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February 20th, 2012 at 2:58:07 PM permalink
Quote: Triplell

I have no idea what the GG board is. You are a very stubborn person who is stuck on his ways. Because of this, I assume that argument with you has -EV.

Stubborn to YOU means.....overwhelm me with posts (gang like tactics) and eventually I'll give up or I'll change the subject or I'll quit posting etc., not gonna happen. I won't apologize for doing 'well'.

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February 20th, 2012 at 2:58:56 PM permalink
Quote: mrjjj

Thanks for the words of encouragement, hater. It is true, back when I was playing progressions, I didn't mess around. It was mostly (not always) on sleepers and each loss was around $3,500.......I had quite a few of those days. Show me where I ever said, I never lost. Thats kind of why I switched to flat betting. If you start to get into trouble with flat betting, you can quit for the day. In trouble with a progression, you are somewhat committed, right to the end. I play 1-3 hot numbers and I love it. Is the wheel bias? Once again, I give a f**k. If you want to throw the TITLE of bias on it, knock yourself out man.


Depending on your bet, you would have to show that the wheel exhibits more then a 5% bias to that number(s)/color. I know for a fact that the casino's I attend track the tendencies of the wheel. If any wheel consistently showed a bias of that amount, you can be pretty sure that it would be replaced.
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February 20th, 2012 at 3:00:15 PM permalink
No person has yet convinced me that their way of playing roulette is better than not playing.....STILL WAITING
In a bet, there is a fool and a thief. - Proverb.
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February 20th, 2012 at 3:01:40 PM permalink
Quote: WongBo

You have absolutely no way to verify that statement

I've known Ken for 6 years and have been talking
to him for 6 years. We've had hundreds of conversations
via email. You've known him for a few hours.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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February 20th, 2012 at 3:02:39 PM permalink
Quote: MathExtremist

I'm calling foul on this, Ken: that's over the line for polite discussion. If you want to carry on about how you've got a winning system method, but not share the details about how you're betting, what your computed player edge is, or how your method could possibly alter the normal -2/38 edge on unbiased independent spins of a roulette wheel, that's up to you. But a direct personal insult is a clear violation of the forum rules. This isn't your sandbox. It's not mine either, but I know whose it is and he doesn't typically tolerate blatant verbal assaults.

I have not once complained about the names I was called and I did do the **** thingie (lol).

Also, do me a favor, dont call this a discussion, you know damn well its not.

"he doesn't typically tolerate blatant verbal assaults" >>> That rule is for everyone, correct?

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February 20th, 2012 at 3:02:43 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

When I first encountered Ken 6 years ago, I was his biggest detractor.
He hated my guts and we went round and round. But he does win, its
a helluva lot of work staying ahead of the curve, but he does it for

The game of roulette is constant. It's not like technology, which is ever changing, or poker, which consist of real strategy. There is no curve, there is only a straight line, and you're EV is -5.26%.

I'll state this again, the only way Ken could be ahead of roulette would be because of enough variance in his bets with enough luck, but as time goes to infinity, he will become closer and closer to a loss of roughly 5.26%.
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February 20th, 2012 at 3:03:53 PM permalink
Quote: WongBo

No person has yet convinced me that their way of playing roulette is better than not playing.....STILL WAITING

When people quote it, thats when I know I'm getting to them, good.

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February 20th, 2012 at 3:05:17 PM permalink
Quote: Triplell

The game of roulette is constant. It's not like technology, which is ever changing, or poker, which consist of real strategy. There is no curve, there is only a straight line, and you're EV is -5.26%.

I'll state this again, the only way Ken could be ahead of roulette would be because of enough variance in his bets with enough luck, but as time goes to infinity, he will become closer and closer to a loss of roughly 5.26%.

If you dont like my posts/threads, dont respond. Problem solved on your end, correct?

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February 20th, 2012 at 3:05:29 PM permalink
Quote: mrjjj

When people quote it, thats when I know I'm getting to them, good.

Ken I see. You're goal is to simply troll people. I guess this is in order...

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February 20th, 2012 at 3:06:14 PM permalink
Quote: Triplell

I'll state this again, the only way Ken could be ahead of roulette would be because of enough variance in his bets with enough luck, but as time goes to infinity, he will become closer and closer to a loss of roughly 5.26%.

I was talking about the losing curve, not a curve in
roulette. Yes, he will get closer and closer, but that
could in theory take years, decades even. Variance
and luck are the same thing, BTW.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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February 20th, 2012 at 3:06:25 PM permalink
Keep playing that American wheel, roulette expert....
Do the casinos send a limo for you?
I would.
In a bet, there is a fool and a thief. - Proverb.
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February 20th, 2012 at 3:07:49 PM permalink
Quote: Triplell I see. You're goal is to simply troll people.

Bingo, give that man a kewpie doll ...
"What, me worry?"
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February 20th, 2012 at 3:10:49 PM permalink
Quote: Triplell

Depending on your bet, you would have to show that the wheel exhibits more then a 5% bias to that number(s)/color. I know for a fact that the casino's I attend track the tendencies of the wheel. If any wheel consistently showed a bias of that amount, you can be pretty sure that it would be replaced.

We are getting off the subject and it benefits me. You are CORRECT, the wheel would be repaired or replaced. I think you're my new best friend. I laugh at the AP (cough) stuff, thats why I commented.

Anyways, if we tracked the last 266 spins (as an example) would all numbers be hit 7 times each? No, what do you mean no? Why not????

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February 20th, 2012 at 3:12:36 PM permalink
Quote: WongBo

Keep playing that American wheel, roulette expert....
Do the casinos send a limo for you?
I would.

Not real fond of the title...'expert' but thanks. No, I dont get a limo (you did ask).

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February 20th, 2012 at 3:18:49 PM permalink
Quote: mrjjj

I dont play systems, I play methods....

Hey coolbreeze hotshot, they are the same thing. Play semantics with it until you reach infinity spins, but a method is a system is a strategy. Give that one a rest already.
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February 20th, 2012 at 3:19:16 PM permalink
Quote: WongBo

If you are unwilling to back up your claims with methodology you will not be taken seriously.
Sorry, those are just the facts of life.

I couldn't have said this better myself....oh wait, I probably have on another thread.
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February 20th, 2012 at 3:21:25 PM permalink
Quote: Triplell

On a forum there exist two members: YoRollDice and mrjjj. These two adhere to strict rules: 1. They will post on any topic as they please. 2. If reference to their post is made, they must reply to that post.

Huh? You are actually comparing me to him because I just traded some jabs with him. What do you mean I post on any topic as I please, I don't get it?


(Hint: It is the same as the amount of 9's in .999...)

This joke, I got. ;)


On another note: How do you start a flame war on a math/gambling forum? 1.Claim to have a system that beats an unbeatable game. 2. Refuse to accept math as a means of proof.

Depends on what type of math you are using, lol, remember. But no seriously, back to 1 on the above, if you are going to claim to have a system, at least back it up and don't be some mysterious person who claims victory by being vague....yawn.
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February 20th, 2012 at 3:22:29 PM permalink
Quote: mrKen

I dont give a f**k.

Clearly, you do, otherwise you wouldn't be so paranoid, offensive, mysterious, and vague. And repetitive. Did I mention repetitive?
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February 20th, 2012 at 3:23:16 PM permalink
Quote: mrjjj

OMG, it is the GG board. I have a riddle as well. If my socks were blue under the table while jumping rope in Mexico, how many red cats slept after the wood pile was knocked over?

This is exactly what I'm talking does anyone take you seriously?


Get the f**k outta here nutjob.

You really should stop talking to yourself.
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February 20th, 2012 at 3:24:33 PM permalink
Quote: Triplell

I have no idea what the GG board is. You are a very stubborn person who is stuck on his ways. Because of this, I assume that argument with you has -EV.

Nobody really but him knows most of his jokes. Apparently the GG board is some board some guy named Brian was on, or something, and he got offended by something over there. That's all I've been able to figure out from some of his incoherent ramblings.
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February 20th, 2012 at 3:25:54 PM permalink
Quote: mrjjj

"he doesn't typically tolerate blatant verbal assaults" >>> That rule is for everyone, correct?

Yeah except your definition of "verbal assault" is someone disagreeing with you. While you just sit back and call people names....
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February 20th, 2012 at 3:27:07 PM permalink
Quote: YoDiceRoll11

Hey coolbreeze hotshot, they are the same thing. Play semantics with it until you reach infinity spins, but a method is a system is a strategy. Give that one a rest already.

No, not the same but thank you for your OPINION on the subject.

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February 20th, 2012 at 3:29:57 PM permalink
Quote: TheDictionary

meth·od   [meth-uhd]
a procedure, technique, or way of doing something, especially in accordance with a definite plan: There are three possible methods of repairing this motor.
a manner or mode of procedure, especially an orderly, logical, or systematic way of instruction, inquiry, investigation, experiment, presentation, etc.: the empirical method of inquiry.
order or system in doing anything: to work with method.

Quote: TheDictionary

sys·tem   [sis-tuhm]
an assemblage or combination of things or parts forming a complex or unitary whole: a mountain system; a railroad system.
any assemblage or set of correlated members: a system of currency; a system of shorthand characters.
an ordered and comprehensive assemblage of facts, principles, doctrines, or the like in a particular field of knowledge or thought: a system of philosophy.
a coordinated body of methods or a scheme or plan of procedure; organizational scheme: a system of government.
any formulated, regular, or special method or plan of procedure: a system of marking, numbering, or measuring; a winning system at bridge.

Weird....the dictionary disagrees with you. I bet it must be verbally assaulting you now. Semantics dude, give it a rest.

Edit: Sorry for the multiple posts. Couldn't combine them all into one run on post. I think I'm done talking to this guy.

But really, keep up with your system, it could play out favorably due to variance. Just be careful. Goodbye.
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February 20th, 2012 at 3:30:35 PM permalink
Quote: YoDiceRoll11

Yeah except your definition of "verbal assault" is someone disagreeing with you. While you just sit back and call people names....

Edit: Sorry for the multiple posts. Couldn't combine them all into one run on post. I think I'm done talking to this guy.

But really, keep up with your system, it could play out favorably due to variance. Just be careful. Goodbye.

So back to definitions? Is bro a bad name? Listen, there are 4 times more name calling to me compared to the other way around. No, I am not about to count, I dont have five hours for that.

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February 20th, 2012 at 3:32:19 PM permalink
Quote: YoDiceRoll11

Quote: TheDictionary

meth·od   [meth-uhd]
a procedure, technique, or way of doing something, especially in accordance with a definite plan: There are three possible methods of repairing this motor.
a manner or mode of procedure, especially an orderly, logical, or systematic way of instruction, inquiry, investigation, experiment, presentation, etc.: the empirical method of inquiry.
order or system in doing anything: to work with method.

Quote: TheDictionary

sys·tem   [sis-tuhm]
an assemblage or combination of things or parts forming a complex or unitary whole: a mountain system; a railroad system.
any assemblage or set of correlated members: a system of currency; a system of shorthand characters.
an ordered and comprehensive assemblage of facts, principles, doctrines, or the like in a particular field of knowledge or thought: a system of philosophy.
a coordinated body of methods or a scheme or plan of procedure; organizational scheme: a system of government.
any formulated, regular, or special method or plan of procedure: a system of marking, numbering, or measuring; a winning system at bridge.

Weird....the dictionary disagrees with you. I bet it must be verbally assaulting you now. Semantics dude, give it a rest.

Edit: Sorry for the multiple posts. Couldn't combine them all into one run on post. I think I'm done talking to this guy.

But really, keep up with your system, it could play out favorably due to variance. Just be careful. Goodbye.

Nope, they're different.

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February 20th, 2012 at 3:34:25 PM permalink
No Ken, really they are the SAME thing in everyone's vocabulary. The important thing about communication is to use the language in the same way everyone else is.

Say "no they are different" in the face of overwhelming evidence is like pissing in the ocean to try and warm it up. You might get a warm feeling in your groin, but nothing really has changed.
"Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante" - Honore de Balzac, 1829
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February 20th, 2012 at 3:34:50 PM permalink
Quote: YoDiceRoll11

Nobody really but him knows most of his jokes. Apparently the GG board is some board some guy named Brian was on, or something, and he got offended by something over there. That's all I've been able to figure out from some of his incoherent ramblings.

Joke? No joke. It is/was a gambling forum with a TON of attacking and arguing. Hey, just like here.....the GG2 board. (lol)

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February 20th, 2012 at 3:37:50 PM permalink
Quote: thecesspit

No Ken, really they are the SAME thing in everyone's vocabulary.

But in gambling they can mean different
things. A system in gambling implies a set
of mechanical rules that are slavishly
followed no matter what. A method implies
no mechanical system, but something more
open ended, that allows for creativity.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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February 20th, 2012 at 3:37:51 PM permalink
Quote: thecesspit

No Ken, really they are the SAME thing in everyone's vocabulary. The important thing about communication is to use the language in the same way everyone else is.

Say "no they are different" in the face of overwhelming evidence is like pissing in the ocean to try and warm it up. You might get a warm feeling in your groin, but nothing really has changed.

No thecesspit, actually they are not the same, sorry.

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February 20th, 2012 at 3:38:03 PM permalink
Quote: mrjjj

Joke? No joke. It is/was a gambling forum with a TON of attacking and arguing. Hey, just like here.....the GG2 board. (lol)


(lol) ewe are funneh (lol).

On a serious note, good luck with the roulette. You will need it. (no lol)
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February 20th, 2012 at 3:39:41 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

But in gambling they can mean different
things. A system in gambling implies a set
of mechanical rules that are slavishly
followed no matter what. A method implies
no mechanical system, but something more
open ended, that allows for creativity.

Exactly, I cant type out things as well as EvenBob does. I should actually copy/paste that.

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February 20th, 2012 at 3:40:59 PM permalink
Quote: Triplell

(lol) ewe are funneh (lol).

On a serious note, good luck with the roulette. You will need it. (no lol)

Thanks man, I appreciate it. 4.5 years and counting !!

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February 20th, 2012 at 3:44:14 PM permalink
Quote: mrjjj

Exactly, I cant type out things as well as EvenBob does. I should actually copy/paste that.


Regardless if they are the same or not doesn't change the fact that the more you play roulette, the more likely you are to lose.

So like I said, good luck with it. I'd take a bet with anyone (even money) who thinks that you could continue to be ahead playing roulette, however that would be impossible to track.

Just as the fishermen's fish was "this" big, the worst a gambler ever does is "break even"...
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February 20th, 2012 at 3:47:11 PM permalink
Quote: mrjjj

Exactly, I cant type out things as well as EvenBob does. I should actually copy/paste that.


Its even easier to say, systems have rules, methods
don't. All the 'system' sellers out there have strict
rules to follow. You can't sell a method, there's nothing
to pin down, it can change on every spin.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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February 20th, 2012 at 3:47:41 PM permalink
In my experience, the more degenerate the gambler, the more unwilling he is to face reality.
Not knowing anything but what has been posted here, I would say someone is in deep denial.
In a bet, there is a fool and a thief. - Proverb.
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February 20th, 2012 at 3:49:17 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Its even easier to say, systems have rules, methods
don't. All the 'system' sellers out there have strict
rules to follow. You can't sell a method, there's nothing
to pin down, it can change on every spin. do you come up with this stuff? I think it but cant really say it like you do.

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February 20th, 2012 at 3:58:38 PM permalink
Quote: WongBo

In my experience, the more degenerate the gambler, the more unwilling he is to face reality.
Not knowing anything but what has been posted here, I would say someone is in deep denial.

I also know a fellow poster here....sounds just like BongWo. In deep, deep denial. You cant win at roulette because someone told you so? (lol) What are you, 13?
Now thats comedy folks.

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February 20th, 2012 at 3:58:53 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Its even easier to say, systems have rules, methods

BJ can be beaten with a system because the
results aren't random. As soon as a deck
is shuffled and cut, its a done deal, the
outcomes are written in stone. You can use
a counting system to figure out whats coming
next with enough accuracy to get an edge.

Roulette is random outcomes, systems won't
work because the wheel resets itself after
every spin.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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February 20th, 2012 at 4:15:45 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

But in gambling they can mean different
things. A system in gambling implies a set
of mechanical rules that are slavishly
followed no matter what. A method implies
no mechanical system, but something more
open ended, that allows for creativity.

How does one creatively make a wager in roulette?
"In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice." -- Girolamo Cardano, 1563
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February 20th, 2012 at 4:43:38 PM permalink
Using a "method" known as "The feeling"...

Let me give you an example.

I have a feeling that the next number is going to be between 1 and 13. Using this "method", I can accurately wager on the first 12. If it hits, then my methods are flawless. If it fails, my methods are still flawless. Because I'll have another "feeling"...and eventually I will be right!
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February 20th, 2012 at 5:03:18 PM permalink
Quote: MathExtremist

How does one creatively make a wager in roulette?

Lots of people play streaks. Whats a streak, is it two
reds in a row? Yes, but you want to be creative so
you decide its at least six in a row. You want to play
the streak till it ends. Betting either red or black has
equal odds, so you decide to bet black with a progression.
A more creative way would be to follow the streak
and bet red, you can only lose once that way. If you
observe roulette players, they will most of time bet black
in a situation like that. Yet bac players would almost
to a man follow the streaks in baccarat. There's no
incorrect way to play where random outcomes are concerned.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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February 20th, 2012 at 5:12:44 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

There's no incorrect way to play where random outcomes are concerned.

The one incorrect way to play is thinking that the results are anything other than random.
Therefore you acknowledge the method is fallacious.
In a bet, there is a fool and a thief. - Proverb.
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February 20th, 2012 at 5:12:55 PM permalink
I don't know what Ken does but I will say that I am up at Roulette since I did several specific things:

1) Stopped playing for hours on end.

2) Stopped betting a different way each spin.

3) Limited my play to a $50 loss per session. $10-$15 bet per spin.

4) Started betting "17" for at least $5 a spin while in a session with $1 "street" bets on the middle numbers and $1 on the 36 and/or 0/00 depending on small wins, etc.

5) Never play more than 2 sessions a day.

I do a lot of things that don't matter like look to see when the last 17 was hit, etc. I do use that to choose a table.

I either win $186 or more (as high as $361) one or more times per session or I am done. I have done this for over a year and I am in positive numbers since I started. If I can do it for a year, someone else can win over a lifetime. The likelihood is much lower and a lot of it may just be "luck" but "luck" combined with good bankroll management could keep someone who got ahead "up" over the long haul.
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February 20th, 2012 at 5:14:48 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Lots of people play streaks. Whats a streak, is it two
reds in a row? Yes, but you want to be creative so
you decide its at least six in a row. You want to play
the streak till it ends. Betting either red or black has
equal odds, so you decide to bet black with a progression.
A more creative way would be to follow the streak
and bet red, you can only lose once that way.

I'm not sure our definitions of "creative" are the same. To me, "creative" means doing something new, unique. Creative is not making the same bets that millions of other roulette players have made over hundreds of years.

There's no incorrect way to play where random outcomes are concerned.

That's exactly the point, and why spending hours or years of "practicing" or "studying" or "testing" different techniques, methods, or systems for playing roulette is a waste of one's life.
"In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice." -- Girolamo Cardano, 1563
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February 20th, 2012 at 5:18:10 PM permalink
Quote: WongBo

The one incorrect way to play is thinking that the results are anything other than random.
Therefore you acknowledge the method is fallacious.

I used to say "the dice don't care whether you think you can control them". It's equally applicable to roulette: the wheel doesn't care whether you think past results influence the future. Neither does the casino, for that matter. In fact, to the extent it leads you to bet more, most casino operators would be happy to have you believe in the fallacious maturity of chances.
"In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice." -- Girolamo Cardano, 1563
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February 20th, 2012 at 5:22:57 PM permalink
Quote: MathExtremist

spending hours or years of "practicing" or "studying" or "testing" different techniques, methods, or systems for playing roulette is a waste of one's life.

You mean its a waste of your life. I agree, it would
a waste of your life. Creativity is doing something
different than you usually do, or different than the
status quo. Try betting against a banker streak in
bac, all the Asian players will kill you with their eyes.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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February 20th, 2012 at 5:23:49 PM permalink
Studying a roulette wheel's results for patterns is the equivalent
Of studying a coin flip for a pattern of results.
There isn't one.

The Monte Carlo Fallacy
The Doctrine of the Maturity of Chances

On August 18, 1913, at the casino in Monte Carlo, black came up a record twenty-six times in succession [in roulette]. … [There] was a near-panicky rush to bet on red, beginning about the time black had come up a phenomenal fifteen times. In application of the maturity [of the chances] doctrine, players doubled and tripled their stakes, this doctrine leading them to believe after black came up the twentieth time that there was not a chance in a million of another repeat. In the end the unusual run enriched the Casino by some millions of francs.

Source: Darrell Huff & Irving Geis, How to Take a Chance (1959), pp. 28-29.
In a bet, there is a fool and a thief. - Proverb.
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February 20th, 2012 at 5:33:02 PM permalink
Quote: WongBo

[There] was a near-panicky rush to bet on red, .

Yet bac players feel the exact opposite way. In Vegas at
the Rio years ago I saw 19 reds in a row, one black, and
another 10 reds in a row. So many players lost so much
money betting on black at about the 10th red forward, by the
time it reached 19 I still was the only one betting red. Nobody
would follow the streak, they were terrified of it.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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February 20th, 2012 at 5:53:57 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

I've known Ken for 6 years and have been talking
to him for 6 years. We've had hundreds of conversations
via email. You've known him for a few hours.

So if I tell you that I came from Mars in a huge yellow saucer, and keep repeating it for six years, you will believe me too?

Quote: EvenBob

There's no
incorrect way to play where random outcomes are concerned.

Well said. For once, I agree with Bob. There is really no incorrect way or correct way for that matter. All "methods", and all "systems" are equivalent. You can follow the streak, or you can use a more complicated method (lol) (cough) (cough (lol), or just keep betting your birth date. It simply does not matter.
"When two people always agree one of them is unnecessary"
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February 20th, 2012 at 5:56:03 PM permalink
Regardless of streaks, or whatever you want to call it, the fact of the matter is that the casino only pays you back 95% of the true odds of the outcome.

Thanks to luck (sometimes referred to as variance, although I think they have a seperate definition), people can come out ahead on small sample sessions.

That said, anyone who claims to be a professional roulette player is foolish. The reason being is as time progresses, you expose money to the casino. Most people's bankroll doesn't increase with this exposure, therefore while their loss defecit increases, their bankroll stays constant.

At the end of the it all, the sample is too great, and the only way to overcome your losses would be to have bet's similiar in size of your losses and hope for some luck. This is a continuous cycle until you die.

That's why there is so many people who ruin their lives gambling. They overstep their bounds, and lose more then they are comfortable with losing. They then try to regain those losses with their limited bankroll (or they try to get it all back in one swoop and get unlucky)...

Either way, roulette favours the house by 5% of your exposure. If you expose $50,000 a year to roulette, then you can expect your loss at the end of the year to be $2500. The smaller your average bet, the less variance you'll experience.
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