make you perfectly happy, I'll motion to have her pay docked 2%. Fair? ;)
Sounds good to me!!
Quote: RonCHB, are you willing to accept this bet? I am 100% serious about it. This is the kind of bet I think you should be looking for as the incentive to staying close to the goal weight, which is what you failed to do last time.
Thank you kindly but no, that is not a bet I would want to take (and especially at those odds).
And be forced to change your name on the forum if you can't do it- add those things in and I would be more likely
Quote: WizardThey will have to get past the security guards first.
Maybe I'm politically incorrect but I'm quite sure I'm right. I'd love to write a book how to quantify your bargaining power on the singles market. I have no statistics at hand to back this up but here is what truly matters:
For men: Money and height.
For women: Youth and a slender body.
Yes, or course, other things matter too. However, I stand by my statement that a woman is going to be WAAAAAY more marketable on the singles market 130 pounds lighter. The difference would pale in comparison to winning a thousand or two here.
p.s. Is HeyJude2222 still single?
Ahahahahaha. I forgot about HeyJude (and I'm guessing she's not single any more).
In any case good luck to you.
Quote: AxelWolfIts not the soda pop, its the the ice cream you're washing it down with (-;
If you were from Detroit you could be talking about a VERNORs float...nothing like it...soooo gooodddd
good way to celebrate winning this wager
Quote: WizardThey will have to get past the security guards first.
Maybe I'm politically incorrect but I'm quite sure I'm right. I'd love to write a book how to quantify your bargaining power on the singles market. I have no statistics at hand to back this up but here is what truly matters:
For men: Money and height.
For women: Youth and a slender body.
Yes, or course, other things matter too. However, I stand by my statement that a woman is going to be WAAAAAY more marketable on the singles market 130 pounds lighter. The difference would pale in comparison to winning a thousand or two here.
For men, confidence is always going to be number one. Women can smell insecurity, and if they notice that, the guy is generally dead in the water. Also, maybe it's my generation, but women generally don't really seem to care about money nearly as much as men seem to assume they do. I think a young starving musician who is confident with himself will do much better with attractive girls than a rich older guy who owns a chain of (insert unsexy small business here). I think where it gets tricky is that women DO want excitement and new experiences, and these are much easier to provide when the guy has money. Also, women care much more about social standing than men, and social standing is often correlated with high-paying jobs. Height is definitely important, and tall guys can pull girls at the clubs easier for sure, but I think tall guys are also generally more confident, so I'm not sure it's 100% an isolated variable.
For women, yeah, youth and fitness are going to be top. I'd like to think that most men would make allocations for sweetness when selecting long-term partners, but there will always be rich dudes who solely want trophy wives.
thing, gaining huge amounts of weight.
I remember in the last bet, she said she
would put all the weight back on and
could care less what we thought about
it. Since she obviously could care less
about her health, there should be a bet
that she can or can't reach 400 pounds
by Oct 15. That's only a pound a day
or so. I don't think she can do it. No way.
Quote: EvenBobHere's an idea. HB is really good at one
thing, gaining huge amounts of weight.
I remember in the last bet, she said she
would put all the weight back on and
could care less what we thought about
it. Since she obviously could care less
about her health, there should be a bet
that she can or can't reach 400 pounds
by Oct 15. That's only a pound a day
or so. I don't think she can do it. No way.
Don't go spreading lies. I never said that.
Quote: MrVThis thread could become toxic.
Not only was I suspended during the first thread, but my comments so incensed HB that she (and a male companion, there seemingly for protection) braced me at a WoV con and demanded an apology.
Were I not a big, uncaring lout I might even have been intimidated.
And that's a lie too. Shame on you guys.
Judges and other officials recuse themselves often.And they actually get pied, BBB is a volunteer. With all the haters, its seem's to have caused her some grief. She is just trying to do what she has volunteered to do and make everyone happy. That's an impossible job to do. She may enjoy it at times, but i would guess its very taxing on her at times. She is the only female Mod on a male dominated forum. There are many Male chauvinist's on here, I would guess they cant stand a woman who has any authority, control, power or whatever you want to call it over them. Every move she makes is overly scrutinized.Quote: RonCModerators moderate. That is a position that she accepted here. I'm not asking her to be part of it as in betting or actually participating, but I don't think moderators should refuse to moderate. Of course, it is fine with the Wizard and he'll have this covered... Yes, she is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't...that's part of the gig! Someone's going to disagree with you fairly often.
She has done 10x more and is more successful than many of her critics. Shes not just an amazing female shes an amazing person.
At least she doesn't hide in her basement hurling insults and criticizing people.
IMO bowing out is the admirable thing for her to do, it better than someone pretending they can be 100% fair, objective and unbiased about the situation. Smart move IMO.
Quote: HotBlondeThank you kindly but no, that is not a bet I would want to take (and especially at those odds).
Please offer odds on you keeping it off...I'll go $10 against your _________ that you won't keep it off.
I certainly hope that you intend to keep it off; not just lose it, snare a man, pop out a couple of kids, and gain it all back. Bet on your lifestyle change and staying at the lower weight. I'd even give a "pregnancy waiver" of up to a year if you happened to be pregnant during any year of the bet--the bet just gets extended and the months pregnant don't count.
I'm trying to get you to bet on a permanent change...that is worth more to you if you do it than just losing the weight. It has to be enough of a bet to hurt you if you lose the wager--since I am assuming you will make good money on the initial bet. Maybe not, though...not as many people are chiming in yet.
No way I would just bet on you to lose the weight. That is a waste of time.
Confirm if you are doing this so that I can make my wagers accordingly
What about trivia knowledge?Quote: Wizard
Maybe I'm politically incorrect but I'm quite sure I'm right. I'd love to write a book how to quantify your bargaining power on the singles market. I have no statistics at hand to back this up but here is what truly matters:
For men: Money and height.
For women: Youth and a slender body.
I may consider this.Quote: DRichHotblonde, I believe you can set your mind to it and do it. I would be willing to bet $5 for every pound you are over or under your target weight. If you are under on your target weight I will pay you $5 for every pound under and you pay me $5 for every pound you are over. If you make your target weight we would be even.
In any case good luck to you.
I'm not interested in making a bet on where I will be years from now. You're welcome to start your own thread and bet on that. I'm concentrating on my weight loss goal right now. I'm not interested in any other scenarios.Quote: RonCPlease offer odds on you keeping it off...I'll go $10 against your _________ that you won't keep it off.
I certainly hope that you intend to keep it off; not just lose it, snare a man, pop out a couple of kids, and gain it all back. Bet on your lifestyle change and staying at the lower weight. I'd even give a "pregnancy waiver" of up to a year if you happened to be pregnant during any year of the bet--the bet just gets extended and the months pregnant don't count.
I'm trying to get you to bet on a permanent change...that is worth more to you if you do it than just losing the weight. It has to be enough of a bet to hurt you if you lose the wager--since I am assuming you will make good money on the initial bet. Maybe not, though...not as many people are chiming in yet.
No way I would just bet on you to lose the weight. That is a waste of time.
I am making a bet but it looks like Mike is the only one participating. I started my diet on Monday and Mike and I still have to agree on terms of the bet. Others are welcome to still bet against me. And people bet throughout my weight loss last time, not just upfront. People can bet whenever they like, there's no time limit, although I would prefer to have more bets up front.Quote: AxelWolfHB, We/ I just want to know if thee is a bet or not. I feel its unfair for you to probe first just to see what kind of action you will get and if it's worth it or not, if heath and happiness was your main goal then there shouldn't be any hesitation. Put up a deadline for anyone wagering with you.
I assume there will be an official weigh-in?Quote: HotBlondeI am making a bet but it looks like Mike is the only one participating. I started my diet on Monday and Mike and I still have to agree on terms of the bet. Others are welcome to still bet against me. And people bet throughout my weight loss last time, not just upfront. People can bet whenever they like, there's no time limit, although I would prefer to have more bets up front.
Other than with WOV members do you have bets going on this?