the Ballbek ruinis of Lebanon
from Wiki:
"The Baalbek Stones are six massive Roman[1] worked stone blocks in Baalbek (ancient Heliopolis), Lebanon, characterised by a megalithic gigantism unparallelled in antiquity.
three are Roman monoliths, not part of a larger structure, conventionally known as the "Stone of the Pregnant Woman" (estimated at 1,000 t), the "Stone of the South" (est. 1,242 t), and the "Forgotten Stone" (est. 1,650 t). These are, in reverse order, the first, third, and tied fifth largest known stones ever quarried in human history."
1650 tons equals three million and three hundred thousand pounds
no one really knows how the ancients moved these gigantic stones - it's a mystery - there is some speculation - it was done at least a couple thousand years ago and some say as long as 9,000 years ago,region%2C%20known%20as%20Tel%20Baalbek.
Hmmm...future "Dawg house?"
If you got it, flaunt it.
Quote: lilredrooster.
no one really knows how the ancients moved these gigantic stones - it's a mystery - there is some speculation - it was done at least a couple thousand years ago and some say as long as 9,000 years ago
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But I'll bet you if we could actually see how it was done, how it was really done, we would smack our foreheads and go, crap, why didn't we think of that.
one last ghost story and then I'm done
this one is pretty good
an upset spirit rattles the lockers at a school in Cork City, Ireland
maybe a student who died while at the school
20 million views on this baby
Quote: EvenBobQuote: lilredrooster.
no one really knows how the ancients moved these gigantic stones - it's a mystery - there is some speculation - it was done at least a couple thousand years ago and some say as long as 9,000 years ago
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But I'll bet you if we could actually see how it was done, how it was really done, we would smack our foreheads and go, crap, why didn't we think of that.
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I believe one of the more recent theories of big stones being miles out in the middle of desert, was finding evidence of a river flowing through the area.
the Commentator on the History Channel said - and I don't know if it's really true - but anyway - he said:
that right now, today, in the U.S. - we don't have the machinery or technology available that can move a 1650 ton stone
worth repeating - that's three million and three hundred thousand pounds
Quote: TigerWuAncient populations had very little to do when it wasn't harvest season. I bet if you got thousands of people together with nothing to do all day for months at a time, they could figure out how to carve out and move a 1,500 ton block of stone, even with very little technology.
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How do you feed the thousands of people gathered together in one place for an extended period? Rather than having little to do, most people of that era spent every moment finding food.
Quote: lilredrooster.
one last ghost story and then I'm done
this one is pretty good
an upset spirit rattles the lockers at a school in Cork City, Ireland
maybe a student who died while at the school
20 million views on this baby
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This looks to me like the effect of explosive caps - think of the powder from some simple fireworks. The locker door that opens seems to be the result of something occuring violently on the inside of the locker. The sign on the floor seems to instantaneously fly apart. Again, seems like smallscale ignition of explosive powder.
Quote: TigerWuAncient populations had very little to do when it wasn't harvest season. I bet if you got thousands of people together with nothing to do all day for months at a time, they could figure out how to carve out and move a 1,500 ton block of stone, even with very little technology.
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This is not true at all. There was absolutely no labor saving devices in those days so everything had to be done by hand and it was literally a day-to-day existence even when it wasn't harvest season. There was never a lack of things to do, in fact the opposite was true there was always way too much to do just to survive. My dad was raised on a farm with no electricity and he said there was not a day during the year when they didn't have a big amount of work to do, even in the winter. They were totally self-sufficient as were many farms, and you worked every day from sun up to sun down. It was certainly no different thousands of years ago and probably much worse. Something we don't realize and I wasn't made aware of until fairly recently, that most people in the world didn't have childhoods basically before World War II. Childhoods are a modern luxury unless of course you were rich, but you had a lot of children because they were workers. And that's a major reason today why people don't need children, why the birth rate has declined almost everywhere. They just don't need kids anymore.
Quote: billryanQuote: TigerWuAncient populations had very little to do when it wasn't harvest season. I bet if you got thousands of people together with nothing to do all day for months at a time, they could figure out how to carve out and move a 1,500 ton block of stone, even with very little technology.
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How do you feed the thousands of people gathered together in one place for an extended period? Rather than having little to do, most people of that era spent every moment finding food.
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I guess in the case of Baalbek specifically, it was a thriving city at the time those stones were quarried so it was probably done by paid laborers and/or slaves.
I know in ancient Egypt, the Pyramids were built by famers during the however many months a year they weren't farming because their land was flooded.
And of course in the Middle Ages, in-between harvests is when a lot of military campaigns took place.
So if you're asking me logistically how to feed seasonal workers in ancient times, I have no idea how they did it, I just know that throughout history it was extremely common for farmers, peasants, etc. to be working for the state for months at a time.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: TigerWuAncient populations had very little to do when it wasn't harvest season. I bet if you got thousands of people together with nothing to do all day for months at a time, they could figure out how to carve out and move a 1,500 ton block of stone, even with very little technology.
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This is not true at all.
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Yes it is. Please learn some history or stick to your phony gambling system threads.
I don't care what your dad did. He wasn't around 2000 years ago so as usual you have no idea what you're talking about.
Quote: gordonm888Quote: lilredrooster.
one last ghost story and then I'm done
this one is pretty good
an upset spirit rattles the lockers at a school in Cork City, Ireland
maybe a student who died while at the school
20 million views on this baby
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This looks to me like the effect of explosive caps - think of the powder from some simple fireworks. The locker door that opens seems to be the result of something occuring violently on the inside of the locker. The sign on the floor seems to instantaneously fly apart. Again, seems like smallscale ignition of explosive powder.
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okay, I can accept your explanation as being possible for the locker that flies open and the sign on the floor
but at 0:33 all 4 lockers that are joined together 3rd from the left bang hard against the wall - I counted that they banged against the wall 11 times
I don't believe your explanation accounts for that
I can see a small explosive cap rocking that locker forward and then back into the wall one time or maybe 2 times at most - but I can't see it causing it to happen 11 times
Quote: TigerWu
Yes it is. Please learn some history or stick to your phony gambling system threads.
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You really don't understand how people live before the 20th century. Nobody but nobody sat around and did nothing after harvest season was over. Unless you were rich and could afford servants to do all the work for you, every single thing in your life had to be done manually by you or a member of your family. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, earning money, and so much more had to be done on a daily basis. Where you get the idea that people had nothing to do is a total mystery to me. And it was even worse in the winter because the days were so short and when the sun went down you were done, you went to bed because making your own light was expensive unless you were rich. So whatever you had to do to exist had to be done in far fewer hours then in the summer.
Quote: TigerWuOne reason I don't believe in ghosts is that you never hear about them doing "normal" stuff. With all these youtube videos it's always just some random noises or things being violently thrown or being knocked over. How come you never see a video of a ghost picking up and reading a newspaper, or trying to make a sandwich, or sweeping a hallway?
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not saying I believe in ghosts either
but I wouldn't rule it out as being absolutely impossible
in answer to your question - if they are out there - maybe they are seen so little as part of their strategy to torment humans - not knowing, or seeing just a little is much worse than actually knowing what's going on
we humans are in the dark - and maybe they want to keep us there
the larger universe could also be seen as an impossibility to many of us
we have absolutely no idea what is out there beyond the very, very little that humans have been able to document
Quote: lilredroosterQuote: gordonm888Quote: lilredrooster.
one last ghost story and then I'm done
this one is pretty good
an upset spirit rattles the lockers at a school in Cork City, Ireland
maybe a student who died while at the school
20 million views on this baby
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This looks to me like the effect of explosive caps - think of the powder from some simple fireworks. The locker door that opens seems to be the result of something occuring violently on the inside of the locker. The sign on the floor seems to instantaneously fly apart. Again, seems like smallscale ignition of explosive powder.
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okay, I can accept your explanation as being possible for the locker that flies open and the sign on the floor
but at 0:33 all 4 lockers that are joined together 3rd from the left bang hard against the wall - I counted that they banged against the wall 11 times
I don't believe your explanation accounts for that
I can see a small explosive cap rocking that locker forward and then back into the wall one time or maybe 2 times at most - but I can't see it causing it to happen 11 times
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I agree, the rocking column of lockers cannot be explained by a small explosive cap. It would take a more sophisticated device to do that. I've also noticed that the security camera has an audio recording (is that unusual?), which would eliminate small explosive caps as a possibility.
Quote: TigerWuThere is a "debunking" of that video that shows the camera angle doesn't line up for this to be one of the security cameras; i.e., the real security camera would be at a much higher angle. The biggest tell is that this video went viral just a few weeks before the school had their annual Halloween celebration, and they even used the video in their advertising.
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okay, I saw that vid - I'm going to accept that that one was a hoax -
I'm getting out of the ghost hunting business
I'm seeing now that it's just too hard to verify that they're real
Quote: lilredrooster
okay, I saw that vid - I'm going to accept that that one was a hoax -
I'm getting out of the ghost hunting business
I'm seeing now that it's just too hard to verify that they're real
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Yep... it's like with psychics. Everything psychics claim to be able to do, magicians can do with the exact same amount of accuracy. It is literally impossible to tell the difference between what a "real psychic" does and a magician. Same with these ghost videos. Everything you see in a "real" ghost video can be replicated exactly in one way or another.
I think many WOV members would find it interesting.

Quote: lilredroosterQuote: TigerWuOne reason I don't believe in ghosts is that you never hear about them doing "normal" stuff. With all these youtube videos it's always just some random noises or things being violently thrown or being knocked over. How come you never see a video of a ghost picking up and reading a newspaper, or trying to make a sandwich, or sweeping a hallway?
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not saying I believe in ghosts either
but I wouldn't rule it out as being absolutely impossible
in answer to your question - if they are out there - maybe they are seen so little as part of their strategy to torment humans - not knowing, or seeing just a little is much worse than actually knowing what's going on
we humans are in the dark - and maybe they want to keep us there
the larger universe could also be seen as an impossibility to many of us
we have absolutely no idea what is out there beyond the very, very little that humans have been able to document
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I always thought ghosts were probably real because they are part of every culture in the world and go back further than recorded history. There are accounts of ghosts everywhere in every country and every culture in every time. How could this just be a coincidence, there has to be something to it because these places weren't even connected to each other didn't even know that each other existed yet they were having the same experiences.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: lilredroosterQuote: TigerWuOne reason I don't believe in ghosts is that you never hear about them doing "normal" stuff. With all these youtube videos it's always just some random noises or things being violently thrown or being knocked over. How come you never see a video of a ghost picking up and reading a newspaper, or trying to make a sandwich, or sweeping a hallway?
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not saying I believe in ghosts either
but I wouldn't rule it out as being absolutely impossible
in answer to your question - if they are out there - maybe they are seen so little as part of their strategy to torment humans - not knowing, or seeing just a little is much worse than actually knowing what's going on
we humans are in the dark - and maybe they want to keep us there
the larger universe could also be seen as an impossibility to many of us
we have absolutely no idea what is out there beyond the very, very little that humans have been able to document
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I always thought ghosts were probably real because they are part of every culture in the world and go back further than recorded history. There are accounts of ghosts everywhere in every country and every culture in every time. How could this just be a coincidence, there has to be something to it because these places weren't even connected to each other didn't even know that each other existed yet they were having the same experiences.
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Because the desire to miss love ones and imagine dead loved ones as carrying on comes from basic human emotions and drives that transcend cultural differences.
I attended Gettysburg College
there were tons of ghost stories re the battlefield
there was lots of wild partying at the Burg
but nobody, and I mean absolutely nobody - went on to that battlefield at night - either stoned or sober
Quote: lilredrooster.
I attended Gettysburg College
there were tons of ghost stories re the battlefield
there was lots of wild partying at the Burg
but nobody, and I mean absolutely nobody - went on to that battlefield at night - either stoned or sober
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A few years ago, I looked into buying a building on Route 30, a few blocks east of downtown. The real estate guy gave me a form informing prospective buyers of incidents that caused some to say the building was haunted.
I think Gettysburg has more ghost tours than ghosts these days. When I was there in June, ghost tours were tripping into each other. There are something like 43 ghost tour operators in town.
It's illegal to be on the battlefield after dark without a permit, and as I understand it, the Park Police don't show much mercy.
Quote: billryanQuote: lilredrooster.
I attended Gettysburg College
there were tons of ghost stories re the battlefield
there was lots of wild partying at the Burg
but nobody, and I mean absolutely nobody - went on to that battlefield at night - either stoned or sober
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It's illegal to be on the battlefield after dark without a permit, and as I understand it, the Park Police don't show much mercy.
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I don't remember ever hearing that it was illegal - I was there 2 years - and it was quite a while ago - I don't think it was illegal at that time
but even if it was illegal - that wouldn't have stopped the crazy a** frat boys from going there if they wanted to -
lots of those frat boys played the role of rough and tough guys - but they weren't tough enough to head out there
Quote: DRichMy wife and I stayed in this "Haunted Hotel" in Nevada and even paid an extra $20 to stay in the room where this person was killed so we could experience the ghost.
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My wife and I stayed in a bed and breakfast in the middle of Indiana 20 years ago it was a Friday and the entire house was gone to a High School football game and when we got back we had the house to ourselves after dinner. We were in our room and there was a small steel frame picture on the dresser and it came flying off the dresser all by itself and ended up on the floor. Scared the crap out of my wife and I and when we told the owners about it they said oh, that's just the ghost. Locally the place was well known to be haunted.
Quote: rxwineI was at the local mall yesterday, and noticed a few more stores had closed.
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a huge mall near me closed a few years ago
the one that's closer to me has slowed way down
many of the little stores have closed and the few that are left are usually totally empty
Amazon and the delivery business is crushing them
kinna sad - you see these little empty and closed stores and you know somebody's dream is dead or dying
Quote: lilredroosterQuote: rxwineI was at the local mall yesterday, and noticed a few more stores had closed.
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a huge mall near me closed a few years ago
the one that's closer to me has slowed way down
many of the little stores have closed and the few that are left are usually totally empty
Amazon and the delivery business is crushing them
kinna sad - you see these little empty and closed stores and you know somebody's dream is dead or dying
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What's funny is we started out with home delivery from Montgomery Ward and Sears Roebuck, if you went into a department store you could not touch the merchandise you had to tell a clerk what you wanted and he would get it for you because they were terrified of shoplifting. Ironically it turns out they were correct because now shoplifting is killing the Big Chain stores, it's murdering them cuz apparently everybody's a crook now. It's the self checkout lines that are doing it and the industry knows it but it costs so much money to hire a real person that they can actually put up with a certain amount of shoplifting. But it's reaching the out of control point, Something's got to happen.
Quote: lilredrooster.
one last ghost story and then I'm done
this one is pretty good
an upset spirit rattles the lockers at a school in Cork City, Ireland
maybe a student who died while at the school
20 million views on this baby
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They can fake a lot using 60 lb. fishing line. As mellowb1rd demonstrated in his video.
Quote: one really knows how the ancients moved these gigantic stones - it's a mystery - there is some speculation - it was done at least a couple thousand years ago and some say as long as 9,000 years ago
Adding to the mystery. The Ancient Egyptians cut and fit granite stone blocks so precisely, a human hair could not fit between them.The only known tools they had at the time were made of copper. Not nearly hard enough to cut granite. None of their ships were large enough to transport stones as heavy as fifty tons from the quarry 500 miles away.
Quote: TankoQuote: one really knows how the ancients moved these gigantic stones - it's a mystery - there is some speculation - it was done at least a couple thousand years ago and some say as long as 9,000 years ago
Adding to the mystery. The Ancient Egyptians cut and fit granite stone blocks so precisely, a human hair could not fit between them.The only known tools they had at the time were made of copper. Not nearly hard enough to cut granite. None of their ships were large enough to transport stones as heavy as fifty tons from the quarry 500 miles away.
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Mysteries are always Mysteries until they are solved and then they usually turn into yawners..
I remember shopping at service merchandise. You wrote down your item #'s on a clipboard and then turned in the clipboard then eventually your merchandise came down a conveyor. Concerning self-checkout,I sometimes shop at Aldi and they have resorted to adding self-checkout lanes. The only issue is all their self-checkout lanes accept card only. You cannot pay with cash at a self-checkout lane ;-(Quote: EvenBobQuote: lilredroosterQuote: rxwineI was at the local mall yesterday, and noticed a few more stores had closed.
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a huge mall near me closed a few years ago
the one that's closer to me has slowed way down
many of the little stores have closed and the few that are left are usually totally empty
Amazon and the delivery business is crushing them
kinna sad - you see these little empty and closed stores and you know somebody's dream is dead or dying
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What's funny is we started out with home delivery from Montgomery Ward and Sears Roebuck, if you went into a department store you could not touch the merchandise you had to tell a clerk what you wanted and he would get it for you because they were terrified of shoplifting. Ironically it turns out they were correct because now shoplifting is killing the Big Chain stores, it's murdering them cuz apparently everybody's a crook now. It's the self checkout lines that are doing it and the industry knows it but it costs so much money to hire a real person that they can actually put up with a certain amount of shoplifting. But it's reaching the out of control point, Something's got to happen.
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Quote: avianrandyYou cannot pay with cash at a self-checkout lane ;-(
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You carry cash, where do you get it from. The only place that pays you in cash is a brick and mortar Casino.
Quote: EvenBob[ It's the self checkout lines that are doing it and the industry knows it but it costs so much money to hire a real person that they can actually put up with a certain amount of shoplifting. But it's reaching the out of control point, Something's got to happen.
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There was a story, (Not confirmed by Walmart because they are not interested in publicizing security measures), that people monitoring the self-service can cause the machine to stall, or appear to malfunction. Then they can come over and see what's going on, and if there is any funny business. But they come over to reset or fix, but that's probably not the real reason in some of these cases.
lol I showed have know better than to post. The machine at Aldi only accepts card. The regular lanes you can pay cashQuote: EvenBobQuote: avianrandyYou cannot pay with cash at a self-checkout lane ;-(
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You carry cash, where do you get it from. The only place that pays you in cash is a brick and mortar Casino.
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Quote: avianrandyYou cannot pay with cash at a self-checkout lane ;-(
My Walmart Neighborhood Market that I go to has self checkout lanes that accept cash. They actually have two bill validators at each station.
Quote: DRichQuote: avianrandyYou cannot pay with cash at a self-checkout lane ;-(
My Walmart Neighborhood Market that I go to has self checkout lanes that accept cash. They actually have two bill validators at each station.
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I'm glad they got the self-check, because the super Walmart consistently had 3 or 4 cashiers, out of the total of 20 registers before they installed them, so you were always waiting in line if it was even just moderately busy.
but at this Aldi the self checkout lanes only accept card. A pain in the neck. If it accepted cash I would use itQuote: DRichQuote: avianrandyYou cannot pay with cash at a self-checkout lane ;-(
My Walmart Neighborhood Market that I go to has self checkout lanes that accept cash. They actually have two bill validators at each station.
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Quote: avianrandybut at this Aldi the self checkout lanes only accept card. A pain in the neck. If it accepted cash I would use itQuote: DRichQuote: avianrandyYou cannot pay with cash at a self-checkout lane ;-(
My Walmart Neighborhood Market that I go to has self checkout lanes that accept cash. They actually have two bill validators at each station.
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The neighborhood Aldi recently put in self-service checkouts. Not bad; I throw the scavenged cardboard boxes on the scale platform and scan away, placing scanned items in my carrier cartons.
The card only thing is minorly annoying. I didn't look too hard at the machinery; I thought I saw coin and currency acceptors, so disabling them may just be a business decision based on the current costs (including time) of cash handling.
The other regional grocer of note seems to make a point of keeping about half of their self-service checkouts switched to card only as well.
I recently posted about ghosts - but I'm not a fan or believer in "Nessie" - the Loch Ness Monster
but the believers in Nessie are prolly in the millions
soon, the biggest search for Nessie in 50 years will begin -
from the article:
"hundreds of monster hunters are descending on the Scottish highlands with a singular goal: to be the ones to finally find the Loch Ness monster.
It won’t be easy. The folkloric creature — affectionately known as “Nessie” — has eluded capture, or any kind of definitive proof of existence, since its first recorded sighting in the 6th century.
But these 200 or so hunters are dedicated. They are better equipped than those who came before them. It will be the biggest search for Nessie in a half-century and certainly the most high tech.
These are not, Nixon insists, just people “with binoculars and a tub of sandwiches.” The hunters on this quest, spanning Saturday and Sunday, are armed with technology that has never been used to scour Scotland’s second-largest loch for the monster beneath.
There will be drones flying over the lake, using infrared cameras to seek out heat spots, as well as underwater drones. Hunters will also use a hydrophone that can pick up acoustic signals 60-feet below the surface of the loch — although nobody is quite sure what an age-old water beast sounds like.
The tale of Loch Ness Monster is “one of the greatest unsolved mysteries that exists,” Nixon said. “If we did find it,” he says, it would be “a global sensation.”
Quote: last ghost story and then I'm done
this one is pretty good
The economy there must be going down.Quote: lilredrooster.
I recently posted about ghosts - but I'm not a fan or believer in "Nessie" - the Loch Ness Monster
but the believers in Nessie are prolly in the millions
soon, the biggest search for Nessie in 50 years will begin -
from the article:
"hundreds of monster hunters are descending on the Scottish highlands with a singular goal: to be the ones to finally find the Loch Ness monster.
It won’t be easy. The folkloric creature — affectionately known as “Nessie” — has eluded capture, or any kind of definitive proof of existence, since its first recorded sighting in the 6th century.
But these 200 or so hunters are dedicated. They are better equipped than those who came before them. It will be the biggest search for Nessie in a half-century and certainly the most high tech.
These are not, Nixon insists, just people “with binoculars and a tub of sandwiches.” The hunters on this quest, spanning Saturday and Sunday, are armed with technology that has never been used to scour Scotland’s second-largest loch for the monster beneath.
There will be drones flying over the lake, using infrared cameras to seek out heat spots, as well as underwater drones. Hunters will also use a hydrophone that can pick up acoustic signals 60-feet below the surface of the loch — although nobody is quite sure what an age-old water beast sounds like.
The tale of Loch Ness Monster is “one of the greatest unsolved mysteries that exists,” Nixon said. “If we did find it,” he says, it would be “a global sensation.”
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Quote: TankoQuote: last ghost story and then I'm done
this one is pretty good
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the Travel Channel devotes almost its' entire scheduling now to the Paranormal
at first, I thought it was really interesting
now, I think it's kinna ridiculous - all of this unproven stuff being passed of as documentation
but people love this stuff - they eat it up - they must - or why would the Travel Channel do this______?
the Travel Channel has completely given in to this stuff - it must be more profitable than programming about vacations to Venice
the History Channel too - a ton of programming about "Ancient Aliens" - I used to think the History Channel was legit
people claiming that humans could not have built amazing structures like the Pyramids without help from ETs
some of the people making these outrageous claims have impressive credentials
Quote: lilredrooster
the Travel Channel devotes almost its' entire scheduling now to the Paranormal
at first, I thought it was really interesting
now, I think it's kinna ridiculous - all of this unproven stuff being passed of as documentation
An interesting show was the one about the four police officers and three firefighters who rescued a toddler from an overturned car in a shallow river after hearing a disembodied voice calling for help.
The police officer's body cam shows them shouting 'we're coming' 'we're coming to help', as they raced toward the car where they found a woman who had been killed on impact fourteen hours earlier, and her live eighteen month old daughter.
'Officers who saved baby in icy river heard mysterious "voice" -CBS
Like this story about a hundred people being crammed into a 10x10ft room. Or people walking along and vanishing. Then later, people hearing their voice coming out of the ground in that spot. The ghost stories were mostly about appearing or getting ectoplasm on you, but nothing else happened to you as I recall. Maybe you got hit by a flying pot or pan by a poltergeist, but that could be your wife's doing.
obviously we don't have answers for all of the mysterious things that happen in our world
but we usually don't have satisfactory explanations either - it's usually wild speculation
something in our makeup - we're capable of having fear - maybe we want to have fear - become scared - it's in some way enjoyable