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123 members have voted
Quote: RSI’ve brought KFC
These people had takeout food, probably
from the same place Mike got food
poisoning at. Smelled strong of
garlic and curry and cow dung.
Quote: EvenBob
Not silly in the least. It shows how
the PC movement has terrified
sponsors and networks into altering
reality. It's a real thing and they're
doing it to pacify minorities.
Right, because white men NEVER break into houses. Just doesn't happen. Ever. It's ALWAYS a black guy or Hispanic. Always. 100% of the time. A white guy breaking into a house just absolutely defies reality and all known laws of physics.
The fact that you noticed the race of the guy in the commercial and got offended by it makes YOU the problem, not the commercial. YOU are the one who is being sensitive and wants reality to cater to your delicate sensitivities. YOU are the one that has a race problem.
My god, EB.... just get over it and grow up, FFS.
Quote: TigerWuRight, because white men NEVER break into houses. Just doesn't happen. Ever. It's ALWAYS a black guy or Hispanic. Always. 100% of the time. A white guy breaking into a house just absolutely defies reality and all known laws of physics.
The fact that you noticed the race of the guy in the commercial and got offended by it makes YOU the problem, not the commercial. YOU are the one who is being sensitive and wants reality to cater to your delicate sensitivities. YOU are the one that has a race problem.
My god, EB.... just get over it and grow up, FFS.
Eh idk that what you’re saying is true, in this example. I haven’t noticed these commercials EB is saying, but I do notice all the positive ones perfectly balanced multiracially (ie generally not real life) the same way that I notice casino advertisements always have young sexy 20 somethings while what I see in the casino is generally unhealthy looking grumpy middle aged smoking degenerates and senior citizens.
Quote: mcallister3200Eh idk that what you’re saying is true, in this example. I haven’t noticed these commercials EB is saying, but I do notice all the positive ones perfectly balanced multiracially (ie generally not real life) the same way that I notice casino advertisements always have young sexy 20 somethings while what I see in the casino is generally unhealthy looking grumpy middle aged smoking degenerates and senior citizens.
Yeah, I know what you're talking about with the casino commercials. MAYBE you see people like that at a few casinos in Vegas, but you're right.... the average casino is full of middle-age or retired average joes.
But I know the commercial EB is talking about. He's making a big deal out of nothing.
Quote: TigerWuThe fact that you noticed the race of the guy in the commercial
Lots of people have noticed it, discover
Google and see. You keep repeating
the same things over and over and
insulting me, I'm done with this,
I've noticed in tv the big push in both interacial relations and also the push to portray homosexual relationships. Much more than what statistically is represented out in public. I guess they are playing to their market.Quote: EvenBobLots of people have noticed it, discover
Google and see. You keep repeating
the same things over and over and
insulting me, I'm done with this,
Then this morning I see another article explaining that Dr. Suess books are racist, now I am confused. https://www.thecollegefix.com/new-study-claims-dr-seuss-and-his-books-are-racist/
As we have said before, everybody is tribal [racist] we are hard wired to seek members most like ourselves.
Quote: petroglyphI've noticed in tv the big push in both interacial relations and also the push to portray homosexual relationships.
You almost can't watch TV without
seeing Gay men in a commercial.
Yet only 2% of the population is
Gay men. Ask the person on the
street and they always think it's
20% to 30%. Because it's shoved
down our throats all the time, it
skews reality.
Quote: EvenBobBecause it's shoved
down our throats all the time
BernaysQuote: rxwineFreudian.
Quote: HullabalooDude, don't have a cow. We're just shredding and smoking a doobie now and then. Nothing to get uppity about.
(Said by someone other than I)
I've been a skier for almost 50 years, (although not much recently as I've had knee problems), and remember well when snowboarding started to get popular. With it being a winter Olympic event it's only going to get worse. But they sure eff-up the moguls.
The good news is there are 3 places in the US that ban snowboards:
Deer Valley, Alta Ski Area (both in Utah) and Mad River Glen in Vermont.
Yeah, I'm going to make sure to patronize one next year and tell them why.
I think, just at a basic level... snowboards have less control, they are slower, you can't stand upright or travel on flat surfaces... but I want to be on one because I saw it in a Mountain Dew commercial. This is just going to be a certain type of person, who I'd prefer not to be around.
Point proven: I've seen several who blast their music (of course moronic) on speakers in their backbacks or whatever, rather than using headphones. Never seen a skiier do that.
Another thing a friend noticed. Those things that support your feet on the lift so you don't get sore seem to be gone. Perhaps to accommodate snowboarders?
They really are the worst.
Quote: RigondeauxListen to hate radio shows all day
Where are those, what are the ones
you listen to.
Quote:obsessing over the races of people in commercials,
The reaction to this subject has been
interesting. Runs from 'who cares' to
to 'what's wrong with you even noticing,
you weirdo'.
It's like some people are offended that
we're catching on to how the media
and commercials is trying to change
our perceptions to their agenda.
Interracial marriage, not only is it normal,
you should strive for it. Home invasions,
just older White guys, those wascals. They
even have cute classic burglar clothes
on, just like real life.
We aren't supposed to notice this stuff,
just play along with it.
Quote: EvenBobWhere are those, what are the ones
you listen to.
The reaction to this subject has been
interesting. Runs from 'who cares' to
to 'what's wrong with you even noticing,
you weirdo'.
It's like some people are offended that
we're catching on to how the media
and commercials is trying to change
our perceptions to their agenda.
Interracial marriage, not only is it normal,
you should strive for it. Home invasions,
just older White guys, those wascals. They
even have cute classic burglar clothes
on, just like real life.
We aren't supposed to notice this stuff,
just play along with it.
I believe American Family Radio is a big culprit. Most Christian radio stations have a way of making people worry. They make people feel like their freedoms are being taken away or that people are out to get them. Some people who listen to American Family Radio have eaten way too many 'member berries'. Member berries are tasty morsels of organic nostalgia. Member berries make you remember the old as you consume the new. Member berries restore the sense of patriotism and freedom within an individual.
Quote: Mow21I believe American Family Radio is a big culprit. Most Christian radio stations have a way of making people worry. They make people feel like their freedoms are being taken away or that people are out to get them.
Xtions thrive on being the victims
of the world. The god religions,
like Xtionity and Islam, love the
people who die for the religion.
Martyrdom is something to strive
for, you believed so much that you
died for it.
Xtion propaganda is always pushing
the 'poor us' agenda. Dig deep in
your pockets for the missionaries
in Crapburgland, risking their lives
to spread 'gods word'.
Quote: RigondeauxYeah, I'm going to make sure to patronize one next year and tell them why.
I think, just at a basic level... snowboards have less control, they are slower, you can't stand upright or travel on flat surfaces... but I want to be on one because I saw it in a Mountain Dew commercial. This is just going to be a certain type of person, who I'd prefer not to be around.
Point proven: I've seen several who blast their music (of course moronic) on speakers in their backbacks or whatever, rather than using headphones. Never seen a skiier do that.
Another thing a friend noticed. Those things that support your feet on the lift so you don't get sore seem to be gone. Perhaps to accommodate snowboarders?
They really are the worst.
You're just being elitist😎
Ha! It still bothers me. In fact, more than 20 years ago I put up a webpage devoted to that:Quote: EvenBob'Loose' instead of lose used to really honk me off. I've seen it so many times and have come to accept that the population is mostly functionally illiterate that it doesn't bother me any more.
Because the page is so old, I suspect most all of the links on that page are no longer around. (But I have no interest in checking or updating it at this time.)
Quote: EvenBobWhere are those, what are the ones
you listen to.
Obviously, the point is, I don't listen to any. But I've certainly heard and seen the shows you watch. Very low information. Very high emotion. Identity politics. Fear, anger, resentment, greed, selfishness. Entertainers, if that's the right word, who make stuff up. Not experts. No research. No rigor. It's all based on manipulating the self esteem of an audience who want to feel morally and intellectually superior.
Republicans invented it first, but Dems have caught up. They prefer social media and internet driven stuff to radio. Same thing. Get really emotional about how these other people aren't behaving in the way that you want them to. Don't notice we are robbing you blind.
Whatever the political affiliation, I've noticed that people who absorb such things regularly are both less happy and more ignorant. I've never really thought, "man, Joe spent 4 hours on facebook arguing about the gender roles in a super hero movie made on the intellectual level of a nine year old. This sure seems to have made him happy and he has learned a lot."
In an age when all learning, art, entertainment and communication is at our finger tips. 9/10 of these people couldn't even tell you the difference between left wing and liberal, or between right wing and conservative. Yet they won't shut up about it.
We had kind of a nice thread about it for a while, before the identity politics people showed up to vomit all over it.
I guess this counts as a pet peeve.
Quote: RigondeauxObviously, the point is, I don't listen to any. But I've certainly heard and seen the shows you watch. Very low information. Very high emotion. Identity politics. Fear, anger, resentment, greed, selfishness.
Sorry, I don't listen to CNN/MS. The
shows I listen to are almost devoid
of emotion to the point of being
almost emotionless. You want to
see emotion and hate, watch any
CNN show for half an hour.
Quote:We had kind of a nice thread about it for a while, before the identity politics people showed up
Yes, reasonable people tend to
ruin the fun for everybody.
My other pet peeve is people's knees. Cover your knees up if you're gonna be walking around in public.
Quote: EvenBob
It's like some people are offended that
we're catching on to how the media
and commercials is trying to change
our perceptions to their agenda.
Catching on? Where you been? Media manipulation has been going on for decades.
Quote: RSMy other pet peeve is people's knees. Cover your knees up if you're gonna be walking around in public.
I have to keep mine exposed because light reduces the amount of skin fungus growing on them.
Quote: rxwineI have to keep mine exposed because light reduces the amount of skin fungus growing on them.

Quote: rxwineMedia manipulation has been going on for decades.
Exactly. So why are people offended that
I bring it up. It's like they don't want
to be aware of it. If you bury your head
in the sand, you will be manipulated.
Quote: RSMy other pet peeve is people's knees. Cover your knees up if you're gonna be walking around in public.
I wear shorts all summer. When I go to
Walmart I cover my knees with hockey
knee pads. My wife leaves her knees
bare, I pretend I'm not with her..
Quote: onenickelmiracleIt's called portraying a stereotype. You can have a non-white play the criminal, but if they did, it would bring more controversy than not doing so. They don't want the commercial to be about controversy, so they don't. This is the only reason, it's not about making whites look bad.
No,No, NO. It's a massive conspiracy aimed at emasculating white men and promoting communism. They want to take away your kids guns and teach them nonsense like the Brotherhood of Man.
Quote: EvenBob
Interracial marriage, not only is it normal,
It is normal.
Quote:you should strive for it.
No one is telling you to "strive" for interracial marriage. What does that even mean?? Marry whomever you want.
Quote:Home invasions,
just older White guys, those wascals.
Who is saying home invasions are only perpetrated by older white guys?
Just can't win with people like you....LOL... always gotta be complaining about something or else your day isn't complete.
*white guy in a commercial*
"Why are they only showing a white guy doing something?!?!?!??!?"
*black/hispanic/asian guy in a commercial*
"Why are they trying to shove diversity down my throat?!?!??!"
Quote: TigerWuIt is normal.No one is telling you to "strive" for interracial marriage.
Sure they are, do you watch TV
commercials? I can't remember
the last time I saw an interracial
couple, but on TV they're
all over the place. Nothing wrong
with it, who cares. But quit trying
to make it look like it's more
widespread than it is. Marriage
is hard enough, adding race to it
is not doing marriage any favors.
Quote:Who is saying home invasions are only perpetrated by older white guys?
TV commercials with crooks in them. Do
I really have to go down that road yet
Critics say Will Smith isn't black enough to play a black guy
Quote: TigerWuHaha... hey EB, here's more racial "controversy" for you to get worked up about:
Critics say Will Smith isn't black enough to play a black guy
It's terrible when you can't even figure
out who qualifies to be in your race.
You never hear that somebody is 'too
White' or not White enough. That would
be ludicrous.
Quote: EvenBobSure they are, do you watch TV
commercials? I can't remember
the last time I saw an interracial
couple, but on TV they're
all over the place.
Just saw a Black couple in TWO different
commercials! My jaw dropped, it looked
so weird. One was McD's and the other
was carpet sales. I thought the Black
couple demographic had disappeared.
Quote: EvenBobSure they are, do you watch TV
commercials? I can't remember
the last time I saw an interracial
couple, but on TV they're
all over the place. Nothing wrong
with it, who cares. But quit trying
to make it look like it's more
widespread than it is. Marriage
is hard enough, adding race to it
is not doing marriage any favors.
My Sister is Black and her HUSBAND is the same complexion of the Rapper Eminem. ;) :)
Quote: EvenBobJust saw a Black couple in TWO different
commercials! My jaw dropped, it looked
so weird.
Then on Youtube there was an Asian
guy in a cab with a bouquet of
flowers in a credit card commercial.
He jumps out in what is obviously
San Francisco, runs up the steps
and embraces a guy from India.
I just sighed..
The "gifting" industry.
Yeah. That has a ring to it. Gift with us. Bring your money and gift it. That sounds right.
Quote: Ahigh
Yeah. That has a ring to it. Gift with us. Bring your money and gift it. That sounds right.
Another instance of using a noun
as a verb. I hate that, it's a real pet
peeve of mine. Another one I hate
is when people say "Are you coming
with?" Instead of 'with me'. Arrghh!
Quote: EvenBobAnother instance of using a noun
as a verb. I hate that, it's a real pet
peeve of mine. Another one I hate
is when people say "Are you coming
with?" Instead of 'with me'. Arrghh!
That’s almost as bad as when people say guac instead of guacamole or mayo instead of mayonnaise.
Quote: RSThat’s almost as bad as when people say guac instead of guacamole or mayo instead of mayonnaise.
Those are just shorthand versions of
the word, they aren't changing the
words usage at all.
I can't hear youQuote: djatcThrow me some of that guac on my burrito, it's litty fam af. Get you some hot sauce in that bish. Gotta dab on them h8rs. Also about to post the pic for the 'gram
Quote: petroglyphI can't hear you
Is someone trying to speak? Sounds
like gibberish from here.
Quote: EvenBobIs someone trying to speak? Sounds
like gibberish from here.
Its abstract art
or a butchering of the English language. This is how people talk nowadays
Quote: djatcIts abstract art
or a butchering of the English language. This is how people talk nowadays
Not butchering bruh! its the evolution.