You literally have these droned out security guards who are committing a major federal offense escorting you out the door and telling you that you cannot return or you will be arrested? I mean really? Is this russia or china? I dont think so. They dont know any better cause their IQ is about the same as a monkey and thinking they have the power to do that, but what really amazes me is how they still act like smart asses when I try to educate them theyre committing a felony. I swear on my grave, these casinos and security guards will learn that ignorance is no excuse. Youre playing with fire. Youll never meet someone like me in this city again.
Im willing to get illegally arrested and illegally railroaded by the judge because after i get out of prison i will go back to the same casinos again and for a repeat offender, the sentence will now go over 6 months and probably to a year. This is where theyre screwed. Ill now be able to get a jury trial since it wont be considered a 'petty offense' and wont be able to get railroaded by a corrupt judge. This is where Vegas will change forever regarding blackjack. Say hello to the new Atlantic City everyone. Coming soon to a store near you.
Quote: Zenking
Im willing to get illegally arrested and illegally railroaded by the judge because after i get out of prison i will go back to the same casinos again and for a repeat offender, the sentence will now go go over 6 months and probably to a year. This is where theyre screwed. Ill now be able to get a jury trial since it wont be considered a 'petty offense' and wont be able to get railroaded by a corrupt judge. This is where Vegas will change forever regarding blackjack. Say hello to the new Atlantic City everyone. Coming soon to a store near you.
Your rectal cavity is the only thing that would be changed forever.
Quote: RogerKintYour rectal cavity is the only thing that would be changed forever.
Typical droned out response. White collar crimes are NOT sent to the rape prisons that murderers and other major crimes are sent to. Just more media misinformation to keep all the sheep in check.
maybe thats why i have no fear of casino security, although maybe im not winning as much as you ZK and i havent been backed off
the only time i was ever backed off was at roulette, and they basically told me not to talk to the customers about the things i talk about and continued to let me play if i didnt
Seem's you've had some interesting misadventures while you've been absent here. I and others will be happy to hear all the details.... But without swearing please and within all the forum's other rules.
Your parents must be thrilled.
Whats a little A** R*** when you are changing the history of LV BJ forever? Get with the program Roger, and quit being droned out.Quote: RogerKintYour rectal cavity is the only thing that would be changed forever.
Quote: ZenKinGTypical droned out response. White collar crimes are NOT sent to the rape prisons that murderers and other major crimes are sent to. Just more media misinformation to keep all the sheep in check.
Not a white collar crime imo.Quote: ZenKinGTypical droned out response. White collar crimes are NOT sent to the rape prisons that murderers and other major crimes are sent to. Just more media misinformation to keep all the sheep in check.
Quote: onenickelmiracleNot a white collar crime imo.
Quote: ZenKinGYou dont know who youre messing with. I suggest you tell your droned out immoral and ignorant security guards who blindly follow orders for a paycheck that theyre committing a major federal offense when they read me the trespass statute. Title 18 Section 241. Keep pissing me off and watch what happens. All of you will learn ignorance of the law is no excuse. If youre purposely bluffing, i just hope you realize even bluffing is considered a violation of my rights because as soon as you read me NRS 207.200 you have just committed a federal offense saying I cannot return to a public space after doing nothing disorderly or disruptive. A card counter cannot go to prison for simply using his brain playing blackjack and doing nothing illegal as that would be completely unconstitutional so it will be thrown out in court. On a private level, your security guards will be sued to oblivion under Title 18 Section 241.
You literally have these droned out security guards who are committing a major federal offense escorting you out the door and telling you that you cannot return or you will be arrested? I mean really? Is this russia or china? I dont think so. They dont know any better cause their IQ is about the same as a monkey and thinking they have the power to do that, but what really amazes me is how they still act like smart asses when I try to educate them theyre committing a felony. I swear on my grave, these casinos and security guards will learn that ignorance is no excuse. Youre playing with fire. Youll never meet someone like me in this city again.
Im willing to get illegally arrested and illegally railroaded by the judge because after i get out of prison i will go back to the same casinos again and for a repeat offender, the sentence will now go over 6 months and probably to a year. This is where theyre screwed. Ill now be able to get a jury trial since it wont be considered a 'petty offense' and wont be able to get railroaded by a corrupt judge. This is where Vegas will change forever regarding blackjack. Say hello to the new Atlantic City everyone. Coming soon to a store near you.
Lol. I welcome your comedy back to the site. By any chance are you a Sovereign Citizen too??
A casino has the right to serve or not serve patrons as long as it is not for a protected reason (Age, Sex, etc.)
If you are backed off from playing a particular game and you go quietly, you will not be trespassed. If you become belligerent and or security thinks you are disrupting other guests, you will be banned from the property and read the trespass warning.
You will not be arrested for card counting. There is a major difference between being arrested for card counting and arrested for violation of a known trespass.
This is based on Nevada law, but I have worked in many other jurisdictions, and with the exception of New Jersey, I believe the laws are similar.
As I said in another thread, don't burn a property (or multiple properties in the case of the larger corporations) from your list. Play it cool.
Quote: FCBLComishZenKing,
A casino has the right to serve or not serve patrons as long as it is not for a protected reason (Age, Sex, etc.)
If you are backed off from playing a particular game and you go quietly, you will not be trespassed. If you become belligerent and or security thinks you are disrupting other guests, you will be banned from the property and read the trespass warning.
You will not be arrested for card counting. There is a major difference between being arrested for card counting and arrested for violation of a known trespass.
This is based on Nevada law, but I have worked in many other jurisdictions, and with the exception of New Jersey, I believe the laws are similar.
As I said in another thread, don't burn a property (or multiple properties in the case of the larger corporations) from your list. Play it cool.
Oh man ignorance is plentiful these days. Let me go and educate you and maybe you can spread the news to all the idiots you work for in gaming or casino management.
First off, sure a casino has a right to refuse service or what we call a back off, but they do not have the right to RESTRICT you from entering the premises of a public space. Secondly, I never said the arrest would be because of card counting. The arrest is based off of a criminal trespass, but for a criminal trespass to be legal in a public place such as a gaming establishment licensed by the government, it can ONLY OCCUR if their is disorderly midsconduct or destroying property, etc which had beem confirmed numerous times through court cases in Nevada as well as a careful understanding of the statutes in place. This all will be discovered in court when I seek discovery of why the casino trespassed me and when the casino will have no proof of any misconduct, the case will be thrown out for being unconstitutional by not letting me access a public space, which is a basic and fundamental right im this country.
If you want explicit details regarding the statutes and court cases, I suggest you go read my thread on the legality of casino trespassing.
Quote: ZenKinGSecondly, the arrest is based off a criminal trespass, but a legal criminal trespass in a public place such as a gaming establishment licensed by the government can ONLY OCCUR if their is disorderly midsconduct
We both agree. Disorderly conduct is exactly what will get you trespassed. The AP will only get you backed off.
Quote: FCBLComishWe both agree. Disorderly conduct is exactly what will get you trespassed. The AP will only get you backed off.
So thanks for admitting all criminal trespasses in vegas for a non criminal and non disorderly act such as card counting are all a bluff, not that I needed your admissio of course. I also suggest you inform your superiors that theyre playing with fire and everytime they read me that trespass act, theyre committing a felony. Unfortunately i forgot to record it on my phone while being escorted out the door. Maybe next time
Only a matter of time until i finally crack and take all of this to court. No, I wont need an attorney either.
Quote: ZenKinGSo thanks for admitting all criminal trespasses in vegas for card counting are a bluff, not that I needed your admission. I also suggest you inform your superiors that theyre playinf with fire and everytime they read you that trespass act, theyre committing a felony. Only a matter of time until i finally crack and take this to court. Unfortunately i forgot to record it on my phone while being escorted out the door. Maybe next time
I guess we are all shaking in our boots now.
You do know the difference between being read the trespass act and then actually being arrested for criminal trespass, correct? The criminal part is coming back after you have been told you are no longer welcome at a property (or property group).
Quote: FCBLComishI guess we are all shaking in our boots now.
You do know the difference between being read the trespass act and then actually being arrested for criminal trespass, correct? The criminal part is coming back after you have been told you are no longer welcome at a property (or property group).
You just contradicted yourself between posts, but nice try at double talk to masquerade the truth which is so common of higher authority figures such as the government.
First off being read the trespass act and being told im no longer allowed on a property or unable to come back, violates my rights and violates Title 18 Section 241, so that security guard and whoever told him to go and trespass me just committed a felony.
Secondly, you cannot be arrested regardless if you come back because a legal trespass never even happened in the first place since nothing criminal or disorderly misconduct was done prior to the trespass warning. This alsp would violate the same statute under Title 18.
Quote: ZenKinGYou just contradicted yourself between posts.
First off being read the trespass act and being told im no longer allowed on a property or unable to come back violates my rights and violates Title 18 Section 241, so that security guard and whoever told him to go and trespass me just committed a felony.
Secondly, you cannot be arrested regardless if you come back because a legal trespass never even happened in the first place since nothing criminal or disorderly misconduct was done prior to the trespass warning.
If you are trespassed for disorderly conduct, we will retain the video. End of story.
Quote: FCBLComishIf you are trespassed for disorderly conduct, we will retain the video. End of story.
Please dont try and change the subject. We're talking about non disorderly conduct things such as card countind and then being read the trespass act and potentially being arrested. They cannot do that and its a violation on so many levels.
Quote: ZenKinGOh man ignorance is plentiful these days. Let me go and educate you and maybe you can spread the news to all the idiots you work for in gaming or casino management.
First off, sure a casino has a right to refuse service or what we call a back off, but they do not have the right to RESTRICT you from entering the premises of a public space. Secondly, I never said the arrest would be because of card counting. The arrest is based off of a criminal trespass, but for a criminal trespass to be legal in a public place such as a gaming establishment licensed by the government, it can ONLY OCCUR if their is disorderly midsconduct or destroying property, etc which had beem confirmed numerous times through court cases in Nevada as well as a careful understanding of the statutes in place. This all will be discovered in court when I seek discovery of why the casino trespassed me and when the casino will have no proof of any misconduct, the case will be thrown out for being unconstitutional by not letting me access a public space, which is a basic and fundamental right im this country.
If you want explicit details regarding the statutes and court cases, I suggest you go read my thread on the legality of casino trespassing.
I dont think you understand the definition of a public place. Your law applies to court houses, police stations, parks, etc. Those are public places. Casinos are open to the public, but are privately owned. Yes, they are licensed for specific activities, but they are not public entities.
If they have a rule against phones at the table and you don't follow, you can be kicked out and eventually banned. If they have a rule about smoking at a table and you don't follow it you can be kicked out and eventually banned. If you ask other customers for money, it's not a free speach issue. You will be kicked out and eventually banned.
You are in for a rude awakening and addition troubles in your life.
Quote: ZenKinGPlease dont try and change the subject. We're talking about non disorderly conduct things such as card countind and then being read the trespass act and potentially being arrested. They cannot do that and its a violation on so many levels.
No it isn't.
You're a funny guy: you try to "think like a lawyer" but in fact you seem to"think like a convict,"
If you were even half as smart as you think you are you'd realize there are other ways to test / prove your theory without risking getting locked up, but I won't tell you how.
Stick a fork in this guy, he's done.
Quote: Zcore13I dont think you understand the definition of a public place. Your law applies to court houses, police stations, parks, etc. Those are public places. Casinos are open to the public, but are privately owned. Yes, they are licensed for specific activities, but they are not public entities.
If they have a rule against phones at the table and you don't follow, you can be kicked out and eventually banned. If they have a rule about smoking at a table and you don't follow it you can be kicked out and eventually banned. If you ask other customers for money, it's not a free speach issue. You will be kicked out and eventually banned.
You are in for a rude awakening and addition troubles in your life.
You're the one that has a lot to learn. Nothing i say is my opinion and all backed by court cases, but keep trying, because i love nothing more than to shut ignorant people up.
First off, when you mention free speech, im guessing youre talking about my ability to access a public place such as a casino and the use of my 1st amendment. So with that being said, youre wrong because for me to go to prison, the GOVERNMENT has to put me in jail. So go ahead and tell me again about that wonderful 1st amendment? Will the governmemt deny my rights to access a public place? Or will it be held unconstitutional just like in the Wilkinsom and Thomas Robertson case? Try again.
Secondly, I suggest you go read the statutes in place for a gaming establishment and see if public places only apply to courthouses and police stations LOL. Last time I checked the 'open to the public' statute, they use a very careful verbiage of eject and exclude when referencing what they can do to you. I wonder why? Why not just use exclude for both? Why exclude from gaming activities and eject for when they say to eject from the premises? Double talk? Masquerading the truth? Hmm.
Actually if you read the court cases or my thread on this, you will see the court cases explain exactly what that statute is referencing and the inapplicability of NRS 207.200 towards someone who is not acting disorderly.
Like I said before. Try again.
Quote: ZenKinGYou dont know who youre messing with. I suggest you tell your droned out immoral and ignorant security guards who blindly follow orders for a paycheck that theyre committing a major federal offense when they read me the trespass statute. Title 18 Section 241. Keep pissing me off and watch what happens. All of you will learn ignorance of the law is no excuse. If youre purposely bluffing, i just hope you realize even bluffing is considered a violation of my rights because as soon as you read me NRS 207.200 you have just committed a federal offense saying I cannot return to a public space after doing nothing disorderly or disruptive. A card counter cannot go to prison for simply using his brain playing blackjack and doing nothing illegal as that would be completely unconstitutional so it will be thrown out in court. On a private level, your security guards will be sued to oblivion under Title 18 Section 241.
You literally have these droned out security guards who are committing a major federal offense escorting you out the door and telling you that you cannot return or you will be arrested? I mean really? Is this russia or china? I dont think so. They dont know any better cause their IQ is about the same as a monkey and thinking they have the power to do that, but what really amazes me is how they still act like smart asses when I try to educate them theyre committing a felony. I swear on my grave, these casinos and security guards will learn that ignorance is no excuse. Youre playing with fire. Youll never meet someone like me in this city again.
Im willing to get illegally arrested and illegally railroaded by the judge because after i get out of prison i will go back to the same casinos again and for a repeat offender, the sentence will now go over 6 months and probably to a year. This is where theyre screwed. Ill now be able to get a jury trial since it wont be considered a 'petty offense' and wont be able to get railroaded by a corrupt judge. This is where Vegas will change forever regarding blackjack. Say hello to the new Atlantic City everyone. Coming soon to a store near you.
Any update on the Palms and their pre-shuffled decks ?
Quote: MrVNo it isn't.
You're a funny guy: you try to "think like a lawyer" but in fact you seem to"think like a convict,"
If you were even half as smart as you think you are you'd realize there are other ways to test / prove your theory without risking getting locked up, but I won't tell you how.
Stick a fork in this guy, he's done.
Does anyone have any facts to argue against me or is everyone always gonna try to make assumptions about me and use fear mongering as their arguments? Luckily fear doesnt exist with me cause im a step ahead of casinos and the government. It might work with 99% of this droned out society who are scared tooth and nail of what someone tells them rather than researching things and confirming it for themselves, but it wont work against me.
Quote: Zcore13Lol. I welcome your comedy back to the site. By any chance are you a Sovereign Citizen too??
Did you just try to insult my intelligence by calling me a Sovereign citizen and then masquerading it by saying 'By any chance' so you dont get banned? Admins? Unbelievable. I cant believe all the insults in this thread. Ive also been called a 'convict' as well and all im trying to do is help.
Quote: MintyWith all due respect, I think you've been dishing out at least as many insults as have been thrown your way, though I do feel like most people are trying to respond rationally to your post, which comes off as something of an unhinged, emotional tirade. Lots of people would love nothing more to see casinos knocked down a peg, but this all seems reckless.
It might not insult you, but im completely offended and hope the admins take action.
Quote: michael99000Any update on the Palms and their pre-shuffled decks ?
Yea theyre gonna be sued into oblivion.
Quote: ZenKinGYea theyre gonna be sued into oblivion.

Quote: ZenKinGSo thanks for admitting all criminal trespasses in vegas for a non criminal and non disorderly act such as card counting are all a bluff, not that I needed your admissio of course. I also suggest you inform your superiors that theyre playing with fire and everytime they read me that trespass act, theyre committing a felony. Unfortunately i forgot to record it on my phone while being escorted out the door. Maybe next time
Only a matter of time until i finally crack and take all of this to court. No, I wont need an attorney either.
Who was it who said a man who defends himself in court has a fool for a client?
Quote: billryanWho was it who said a man who defends himself in court has a fool for a client?
The same guy who is anti freedom and anti constitution and pro government and pro communism.
Quote: ZenKinGDid you just try to insult my intelligence by calling me a Sovereign citizen and then masquerading it by saying 'By any chance' so you dont get banned? Admins? Unbelievable. I cant believe all the insults in this thread. Ive also been called a 'convict' as well and all im trying to do is help.
I'm confused by your answer to my question. It seems to stay into strange accusations. Does that mean yes you are? Or was that a no you are not?
Quote: ZenKinGThe same guy who is anti freedom and anti constitution and pro government and pro communism.
Reasonably certain Honest Abe wasn't a commie.
Quote: Zcore13I'm confused by your answer to my question. It seems to stay into strange accusations. Does that mean yes you are? Or was that a no you are not?
No im not an idiot sovereign citizen, but nice try to label me into a box for your agenda based insults.
with his foot in his mouth and his heart in his hand.
He's been stabbed in the back, he's been misunderstood
It's a comfort to know his intentions are good.
Quote: ZenKinGDoes anyone have any facts to argue against me or is everyone always gonna try to make assumptions about me and use fear mongering as their arguments? Luckily fear doesnt exist with me cause im a step ahead of casinos and the government. It might work with 99% of this droned out society who are scared tooth and nail of what someone tells them rather than researching things and confirming it for themselves, but it wont work against me.
Listen up:
I'm a lawyer.
I firmly believe that you're wrong, oh, so very, tragi-comically wrong.
I'm not going to waste more time arguing with you about it, nor will I attempt to point out specifically the error in your thinking / analysis.
I expect I'll just watch you fail, crash and burn.
Quote: MrVListen up:
I'm a lawyer.
I firmly believe that you're wrong, oh, so very, tragi-comically wrong.
I'm not going to waste more time arguing with you about it, nor will I attempt to point out specifically the error in your thinking / analysis.
I expect I'll just watch you fail, crash and burn.
Exactly, thanks for making my point.
P.S. saying youre a lawyer, doctor, teacher, doesnt automatically make you superior on a particular topic.
Quote: ZenKinGExactly, thanks for making my point.
P.S. saying youre a lawyer, doctor, teacher, doesnt automatically make you superior on a particular topic.
Hahahahahaha. Now that was a good one. Thank you.
Zenking. In an ealier post, you made a one word reply 'Drone'. We all know that you mean that in a derogatory way, but I let it slide. So, don't come whelping to the moderators when someone says that you 'think like a convict', or compares your opinions to a 'Sovereign citizen.' Those were not insults.Quote: ZenKinGDid you just try to insult my intelligence by calling me a Sovereign citizen and then masquerading it by saying 'By any chance' so you dont get banned? Admins? Unbelievable. I cant believe all the insults in this thread. Ive also been called a 'convict' as well and all im trying to do is help.
Do not, even obliquely, call anyone here a 'drone' or imply that they are an 'ignorant' 'idiot', just because they do not share your beliefs.
Just lose the anger matey. It's going to be your ulcer, not mine.
Would someone kindly bring the contents of this post to Zenking's attention. I understand he has me blocked. He reached out to 'admins', but that could fail him when he has us blocked.
I DON'T want to suspend him again. I missed his contributions too.
Please wait until after that weekend to shut down all the casinos.
Quote: OnceDearZenking. In an ealier post, you made a one word reply 'Drone'. We all know that you mean that in a derogatory way, but I let it slide. So, don't come whelping to the moderators when someone says that you 'think like a convict', or compares your opinions to a 'Sovereign citizen.' Those were not insults.
Do not, even obliquely, call anyone here a 'drone' or imply that they are an 'ignorant' 'idiot', just because they do not share your beliefs.
Just lose the anger matey. It's going to be your ulcer, not mine.
Would someone kindly bring the contents of this post to Zenking's attention. I understand he has me blocked. He reached out to 'admins', but that could fail him when he has us blocked.
I DON'T want to suspend him again. I missed his contributions too.
I admire your optimism, but St. Christopher himself couldn't get through to our resident stable genius.
These people have continued to do this with ever changing rules over the years. These are the best professional BJ players out there. And they fly under the radar, understanding the game they play.
Makes you wonder why the self professed “King” of BJ continues to get backed off and finding himself in this situation?
Quote: Boz
Makes you wonder why the self professed “King” of BJ continues to get backed off and finding himself in this situation?
Life consists of many games, and most choose to play one game. There are mental games, physical games, logical games, etc.
I like ZK but he is only playing the law game, whereas he thinks everyone is going to abide by the written laws, when in most cases people don't know the law in general and do as they please. He is letting what he sees as hypocritical or illogical statements made by some people get to him and that is part of the mental games of the world. You have to remain in complete control of your mental world, as your physical world is directly related to what you think is something that should be.