Quote: WizardI'd like to interrupt this thread with a word from Al Bundy on nutrition and healthy eating.
Well, I'd say that was only a semi-hijack and well worth the detour! "Anything that's good enough for the cockroach is good enough for the Bundys! Let's go block a colon!" I'd forgotten how funny that show was.
Quote: SOOPOOThis post sort of got lost in the blather about Mission's looks! Are you, GWAE, also willing to take the challenge officially against the Wiz?
Also, Mission, this challenge will clearly not be all about EV. If you choose to come to Buffalo/Niagara Falls, I will spring for the McNuggets, and you can stay for free with me if you choose to. There are a bunch of frquent posters from this area who I guess would love to attend such a momentous event.
I really appreciate the invite, but there's also a factor of time costs. I try to spend as much time with my family as I can on my days off, so I was actually thinking of knocking this bad boy out before work one day. Even if I do it on a day off, still like to get home in time to spend some time with the kids.
Quote: MidwestAP
What the hell, give me $100 of action (agreeing to all the previously defined terms) on Christian Bale aka Mission aka Pierce aka The Nugget King. I love your confidence, my chicken (or whatever they put in those things) eating friend!
Confidence and $1.25 will get you a cup of coffee!!!
I'm just kidding, you have to be confident in all things you do or there is no way to expect success.
Quote: GWAEI would never bet WITH someone doing something like this. If I thought that he couldn't do it then I would take action. I am not saying that the Wizard or Mission would rig something like this since they are very respected folks on this forum but if Mission gets to 90 and starts feeling a little ill then he could throw in the towel since he isn't the one with the action. If it was his money then he would press on until he exploded.
I have $100 on myself to win. I'd press on even if I didn't, though, because other people are betting on me and I have a responsibility to them to give it my all. If I lose, which I don't think I will, it'll be going down while giving it a Hell of a fight!
Quote: beachbumbabs
There will be a video for official record, and at least one live witness from this board. This challenge will take place some time in December, at Mission's discretion, and there is a caveat that if Mission becomes ill (cold/flu/whatever), the bet can be postponed/cancelled.
I want to clarify that Teddys is scheduling some work in a nearby county for the day that I am planning to do this, which is unknown at this point. The official date will likely be scheduled at some point in Mid-November. The bet will not be postponed or cancelled if I am ill, I will still give it my best effort.
The only way I would request a postponement is if I were sick in such a way that I was puking independently of eating any Chicken Nuggets, additionally, in the unlikely scenario that a blizzard makes travel to the appointed Golden Arches impossible, I'd request the bet be postponed.
However, if I am sick in any way that does not involve me already puking, it's still game on.
Quote: Wizard
Here is a question for Mission, will you be using sauces?
Yes, No and Maybe.
I do not plan on using any sauces as regular aid in this competition, because all that does is add unnecessary calories and increases complexity that my stomach eventually has to deal with. However, if that defense mechanism of the brain making you think they taste awful (when they don't) kicks in, then I would probably take a napkin and wipe a small amount of sauce all over my tongue to mask the nuggets.
Quote: WizardGood question. I'll let the "reversal" clock start after the 100th McNugget is visibly eaten as evidenced by an empty mouth.
I wouldn't have even asked for that, I figured I'd have to sit there and wait for it for 30-40 minutes.
Now, I just have to hold them down for ten and then I am free to go puke until I'm blue in the face?
Wizard, I'm afraid (assuming I'm 100% well) you just negated your only chance of me failing at this. The only thing I was worried about, at all, was holding them down for forty minutes.
Quote: EvenBob
295 grams of fat is over 10oz. It's like trying to drink a
10oz coke bottle of pure, half congealed fat in less than
an hour. Your stomach's natural reaction is to upchuck,
it's not designed for that kind of abuse.
That's the problem people have with stuff like this, people think of their stomach as this independently thinking entity...and it's not. Your stomach's natural reaction is to attack the food with stomach acids and push it through the intestines, as is your stomach's natural reaction to eating anything. It is your brain that gives off signals that you need to throw up because you are overloading your stomach, it's simply a matter of conscious willpower against your subconscious orders given to parts of your body from the brain.
Quote: coilmanIS blotting the nuggets on the McDonalds supplied napkins before eating allowed?
It wouldn't matter, I don't want them to be any drier than they already are.
Quote: coilmanmight not be the case if you are ordering 100 of them at a time... I would guess thats going to be a SPECIAL ORDER size ...thus all will come out hot and freshly cooked
Time starts the second I pick up a Nugget and progress it to my mouth, I want these things somewhat cooled down before I start. I'd assume I'm allowed to empty the boxes onto the tray before time starts.
Yes, I will be emptying them all onto the tray, first. If I can look at all of them at once, it gives you a good track of your progress. Once you get to the 75%-80% point, you take a look at that mostly empty tray and know you can finish.
Quote: WizardI don't think it should be, since that wouldn't be consuming the entire McNugget. Now that I think about it, maybe we shouldn't have allowed SOOPOO jr to dunk the McNuggets in lemonade, because perhaps some of the fat was being transferred out of them.
It is standard at eating contests to allow dunking. As you know from high school chemistry, fat does not easily dissolve in water. But, yes, a very small amount of the fat would leak into the water.
Quote: Mission146Wizard, I'm afraid (assuming I'm 100% well) you just negated your only chance of me failing at this. The only thing I was worried about, at all, was holding them down for forty minutes.
You know, I'm starting to have a change of heart. At first, I didn't think you'd be able to do it because of all that nasty, disgusting grease and stuff, but after hearing that SOOPOO's son ate 88 McNuggets after running a freakin mile, I think you should be able to do it. Thank god I didn't bet against you, man! haha
Quote: Beethoven9thYou know, I'm starting to have a change of heart. At first, I didn't think you'd be able to do it because of all that nasty, disgusting grease and stuff, but after hearing that SOOPOO's son ate 88 McNuggets after running a freakin mile, I think you should be able to do it. Thank god I didn't bet against you, man! haha
Fact check-
He ran TWO miles
Then did two NYTimes daily crossword puzzles error free
Then attempted to eat the 100 McNuggets, voluntarily stopping after 88.
Quote: Mission146Wizard, I'm afraid (assuming I'm 100% well) you just negated your only chance of me failing at this. The only thing I was worried about, at all, was holding them down for forty minutes.
I'm not looking to increase my chances of winning as much as possible. I just want a fair contest. It is my understanding that the Big Texan 72-oz. steak challenge you don't even have a waiting period. As long as your plate is clean, you win immediately.
Quote: Beethoven9th..., but after hearing that SOOPOO's son ate 88 McNuggets after running a freakin mile, ...
I don't think running the mile had much of an effect on the outcome. That and the crosswords were added to make it more difficult for somebody else to replicate the entire challenge. At least that was my interpretation.
Regarding the temperature of the McNuggets, yes, you may let them cool. That is what SOOPOO jr. did. They were purchased before he even started the run, so were room temperature when it took the first bite.
Quote: EvenBobThat's being generous. It's as much like real chicken
as a hot dog is like a pork loin. It's formed and shaped
chicken goo that's been dyed and flavored.
It is basically luncheon meat made out of chicken pieces... pressed meat with other ingredients [I believe]
If the wizard has reached his betting limit, I will take some of the NO action against Mission.
Quote: Mission146Your stomach's natural reaction is to attack the food with stomach acids
But oil and fat and grease sit in your stomach being digested
long after everything else is gone. It's the hardest to digest
food you can eat. Look it up.
Quote: DRichIs the Wizard the only one betting on the No? I have never met Mission but there is no way I could take the yes on this bet.
If the wizard has reached his betting limit, I will take some of the NO action against Mission.
Assuming all bets are in this thread and not in PM's or elsewhere, it stands;
Mission: 100 on YES
me: 100 on YES
Midwest AP: 100 on YES
Wizard: up to 500 on NO, and has specifically responded to the three of us above.
boymimbo: wants 10 on NO, which I offered to take, but he has not confirmed.
So there's still room, I would think, on both sides.
Quote: WizardI agree! The hard part will be deciding on a venue.
I suggest the following.
1. 100 McNuggets must be consumed within 60 minutes.
2. Challenger may eat and drink anything else he wishes to improve his chances. For example, SOOPOO jr. dipped them in something akin to lemonade.
3. The McNuggets may not reverse themselves. Challenger is on the honor system if this happens but doesn't come out of the mouth.
4. McNuggets must remain down for x minutes after the conclusion of the 60 minutes. I'm flexible on what x should be, but I'll float out 15.
I'll Place 3 to 1 Wager up to $500.00 that it Can not be done.
are McNuggets actually Chicken?
Look here:
Quote:Eating 100 Chicken McNuggets without dying is easy. Here’s how.
1) Don’t eat 100 Chicken McNuggets. Just don’t do it. You’ll die. I ate 100 Chicken McNuggets by also involving two other people (one of whom was a diabetic and they kick ass at eating a lot of food), so I only ate 25. The other guy, Charlie, ate 33, and the diabetic guy, Jordan, ate 42. That’s why none of us is dead. We want to die, but we aren’t dead. Anything that goes above 50 nuggets might result in death, or a coma, or something like that.
2) Don’t eat for at least four hours prior to destroying your insides by eating a bunch of processed chicken. If there is anything, anything at all, in your stomach before the Ronald McDonald supplied onslaught on your intestines it will result in war. And in that war, you will lose. And all the food will retreat, if you catch my drift. Just fast that day, save yourself the trouble.
3) Get a drink. If you don’t have a drink to help break down the McNuggets your stomach will explode. Or get cancer. Coke has roughly the same effect as battery acid, and battery acid is about the only thing that can break down 10+ McNuggets. Your feeble stomach acids have no chance. Help them. There is no shame in that.
4) Find a rhythm. For me, it was two bites per McNugget. No more, no less. Then you’ll get so caught up in the monotony of the ordeal that you’ll lose track of how many you’ve eaten until it’s too late. It’s the ultimate blitzkrieg on your stomach. Before you know it, you’ll be on your third box of ten and your stomach will just start to realize you’re trying to kill yourself. Bam. Quantity, not quality. Or sanity.
5) Rest after. Don’t move. Don’t. You’ll immediately fall/sit/lay back down, so don’t even bother getting up to begin with. Consider it a victory lap of sorts, but without any motion. This is probably the most obvious of the tips since you’re body will physically prevent you from moving after more than 15 McNuggets, but it’s worth saying.
So there you have it. McDonald’s has 20 McNuggets for $5, so go out there, get some buddies and support the evil corporate restaurant chain conglomerate and simultaneously take a few months off your life. It’ll be a good story. This is what college is about. Just don’t die.
Addition: My friend Sara thought it would be a good idea to add the health facts regarding eating 100 Chicken McNuggets. I agree. These stats are from the McDonald’s Web site, so you can look for yourself. These stats are all based on 100 Chicken McNuggets.
Calories: 4600, 2600 of which are from fat
Fat: 290 g, 50 g of Saturated Fat (that’s 440% and 250% of the Daily Values, respectively); but no Trans Fat!
Cholesterol: 700 mg, or 230 % of the Daily Value
Sodium: 10,000 mg, or 420% of the Daily Value
Protein: 240 g
I think these stats just solidify my claim made in tip number one.
The above information was reviewed from:
Who are you quoting on the second half of that post?
Quote: beachbumbabsVarmenti,
Who are you quoting on the second half of that post?
Thats was found from Google search. Some Blog had posted this.
Quote: EvenBobBut oil and fat and grease sit in your stomach being digested
long after everything else is gone. It's the hardest to digest
food you can eat. Look it up.
I don't understand what you mean, I already know this information.
Quote: varmentiThats was found from Google search. Some Blog had posted this.
Have to cite your source, just in case that blog somehow has protections. Would you mind linking to it, please?
So you're offering 3 to 1 odds on the NO? If this is correct, I will take 100 of that action on the YES, where if Mission does it, I will win 300 US dollars from you, and if he doesn't make it, I will lose 100 US to you. All conditions the same as the bet as currently set up between the Wizard and Mission. Is it a bet?
Quote: beachbumbabsVarmenti,
So you're offering 3 to 1 odds on the NO? If this is correct, I will take 100 of that action on the YES, where if Mission does it, I will win 300 US dollars from you, and if he doesn't make it, I will lose 100 US to you. All conditions the same as the bet as currently set up between the Wizard and Mission. Is it a bet?
WHAT bet between Wizard and Mission? J/K
Quote: Mission146I don't understand what you mean, I already know this information.
What I mean is, the fat will still be in your stomach after
the challenge is over. Talking about digestion is a moot
point. These guys on the videos who take a break to use
the bathroom are ridiculous, there hasn't been enough time
for the fat to leave their stomachs, let alone their colons.
Quote: beachbumbabsVarmenti,
So you're offering 3 to 1 odds on the NO? If this is correct, I will take 100 of that action on the YES, where if Mission does it, I will win 300 US dollars from you, and if he doesn't make it, I will lose 100 US to you. All conditions the same as the bet as currently set up between the Wizard and Mission. Is it a bet?
varmenti, I will also take $100 on the YES, if you agree to what beachbumbabs outlined above.
Quote: varmentiI'll Place 3 to 1 Wager up to $500.00 that it Can not be done.
are McNuggets actually Chicken?
Look here:
I'll take $100 of that action if you are serious and willing to post up your money.
Quote: EvenBobWhat I mean is, the fat will still be in your stomach after
the challenge is over. Talking about digestion is a moot
point. These guys on the videos who take a break to use
the bathroom are ridiculous, there hasn't been enough time
for the fat to leave their stomachs, let alone their colons.
I have to disagree with this through personal experience. There have been any number of times when I've eaten something extremely greasy, or had mayonnaise or tomatoes gone over and my stomach, within 10-15 minutes, has said, "Nope! Opening the emergency evacuation hatch!" and I've had to run for it with no notice. None. Trust me on this and be glad you weren't there. It's absolutely possible, but may be individually different.
Quote: beachbumbabsThere have been any number of times when I've eaten something extremely greasy, or had mayonnaise or tomatoes gone over and my stomach, within 10-15 minutes,
Yes, but that's far from a typical experience. You got bad
food, or oil that was rancid. McD's oil is just fine, that
won't happen is this case.
Quote: beachbumbabsSo you're offering 3 to 1 odds on the NO? If this is correct, I will take 100 of that action on the YES, where if Mission does it, I will win 300 US dollars from you, and if he doesn't make it, I will lose 100 US to you. All conditions the same as the bet as currently set up between the Wizard and Mission. Is it a bet?
Quote: wudgedvarmenti, I will also take $100 on the YES, if you agree to what beachbumbabs outlined above.
Quote: DRichI'll take $100 of that action if you are serious and willing to post up your money.
You guys are about to bet a guy who claims that he quit a job with Microsoft in order to sing in a cover band, and that he also makes $500-1000 per day as a professional baccarat player. LOL
Quote: Mission1463-to-1?
WHAT bet between Wizard and Mission? J/K
Listen I've seen The Wizards (Michael) Facebook page and reading about his hobbies. He could never attempt to even want to try to eat 100 Chicken Mcnuggets.
Don't bet, you will lose your money.
Quote: Mission146Have to cite your source, just in case that blog somehow has protections. Would you mind linking to it, please?
I have added the link to the source in the post.
Mission is the food eater. The Wizard is betting he can't do it. I'm betting on Mission.
Mission is kidding you; we have 18+ pages of discussing the conditions of the bet and the possible drawbacks.
My offer stands: 100 on Mission YES against your NO at 3 to 1 odds, where if he fails, I pay you 100US, and if he succeeds, you pay me 300US. Is it a bet?
Quote: wudgedThe bet is whether Mission can eat 100 Chicken McNuggets, not the Wizard.
I don't know anything about Mission. Can anyone tell me a little about Mission?
I thought Mission was Wizard.
If in fact Mission is The Wizard then Yes I will Do 3 to 1 Odds up to $500.00 each member that Wizard Can not do it knowing his Lifestyle.
Quote: varmentiI don't know anything about Mission. Can anyone tell me a little about Mission?
I thought Mission was Wizard.
If in fact Mission is The Wizard then Yes I will Do 3 to 1 Odds up to $500.00 each member that Wizard Can not do it knowing his Lifestyle.
LOL...you guys are really going to bet this guy?
Within this thread is a great deal of information about Mission, including a picture taken this week. He is 29, married with young children, works at a hotel, and is one of the 3 named Moderators of this board. He lives in eastern Ohio. (This is what I recall he has said publicly if you're continuing to be unwilling to read this entire thread.) I would suggest you pull up his picture for an idea of his body type if that provides you with any information, and his profile for more information; just click on his name in green above. You can PM him for more information if you want; he is an honest and forthcoming man. I have not met him, but I have met the Wizard, and they are not the same person.

Wizard (on the left)
Quote: Beethoven9thLOL...you guys are really going to bet this guy?
I think it will be an interesting test of his character as a new person on this board, and one who has made claims disputed by some others. He may not take the bet, though he initiated it. He may not honor it if he loses. All of that will be quite public - if it happens - and if he takes and honors the bet, that will also be quite public.
Quote: WizardI'd like remind everybody that these are friendly wagers and everybody is on the honor system to pay if he/she loses. I specifically do not make any guarantees of payment from anybody except myself.
Wizard (on the left)
Glad you chimed in, Wizard, I agree that the risk in betting with varmenti is entirely on me. I don't expect you to honor his debts, should he incur any.
Big boy starves himself for 24hrs to prepare and gives up after just 63.
Mission: If you are very serious about this, I will jump on the next plane to meet you in person and not only will I pay for the 100 Nuggets, I will personally Video Tape the complete event.
Just tell me when and where.
But on a serious note Mission from the bottom of my heart. Please don't do it man.
Quote: Wizard
Wizard (on the left)
Geez, in just about EVERY pic I see of the Wizard, he's always with a different beautiful woman!! I knew I should have majored in math instead...haha
Quote: Beethoven9thLOL...you guys are really going to bet this guy?
Although I could lock in a nice middle, I'm not going to accept his bet. For me, he hasn't been around long enough to establish any trust, and what posts I've seen don't inspire enough confidence.
Quote: WizardAlthough I could lock in a nice middle, I'm not going to accept his bet. For me, he hasn't been around long enough to establish any trust, and what posts I've seen don't inspire enough confidence.
I agree completely. That is why I would only make the bet if he was willing to post up the money with a trusted source. I don't expect that to happen.
Quote: varmentiMission, Please watch this video before you attempt such a very bad idea.
Big boy starves himself for 24hrs to prepare and gives up after just 63.
Mission: If you are very serious about this, I will jump on the next plane to meet you in person and not only will I pay for the 100 Nuggets, I will personally Video Tape the complete event.
Just tell me when and where.
But on a serious note Mission from the bottom of my heart. Please don't do it man.
UPDATE: After watching a few video's on youtube and seeing many fail at this challenge, I'm not gonna bet. Screw that. I'm not gonna have members on here risk money on someones Challenge.
HOWEVER: I am willing to Put up a full days Baccarat winnings of $1000.00 Divided up between 10 Members showing interest in this challenge.
That's right. 10 Members will receive $100.00 each and risk nothing if MISSION completes the challenge. But it is Mission's Choice if he wants to do it.
All I ask is he have someone Post the Video for the proof.
Good Luck to you Mission!!!