Quote: HullabalooTLRY was up to $149 in October of 18, then it plummeted. (I thought it hit $300, but it's only showing $149. They may have had a split)
I'm thinking it's deja vu all over again.
We're still in after hours but my Aphria went up 45+% today.
I had 11 stocks that gained 10% or more today.
Overall gain today was 14.40%, and that was even with one of my stocks dropping almost 40%. (Disclaimer: that's what my TDAmeritrade says but that looks a little wonky to me).
For anyone reading that thinks I'm full of poo I don't blame you. It doesn't seem credible to me either, but it is. But if Terapin wants to drive a couple of hours north he can confirm it.
I guess I’m more diversified than you! Overall gain today 0.2% which slightly lags your 14.4%!
Since I posted earlier TLRY up another 6. So 7 bagger now an 8 bagger.....
Quote: SOOPOOI guess I’m more diversified than you! Overall gain today 0.2% which slightly lags your 14.4%!
Since I posted earlier TLRY up another 6. So 7 bagger now an 8 bagger.....
I forgot to mention that NAVX went down today so I dropped a bag.
I started out with a good day, things dropped, then it went up again. Ended up with a paltry 10.99% gain for the day.
LOL!!! I do own TLRY. Sold some today at $61.50. I think a few moments later it went to $70! I lost $4k today in TSLA. So not all roses! I was up, albeit less than 0.1% overall. Slightly lags your 10.99%......Quote: HullabalooSomebody who owns TLRY had a happy day today. Looks like 78%. You don't get returns like that very often, except the wacky sector of cannabis. Aphria was up 21%, and it's hard to figure out what is going to happen when the 2 merge and APHA holders are supposed to get something like 87% of what TLRY has.
I started out with a good day, things dropped, then it went up again. Ended up with a paltry 10.99% gain for the day.
Quote: SOOPOOSlightly lags your 10.99%......
Believe me, I'm rather concerned about next years 1099. :)
I took profits on 1/3 of both Aphria and OGI, both of which had gone up the most. I didn't get out right at the top but 1) it wasn't too far down and 2) as far as I'm concerned taking a profit is always good and in this case it was a 3 and 4 bagger so that aint too bad.
I'm letting most of the others just simmer, and their drops are not nearly as much. If the dive continues I may buy some back, but only if there's a huge dump.
currently down 9.4%
Quote: HullabalooPot stocks took the deep dive today. I knew it was going to happen, I just thought it would not be quite this quickly.
I took profits on 1/3 of both Aphria and OGI, both of which had gone up the most. I didn't get out right at the top but 1) it wasn't too far down and 2) as far as I'm concerned taking a profit is always good and in this case it was a 3 and 4 bagger so that aint too bad.
I'm letting most of the others just simmer, and their drops are not nearly as much. If the dive continues I may buy some back, but only if there's a huge dump.
currently down 9.4%
I think with the this recent WallStreetBets debacle, and the surge of retail investors, you are going to continue see certain stocks, sectors, or commodities have crypto-like volatility for a week or two, and then quickly return to normal when the internet hype crowd moves on to the next big thing.
Quote: gamerfreakI think with the this recent WallStreetBets debacle, and the surge of retail investors, you are going to continue see certain stocks, sectors, or commodities have crypto-like volatility for a week or two, and then quickly return to normal when the internet hype crowd moves on to the next big thing.
I agree.
So it seems we need to try to work around them, although it can be kind of hard to figure out just what they are doing.
. Well! I’m finally doing better than you! I’m overall down 0.22% today. I sold 20 of my 200 TLRY at $70! I sold some NIO and NBEV before their big drops too. Sold some BRK.B. And SPY. Just feel the market may realize the bubble is ready to burst and being a little more in cash may be good.Quote: HullabalooPot stocks took the deep dive today. I knew it was going to happen, I just thought it would not be quite this quickly.
I took profits on 1/3 of both Aphria and OGI, both of which had gone up the most. I didn't get out right at the top but 1) it wasn't too far down and 2) as far as I'm concerned taking a profit is always good and in this case it was a 3 and 4 bagger so that aint too bad.
I'm letting most of the others just simmer, and their drops are not nearly as much. If the dive continues I may buy some back, but only if there's a huge dump.
currently down 9.4%
Stepdaughter was in TLRY at $48. Told her I was selling a bit at $70. She felt it was still going up. Held. I’m wondering if this will be the lesson she needs that there ARE risks, especially with these Reddit pumped up stocks.
Quote: SOOPOO. Well! I’m finally doing better than you! I’m overall down 0.22% today. I sold 20 of my 200 TLRY at $70! I sold some NIO and NBEV before their big drops too. Sold some BRK.B. And SPY. Just feel the market may realize the bubble is ready to burst and being a little more in cash may be good.
Stepdaughter was in TLRY at $48. Told her I was selling a bit at $70. She felt it was still going up. Held. I’m wondering if this will be the lesson she needs that there ARE risks, especially with these Reddit pumped up stocks.
Still up 121%, but barely. Had hit 122%. Today my WoV portfolio was by far my worst. It lost ~$4k mostly due to TLRY. The others combined were up $6k. So up a little today overall. So my 199 non TLRY stocks and ETFs are up around $6k. TLRY down $4k. Variance!
Quote: SOOPOOStill up 121%, but barely. Had hit 122%. Today my WoV portfolio was by far my worst. It lost ~$4k mostly due to TLRY. The others combined were up $6k. So up a little today overall. So my 199 non TLRY stocks and ETFs are up around $6k. TLRY down $4k. Variance!
At the end of after hours I was down 13.77%.
It makes sense that Soopoo's stocks don't tend to rise as much as mine and can better weather the drops; most of his are much more stable. I have other portfolios that are like that, but this one was set up to buy the really stupid things that can make it or break it. I lost quite a bit, but it's still fun for me and while it may take a little while I expect much of them will eventually rise.
Quote: SOOPOOStill up 121%, but barely. Had hit 122%. Today my WoV portfolio was by far my worst. It lost ~$4k mostly due to TLRY. The others combined were up $6k. So up a little today overall. So my 199 non TLRY stocks and ETFs are up around $6k. TLRY down $4k. Variance!
TLRY went up in price too fast. It was 19.00 Feb 1 and by Feb 10 was almost 64.00. I think there are still many new investors in the market and they get caught up in the momentum of stocks and want to jump in. You could see this crash coming but I never thought it would go down almost 50% in one day. I still think medical cannabis has a good future but it has to find its price in the market. Today will be better. I own trulieve cannabis and think it has a great long term. It went down yesterday but not near as much.
ILMN. Still own 70 shares. Bought 100 back when at $160. Can’t remember exactly when I sold 30 but I think $350? Announce earnings yesterday. In the high range of what the ‘experts’ predicted. Stock reacts by dropping a little in premarket. Understandable... PE ratio was over 80... So it opens and is now..... up $88 a share! Time to pare another 10 shares I think....
I love being diversified. Not killed by the daily losers (NAK, TLRY).
Thankfully the market is closed ;)
I did have one stock that I've had for about 4 years that's been in the red for years go green Friday. I've no idea if it will continue to do so, but I'm optimistic.
I have far fewer holdings in this portfolio than you, all stock and a total of 22.
Quote: HullabalooWhat's next?
So does anyone have any thoughts about out-of-the-mainstream stocks/industries that are worth a look?
My investment style is pretty laid-back. If I make more than a dozen trades in a year that's unusual and some years I don't make any. So definitely not a day-trader. I have had some of my money in funds/ETFs but for the most part I pick individual stocks I like and then stick with them for at least a couple years.
As to picking stocks, I'm not into doing any type of technical analysis or looking at analysts reports. But that doesn't mean I'm in the opposite camp with SOOPOO
Quote: SOOPOOMy trades are based on hunches, news, dartboard, I like the letters, etc....
Along time ago I read an article where some famous investor (don't recall who; maybe Buffet) said it's always a good idea to stick to companies you know something about from your day-to-day life. If, for example, you're an auto mechanic, you probably have a pretty good idea which car companies sell the most popular cars. My day job is technology so I've stuck with companies whose tech impressed me. I bought Cisco right after they went public. I glomed on to Amazon when it was 300 after using their AWS tech on a project. I bought NVIDIA in 2008 because of their CUDA architecture. On the other hand, I'll avoid investing in companies with tech that doesn't impress me. Sometimes these are companies that have done very well. For example, I gave the thumbs down to Microsoft, AOL, and Facebook just because they had what I consider to be crap technology.
With those caveats and warnings out of the way, I recently decided to buy some shares of ASML. These guys have over 60% of the market for the photo-lithograph machines that are used to make semiconductors. More important, they're the only ones so far able to deliver the most advanced machines. There's a lot of talk right now about a critical shortage of semiconductors. Also a lot of talk about "on-shoring" (i.e., building fabs in the U.S. instead of relying on those in Taiwan). Bottom line is nobody builds/expands a fab without buying the key equipment from ASML.
Quote: TumblingBones
Along time ago I read an article where some famous investor (don't recall who; maybe Buffet) said it's always a good idea to stick to companies you know something about from your day-to-day life. If, for example, you're an auto mechanic, you probably have a pretty good idea which car companies sell the most popular cars. My day job is technology so I've stuck with companies whose tech impressed me. I bought Cisco right after they went public. I glomed on to Amazon when it was 300 after using their AWS tech on a project. I bought NVIDIA in 2008 because of their CUDA architecture. On the other hand, I'll avoid investing in companies with tech that doesn't impress me. Sometimes these are companies that have done very well. For example, I gave the thumbs down to Microsoft, AOL, and Facebook just because they had what I consider to be crap technology.
With those caveats and warnings out of the way, I recently decided to buy some shares of ASML. These guys have over 60% of the market for the photo-lithograph machines that are used to make semiconductors. More important, they're the only ones so far able to deliver the most advanced machines. There's a lot of talk right now about a critical shortage of semiconductors. Also a lot of talk about "on-shoring" (i.e., building fabs in the U.S. instead of relying on those in Taiwan). Bottom line is nobody builds/expands a fab without buying the key equipment from ASML.
It would seem to me that any time you have good information/knowledge about a company(s) it's a smart move to invest in them. I've stayed away from Microsoft for the same reason as you, and while I know Facebook makes a lot I don't want anything to do with it, in part because it seems like at some point every "social media" company gets kicked to the curb as people go elsewhere.
That said, ain't no way I'm buying a stock that's almost 600 a share :)
However, I may have to invest in Hershey now. I'm pretty sure I am responsible for about 20% of Reese's US Sales.
Quote: Hullabaloo
That said, ain't no way I'm buying a stock that's almost 600 a share :).
I think that is tongue in cheek? But it IS a thing! People will somehow think a company with 1,000,000 shares at $600 a share somehow has something different than a company with 100,000,000 shares at $6 a share.
Long time ago, you sort of needed to buy shares in lots of 100 shares. So unless you were a big player that eliminated you from buying a stock like Amazon, which is over $3k. I am a proud owner of 2 shares now. Wouldn’t have happened before the turn of the century. Heck, now you can own a fractional share.
Perception is reality. My B in Law is waiting for AMZN to split, expecting huge gain for no other reason than the split.
When a stock split is announced there is quite often a run up in price before the split and more after then a small pull back
TSLA and APPL are a couple recent examples. I bought AAPL in the range of 420 or so when they announced the split. Split at 500 ish. . That was around 125 a share post split. Been as high as 145, I expect it to keep going. I kept 108 shares post split to hold long term. Wont sell them unless something changes
Tesla is similar when they did their split but they just kept running and have damn near doubled
As you said the American investor has been conditioned to buying stock in lots of 100 shares. The advent of Robinhood and other small investor platforms that allow fractional share trading is slowly starting to change that mindset. Fidelity even now allows fractional share trading. I would expect in the next few months AMZN will do a split and it will be on the bigger side 10-20 for 1 to get the price down where more people can buy 100 share lots and just a few shares in general with a new CEO coming in
I like to take some profits and invest into NMZ which is a tax free closed end fund. Been doing it for a long time and with dividend reinvestment have accumulated over 10,000 shares outside my 401k. My employer has our 401k through fidelity and the brokerage link option which allows for individual stock purchases for the most part with a few exceptions like NMZ, EPD (a master limited partnership)
Quote: SOOPOOI actually do not know if there are worthy algorithms for sale. I'm sure there are scam ones that are! And I am not interested in putting in the work/research to be able to identify one that is positive EV.
While SOOPOO's interests lay elsewhere, the majority of AI/ML graduates have probably at some time taken a pass at either stock market analysis or sports betting just for the hell of it. There's actually a lot of discussion of specific algorithms, as well as open source code and data sets, available on-line. For example, check out Kaggle.com with the search term 'stock market'. I took a pass at the problem myself about 12-15 years ago but dropped it due to lack of time. Other than having sufficient free time (it helps if you're either a student or retired) the main obstacle is data access. You can get a lot of data from various free sources but eventually you need to buy the really detailed stuff. Another issue is if you focus on day trading you need access to a trading platform with an open API. It's a lot easier if the goal is inter-day trading.
Quote: unJonAnyone that has a +EV provable algorithm is well funded by rich hedge funds or banks. They’re not selling their program to others.
I can understand why you would think that but you're underestimating just how different the thought processes of a really good mathematician/scientist are from the norm. The goal isn't to make money. It's to solve an interesting problem. Once the problem is solved to their satisfaction they simply move on to something else. True, the funds and banks try to hire as many of these folks as possible (a cousin of mine, easily twice as smart as me, got his PhD in math last year and went to work a hedge fund in Chicago) but they don't get them all. I would, however agree with you that any software being sold won't be very good.
Quote: OregonscottI would expect in the next few months AMZN will do a split and it will be on the bigger side 10-20 for 1 to get the price down where more people can buy 100 share lots and just a few shares in general with a new CEO coming in
Any basis for this assumption other than a new CEO?
Quote: SOOPOOJust added William Hill today. WIMHY at $14.92. I think the spread of legalized gambling in the US makes this a great potential growth stock. It is a British company, however, so I am not sure how much of it's money to be made is US based versus already established UK business. I already own Draft Kings. I think there an ETF, BETZ, that I will also be buying. Big down day today overall. Probably due to gross incompetence of Texas power stuff.
I believe Caesar's is buying William Hill. I like William Hill but I don't trust Caesar's.
Quote: DRichI believe Caesar's is buying William Hill. I like William Hill but I don't trust Caesar's.
If that is the case usually you get a decent premium the day it is announced. In this case maybe Caesar’s pays $18 a share or something like that. I owned Caesars maybe a decade ago, made a great profit, and sold for fear they would fully go bankrupt.
Quote: SOOPOOIf that is the case usually you get a decent premium the day it is announced. In this case maybe Caesar’s pays $18 a share or something like that. I owned Caesars maybe a decade ago, made a great profit, and sold for fear they would fully go bankrupt.
It’s already announced and got antitrust clearance at the end of 2020. Assume William Hill is now just trading around the merger consideration value. Probably not the right play of you just want exposure to legalized sports betting.
Quote: unJonIt’s already announced and got antitrust clearance at the end of 2020. Assume William Hill is now just trading around the merger consideration value. Probably not the right play of you just want exposure to legalized sports betting.
Oh well..... I guess I should have done at least a LITTLE research before hitting the “BUY” button.
Edit.... just checked. I could sell now for a total profit of $10! Also, the BETZ one I bought is up 1.5% from earlier today when I bought it! Place your BETZ, friends!
Quote: SOOPOODown to +119%. The green energy stocks including wind energy did not do very well today.... LOL!!!
Been kind of weird for me too. For the past 2 days it's been down down down.
And then, after the market closes, up it goes again. Yesterday it was almost 100% back to where I started, and it's getting close to the same thing today.
I'll take even any day, it's just strange.
Quote: HullabalooBeen kind of weird for me too. For the past 2 days it's been down down down.
And then, after the market closes, up it goes again. Yesterday it was almost 100% back to where I started, and it's getting close to the same thing today.
I'll take even any day, it's just strange.
My Etrade portfolio was down 1.1% today. Not too bad.
Quote: DRichMy Etrade portfolio was down 1.1% today. Not too bad.
I'm up 4.16% in futures this morning, mostly due to NVAX up 10.46% for inking a new deal. As far as I can tell they have yet to get EUA, (Emergency Use Authorization), though. I have no idea if this is kind of "baked in" already or if the EUA will spur another gain.
In case you don't know, typically if you buy a given stock and sell it at a loss, and rebuy within 30 days, the wash sale rule precludes you from taking the loss on the first trade. But you are allowed to add the loss to increase the basis of the next trade in the same stock.
But then - consider what I do all the time, for example buy 100 shares of a stock at X price, then another 100 shares of the stock at Y price (lower than X), and then sell all 200 shares at a price that is above the average basis of the two trades combined. For purposes of even LIFO accounting, I sold the first 100 shares at a loss, the second 100 shares at a profit, such that I made money on the "combined" trade, but the wash sale rule would typically disallow the loss from the first 100 share lot, especially since I am trading additional shares of a stock I hold long term, and never actually hold 0 shares of the given stock - never actually close out the position "entirely."
Please ask your brother in law I am curious as to how he deals with this, or plans to deal with this. There are different ways to avoid the wash sale rule for day traders, just wondering how he does it maybe his method is better than mine.
Typically day traders are shocked by the 1099-B they receive at the end of the year when it indicates some massive "disallowed" wash sale figure. I know when this first happened to me I had some long talks with my CPA.
Edit.... I do not think I actually answered your question. But I think since he does not trade shares that he is holding long-term the question really doesn’t apply to him.
Had I posted this 4 hours ago I’d have been bemoaning another big loss. Now up a few shekels. Weird. I have 6 stocks up over 3% today. 6 down over 3%.
Time for embarrassing admission. I now own GME. Stepdaughter told me it was going to be pushed up by Reddit. I tried to get in around $45 but kept just missing. Got in at $46.90. Back down to $45..... how do insure a stock is at its high? ...have me buy some!
Quote: SOOPOOHad I posted this 4 hours ago I’d have been bemoaning another big loss. Now up a few shekels. Weird. I have 6 stocks up over 3% today. 6 down over 3%.
Just one word for me: "pummeled"
Quote: petroglyphInvest in SPAC's?
I haven’t. But I have invested in ‘private equity’. A SPAC you give the money to a guy with no real idea what they are going to do with it. Just trusting ‘the guy’. My private equity things have defined investments, like self storage (good), warehouse rental (good), senior housing (bad), B level apartments (good), student housing (bad).... But similar in that I am trusting a ‘guy’ who knows how to buy, upgrade, and sell. I own 9. 7 are doing exactly as promised. 2 have stopped paying dividends and are generally illiquid so all I can do is wait and hope when COVID is under control they turn around.
https://www.dailyposter.com/p/how-wall-street-kills-grandmaQuote: SOOPOOI haven’t. But I have invested in ‘private equity’. A SPAC you give the money to a guy with no real idea what they are going to do with it. Just trusting ‘the guy’. My private equity things have defined investments, like self storage (good), warehouse rental (good), senior housing (bad), B level apartments (good), student housing (bad).... But similar in that I am trusting a ‘guy’ who knows how to buy, upgrade, and sell. I own 9. 7 are doing exactly as promised. 2 have stopped paying dividends and are generally illiquid so all I can do is wait and hope when COVID is under control they turn around.
"Deadly Consequences During The Pandemic
The current nursing home scandal in New York underscores the potentially deadly consequences when for-profit nursing home companies are shielded from consequences for their corporate decisions. There, critics argue that Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s law shielding nursing home executives from lawsuits removed a deterrent to corporations cutting corners in ways that jeopardized lives.
In October, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that during the COVID pandemic, private equity-owned nursing homes had lower supplies of personal protective equipment for their workers when compared to all other types of nursing homes. "
Quote: SOOPOOSo I’m trying this trading thing. I bought 10 GME at $46.90, yesterday. It went down. I felt stupid. It was going up today. Got out at $50.25! Made $33.50. I know that is not a ton of money... but it felt good. Until an hour later GME was at $112! I am good at buying... not great at selling!
You've heard the old Wall St. saying ""Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered"? You made a profit. Be happy.
Quote: SOOPOORetreated to plus +114%. I think I was up to +122% a week or so ago. It just seems so natural to go up, so dire to go down! I think the minimum wage bill passing will hurt even more, but if it is blocked (likely) stocks will rise again. We shall see!
Watch the 10 year yield. It has been rising and that is bad news for stocks. A lower 10 year yield will work in your favor.
Market up like 2% today early. WoV portfolio now back to up 117%. Still way off the high of +122%.
DKNG best today. Up over 10%.