After Chris Christie's 22-point victory earlier tonight in the NJ gubernatorial race, I predict that there will be a steady drumbeat from the mainstream media to install him as the Republican nominee for president in 2016. It will be just like when they pushed for McCain in '08 and Romney in '12.
Mark my words, if Christie is the nominee in '16, he will be a guaranteed LOSER.
*EDIT: It might not be a smart thing for me to do, but my bet with the Wizard is officially on. I'm giving up 2-1 odds against Christie. If he's the GOP nominee, and he wins the general election, then the Wizard wins $100. If he's the GOP nominee and loses, then I win $50. If he's not the GOP nominee, then no action.
Quote: Beethoven9thMark my words, if Christie is the nominee in '16, he will be a guaranteed LOSER.
Will you lay 2 to 1 on that?
You make the call.
Quote: WizardWill you lay 2 to 1 on that?
Hmm...that's awfully tempting. 1.5 to 1 would probably be more fair, BUT there's not a doubt in my mind that Christie will lose if he's nominated.
If we did bet, and if (by some freak occurrence) I lost, can I just mail you the money? I don't want to show my face after a loss. ;)
Quote: Beethoven9thI'm starting this thread only because the "Decision 2012" thread is becoming outdated.
After Chris Christie's 22-point victory earlier tonight in the NJ gubernatorial race, I predict that there will be a steady drumbeat from the mainstream media to install him as the Republican nominee for president in 2016. It will be just like when they pushed for McCain in '08 and Romney in '12.
Mark my words, if Christie is the nominee in '16, he will be a guaranteed LOSER.
I actually think he is the only chance the Repubs have to be able to win over some indys. I still feel it is a lost cause because there will be such a groundswell of support from the media to elect the first female President that issues really wont make a different to the people who have only voted twice in their life, 2008 & 2012. And that group took elections that were close in the past and turned them into blowouts. Obama will out there every day of his last year campaigning for Hillary and will get the vote out.
And if you look at an electorial map, where are the states that a GOPer could gain from what Romney did? It is a hard road when so many states are already decided.
Quote: BozI still feel it is a lost cause because there will be such a groundswell of support from the media to elect the first female President...
Totally agree.
The Democrat candidate has only one opponent to beat: the Republican. OTOH, the Republican has THREE opponents: the Democrat candidate, the Hollywood elite, and the mainstream media.
Not even Ronald Reagan would be able to overcome these 3 obstacles.
Until people wake up and realize BOTH major parties are only interested in growing and/or preserving their power base. Sadly, what is good for America is secondary to both Dems and Repubs. Both parties exist at this point as much to obstruct the other party as anything else. No real or meaningful change in America will be possible, within the existing power structure. THROW ALL THE BUMS OUT>>>ESPECIALLY YOUR CONGRESSPERSON AND SENATORS.
Good advice, but, as we say around these parts: the fish rots from the head down so start with presidont and keep going...
Quote: Beethoven9thHmm...that's awfully tempting. 1.5 to 1 would probably be more fair, BUT there's not a doubt in my mind that Christie will lose if he's nominated.
If we did bet, and if (by some freak occurrence) I lost, can I just mail you the money? I don't want to show my face after a loss. ;)
Our bet would be contingent on Christie getting the GOP nomination. Otherwise, no action. Mailing the money will be fine. I'm looking to keep this small and friendly like your $100 against my $50.
Quote: WizardOur bet would be contingent on Christie getting the GOP nomination. Otherwise, no action. Mailing the money will be fine. I'm looking to keep this small and friendly like your $100 against my $50.
You are a big and serious gambler. I was thinking maybe $10.
Hillary cost me $20-30 last election. I bet her over him and I lost. I thought America was ready for a female president plus Bill was big help for her. Why? Bill was leaving her alone at night so she could concentrate on more serious political issues.
Also, I thought America would be ready for a black president AFTER a female president.
I think America mixes up the order. I am with you and I will bet Hillary to win 2016 against anyone. I will bet big this time, $50 US, settle through paypal or mail. I am in Canada but will cross the border to mail the CASH.
any taker?????
Quote: Beethoven9thQuote: BozI still feel it is a lost cause because there will be such a groundswell of support from the media to elect the first female President...
Totally agree.
The Democrat candidate has only one opponent to beat: the Republican. OTOH, the Republican has THREE opponents: the Democrat candidate, the Hollywood elite, and the mainstream media.
Not even Ronald Reagan would be able to overcome these 3 obstacles.
The GOP has at least a couple very well-credentialed female candidates for 2016. What does it say when you conservative men can't see far enough to even consider that the GOP may nominate a female themselves?
As you say THEY are conservative MAN. They don't want a female president!!!!!!!!!!
For shame.
Have faith rdw, I'll write you in. Just remember to appoint me to the Ministry of Keepin' It Real ;)
But yesterday's exit polls tell a different story. On a day that Christie was at a high point as far as his popularity because of his handling of things since the superstorn Sandy, the exit poll in New Jersey show him losing to Hilary by 6 points. In other words, the very people that were voting big for him, answered that they would not vote for him to be president. And this is before anyone has even laid a glove on him. That is a real bad thing for Christie.
But on a positive note, and something I didn't see mentioned on any network coverage, Mr Christie looked really good. He has lost at least 40 pounds since his weight loss procedure earlier this year. A little hard to tell, because it is hard to tell on big people, until they lose a huge amount of weight. But if you look at pictures of him last night vs pics from a year ago, you will see it. He still has much to lose, but I congratulate him on his effort so far. (Which I beleive is also mostly about running for president).
The republicans, fueled by tea party may talk about putting up a tea party or far right guy like Cruz or Paul, but in the end if they want any real shot at winning, they have to put up someone more moderate that can win some of the moderate and independent vote. Someone LIKE a Christie, but I don't think it will be Christie. I think it will be Jeb Bush. A guy that would actually flip his home state for republicans.
Quote: speedycrapYou are a big and serious gambler. I was thinking maybe $10.
Hillary cost me $20-30 last election. I bet her over him and I lost. I thought America was ready for a female president plus Bill was big help for her. Why? Bill was leaving her alone at night so she could concentrate on more serious political issues.
Also, I thought America would be ready for a black president AFTER a female president.
I think America mixes up the order. I am with you and I will bet Hillary to win 2016 against anyone. I will bet big this time, $50 US, settle through paypal or mail. I am in Canada but will cross the border to mail the CASH.
any taker?????
The analysis at the time if I have this right is that Bill advised her to establish her legacy at State and then run in 2016. How'd that first part work out for her...?
Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, etc. will never be President. Period.
However, Chris Christie will never get through the Tea Party-infused Republican primary process/sideshow.
And even if he does, Chris Christie is not without skeletons in his closet.
From the book Double Down, about the 2012 election:
Quote:Ted Newton, managing Project Goldfish under Myers, had come into the vet liking Christie for his brashness and straight talk. Now, surveying the sum and substance of what the team was finding, Newton told his colleagues, If Christie had been in the nomination fight against us, we would have destroyed him—he wouldn’t be able to run for governor again. When you look below the surface, Newton said, it’s not pretty.
(Project Goldfish was the codename given to the process of vetting potential VPs)
Quote: chickenmanThe analysis at the time if I have this right is that Bill advised her to establish her legacy at State and then run in 2016. How'd that first part work out for her...?
The catch phrase was "Bill was leaving her alone at night" Bill was BANGING some other WOMEEEEN.
I am sorry, I should not tell a joke here. This is too serious for me.
I will stick to my point, $50, any taker????
Quote: rdw4potusWhat does it say when you conservative men can't see far enough to even consider that the GOP may nominate a female themselves?
Not so. Sarah Palin got conservatives to vote for John McCain in '08 (even though they couldn't stand him), and she'd easily get the conservative vote if she decided to throw her hat into the primaries.Quote: speedycrapThey don't want a female president!!!!!!!!!!
You're forgetting that they already tried this in '08 and '12, but neither McCain nor Romney did much of a job in attracting those prized moderate & independent voters, now did they? Not saying that Ted Cruz or Rand Paul would do any better, but I just don't understand why so many people think that a moderate candidate is the best choice after the last two moderate candidates failed.Quote: kewljThe republicans...have to put up someone more moderate that can win some of the moderate and independent vote.
This is key. I don't know why Christie is supposedly The Great White Hope when he can't even beat Hillary in his own backyard!!Quote: kewljOn a day that Christie was at a high point as far as his popularity because of his handling of things since the superstorn Sandy, the exit poll in New Jersey show him losing to Hilary by 6 points. In other words, the very people that were voting big for him, answered that they would not vote for him to be president.
Wow, we actually agree on something! ;)Quote: s2dbakerExit polling in New Jersey shows that Christie would lose New Jersey in 2016. The very same people who just gave pufferfish a 20 point victory for Governor would rather have Hillary as President.
Quote: rdw4potusQuote: Beethoven9thQuote: BozI still feel it is a lost cause because there will be such a groundswell of support from the media to elect the first female President...
Totally agree.
The Democrat candidate has only one opponent to beat: the Republican. OTOH, the Republican has THREE opponents: the Democrat candidate, the Hollywood elite, and the mainstream media.
Not even Ronald Reagan would be able to overcome these 3 obstacles.
The GOP has at least a couple very well-credentialed female candidates for 2016. What does it say when you conservative men can't see far enough to even consider that the GOP may nominate a female themselves?
It doesn't matter who the GOP candidate is, male, female, black, white, straight, gay, etc....the issue is that they are conservative and running against Hillary who is everything the Media wants. Look how they treated Sarah Palin, who might not have been ready for the office, BUT she was female. Same thing with Cruz and Rubio, the media hates them because of what they stand for. I really think you are off base on feeling that most conservative men wont consider a woman for the nomination. We just want someone who is qualified and can win. As for the other side, they just want someone who can win.
It's a deal!Quote: WizardOur bet would be contingent on Christie getting the GOP nomination. Otherwise, no action. Mailing the money will be fine. I'm looking to keep this small and friendly like your $100 against my $50.
Even though it's probably foolish to give up 2 to 1 odds, I feel so strongly that Christie will be a guaranteed LOSER if nominated that I will accept those terms. I will put up $100 against your $50. (No action, if Christie does NOT win the Republican nomination)
To everyone: This will be the Wizard's reaction on the evening of November 8th, 2016. lol!
J/K, of course....the bet is all in good fun! :D
Oh please Jesus I beseech, emplore and entreat thee to make this happen!!Quote: Beethoven9thNot so. Sarah Palin got conservatives to vote for John McCain in '08 (even though they couldn't stand him), and she'd easily get the conservative vote if she decided to throw her hat into the primaries.
Quote: Beethoven9thQuote: kewljThe republicans...have to put up someone more moderate that can win some of the moderate and independent vote.
You're forgetting that they already tried this in '08 and '12, but neither McCain nor Romney did much of a job in attracting those prized moderate & independent voters, now did they? Not saying that Ted Cruz or Rand Paul would do any better, but I just don't understand why so many people think that a moderate candidate is the best choice after the last two moderate candidates failed big time.
I agree, placing someone "more moderate" in the limelight seldom works as intended.
The problem with doing so is that it becomes very difficult to know "where they stand".
The effort is to win the independent vote, and to do that one has to cater to the independent voter at the cost of losing support from the base constituency.
Far better to stand ground for the party you're supposed to be representing and wait for the so-called independents to get sick enough of the way things are going that they are forced to actually take a side.
To me, trying to play both sides of the fence in politics is akin to hedging bets while gambling- you're exposing yourself to the house edge that much more.
Quote: steeldcoBy 2016, the economy will probably be in the dumps. Therefore, Hillary has zero chance of winning. As a matter of fact, I don't think that the Democrats will nominate her. Christie will stand a better chance, but only if the extremists in the Republican party disappear. Most normal people do not want any part of the Tea Party goofs.
Why not?
As for the extremists in the Republican party disappearing, yeah, good luck with that.
Quote: steeldcoBy 2016, the economy will probably be in the dumps. Therefore, Hillary has zero chance of winning. As a matter of fact, I don't think that the Democrats will nominate her. Christie will stand a better chance, but only if the extremists in the Republican party disappear. Most normal people do not want any part of the Tea Party goofs.
The economy should be improving in second part of 2014 and in very good shape in 2016 just before election.
Quote: speedycrapI will bet big this time, $50 US, settle through paypal or mail. I am in Canada but will cross the border to mail the CASH.
any taker?????
Okay, your $50 against my $25. It's a bet! Paypal is good with me.
Quote: WizardOkay, your $50 against my $25. It's a bet! Paypal is good with me.
HOLD ON !!!!!!
Can you please write down what we are betting please????
P.S. have you checked you PM yet??
Quote: speedycrapThe economy should be improving in second part of 2014 and in very good shape in 2016 just before election.
I hope you're right, but right now I believe that the worst is yet to come with an economy that's on life support. I would gladly be wrong but I think that the hammer falls Q3 of next year (my guess as to when QE winds down) and we will end up living thru a several year nightmare.
Quote: steeldcoBy 2016, the economy will probably be in the dumps. Therefore, Hillary has zero chance of winning. As a matter of fact, I don't think that the Democrats will nominate her. Christie will stand a better chance, but only if the extremists in the Republican party disappear. Most normal people do not want any part of the Tea Party goofs.

Okay, but that said, it probably will be Hillary for the Democrats, who is likely a stronger candidate than Kerry ever would be.
Quote: steeldcoSorry but my belief is that the Republican party was associated with extremists despite what the Presidential candidate's view was. Nobody cares for the extremists. Hell, most people don't want change of ANY sort. The Republican just needs to wake up to have a chance.
I fully agree the EXTREMISTS part. We are all moderate. We don't want sudden or drastic change under any, I mean any reason or excuse.
The Reps would be best to stand a Tea Party candidate in the next election. It doesn't matter if the candidate loses. It moves the window of the debate to the right, which helps the Republicans overall. The Republicans keep fighting the election on the Democrats terms. Which, well, they seem to be bad at doing.
Might be the media bias, or might be moderate Republicans don't delineate themselves from their opposition in a way that gets votes.
My belief is it's the latter.
The Tea Party does have the huge problem of some elements on the Rep-right wanting to add moral outrage to everything. That won't fly to get swing voters. But the ten point economic pledge plan might. It's their best hope.
If we manage to break the two-party hegemony in my lifetime, I'll be ecstatic. Although with the winner-take-all system in the US, it will just be 2 different parties. The only question is who is going to succeed the GOP.
I like this strategy. More please!!Quote: thecesspitThe Reps would be best to stand a Tea Party candidate in the next election. It doesn't matter if the candidate loses.
Damn Baker beat me to it.
Looks like Ted Cruz or Paul Rand can make it a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Quote: Buzzard" The Reps would be best to stand a Tea Party candidate in the next election. It doesn't matter if the candidate loses."
Damn Baker beat me to it.
Looks like Ted Cruz or Paul Rand can make it a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Clearly Moderates aren't working, and we hear all about the tea party ideals being the next great thing on the US right. Let them have their moment... it either removes the distraction for the Republicans, shifts the debate, or suddenly works and small-government values can have their chance to shine (or not as the case may be...)
Remember, I say this as someone who doesn't live there or gets to vote there.
As long as you not invading or polluting up here, it doesn't matter too much to me who you elect.
Quote: steeldcoBy 2016, the economy will probably be in the dumps. Therefore, Hillary has zero chance of winning.
Even though I agree with the first statement, it doesn't necessarily follow that Hillary will get hurt. Democrats will always blame Republicans even when they're the ones at fault.
Case in point, take a look at Detroit. Unions and Democrats have been running that city for decades, yet when it finally went bankrupt, liberals blamed..........REPUBLICANS!
That's right, libs like Ed Schultz and Melissa Harris Perry actually blamed Republicans for Detroit's downfall. Talk about insanity! And the sad part is that there are probably a lot of low information voters out there who believe it. *headshake*
the bedroom and the woman is up on the step ladder
while the old man ogles her fanny. He just can't stand
it, the ass of the woman he's been married to for 35
years turns him on so much, he has to have sex RIGHT
NOW. Thank god for the blue pill, that costs $25 a pop,
on average. I just looked it up, $125 for 5 Viagara's at
Walgreens. Well worth it if you're 57 and can't wait..
Or maybe it is.
Quote: rxwineThis is not the Viagra thread, EB.
Or maybe it is.
We're talking about crazy old conservative white guys...might as well talk about their medications as well?
Quote: AcesAndEightsMy only question is who the Libertarian party is going to throw up there this time, and if they can get more than 1% of the popular vote. I really was hoping Gary Johnson would reach the 2-3% range, and he came in with 0.99%.
If we manage to break the two-party hegemony in my lifetime, I'll be ecstatic. Although with the winner-take-all system in the US, it will just be 2 different parties. The only question is who is going to succeed the GOP.
As long as they nominate people like Wayne Root as VP they will be considered a joke.
Quote: Beethoven9thEven though I agree with the first statement, it doesn't necessarily follow that Hillary will get hurt. Democrats will always blame Republicans even when they're the ones at fault.
Case in point, take a look at Detroit. Unions and Democrats have been running that city for decades, yet when it finally went bankrupt, liberals blamed..........REPUBLICANS!
That's right, libs like Ed Schultz and Melissa Harris Perry actually blamed Republicans for Detroit's downfall. Talk about insanity! And the sad part is that there are probably a lot of low information voters out there who believe it. *headshake*
Ugh, 2 of my least favorite people. Schultz is a joke and Perry thinks everyone is a victim and is racist. Just once I would like to see her put on a guest who doesn't agree with her on everything.