Okay, who’s next? Must be casino or gaming related.
how I learned to type - not from school - but from my Mom who was a Secretary
𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙘𝙠 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙛𝙤𝙭 𝙟𝙪𝙢𝙥𝙨 𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙖𝙯𝙮 𝙙𝙤𝙜
typing this sentence over and over greatly helps a person to learn how to type
because it contains every letter of the alphabet
"F,J, space" etc.
I wonder what they teach today?
Quote: MrVPerhaps the most useful class I had in junior high was learning how to touch type on a typewriter.
"F,J, space" etc.
I wonder what they teach today?
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I took a three-day keyboarding class in 2015 and that was one of the first things they taught us.
Heck, they wouldn't allow it in the casino period.
If you brought a laptop in, even just sitting in the restauran,t you would have issue's. Then one day I noticed you could bring your laptop and cellphone right in the sports book.
Quote: MrVPerhaps the most useful class I had in junior high was learning how to touch type on a typewriter.
"F,J, space" etc.
I wonder what they teach today?
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I suppose there is not much call for classic typist jobs. You can pretty much dictate everything to speech recognition.
Quote: rxwineQuote: MrVPerhaps the most useful class I had in junior high was learning how to touch type on a typewriter.
"F,J, space" etc.
I wonder what they teach today?
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I suppose there is not much call for classic typist jobs. You can pretty much dictate everything to speech recognition.
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The class I took was part of an eight week program AARP and the State of Nevada run for people over 55 wanting to start their own business. It's a great program if you qualify.
the drill - elementary school - taking cover under our desks during the Cuban missle crisis
then came the very loud air raid siren - then we went home missing half the day
because of this drill - since those days - I've had a recurring daydream fantasy of a nuclear bomb exploding and destroying everything
what a great plan that was - as if that little desk was going to protect you

Quote: MrVPerhaps the most useful class I had in junior high was learning how to touch type on a typewriter.
"F,J, space" etc.
I wonder what they teach today?
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I was on a crew typing oil and gas title reports. The de facto crew chief (he did not call himself that but I did else people might have started thinking I was in charge) told me that he could tell I typed something since I was the only one there that put two spaces after a period at the end of a sentence. I guess the kids did not learn that way.
Quote: smoothgrhI would get excited to see vending machines in the casino that sold cigarettes because they usually also sold canceled playing cards and sometimes canceled dice. It was the kind that you put in change — usually quarters — and you'd pull out a plastic knob to get your item. How I loved being able to pull out that knob and hear the clunk of the cards dropping into the metal tray. I think cards were 50 cents and dice were $1.
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As a kid I saw those machined and wondered how anyone underage would not just use them to buy smokes instead of possibly being carded. I am talking I was about 9 years old thinking it.
Last I heard there are about 10 cigarette machines left in NYC that were grandfathered in after the city banned them, This was 10+ years ago so all may be gone now.
Quote: lilredrooster
what a great plan that was - as if that little desk was going to protect you
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If you're distant enough to survive the initial effects, the desk may provide some protection from falling debris.
Quote: DieterQuote: lilredrooster
what a great plan that was - as if that little desk was going to protect you
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If you're distant enough to survive the initial effects, the desk may provide some protection from falling debris.
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Broken glass, falling debris, ect,ect.
It's funny but I vaguely recall these drills when we lived in Japan and in North Carolina, but not when we lived on Governors Island, in NY harbor. I wonder if it was because we were so close to the theoretical Ground Zero. The basement of my building had some sort of sign proclaiming it was a fallout shelter.
Nikita Kruschev and his famous or if you prefer infamous shoe banging incident at the United Nations
2 other U.N. Delegates shown in the vid thought the whole thing was hilarious - better than Shecky Greene
this is before the Cuban missle crisis
re the crisis he thought he could get the U.S. to back down
but it was he who backed down and uprooted the missles and took them back to his beloved Russia