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119 members have voted
let me know if ya'll need airfare and relocation expenses
Quote: AxelWolf
Listen to this chick. @ 3:52
The police should be given flame-throwers to get rid of those idiots.
Quote: RS
The police should be given flame-throwers to get rid of those idiots.
Some people just have an extreme difficulty dealing with reality.

Quote: AxelWolfHillary may get the popular vote by default. People that voted for Trump(God to you) actually wanted him to win and become president. Many people voted for Hillary not because they liked or wanted Hillary to win, they just didn't want Trump to win.
Even with all the star power and media backing Hillary she still couldn't pull it off.
Hillary will win the popular vote.
I know many people who held their nose and voted for Trump in order to vote against Hillary. And vice versa. As well as many people who voted FOR one or the other. It's wrong to generalize any one reason for this result. There are many.
And you're still wrong about me. Just like I'm probably wrong about why on earth you voted for Trump.
Quote: GreasyjohnAll the demonstrations over Trump's win remind me of the Occupy movement of a few years ago. No direction. No agenda. No real purpose. "He's not my president" is a common refrain. I know what they mean, but yeah, he is.
It is hard to find a bunch of snowflakes running around the cities carrying water bottles scary. I expected better from George Soros. If this is all that can be mustered the New World Order is truly on its last leg. Google THINK PROGRESS organization for more info.
Quote: beachbumbabsHillary will win the popular vote.
I am still looking for action on this. Care to double down?
Quote: MaxPenI am still looking for action on this. Care to double down?
It's a bet. 200 says Hillary will win the popular vote. Source Google. Date Dec. 1. All ballots should be counted by then.
Quote: beachbumbabsIt's a bet. 200 says Hillary will win the popular vote. Source Google. Date Dec. 1. All ballots should be counted by then.
Settled on completion of all ballets in regardless of date but before inauguration. Delays are being implemented to fuel the fires. I that is acceptable consider it a done deal.
Quote: GreasyjohnI think some of Donald Trump's talents are his fortitude and his ability to not be beaten down. He is going to be tested. I hope he succeeds.
Ford Foundation shuttled off a check to BLM for a cool 100 million to stoke the fires. Poor Henry is rolling in his grave as him and Trump would have had a lot in common.
Quote: AZDuffmanObama WH staff waiting to greet Trump.
Second from the left should try to find a husband I think. Real world not working out for her.
Isn't the 2nd guy on the right Corey Lewandowski?
Quote: MaxPenSettled on completion of all ballets in regardless of date but before inauguration. Delays are being implemented to fuel the fires. I that is acceptable consider it a done deal.
Quote: lilredroosterKKK will hold a victory parade for Trump. The largest KKK group in the country, The Loyal White Knights of Pelham, North Carolina. Raise your hand if you're going to join them for the celebration.
Largest group in the country, so, 8 members?
These are crazed losers on the fringes of life, desperate for attention, like the Fred Phelps people and the media give them attention whenever they link themselves to Trump. So guess what they do!
Trump can't control what these people do, any more than Obama can control what the lunatics on the other side do.
But the media are cooperating with the KKK to inflame division, with each benefiting.
I'm far more troubled by some of the names being tossed about for the cabinet, like John Bolton. That doesn't bode well for Trump's promise of a less interventionist FP. We'll see.
Quote: RigondeauxLargest group in the country, so, 8 members?
I don't know the size of their membership, but even if it's small the size and breadth of like minded groups is not. If you think it's not a significant movement you're kidding yourself. From a group that tracks this, The Southern Poverty Law Center:
"The major hate forum Stormfront now has more than 300,000 members, and the site has been adding about 25,000 registered users annually for several years — the size of a small city."
https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2016/year-hate-and-extremismthe foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him
I read Stormfront once or twice a year, mainly out of curiosity. Political extremism interests me. This is not unusual. I know plenty of others who do the same. It's been an infamous site for a long time.
People might register for any number of reasons. Some forums won't let you see certain stuff if you don't log in. Others might want to infiltrate the site, or argue. Others might be tourists, who want to have some alter ego online.
It's been a long time, though this might be a good occasion for a visit. However, from what I remember, while it is pretty active, there are nowhere near 300k active posters. Even if we say that there are 300k people who are active in or support, white power movements, which there are not, it would be under .1% of the population.
I looked it up and this massive KKK organization has between 150 and 200 members, yet they're in the headlines for endorsing a political candidate.
You should check out some of the left wing kooks on Tumblr. They are pretty fun.
Make it 9, RS heads up the LV chapter (JOKE)Quote: RigondeauxLargest group in the country, so, 8 members?
You could be pretty certain that things would just stay the same under Hillary. And that's obviously not what a lot of people wanted.
Quote: petroTrump's win was from desperation. People are looking to improve their lot in life and they think a wild card like Trump might change things up a bit.
You could be pretty certain that things would just stay the same under Hillary. And that's obviously not what a lot of people wanted.
Surely Obama's 2008 campaign had nothing to do with this (hope)......
“No one in this world, so far as I know — and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me — has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.”
Wow, imagine if cacti, prairie grass and corn stalks could vote.Quote: MaxPenThis is the map they will never put on the front page. Somebody needs to send this to the violent cupcakes throwing a tantrum in the streets because their liberal dream of Eutopia was shattered. They need to think twice about following, like useful idiots, the instigators who have them out screaming for revolution. Mao used kids like these useful idiots to murder the populace too, but he disarmed the people first. THIS, and several other historical examples, is exactly WHY Americans will not give up our ability to defend ourselves. It was coded into the US Constitution for this EXACT REASON. The people have spoken peacefully through the election, please, clueless rioting libbies, don't take this to the next level. Get a job, do some manual labor(shoveling stalls would be a nice start), find out how NOT special you are and grow up!
I was gonna say I know better to bet against you on the election, but then you did lose to me on that other bet. I didn't know you were offering a even money bet on this. How much can I get down if I want to bet it?Quote: MaxPenI am still trying to get action on Trump winning the popular vote. ;-)
Any takers?
Quote: MaxPenI am still looking for action on this. Care to double down?
I am willing to take this bet for $200 with the same conditions as beachbumbabs. Since I am an unknown on this forum, I'm willing to have WOZ hold my stake, if you want.😎
I think many of the Republicans wouldn't care , or even love to have Pence take over.
Weirdly, I could see the Democrats being uncertain where to go on such a thing. Getting Pence might make it harder to get rid of a Republican President when elections roll around.
But it is just a gut reaction, so professor doesn't model it.
No, because at the time you claimed it WASN'T, and you also said that if/when you were proven wrong, "No excuses will be coming from me." But that's exactly what we got from you. Big surprise.Quote: MaxPenAre you still caught up on this? Really?
Get out from under the mud and net contribute to the discussion.
Hint- It's called hyperbole.
You were wrong about a Trump landslide, using the criteria you agreed to. If you won't own up to it, why should anyone ever listen to anything you say?
Quote: MaxPenSettled on completion of all ballets in regardless of date but before inauguration. Delays are being implemented to fuel the fires. I that is acceptable consider it a done deal.
I'm very interest in this bet on popular vote, and I want to up the bet to $10,000 ( the same amount that Mitt Romney offered to Rick Perry https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=mitt+romney+10000+bet+youtube )
We both must place $10,000 in a escrow. Is there a credible & trust worthy WoV third party (or parties) here we can use as an custodian of our escrow?
This is a serious offer.
Quote: MichaelBluejayNo, because at the time you claimed it WASN'T, and you also said that if/when you were proven wrong, "No excuses will be coming from me." But that's exactly what we got from you. Big surprise.
You were wrong about a Trump landslide, using the criteria you agreed to. If you won't own up to it, why should anyone ever listen to anything you say?
MaxPen pattern of prediction is making numerous predictions and eventually he'll get one right.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.
Quote: lilredroosterKKK will hold a victory parade for Trump. The largest KKK group in the country, The Loyal White Knights of Pelham, North Carolina. Raise your hand if you're going to join them for the celebration.
If you are looking for a carpool or something, I will not be going.
Seriously, who cares? BLM, another racist hate group, leans left and surely local chapters supported Obama.
Why would you promote such a meeting here?
Quote: AZDuffmanIf you are looking for a carpool or something, I will not be going.
Seriously, who cares? BLM, another racist hate group, leans left and surely local chapters supported Obama.
Why would you promote such a meeting here?
Comparing BLM to the KKK is just stupid. This for me is the worst thing about a Trump win. It's emboldened misguided angry white people to say extremely stupid things like that.
Quote: ams288Comparing BLM to the KKK is just stupid. This for me is the worst thing about a Trump win. It's emboldened misguided angry white people to say extremely stupid things like that.
Perhaps that's your opinion that it's a stupid comparison. But what AZD said is true.
Quote: RSPerhaps that's your opinion that it's a stupid comparison. But what AZD said is true.
Liberals will not admit there is racism by minorities. Racism by minorities will be one of the major causes of the major social unrest I see in the 2020s. Look at the riots that are happening. Their party loses and you see riots. The thing is do the riots burn out like the 1960s riots did or does it go to the level of a sort of civil war?
One thing for sure, few if any societies have had the kind of racial demographic shift now happening in a peaceful and quiet way.
They might have to start representing voters, instead of those who pay them bribes, even if it's as a last resort. If they do, they will make yuge gains.
Some gems from Brad:
"That's the difference between conservatives and liberals, when conservatives lose an election, they want to kill people, when liberals lose an election, we want to kill ourselves!!!"
I'm like, "Well, looks like it's your turn..." and when he called me names not allowed on here, I asked him who was killed in 2008 or 2012? or FFS, who died in the last couple days? His look after that made me think it is probably a good thing he doesn't trust himself around guns, lol.
"White men proved their racism and sexism by voting Trump. White men are ruining this country." (BTW, Brad is white as a ghost, and not a college graduate, but I think he did attend for a quick minute) -
I'm like, "Look at the Appalachian counties in SE Ohio. These are the prototypical "racist" pigs the MSM calls out daily. Yet they (collectively) have not voted for the Republican candidate since the 50's, and voted for Obama by almost 2 to 1 in both 2008 and 2012. Based on simple MSM/liberal definitions of "racist" those cats couldn't be racist, since they voted Obama, and voted Obama overwhelmingly. But since they voted Trump by almost 3 to 1, they are now not only racist, but sexist, and misogynist, for the simple reason they voted with their brain vs their assholes.
Brad's response, "They were always racist, they just saw how terrible McCain/Romney would be, and HAD to vote Obama, despite their racism.
I ask Brad, "So does that make you a sexist, at a minimum, because you voted Hillary only because Trump was so terrible?"
Brad's head exploded, and he locked the convo so he could spend the rest of the day in his safespace.
Quote: Maverick17I just finished a conversation with an acquaintance of mine through work who is a flaming liberal.
Some gems from Brad:
"That's the difference between conservatives and liberals, when conservatives lose an election, they want to kill people, when liberals lose an election, we want to kill ourselves!!!"
I'm like, "Well, looks like it's your turn..." and when he called me names not allowed on here, I asked him who was killed in 2008 or 2012? or FFS, who died in the last couple days? His look after that made me think it is probably a good thing he doesn't trust himself around guns, lol.
"White men proved their racism and sexism by voting Trump. White men are ruining this country." (BTW, Brad is white as a ghost, and not a college graduate, but I think he did attend for a quick minute) -
I'm like, "Look at the Appalachian counties in SE Ohio. These are the prototypical "racist" pigs the MSM calls out daily. Yet they (collectively) have not voted for the Republican candidate since the 50's, and voted for Obama by almost 2 to 1 in both 2008 and 2012. Based on simple MSM/liberal definitions of "racist" those cats couldn't be racist, since they voted Obama, and voted Obama overwhelmingly. But since they voted Trump by almost 3 to 1, they are now not only racist, but sexist, and misogynist, for the simple reason they voted with their brain vs their assholes.
Brad's response, "They were always racist, they just saw how terrible McCain/Romney would be, and HAD to vote Obama, despite their racism.
I ask Brad, "So does that make you a sexist, at a minimum, because you voted Hillary only because Trump was so terrible?"
Brad's head exploded, and he locked the convo so he could spend the rest of the day in his safespace.
Some of these liberals make me think I should invest in whoever makes Xanax. Workers at the plant should surely be getting lots of OT by now.
Because the new trend in political speech is to say whatever makes you look good in the moment, then change it moments later when something else would sound better to the next guy:Quote: MichaelBluejayIf you won't own up to it, why should anyone ever listen to anything you say?
Quote: Trump, 6:19pm, November 10Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!
Quote: Trump, 3:14am, November 11Love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country. We will all come together and be proud!
Or even better:
Quote: Trump's campaign websiteOn day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.
Quote: Trump, yesterday in WSJ interviewEither Obamacare will be amended, or repealed and replaced
That's right, Trump spent just 90 minutes with Obama and entirely changed the tune he's been shouting for the past 18 months.
Quote: Trump, repeatedly throughout the campaignObamacare is a total disaster.
Quote: Trump, yesterday on keeping two provisions of ObamacareI like those very much.
It doesn't make sense that he would like part of something that is a total disaster (unless he likes disasters, in which case he should like all of it). Or maybe Trump doesn't know what "total" means? When Rubio called Trump a con man, he wasn't kidding. Half the nation was just taken in by a confidence trick played by a man who has absolutely no compunction about lying to your face while trying to sell you something. He is an unprincipled fraud and we will be poorer for ever having allowed his shifting whimsy to influence our politics.
If you voted for Trump in part because of the ACA, how do you feel now that he's changed his mind on immediately asking Congress to repealing it?
Of course, this behavior is entirely consistent with the theory that Trump never wanted to serve, only to win. Perhaps he will spend the next several months reversing so many of his campaign promises that his electors have no choice but to become faithless. But I won't hold my breath for that.
Quote: AZDuffmanSome of these liberals make me think I should invest in whoever makes Xanax.
You are not alone. Pfizer rose more than three points on 11/9.
Quote: AxelWolfI was gonna say I know better to bet against you on the election, but then you did lose to me on that other bet. I didn't know you were offering a even money bet on this. How much can I get down if I want to bet it?
I am no longer interested in this as I now belief after further review that is less probable. Various reasons such as below. With a difference of 400k votes out of 120million counted it certainly is still a possibility.
I really was trying to get action from BBB or DRich from those posts. A gentlemans double down, if you will.
Quote: MichaelBluejayNo, because at the time you claimed it WASN'T, and you also said that if/when you were proven wrong, "No excuses will be coming from me." But that's exactly what we got from you. Big surprise.
You were wrong about a Trump landslide, using the criteria you agreed to. If you won't own up to it, why should anyone ever listen to anything you say?
What criteria did I agree to?
I already told you that statement was hyperbole and put out my real stance based on where my money was. The hyperbole served its purpose. ;-) It looks like my real prediction was slightly conservative.
Correct you are for once, as I will not be giving any excuse. I have nothing to excuse myself of. Just like a blind squirrel, you have proven the ability to find a nut. Although, it has a rotten core.
Quote: 777Quote: MichaelBluejayNo, because at the time you claimed it WASN'T, and you also said that if/when you were proven wrong, "No excuses will be coming from me." But that's exactly what we got from you. Big surprise.
You were wrong about a Trump landslide, using the criteria you agreed to. If you won't own up to it, why should anyone ever listen to anything you say?
MaxPen pattern of prediction is making numerous predictions and eventually he'll get one right.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.
Sounds like your model. Although we will have to wait 4 years so that you have a chance to be right.
I know that this has been a long, excruciating and hard-fought process not just for our two major party nominees, but for all the voters and posters to this particular thread. However, the time has come for us to come together as a nation and to join as one unstoppable and immutable force to guide our country in the right direction.
This monumental task that we have before us can only be accomplished with togetherness and solidarity in the face of the many adversities we are assured to face. However, I believe that President-Elect Trump can lead us in this regard by example, by ensuring that all of his vanquished foes are taken care of with various Secretarial and Cabinet positions.
I am not referring to Hillary Rodham Clinton, rather, to his foes who he vanquished throughout the Republican Primary contest. Therefore, I have devised the following suggestions for positions for these valiant warriors that will give them, as well as all who supported them by proxy, the opportunity to take part in the process of Making America Great Again:
Chris Christie-Chief of Taste Testing
Throughout this entire Presidential Election process, it is undeniable that President-Elect Trump was divisive and perhaps, some would say belligerent, insulting and demeaning, at times. While attempted murder via foodstuffs has not been used against a sitting President that we have heard of, in recent memory, we cannot rule out the possibility that someone may try to take him out that way. It is for that reason that Chris Christie should be the Chief of Taste Testing because:
1.) He will LOVE his job.
2.) He is, perhaps, one of the most expendable human beings walking the Earth.
The only downside is the possibility that President-Elect Trump may miss the occasional meal, if it is delicious and extremely well-prepared, because Chief Christie may feel the need to, 'Test,' all of it.
Rick Santorum-Secretary of Wrongness
One might ask: Why would you want a Secretary who is wrong about everything? Let me attempt to explain by way of example:
Imagine that you are a student taking a multiple choice test, in which four potential answers are paired with each individual question: If you had someone beside you who unfailingly selected one of the wrong answers, then even on a blind guess, the probability of guessing right improves from 25% to 33.3% now that an answer that is guaranteed to be wrong has been eliminated. However, let's consider the possibility that you could ask the person who is always wrong for his second choice, knowing that will be wrong, the question at hand is down to 50/50.
Having Rick Santorum around will undoubtedly be the greatest decision Donald Trump could ever make. By having Rick Santorum select from a list of options, by order of his preference, until there is only one option that he has not selected guarantees that you will have the right answer because Rick Santorum is ALWAYS wrong. About everything. The only way President-Elect Trump will fail to arrive at the right answer is if the best option was never among the list of options presented to him, and even then, he shall end up with the least-worst option of those offered to him.
Rick Santorum, we are counting on you, Mr. Secretary, to be wrong...and borderline insane (but a very nice guy)...in order to do your part in Making America Great Again.
Carly Fiorina-Secretary of Making S*** Up
It is almost beyond question that Donald Trump told multiple fabrications throughout the course of his candidacy, in fact, he has as much as admitted that not everything he has ever said has been true. At a minimum, he has directly contradicted himself in the past, which means that either one statement or the other must have been a lie.
There is a difference, however, between lying and making s*** up, and even though Trump has also demonstrated a non unimpressive ability to do the latter, the President of the United States, while one man, has to do a job that takes several people helping him. Carly Fiorina fabricates non-existent video evidence of things that did not happen out of thin air, and then stands firm on the fabrications when called out on them, just like Trump...so this is more of a complimentary position. Trump also said that Fiorina has a, 'Beautiful face,' and we know what he likes to do when he sees beautiful women, can't help himself, so if the two of them ever get bored...
Calm down, Bill did it too. I wouldn't say that monogamy is the exception, but in this day and age, I think we can all admit that many people don't treat it as a rule set in stone.
Jim Gilmore & Mike Huckabee-Joint Secretaries of Who The Hell is That?
President-Elect Trump has been an important man for some time now, and several people have also argued that he does not care about anyone except for himself. While that may or may not be true, let's assume for a second that he is a narcissist, just for the sake of argument:
Narcissists only care about people who can either glorify them or people from whom they can get something that they want. Other people are unimportant to the narcissist. However, as President, Trump will occasionally have to deal with people who will not like him, and furthermore, do not have anything that he wants. While Trump may remember a few of the most important of these people by name, it is quite possible that he won't remember the unimportant ones who have enjoyed nothing close to his level of success.
That is where Jim Gilmore and Mike Huckabee come in, those two were just important enough to be semi-nationally relevant, but really, most people don't know who the Hell they are. As the Joint Secretaries of Who The Hell Is That?, it will be their job to remember the names, positions and relevance (if any) of foreign leaders and dignitaries of countries who do not worship at our feet and have nothing that we want. It takes irrelevance to know irrelevance, so these guys can step in and make the proper introductions using the name of the foreign leader or dignitary in question before Trump has the opportunity to call the guy the wrong thing.
Ted Cruz-Chief of Being Hated
It can be difficult to be a President when you have contributed to one of the elections that polarized and divided the country more than perhaps any other. Trump is going to have to find some way of reaching out to the political left so that the country can continue to gloriously prosper, but that's not something that can happen right away.
It is for that reason that we need Ted Cruz to step up for his country and become the Chief of Being Hated. As the Chief of Being Hated, he will serve as a reminder to the country of what we theoretically could have had instead of Trump. The majority of the population, Liberals included, will fall to their knees and thank God to have Trump as the POTUS as compared to the guy that looks like he is having an especially troublesome bowel movement...when he's smiling.
Take heart in the fact that it could be worse, America. And, thank you, Chief Cruz, thank you.
Rand Paul-Chief of Bad Hair
This is pretty self-explanatory, Trump takes a ton of flak for that dead weasel he likes to wear around on his head, Chief Paul will take some of the heat off.
Marco Rubio-Secretary of Broken Promises
Whilst on the campaign trail, President-Elect Trump made quite a few campaign promises that, I suspect, he might not be able to keep to the letter. That is definitely a difficult proposition for any first year President to be in, but with Secretary Rubio on this job to speak for Trump when it comes time to break a promise, nobody can directly accuse President-Elect Trump of actually breaking a promise he made during his actual Presidency.
Win or lose, said Marco Rubio, he would not run for reelection with respect to his Florida Senate seat. He lost in the Republican Primary, he ran for reelection for his Senate seat. Both the ability and willingness to directly break a promise is clear when it comes to, 'Little Marco.'
Anytime Trump needs to get a message out there that he knows will result in a broken promise, he can call upon Secretary Rubio to step up and lie about what he is going to do again. Just make sure the guy has a bottle of water close to him, all of that promise-breaking gets one parched.
John Kasich-Secretary of Undue Credit
In order to be a successful politician, once having held office, it is important to recognize and exploit every available opportunity to take credit for something that you had nothing to do with. As Trump has already pointed out on the campaign trail, Kasich is just tops at accomplishing this feat.
To hear Kasich tell it, single-handed, he swooped in like a modern day Jesus Christ and turned the proverbial five loaves of bread and two fish into enough food to feed five thousand men. What really happened is that it was discovered that Ohio has a plethora of natural gas reserves that could be accessed via hydraulic fracking, money came pouring into the state in an effort to extract said natural gas. Kasich did not discover the natural gas, and as far as I can tell, he did not physically put the gas there...but it is somehow his doing.
If there is anyone adept at taking credit for things he did not do, John Kasich is that guy, so even if Trump fails to Make America Great Again, Secretary Kasich will at least be there to make it sound like he did.
Jeb Bush-Chief of Getting His Ass Kicked
Being President is a difficult job in which important decisions that affect the balance of the nation today, and the prospects for our great nation tomorrow, need to be made on a daily basis. The President of the United States is almost always, by definition, in a position of wondering whether he has made a major blunder, perhaps said the wrong thing to a foreign leader. One misplaced word, theoretically, could be enough to start a war.
It is for that reason that the President must remain as confident as possible at all times. Jeb Bush was a once-powerful and nationally relevant Governor of Florida, his brother and dad were also Presidents and Governor Jeb was all set to be the Republican Nominee, and perhaps presumably, the winner of the 2016 Election.
Donald Trump changed all that coming in and whipping Jeb's ass so thoroughly and completely that the Governor was reduced to requesting that people clap at his rallies. Even house bands at mostly empty dive bars do not ask the audience to clap.
Whether it is being utterly dismantled in a verbal sparring, getting demolished in Canasta, or perhaps, Trump: The Game, it is Governor Bush's duty as Chief of Getting His Ass Kicked to constantly lose at everything to President-Elect Trump in order to boost his ego and remind him of what he has the power to do to a once-respected man.
Ben Carson-Chief of Sleepytime
The fact of the matter is that being President is an extremely difficult job that requires a man to remain awake for countless hours while making difficult decisions at the drop of a hat. The job is taxing physically, as well as mentally, which can be seen by how rapidly Presidents appear to age during their time in office. Even with that, though, it is important to make sure to get some much-needed sleep from time-to-time.
When President-Elect Trump is looking just a little too haggard from his Presidential duties, and you'll know because the orange will be gone from his face which will be rendered as ghost white as the underneath of his eyes, the guy simply needs to have a snooze. That is where Chief of Sleepytime Carson comes in, at that point, Chief Carson must discuss fiscal policy, his appearance on The View, his opinions on gardening...anything, really...until President-Elect Trump slowly drifts off into a peaceful slumber. It won't take long. From that point, Carson can just go on and on in his sleepy sing-song murmur (it's just really effective white noise, really) until he himself drifts off to sleep.
In fact, just thinking about that whisper-like rhythmic cadence....HKFYUKKTYTLUYUBBKYUYCKYRXC,....746254nrlnrkg......
Oh, sorry, fine job, Chief Carson!
All of these vanquished, once-proud contenders, can be given positions that make them feel useful, because they will be useful. Especially Ben Carson, I made a CD that I play when it is time to go to bed that is just eight solid hours of him talking, and I promise, it really works.
Or, maybe I should ask Rubio to make that promise for me just in case you decide to try it for yourselves.
Quote: rxwineHas anyone bet on whether Trump will build the "wall". How big and long does it have to be to count? (that last part sounds sexual, eww)
On the schedule for March
people think he is as a person. The point
is and always has been, Hillary had to lose.
Period. She was owned lock stock and barrel
by special interests all over the world and
they would would have run things, not
And on top of that, there's a very good
chance she is majorly sick. We already know
she's physically weak as a kitten, I won't
even go into what we've all been seeing
for months. Don't be surprised if we learn
next year that she's taken a turn for the
She had to lose, enough with family dynasty
crap. We just dodged a major bullet and as
time goes on you will see that, because the
Clinton story is far from over.