(1) My descriptions of how I count the deck in Blackjack and can memorize what’s been played and what remains in the deck. Shuffle tracking and all that. I made a monetary challenge about my ability to do this at one point and other forum members came in and stated that either they could memorize track the same or knew others who could.
(2) My statements about how I have a way sometimes of knowing what the first card out the deck will be at Baccarat partly due to the setup I have at my private table.
Add that context to all the glorious numbers you are now crunching.
Quote: Mission146Quote: MDawgMission146 why don’t you get back to your unpaid self imposed hell then if you don’t like reading my thread. Im happy that you’re such a big fan that you’re putting all those days hours in tireless support of adding up all my wins and losses for me.
link to original post
I take being called a fan of MDawg as a personal insult and demand action be taken.
link to original post
MDawg, you don't get to compel membership in your 'fan club'.
7 days for personal insult; I'm sure there is enough trouble in this thread to justify 7 days under one umbrella.
Quote: MDawgMission146 as long as you’re the current historian in charge of annotating MDawg’s Adventures when you get to those posts please quote and post here the ones that address:
(1) My descriptions of how I count the deck in Blackjack and can memorize what’s been played and what remains in the deck. Shuffle tracking and all that. I made a monetary challenge about my ability to do this at one point and other forum members came in and stated that either they could memorize track the same or knew others who could.
(2) My statements about how I have a way sometimes of knowing what the first card out the deck will be at Baccarat partly due to the setup I have at my private table.
Add that context to all the glorious numbers you are now crunching.
link to original post
No. It's immaterial to results. You're also not the one who asked me to do this, I do recognize that you asked with, 'Please,' but I have no desire to add to the workload.
Also, someone might take me to be a fan of yours if I start acquiescing requests you make when I don't have to.
Quote: MDawg
(2) My statements about how I have a way sometimes of knowing what the first card out the deck will be at Baccarat partly due to the setup I have at my private table.
This is meaty! I’d rather Mission take a timeout from analyzing MDawgs results to let us know what the player’s edge is with knowledge of the first card dealt to Player is? I’m guessing you bet Player with 7, 8, or 9. And banker with anything else? Gotta be 5-10% player edge on that hand?
But if this is the only advantage and you play a whole shoe it doesn’t add enough to tilt the tables in your favor? Unless if you can vary your bet tremendously…. Like if you know first card is a 9 hammer $10k and only bet $200 the rest of the shoe!?
With MDawg banned and LilRedRooster claiming to have asked Wizard to ask me to do this (which I neither confirm nor deny the request came from Wizard), I should expect a bit less activity taking place in this thread.
That being the case, I am going to reiterate the results from my first post and, hopefully, vociferously attack this project today so that we might get all of the results on one or two pages with minimal distraction and interference due to discussion that is immaterial to the results and, arguably, off-topic anyway.
With that, here is the first set again:
Quote: Mission146Here is the first set of results:
DATE GAME RESULT TOTAL 11/5/19 Baccarat $24000 Baccarat: $24000
Blackjack: -
Total: $2400011/21/19 Baccarat (Pictured) $40000 (Pictured) Baccarat-$64000
Total: $6400011/23/19 Baccarat $1-$2499-*1 Baccarat-$64,000
Total: $64,00011/24/19-*2 Baccarat $1,400 Baccarat-$65400
Total: $6540011/25/19*3 Baccarat $1,560 Baccarat-$66960
Total-$6696011/26/19*4 Baccarat $27000 (Trip) Baccarat-$51,000
Total-$51,00012/29/19 Blackjack $0 Baccarat-$51,000
Total-$51,00012/30/19 Blackjack $1,350 Baccarat-$51,000
Total: $52,3501/1/20 Blackjack ~$600-*5 Baccarat-$51,000
Total: $52,9501/2/20 Blackjack ~$1,000-*6 Baccarat-$51,000
Total: $53,3501/4/20 Blackjack
Total: $536501/5/20 Baccarat $710 Baccart-$57010
Total: $543601/6/20 Baccarat/Blackjack $450 (Pictured—*8) Baccarat-$57,460
Total-$54,8101/7/20 Baccarat/Blackjack $100—*9 Baccarat-$57,560
Total: $54,9101/8/20 Baccarat $6,100 Baccarat-$63,660
Total: $61,0101/10/20 Baccarat $1325 Baccarat-$64,985
Total: $62,3351/11/20 Baccarat $3500-*10 Baccarat-$68485
Total: $65,835
Links (In Order Pursuant to Above):
*1—In this post, MDawg stated he was ahead as much as $2,500 for the session. MDawg states that he did finish the session with a profit, but did not get back to +$2,500. This session is not included in the totals because he did not specify a profit amount.
*2—This post refers to the TruePassage Forum for sessions results, hence the link to TruePassage.
*3—This post refers to both the results for 11/25/19 and 11/24/19. In this post, MDawg states that he won $1,500 during the session on 11/24/19; this conflicts with the TruePassage reporting of +$1,400 linked above, but we are going to stay with the TruePassage reporting for totals. The TruePassage report also referred to +$1,300, but became $1,400 as MDawg found a stray $100 chip in his pocket. That being the case, it stands to reason that MDawg might have thought the $1,400 became $1,500; it’s an extremely minor discrepancy.
*4—Generally speaking, I will not be cross-referencing against TruePassage unless MDawg specifically does, but this TruePassage reporting refers to the same trip as was being reported on WoV. The TruePassage final trip report says that the total for the trip is $27,000, so the running total in the table above has been adjusted downward.
The discrepancy seems to come from the post where $40,000 in chips was pictured with MDawg implying that some, or all, of it was winnings and not just, “A pull against (his) line,” so I treated that all as winnings until it became clarified by the TruePassage trip final post.
There’s also nothing in the linked TruePassage thread that would suggest how much of the $40,000 pictured on Row 2 was profit. If we compare individual session results (that were specifically stated) to the final trip report, then over 20k of the 40k pictured seems to be profits.
Generally speaking, I will not be going through all of TruePassage for cross comparisons unless it is specifically referenced by MDawg.
*5—From this post, we know the game was Blackjack, but we were given a trip total rather than a session result. The total for the trip is, “Pushing two grand,” and the only other reported session was $1,350, so we’re just going to say it’s around +$600.
*6—Again, we don’t get a specific session result, but the post refers to the trip now being, “About three grand to the good,” so we’re going to call the session roughly +$1,000.
*7—This session is technically reported as a +$300 net finish, but $600-$700 in tips at the high-limit table (Baccarat) is also mentioned. For our purposes, we’re just going to use the +$300 net finish; the reason for this is because we’d have to guesstimate tips, otherwise.
*8—Pictured is $450, which is what MDawg said he was going to the cage to cash in profits. Again, the amounts in the table will ALWAYS ignore tipping and will only reference final total outcome; the reason why is it’s not feasible to standardize for tipping during those occasions where it is not mentioned. In any event, this superficially makes the running total less, according to the table, then it actually was. Also, no specific Blackjack result was given.
*9—No specific result given for Blackjack; final total applied to Baccarat of +$100.
*10—This was +$3,500 after tips.
NOTE: At this point, it appears that MDawg was suspended for two months, so this seems like a good time to take a break until I get to work on the next set of results. I could continue to do session reporting, I think, but I'd have to go to another site. We will see if he posts the daily results upon his return from the above-referenced suspension or an overall trip result from that trip.
If he does post an overall trip result from the NYE trip, then I can probably figure out the totals from that trip (as there is a large break between trips) and amend the running totals accordingly.
At this point, the tally seems to be +$68,485 at Baccarat ($2650) at Blackjack for a total of +$65,835 beginning with the start of the first Adventures of MDawg thread reporting.
(Note to Self: Continue on Page 22-first thread)
link to original post
EDIT: Fixed two links.
No it isn't: thank you.
Quote: MrVA thankless task.
No it isn't: thank you.
link to original post
This is the second most annoying thing that I have dealt with in my entire life.
In addition to having to engage with MDawg in this thread, I have also dealt with multiple private messages, from multiple parties, that are distracting me from what I am trying to do.
I have decided that other than running the Picks contests and promoting my articles, I will NOT be participating on the forum side of things here, or anywhere else, for any reason. The only exception to that is DT. Having to deal with people, especially behind the scenes, is positively insufferable. I will continue to write articles and that is where I can be found.
I'm also getting accused of this, that and the other...being obsessed...etc. Of course, I can certainly say that I didn't ask myself to do this project.
You're welcome.
Quote: Mission146Quote: tuttigymQuote: Mission14611/5/19 Baccarat $24000 Baccarat: $24000
Blackjack: -
Total: $24000
11/21/19 Baccarat (Pictured) $40000 (Pictured) Baccarat-$64000
Total: $64000
11/23/19 Baccarat $1-$2499-*1 Baccarat-$64,000
Total: $64,000
11/24/19-*2 Baccarat $1,400 Baccarat-$65400
Total: $65400
11/25/19*3 Baccarat $1,560 Baccarat-$66960
11/26/19*4 Baccarat $27000 (Trip) Baccarat-$51,000
Is this a discrepancy? Chart shows winning total as of 11/25 $66,960. Then a trip win of $27,000 on 11/26, but the total dropped to $51,000. How does that work??
link to original post
Read the notes in the future.
On this occasion, there was a picture of $40,000 posted that implied that at least some was profits, but it didn’t specify how much. The running total was adjusted downward to reflect the trip total against that; I believe north of 20k of the 40k pictured should have been profits.
Edit to Add: I apologize for being snarky, but the point of making detailed notes is to not have to go back and figure out such discrepancies or to have to explain any more than once.
link to original post
Thanks for the apology; it was not necessary.
We all realize that you want to be thorough. For me simplicity is important and reading /interpreting footnotes is tedious. The chart or the post did not show a photo of $40k, more importantly, an interpretation of a net result cannot be substantiated. Lastly, the net loss of $15+k still does not compute especially since you state that there was a portion of the $27k trip win that was a win.
4th grade arithmetic.
P.S. The back and forth between the posters is really childish.
Quote: Mission146Quote: MrVA thankless task.
No it isn't: thank you.
link to original post
This is the second most annoying thing that I have dealt with in my entire life.
In addition to having to engage with MDawg in this thread, I have also dealt with multiple private messages, from multiple parties, that are distracting me from what I am trying to do.
I have decided that other than running the Picks contests and promoting my articles, I will NOT be participating on the forum side of things here, or anywhere else, for any reason. The only exception to that is DT. Having to deal with people, especially behind the scenes, is positively insufferable. I will continue to write articles and that is where I can be found.
I'm also getting accused of this, that and the other...being obsessed...etc. Of course, I can certainly say that I didn't ask myself to do this project.
You're welcome.
link to original post
Mission, you need to learn to compartmentalize. Isolating yourself because of some knuckle dragging individuals prosecuting their personal rage makes no sense. Their problem with you or your particular individual stance, is THEIR problem, not yours. Smile and carry on.
Quote: tuttigym
Thanks for the apology; it was not necessary.
We all realize that you want to be thorough. For me simplicity is important and reading /interpreting footnotes is tedious. The chart or the post did not show a photo of $40k, more importantly, an interpretation of a net result cannot be substantiated. Lastly, the net loss of $15+k still does not compute especially since you state that there was a portion of the $27k trip win that was a win.
4th grade arithmetic.
P.S. The back and forth between the posters is really childish.
link to original post
There is a picture (second link below the table) of eight chips that are each worth $5,000; hence, 40k.
I honestly had no idea how I was going to treat that 40k as I was hoping there would be a trip result that would later confirm how much of the 40k was win. There was a later post that gave a result for the trip, so I was able to approximate how much of that 40k would have been actual win.
Next Post:
Quote:Mission, you need to learn to compartmentalize. Isolating yourself because of some knuckle dragging individuals prosecuting their personal rage makes no sense. Their problem with you or your particular individual stance, is THEIR problem, not yours. Smile and carry on.
Save the words of support for someone who cares.
Quote: Mission146Quote: tuttigym
Thanks for the apology; it was not necessary.
We all realize that you want to be thorough. For me simplicity is important and reading /interpreting footnotes is tedious. The chart or the post did not show a photo of $40k, more importantly, an interpretation of a net result cannot be substantiated. Lastly, the net loss of $15+k still does not compute especially since you state that there was a portion of the $27k trip win that was a win.
4th grade arithmetic.
P.S. The back and forth between the posters is really childish.
link to original post
There is a picture (second link below the table) of eight chips that are each worth $5,000; hence, 40k.
I honestly had no idea how I was going to treat that 40k as I was hoping there would be a trip result that would later confirm how much of the 40k was win. There was a later post that gave a result for the trip, so I was able to approximate how much of that 40k would have been actual win.
Next Post:Quote:Mission, you need to learn to compartmentalize. Isolating yourself because of some knuckle dragging individuals prosecuting their personal rage makes no sense. Their problem with you or your particular individual stance, is THEIR problem, not yours. Smile and carry on.
Save the words of support for someone who cares.
link to original post
There is still NO explanation of the loss of $15+k from the net results.
Next Post:
You care enough to somehow become a WoV martyr and "self-isolate."
Quote: tuttigymQuote: Mission146Quote: tuttigym
Thanks for the apology; it was not necessary.
We all realize that you want to be thorough. For me simplicity is important and reading /interpreting footnotes is tedious. The chart or the post did not show a photo of $40k, more importantly, an interpretation of a net result cannot be substantiated. Lastly, the net loss of $15+k still does not compute especially since you state that there was a portion of the $27k trip win that was a win.
4th grade arithmetic.
P.S. The back and forth between the posters is really childish.
link to original post
There is a picture (second link below the table) of eight chips that are each worth $5,000; hence, 40k.
I honestly had no idea how I was going to treat that 40k as I was hoping there would be a trip result that would later confirm how much of the 40k was win. There was a later post that gave a result for the trip, so I was able to approximate how much of that 40k would have been actual win.
Next Post:Quote:Mission, you need to learn to compartmentalize. Isolating yourself because of some knuckle dragging individuals prosecuting their personal rage makes no sense. Their problem with you or your particular individual stance, is THEIR problem, not yours. Smile and carry on.
Save the words of support for someone who cares.
link to original post
There is still NO explanation of the loss of $15+k from the net results.
Next Post:
You care enough to somehow become a WoV martyr and "self-isolate."
link to original post
The notes are the notes and the table is the table.
If anything about that is unclear, then the person who requested I do this project in the first place, whoever that person might be, can ask me to try to further clarify.
Beyond that, I simply don't have any desire to engage with, or be involved in, interpersonal disputes. That's what Administrators are for. I have no desire to read about arguments that other people are having with each other over matters that are totally pointless in the first place. If I restrict myself to only posting in my own threads, then what I read is more likely to remain more-or-less topical and non-confrontational.
Contrary to popular belief, I've always maintained that MDawg's session/trip reports shouldn't really be of much concern to anyone. My position has always been that anyone disinterested in such reporting can simply choose not to read it, much less, actually engage with it in MDawg's threads. This is the mature and responsible course of action to take, in my opinion, rather that getting into petty and insignificant interpersonal conflicts.
To my recollection, I also don't believe I've ever questioned the veracity of MDawg's claims...which is mostly because I don't know what they are (yet)...and also have zero personal interest in them anyway.
I would like to conclude by saying that any and all clarifications must be requested by the person who asked me to do this, whoever that person may be, and I will not be interacting with any further posts, from anyone, seeking clarification. Requests for clarification can be made, by that person, via PM and I will openly post the matter needing clarified and the clarification upon that person's request and ONLY that person's request.
If everyone else is left to guess at what my reporting could be, if my notes aren't considered clear enough for their liking, so be it. I'm not accountable to anyone other than the person who asked me to do this. I don't feel I am betraying a confidence to say that the person who asked me to do this seems approving of my work so far.
Good day to you.
Quote: SOOPOOSince you already posted a gazillion session reports it’s out there already. Mission is just doing the TEDIOUS work.
link to original post
Good luck to Mission in this thankless and probably impossible task. MDawg is a master of session reporting. But how will you add in the sessions where he either didn't report his win/ LOSS, or reported vaguely and ambiguously and I have to assume deliberately? After all, that's how he reported after gazillions of winning sessions that he was 'about even' over some period. That's not a quote, because I can't be bothered to locate where he said it..... some where around a time he met up with Mike?
Multiple(?) | Baccarat | 10565 | Baccarat: 10565-*1 |
Multiple | Baccarat | 31450 | Baccarat-42015 Total: 42015-*2 |
’Day 1(Fall, ‘20) | Baccarat | 1200 | Baccarat-43215 Total: 43215–*4 |
’Day 2’ (Fall, ‘20) | Baccarat | 4000 | Baccarat-47215 Total: 47,215 |
’Day 3’ (Fall, ‘20) | Baccarat | 400 | Baccarat-47615 Total: 47615 |
’Day 4’ (Fall, ‘20) | Baccarat | (20000) | Baccarat-27615 Total: 27615 |
’Day 6’ (Fall, ‘20) | Baccarat | ~5000 | Baccarat 32615 Total: 32615 |
’Day 7’ (Fall, ‘20) | Baccarat | 5000 | Baccarat-37615 Total: 37615 |
’Day 8’ (Fall, ‘20) | Baccarat | ~1000 | Baccarat-38615 Total: 38615 |
’Day 9’ | Baccarat | 2000 | Baccarat-40615 Total: 40615 |
’Day 10’---*5 | Baccarat | Unknown | Baccarat-44015 Total: 44015 |
’Day Two’ (Second Location for Fall Trip) | Baccarat | 700 | Baccarat- 44715 Total: 44715 |
’Day 3’ (Second Location, Fall, ‘20) | Baccarat | 2000 | Baccarat: 46715 Total: 46715 |
’Day 4’ (Second Location, Fall, ‘20 | Baccarat | (3800) | Baccarat: 42915 Total: 42915 |
’Day 5’ (Second Location, Fall, ‘20) | Baccarat | 5000 | Baccarat: 47915 Total: 47915 |
Running Totals (Earlier Post):
Baccarat: $68485
Blackjack: ($2650)
Total: $65835
*1—For the first listing, MDawg reported that his Christmas/New Year’s trip, after tips, resulted in +$26,000; in order to do the first listing here, I simply subtracted all of the individual results from this trip (in the previous post) to get to what the gains on the remaining session(s) would have been after those are already accounted for. I don’t know how many session(s) this consisted of and, as mentioned, I’m not going to go look at other forums unless they are specifically referenced by MDawg, which for this trip, they were…but MDawg details the results in a later post anyway.
MDawg also provides a detailed reporting of his final session on the trip; I can confirm that everything basically adds up the right way.
As mentioned, I’m not going to account for tips, at all, because sometimes tip amounts aren’t mentioned; therefore, the win results will appear lower than they actually are.
*2—In a post shortly after listing #1, MDawg reports results of +$32,000 for a trip that came after the Christmas/NYE trip. MDawg also states that he participated in a 100k Baccarat tournament wherein he was a semi-finalist and lost to first place, who won $70,000 promo chips. We presume that MDawg received something by way of a prize, but we’re only concerned with final results here and MDawg didn’t seem to specify how much, if any, he got in promo chips.
The sessions led to this are detailed in a post that shortly follows the second post linked.
Okay, another post:
Lists session results for the second trip and results in $31,450, so I edited the table now to adjust down from $32,000. Specifically, there are twelve sessions (all winning) detailed by MDawg as follows:
Quote: MDawgStep by step, the wins and markers pulled and paid were:
Wynn Day 1 ($2000. win)
$8000. marker paid
Wynn Day 2 ($3000. win)
$8000. marker paid
Wynn Day 3 ($500.)
$8000. marker paid
$10000. marker paid
$10000. marker paid
Wynn Day 3 ($1550. win)
$8000. marker paid
Palms Day 1 ($100. win)
$8000. marker paid
Palms Day 2 ($100. win)
$8000. marker paid
$3000. marker paid (call bet)
$10000. marker paid
$20000. marker paid
Palms Day 3 ($1400. win)
$8000. marker paid
Cosmo Day 1 ($6400. win)
$8000. marker paid
Cosmo Day 2 ($14,100. win)
$8000. marker paid
Cosmo Day 3 ($300.)
$8000. marker paid
$10000. marker paid
3/2/2020 ($1000. win)
$8000. marker paid
$20000. marker paid
3/3/2020 ($1000. win)
$8000. marker paid
$10000. marker paid
$10000. marker paid
Total winnings: $31,450. (not including the thousands I tipped out along the way to the dealers)
*3—There are references to sessions that predate the creation of the Adventures of MDawg thread, but I’m not including those (other than the one he referenced in the OP of the Adventures thread).
*4–-The next several sessions will be from TruePassage as they are referenced, by incorporation, in this post by MDawg:
Quote:The Adventures of MDawg are carrying on at TruePassage.
Amazing but True Stories.
If you'd like the URL please PM me.
This post is being made with the prior consent of the Wizard.
And, this one:
Quote:As some of you know, we've been in Vegas continuously since very early October. For details come to the TruePassage forum / ask me for the URL via PM. Such a long stay is not unheard of for me, but what is unusual even for me, is that most of it is at one resort.
Because of that incorporation by reference, I must include TruePassage stuff for the Fall, 2020, Trip Report. I don’t know if MDawg was banned, or what happened, but for some reason, he directed everyone there to read his thread.
*5—The problem here is that MDawg specifies a result for a, ‘Leg of the trip,’ but not a session result. We do have him winning a 10k bet to finish the leg of the trip, ‘A couple grand ahead.’
At this point in the trip, I’m showing him down $1,400, so what we are going to have to do is just add $3,400 to the running total to put him a couple grand ahead.
Running Totals (Earlier Post):
Baccarat: $68485
Blackjack: ($2650)
Total: $65835
This Post:
Baccarat: $68,485 + $47,915 = $116,400
Blackjack: ($2,650)
Total: $113,750
Quote: MDawgAs some of you know, we've been in Vegas continuously since very early October. For details come to the TruePassage forum / ask me for the URL via PM. Such a long stay is not unheard of for me, but what is unusual even for me, is that most of it is at one resort.
I think it will be of benefit to others for me to reveal that it does appear that they are comp'ing heavier than usual these days. Perhaps there just aren't as many big players around these days. Granted, my average bet has been over a thousand and I am putting in the hours (not really average four per day, but still some solid hours), nevertheless, the eager willingness of the host to keep extending our stays, fully comp'ed, is not the norm.
-Coronavirus measures seem to be adequate - I mean at least, I haven't gotten sick while here and I have been at the tables almost every day. Everyone must wear a mask or shield (thankfully most wear a mask - a shield alone in my opinion is inadequate), and at two out of three of the resorts we have stayed at, there are plexiglass barriers at the tables. We have avoided in-restaurant dining and are doing almost exclusively take-out. I carry alcohol spray for my chips, and my own hand sanitizer.
-Crowds at many of the high end resorts on the Strip are decidedly NOT high end. Lowered room rates (or free rooms for "essential workers") have brought down the caliber of the visitors. This is not just a typical tourist crowd, which would be okay, but a low end crowd in general. We spent a week at a resort in Henderson and that crowd was more typical tourist and not so low end.
-Comps are being offered up freely. We are going on an entire MONTH at one very high end Strip resort (stayed so long that actually had to move suites because of some "Nevada residency" rule). For me to stay at one resort this long and for the comps to still be flowing, is an anomaly. The about 1300 square feet suite we are in at this current resort would be just under a thousand a night at current rack rates.
-They are giving us full RFB (room food beverage) but that's nothing new, what is unusual is that they are comp'ing not only spa, but also spa TIPS, and also even room service tips.
- I asked about promotional chips at the resort we are at now (and have been for almost a month) but they said that was based on the prior 18 months of play and I did not qualify. However, I did get as I recall $400. of promo chips from a different casino about a year ago, and I used to get a lot of promo chips when I played years ago (prior to my decade or so hiatus from gaming).
-We got a 1000 "shopping spree" too via the casino's affiliate stores, and tons of promotional crap that VIP has been giving out. Need an extra suitcase or two just to take the promotional crap all home.
On top of all that, I have won, consistently, at all three resorts. Two of the resorts we already left, so the wins are absolute there - done deals. As for the third resort, of course, anything could happen and the only thing that matters is what I take home with me, but so far looking great. I have not been down on any day of this trip, although I did have one day when I dumped some of my winnings. Will probably go home in a week or so.
So you don't need to lose to get comp'ed - just keep that average bet up there.
Anyway, if you are not afraid of coronavirus which - it would sure be a shame to catch it now when it seems like a viable vaccine is on the horizon - and can put up with the lower end crowd (at most all, but not all casinos - there seems to be at least one exception one Strip casino that is doing a better job of keeping the riff raff out) - you may get a lot for your play right now. The comps are great, but at the end of the day all that matters to me is winning, which, fortunately, has kept up on a consistent basis for me.
(Bold Added)
I could very well be mistaken, but I seem to recall the problem some people had with MDawg's reporting is that they seemed to believe that he never had any losing days. While MDawg states that he hasn't been down on a single day, 'Of this trip,' I show him down two separate days in just my previous post. Given the TruePassage reporting, not only did he have multiple down days, but he was also significantly down for the trip, at one point, as he seemed to have taken a 20k bath (in one day) at his first location for that trip.
The entire TruePassage post:
Reads as follows:
Quote:Day Four Play
Today didn�t go so well. I pulled an $8K marker and eventually lost it. Then a $10K and lost that too. Then a $20K and amazingly, lost that too. I pulled a final $12K, and rallied all the way to having about $35K in my hands, lost about $4K of that and then stopped for the day. A 12 hour nonstop session that ended at about 11pm. Even though I had plenty of big bets, $5000., $6500., the computer had me down for only a $740. average, because I did make plenty of smaller bets, but the pit boss at my request adjusted me up to $1000.
I contacted the host and extended our stay a few days. The plan is to hunker down, go to the gym tomorrow, rest, and go back the next fresh after a one day break from gambling regrouped to recoup the $20K I lost yesterday, which actually I have over five grand in cash I already won, so I am down about $15K for this leg of the trip at the moment which is pretty manageable.
There was a certain hand where the dealer kept saying �all in Bank now.� I almost didn�t bet the hand at all, but when he mentioned it again, I piled a bunch of chips on, with three greens ($75.) on the side for him. Player got a seven, I drew a 2 and a 3 for a total of five. Odds were definitely not in my favor, but I drew a 3 and won. I slammed that 3 down hard as could be. Looking back, and of course hindsight in gambling is always crystal clear, I should have jammed it all down right then and there. I had $35K in front of me at that moment! which is the current limit at this casino. Much easier said than done though.
With that, everything checks out with him being ahead for the trip a little over 5k, to that point, prior to a 20k losing day.
This ends up being reiterated in this thread:
Partial quote:
Quote: MDawgStill, at no point have I been negative. Even at the end of that one day I was still ahead for the trip.
Of course, my results show that MDawg was down very early in the trip to the tune of 14-15k, from the TruePassage reporting.
I'm only mentioning this because I know I'd be asked about it. I consider the official reporting from TruePassage for this trip as MDawg specifically (with Wizard's permission) directed readers to go there and read about this Fall, 2020, trip.
If I had to guess, MDawg either forgot about the early loss of 20k that seems to have put him down for this trip, or alternatively, MDawg could have now been referring to, "Trip," as the losing days were at the first two resorts and he'd no longer have been there when this was posted.
The claims (from here) quoted above were in November and the losing days (TruePassage) appear to be in October. It appears he switched resorts on October 23rd:
And then he went for awhile without posting any specific results. With that, it's possible that he now considers it a separate, 'Trip' that he's referring to in November of 2020, on this site.
In other words, changing resorts perhaps changes what, 'Trip' it is? I don't know or care. It's also possible that he just flat forgot the losing days when he made his posts, here, in November, 2020. I know any number of gamblers who straight up forget losses they took sometimes; it's to the point where I'd absolutely never accuse them of lying...they literally completely forget that certain things happened.
I don't remember most of my winning days; losing days stick with me. I've probably had five times as many days that I would consider, 'Good days,' as I think I've had. lol
’Day 6’ (Fall, ‘20, Second Location) | Baccarat | ~3000 | Baccarat: $3000 Total: $3000—*1 |
’Day 1’ (Fall ‘20, Third Location | Baccarat | ~$300—*2 | Baccarat: $3,300 Total: $3,300 |
’Day 2’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location | Baccarat | ~$500 | Baccarat $3800 Total: $3800 |
’Day 3’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | ~$2000 | Baccarat-$5800 Total: $5800 |
’Day 4’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | ($200)---*3 | Baccarat-$5,600 Total: $5,600 |
’Day 5’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | $1,500 | Baccarat: $7,100 Total: $7,100 |
’Day 6’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location | Baccarat | $6,000+ | Baccarat-$13,100 Total: $13,100—*4 |
’Day 7’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | $5,200 | Baccarat-$18300 Total: $18300 |
’Day 8’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | $6,500 | Baccarat-$24800 Total: $24800 |
’Day 9’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | $5,500 | Baccarat-$30,300 Total: $30,300 |
’Day 10’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | $3,800—*5 | Baccarat-$34,100 Total: $34,100 |
’Day 11,’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | $13,000 | Baccarat: $47,100 Total: $47,100 |
’Day 12’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | $10,000+---*6 | Baccarat: $57100 Total: $57,100 |
’Day 13’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | ~$5,000 | Baccarat: $62,100 Total: $62,100 |
’Day 14’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location + Another Location) | Baccarat | (46,300?) | Baccarat: $15,800 Total: $15,800?---*7 |
Running Results (Earlier Post):
Baccarat: $116,400
Blackjack: ($2,650)
Total: $113,750
*1—We’re still using TruePassage reporting as this is the same trip in which MDawg made a post here directing people to read about it on TruePassage.
*2—This post refers to ending, ‘A few hundred ahead,’ in a session of three shoes (and part of a fourth) in which MDawg was well ahead, but evidently, lost about 9k on the third shoe…which had him down for the session until he played part of a fourth shoe to get slightly ahead.
*3—Relative to my previous post and to be clear, this $200 loss involved MDawg paying back his $38,000 in markers for that session and then have to pull $200 out of his pocket to cover commissions. While this does reflect a daily loss, this session was reported on TruePassage AFTER the November 20, 2020, WoV post that said he didn’t have any losing days for the, ‘Trip.’
*4—This session is reported as being, “Ahead over six grand, effortlessly,” but doesn’t specify, so I am just using $6,000 for running totals.
*5—This session is described as finishing, “Just under 4k ahead after three shoes,” so I went with $3,800.
*6—Results are just described as over 10k; here is the full post from TruePassage:
Quote: MDawgDay Twelve play
Came in about fifteen hands into this shoe and followed it precisely � I lost MAYBE four hands out of the sixty or so I played. Playing only black, I won over ten grand. (I literally took two black chips to over ten thousand.)
Hit a lot of ties too. Exceptional shoe! Left after that, why play more? Done for the day.
(Pictured redacted by Mission146)
Take look at those indicators...remained true for almost all of the shoe.
If you want to see the picture, then just go to the link that corresponds with the listing. It’ll be the third link from the bottom of the link list.
*7—I can’t make sense of this reporting. Here is the TruePassage post with picture redacted:
Quote: MDawgDay Fourteen play
Today was hectic, crazy. I pulled a twenty marker and lost it. I then lost 26K in chips I had in front of me (winnings). Then I pulled thirty K, and at one point I was almost back to even, won a $5K and a $10K hand but then I chickened out on the next logical progression to $20K and free handed what would have been a twenty thousand dollar winner with player natural eight. All downhill from there � lost it all.
I walked away from the table in a daze. Luckily I had enough cash in my wallet to cover the three hundred bucks in commission on the table.
I walked across the street and pulled a thirty K marker. I assumed I was going to play crazily � but I didn�t. I got nowhere the first shoe, lost maybe a grand, but on the second and third shoes I powered up, pressing into bank runs that mirrored prior parallel runs. I mean � it was perfect. I was probably ahead about $33K at one point, lost a few K, and then left with an even $30K � cash. I took three stacks of high society I didn�t care about the CTR that would be issued at that point because I knew I was just going to use it to pay off Wynn.
(Picture Redacted)
Walking on the way back my host texted me � concerned about my terrible session. I guess they get alerted in real time when one of their players is playing heavily. Do you need more credit?
No! I just won it across the street, I�m on my way back to pay it all off.
I went back to Wynn, pulled twenty K out of the winner�s envelope, and went back to the same table where I had dumped. I threw all the cash on the table and told the dealer, that�s your punishment for taking all my money � you have to count it out. At one point the pit boss said, Listen what we�re going to do is go to the cage to count that all out, but then he acquiesced.
�Okay ______ , we�re going to do it.�
As the dealer counted, I told them about how I had won most all of it across the street.
�You look relaxed now.� the dealer said to me.
Of course. Yes I was. I wasn�t up forty grand anymore, but I wasn�t down at all either.
Went to bed at about 8pm, exhausted. It had been another nearly all day play session.
It would seem that MDawg lost a 20k marker, then he lost 26k in winnings he had in front of him, then he pulled a 30k marker and proceeded to lose that. He also had to pay $300, cash, to cover his commissions. With that, I have that table as a $76,300 loss. That was at Wynn.
This was at the Venetian where he paid off the marker and left with 30k, in cash.
At that point, MDawg returned to Wynn and pulled 20k out of the winners envelope. With that, the 20k marker seems to be paid, but the 30k marker seems to still be remaining that needs to be paid. Of course, none of that is particularly relevant to session results.
I guess we will have to see what the final reporting is, but it would appear that MDawg lost 76k at the Wynn and then won $30,000 at Venetian or Palazzo. That would put him down $46,300 on the day, by my reckoning.
I have MDawg still ahead $15,800 for this section and still ahead $12,800 after switching to the Wynn, which is where he was staying on this day. His post says he was no longer up forty grand anymore, but I had him up by $59,100 at the Wynn before that day. Perhaps he meant that he was ahead roughly forty grand AFTER pulling the 20k marker, but before he started playing.
I might adjust if he offers an entire total for his stay at the Wynn and have that take precedence.
Running Results (Earlier Post):
Baccarat: $116,400
Blackjack: ($2,650)
Total: $113,750
New Results:
Baccarat: $116,400 + $15,800 = $132,200
Blackjack: ($2,650)
Total: $129,550
’Day 15’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | 10000—*1 | Baccarat: $10000 Total: $10000 |
’Day 16,’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | 9800—*2 | Baccarat: 19800 Total: 19800 |
’Day 17’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | ~2000—*3 | Baccarat: 21800 Total: 21800 |
’Day 18’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | ~3000—4* | Baccarat 24800 Total: 24800 |
’Day 19’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | 1000 | Baccarat: 25800 Total: 25800 |
’Day 20’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | 500 | Baccarat: 26300 Total: 26300 |
’Day 21,’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | 5200 | Baccarat: 31500 Total: 31500 |
’Day 22,’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | 2200 | Baccarat: 33700 Total: 33700 |
’Day 23,’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | 3000 | Baccarat: 36700 Total: 36700 |
’Day 24’ (Fall;, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | 3200 | Baccarat: 39900 Total: 39900 |
’Day 25’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | 5200 | Baccarat: 45100 Total: 45100 |
’Day 26’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | 4400 | Baccarat: 49500 Total: 49500 |
’Day 27’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | 4000 | Baccarat: 53500 Total: 53500 |
’Day 28’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | 4500 | Baccarat: 58000 Total: 58000 |
’Day 29’ (Fall, ‘20, Third Location) | Baccarat | 18000 | Baccarat: 76000 Total: 76000—*5 |
Running Results (Earlier Post):
Baccarat: $116,400 + $15,800 = $132,200
Blackjack: ($2,650)
Total: $129,550
*1—In this session, he describes part of the previous day as a, ‘Blur,’ so we will have to compare the final Wynn reporting (if he does report a total) to what I have. I’d probably still be in a blur if I was winning or losing tens of thousands within a few days, even if I had a ton of money, so that’s pretty understandable. It occurs to me he might not be totally clear on what happened the previous day as this sort of gambling behavior is very uncharacteristic for MDawg…whose other posts seem to portray him as more disciplined, but we’ll see.
*2—Reported as, “Just under 10k,” so I shaved off $200.
*3—Reported as, “About two grand ahead.”
*4—Reported as, “About 3k.”
*5—Conveniently, this seems to be the last session for the trip and, in the last post linked, MDawg reports that he has $73,600 in the winner’s envelope between cash and chips. We do have a discrepancy as I have him $76,000 ahead over just the last ten reported sessions and had him ahead low five figures at the Wynn prior to these sessions.
I’m going to let someone else figure that out and am going with the daily reporting that I have been doing, in this instance; the day that MDawg took a big loss at the Wynn seems to be a blur anyway. I don’t know how he gets to a lower total than the total I have him for in the most recent ten sessions when I had him ahead, at the Wynn, even before that.
I have him at +$76,000 for these ten sessions and +$12,800 (after the Venetian win) overall even before this. That’s $88,800 and MDawg says he completed his stay at the Wynn and left with $73,600. Henceforward, I will report total results as a range that accounts for this $15,200 discrepancy.
Running Results (Earlier Post):
Baccarat: $116,400 + $15,800 = $132,200
Blackjack: ($2,650)
Total: $129,550
New Results:
Baccarat: $193,000-$208,200
Blackjack: ($2,650)
Total: $190350-$205,550
Quote: tuttigymIsolating yourself because of some knuckle dragging individuals prosecuting their personal rage makes no sense.
link to original post
Personal insult. Three days.
For the time being, I'm going to let the range stand. At some point, I might have to decide if I want to default to trip reporting or individual session reporting. I'd obviously prefer for discrepancies not to allow the possible range to become ridiculously wide.
Obviously, I wasn't physically with the, "Winner's envelope," the entire time, so there was perhaps a session that he didn't report, or money left that was meant to go back in and didn't...I have no idea.
I just know that the Day 14 Wynn session was a disaster and I'm not sure even MDawg remembered it all that clearly---which would be quite understandable.
(Note to Self-Page 40, First thread)
Quote: Mission146I also want you to know your 'Adventures' thread is the most God forsaken boring thread I've ever had the displeasure of reading in my entire life; it's no wonder I mostly ignored it.
link to original post
Personal insult. Three days.
Quote: WizardQuote: Mission146I also want you to know your 'Adventures' thread is the most God forsaken boring thread I've ever had the displeasure of reading in my entire life; it's no wonder I mostly ignored it.
link to original post
Personal insult. Three days.
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I protest. He insulted the posts and thread, not the poster.
Quote: unJonI protest. He insulted the posts and thread, not the poster.
link to original post
Sometime it's a fine line. If someone said my posts in general were boring, I would feel insulted.
Quote: WizardQuote: Mission146I also want you to know your 'Adventures' thread is the most God forsaken boring thread I've ever had the displeasure of reading in my entire life; it's no wonder I mostly ignored it.
link to original post
Personal insult. Three days.
link to original post
? You are kidding, right? Calling a thread boring is suspension worthy? Adding ‘God forsaken’ offended someone? Frankly, Mission’s comment was the BEST example of ‘attack the post (thread), not the poster (thread starter).
But I think good will come out of this suspension. Now Mission can concentrate on the ‘mission’ he has been tasked with.
Quote: WizardQuote: unJonI protest. He insulted the posts and thread, not the poster.
link to original post
Sometime it's a fine line. If someone said my posts in general were boring, I would feel insulted.
link to original post
I know you don't like the protests but he specifically said the thread was boring.
It's labeled adventures so he doesn't find those adventures (mostly pics of chips and steak dinners and geographic wonders) to be interesting. Isn't that free speech to be a critic of art and writing?
Just my 2 cents!
EDIT: As MDawg is "writing " of his adventures, it's traditional that writers need a thick skin as to being judged on their writing
Quote: darkozIs this a record time for thread begun and put on hiatus from suspension?
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You missed the hundreds of spam threads that don't last an hour?
(A nuke is a suspension. I think my personal record is about 9 minutes.)
Quote: DieterQuote: darkozIs this a record time for thread begun and put on hiatus from suspension?
link to original post
You missed the hundreds of spam threads that don't last an hour?
(A nuke is a suspension. I think my personal record is about 9 minutes.)
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Well those aren't "on hiatus". Anyway I meant serious threads as opposed to nuked spam
now I fell really bad because Mission is obviously not enjoying this at all
he is imo one of the best contributors here - and a really nice guy too
now I wish I hadn't made this suggestion - it's just not worth it
But I think good will come out of this suspension. Now Mission can concentrate on the ‘mission’ he has been tasked with.
More likely he will just say screw it and walk away from this site..
Quote: DRichQuote: SOOPOO
But I think good will come out of this suspension. Now Mission can concentrate on the ‘mission’ he has been tasked with.
More likely he will just say screw it and walk away from this site..
link to original post
I think he makes his living by creating those articles here?
Anyway, there is always the undercurrent that MDawg is either exaggerating/misrepresenting/making up his results. I’d like to see the full actual numbers.
Once they are available, I’m hoping someone with experience like a host or casino management can comment on this.
‘Mr Casino Money Guy, there is a player that’s visited you for 100 days of play averaging $5k win per day. He’s had a few losing days, but not many. Playing mostly private table bac. Are you still comping him, giving him gift cards, paying for his travel, Super Bowl tickets, Suite to watch F1, etc…’.
Dude is making 100's of thousands while using Advanced Advantage Play(As mentioned by him) for many years in the same casinos all while the casino pit bosses know he always wins, enough to comment on that fact. Meanwhile, he is giving session reports online, and he has been turned into some casinos by shareholders, yet he is still welcome with open arms to play and win. ???Quote: SOOPOOQuote: DRichQuote: SOOPOO
But I think good will come out of this suspension. Now Mission can concentrate on the ‘mission’ he has been tasked with.
More likely he will just say screw it and walk away from this site..
link to original post
I think he makes his living by creating those articles here?
Anyway, there is always the undercurrent that MDawg is either exaggerating/misrepresenting/making up his results. I’d like to see the full actual numbers.
Once they are available, I’m hoping someone with experience like a host or casino management can comment on this.
‘Mr Casino Money Guy, there is a player that’s visited you for 100 days of play averaging $5k win per day. He’s had a few losing days, but not many. Playing mostly private table bac. Are you still comping him, giving him gift cards, paying for his travel, Super Bowl tickets, Suite to watch F1, etc…’.
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As late as just this month he specifically stated he doesn't believe I am making any significant income doing my multicarding and has questioned AxelWolf abilities as well.
People who do (AP) know it's possible. People who don't will find it difficult to believe it's possible.
But let's see what the final tally is unless as mentioned above Mission just says screw all this, didn't spend all this time just to get suspended.
Quote: SOOPOO‘Mr Casino Money Guy, there is a player that’s visited you for 100 days of play averaging $5k win per day. He’s had a few losing days, but not many. Playing mostly private table bac. Are you still comping him, giving him gift cards, paying for his travel, Super Bowl tickets, Suite to watch F1, etc…
You're not the only gambler asking these questions, Soopoo.
It would be interesting to hear the take from a casino exec.
Quote: DRichQuote: SOOPOO
But I think good will come out of this suspension. Now Mission can concentrate on the ‘mission’ he has been tasked with.
More likely he will just say screw it and walk away from this site..
link to original post
I always hope that people take the downswings with grace and come back ready for the next round.
Hopefully everyone returns in a few days with tempers cooled.
Further suppose that those values were sorted and then charted as a bar chart. Start with a working hypothesis that those extracted values should be distributed normally about some average value.
Surely that chart would not look as funky as this?

Obviously, the hypothesis fails and I would not revisit this experiment. That is all I have to say on this hypothetical matter.
Quote: MentalThis is a purely hypothetical post. Suppose someone grabbed as long series of post in a single thread and put them through a custom AWK program to extract all positive and negative values mentioned in that thread.
Further suppose that those values were sorted and then charted as a bar chart. Start with a working hypothesis that those extracted values should be distributed normally about some average value.
Surely that chart would not look as funky as this?
Obviously, the hypothesis fails and I would not revisit this experiment. That is all I have to say on this hypothetical matter.
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My play would look bizarre. I’d have many wins in the few dollar range. Many wins between $100 and $300. Almost no losses less than $100. And many losses between $100 and $300. It’s because of how I bet at the end of a session. Down $30 and time to go? Bet $35 and if I win leave up $3. If I lose bet $70 and then win leave up $1. If I lose that I go home down $135. Maybe bet the last $165 ($300 buy in). Leave down $300 or up $23.
My point is graphing ‘session’ results is not very valuable information. To me, the valuable info is average win per session over how many sessions.
I’m glad you are back by the way.
To the extent you are willing to engage with the hypo.
A flat better would look like a bell curve.
What would someone with a 6 step Marty look like?
What would someone look like that has a win stop goal (and a positive progression betting strategy) in the first instance but (I) never quits a small loser and if the session goes on too long only quits when back to a small win or with a large loss and (II) if win goal gets hit quickly then continues playing to go for a big win with a new stop loss of losing back a certain amount from peak win (eg play out the heater)?
This last hypo seems most on point to me seems like the most relevant hypo
Oddly, this thread has been the cause of MDawg, Mission and Wizard all getting suspended (well, Wizard's is called 'penance"), as well as tuttigym (???). Also, Mission is now proclaiming he is going to isolate himself from the slings and arrows of an outrageous forum.
I think my cognitive processes might have been affected by my illnesses, because I disagree with three of the four suspensions, I think only Wizard's self-imposed penance was justified.
MDawg made a joke, tuttigym and Mission were guilty only of creative writing.
I think I'll return to my sick-bed, where things make more sense.
Regarding the knowledge of the first card, I was also curious about this, and so found and adapted a baccarat simulator to be able to play with various betting "systems". I also added an advantage that can be modified for comparison across gambling careers. Real life is obviously more complicated than my simple tests, but so far I can do free hands, session stop loss, stop win, trailing stop loss, modifying bet based on the current streak, peeking at the top card or top 2 cards with probability p and adjusting the bet, bet tie streak with a separate bet size.
I could add other stuff, but I think these were the ideas mentioned in the thread. It's possible that I didn't simulate the correct response to a peeked card, but I had to really give the gambler a strong advantage (peek 2 cards, max bet if player total >= 8, max bet banker if player total = 4 or 5) to make money over thousands of shoes.
Quote: ChumpChangeWe can all speculate about what he does, but nobody believes him.
Given this, why bother?
Quote: ChumpChangeMDawg only plays a minimum of shoes to qualify for his high priced comped room stays, etc. He maybe plays 2 shoes at $400+ per hand by himself, at least at the start of this log. 80 hands x 2 shoes x $400 ave. bet = $64K daily bet x 0.4% = $256 of comps. He eventually got to double his average bet so that'd be $500/day in comps, estimated (nobody really knows). He has some way of betting that always puts him ahead by the end, and he's not telling. We can all speculate about what he does, but nobody believes him. We had the Wizard check on his play to see if he was for real, and the Wizard said he was. If the Wizard ever figured out MDawg's strategy from a very short visit, I kind of doubt it and there's too much secrecy around the visit.
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That's not true I believe MDawg and I am sure there are others. It is not right for you to say that "nobody" believes him.
Secondly, how can you say that MDawg plays only the minimum like only $400. just enough to get a free room? That contradicts the big high rolling he has posted about. He has posted pictures of multiple $100K chips, how did he get those playing $400. a hand? Also I saw that he posted pictures of winning checks from the casinos those were pretty big I don't think he could have won those betting $400. a hand.
Anyway, his session reports are much higher than $400. average a hand!
Quote: ChumpChangeMDawg only plays a minimum of shoes to qualify for his high priced comped room stays, etc. He maybe plays 2 shoes at $400+ per hand by himself, at least at the start of this log. 80 hands x 2 shoes x $400 ave. bet = $64K daily bet x 0.4% = $256 of comps. He eventually got to double his average bet so that'd be $500/day in comps, estimated (nobody really knows). He has some way of betting that always puts him ahead by the end, and he's not telling. We can all speculate about what he does, but nobody believes him. We had the Wizard check on his play to see if he was for real, and the Wizard said he was. If the Wizard ever figured out MDawg's strategy from a very short visit, I kind of doubt it and there's too much secrecy around the visit.
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No one doubts that MDawg is a big bettor. Wizard witnessed one big betting session. MDawg had a challenge presented to him by DarkOz, and MDawg satisfied all of the challenge requirements to win that challenge. He is certainly ‘for real’. I’d say by now, the only thing most (MDawg now has gambling expert Nathan as a believer!) don’t believe are the long term generally consistent large winnings. Frankly, the only thing that would turn me into a ‘believer’ would be a few tax returns. And of course I don’t expect MDawg to produce such. The big Dawg does seem to trust Wiz. Hmmmmmm……?
Quote: SOOPOOFrankly, the only thing that would turn me into a ‘believer’ would be a few tax returns. And of course I don’t expect MDawg to produce such. The big Dawg does seem to trust Wiz. Hmmmmmm……?
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Reminder that both MDawg and Wizard are currently unavailable.
Please hold those thoughts until they're back.
Quote: DieterQuote: SOOPOOFrankly, the only thing that would turn me into a ‘believer’ would be a few tax returns. And of course I don’t expect MDawg to produce such. The big Dawg does seem to trust Wiz. Hmmmmmm……?
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Reminder that both MDawg and Wizard are currently unavailable.
Please hold those thoughts until they're back.
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I’m sorry, I didn’t know I had to go through the list of suspensions before I post my thoughts? I’m not insulting them, I’m following the main points of the thread. They can respond, if they do choose, when they are ‘back’. This thought of mine is clearly not time sensitive.
If you have the authority, then just unsuspend them.
Quote: SOOPOOQuote: DieterQuote: SOOPOOFrankly, the only thing that would turn me into a ‘believer’ would be a few tax returns. And of course I don’t expect MDawg to produce such. The big Dawg does seem to trust Wiz. Hmmmmmm……?
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Reminder that both MDawg and Wizard are currently unavailable.
Please hold those thoughts until they're back.
link to original post
I’m sorry, I didn’t know I had to go through the list of suspensions before I post my thoughts? I’m not insulting them, I’m following the main points of the thread. They can respond, if they do choose, when they are ‘back’. This thought of mine is clearly not time sensitive.
If you have the authority, then just unsuspend them.
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You don't strictly need to go through the suspension list.
I just think it's a bit off-color to be making plans on their behalf while they're not here to decline participation.
Quote: DieterQuote: SOOPOOQuote: DieterQuote: SOOPOOFrankly, the only thing that would turn me into a ‘believer’ would be a few tax returns. And of course I don’t expect MDawg to produce such. The big Dawg does seem to trust Wiz. Hmmmmmm……?
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Reminder that both MDawg and Wizard are currently unavailable.
Please hold those thoughts until they're back.
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I’m sorry, I didn’t know I had to go through the list of suspensions before I post my thoughts? I’m not insulting them, I’m following the main points of the thread. They can respond, if they do choose, when they are ‘back’. This thought of mine is clearly not time sensitive.
If you have the authority, then just unsuspend them.
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He is not making a plan he simply is expressing himself as to what would be required to make him a believer.
I demand you suspend yourself for 5min
You don't strictly need to go through the suspension list.
I just think it's a bit off-color to be making plans on their behalf while they're not here to decline participation.
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Edit: And fix this post. :)
Quote: DieterQuote: SOOPOOQuote: DieterQuote: SOOPOOFrankly, the only thing that would turn me into a ‘believer’ would be a few tax returns. And of course I don’t expect MDawg to produce such. The big Dawg does seem to trust Wiz. Hmmmmmm……?
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Reminder that both MDawg and Wizard are currently unavailable.
Please hold those thoughts until they're back.
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I’m sorry, I didn’t know I had to go through the list of suspensions before I post my thoughts? I’m not insulting them, I’m following the main points of the thread. They can respond, if they do choose, when they are ‘back’. This thought of mine is clearly not time sensitive.
If you have the authority, then just unsuspend them.
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You don't strictly need to go through the suspension list.
I just think it's a bit off-color to be making plans on their behalf while they're not here to decline participation.
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Not making plans for anyone. My point is this. If someone wanted to prove gambling winnings, we here in the USA have a legally binding way that we are required to report those winnings. I promise you, if the big Dawg would show me his tax returns for the years he has claimed winning, and there were actual gambling wins reported, I’d be his biggest advocate here. He’s been claiming hundreds of thousands of dollars in winnings, which may even reach millions (Mission will determine…) and there is no way a bonafide lawyer doesn’t report that income.
As stated, I think there is virtually no way MDawg would ever show proof of his winning to my satisfaction.