Quote: HotBlondeJust quickly I want to say that when SOOPOO and I first discussed this I did mention that I assumed people would want some sort of proof that I currently weigh what I do and he kept telling me no, don't worry about it, no one's gonna ask. I am totally ok giving more proof. As I had suggested to SOOPOO I can take a picture of myself on the scale with a newspaper. But even better yet I will take a video of myself in my bathing suit so you can see that I will have no extra weight or anything hidden on me and I will videotape myself getting on the scale and show you the number. I can add a newspaper in there, I can walk over and videotape this blog on it to show you that it is indeed today's date. I will identify the birthmarks and moles on my body so that when I weigh in on Oct 17th you can reverify these things, I'm 100% ok with ALL of this. I would want to do this to verify that I am being fair but would feel pretty silly doing it if no one wants to put up any money after that. But if requested I am 100% ok doing that and can do it as early as today. I will even invite EuropeanHottie over to have her in the video and have her show you that I am not hiding anything under my swimsuit, she can do a body check for verification.
Say the word and I can do this and have it uploaded by the end of today on YouTube and I'll provide a link. But again I don't want to do this in vain. I will do it so that whoever requests will actually bet the money. I really, really want to hit $9,000 in bets against me.
i think you will just have to pose nude to prove that "you're not hiding anything under your swimsuit".
Haha, you sure you really want to see a naked 5'8" 250 lb. woman?? Now the October weigh-in is another story........Quote: boymimboi think you will just have to pose nude to prove that "you're not hiding anything under your swimsuit".
Quote: boymimboi think you will just have to pose nude to prove that "you're not hiding anything under your swimsuit".
You suspect (s)he might be packing heat?
Quote: MathExtremistIf you mean G2E, check the dates. It's Oct 1-4 this year...
I didn't realise it was that early this year - looks as though I will be there on the 17th then as I tend to stay on a few weeks after the exhibition.
Wiz $1800 to win $200
SOOPOO $1350 to win $150
Switch $900 to win $100
GolfBuddy $450 to win $50
rdw4potus $450 to win $50
Quote: SOOPOOrdw4potus has stepped up to the plate. He is in for a half share.....
Wiz $1800 to win $200
SOOPOO $1350 to win $150
Switch $900 to win $100
GolfBuddy $450 to win $50
rdw4potus $450 to win $50
I'm new here, but this bet intrigues me. I'd be willing to get in with $450 to win $50. Let me know if I'm in and if I need to do anything else.
Wiz $1800
SOOPOO $1350
Switch $900
GolfBuddy $450
rdw4potus $450
AcesAndEights $450
Total $5400 to win $600
Hi boys. This is me now. I will be a svelte 160 pounds by October 17th of this year.
Are any more of you man enough to bet against me??
Quote: Nareed
10 pounds a month is tough.<sigh>
It's not that tough. Remember, your body is mostly water weight. Proper dieting and exercise can do it for sure. I dropped 20lbs in 3 months doing sport conditioning. It's do-able. Keeping the weight off however is the real challenge.
Quote: HotBlondeFor those of you who may be skeptical I'm including a picture I took of the date on the newspaper so you can see closer...
That's funny. Reminds me of Proof of Life with Russell Crowe and Meg Ryan.
Yes, I was just thinking of that. Its a typical way in Central and South American kidnappings.Quote: AsswhoopermcdaddyThat's funny. Reminds me of Proof of Life with Russell Crowe and Meg Ryan.
Yes, Hot Blonde is indeed 98 percent water but she has great surface tension! As does, her friend, EuropeanHottie. So although she wants to be paid to diet perhaps we should pay her to do the more difficult task... keep the weight off. How about she merely establishes her point on the agreed upon Weight Date but she either makes her point or sevens-out at a second weigh-in three months later.
I found out that Brazil would indeed extradite in such a situation, so I am no longer interested in being the escrow agent.
Quote: FleaStiff
So although she wants to be paid to diet perhaps we should pay her to do the more difficult task... keep the weight off. How about she merely establishes her point on the agreed upon Weight Date but she either makes her point or sevens-out at a second weigh-in three months later.
I am sure that if HB succeeds there will be additional wagering opportunities. Let's see this bet resolved first. The previous photo posting by HB makes her task seem even more daunting. No other forum members willing to put up minimum $180 for a piece of the action?
Quote: AsswhoopermcdaddyProper dieting and exercise can do it for sure. I dropped 20lbs in 3 months doing sport conditioning. It's do-able.
20lbs is more like a 1-month drop, if it's the first 20lbs.
Looking at the table in the blog - put it this way: proper dieting and exercise can do it for sure.
If you actually follow it...
1) 2,500 cal a day is at the upper range of normal energy use for sedentary lifestyle. If your body has a high enough BMR for that, you won't be gaining weight normally. BMR depends primarily on lean body mass, not total.
2) Once you start dieting, your body begins conserving energy, primarily by reducing your BMR. It will, as a general rule, drop down to match your food intake, unless the latter is unsustainably low.
This is why they recommend diet and exercise for weight loss, not diet or exercise.
So you've switched sides? You said originally that you were considering betting against me and now it sounds like you're on my team. Sounds good!Quote: P9020lbs is more like a 1-month drop, if it's the first 20lbs.
Looking at the table in the blog - put it this way: proper dieting and exercise can do it for sure.
If you actually follow it...
1) 2,500 cal a day is at the upper range of normal energy use for sedentary lifestyle. If your body has a high enough BMR for that, you won't be gaining weight normally. BMR depends primarily on lean body mass, not total.
2) Once you start dieting, your body begins conserving energy, primarily by reducing your BMR. It will, as a general rule, drop down to match your food intake, unless the latter is unsustainably low.
This is why they recommend diet and exercise for weight loss, not diet or exercise.
Quote: HotBlondeSo you've switched sides? You said originally that you were considering betting against me and now it sounds like you're on my team. Sounds good!
I'm on your side as in I want you to win.
On the other hand, the odds as they stand are not in your favor.
What I was saying is that if you follow the table (rather than exceed it significantly), you won't win the bet, most likely.
Your table is overly optimistic - it presumes that you have a high BMR and that your body won't compensate for dieting. But the body does compensate, that's why diet alone virtually always fails. Only special medical diets like VLCD provide safe weight loss without exercise (and are prescribed to patients unable to).
If you are serious about your goal, you should plan for all of your fat burning to come from activity, and regard diet as another requirement, not add it to exercise effect.
Quote: pacomartinOne of my questions for HB is where did she get 2522 for her initial BMR? It seems very high.
Technically they say to calculate BMR for women that you're supposed to take her weight (251) and multiply it by 11 which for me would equal 2761. To me this seems flawed cuz it seems to be too high. And since BMR is that person's burn rate in a completely resting state with just the body functioning on its own you have to take normal daily activities into consideration as well since none of us lie around all day motionless.
This is where I get my info from:
Once on the page:
Scroll over "Tools"
Click on "Daily Needs Calculator"
For Sex choose "F" (for female)
Leave the "Not Pregnant or Lactating" selection as it is
For Age type in 34
For Weight type in 251 and keep the "lb" selection as it is
For Height select "5ft 8in / 173 cm"
Leave the Lifestyle "sedentary" selection as it is
then click on "Calculate"
This will show you that my Daily Energy Expenditure is 2522 kcal.
As the site says, my DEE "includes Basal Energy Expenditure (BEE), the energy consumed by daily activities, and the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF).
This estimate represents the total daily Calories needed to maintain your current body weight. To gain or lose weight, you may need to adjust your Calories upward or downward from this amount."
No it's my iPhone. And I'm not planning on drinking any alcohol at all during the challenge.Quote: FleaStiffIs that a glass of wine in the other hand in that photo of you holding the Proof of Life?
Quote: HotBlondeTechnically they say to calculate BMR for women that you're supposed to take her weight (251) and multiply it by 11 which for me would equal 2761.
No idea what kind of calculation that is, but it's out of the blue. Fat has no metabolism and contributes virtually nothing to BMR, so weight alone is not a suitable input.
What is used is:
a) Harris-Benedict equation - based on height, weight and age. However it dates way back before the obesity explosion. The formula is BMR = pounds*4.5 + inches*16 - years*5 - 182 for an average female.
b) Katch-McArdle Formula - based on lean body mass and generally more correct. The formula is BMR = lean pounds*9.76 + 370.
A healthy female has her lean body mass between 70% and 80%, or 75%-80% if you were fit but not underweight and in your 20s (that would be your condition at 160 lbs). If you weren't training, your lean body mass has only increased slightly since then.
These equations are of little significance for weight loss though. They indicate BMR with normal eating, i.e. when calorie intake ~= BMR+activity. When overeating, your BMR increases to compensate, to varying extent. When undereating, and that is any intake < BMR+activity, your BMR decreases to save energy, to 20%-30% below normal.
For a 5'8" tall 250 pound sedentary woman?Quote: pacomartinQuote: HotBlonde
This is where I get my info from:
This will show you that my Daily Energy Expenditure is 2522 kcal.
As the site says, my DEE "includes Basal Energy Expenditure (BEE), the energy consumed by daily activities, and the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF).
Your BEE is roughly 1900. I am not sure where they get a TEF of roughly 600. It seems a bit high.
So then you would calculate 1906.7 times 1.2 to 2? If that's correct then it would range from 2280 to 3813. I don't know, I just rely on NutritionData.com. I've been using their site for many years.Quote: pacomartinBEE = 655.1 + (9.563 * W/2.2 ) + (1.85*H/(12*328.08) ) - (4.676 * A ) =1906.7
Estimate basal energy expenditure using the Harris-Benedict equations. Cornell arrives at the same number, but says that an ambulatory patient with no stress needs 2384 Total Caloric Requirements.
Note: Total Caloric Requirements equal the B.E.E. multiplied by the sum of the stress and activity factors. Stress plus activity factors range from 1.2 to over 2.
Good Luck HB!
Quote: LucyjrPlease book me for the mini bet option, if still being offered: $180 to win $20
Good Luck HB!
Thank you. It is being offerred. I will add your name to the list of confirmed bets.
These bets are considered 'booked'.
Wizard $1800 to win $200
SOOPOO $1350 to win $150
Switch $900 to win $100
Golfbuddy $450 to win $50
rdw4potus $450 to win $50
AcesAndEights $450 to win $50
Lucyjr $180 to win $20
Total $5580 to win $620
Still available to forum members- $3420 to win $380
I have secured an additional investor...
I have made a new lower level called the 'clergy' level...
And FrGamble is in!!!!
Wizard $1800
SOOPOO $1350
Switch $900
Golfbuddy $450
rdw4potus $450
Aces and Eights $450
Lucyjr $180
FrGamble $90
Total $5670 to win $630
Quote: SOOPOOBIG news...
I have made a new lower level called the 'clergy' level...
Let me know if you ever get to a newer lower level called the Panhandler level ...
Until then, good luck to you.
Quote: FleaStiffLet me know if you ever get to a newer lower level called the Panhandler level ...
Until then, good luck to you.
Ok, Flea- just for you
The Panhandler Level $45 to win $5
You in?
Hey, what happened to $900 to win $100? The higher the bets against me the more there'll be a fire under my butt to try to hit my target.Quote: SOOPOOOk, Flea- just for you
The Panhandler Level $45 to win $5
You in?
Quote: HotBlondeHey, what happened to $900 to win $100? The higher the bets against me the more there'll be a fire under my butt to try to hit my target.
I look at this differently. If one person bet $9k to win $1k, you'd only have one person's "motivation" to deal with. Many smaller bettors gives you many annoying hecklers to motivate you:-)
No one will play the casino?
He already named the lowest level The Panhandler Level. $45 to win $5Quote: sunrise089SOOPOO, your named levels are amusing. If you make a name for each level I'll buy in for the lowest one ;)
Quote: sunrise089SOOPOO, your named levels are amusing. If you make a name for each level I'll buy in for the lowest one ;)
1800 Supreme Wizardry Level
900 Buffalo Level
450 Razorback level
180 Low roller level
90 Clergy level
45 Panhandler level
I hope you opt for the low roller level, but if you insist i will let you in at any of the lower levels.
Just reply on this thread and I'll confirm your entry.....
Quote: HotBlondeHey, what happened to $900 to win $100? The higher the bets against me the more there'll be a fire under my butt to try to hit my target.
I am doing my best to get up to the maximum of 9000. It ain't been easy......
Quote: SOOPOOI am doing my best to get up to the maximum of 9000. It ain't been easy......
You are doing great SOOPOO and so are you HB, keep it up. I don't know if it motivates you or gets you upset, which would make you eat more comfort food, but I'm praying for you.
As someone already mentioned your example is helping me to lose some weight too, thanks.
Quote: FrGambleAs someone already mentioned your example is helping me to lose some weight too, thanks.
Should we be calling you Friar Tuck? (lol)

Well awesome. I'm only 1 week in so maybe when people see me drop a ton of weight it'll be even more inspiring.Quote: FrGambleYou are doing great SOOPOO and so are you HB, keep it up. I don't know if it motivates you or gets you upset, which would make you eat more comfort food, but I'm praying for you.
As someone already mentioned your example is helping me to lose some weight too, thanks.
Hey I showed myself in my swimsuit you all can share yours as well. :)Quote: FrGambleWhatever you do DO NOT post my swimsuit picture! (lol)
Quote: SOOPOO1800 Supreme Wizardry Level
900 Buffalo Level
450 Razorback level
180 Low roller level
90 Clergy level
45 Panhandler level
I hope you opt for the low roller level, but if you insist i will let you in at any of the lower levels.
Just reply on this thread and I'll confirm your entry.....
I'll meet you halfway with the Clergy level, showing solidarity with my fellow non-atheist while still staying the heck out of the religion threads ;)
You're being a great citizen in this thread SOOPOO. My 90 is weak I know, but it absolutely went from 0->90 based on your character on display.
Quote: sunrise089I'll meet you halfway with the Clergy level, showing solidarity with my fellow non-atheist while still staying the heck out of the religion threads ;)
You're being a great citizen in this thread SOOPOO. My 90 is weak I know, but it absolutely went from 0->90 based on your character on display.
Thanks sunrise... I have often been called a character.....
Wiz $1800
SOOPOO $1350
Switch $900
Golfbuddy $450
rdw4potus $450
AcesAndEights $450
lucyjr $180
FrGamble $90
sunrise089 $90
$5760 to win $640
Still time for others to follow FrGamble's example and get in on the action...
Awesome. Every morning when I hit the gym I think of the current total amount against me. I make sure to memorize this number. And today it's $5760. I do 45 minutes of cardio and during my last 60 seconds I pound it out super hard on the machine, as hard as I can. At that point I actually imagine myself smelling the money, and see myself dancing in it all.Quote: SOOPOO$5760 to win $640
I hope not either!Quote: 1BBI hope you win. When you do, I hope you don't get reported to the IRS by one of the ethical people on this forum.
Here's a pic of me in action:
And by the way, as an incentive, those who bet against me, and ONLY those who bet against me will be allowed at the weigh-in. If requested I will even wear a bikini to weigh in! But don't be scared. I will hopefully be at a healthy weight at the time and won't look like how I do now in a swimsuit, lol!
Quote: 1BBI hope you win. When you do, I hope you don't get reported to the IRS by one of the ethical people on this forum.
That's conspiracy to commit tax evasion right here in an open forum. Also, I wonder if the bet itself might fall under some provision. Could someone calculate how many years we've clocked already, if the law was to be upheld?
Why would she get reported? Of course she would declare the income on her taxes. You must have mistaken HotBlonde for one of the degenerate, corrupt card counters on this forum :)Quote: 1BBI hope you win. When you do, I hope you don't get reported to the IRS by one of the ethical people on this forum.
I plan on reporting every penny.Quote: teddysWhy would she get reported? Of course she would declare the income on her taxes. You must have mistaken HotBlonde for one of the degenerate, corrupt card counters on this forum :)
I'm still accepting more bets, so bring them all in, and double up if you haven't already.
There are planty of reasons to bet against me. The plan I have set out could actually not work as planned, i.e. I don't actually lose as much weight as I've calculated out on paper. I could just simply lose motivation... 9 months is a long time! I have chronic back pain and have seen a doctor 4 times over a 5 week period last month and my back pain kept me pretty immobile. If my chronic back pain flares up again it could mean having to ditch my workouts and making it impossible to go grocery shopping... did someone say pizza delivery? Even without the back pain I could be tempted to eat all the delicious yummy foods I liked to enjoy before. People could give me gifts of food or drink and I could be tempted to give in. I could injure myself doing all the high-intensity cardio I've been doing. I ride my bike to and from the gym each day and I could be hit by a car (god forbid). There could be a family emergency where I would have to leave my regular daily schedule. Etc., etc. ...
I still want to hit my goal in $9000 in bets against me. Hey, for those of you who REALLY don't want to bet I encourage you to ask friends of yours who might not be on the forum if they'd like to bet as well. Of course they'd have to be a friend who really will pay up if and when they lose!