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When a player cant make up his mind on bets and keeps throwing his hand and chips over the table last second just as the shooter is about to shoot. Once is fine, twice is manageable, but over and over is just wrong!
Quote: EvenBobAnother instance of using a noun
as a verb. I hate that, it's a real pet
peeve of mine. Another one I hate
is when people say "Are you coming
with?" Instead of 'with me'. Arrghh!
Doubt you hate it very often.
Waitress explains extra cheese is not a topping, it is an add on, and we ordered a two tipping pie with extra cheese, not the daily special.
$10.99 for the pie, $3 for the extra cheese and $2.50 each for the toppings. We ask for a manager and the guy insists it's not the waitress fault. After my friend says he plans to pay by credit card and appeal the entire bill, the manager reluctantly agreed to charge us $12.99. for the pie. I'd eaten there once or twice but wouldn't be back.
Quote: billryanDining at a local brew pub. Sign says Todays Special- A large three topping pizza for $12.99. We order appetizers and a pie,with meatballs, green peppers and extra cheese. An hour or so later, we ask for the bill. In addition to being charged for two drafts we didn't order, we are.charged $19 for the pizza.
Waitress explains extra cheese is not a topping, it is an add on, and we ordered a two tipping pie with extra cheese, not the daily special.
$10.99 for the pie, $3 for the extra cheese and $2.50 each for the toppings. We ask for a manager and the guy insists it's not the waitress fault. After my friend says he plans to pay by credit card and appeal the entire bill, the manager reluctantly agreed to charge us $12.99. for the pie. I'd eaten there once or twice but wouldn't be back.
This is why when I'm ordering a special at a restaurant I always say something like, "Yes, I'll have the special, the pizza with blah blah blah."
That way they can correct me if I'm ordering outside the parameters of the special, and they don't have any excuses when trying to pull a fast one about cheese not being a topping (which I guess a lot of pizza places do nowadays).
Quote: MaxPenYou know the world is going to heck in a hand basket when extra cheese is no longer a topping.
Which joints consider it an extra topping? Everywhere I go, it isn't considered a topping, just as extra sauce is not. Cheese is expensive, and they have to use a lot of it. I can understand why it isn't grouped into toppings.
Folks who open packages before paying for them really irk me. Especially when you see these damaged goods sitting on the shelf, or abandoned somewhere else in the store. It means higher prices for everybody else, because someone can't read the description on the package.
And don't get me started about people who open and eat food items, or give them to their kids before paying for them...
Quote: AyecarumbaWhich joints consider it an extra topping? Everywhere I go, it isn't considered a topping, just as extra sauce is not. Cheese is expensive, and they have to use a lot of it. I can understand why it isn't grouped into toppings.
Do you think extra cheese and double cheese are the same thing?
Extra cheese is the cheese sprinkled on top of the toppings😃
Quote: TigerWuHell, half the time when I get pizza there's too MUCH cheese on it.... I don't need any extra.
Not possible to have too much cheese. Except if it keeps the center raw. Then they should bake it in layers. Lol..
Quote: Ayecarumba
And don't get me started about people who open and eat food items, or give them to their kids before paying for them...
I was the same way. Until my 1.5 year old daughter saw the large box of cookies I was getting at Sam's Club, and with the meltdown that followed, it was just easier to keep her happy for the next half hour or so.
WTF did these people do before cell phones were invented??
Nothing is that important where you need to be texting or talking RIGHT NOW, and if it is, just pull the heck off the road.
Quote: TigerWu
WTF did these people do before cell phones were invented??
They had nobody to unload their stream
of consciousness nonsense on. Ever see
somebody on the phone in the store
and listen to what they're saying, aisle
after aisle? It's nothing, it's babbling
We're old and not used to things changing. We know better, but we forget unless we see a menu listed clearly. Cheese use to be included as a topping for a long time. I don't even order many pizzas that often, usually prefer something else under the circumstances.Quote: AyecarumbaWhich joints consider it an extra topping? Everywhere I go, it isn't considered a topping, just as extra sauce is not. Cheese is expensive, and they have to use a lot of it. I can understand why it isn't grouped into toppings.
Quote: TigerWuHere's what I don't understand about people who talk on their phones or text while driving.
WTF did these people do before cell phones were invented??
Nothing is that important where you need to be texting or talking RIGHT NOW, and if it is, just pull the heck off the road.
Yesterday, a car almost took my right mirror off drifting into my lane passing. I saw the car lurch right which made me think he was texting and just realized how close he had come..
Quote: EvenBobThey had nobody to unload their stream
of consciousness nonsense on. Ever see
somebody on the phone in the store
and listen to what they're saying, aisle
after aisle? It's nothing, it's babbling
That reminds me back in the mid-late '90's, before cell phones took over, when cordless phones were still all the rage. For whatever reason I was bored one day and went down an internet rabbit hole, and ended up finding out that cordless phones used a certain universal frequency between the handset and the base, and if you had a run of the mill scanner, you could listen in on people's phone conversations if you were close enough.
I thought, "This is gonna be so cool, I'm gonna snoop on everybody in my apartment complex!" I went to the store and bought a scanner, and began listening for phone conversations. It wasn't hard to find at least one conversation at any given time, but I quickly found out that HOLY CRAP YOU PEOPLE ARE BORING. People talking about grocery lists, and inane ramblings of hi....hi....what's up.... nothing.....cool.... The most interesting thing I ever came across was some 20-something year olds talking about drugs, but even that conversation was dry and boring.
I did this off and on for a couple months then got bored and sold the scanner.
Quote: TigerWuThat reminds me back in the mid-late '90's, before cell phones took over, when cordless phones were still all the rage. For whatever reason I was bored one day and went down an internet rabbit hole, and ended up finding out that cordless phones used a certain universal frequency between the handset and the base, and if you had a run of the mill scanner, you could listen in on people's phone conversations if you were close enough.
I thought, "This is gonna be so cool, I'm gonna snoop on everybody in my apartment complex!" I went to the store and bought a scanner, and began listening for phone conversations. It wasn't hard to find at least one conversation at any given time, but I quickly found out that HOLY CRAP YOU PEOPLE ARE BORING. People talking about grocery lists, and inane ramblings of hi....hi....what's up.... nothing.....cool.... The most interesting thing I ever came across was some 20-something year olds talking about drugs, but even that conversation was dry and boring.
I did this off and on for a couple months then got bored and sold the scanner.
If you get binoculars you can watch your neighbors having sex, too....
Quote: RSIf you get binoculars you can watch your neighbors having sex, too....
The first apartment I had in SB was
in a complex with a courtyard. I was
on the 2nd floor on a corner, so I
could look down into the bedroom
of the apartment on the east side.
3-4 times a week a young couple
had sex in the evening in that
bedroom. They had curtains on
bottom of the window but not
the top, so we could see everything
they did.
And they did a lot. My GF at the time
loved this, and it made her randy as
hell. It was a win/win for everybody
involved.. I haven't thought about
that in decades.
Quote: billryanOlder televisions can be turned to frequencies used by cell phones.
We used to have an 8 party line
in the 50's. Of course we listened
because we were kids. Never heard
anything that was more exciting
than talking about laundry or
baking bread.
Life is mostly boring and repetitive,
that's why we invented fiction to
entertain ourselves with. I moved
to Calif thinking it would be exciting,
and it was just more boredom but
the weather was nicer in the winter.
Quote: mcallister3200Laughlin. Why does it exist?
The old people have to throw their money away somewhere and don't wanna be bothered by the whippersnappers in Vegas? Haha.
Quote: mcallister3200Laughlin. Why does it exist?
nukes are expensive
I'd prefer they just left em out. The average weight of those chairs is about 130 pounds. So it's not like you can just sit in them and slide back, you have to drag the things back. Or, if you are only going to be there for a minute, perch side ways or wedged in.
Quote: RigondeauxYou can go to the dumpiest casino on earth and the one thing the staff are extremely attentive about is pushing the chairs at the machines back in. It's as if there's some textbook in casino management that says "the number one sign of a well run casino is that the chairs are always pushed in," and every boss beats it into everyone from the security to the slot attendants.
I'd prefer they just left em out. The average weight of those chairs is about 130 pounds. So it's not like you can just sit in them and slide back, you have to drag the things back. Or, if you are only going to be there for a minute, perch side ways or wedged in.
What kinda fake news “130 lb chairs” propaganda is this?
Keep them pushed in. Cuz if they’re pulled out, then it’s like impossible to walk through the aisle.
For real though, don’t leave crap laying in the aisle. If you’re old AF and got an oxygen tank, good for you. But if you put that s*** in the aisle, don’t get mad when someone punts it across the room.
Quote: RSWhat kinda fake news “130 lb chairs” propaganda is this?
Keep them pushed in. Cuz if they’re pulled out, then it’s like impossible to walk through the aisle.
For real though, don’t leave crap laying in the aisle. If you’re old AF and got an oxygen tank, good for you. But if you put that s*** in the aisle, don’t get mad when someone punts it across the room.
Same goes for walkers, especially with ones that have big baskets mounted on them.
Quote: RSWhat kinda fake news “130 lb chairs” propaganda is this?
Keep them pushed in. Cuz if they’re pulled out, then it’s like impossible to walk through the aisle.
For real though, don’t leave crap laying in the aisle. If you’re old AF and got an oxygen tank, good for you. But if you put that s*** in the aisle, don’t get mad when someone punts it across the room.

can't count them all.
The extremely loud intercom.
The fat lady walking in front of you
who stops at every aisle to peer
down it and you can't get around
her because her ass is 3' wide.
The person in front of you at the
ticket machine has 20 of them,
all for under $5.
Waiting to get on the robot roulette
and a guy is just sitting at one of the
stations not playing and you have
to get a staff member to move him.
Pit people who ask me what my name
is. I find that very rude.
Sitting at a slot in an empty aisle watching
a roulette board and some woman wants
to play that slot when all the ones on
the aisle are free. She thinks the slot
gods are blocking her from the winning
machine. Happens every time I do it.
People who chant and wave their hands
over the slot screen. I feel like I'm in an
Dealers who take forever to do a chip fill.
Quote: EvenBobI have so many casino pet peeves I
can't count them all.
The extremely loud intercom.
The fat lady walking in front of you
who stops at every aisle to peer
down it and you can't get around
her because her ass is 3' wide.
The person in front of you at the
ticket machine has 20 of them,
all for under $5.
Waiting to get on the robot roulette
and a guy is just sitting at one of the
stations not playing and you have
to get a staff member to move him.
Pit people who ask me what my name
is. I find that very rude.
Sitting at a slot in an empty aisle watching
a roulette board and some woman wants
to play that slot when all the ones on
the aisle are free. She thinks the slot
gods are blocking her from the winning
machine. Happens every time I do it.
People who chant and wave their hands
over the slot screen. I feel like I'm in an
Dealers who take forever to do a chip fill.
We must frequent the same places.
Quote: MaxPenWe must frequent the same places.
When I think about it, everything in
a casino bugs me. The atmosphere,
the crowds, the noise. As soon as
I walk in I want to leave. It wasn't
always that way, I don't know when
it changed.
In the restrooms the puddle of pee
that's under every urinal.
The free drink stations never have
Diet Coke, only Pepsi, which tastes
like medicine to me.
The over cooked food at every
casino buffet I've ever been to.
People who check out at 6am
and always slam their door.
Drunks making noise in the hall
at 4 am.
When the dealer has to muck the
roulette chips.
When I have to explain for the
20th time that I don't need a player
When the dealer takes a winning
chip off the table and we have to
wait 10 min while the eye verifies
it. Why the entire game has to halt
is a mystery.
Having one set of rules for Asian
bac players and another set for
everybody else. Don't even get
me started on that one.
Quote: EvenBobWhen I think about it, everything in
a casino bugs me. The atmosphere,
the crowds, the noise. As soon as
I walk in I want to leave. It wasn't
always that way, I don't know when
it changed.
In the restrooms the puddle of pee
that's under every urinal.
The free drink stations never have
Diet Coke, only Pepsi, which tastes
like medicine to me.
The over cooked food at every
casino buffet I've ever been to.
People who check out at 6am
and always slam their door.
Drunks making noise in the hall
at 4 am.
When the dealer has to muck the
roulette chips.
When I have to explain for the
20th time that I don't need a player
When the dealer takes a winning
chip off the table and we have to
wait 10 min while the eye verifies
it. Why the entire game has to halt
is a mystery.
Having one set of rules for Asian
bac players and another set for
everybody else. Don't even get
me started on that one.
Please, go on.
Always bet with the steak, that way you'll
only bet once. If it loses you're done betting,
If it wins you're done betting.
People who scream when they win at craps,
or any table game. Women who scream at
even the smallest wins in craps.
People who get a relatively large win
at a slot, and instead of hitting the button
and making the noise stop, they let it
run and run and run till it stops on its own.
Casinos that don't have enough handicap
parking spaces, which is all of them. They
don't seem to realize that 80% of the
customers are over 60 and have a handicap
plate on their car.
The fact that casinos have no place to sit
except at a table or a machine.
When a band starts playing in the evening.
It's why I go to casinos in the afternoon,
so I can save my hearing for another couple years.
When Casino personnel come up behind you
and put their hand on your shoulder or arm.
I practically jump out of my shoes and get
immediately furious that they startled me so badly.
Waiting in line at the buffet. It's never worth it.
Quote: rxwineMinimum Viable Product?
Maximum Velocity Posts
Quote:casinos that don't have enough handicap
parking spaces, which is all of them. They
don't seem to realize that 80% of the
customers are over 60 and have a handicap
plate on their car.
Waiting in line at the buffet. It's never worth it.
Half the fricking parking lot is handicapped. At some point, it defeats it's own purpose.
90% of you are malingerers. If you got just the small amount of exercise it takes to walk from your car, instead of focusing so hard on goldbricking, it might prevent you from becoming disabled for real.
Quote: Rigondeaux90% of you are malingerers. If you got just the small amount of exercise
LOLOLOL!! You have absolutely ZERO idea
of what you're talking about. If you think
I'm making a list of why I have a handicap
plate, think again. It's none of your damn
I'll say this much. It was tough getting one,
you just don't go to your doctor and
demand one. My wife had a horrible
time in particular, she was put thru the
mill to get hers.
And the higher minimum table probably has better rules.Quote: SkittleCar1Probably doesn't happen all that often in Vegas. But waiting for a lower minimum table when it's full. The higher minimum table is empty. And the players you are waiting for are betting above the minimum of the empty higher minimum table.
It should be very hard to get a handicapped pass.
I can tell from casual observation that a very small number of people are so crippled that walking 100 yards is a real burden.
While I'm no expert I'm pretty sure that you have to be really messed up before a little light exercise does more harm than good.
Quote: Rigondeaux
I can tell from casual observation that a very small number of people are so crippled that walking 100 yards is a real burden.
100 YARDS? Try 100 FEET! What are you,
29? Just wait, reality will catch up with
Quote: EvenBob
People who scream when they win at craps,
or any table game. Women who scream at
even the smallest wins in craps.
I think it's even worse with the penny slots.
"WHOHOOOOO! I just won $2.46!!!!!!"
Quote: EvenBobPeople who get a relatively large win
at a slot, and instead of hitting the button
and making the noise stop, they let it
run and run and run till it stops on its own.
While I agree with this, I think most people that do this don't have any idea you can stop it with a second touch of the button.
And I'll add one more that somehow seems to have been missed here: VP button slappers. Nothing worse than getting stuck next to a guy, (and it's ALWAYS a guy), who things you have to push the buttons as if you were slamming a sledgehammer at a carnival High Striker.
Quote: HullabalooWhile I agree with this, I think most people that do this don't have any idea you can stop it with a second touch of the button.
Not been my experience. I've told
people over the years they can hit
the button, and every one has said,
naw, I like to watch it. What they
really like is the ego boost that
everybody is jealous they won.
at a local casino. The clip they showed
of him performing has to be 20 years
old. He's 54 now and looks totally different.
Quote: EvenBobJust saw an ad for Carrot Top appearing
at a local casino. The clip they showed
of him performing has to be 20 years
old. He's 54 now and looks totally different.
I saw him again about a year ago and it is still a pretty good show. I recommend it to people with kids, but adults can appreciate it too.
Quote: MaxPenI can't believe an entire thread discussing events "In the News" has been permanently closed. I guess a new one called Current Events needs to be started. .
Go ahead and start it, I thought in
the news was a great idea. It got
like 85 pages in just a couple of