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119 members have voted
I'm worried about his health.
Clinton: Actually, I wrote a book about it, you can pick it up tomorrow.
That one made me chuckle.
Trump lasted less than 20 minutes before he lost his temper and just started shouting at her.
Good luck with those nukes.
Quote: ams288LOL
Trump lasted less than 20 minutes before he lost his temper and just started shouting at her.
Good luck with those nukes.
Must be something about her. After the same amount of time Bill was so tired of listening to her he jumped into bed with any other woman in site.
Quote: AZDuffmanMust be something about her. After the same amount of time Bill was so tired of listening to her he jumped into bed with any other woman in site.
Good one.
Your candidate is getting his butt kicked and all you got is a Bill Clinton joke.
Good sign for the Dems.
Quote: ams288Good one.
Your candidate is getting his butt kicked and all you got is a Bill Clinton joke.
Good sign for the Dems.
But kicked? He is mopping the floor with her. She is just using the same talking points from the last 30 years.
Quote: realDonaldTrumpThe concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.
Quote: SOOPOOPresident Hillary Rodham Clinton. There is no way the Donald can survive this performance. As much as I don't like Hillary's policies, she looks and acts presidential. First half analysis....
Appreciate the nonpartisan appraisal.
The betting markets seem to agree:
Quote: NateSilver538Clinton election chances up to 65.6% from 63.1% before the debate, according to Betfair.
Like John Gotti talking about a neighborhood watch.
Most people are smart enough to know these things are fake without even using a microscope.Quote: beachbumbabsQuote: KeyserSo rather high.
It will also be interesting to see if Hillary can remain standing for the entire length of the debate.
That is so badly photoshopped you can still see the shadow of where her right pupil(the photo's left) is, let alone the mismatched iris painted in.
I literally just jumped for joy and clapped my hands when the audience laughed at him for saying he has "the best temperment" - I'm not ashamed to admit it.
Quote: ams288This is such a disaster for Trump.
I literally just jumped for joy and clapped my hands when the audience laughed at him for saying he has "the best temperment" - I'm not ashamed to admit it.
He does. Have you seen her when she starts ranting?
Sometimes there is no way to win any game past w certain point, such is the case with America. The future is not and has not been bright for almost twenty years, maybe 40. We have been living off the fat since Reagan, selling out since Clinton, and in denial since Bush.Quote: MathExtremistI agree, but it's worth noting that over a million Britons who voted for Brexit regretted those votes shortly after casting them. I hope the U.S. electorate has no cause to regret its votes in the coming months.
Quote: jonallendcDonald Trump has given us the worst debate performance by any major-party nominee since the advent of television.
I'm sorry, do not agree. He is sowing the seed of doubt in the establishment, and placing her in the bag. I'm in about 33 minutes so far.Quote: ams288This is such a disaster for Trump.
I literally just jumped for joy and clapped my hands when the audience laughed at him for saying he has "the best temperment" - I'm not ashamed to admit it.
His first 30 minutes were by far his strongest. He answered a question about race bias by touting his Florida nightclub and how he doesn't discriminate on who can get in. Uh, congratulations?Quote: onenickelmiracleI'm sorry, do not agree. He is sowing the seed of doubt in the establishment, and placing her in the bag. I'm in about 33 minutes so far.
Howard Dean just tweeted that Trump's sniffing might be due to coke use. Heh.
Quote: WizardFive hours to go before debate #1. I wanted to capture the odds before and after. Here are the BetFair odds right now. These are averaging the buy and lay prices:
Clinton: 1.595
Trump: 2.885
To convert them to probabilities:
Clinton: 62.7%
Trump: 34.7%
Wow, what a difference several hours makes. Here is an update after the debate:
Betting odds (for one basis):
Clinton: 1.4425
Trump: 3.375
To convert them to probabilities:
Clinton: 69.3%
Trump: 29.6%
Quote: WizardWow, what a difference several hours makes. Here is an update after the debate:
Betting odds (for one basis):
Clinton: 1.4425
Trump: 3.375
To convert them to probabilities:
Clinton: 69.3%
Trump: 29.6%
Opportunity for a sharp as debates usually have little net effect on the outcome.
Quote: ams288The big question now: will Trump even bother showing up for the 2nd and 3rd debates??
He won this one by enough why bother but why wouldn't he?
Quote: AZDuffmanHe won this one by enough why bother but why wouldn't he?
He lost.
Literally no one is saying he won. The best review I've seen for him is "it wasn't a total disaster."
You can attempt to spin it however you want, but it is futile.
Mitt Romney won his first debate against Obama. Dems don't dispute that.
Trump lost his first debate against Hillary. If AZ is an indicator, righties will try to dispute that.
Good luck...
Quote: ams288He lost.
Literally no one is saying he won. The best review I've seen for him is "it wasn't a total disaster."
You can attempt to spin it however you want, but it is futile.
Mitt Romney won his first debate against Obama. Dems don't dispute that.
Trump lost his first debate against Hillary. If AZ is an indicator, righties will try to dispute that.
Good luck...
Poll I saw shows 10-1 he won.
He connected great with the rust belt states.
She was a pile of word soup talking points, same old same old.
Do you think people in a destroyed manufacturing town care how many places she jet-setted to?
Quote: AZDuffmanOpportunity for a sharp as debates usually have little net effect on the outcome.
You're probably right. I could lock in a nice profit if I could get money down on Trump right now as I'm heavy on Clinton right now.
Quote: AZDuffmanPoll I saw shows 10-1 he won
What poll? Breitbart? Drudge? David Duke's website?
Quote: AZDuffmanPoll I saw shows 10-1 he won.
I figure those on the right feel Trump won and those on the left feel Clinton won
but your poll says 10 to 1?
Source please
Quote: algiordanoCNN Focus group: 18 of 20 undecided Florida voters say Hillary Clinton won the debate (and seem inclined to vote for her).
Hmm.... This suggests Hillary won 10-1.
I'll be curious if Trump approaches the next debate with such casual confidence as he did this one. It would be a mistake if he does so.
Quote: MaxPenHillary could not drink water. With her condition she tends to aspirate liquids when swallowing which causes choking. Myasthenia Gravis look it up and you will understand. Doubt we will hear much from her til next week, tonight took a lot out of her.
She literally went to a rally immediately after the debate.
Always sad when facts get in the way of the conspiracy theory nonsense.
Quote: AZDuffmanPoll I saw shows 10-1 he won.
Are you sure you were on the right channel and not watching an episode of family guy?
I stopped up till 4am (UK) to watch this, with great trepidation in case Hilary stumbled in any way and hopeful that Donny would completely lose his cool. She didn't: He didn't
By his own standards, he did pretty well. He espoused less outrageous bullshit than he normally would and he was ALMOST politician like for about 30 minutes. That was scary. But he did let himself down a few times, eg. shrugging and saying 'that's business' when faced with all his bankruptsy and non-payment history. And in the last few minutes you could see him itching to throw out a low insult and could hardly contain himself. ( Crooked Hilary etc.)
I was surprised how much the moderator let him butt in and bluster and the amount of time Hil just seemed to be standing there and letting him. I reckon Donny got MUC|H more talking time. Maybe that was in Hil's strategy, to give him enough rope?
And the feebleness with which both sides tried to press home killer points. A few times, I thought one side or the other could hit a killer blow, but then just didn't follow through. Almost like they dared not go for the jugular for fear of being exposed.
Donny gave one of his best performances, but if 'won' means did better than Hil, he didn't win. He barely survived.
Thank **** for that.
Quote: WizardYou're probably right. I could lock in a nice profit if I could get money down on Trump right now as I'm heavy on Clinton right now.
Due respect, but does that break the commandment about hedging? I have said before I disagree on that one due to my trader mentality vs a pure math one. But it could be one of your next articles as to when to break?
Hillary Clinton talking about the Internet and cyber crime / etc. like she knows anything about it......while she just got done "making a mistake" (her words) with a private server & emails. Hell, her password was probably "passw0rd".
An analogy would be like a completely failed/attempted AP trying to give advice on AP'ing. If you have no experience in something or a negative/poor experience in something, you can say whatever you want, it doesn't mean you know what you're talking about.
CEO's are obligated to maximize the social welfare of their shareholders.
Hourly wages in benefits are 87% cheaper in Mexico than in the U.S.
Hourly wages in Mexico are 40% lower than in China.
"That's business."
Trump's suggested 35% tariff will not bring a single factory back to the U.S.
Quote: AZDuffmanPoll I saw shows 10-1 he won.
Even Breibart has her winning
Really put yourself out on a limb on this one AZ
Let me guess, you invited 9 friends over for the debate and 1 token lib then took a vote :-)
Good. If he thinks he won, hopefully he will prepare for the next two exactly like he did for this one. If it worked for him once..... ;)
Quote: AZDuffmanShe was a pile of word soup talking points, same old same old.
Awwww, how cute. AZ accuses a candidate of "word soup" responses who isn't Donald Trump.
Errr.... have you literally ever heard Trump speak ever?
Quote: Donald Trump, who has the best wordsWe came in with the Internet, we came up with the Internet, and I think Secretary Clinton and myself would agree very much, when you look at what ISIS is doing with the Internet, they're beating us at our own game. ISIS.
So we have to get very, very tough on cyber and cyber warfare. It is -- it is a huge problem. I have a son. He's 10 years old. He has computers. He is so good with these computers, it's unbelievable. The security aspect of cyber is very, very tough. And maybe it's hardly doable.
But I will say, we are not doing the job we should be doing. But that's true throughout our whole governmental society. We have so many things that we have to do better, Lester, and certainly cyber is one of them.
The security aspect of cyber is very tough!
Quote: AZDuffmanDue respect, but does that break the commandment about hedging? I have said before I disagree on that one due to my trader mentality vs a pure math one. But it could be one of your next articles as to when to break?
No. You can hedge if the hedge bet itself is neutral or positive. Also, if life-changing amounts of money are on the line, like you need one more win to cover a huge parlay card.
Quote: ams288Hmm.... This suggests Hillary won 10-1.
Wouldn't that be 9:1? (Sorry, I get so little chance here to get all mathy on people :) )
Quote: MaxPenHillary could not drink water. With her condition she tends to aspirate liquids when swallowing which causes choking. Myasthenia Gravis look it up and you will understand. Doubt we will hear much from her til next week, tonight took a lot out of her.
Wow, you obviously didn't stick around for the after-debate broadcast, when she went outside and exploded.
I think that someone like you, with the ability to make complex medical diagnoses simply by watching someone talk on TV, is wasting his time here. I'll send you a video of a village in Africa, and you can tell us who suffers from what. It's your humanitarian duty to share your talents with the world.
Quote: RSre: Debate --
Hillary Clinton talking about the Internet and cyber crime / etc. like she knows anything about it......while she just got done "making a mistake" (her words) with a private server & emails. Hell, her password was probably "passw0rd".
An analogy would be like a completely failed/attempted AP trying to give advice on AP'ing. If you have no experience in something or a negative/poor experience in something, you can say whatever you want, it doesn't mean you know what you're talking about.
One element of mass ignorance (which you seem to share, by your comments) about the email "controversy" is the false impression that Clinton was directly doing the office drudge work. Of course she wasn't--staffers actually handled the emails. Some random mid-level staffer set things up incorrectly. So yeah, she made a mistake by not better supervising her staff. YAWN. She admitted it, and pretty much defused the issue right there.
And if you want to make any sort of comparison, Trump talking about cybercrime is like a small-time pickpocket trying to advise a corporate CEO on how not to get ripped off. He was starting to look really stupid, and had the sense to kinda sorta shut up, which for him, is like an alcoholic actually refusing that seventh drink.
Quote: ams288There's a great video from when the debate ended and the candidates were schmoozing with their familes, you can see Trump say to Don Jr. "Yeah, she did a good job."
And if asked, he'll say that he was actually talking about Melanoma, his concubine.
Quote: WizardYou're probably right. I could lock in a nice profit if I could get money down on Trump right now as I'm heavy on Clinton right now.
Well, I'll take Trump if you'll give me 8,000:1.
Of course, the bet would have to be off if Trump withdraws from the race and runs off to Bermuda to sulk. Or dies. Or turns back into a bat.
Quote: MaxPenHillary could not drink water. With her condition she tends to aspirate liquids when swallowing which causes choking. Myasthenia Gravis look it up and you will understand. Doubt we will hear much from her til next week, tonight took a lot out of her.
She's doing a rally in NC right now. Being broadcast live on the cable channels.
There goes that nonsense conspiracy theory....
Or wait.... Do you think it's her body double??