Well THERE'S a cardboard box that survived more than a day!
Dog Hand
P.S. I have really been enjoying the photos of your cats.
Quote: DogHandEvenBob,
Well THERE'S a cardboard box that survived more than a day!
Dog Hand
P.S. I have really been enjoying the photos of your cats.
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It's the fourth day and the box is still intact, amazing. It's on the top step on the kitchen stepping stool and they can't really get at it but they will.

Quote: EvenBobI'm always so grateful with the other kitties accept a new member into the tribe without giving him any problems. Sometimes a couple of the older males will give a new kitten a hard time but they're leaving this little guy alone. He's already a member of their family.
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I am jealous. They are very cute.
Quote: DRichQuote: EvenBobI'm always so grateful with the other kitties accept a new member into the tribe without giving him any problems. Sometimes a couple of the older males will give a new kitten a hard time but they're leaving this little guy alone. He's already a member of their family.
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I am jealous. They are very cute.
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Cats are very good company, more so than dogs in my opinion. I've had dogs and they're fine, but they're always wanting something. Dogs are always wanting anything other than what they're doing right now. A cat is always satisfied, they are very mellow and never demanding. A dog is always wanting you to pay attention to him, or take him for a walk, or take him for a ride in the car, or begging for food, they are never satisfied for long,
I love the new avatar... Is it one of your cats?
Dog Hand
Quote: DogHandEvenBob,
I love the new avatar... Is it one of your cats?
Dog Hand
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Yep he's one of my idiots..
Quote: EvenBobQuote: DogHandEvenBob,
I love the new avatar... Is it one of your cats?
Dog Hand
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Yep he's one of my idiots..
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I thought maybe there had been a cat d'etat, and you were overthrown.

Quote: avianrandyFor our resident cat lover and those who love cats...found on cats and even some dogs,what specific part of the body includes a Henry's pocket?
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Even this old dog knew that ;-)
Dog Hand

Quote: rxwineDo your cats have kittens, or is that an adoptee or stray kitten?
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Somebody gave them to me. There's two of them he's supposed to come and take the other one back but I haven't heard from him.

What's the Crown Jewel or Jewels for that matter in your collection.
is this the one you are adopting from the person that wanted you to take care of him while he is on vacation?Quote: EvenBobI'm so relieved. This fat little thing I'm holding is about 7 weeks old and he has not been very interested in solid food and I was worried about him so I've been feeding him with a food syringe. Mixed canned food with some water suck it up into the syringe and force it into his mouth. They don't like it when you do this and I don't like it either and I did it for 3 days in a row and all of a sudden today he has an appetite that doesn't quit. I feed my cats three times a day and he's right there now with all the other big cats. Of course there's dry food they can eat anytime they want. I even put some chicken out tonight and he was right there standing in the middle of it chomping down. I've lost kittens before because they didn't seem very interested in eating. This one is really fat I think he's going to be a great big male cat. He's also really affectionate and there's nothing worse than a cat that doesn't like affection.
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Quote: avianrandyis this the one you are adopting from the person that wanted you to take care of him while he is on vacation?Quote: EvenBobI'm so relieved. This fat little thing I'm holding is about 7 weeks old and he has not been very interested in solid food and I was worried about him so I've been feeding him with a food syringe. Mixed canned food with some water suck it up into the syringe and force it into his mouth. They don't like it when you do this and I don't like it either and I did it for 3 days in a row and all of a sudden today he has an appetite that doesn't quit. I feed my cats three times a day and he's right there now with all the other big cats. Of course there's dry food they can eat anytime they want. I even put some chicken out tonight and he was right there standing in the middle of it chomping down. I've lost kittens before because they didn't seem very interested in eating. This one is really fat I think he's going to be a great big male cat. He's also really affectionate and there's nothing worse than a cat that doesn't like affection.
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This is the one I'm adopting, the other one eats like a horse.

Quote: DRichI was in Key West a few weeks ago and toured the Hemmingway House. Cats everywhere, it was awesome.
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Yes the six toe'd cats are half the reason people visit there. Hemingway loved cats, he always had multiple cats wherever he lived, both in Florida and in Cuba. And my whole life I've never met a cat person that I didn't personally like. And if somebody tells me they don't like cats I almost always end up not liking them.
There are usually over 50 cats living on the Hemingway property at any given time. They are very well taken care of and when I visited there in the 90s there were cats everywhere. And from the videos I see there are still cats everywhere. Cats always make people smile.
Quote: TankoCat cafes where people pay $20 to be around cats, are popular in Japan.
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"Studies have shown that your kitty is a lifesaver…. Literally. Interaction with cats can not only help heal our bodies but also reduce the risk of heart attacks, lower our blood pressure and release dopamine and serotonin, which help regulate your mood, reduce stress and ultimately improve immune functioning."
It's an absolute fact that cats make you feel better no matter what kind of mood you're in. Every time I pet one of my cats I can feel myself grinning from ear to ear without even knowing it. Every time. Being around cats all the time keeps you almost stress-free and studies have shown that over a 10 year period cat owners have a 30% less chance of getting heart disease and a whole lot of other things.

Quote: EvenBob
Yes the six toe'd cats are half the reason people visit there.
That was the only thing there that interested me.
I don't think i have ever read a Hemmingway book.