Anyway, I'll be in Vegas until May 7th. If anyone wants to meet, please PM me.
....Quote: DraculaGood luck man!
Quote: AxelWolf....
Hint Dracula: Read Nareed's signature below the first post in this thread.
We are who we are, and who we want to be.
Nothing wrong with that.
Quote: MrVOK, maybe this will help to clue you in as to what is going on here:
We are who we are, and who we want to be.
Nothing wrong with that.
Actually now I'm confused more than ever.
Should I have said good luck sh-man?
Quote: DraculaActually now I'm confused more than ever.
Should I have said good luck sh-man?
I think they are upset because you left out the direct address comma.
This is a somewhat delicate, arguably befuddling subject, filled with minefields for the unwary and the politically incorrect.
It's "You go, girl."
I'd like to change my earlier post :
Happy Easter!
Quote: DraculaShould I have said good luck sh-man?
I should think a slur directed personally at a member counts as a personal insult.
"Glen" or "Glenda?"
I can understand and rationalize addressing a transsexual as "she," as "she" went all in, surgically; but simply putting on a dress, make up and heels doesn't quite do it, in my book.
It gets blurry.
Quote: MrVHow SHOULD one address a transvestite?
"Glen" or "Glenda?"
I can understand and rationalize addressing a transsexual as "she," as "she" went all in, surgically; but simply putting on a dress, make up and heels doesn't quite do it, in my book.
It gets blurry.
The best rule of thumb, is to address people how they've requested you to address them. Especially when it's a simple 'he' or 'she'. I mean, if I asked you to address me as 'the most venerable Cesspit', I suspect you would ignore that. But if I said, especially in person, 'just call me Cesspit, even though my real name is Bill', it wouldn't be too much to ask.
Same with gender and probably many other areas I can think of. It's what PC was meant to be... respecting folks enough to call people by the description they wanted to be called by. But that's another can of worms...
(*) my real name is not Bill, and no-one calls me TheCesspit in person. Or at least not to my face.
Quote: thecesspit
(*) my real name is not Bill, and no-one calls me TheCesspit in person. Or at least not to my face.
Having met a few of the Members of the Board in person, Mission is a moniker that seems to have partially stuck. I don't mind, it's a pretty cool nickname.
He was not a bad guy Under his new name. I don't remember what his other name talked about or did wrong.
I think Mr.V's video link was way more offensive. It seems he was describing who or what Nareed is with the video that includes lyrics that are talking about a transvestite/cross dresser/male/female whatever one wants to be referred to, as giving oral sex. FF to 1:00 She never lost her head even when she was giving__________' This Video makes it seem that all transvestites/cross dressers type people are into giving_____ and live some wild kind of care free life.
Quote: AxelWolfPoor kid he really was not trying to start anything. He originally got suspended for that innocent comment. I doubt he was trying to insult Nareed. He was being sarcastic us asking how was he supposed to address her. I think it was obvious he was not some Brand new poster. I Addressed this to him before.
He was not a bad guy Under his new name. I don't remember what his other name talked about or did wrong.
I think Mr.V's video link was way more offensive. It seems he was describing who or what Nareed is with the video that includes lyrics that are talking about a transvestite/cross dresser/male/female whatever one wants to be referred to, as giving oral sex. FF to 1:00 She never lost her head even when she was giving__________' This Video makes it seem that all transvestites/cross dressers type people are into giving_____ and live some wild kind of care free life.
He was trying to insult Nareed. And he did.
Quote: FinsRuleHe was trying to insult Nareed. And he did.
Must admit, seemed like an insult to me too. If he had another moniker before then he is well aware of Nareed. He purposefully tried to dow hat he did!
Quote: TomspurMust admit, seemed like an insult to me too. If he had another moniker before then he is well aware of Nareed. He purposefully tried to dow hat he did!
I don't think he meant it as an insult. I don't think he keeps tabs on all "women" with balls, to ensure no one takes offense to certain comments.
You think it was a set up from the beginning? Purposely saying good luck DUDE? Knowing it would create some controversy?Quote: TomspurMust admit, seemed like an insult to me too. If he had another moniker before then he is well aware of Nareed. He purposefully tried to dow hat he did!
No matter what the case is with that ......... I don't know how MR.V's Video post is OK.
LOL.....stop your making to much work for mods. The faster you let it go, the faster you can reinvent yourself.Quote: NotDraculaNotDracula
Quote: AxelWolfLOL.....stop your making to much work for mods. The faster you let it go, the faster you can reinvent yourself.
Lol. What? I'm not Dracula..
Seemed easier, and more readily absorbable, than typing it out in a few paragraphs; sort of like shorthand.
Besides, ALL I DID was post a link to a great American song by a great artist.
FWIW, I am not bothered by Nareed, nor by any LGBT individuals or issues, nor have I any "agenda" as to them.
I met Nareed last year, I'll say hello again this Saturday at WoVCon.
We're all Bozos on this bus.

Quote: geoffTo be fair I had no clue about the transgender thing until this thread either.
Anyone who hasn't been a regular member for at least six months probably shouldn't know. It really hasn't been brought up. Dracula/Gamblor (and whatever other names used) wasn't meaning to offend Nareed initially. Dracula just wished Nareed "Good Luck man!" and others took notice because we knew.
Quote: FinsRuleI'm gonna call you cessy
It's better than what I am sure I get called by other people :) Cheers, Finny!
Quote: KB1nobody cares Nareed.
That's not entirely true. Nareed cares and that should be enough for us to respect her.
Quote: TomspurThat's not entirely true. Nareed cares and that should be enough for us to respect her.
lol you are a funny little man
Quote: KB1lol you are a funny little man
I'm not too funny and I'm not too little either.
Quote: AxelWolfI don't think she-man is a derogatory comment. There are movies/books/websites/people that take pride in that name.
I believe there is a question of undeniable intent to offend given the previous context of the conversation. Even then, I was considering just a public Warning and dressing down for him being a bigot, but then looked into him and found the multiple accounts.
Quote: NotDraculaI don't think he meant it as an insult. I don't think he keeps tabs on all "women" with balls, to ensure no one takes offense to certain comments.
This is funny LOL...I didn't even read the comment just "NotDracula". What was his previous account?
Quote: Mission146I believe there is a question of undeniable intent to offend given the previous context of the conversation. Even then, I was considering just a public Warning and dressing down for him being a bigot, but then looked into him and found the multiple accounts.
There MAY have been intent to aggravate. But considering Nareed wanted her situation to be publicly known (I guessed this only this week from reading a question in Electrolysis), and considering that almost no one would use less offensive terms when broaching the subject in real life since it is far removed, then I think the warning for the first time would have been far more appropriate if not for other violations. Might I suggest that if Nareed is going to get special treatment, that a rule more specifically address the broaching of sensitive issues.
Quote: SonuvabishThere MAY have been intent to aggravate. But considering Nareed wanted her situation to be publicly known (I guessed this only this week from reading a question in Electrolysis), and considering that almost no one would use less offensive terms when broaching the subject in real life since it is far removed, then I think the warning for the first time would have been far more appropriate if not for other violations. Might I suggest that if Nareed is going to get special treatment, that a rule more specifically address the broaching of sensitive issues.
I don't really look at it as special treatment in this case, like I said, I was between three days and a public Warning before I caught the multiple accounts infraction. I am a male and plan to remain so, but if you were to call me, "Sheman," would that not also be a direct personal insult?
Quote: Mission146I don't really look at it as special treatment in this case, like I said, I was between three days and a public Warning before I caught the multiple accounts infraction. I am a male and plan to remain so, but if you were to call me, "Sheman," would that not also be a direct personal insult?
Yes it would be an insult because I am either 1) Calling you something you are obviously not or 2) Attacking some characteristic I believe you have in a hyperbolic way (although I question my friends' sexual orientation all the time, and they take no offense). Neither of those apply to a transgender person; although it is easy to see this is a bit rude, there are definitely remarks that would be just as rude and not so easily recognizable to me as such. Truth may be no defense to insults here, but perhaps confusion, and lack of a sophistication/exposure are. In my opinion a warning was in order...hypothetically. And my view on 3 day bans is they are basically the same thing. Just don't ban anyone for 30 days over something like that!
Quote: AxelWolfYou think it was a set up from the beginning? Purposely saying good luck DUDE? Knowing it would create some controversy?
No matter what the case is with that ......... I don't know how MR.V's Video post is OK.
For sure a set up. If he was new and didn't know, why would he know Nareed was transgendered and not simply just a woman?
Whatever, he's nuked and doesn't matter.
New or not new he may have always just assumed nareed was a man.Quote: FinsRuleFor sure a set up. If he was new and didn't know, why would he know Nareed was transgendered and not simply just a woman?
Whatever, he's nuked and doesn't matter.
Quote: SonuvabishYes it would be an insult because I am either 1) Calling you something you are obviously not or 2) Attacking some characteristic I believe you have in a hyperbolic way (although I question my friends' sexual orientation all the time, and they take no offense).
Just for the record, I didn't claim that I would take offense to it---I know you're not saying that, just want it to be clear I am not the type to take personal offense to stuff like that--- (I could not care less what people say about me, and will always be prepared with a semi-witty and fully sarcastic retort) simply that it would be a direct personal insult.
Quote:Neither of those apply to a transgender person; although it is easy to see this is a bit rude, there are definitely remarks that would be just as rude and not so easily recognizable as such. Truth may be no defense to insults here, but perhaps confusion, and lack of a sophistication/exposure are. In my opinion a warning was in order...hypothetically. And my view on 3 day bans is they are basically the same thing. Just don't ban anyone for 30 days over something like that!
In the sense that the specific person in this instance, namely, Nareed, maintains that she is fully female, it is no less an insult to call her a shemale than it would be to call someone biologically born (externally) a male or female a shemale. In my opinion, an individual would essentially have to first refer to that individual's self as a, "Shemale," before it could ever cease to be considered an insult, and there are certainly some that do.
For example, I know a homosexual woman that refers to herself as a, "Big, bad, bull (synonym for dam that rhymes with bike, though spelled with a 'y')," so if you were to call her that, she'd just laugh at you. Trucker, as it were. However, I believe it would automatically be construed as an insult if you referred to any other woman as such, homosexual or not, without that person first characterizing herself as same.
To the last statement, I would definitely not ban someone for thirty days over that, and was honestly leaning towards public Warning. I simply included Personal Insult on the Suspension List because my habit is to include all infractions even remotely associated with a specific Suspension.
Quote: AxelWolfNew or not new he may have always just assumed nareed was a man.
As did most, but then why not say - "sorry, didn't know you were a woman" which is different than "sh-man"
Didn't B9 get popped for multiple accounts but then it was retracted? Even if Dracula was found not to have been Gamblor then what? Would He would still get banned for making up the name WOB. Or would that be forgiven?Quote: AxiomOfChoiceCan we take bets over whether Dracula was really Gamblor? I still don't believe it. Unfortunately I can't think of a way to conclusively verify....
Quote: AxelWolfDidn't B9 get popped for multiple accounts but then it was retracted? Even if Dracula was found not to have been Gamblor then what? Would He would still get banned for making up the name WOB. Or would that be forgiven?
B9 was mistakenly nuked for multiple accounts. Checking afterwards suggested that he was not running multiples.
Right, I'm wondering if the same thing could've happened here, however Dracula was not given the benefit of doubt. I don't know how accurate their system is.Quote: thecesspitB9 was mistakenly nuked for multiple accounts. Checking afterwards suggested that he was not running multiples.