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February 12th, 2024 at 12:06:12 PM permalink
Quote: MDawg

I use a five blade heated Gillette Art of Shaving, but an old fashioned safety razor is actually less irritating for daily use. I have both.

MDawg's Shaving Recommendations.

MDawg's Shaving Recommendations II

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You don’t have a personal barber come to your room?
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February 12th, 2024 at 1:16:24 PM permalink
Quote: DRich

Quote: Dieter

and that picture doesn't quite capture my dislike of bacon.

Had I realized that, this picture may be more appropriate.

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I haven't worn a hat like that since...
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March 27th, 2024 at 7:08:24 PM permalink
Question for the forum about an awkward interaction in a casino.

I’m in the food court of a Las Vegas casino. I ordered food and sat down by myself at a table. I’ve been there maybe 5 minutes when a young attractive woman approaches me. She’s maybe 23. I’m literally holding a knife and fork while looking down at my phone which I’ve placed in front of me. She says “Hi, can you take our picture?”. She points at a table maybe 10 feet away. I had not noticed their table before and the request caught me off guard. My first thought is that it’s rude to interrupt someone while eating and second thought is maybe this is some kind of distraction scam since my cell phone is out. I say “I’m sorry, I’m just trying to eat”. She looks shocked and walks to the next table and asks someone there. She gets her photo taken. After her group is done eating (3 people total), they walk past me one by one and say sarcastically “I hope you enjoyed your dinner”. By the time of the third person, I say “have a good night a———“. They keep walking.

Was I in the wrong here? My guard is always up in casinos. And I don’t trust the intentions of random attractive women who start a conversation with me. I do think it’s impolite to bother someone with your Instagram-photo request while they’re eating.
If anyone gives you 10,000 to 1 on anything, you take it. If John Mellencamp ever wins an Oscar, I am going to be a very rich dude.
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March 27th, 2024 at 7:17:32 PM permalink
Quote: TinMan

Question for the forum about an awkward interaction in a casino.

I’m in the food court of a Las Vegas casino. I ordered food and sat down by myself at a table. I’ve been there maybe 5 minutes when a young attractive woman approaches me. She’s maybe 23. I’m literally holding a knife and fork while looking down at my phone which I’ve placed in front of me. She says “Hi, can you take our picture?”. She points at a table maybe 10 feet away. I had not noticed their table before and the request caught me off guard. My first thought is that it’s rude to interrupt someone while eating and second thought is maybe this is some kind of distraction scam since my cell phone is out. I say “I’m sorry, I’m just trying to eat”. She looks shocked and walks to the next table and asks someone there. She gets her photo taken. After her group is done eating (3 people total), they walk past me one by one and say sarcastically “I hope you enjoyed your dinner”. By the time of the third person, I say “have a good night a———“. They keep walking.

Was I in the wrong here? My guard is always up in casinos. And I don’t trust the intentions of random attractive women who start a conversation with me. I do think it’s impolite to bother someone with your Instagram-photo request while they’re eating.
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Maybe you overreacted? In my travels I’ve asked hundreds of tourists to take pictures of me and wifey with site in background. And I’ve taken more than I can count. I frankly cannot recall a single person refusing to take our picture.
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March 27th, 2024 at 7:21:31 PM permalink

Quote: TinMan

Question for the forum about an awkward interaction in a casino.

I’m in the food court of a Las Vegas casino. I ordered food and sat down by myself at a table. I’ve been there maybe 5 minutes when a young attractive woman approaches me. She’s maybe 23. I’m literally holding a knife and fork while looking down at my phone which I’ve placed in front of me. She says “Hi, can you take our picture?”. She points at a table maybe 10 feet away. I had not noticed their table before and the request caught me off guard. My first thought is that it’s rude to interrupt someone while eating and second thought is maybe this is some kind of distraction scam since my cell phone is out. I say “I’m sorry, I’m just trying to eat”. She looks shocked and walks to the next table and asks someone there. She gets her photo taken. After her group is done eating (3 people total), they walk past me one by one and say sarcastically “I hope you enjoyed your dinner”. By the time of the third person, I say “have a good night a———“. They keep walking.

Was I in the wrong here? My guard is always up in casinos. And I don’t trust the intentions of random attractive women who start a conversation with me. I do think it’s impolite to bother someone with your Instagram-photo request while they’re eating.
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Maybe you overreacted? In my travels I’ve asked hundreds of tourists to take pictures of me and wifey with site in background. And I’ve taken more than I can count. I frankly cannot recall a single person refusing to take our picture.
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I should edit to say: I appreciate the feedback and thoughts (sincerely).

That said, Did you ask anyone to take your photo while they were in the middle of eating? Also a food court is not a tourist area. If I’m at Mount Rushmore and I’m not eating, then sure.
Last edited by: TinMan on Mar 27, 2024
If anyone gives you 10,000 to 1 on anything, you take it. If John Mellencamp ever wins an Oscar, I am going to be a very rich dude.
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March 27th, 2024 at 8:42:53 PM permalink
I wouldn't worry about it either way. Maybe you can choose to take the picture next time, or not. I would worry more if they wanted to borrow your phone to make a call. As long as you were alert to what's going on around you anyway, you can be on your guard a bit. Just keep an eye on anything like if you're carrying a bag.

I saw a purse snatching go down in a food court. The kid reached over the ladies back and took off through the back door. Neither i, nor anyone else was fast enough to catch up with him. Nor was the oldest security guard in the world who eventually showed up.

People want you to go somewhere with them, that's a whole 'nother level of risk.
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March 28th, 2024 at 7:26:22 AM permalink
Quote: TinMan

Was I in the wrong here?

From what you described, absolutely not. First, one should never feel obliged to take someone else's picture. There may be legitimate reasons for refusing such a request, and you named a few. I assume taking their picture would have required getting up from your table and going over to theirs. If I were in your position, my biggest concern would be turning my back on my food/drink. I would never do this if dining alone, especially in Vegas.

This woman and her friends sound completely self-absorbed. My advice would be to not give their actions/words any more of your thought or energy.
Last edited by: Joeman on Mar 28, 2024
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March 28th, 2024 at 9:27:21 AM permalink
The way you're telling the story, I wouldn't say you're in the wrong. But again, we're only getting your side of things.
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March 28th, 2024 at 9:49:25 AM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

The way you're telling the story, I wouldn't say you're in the wrong. But again, we're only getting your side of things.
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A search for witnesses is underway to make sure we aren't getting bamboozled!
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!”   She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
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March 28th, 2024 at 10:04:52 AM permalink
Quote: odiousgambit

Quote: TigerWu

The way you're telling the story, I wouldn't say you're in the wrong. But again, we're only getting your side of things.
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A search for witnesses is underway to make sure we aren't getting bamboozled!
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I've already made some calls. I've got top men on the job right now.
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March 28th, 2024 at 11:08:33 AM permalink
Quote: TinMan

Was I in the wrong here?
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Nope. How could you be in the wrong, you don't know these people you don't owe them anything. I've never asked a stranger in my entire life to take my picture nor will I ever ask. The reason is I don't want somebody asking me. Hell no I don't want to take your picture, I'm eating dinner for crying out loud. The only way I would ever ask somebody to take my picture is if I offer them five bucks to do it. But I don't want my picture taken, so that's never going to happen. There are fewer pictures out there of me then of anybody I know because I don't allow it. I love being anonymous and I believe like the Indians used to believe that somebody takes your picture they're stealing a little something from you.

So long story short you did good, screw them if they don't like it.
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March 28th, 2024 at 11:37:29 AM permalink
I have a different slant on this.

If I am at a table eating food and I am in a conversation that has importance to me -say, with a family member on a subject with emotional content, with a business associate on a subject of financial consequence, with someone I'm attracted to and have romantic intentions for, then I would resent someone being insensitive enough to interrupt our conversation for the purpose of getting a photo.

But just sitting around by myself in a food court eating a salad or a burger? On even alone at Ruth Chris eating an expensive meal? No problem. I would be jolly and welcome the chance for some extremely casual interactions with the people around me. Nothing is lost in so doing.

And if I were eating with a business associate or someone I had a romantic interest in, I would realize that refusing to help with a photo request would make a negative impression on my tablemate and hence would be counterproductive. It is currently fashionable to judge a new acquaintance by how he treats a waiter, particularly a poor waiter. The situation you have described is close enough.

I do also think that the behavior of the group you turned down was definitely wrong. So, I understand why you feel wronged.

"Be kind" is a curently popular saying. No one in this anecdote was.
So many better men, a few of them friends, are dead. And a thousand thousand slimy things live on, and so do I.
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March 28th, 2024 at 12:04:31 PM permalink
Usually, my wife doesn't like it when anyone asks us to take a picture of them. She tends to view it as a "my time is more valuable than yours" type request. But sometimes she will offer to do it cheerfully, and I can't always determine why she made that decision.
I generally don't care, will help out and don't think about it much.

But they shouldn't have bothered you while you were eating and picked someone who was just walking around, or just sitting there not eating actively.
I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.
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March 28th, 2024 at 2:33:41 PM permalink
Quote: TinMan

Question for the forum about an awkward interaction in a casino.

I’m in the food court of a Las Vegas casino. I ordered food and sat down by myself at a table. I’ve been there maybe 5 minutes when a young attractive woman approaches me. She’s maybe 23. I’m literally holding a knife and fork while looking down at my phone which I’ve placed in front of me. She says “Hi, can you take our picture?”. She points at a table maybe 10 feet away. I had not noticed their table before and the request caught me off guard. My first thought is that it’s rude to interrupt someone while eating and second thought is maybe this is some kind of distraction scam since my cell phone is out. I say “I’m sorry, I’m just trying to eat”. She looks shocked and walks to the next table and asks someone there. She gets her photo taken. After her group is done eating (3 people total), they walk past me one by one and say sarcastically “I hope you enjoyed your dinner”. By the time of the third person, I say “have a good night a———“. They keep walking.

Was I in the wrong here? My guard is always up in casinos. And I don’t trust the intentions of random attractive women who start a conversation with me. I do think it’s impolite to bother someone with your Instagram-photo request while they’re eating.
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Not at all. You are under no obligation to accomodate their request. If you don't want to be bothered while eating-for any reason-then you have a right to say, however politely you want to say it, to not bother me while i'm eatng. Their reaction is not your concern. That being said, I've never turned down a request to take a picture, and even offered once or twice.

There was a Law and Order episode where, I forget the main plot, the cops needed a reason to detain a suspect. So they set up a sting where a couple of attractive females asked the suspect to take a picture, the dude obliged, and once he took possesion of the digital camera, the cops swooped in, seized the camera, looked through it and said "Look at all these pictures of potential terrorist targets. You are under arrest for attempted terrorism." That always struck me as a pretty good ruse. Strangely, I haven't been asked to take a picture with someone else's camera since that episode. So, maybe you were being set up by the cops? :)
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March 28th, 2024 at 7:43:33 PM permalink
The way they were berating you as they left reminded me of a panhandler hitting me up for gas money when I was eating dinner (with company). He told his sob story, I stopped everything and paid attention, told him I couldn't help, he called me (rude names) and stomped off.

The antagonist in my story didn't go hitting up any of the other dozen or so diners in the food hall, so I figure he wasn't really desperate for the cash.

I figure anyone sincere about selfies for social media can carry a pocket sized tripod and set it for voice activation.

Not the butthole. ;)
May the cards fall in your favor.
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March 29th, 2024 at 9:36:28 AM permalink
Quote: Dieter

The way they were berating you as they left reminded me of a panhandler hitting me up for gas money when I was eating dinner (with company). He told his sob story, I stopped everything and paid attention, told him I couldn't help, he called me (rude names) and stomped off.

The antagonist in my story didn't go hitting up any of the other dozen or so diners in the food hall, so I figure he wasn't really desperate for the cash.

I figure anyone sincere about selfies for social media can carry a pocket sized tripod and set it for voice activation.

Not the butthole. ;)
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My response would have been: I am a professional photographer. It will cost you $50.00.

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March 29th, 2024 at 1:05:52 PM permalink
Quote: tuttigym

Quote: Dieter

The way they were berating you as they left reminded me of a panhandler hitting me up for gas money when I was eating dinner (with company). He told his sob story, I stopped everything and paid attention, told him I couldn't help, he called me (rude names) and stomped off.

The antagonist in my story didn't go hitting up any of the other dozen or so diners in the food hall, so I figure he wasn't really desperate for the cash.

I figure anyone sincere about selfies for social media can carry a pocket sized tripod and set it for voice activation.

Not the butthole. ;)
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My response would have been: I am a professional photographer. It will cost you $50.00.

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Quite a curmudgeonly crowd we have here! My answer would have been ‘sure’. Virtually no circumstance I can imagine where I’m eating alone where I wouldn’t help out.
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March 29th, 2024 at 3:01:23 PM permalink

Quite a curmudgeonly crowd we have here! My answer would have been ‘sure’. Virtually no circumstance I can imagine where I’m eating alone where I wouldn’t help out.

I also can't imagine saying no but the original poster can definitely say no and needs to offer no reason.
At my age, a "Life In Prison" sentence is not much of a deterrent.
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