Quote: BuzzardI liked the old day with a republican in White House.
So did I.
Lower unemployment
Lower deficits
More growth
Freedom to choose the health insurance I prefer
Quote: rxwineThis is not the Viagra thread, EB.
True. LOL.
EB, you need to move blood to another part of your body. Too much Viagra or Cialis? Pick your poison.
Just playin'....check Frank's thread.
Quote: BozAs long as they nominate people like Wayne Root as VP they will be considered a joke.
2008 was not a banner year for the Libertarian party's slate...
On Election Night in Boston, Joe Biden congratulated the wrong Marty Walsh
Can you imagine the media firestorm if George W. Bush had congratulated the wrong guy? Or better yet, if Sarah Palin had done so?
I know a bunch of libs here are going to point out that the media did in fact report this story, but of course, that's not my point. My point is that similar gaffes by Republicans get blown way out of proportion, while Democrat gaffes get relatively little coverage.
Quote: Beethoven9th
I know a bunch of libs here are going to point out that the media did in fact report this story, but of course, that's not my point. My point is that similar gaffes by Republicans get blown way out of proportion, while Democrat gaffes get relatively little coverage.
The biggest proof of this is treatment of Obama vs Quayle. Both were just average Senators but Quayle was somehow an idiot while Obama was hailed as the smartest guy around. Quayle misspells "Potatoe" and he is dumb, Obama talks about visiting all 57 states plus says he is a muslim and he just misspoke.
Quote: AZDuffmanThe biggest proof of this is treatment of Obama vs Quayle. Both were just average Senators but Quayle was somehow an idiot while Obama was hailed as the smartest guy around. Quayle misspells "Potatoe" and he is dumb, Obama talks about visiting all 57 states plus says he is a muslim and he just misspoke.
It always irks me how Democrats (and their accomplices in the mainstream media) paint Republicans like Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, Dan Quayle, and Sarah Palin as being "stupid", yet they portray Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, John Kerry, Al Gore, and Hillary Clinton as geniuses. Yet according to them, there is no media bias. *headshake*
I'm sure a lib is going to point out that Chris Christie gets pretty good press, but that's only temporary. Just wait and see what they do to him if/when he wins the Republican nomination. How quickly people forget that John McCain also got good press......that is, until he ran against Obama.
Quote: Beethoven9th
I'm sure a lib is going to point out that Chris Christie gets pretty good press, but that's only temporary. Just wait and see what they do to him if/when he wins the Republican nomination. How quickly people forget that John McCain also got good press......that is, until he ran against Obama.
IIRC it didn't take a week after he sewed up the nomination for the NYT to do a hit piece on him. Seriously, not even a week.
Quote: Beethoven9thI'm sure a lib is going to point out that Chris Christie gets pretty good press, but that's only temporary. Just wait and see what they do to him if/when he wins the Republican nomination. How quickly people forget that John McCain also got good press......that is, until he ran against Obama.
That is how a biased press helps swing the election!!
Is this more of the pro Obamacare media you are always complaining about ?
Quote: Buzzard" Brad Paisley & Carrie Underwood skewered Obamacare at the Country Music Awards last night. LOL! "
Is this more of the pro Obamacare media you are always complaining about ?
They are part of the media? Funny, I thought they were country music singers.
Since they were poking fun at Obamacare, it didn't really happen. Therefore the media is liberal biased because, selective memory.Quote: BuzzardIs this more of the pro Obamacare media you are always complaining about ?
Damn those biased bastards !
On May 1, 2003, Bush became the first sitting President to make an arrested landing in a fixed-wing aircraft on an aircraft carrier when he arrived at the USS Abraham Lincoln in a Lockheed S-3 Viking, dubbed Navy One, as the carrier lay just off the San Diego coast, having returned from combat operations in the Persian Gulf. He posed for photographs with pilots and members of the ship's crew while wearing a flight suit. A few hours later, he gave a speech announcing the end of major combat operations in the Iraq War. Far above him was the warship's banner stating "Mission Accomplished."
Quote: BuzzardGee, I thought television was part of the media. Silly me.
Very silly you. By your logic, TV commercials or even a test-pattern would be "media."
Quote: Beethoven9thBrad Paisley & Carrie Underwood skewered Obamacare at the Country Music Awards last night. LOL!
That's just hilarious! Obamacare has become the national
joke faster than Bill did with Monica. And every day
the fire is fed with more bad news, it's the gift that keeps on
giving. The Dems who are up for re-election next year
and having fits, how can you not love this..
the fire is fed with more bad news"
How can this be ? The media will not report anything bad about Obama.
Um...the last time I looked they were SINGERS, not reporters.Quote: Buzzard" Brad Paisley & Carrie Underwood skewered Obamacare at the Country Music Awards last night. LOL! "
Is this more of the pro Obamacare media you are always complaining about ?
But even if they were, I never said that every single person who has a connection with the media is a liberal. I know you guys love twisting my words, but I just never said that. ;)
By your logic, my dog is part of the media since he was on TV one day...lolQuote: BuzzardGee, I thought television was part of the media. Silly me.
Quote: Buzzard" By your logic, TV commercials or even a test-pattern would be "media." Gee, why do those silly people pay for commercials, I wonder !
Probably because there are thousands to millions of people tuned in so they can get their message out. But back to the point, an intelligent person should understand "media" when used in the context of "biased media" means "news media."
Quote: Buzzard" And every day
the fire is fed with more bad news"
How can this be ? The media will not report anything bad about Obama.
More twisting of words...lol
Because no one ever said that. What conservatives do say is that the media is biased. For instance, when liberal rags put Sarah Palin's gaffes on the front page, yet they stick similar gaffes by Obama (e.g., 57 states) in the bottom corner of page A-36, then that's an example of media bias, my friend. (And no, Bingo, there aren't any ethical dissimilarities here!)
Quote: Beethoven9thMore twisting of words...lol
No one ever said that. What conservatives do say is that the media is biased. For instance, when liberal rags put Sarah Palin's gaffes on the front page, yet they stick similar gaffes by Obama (e.g., 57 states) in the bottom corner of page A-36, then that's an example of media bias, my friend. (And no, Bingo, there aren't any ethical dissimilarities here!)
Conservative: The sky is blue
Liberal: No, it isn't. At night it is black and on a nice evening it is orange to red! And the clouds in the sky are white! What are you talking about?
Conservative: *sigh*
Quote: Buzzard" in the bottom corner of page A-36," What paper are you reading ?
Okay, Buzz, do you believe there is a media bias or not?
LOL!!Quote: AZDuffmanConservative: The sky is blue
Liberal: No, it isn't. At night it is black and on a nice evening it is orange to red! And the clouds in the sky are white! What are you talking about?
Conservative: *sigh*
...and the post right below yours is a perfect example of this! :D
Rule 1 of dog training.
Trainers IQ must be higher than the dog's IQ.
Quote: RonCOkay, Buzz, do you believe there is a media bias or not?
Of course there is. Has to be. Humans report the news, human editors decide what gets printed or telecast.
Quote: Beethoven9thLOL!!
...and the post right below yours is a perfect example of this! :D
This is a mostly liberal board so what can we do but keep on?
Conservative: People in San Francisco are liberal.
Liberal: Wrong! I once met a Republican in SF, so you stupid conservatives are making incorrect statements as usual!
Conservative: *facepalm*
Quote: Buzzard" By your logic, my dog is part of the media "
I know you are having trouble getting your dog to vote the straight Republican ticket on election day. So I did some research and have discovered the problem.
Rule 1 of dog training.
Trainers IQ must be higher than the dog's IQ.
Your pet must be a red herring. ;)
Don't feed him for 4 days. I bet he will eat cardboard and like it GRRRR!
Quote: AZDuffmanThis is a mostly liberal board so what can we do but keep on?
Really? Wow.
Quote: BuzzardCan someone valid my parking stub at the Communist meeting Hall ?

Quote: AZDuffmanBut back to the point, an intelligent person should understand "media" when used in the context of "biased media" means "news media."
Which news person do you consider, not rightwing or leftwing, but most unbiased since the goal is not to be either rightwing or leftwing?
Quote: rxwineWhich news person do you consider, not rightwing or leftwing, but most unbiased since the goal is not to be either rightwing or leftwing?
Jake Tapper & Jeff Greenfield are pretty good.
Quote: rxwineWhich news person do you consider, not rightwing or leftwing, but most unbiased since the goal is not to be either rightwing or leftwing?
Hannity? LOL
Quote: rxwineWhich news person do you consider, not rightwing or leftwing, but most unbiased since the goal is not to be either rightwing or leftwing?
Probably Bill O'reilly. He holds everyone accountable and doesn't take many positions except demanding that pols be honest and accountable to "the folks."
Quote: BuzzardHey , Jesus was a communist. Josie, quick, find my sandals.
Not sure why anyone would say this.
Quote: Beethoven9thYou're forgetting that they already tried this in '08 and '12, but neither McCain nor Romney did much of a job in attracting those prized moderate & independent voters, now did they? Not saying that Ted Cruz or Rand Paul would do any better, but I just don't understand why so many people think that a moderate candidate is the best choice after the last two moderate candidates failed.
Beethoven: if you think Christie is too moderate, which GOP politician do you think could win in 2016? Gingrich? Santorum? Palin? Guiliani? Bachmann? Herman Cain?
Not that it matters, but I don't think it was Romney's centrist policies which doomed his campaign. I think it was his personality: he came off as a plastic phoney. (Lest I be accused of partisanship, I fully concede that Gore and Kerry have personalities even more annoying [self-righteous] than Romney's blandness.) The problem wasn't that Romney was too moderate, or too conservative, or too liberal; he was a tall wealthy handsome empty vessel who said any soundbyte to win any election, and everyone knew it. He had no core beliefs. In Romney's defense: perhaps all these A-list politicians are insincere phonies (especially Bill Clinton & John Edwards!) but Romney just didn't have the acting skills to convince members of his own party, let alone independents or democrats.
Fair or not, Christie comes off as real & genuine.
Quote: renoBeethoven: if you think Christie is too moderate, which GOP politician do you think could win in 2016? Gingrich? Santorum? Palin? Guiliani? Bachmann? Herman Cain?
Take a look earlier in the thread. I never said that a conservative candidate would win more votes than Christie. My point is simply that a moderate candidate is NOT the magic bullet that will attract more voters, and history has proven this right.
For example, the last five GOP candidates were George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney. Of those five, the ONLY person to win two terms was George W. Bush, and he was the most conservative candidate. (How conservative he was is up for debate, but we can all agree that he was more conservative than the other four.)
Moderate McCain and moderate Romney got trounced in the last two presidential elections, and moderate Christie will be no different (if he ends up with the nomination). Again, I'm NOT saying that Ted Cruz or Rand Paul would do any better, but what I am saying is that Christie will not win any more votes than they would.
Oh yeah, and to answer your question, NO Republican candidate can win in 2016..........2020..........2024..........ad infinitum. The biased media, dishonest Democrats, and the liberal Hollywood elite are just too much to overcome in today's political climate. Not even Ronald Reagan—the grandfather of modern Republicans—could win an election today.
Hell, for that matter, if George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or Abraham Lincoln rose from the grave tomorrow, even they would lose today. (Don't mean to get conservatives down, but I'm just a realist here)
And the Republican Party has to stop blaming the salesman and look at the product.
Quote: BuzzardChristie can win
Yeah, he can win the same way McCain, Romney, and Dole won....LOL
Quote: AZDuffmanProbably Bill O'reilly. He holds everyone accountable and doesn't take many positions except demanding that pols be honest and accountable to "the folks."
That's a complete joke.
Bill O'Reilly is terribly biased, his interviewing technique is either hectoring or sycophantic and his dealing with anything outside of his own view point is laboured and his disdain shows through. His actions against many of his hostile interviews have been the worse sort of journalism. There's several of the Fox news guys who are pretty decent in examining the issues. Bill-O on TV is not one of those, and if you consider he's unbiased, you ought shake your head and get it set right. It's as laughable as stating Rachel Maddow is fair and balanced, or Piers Morgan has morals.
rated news show on cable for 12 years straight. People
love to hate Bill. And his books are huge best sellers, every
one of them.