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49 members have voted

Quote: WizardI'm not feeling very proud of my score of five today. I simply am not very good with word games.
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I too strive for scores of four or lower, mostly because I am in competition with a friend. However, don't forget another metric to brag about is your winning streak. I am up to 41 wins in a row.
I think they do this on some of their other puzzles, and it looks like there was a fair bit of grousing last week, too.
Quote: WizardI'm not feeling very proud of my score of five today. I simply am not very good with word games.
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Five. Today's word is frustrating my family members as well.

You did fine. Just remember that...Quote: WizardI'm not feeling very proud of my score of five today. I simply am not very good with word games.
... COUPS and DOCKS could not possibly have been the answer.
Recall the site removed all of the four letter words from the valid answer list that, when you add an S to the end of it, makes a plural. If you had remembered that, you might have got it in three rows, since after your first two clues, there were only three words that were still valid. (FOCUS, LOCUS, and MUCUS.)
Reminder that words like LOOKS and COINS are valid guesses... but will never be a valid answer. The site removed all of the four-letter words that end in S and are plurals.Quote: IndyJeffreyFive. Today's word is frustrating my family members as well.
Quote: Wizard(snip)
I wonder if the NYT polls people with questions like "choose a five-letter word that ends in ..." and they go with the response chosen the least. To be honest, that is the kind thing I would do.
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Good guess*** but I don't think they do it like that (I have looked at samples of the answer list).
***: It reminded me of the tv show "Pointless" ( see link here , if you haven't seen it before or don't know what it's about).
Quote: EdCollinsYou did fine. Just remember that...Quote: WizardI'm not feeling very proud of my score of five today. I simply am not very good with word games.
... COUPS and DOCKS could not possibly have been the answer.
Recall the site removed all of the four letter words from the valid answer list that, when you add an S to the end of it, makes a plural. If you had remembered that, you might have got it in three rows, since after your first two clues, there were only three words that were still valid. (FOCUS, LOCUS, and MUCUS.)
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I'm going to just say outright that Ed said the solution list does not contain plurals of four-letter words. I forgot that this morning when doing the puzzle. Besides, sometimes I just can't think of a valid word that meets the known conditions. If I could enter nonsense words, I think I'd be good at this game.
My SAT score in math was 300 points higher than my English -- and I was mad my math score was so low -- I was hoping for an 800.
Quote: ksdjdjI just used the info in the link here to help me get it in three today.
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Quote: WizardMy SAT score in math was 300 points higher than my English -- and I was mad my math score was so low -- I was hoping for an 800.
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I found out my junior year in college I had a learning disability because the IQ level of the math part of my brain was PhD level and the IQ level of the other side (reading/comprehension) of my brain was at college entry-level. 😕

Wordle 268 2/6*

Quote: mipletDid todays in 3
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Me too. Got lucky with my starting word.


Only four words, SLEET, SLEPT, SMELT, and SPELT were possible after the clues provided from the initial guess. Of those four possible words, two of them are much better guesses than the other two.
Guessing SLEPT or SPELT, if wrong, would indicate the correct answer, no matter what it was. However, If you guess SLEET or SMELT, if wrong, you still might not know the answer.
Here's a table of the possible guesses and the feedback that would be provided for each answer: (An x indicates a green box and an o indicates a yellow box.)

Notice that two of the feedbacks are the exact same for the guess SLEET. To clarify, if you choose SLEET as your guess and you receive xox-x as your feedback, you still won't know the answer. It could be SMELT or SPELT.
Notice that two of the feedbacks are also the same for the guess SMELT. To clarify, if you choose SMELT as your guess and you receive x-xox as your feedback, you still won't know the answer. It could be SLEET or SLEPT.
However, notice that each feedback for the guess SLEPT and SPELT, no matter what the solution is, is unique, guaranteeing you will be able to solve the puzzle on your very next guess. (Assuming this guess is incorrect in the first place, of course.)
Assuming all four words have an equal chance of being correct, in this example SLEPT or SPELT are each a much better guess than SLEET or SPELT.
Of course, this is just another example that shows how you should try to attempt to lower your search space each turn, as much as possible. Note that this happens all of the time, and can occur with as few as three words remaining.
I used to do this regularly, when playing Mastermind back in the '70s. Near the later stages of the game, not only would I determine every possible code still remaining, I'd make a chart like this and attempt to determine the best guess from these possible remaining codes.
What do the following words have in common:
To me all of these words, and many others that I did not not list, are very common and didn't need to be removed. In my opinion, they really butchered the list by removing so many words. (They removed more than 82% of all possible 5-letter words!)
Quote: EdCollinsWhat do the following words have in common:
Is there a stated reason for the removal of answers from the universe of five letter words?
Which is ridiculous in itself. A word like SLAVE, in a freaking WORD GAME, should never offend anyone ever, and if it does, that person shouldn't be playing word games in the first place.
I always hated how the publishers of the Scrabble Player's Dictionary removed many such words, simply because some of those words were deemed too offensive. (The top Scrabble Players all agree. In fact, tournament Scrabble uses all words, including any "offensive" words.)
I suspect that less common words, like ABOON or BUBBA or CONEY or DANNY, etc., were removed from the list so that players, if they received such word as the answer to a puzzle, and weren't able to solve that puzzle, wouldn't complain and say, "That's not a word!"
I'm not sure why they removed the plurals or all of the past tense words that end in ED. Maybe to just simplify the game a bit. However, I think DOGS or CATS should be okay as a valid answer. Then again, I'm an old Scrabble player. I can't imagine playing Scrabble and not being able to pluralize a word.
Quote: EdCollinsA word like SLAVE, in a freaking WORD GAME, should never offend anyone ever
Thanks. And, yes, I agree.
Quote: EdCollinsHowever, I think DOGS or CATS should be okay as a valid answer.
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I do not think they fit the five letter format.
Quote: DieterQuote: EdCollinsHowever, I think DOGS or CATS should be okay as a valid answer.
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I do not think they fit the five letter format.
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LOL! Whoops! I meant to list another simple example, like BIRDS or WORMS or something.
Quote: avianrandyWoohoo got it in3. Once I figure how to do spoiler iwill post picture.but no picture for now
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Hidden stuff goes here
Hidden stuff goes here


271: CRATE
***: I didn't know that spile was a real word.
Tough Wordle today. Score of six and that is with a lot of time and cheating.

I think it shows moxie to try moxie on my fifth turn.
First, since this is not a serious competition, do whatever you want.
Second, I struggle with being true to myself on this game and also to not waste too much time on it. If it were not for a little cheating, like lists of 5-letter words that begin or end in xyz, a bad day might cost me over an hour to think of legal words that meet the conditions I already know from previous turns.
That said, what do you think of being allowed to review the list of allowed words as answers only? This strikes me as fair, as it is like reading the rulebook to the game. I think I'll try to keep myself to this rule and see how it goes.
Quote: WizardLet me back to the topic of what constitutes cheating.
First, since this is not a serious competition, do whatever you want.
That said, what do you think of being allowed to review the list of allowed words as answers only? This strikes me as fair, as it is like reading the rulebook to the game. I think I'll try to keep myself to this rule and see how it goes.
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Agree with "First", 100%
I would say looking at the list of words is cheating. Just as some would say referring to the picture a puzzle box is cheating.
I don't look at the word list, but I cannot complete a puzzle without looking at the picture on the box.

Wordle 271 4/6*
Quote: WizardLet me back to the topic of what constitutes cheating.
First, since this is not a serious competition, do whatever you want.
Second, I struggle with being true to myself on this game and also to not waste too much time on it. If it were not for a little cheating, like lists of 5-letter words that begin or end in xyz, a bad day might cost me over an hour to think of legal words that meet the conditions I already know from previous turns.
That said, what do you think of being allowed to review the list of allowed words as answers only? This strikes me as fair, as it is like reading the rulebook to the game. I think I'll try to keep myself to this rule and see how it goes.
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I don't think that is cheating, but I try to solve Wordle without looking at the list.
Also, after looking into "Wordle Cheating" , I found this link >> https://nerdschalk.com/wordle-how-to-know-if-someone-is-cheating/ << and saw the list below:
1. Stealing answers off of Wordle spoiler forums.
2. Solving after playing more than once***
3. Using Wordle Helper Tools ^^^
4. Using the Solution List to Cheat in Future Wordles ###
***: I have done this more than once, but I don't post my results when I play this way.
^^^: I have done this for earlier games, but I don't anymore.
###: No, not to cheat, but I have seen a sample of the list.
Note: I have played past and future Wordles, by changing*^* the date in my PC.
*^*: I don't have to do this anymore, since I found this website >>> https://mottaquikarim.github.io/wordle_timemachine/ <<<
Extra Info:
Often enough I type in letters that don't form an "acceptable guess" (I am still a bit surprised that "SPILE" was an "acceptable guess").
Note: The latest "unacceptable guess" that I made was "PANTE"
Note 2: There are 12,972 valid guesses (2,315 of these valid guesses are in the answer list)
Note 3: According to "Free Dictionary", there are 158,390 words that have 5 letters in them.
Quote: IndyJeffreyI would say looking at the list of words is cheating. Just as some would say referring to the picture a puzzle box is cheating.
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I don't think looking at the box is cheating either.
The additional game you're playing is, "Did they remove this word from the list?"
More than 82% of all five-letter words have been removed. They removed a LOT of what I consider are very, very common words. I listed a couple of dozen in a prior post. A few more I've come across that I didn't list earlier are: chewy, chomp, gimpy, laser, liven, naked, orate, ouija, panda, pesos, porky, squid.
If you don't choose to consult the word list, that's okay... I can fully understand why some people choose not to... but that's almost akin to playing a word game without knowing the language you're using. I for one would simply rather not play that game.
With my prior guesses and the feedback I received, a recent game told me the last four letters of the puzzle were ATER. I did not yet know the first letter. Without knowledge of the word list used, the answers could have been CATER, DATER, EATER, GATER, HATER, LATER, MATER, OATER, PATER, RATER, TATER, and WATER. I was at least able to narrow it down to five choices, since seven of those words removed from the list, and thus not a valid answer.
fyi...Quote: ksdjdjNote 2: There are 12,972 valid guesses (2,315 of these valid guesses are in the answer list)
A recent article I read (Feb 15, 2022) indicated they removed six more words from the acceptable answers list, bringing the valid answer total down to 2,309.
(The six words removed were: AGORA, FIBRE, LYNCH, PUPAL, SLAVE, and WENCH.)