Quote: tuppQuote: EvenBobThis reminds me of the first job I had working with non whites. An education to say the last.
Wow. This comment doesn't come from any sort of education.
To anyone who is not white, I assure you that most of us on the forum are shocked by such narrow-minded, bigoted remarks.
There are a few small-minded antagonizers who seem to have free rein here. Please do not give them the satisfaction of scaring away the more thoughtful, broad-minded thinkers.
Twitter explodes with death threats against George Zimmerman, white people
Quote:The New Black Panther Party put out a $10,000 bounty on Zimmerman's head with a "Wanted Dead or Alive" poster and issued calls to murder white people.
"Kill these racist honkeys, these crackers, these pigs, these pink people, It has been long overdue!" the group said in a tweet that has since been deleted.
Quote:One person offered to kill Zimmerman for $20, and several said they would murder random white people.
"If they don't kill Zimmerman Ima kill me a cracka"
Quote:"If George Zimmerman win I'm gonna kill a fat white boy dat look lik George Zimmerman I swear lol (sic)," tweeted "Creeplife."
Quote: rxwineZimmerman is Hispanic if he wants to kill the right person in reprisal. It's like killing people with turbans who practice Sikhism in retaliation for 911.
No, per the lamestream media he is a "white hispanic."
Now imaging if someone called someone a "black indian" what the uproar would be!
Double Standard indeed!
Quote: rainmanIts okay to be a racist, unless of course you are white.
You make a joke but of course you are correct. The
Asians at the bac table make fun of us nonstop in
their native tongues and that's not racist at all.
Quote: EvenBobThe Asians at the bac table make fun of us nonstop in their native tongues and that's not racist at all.
Yet another bigoted remark.
By the way, any bigotry in any language is unacceptable.
Quote: tuppYet another bigoted remark.
By the way, any bigotry in any language is unacceptable.
Like I said, you have no clue what bigotry is. To you a bigot is white person with a black dog.
Quote: EvenBobLike I said, you have no clue what bigotry is. To you a bigot is white person with a black dog.
Well, you don't have to take my word for it, because there is a very easy and foolproof way to test for bigotry. Just put the test subject into a room full of people from a race/ethnic group other than that of the test subject, and then have the test subject explain his notions about the people of the other race/ethnic group.
For instance, you could put a white man into a room full of "non-whites" from various walks of life. Then have him explain to everyone else in the room why "non-white" people are so peculiar that it was an "education" for him when he had his first lengthy contact with "non-white" people. The white test subject could go on to discuss why the "non-whites" always try to showoff by wrapping big bills around the outside of a wad of small bills.
Another test would be to put our test subject into a room full of various Japanese citizens, and then have the test subject explain why it is okay to repeatedly scream "Hey Jap!" at someone who he thinks cut into a casino chip cashing line.
Of course, the white test subject could also be inserted into a room full of "Asians," where he could query them on why they are always at the baccarat table "making fun of 'us' non-stop" in one of their native Asian languages.
Or, the test subject could scrutinize a group of German citizens as to why they consume so much sauerkraut.
Now, if the test subject stammers or starts sweating during any of these discussions, you know you have a bigot.
Quote: tuppWell, you don't have to take my word for it,.
Thank god. You curve fit everything to conform
to your narrow view of the world. Then you call
people names when they don't fit in. Real nice..
Living in Florida, there are several different cultures. (I've noticed a lot of folks here are not American, so I'm going into some demographic detail.) The one Rachel Jeantel grew up in was Haitian Blacks of South Florida. Her language and descriptions were quite clear within her cultural referents, and she told a straightforward account of what she witnessed. She was real, uncomfortable, threatened by those questioning her, and ultimately very believable.
There's a dialect spoken by 80-90% of African Americans derived from Creole (black/native Louisianian French patois), sometimes called (derisively) Ebonics, but known by linguists as African American vernacular English; it is increasingly being recognized as a separate language with diverging grammar, intonations, and meanings, from American English. Rachel was very articulate in her own way, but Don West (the defense lawyer) used her discomfort and naitevity to mock and discredit her to the jury; but he did not get her to change her testimony about the events she heard.
Trayvon Martin saw a lighter man than him watching him closely from a truck. As a young black male here, he would have been all too familiar with people judging him on first glance. YBM's are often stopped here just for driving or walking in the "wrong" neighborhood. I don't know that he in particular experienced this, but it's very likely he did, not once but many times before he walked in the ultimate wrong neighborhood for him. Not all whites are "crackas" to blacks here (which is why she doesn't see it as racist; to her, it's descriptive). But those who profile young black males for simply being somewhere, are. So, talking to his friend from childhood, in their shared vernacular, he called the man staring at him a "creepy-ass cracka". She understood exactly what he meant. And, it turns out, he was exactly right. There was a lighter-skinned armed man watching him, making hostile assumptions about him, who called the police on him while following him, then stalked and killed him near the home he was visiting before the police got there.
If she was being less than honest in her testimony, she would not have repeated this comment verbatim, because I'm sure she knows it's inflammatory and reflects badly on her close friend. It was obvious, as well, that she and Don West had a history of misunderstanding and frustration on both sides (from her deposition with her), which got expressed in ways that made her look bad to American English speaking people. He is being paid very well to do this to her. It will be up to the jury whether they can sort out what she actually said from all the preconceptions and misdirection his cross-examination brought forth. (The jury is 5 white women and 1 hispanic woman.)
Paula Dean is just as subject to her upbringing, but what little I know of why there's such a fuss, she was a public person marketing her persona, not testifying about what someone else said, and so her business is vulnerable to public perception of her personally. Her target audience is, oddly, both her own southern white culture and also southern blacks, all of whom grew up eating the foods she promotes. I don't know how and when or how often she used the term, but it came out in a deposition during a separate lawsuit against her for similar discriminatory issues. So I think there's a false equivalency being drawn, just because of the proximity of the two stories in the news.
I could hate your gods only as much as you could hate Bertrand Russell's Teapot.Quote: DeMangoReally aren't there more religious bigots on this board? You know, the God hating atheists? (oxy, IK) Talk about pot, kettle, black! Then they tell us to quit watching Fox! For what, the God haters at MSNBC??
Quote: IbeatyouracesWe can't hate something that doesn't exist.
That is your incorrect opinion. Surrounded by other false hopes such as evolution. I know I'm in the minority on this board, but a majority outside. About 40% of all scientists believe in intelligent design. They are probably smarter than you. But back to the subject of haters. Why? As always it's follow the money or follow the lust.
Quote: FinsRuleLet's get back to the original topic and realize that the title of the thread is "Double Standard" yet not once has a double standard been mentioned...
Missed my Alec Baldwin post then?
Quote: BuzzardHow about this double standard for black versus white drug dealers and users ?
So Black drug dealers and users are not permitted to use powder? This is like saying Obama's tanning salon tax is a double standard because it disproportionally affects Whites. Can it be proven that the crack punishments were set higher because of race and for no other reason?
Quote: BuzzardHow about this double standard for black versus white drug dealers and users ?
Not a double standard at all, they are different drugs with different amounts giving different effects.
This is an old favorite of the left, same as claiming the Willie Horton ad was racist because it showed a criminal's picture.
Who the hell said double standards only exist for racism? I sure didn't !
Quote: Buzzard" Can it be proven that the crack punishments were set higher because of race and for no other reason? "
Who the hell said double standards only exist for racism? I sure didn't !
You kind of did. saying that (basically) only Black drug dealers and users use crack , and only White use powder.