Quote: rainmanMDawg to MDawg challenge.
No Casino's no Gaming 180 days.
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Thinking about it.
Well at least the no gaming part.
Quote: MDawgQuote: rainmanMDawg to MDawg challenge.
No Casino's no Gaming 180 days.
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Thinking about it.
Well at least the no gaming part.
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This makes no sense to me. UNLESS you feel the gambling/casino life/Vegas stays are having a negative impact on you. Go back home….. and come back to Vegas when you want to! You’ll know when you have that itch….

Quote: MDawgSome of them try a little harder, but this....
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Did you get the money yet?
I don’t understand why they don’t even try to make it seem reasonable….
1. Find someone who speaks English to write it.
2. Make up a nearly plausible story.
3. Make the amount large enough to interest random doofus but not so high even the doofus is aware it’s not real.
4. Figure out a way it doesn’t go directly to SPAM folder
Clearly these scams do net some victims.
‘Nigerian prince’ email scams still rake in over $700,000 a year—here’s how to protect yourself
Another scam that has been circulating for some time involves an email that purports to have "bad news for you" whereby the emailer has accessed your computer and found compromising files on it that will be turned over to the authorities if you don't pay a via bitcoin ransom. I assume that child pornography holders and others with something to hide, including paranoid drug users might fall victim to those scams.
And of course there are the "I am a lonely nymphomaniac" type emails.
I'm sometimes tempted to write back to the scammers to see how far it will go, but assume I'll get on a "we've got a live one" torrential spam list just for replying.
Foreign tourist’s $50K watch stolen in alleged Las Vegas ‘trick roll’
In this one the tourist met a couple of girls at Caesars (that seems to be a hub for this type of activity), and, feeling sorry for them because they said they had no place to stay, invited them to stay at his room at the Westin. The next day he woke to find his suitcase, which contained among other things a $50,000. watch, gone.
At least one of the girls was identified by surveillance video on the streets, wheeling the suitcase off, and arrested. Those cameras are getting better at what they are supposed to do.
And as usual, not an attractive girl involved.

Quote: MDawgSome years ago a US Senator was scammed by some form of the Nigerian scam.
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I knew somebody that fell for the Nigerian scam and it cost him like 10 grand. He was an old guy that had a lot of money. He also loaned some young guy he knew $50,000 to open a dance studio, this was just before I got to know him. I told him dance studios are very hard to make money at and sure enough 4 months later here comes the guy wants another $50,000 and because of me he didn't get it. It was a scam, there was no dance studio. I subscribe to YouTube channel that has an Australian guy who lives in India and one of the things he does is he busts these internet scam places. They often take up whole floors of office buildings and employ hundreds of people. It's a hugely lucrative business in India because they're so tech savvy. I am very hard to scam because I don't believe anybody but I'm very ashamed to report that my wife fell for one last year. Where they shut down your computer and you have to send them $175 to fix it. All kinds of warnings come up that if you restart your computer you will lose everything on it and when it happened to me of course I knew that was ridiculous so I just restarted my computer and the problem went away. My wife being a woman instead of calling me she panicked and paid them. She managed to stop it by calling her credit card company immediately but she never should have been that gullible because she's pretty darn smart.
Quote: EvenBobI'm very ashamed to report that my wife fell for one last year. Where they shut down your computer and you have to send them $175 to fix it. All kinds of warnings come up that if you restart your computer you will lose everything on it and when it happened to me of course I knew that was ridiculous so I just restarted my computer and the problem went away. My wife being a woman instead of calling me she panicked and paid them. She managed to stop it by calling her credit card company immediately but she never should have been that gullible because she's pretty darn smart.
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Yes, I've had older family members forward that email to me and ask what they should do. Another version involves some kind of anti virus protection that has expired and must be renewed or else very bad things will happen forthwith.
And let's not forget the lottery scam. In this version it seems like the "winners" are going to give you $1.5M Euros of their prize?

The good thing about spam/junk folders is that they do capture a lot of spam. The bad thing is that you still have to review these folders on occasion because sometimes legitimate emails end up in there.
Quote: SOOPOOQuote: MDawgSome of them try a little harder, but this....
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Did you get the money yet?
I don’t understand why they don’t even try to make it seem reasonable….
1. Find someone who speaks English to write it.
2. Make up a nearly plausible story.
3. Make the amount large enough to interest random doofus but not so high even the doofus is aware it’s not real.
4. Figure out a way it doesn’t go directly to SPAM folder
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They make them bad on purpose. Sure it lowers the response rate but it makes each responder more likely to be a victim as they fell for an email with “obvious” red flags. The time consuming part for the scammer is this second stage so it’s much more important to make sure that folk that make it to stage 2 are “high value.”
"they always seem to come at a time that you're at your weakest and most in need of their help."
Quote: MDawgWould be interesting to scrutinize the victims. Are they bored retirees with more money than they know what to do with, or desperate people caught at a low point in their lives?
"they always seem to come at a time that you're at your weakest and most in need of their help."
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I think the victims are mostly older women. There's a couple YouTube channels where all they do is they bust the India scammers. These guys talk in a high voice like they're a woman and they keep the scammers on the line sometimes for over an hour and when the scammers find out they're getting scanned they get really super angry and curse and swear and use the f word. Screaming about how much money they just cost him by keeping him on the line for an hour. The scammer is furious because he got scammed, LOL.
But again, whatever contact method you use to communicate with these scammers might be spammed to death after even just a single response.
Quote: MDawgWould be interesting to scrutinize the victims. Are they bored retirees with more money than they know what to do with, or desperate people caught at a low point in their lives?
"they always seem to come at a time that you're at your weakest and most in need of their help."
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My mother who is 87 and was a bright educated women is now in the early stages of Alzheimers. We have had to forbid her from answering the phone because of all the scams she gets called on. I am guessing that at one point she must have given money to one of them because she is now on the list for all of them. Sadly, she is at the age and mental condition where if someone called her and said your son is in jail in Mexico and we can get him out for $10k, she would do it. We even had to take her credit cards away because she would give them out over the phone.
Quote: DRichQuote: MDawgWould be interesting to scrutinize the victims. Are they bored retirees with more money than they know what to do with, or desperate people caught at a low point in their lives?
"they always seem to come at a time that you're at your weakest and most in need of their help."
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My mother who is 87 and was a bright educated women is now in the early stages of Alzheimers. We have had to forbid her from answering the phone because of all the scams she gets called on. I am guessing that at one point she must have given money to one of them because she is now on the list for all of them. Sadly, she is at the age and mental condition where if someone called her and said your son is in jail in Mexico and we can get him out for $10k, she would do it. We even had to take her credit cards away because she would give them out over the phone.
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One solution is to only give her credit cards that have very small limits like $200. And give her no access to bank accounts without approval of a family member. There's no reason somebody that old should have access to a lot of money.
Quote: DRichQuote: MDawgWould be interesting to scrutinize the victims. Are they bored retirees with more money than they know what to do with, or desperate people caught at a low point in their lives?
"they always seem to come at a time that you're at your weakest and most in need of their help."
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My mother who is 87 and was a bright educated women is now in the early stages of Alzheimers. We have had to forbid her from answering the phone because of all the scams she gets called on. I am guessing that at one point she must have given money to one of them because she is now on the list for all of them. Sadly, she is at the age and mental condition where if someone called her and said your son is in jail in Mexico and we can get him out for $10k, she would do it. We even had to take her credit cards away because she would give them out over the phone.
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I called her and asked her for $12k to get you out but she said you are not worth that much…..
Papillon: If your wife was here and you were in Paris with all of that money how much would you pay to get her back?
Dega: Everything I have.
Papillon: And how much would she pay, to get you back?
I don’t understand why they don’t even try to make it seem reasonable….
3. Make the amount large enough to interest random doofus but not so high even the doofus is aware it’s not real.
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$850K does seem more reasonable.

Quote: MDawgAnother scam that has been circulating for some time involves an email that purports to have "bad news for you" whereby the emailer has accessed your computer and found compromising files on it that will be turned over to the authorities if you don't pay a via bitcoin ransom. I assume that child pornography holders and others with something to hide, including paranoid drug users might fall victim to those scams.
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It actually does purport to be sent from your own email, but running it through something like Spam Cop or Trace Email Analyzer would show you very quickly that it came from somewhere else.
And as usual no matter how hard the sender tries to appear like a native English speaker, there are telltale signs of a foreign writer: "there are some bad news for you," "only takes couple mouse clicks," "simply google other exchanger," etc.

I never respond to any of them, and never have, not even with a "sorry wrong number" because they just seemed so obvious to me. But I always assumed they were precursors to Lonely Hearts scams, didn't realize they were more sophisticated than that.

He thought he’d won big on love and crypto. Instead, he was ‘pig-butchered’ for $260K
Documents filed this week by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in San Francisco — during International Fraud Awareness Week — show how the scam works. They describe how a 68-year-old Santa Clara man identified only as “RB,” who had recently divorced and was struggling through financial problems, received a text message in February from a number he didn’t recognize.
When he responded, the stranger said her name was “Janey Lee,” that she was a Houston clothing designer, and that she had the wrong number. The trap had been set, and “Lee” kept the conversation going via text before moving it to more secure channels: WhatsApp and Telegram.
“RB and Lee discussed personal information: their backgrounds, relationship statuses, businesses, and finances,” government attorneys Galen Phillips and Chris Kaltsas wrote in a civil forfeiture complaint, which seeks to recoup some of the lost funds. “Within weeks, this budding relationship became romantic in nature, with Lee repeatedly messaging RB about their future together.”
Before long, Lee got to work. She (or perhaps he) shifted the conversation to her success in trading cryptocurrency. By March, she had convinced RB to invest, too, helping him to create an account on the well-known trading platform Crypto.com, where he bought digital currency and sent it to “XTRA,” which appeared to be another legitimate crypto exchange.
“Following the initial investment, RB was able to view his fictitious ‘earnings’ on the XTRA website, which reported a 20% to 30% gain against his initial investment,” prosecutors wrote.
By April 22, RB had invested $260,000 through eight deposits. At that point, his account showed a value of $487,000 — an 87% bonanza in a matter of weeks. Three days later, the divorcee tried to withdraw $100,000.
“Instead of receiving his withdrawal,” the government lawyers wrote, “RB received a message from XTRA customer service saying that by May 2, 2023, in order to verify his account, RB needed to send his XTRA account an additional amount worth approximately 20% of his account balance.”
Fearing he’d been taken, RB called the FBI, but there was only so much investigators could do at that point.
This is the quite sad story of a man who lost $1M to the scam, most of it borrowed.
How One Man Lost $1 Million To A Crypto ‘Super Scam’ Called Pig Butchering
This one was slightly more sophisticated than the $260K pig butchering outlined above - here the victim sent his crypto only to an exchange that was actually legitimate, via an Apple Store approved app, but that had a back door for entities, legitimate or not, to create a sort of sub-crypto exchange within the legitimate one. In the $1M scam the guy was sending his funds to the legitimate exchange, but the scammers were transferring it within the legitimate app itself to their own phony exchange, where they showed the victim fake profits, while all the time siphoning off the real funds.
I understand that in many cases the texters are actual females overseas who are victims of human bondage, and being forced by their captors to follow through with the scam, and in those cases the females even get on the phone and talk to their victims as the scam plays along, which allays concerns about the texter being actually female.
In this case, the perpetrators were all actually right here in the U.S.
Four Individuals Charged for Laundering Millions from Cryptocurrency Investment Scams
These four extracted over $80M from pig butchered victims.
There are off Strip casinos with 10K maximum on Baccarat.
And that's one issue including for a special limits player. If the posted table max is lower than at other casinos, then even putting up a lot of front money or getting a big credit line will just take you to where another casino will allow anyone to play.
Venetian used to have a posted limit of $35K on Baccarat. Now it's $25K, same as Caesars. Most of the big'uns on the Strip are at $20K.
Then as far as blackjack, it's $10K at the big'uns, $5K at the smaller fry.
If the posted limit starts out low, then getting for example a $250K credit line might get you only to the same limit at which anyone may play at Caesars or Venetian.
My special limits are extremely high but for a while now I've only been bothering with the casinos that give a lot of value to the line as far as high limits for me on Baccarat and Blackjack. There's no point as far as max bet in going to a casino with a $10K max and getting a big credit line just to be able to play to say $15 or $20K.
As far as whether the sky's the limit - no, it's not. No matter how big your line is, it's hard to get any casino to allow more than $25K per hand at blackjack although they will allow multiple hands. Baccarat may go as high as $500K per hand but that's rare, mostly somewhere around $260K per hand is it. What's interesting is that once you get to that level and have your reserved table, when the max bet is set, the minimum isn't raised - you may bet $100. if you want.
Quote: MDawg
Keep in mind that we're not paying for the buffet, so that figures in too. I don't even know how much the cost is these days I don't really look at the receipt.
I'm pretty surprised that casinos apparently are still comping you to the Max despite the facts that you are crushing them per your reports
I am surprised by that
I read part of your long post explaining that they comp based on "theoretical loss" but I would think after you have crushed the casinos for so long that they would throw that out the window
you first post here was in Sept. of 2018 - more than 5 years ago - and although I haven't followed all of your reports it seems like you continually totally crush the casinos
Please explain why that they haven't dried up your comps - thanks
I put this here - didn't wanna hijack the buffet thread
Quote: lilredrooster.
Quote: MDawg
Keep in mind that we're not paying for the buffet, so that figures in too. I don't even know how much the cost is these days I don't really look at the receipt.
I'm pretty surprised that casinos apparently are still comping you to the Max despite the facts that you are crushing them per your reports
I am surprised by that
Unless the casinos believe that you are doing something nefarious they will continue to do whatever it takes to continue to get you to play at their place. At the highest levels they understand the math and past performance has no bearing on future performance.
Quote: DRichQuote: lilredrooster.
Quote: MDawg
Keep in mind that we're not paying for the buffet, so that figures in too. I don't even know how much the cost is these days I don't really look at the receipt.
I'm pretty surprised that casinos apparently are still comping you to the Max despite the facts that you are crushing them per your reports
I am surprised by that
Unless the casinos believe that you are doing something nefarious they will continue to do whatever it takes to continue to get you to play at their place. At the highest levels they understand the math and past performance has no bearing on future performance.
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yes, agree and I'm aware of that
but if a player betting big wins 25 times in a row at one casino, fairly long sessions, or maybe loses only once or twice - wouldn't a casino become very curious if not suspicious re what that player is doing__________?
that is so very far outside of the performance of just about all of the other players
again, MDawg has been doing this for at least 5 years and probably longer
Quote: lilredrooster
yes, agree and I'm aware of that
but if a player betting big wins 25 times in a row at one casino, fairly long sessions, or maybe loses only once or twice - wouldn't a casino become very curious if not suspicious re what that player is doing__________?
that is so very far outside of the performance of just about all of the other players
again, MDawg has been doing this for at least 5 years and probably longer
And, I agree with you. They probably have scrutinized the bettor and not found anything suspicious. Let them keep playing and eventually the math will kick in.
I used to spend 30 to 60 minutes a day scrutinizing gamblers and generally didn't find any issues with their play.
And I move around enough, have so many casinos at which I play, and I alternate baccarat with blackjack enough so that no one seems to know or care. And at the same time, I’ve brought in many extremely high level players many of whom do nothing but push buttons at slot machines all day long, who have made it clear that they go where I go, that my train and long caboose over all give great value to the casinos.
Quote: DRichLet them keep playing and eventually the math will kick in.
If the math hasn't kicked in for the casinos in their play against MDawg for many years (for whatever reason).
He has no doubt played tens of thousands of hands.
I really doubt that will ever happen re his action.
Quote: lilredroosterQuote: DRichLet them keep playing and eventually the math will kick in.
If the math hasn't kicked in for the casinos in their play against MDawg for many years (for whatever reason).
He has no doubt played tens of thousands of hands.
I really doubt that will ever happen re his action.
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If you believe that then you don't understand math. If I flip a fair coin 10,000 times and it comes up tails every time, the next toss is still 50/50.
Quote: DRichQuote: lilredroosterQuote: DRichLet them keep playing and eventually the math will kick in.
If the math hasn't kicked in for the casinos in their play against MDawg for many years (for whatever reason).
He has no doubt played tens of thousands of hands.
I really doubt that will ever happen re his action.
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If you believe that then you don't understand math. If I flip a fair coin 10,000 times and it comes up tails every time, the next toss is still 50/50.
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I'm saying that there is a reason for his extreme winning for all of these years and tens of thousands of hands that explains it and that that reason is unknown on this forum
and that that reason is not extreme variance
I fully understand your point about coin flipping and have always understood that
Please describe in detail "something nefarious" because there are countless examples of people who are simply playing with an advantage(no angle shooting) and get tossed out. There are even many examples of people who are not playing with an advantage, they are just winning who get thrown out.Quote: DRichSomething nefarious
Are card counters considered to be doing something nefarious?
What about someone with perfect next-card information?
Perhaps one might not get thrown out, but at what point does the casino make a decision to stop the comp train?
But isn't it the case that you use a credit line, isn't it you who said that it was almost impossible to manipulate the records since they are tracking all the chips in and out?Quote: MDawgThere are a number of days as I've reported where there are multiple sessions in that day, at different casinos. If I lose at one of the casinos, I leave the loss intact at that casino for a while. I know how to play the game.
And I move around enough, have so many casinos at which I play, and I alternate baccarat with blackjack enough so that no one seems to know or care.
If that's the case, the money in and money out /win-loss records would tell the casino exactly what's going on as far as you being up or down, so no amount of running around from casino to casino would hide that fact.
No one is hiding anything, but if you know anything about comps or loss rebates, they work per trip. And my negotiated terms with the casinos (although one has pretty much backed out of what was agreed) is that in most cases, a day's session equals a trip. Especially if I am not staying in house.
Even if I had no special terms, still with most casinos after a week with no additional play or comps, it becomes a new trip.
Quote: AxelWolfPlease describe in detail "something nefarious" because there are countless examples of people who are simply playing with an advantage(no angle shooting) and get tossed out. There are even many examples of people who are not playing with an advantage, they are just winning who get thrown out.Quote: DRichSomething nefarious
Are card counters considered to be doing something nefarious?
What about someone with perfect next-card information?
Perhaps one might not get thrown out, but at what point does the casino make a decision to stop the comp train?
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When i say nefarious I am generally thinking of cheating. I didn't actually work in surveillance although I did write some software they used. Most of my scrutiny was on the slots and we would only kick out people suspected of cheating. Obviously if someone was taking advantage of promos we would either change the promo or revoke player card. We rarely confronted vultures unless they were bothering other players.
I'll take cheating as illegal or gray areas. They toss out card counters all the time, it's not illegal nor is it even a gray area.Quote: DRichQuote: AxelWolfPlease describe in detail "something nefarious" because there are countless examples of people who are simply playing with an advantage(no angle shooting) and get tossed out. There are even many examples of people who are not playing with an advantage, they are just winning who get thrown out.Quote: DRichSomething nefarious
Are card counters considered to be doing something nefarious?
What about someone with perfect next-card information?
Perhaps one might not get thrown out, but at what point does the casino make a decision to stop the comp train?
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When i say nefarious I am generally thinking of cheating. I didn't actually work in surveillance although I did write some software they used. Most of my scrutiny was on the slots and we would only kick out people suspected of cheating. Obviously if someone was taking advantage of promos we would either change the promo or revoke player card. We rarely confronted vultures unless they were bothering other players.
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Even you know many casinos tossed out people for just playing full-pay machines, obviously not all casinos, but many casinos. Definitely some of the ones MD claims to play at.
I assume you would agree that if there's a high roller at a casino who's continually winning year after year they are going to be watching him and figuring out what he is doing to beat the casino? Wouldn't even take years since they are oftentimes watching the bigger players from the get-go.
hell, I got non grata at BetMGM online sportsbook just for taking a few hundred dollars out. You can't tell me at my level that anyone did an investigation ... they just looked at the withdrawals I think. The freebet on my birthday went away super fast, before non grata
Quote: AxelWolf
Even you know many casinos tossed out people for just playing full-pay machines, obviously not all casinos, but many casinos. Definitely some of the ones MD claims to play at.
I assume you would agree that if there's a high roller at a casino who's continually winning year after year they are going to be watching him and figuring out what he is doing to beat the casino? Wouldn't even take years since they are oftentimes watching the bigger players from the get-go.
I don't recall alot of casinos tossing people for playing full pay machines unless they were using a players card to beat marketing offers. I never tossed people for that I just had a meeting with the slot Director and marketing Manager and discussed ways to fix that. Either lower paytables or change the players clubs rewards.
Of course they are going to be watching a high roller that is winning. Only fools would toss a high roller unless they thought he was cheating. Just change procedures if he is beating you without cheating. In BJ, just flat bet them or shuffle frequently.
The Indian casinos in my area have a sign on every table that says people on a certain list are limited to a $100 maximum bet, and these are on $15 or $25 minimum tables.
Quote: ChumpChangeIf a BJ player gets flat bet, what exactly does that mean, or does the meaning fluctuate depending on the time of day? Can the player bet $25 at the start of one shoe, then raise their bet to $40 at the start of the next shuffle and flat bet $40 a hand through that? I did see one card counter video where they made the table minimum and maximum the same, just for him, at $25. That's just ridiculous, and virtually unplayable.
The Indian casinos in my area have a sign on every table that says people on a certain list are limited to a $100 maximum bet, and these are on $15 or $25 minimum tables.
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I think it varies by casino.
Some places say that your initial bet is the only amount that you can bet. Some do it by shoe, others will just say that you can only bet $X if you want to play here.
Quote: AxelWolfBut isn't it the case that you use a credit line, isn't it you who said that it was almost impossible to manipulate the records since they are tracking all the chips in and out?Quote: MDawgThere are a number of days as I've reported where there are multiple sessions in that day, at different casinos. If I lose at one of the casinos, I leave the loss intact at that casino for a while. I know how to play the game.
And I move around enough, have so many casinos at which I play, and I alternate baccarat with blackjack enough so that no one seems to know or care.
If that's the case, the money in and money out /win-loss records would tell the casino exactly what's going on as far as you being up or down, so no amount of running around from casino to casino would hide that fact.
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Do you rip apart every Stephan King book or do you allow the author to tell his fictional story their own way? I read fiction for its entertainment value. When an author proves to be incapable of that, I move on.
Let’s say player X is your garden variety card counter who will make a few hundred $ an hour….. but his wife will be losing 2 - 3 times that on high limit slots. Is the casino wise enough to NOT bother him?
What if he brings his kids who spend $10k on ‘bottle service’ at the club while daddy makes his $1k? Then drops $2k each at roulette.
What if the card counter averages $1k a night on BJ, but also averages a $5k loss on craps? Is there someone smart enough to let him count cards even if they are aware of it?
Supermarkets call them loss leaders.
What if the card counter averages $1k a night on BJ, but also averages a $5k loss on craps?
About 75% of professional poker players.
Quote: billryanQuote: AxelWolfBut isn't it the case that you use a credit line, isn't it you who said that it was almost impossible to manipulate the records since they are tracking all the chips in and out?Quote: MDawgThere are a number of days as I've reported where there are multiple sessions in that day, at different casinos. If I lose at one of the casinos, I leave the loss intact at that casino for a while. I know how to play the game.
And I move around enough, have so many casinos at which I play, and I alternate baccarat with blackjack enough so that no one seems to know or care.
If that's the case, the money in and money out /win-loss records would tell the casino exactly what's going on as far as you being up or down, so no amount of running around from casino to casino would hide that fact.
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Do you rip apart every Stephan King book or do you allow the author to tell his fictional story their own way? I read fiction for its entertainment value. When an author proves to be incapable of that, I move on.
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Are you calling Stephen King books fiction or The Adventures of MDawg?
And if you "move on" when there is no value, there must be considerable value in these Adventures because you seem to read them quite voraciously and comment too.
Happy Holidays! from MDawg et. al.
Quote: odiousgambit
hell, I got non grata at BetMGM online sportsbook just for taking a few hundred dollars out.
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How did they do it, did they let you know? I've gone round and round with Axel about this, that if you make too many withdrawals and not enough deposits they're going to get rid of you. And of course he claims it's never going to happen.

>>ONLINE SPORTS BOOK<<Quote: EvenBobQuote: odiousgambit
hell, I got non grata at BetMGM online sportsbook just for taking a few hundred dollars out.
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How did they do it, did they let you know? I've gone round and round with Axel about this, that if you make too many withdrawals and not enough deposits they're going to get rid of you. And of course he claims it's never going to happen.
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It happens frequently. Especially if you're using Sports bonuses.
Please give me some legitimate examples of them banning small-time roulette players at state-regulated online casinos who are playing straight up.
I suppose it's possible if you annoy them enough and cost them more money than you're worth to them due to the fees and time it takes the constantly cash you out and process deposits. Again, it's not my fault you haven't figured out how to let the money build up and do one big cash out.