Quote: BleedingChipsSlowlyI expect it will be just like Mohegan Sun Connecticut: the Super 4 Progressive side bet is fixed and independent of table minimums. I'm surprised the bet amount isn't the same between Connecticut and Pocono so they could combine the bonus play.
Did you see it last week? It almost hit $1 million. It's back to just over 100k now. I still haven't played it and don't plan to. The million didn't entice me at all.
As usual, I welcome questions, comments, and especially corrections.
Thanks Wiz. I had a braino in my version 2. I forgot to remove an Ace as dealer hole cards for dealer Ace up. I updated my google doc. Will update my spreadsheet on my website soon.Quote: WizardSorry to be late to the party but I just did a full page on the Super 4. Both the version Miplet analyzed and one I saw somewhere in Vegas (as evidenced by the rule card under a pile of junk on my desk).
As usual, I welcome questions, comments, and especially corrections.
Quote: mipletI forgot to remove an Ace as dealer hole cards for dealer Ace up. I updated my google doc. Will update my spreadsheet on my website soon.
You're welcome. You are always keeping me on my toes so I'm happy to return the favor.
1/10/2017 8 PM meter $67,560
11PM meter $67,621
1/11/2017 10 Am meter $67,712
6:30 PM meter $67,767
8:30 PM meter $67,810
I did not see anyone played it.
What exactly is the house edge? When the meter increased $250 between 1/10 to 1/11, assuming a 50% meter contribution and 25% house edge, The D made $125 for yesterday with the progressive, 10 tables. This was not even enough to tip the dealers-dancers or pay the electric bills.
I was there one night and it was hit for 400k.
Quote: LazSo long story short. Do u guys thing this side bet is worth playing. Or is it just a sucker bet making it even harder to win by the time u leave the tables?
This is an awful bet. Hit frequency terrible too.
After about ten trips (5 hours per trip), I have hit the straight twice, the flush once; and the same color, pairs, dealer’s blackjack, and dealer’s ace up-no blackjack several times.
Since the count is high when I make the bet, the chances of my getting 20, or at least one 10 count, is good; which makes the possible matches with the dealer’s cards more likely.
I am fairly certain that I am ahead making the side bet at true 5 or higher. And I am playing at a casino where they pay $50 less than the chart on the big payouts, though they do pay $15 for any dealer’s ace (rather than $10).
At a true 5, I also bet two hands. While this means a loss of $10 each hand that I don’t hit, I do get paid on both hands if the dealer shows an ace. Also, when he shows an ace, and the count is 5 or higher, I take insurance; so, in addition to winning on the side bet, I don’t lose my initial bets. Today, for example, at a true 6, I made the side bets, and the dealer had a blackjack with an ace showing against my two hands of 17 and 15. I lost neither bet ($60 each) because I had taken insurance, and I won $75 on one hand that was the same color, and $50 on the other, which had a pair with the dealer’s 10.
I honestly don’t know the math on this side bet while card counting, but I know that I am not losing overall when making the bet at a true 5. And I am way ahead betting Lucky Ladies at a true 5.
Burn Card | +EV=> |
2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 | 794,021.37 |
T | 807,583.19 |
none | 814,835.65 |
J,Q,K - S,H,C | 821,032.32 |
A - S,H,C | 877,028.58 |
J,Q,K - D | 929,698.36 |
A - D | 993,105.89 |
With the Envy Bonus and number of other players betting taken into consideration, the minimum meter needed for +EV varies by -5/+23% for the first deal of a new shoe in this case. I hope to have the app available next month. You will be able to use the pay table that applies to where you play. (The minimum meter needed for +EV drops to 770,944.44 with Envy Bonus 3000/1000 and all six players betting.)
Super 4 Blackjack Progressive Single‑Level Analysis
I get "pay occurs" and probability, - there's a 1 in ~ 598,000 chance of hitting a diamond royal flush.
I also get that when the bonus is really high, placing a 1 chance in 598,000 times bet in order to win a million is a better than when it's $20,000.
I've heard of theories of betting every single powerball combination when the jackpot is millions.
Can you define the other columns in layman's terms? I get that deck composition will effect the probabilities, but the numbers change, without my knowing what they mean.
I can enter the composition of the deck in the "Shoe" tab, but I'll need to take some time to figure out the composition of a TC +4 deck, vs. +3, and so on. I'm not going to keep track of aces when I'm playing, so all I'll have in my head during a shoe is the TC, not the composition of the deck.
If I could plug in a "+4" TC along with the variable paytable amounts, and get back numbers that I understand, that would be better.
I do like the part where you;ve put in all this work, and the results are available for free. I'm reminded of that gift horse...
If however, you do make these changes, continue to provide the fruits of your labors for free, and then I bet the progressive and win...
You'll have my undying gratitude.
I would also like to mention that the Super 4 Progressive meter at Mohegan Sun was at $950,000+ when I left there on Saturday. That made the side bet about +7% EV. You don't often find a bet in a casino with a value like that without "cheating." Sweet!
Here's a quick explanation of 5 columns for the main Analysis table. By the way, the same 5 table columns are given in the Wizard's write up on Super 4, only with different names.
Hand - The paying hands for the side bet, plus entries for non-paying and total.
Pays - The current values supplied from the Pay Table tab for each hand.
Pay Occurs - Based on the current shoe composition supplied from the Shoe tab. For each hand, the value given is the permutations for that hand less the permutations that will be classified as and paid at a higher value. For example, the "All Same Color" value is the permutations for that hand less what will be paid as "Two Pair," "Flush," "Straight," "Three of a Kind," and "Royal Flush."
Probability - The probability of the hand occurring based on shoe composition. For each hand, this is the "Pay Occurs" value divided by the "Total Permutations" value.
Bet x Return - The "x" will be the wager entered on the Pay Table tab. The return is the "Pays" value times the "Probability" value, less the wager since the wager is not returned. The total for this column is the overall expected return for the wager. The wager divided by that total is the expected value.
Your interest in a TC "Easy Button" analysis is understandable. I wish it were an easy thing to do. The difficulty starts with nailing down what counting method you want to use. No matter which one you select, a particular TC value represents millions of possible shoe compositions if not more. The application I designed works with one shoe composition that you can vary. So, what you request is pretty much a different application altogether that this application might provide a first step for.
Finally, TC values are an indicator for winning blackjack hands and blackjack-value hands are only part of that. I think that the meter value for Super 4 is a far better indicator of when to place the side bet than TC. I further speculate that an ace count might be the way to go to further refine when the side bet is a good value. I might be doing some further work on that speculation.
Absent filling in all the blanks under the Shoe tab, I wonder if a TC of "+x" could presume an "average occurrence" of cards in a remaining shoe of "y" decks. Although a deck of the highest "plus" value imaginable could still be full of 7s 8s and 9s. For a royal flush in any suit, those cards get in the way, whereas they might be okay for a winning set of pairs, same color, or flushes.
I swim out to the deep end of the math pool now and then and sooner or later realize I am in way over my head. I'm there now.
I don't bet Match the Dealer, and I don't play Super 4. But I do buy $10 worth of Powerball tickets when they start advertising a pot of a few hundred million bucks. So I guess I'll throw $5 at this now and then when it gets over 1 million. But only on a positive TC. Who knows...
The problem is, if it's +8 TC you really shouldn't be worried about a $5 side bet when you should be betting REAL big on your main bet.
I'm looking at Hi-Opt II with ace side count as the only hope for this side bet to be realistic.
But even so, the only realistic use for this bet is a harmless cover to make the pitboss not think you're a card counter when it's profitable to make the bet.
(ModEdit: author corrected graph based on revised info. Please disregard this one and continue below.)

I think an 18% probability of a better-than-even side bet for the end of a shoe is worth looking at. Of course, when the meter is at $1,260,000+ as it is tonight at Mohegan Sun, you don't really need a method.

If an administrator could delete or redact the previous graph, that would be great!
Is there an easy correlation between HiLow TC and deck penetration that makes the graph relevant?
I wouldn't think penetration alone is a valid indicator - 74% penetration (the last round of a deck cut off at 75%) with a TC of +2 would not seem to me to be a "better bet" (there is no "good bet" in this game's horrible house edge, that's a given).
The graph doesn't have "TC" as the label on its Y axis.
Then there's the size of the pot.
At a jackpot of $700K, I have been playing at TC +3 or better, but only based on my gut. More tens and aces left in the deck... a big windfall if it hits... what's another $5 when I have close to my max bet out there anyway... why not? A TC of +3 is hard to come by with 5 decks remaining, so by definition I'm closer to the end of the show. So penetration does enter in it.
But that's not science, Mr. White.
Someone who wants to play this progressive has to turn the graph into decision points related to penetration and TC. Or is it not that easy?
The only takeaway the graph will give you is that it is better to bet the Super 4 after 2 decks are out. Sure you can win anytime, but your chances increase from almost-nothing to slim the closer to the cut card you get.
You can use the application I posted a link to on May 22nd to explore Super 4 payout probabilites based on deck composition. Set up a few high TC shoes if you want and see if that moves the Super 4 probability any significant measure. I would be very suprised if it does.
I hope to find time in the future to see if I can come up with some way to track play that is usefull for Super 4.
The Super 4 side-bet can be a good bet with a large enough jackpot meter. At Mohegan Sun, the meter was at $883K when I left there at shortly before noon today. At that level, any newly shuffled shoe is +EV except when the discard is a card that would figure into a major jackpot hand.
Maybe there is something else going on. It seems InBet Gaming is not keeping their site up to date. At least there is no mention of Super4 at Springfield MGM on their game locations page, and darkoz has reported the game is there.
Quote: BleedingChipsSlowlyInBet Gaming's description of the game includes a button to view the multi-level game pay-table, which includes major/minor progressives. Perhaps what you are seeing is a guaranteed minimum for one or both progressives. Just speculation.
Maybe there is something else going on. It seems InBet Gaming is not keeping their site up to date. At least there is no mention of Super4 at Springfield MGM on their game locations page, and darkoz has reported the game is there.
The game was there with whats called Stax Progressive attached
I can confirm the bottom level was a must hit by $500
The way it was described to me the must hit rises with every wager and can hit at any time. Anyone with the wager on when it hits wins even if the dealer doesnt have blackjack
I believe the must hit was table specific while all the other progressives were shared with the other tables
Everyone would win at that particular table only. I didnt ask if it was split or every one got the amount shown.
The top progressive royal flush with diamonds was up to $92,000
There is a playable demo at
Had I continued work on this, the next step would have been to determine what shoe compositions presented +EV situations, then develop a method to detect those +EV situations during play. That is, to come up with the counting method you ask about.
I did not develop a counting method. I believe one could be developed. The base game has deteriorated at the places I visit and they no longer offer a game I will play. That given, it is doubtful I will ever follow through on the work I first intended to do.
I would be happy to do so. Expect a PM shortly.Quote: Wizard... Bleeding, I'd love to discuss your work on that sometime.
Super4 has morphed since this thread was started. To begin with, even though In Bet Gaming still lists Super4 as an offereing it seems the product has been sold or perhaps licensed to AGS, a company with headquarters in Las Vegas and offices in four other states and four other countries.
The AGS Super4 offering has converted payouts for trips and straights to two separate progressive jackpots. This negates analysis I have done of the side bet, so I'm intending this post to sort of close this thread I started.
But wait, there's more! AGS also offers a multi-level progressive jackpot add-on called STAX that can be applied to Super4 and other side bets. I have started this thread, Super4 STAX Progressives, to discuss that product as it applies to Super4.
Along with the bad game, they replaced side bets that were $1 or more with this one that's $5. It's mostly a locals casino, so the players are pissed off. And to top it off, they set the must hit portion of the progressive way too high at $1,000. Should have been set much lower for continuous pursuit of the must hit, rather than only when it her's in the $950+ range.
Quote: SM777Super 4 is a big step below the 21 + 3 progressive from Galaxy, and Blazing 7's from SG. AGS has work to do to find a better solution for BJ progressives.
They have some work to do to get some decent games and save their company. This one sucks, as do most of their games. And let's not forget their attempt to steal High Card Flush from Galaxy, which cost them heavily.
Wait! Mr. ZCore, aren't you the person responsible for bringing new table games and progressives? How did this terrible side bet get in on your watch?Quote: Zcore13We just got this side bet at one of the two casinos I work at. What a terrible side bet! Terrible payout percentage. Terrible frequency, Terrible flow. Yuck!
Along with the bad game, they replaced side bets that were $1 or more with this one that's $5. It's mostly a locals casino, so the players are pissed off. And to top it off, they set the must hit portion of the progressive way too high at $1,000. Should have been set much lower for continuous pursuit of the must hit, rather than only when it her's in the $950+ range.
Quote: UCivanWait! Mr. ZCore, aren't you the person responsible for bringing new table games and progressives? How did this terrible side bet get in on your watch?
It would have never happened under my watch. I left my previous Director position about 3 1/2 years ago. I'm a Pit Supervisor at my current one. No input in selecting games.

I agree with ZCore...I think the game is not that good. But to be fair, I am not sure I like any of the existing BJ progressives. I question the theory that regular BJ players are interested in bringing a slot type event to their BJ experience. But the players in the industry are pumping them to clients, so it has to be working for some of them, right?
At a local property I have visited, Super 4 gets less than 10% participation which can't possibly be enough to cover the lease fee. Query for TG management, what is the hurdle for participation to make a BJ Progressive viable as I understand lease fees are in the $500-$700/table/month range? The good news with the Progressive is you know exactly what kind of play you are getting, so your aren't guessing when it comes to the question of whether it is working with your player clientele.
I'm a bit confused. Zcore liked this in 2015 and have a different take in 2019. (see quoted post in this same thread).Quote: Zcore13I think it's an excellent side bet and would give it a try at my place if everything fell together. I would however adjust the pay table to drop to the house edge to about 20-25%. Probably reducing the RF payouts and bumping up one of the lower level payments a little.
Using 5 decks as an example, I get
(5*4)*(5*4-1)*(5*4-2)*(5*4) as the total number of permutations for a TOAK for a single rank with the dealer having an ace in the last position
* 4 ranks
* 2 different ways of permuting the ace for the dealer
= 1094400, which is off by a factor of 2 from your answer
what am I missing?
EDIT: i forgot three of a kind aces.