Posted by ChumpChange
Sep 16, 2022

Don't all cash-out at once!

BREAKING: Banks in Beirut, Lebanon, forced to close amid attacks by armed depositors demanding their savings.

US banks are limiting withdrawals of cash to $3K or $5K, especially the largest banks. Seems they only get their cash deliveries once a week and they have to make it last. They may also be filling out paperwork on what you want your money for if you request $5K or more (saying you want the money for hoes & blow may work but banks are very discriminating lately). If you want large amounts of cash, you'll likely have to order it at least a week in advance. For people who deal with large daily cash transactions, they will have a hard time using banks like this. If there's a bank run and a bail-in, you won't get your money out in time.


odiousgambit Sep 30, 2022

congratulations for the 'misinformation of the day' award

After an extensive search, this youtube video from a shyster hustling his gold investment outfit is the only thing I could find supporting your claim that banks are limiting cash. Well, I guess they might be in Beirut. Nice catch there, we needed to know that.

To give you an idea how much this guy knows, he claims in this video from August that gold is going to go above $2000 ... meanwhile it has crashed to March 2020 levels.

IWannaBeAP Oct 03, 2022

comment removed by author request -D

Posted by ChumpChange
Sep 04, 2022

PL, DP, DC progression, no odds

I'd break it up into $300 sessions and buy-in for ten $30 bets and see if I can run a PL or DP/DC progression of $30, $40, $50, $60, $80, $100, $60, $80, $100, stay at $100 until a loss. $25 tables may have space that $15 tables don't. Cut that in half for a $15 table and more shooters who may or may not suck. Each session may only last 30-90 minutes, and the win goal is a simple doubling of the buy-in or higher. Six wins in a row pays 10X the base bet; 9 wins and down, or 10 wins and continuing pays 20X the base bet.
I'd bring 3-4 buy-ins for 3-6 hours of play.


ChumpChange Sep 05, 2022

Keep me away from ATS tables. I just hit the PL for 12 times in one shooter tonight!

Seems these ATS side bets and come bets are designed to keep you from rolling a come-out 7 after the point gets made.

Posted by ChumpChange
Aug 31, 2022


Bubble Craps - I just "HIT THE BUTTON!" I can't control how the dice are gonna tumble or ricochet. But I avoid hitting the button when the dice total is 7 after the point is established, and I hit the button when the dice total is 7 on the Come-outs. If the point is 5, I try to hit the button when the dice total is 5 while they're tumbling, which would usually be just a fraction of a second, and then hope for a 5. The dice have 15 seconds to bounce around and many times I never hit the button, I just let it time-out and let it auto-hit the button. If I'm waiting for a specific number to appear for a fraction of a second, it could be 3-6 rolls before it does, so I'll pick another number that isn't a 7 to hit the button on. The machine will time out with a 7 upside and I'll run a higher risk of rolling a 7. The longer into the 15 second timer I go, the more aggressive the dice platform shakes the dice. So I'll hit the button to avoid timing-out with a 7 on top. By that time, the dice are hitting the ceiling inside the enclosure and rolling all around when the button hits, so it is truly a random roll. I'd say I'm at the "set the dice" stage and the dealer's are getting antsy when I take 14 seconds to throw the dice, except I can never truly set the dice in this game, but I wouldn't play it blindfolded either. Other players may object to what I do and walk away. When I play alone, I have multiple turns to get the dice rolling my way. When others are at the table, I'm constantly picking up where they left off and there's little continuity.

Posted by ChumpChange
Aug 29, 2022

Do-side dilemma

Someday I'll have to decide whether to put $20 on the line with $60, $80, or $100 odds for a 3 point Molly, or keep it simple with $60 on the PL with $180, $240 or $300 odds and no Come bets. Or I could put $20 on the PL with $60, $80, or $100 odds, and $60 on the PB 6 & 8 each, plus $50 on the PB 5 & 9 each, instead of any Come bets. If the PL number is the same as my PB number that's covered, I'd keep both bets, because I'll be using a progression on the win for the PB's. PB's will be "OFF" during Come-out rolls.


tuttigym Aug 29, 2022

How is a PL + odds a "three point Molly"? A $60 PL + 3.4.5X odds by my 4th grade arithmetic means you had better hit in the beginning or be way behind the curve for any kind of winning session. PL + odds at 3, 4, or 5X + PB's across the board means you have to win at least 6 times per hand to break even on the totality of wagers. Highly risky and unlikely. You are putting us on, right?


ChumpChange Aug 29, 2022

Come bets are line bets too.

I'd only have 4 PB numbers bet not 6.

If I switched to a 4 point Molly strategy, I'd bet all 6 numbers with $40 on the 4 & 10 when I substitute out the Come bets.

tuttigym Aug 29, 2022

So? You still have to have a long hand to break even. You know that happens about 8-12% of the time otherwise your bankroll will disappear quite rapidly. Tell me what the ultimate outcome is you are looking for. When you play, do you envision a $$$ goal when you will color? If the session results go south, at what point do you call it quits and revisit at a later date? and try again?


ChumpChange Aug 29, 2022

My best week was using a 3 Point Molly. But luck changes and I have to change what I do. I'll get back to it when I get far enough ahead again. But I may need to take a detour and bet the Don't Pass for awhile until the profits roll in again.

tuttigym Aug 29, 2022

I am surprised that you have shied away from my questions.


Posted by ChumpChange
Aug 16, 2022

I can confirm that being deaf does not stop tinnitus

Rambling video about tinnitus problems. I can confirm that being deaf does not stop tinnitus. Currently using swimmer's ear drops to clear my ears. This video is really rambling, and when will he ever get to the point? Maybe I should eat more corn & zinc to repair my brain?
Quietum Plus - Video Presentation


OnceDear Aug 17, 2022

It's not a rambling video. It's a rambling sales pitch. Please don't spam your blog with spurious monetized spam.