Something wrong here
At Red Rock casino smoking is no longer allowed at table games. But that's a casino decision.
Supposedly, smokers should replace their masks between drags.
The governor does not have the independent power to stop smoking in casinos, nor does the Nevada Gaming Commission. Smoking is regulated by the legislature outside the realm of the Gaming Commission.
The people of Nevada, probably as a condition of statehood (1863?) approved a state constitution giving the legislature this power. A procedure to adopt and amend the laws of the state was put in place, and since then the people have never, so far as I know, taken the opportunity to change this method in how they are governed. If they wanted their governor to have the power and ability to change the law, any law, on his own initiative, they would have said so. It cannot be that suddenly the people want to take this route in how they are governed.
Many people consider prostitution to be evil, no better than smoking cigarettes, probably worse. A majority of the citizens of Nevada disagree. If the Governor SHOULD have the power to ban smoking based on some demonstrable "benefit" to the people, why couldn't he also ban prostitution, should he be in the mood to do so, in direct contradiction to the opinion of the people, and the acts of the legislature?
Now in the casinos it should be a little different. The casinos gaming board has mandated that patrons must wear a mask in a casino. And any casino that doesn't enforce it could and should face the same disciplinary action as if the allow underage to gamble.....a fine, right up to losing their license (although that never happens).
So the casinos should be enforcing mask wearing. Now what happens when casino security tells a patron they MUST wear a mask and the patron refuses? By Rule they should be kicked out. And what happens if they refuse to leave? under normal protocol, Metro (police) should be called. But Metro has already said they will not be enforcing it?? Big circle.
Bottom line is people, the casino Industry, the looney Mayor of Las Vegas all bitched when casinos HAD to close. And because they won't adhere to a simple thing like wearing a mask, during the worst emergency situation in our lifetime, cases will (are) increasing and eventually casinos will be closed again. And then they will scream again. This idea of "It is my right not to wear a mask" is basically a cut off your nose to spite your face thing. People are stupid.
Arizona is very similar. About 80% of the population lives in two cities and want very different things than the farmers and ranchers who occupy most of the state.
Quote: billryanNevada has some strange laws. The Legislature only meets for a few weeks every other year and most things need to be approved by two consecutive legislatures so it takes at least two years to accomplish anything. The State Representatives work part-time, and most have other fulltime careers.
It is even weirder than just that. There is a certain time limit for when they meet every other year. Off the top of my head, something like March through a specific day in June. So for about 3 months they do nothing. Well they meet everyday, maybe hammer out some of the easy stuff, but they push the big stuff off to the last minute. Then the final few days they work around the clock, with lawmakers literally sleeping on cots for a couple hours each night. It is sort of a big game of chicken to see who will crack first. lol
For those of us like you and I, coming from places that are more normal, it is fascinating to watch this government in action. Sort of like going to the circus for the first time.
Quote: kewljThe mandated masks in public is a joke in Las Vegas. Nobody was wearing a mask when it was only a recommendation, so the Governor mandated it. BUT Metro immediately came out and said they wouldn't be enforcing it. They are not going to fine or lock anyone up. Instead they are supposed to try to "educate" people, whatever that means. So basically wearing a mask in public is STILL optional.
Now in the casinos it should be a little different. The casinos gaming board has mandated that patrons must wear a mask in a casino. And any casino that doesn't enforce it could and should face the same disciplinary action as if the allow underage to gamble.....a fine, right up to losing their license (although that never happens).
So the casinos should be enforcing mask wearing. Now what happens when casino security tells a patron they MUST wear a mask and the patron refuses? By Rule they should be kicked out. And what happens if they refuse to leave? under normal protocol, Metro (police) should be called. But Metro has already said they will not be enforcing it?? Big circle.
Bottom line is people, the casino Industry, the looney Mayor of Las Vegas all bitched when casinos HAD to close. And because they won't adhere to a simple thing like wearing a mask, during the worst emergency situation in our lifetime, cases will (are) increasing and eventually casinos will be closed again. And then they will scream again. This idea of "It is my right not to wear a mask" is basically a cut off your nose to spite your face thing. People are stupid.
While metro may not enforce mask wearing they will enforce trespassing violations which is what the casino will claim if you refuse to both wear a mask or leave
Quote: billryanDo you really want your governor to have the power to declare such things? Is there any evidence smoking spreads the CV?
I don't think there has been an offical scientific study, but basic physics should lead everyone to this conclusion. Smokers usually blow out their smoke forcefully. And they'll be having masks off to do it.
If the tribes have the guts to temp-ban smoking, why not the states?
Quote: tringlomaneI don't think there has been an offical scientific study, but basic physics should lead everyone to this conclusion. Smokers usually blow out their smoke forcefully. And they'll be having masks off to do it.
If the tribes have the guts to temp-ban smoking, why not the states?
I have no problem with states banning smoking. I have a problem with a Governor doing it unilaterally.
Quote: AlanMendelsonThe governor does not have the independent power to stop smoking in casinos
Right now he does. Nevada is under a disaster declaration which affords this Governor the legal authority to suspend or waive ANY law he wants....with just a signature. A long term solution would be a different story. Right now, Governor can ban smoking in the casinos with the stroke of his pen.
He simply chooses not to.
Quote: VegasriderSo the new governors directive states that everyone must wear a mask when out in public or in a business. So why are they still allowing people to smoke inside casinos. I’m playing Bingo and I get scolded for not wearing a mask but the people smoking are allowed to have their mask off and smoke?
Something wrong here
Yep. I was at Red Rock the other day. Saw a vaper had his mask pulled down for the entire 15 minutes he was playing slots. A slot attendant even came over as his service button was lit. Not a word was said about his mask. I also saw smokers with it pulled down, not just to take a drag....but down for the entire time I saw them.
The rules are farce.
Quote: billryanThe Legislature only meets for a few weeks every other year and most things need to be approved by two consecutive legislature... State Representatives work part-time, and most have other fulltime careers... rural areas which geographically represent 95% of the state, but only about 15% of the population.
Representation is no longer based on geography, but rather population. Been that way since the sixties ("one man, one vote") so the large majority in the cities has the opportunity to change any of these requirements. They haven't done so. Must be because unlike those who want to rule by executive dictates, the majority likes how things are and are willing to live by, wait for it... the rule of law.
If the Governor has the legal authority to ban smoking under the terms of the emergency declaration and has chosen not to do so, it must be because he doesn't want to, not because he doesn't know he has that power. "Oh, I can ban smoking? Dang nabit', why didn't someone tell me?"
Quote: racquetRepresentation is no longer based on geography, but rather population. Been that way since the sixties ("one man, one vote") so the large majority in the cities has the opportunity to change any of these requirements. They haven't done so. Must be because unlike those who want to rule by executive dictates, the majority likes how things are and are willing to live by, wait for it... the rule of law.
If the Governor has the legal authority to ban smoking under the terms of the emergency declaration and has chosen not to do so, it must be because he doesn't want to, not because he doesn't know he has that power. "Oh, I can ban smoking? Dang nabit', why didn't someone tell me?"
Nevada voted to ban smoking in most businesses. It was before I moved there, but casinos and some bars were exempted.
Quote: MidwestAPAnd I was thinking of making a trip out there. If masks are required, I'll wait.
It’s not “if”....they are required. Mandatory. Enforcement is another issue.
Quote: darkozI think if you can scream at the top of your lungs you probably can wear a mask
No exceptions. She can’t wear a mask but she can yell and scream at the top of her lungs pretty good.
I doubt her “medical condition” is credible.
I don’t like wearing a mask, but I respect the rules. No one is above them.
What? The CA order requiring masks explicitly states that there are exemptions for individuals with certain health conditions (not to mention children under 2 and the hearing-impaired). Is her condition one of the exempted ones? Who (besides her and her doctor) knows? But to say there are "no exceptions" is flat out incorrect since the CA order explicitly states that there are exceptions.Quote: TDVegasNo exceptions. She can’t wear a mask but she can yell and scream at the top of her lungs pretty good.
I doubt her “medical condition” is credible.
I don’t like wearing a mask, but I respect the rules. No one is above them.
Quote: VegasriderSo the new governors directive states that everyone must wear a mask when out in public or in a business. So why are they still allowing people to smoke inside casinos. I’m playing Bingo and I get scolded for not wearing a mask but the people smoking are allowed to have their mask off and smoke?
Something wrong here
I am all for a private company to mandate the wearing of masks and people can choose to or to not do business with them. I am not for a government edict requiring it. The customers will ultimately have the power to essentially vote with their money.
I am so tired of hearing that people have a right not to wear a mask. Yes, people have a right to put themselves in harms way. They don't have a right to put others in harms way. Anyone hell bend on harming themselves, just do it. Jump of a freaking building, where you won't be taking anyone else with you
Quote: Gabes22I am all for a private company to mandate the wearing of masks and people can choose to or to not do business with them. I am not for a government edict requiring it. The customers will ultimately have the power to essentially vote with their money.
There are plenty of things the government has to mandate for public safety.
I am sure most people would prefer they get to decide how fast they can drive on highways and the road.
Unfortunately we know what would happen. Everyone would be acting like uncontrollable speed demons.
This pandemic is unusual but the phone of mandating masks is that people aren't listening and it's causing an escalation of the pandemic
Quote: darkozThere are plenty of things the government has to mandate for public safety.
I am sure most people would prefer they get to decide how fast they can drive on highways and the road.
Unfortunately we know what would happen. Everyone would be acting like uncontrollable speed demons.
This pandemic is unusual but the phone of mandating masks is that people aren't listening and it's causing an escalation of the pandemic
Oh the irony of you using a speed limit analogy! You fought so hard to distinguish them when SOOPOO and I were using them to say that government weighs lives vs economy in lots of ways all the time. ;-)
Quote: darkozThere are plenty of things the government has to mandate for public safety.
I am sure most people would prefer they get to decide how fast they can drive on highways and the road.
Unfortunately we know what would happen. Everyone would be acting like uncontrollable speed demons.
This pandemic is unusual but the phone of mandating masks is that people aren't listening and it's causing an escalation of the pandemic
I dont necessarily agree with the speed limit analogy particularly on highways. And if you think that is in the name of public safety that's laughable. It's in the name of criminalizing otherwise law abiding citizens and generating revenue to justify over-inflated police budgets.
I am not a fan of the whole "government overreaches here so it can overreach there argument" Government is far more likely to be the cause of than the solution to problems
Quote: Gabes22I dont necessarily agree with the speed limit analogy particularly on highways. And if you think that is in the name of public safety that's laughable. It's in the name of criminalizing otherwise law abiding citizens and generating revenue to justify over-inflated police budgets.
Revenue from speeding tickets goes to fund the salaries, pensions and benefits of all of government, not only "over-inflated police budgets."
A significant portion of police budgets goes to salaries, and a large part of that goes to overtime. Overtime is caused by too FEW police, which is by design, so that police can earn inflated salaries. Every time you see a police officer at a construction site, parked in a police car, or directing traffic at an otherwise unimportant public event - that's overtime. A police "detail" in front of the convention center or at a sporting event? Overtime.
The most highly paid employee in the City of Boston in 2019? A police officer who made more than $300,000. Overtime.
MORE police - a greater number of officers - would actually REDUCE the need to fund the police, because it would reduce... overtime.
Quote: racquetRevenue from speeding tickets goes to fund the salaries, pensions and benefits of all of government, not only "over-inflated police budgets."
A significant portion of police budgets goes to salaries, and a large part of that goes to overtime. Overtime is caused by too FEW police, which is by design, so that police can earn inflated salaries. Every time you see a police officer at a construction site, parked in a police car, or directing traffic at an otherwise unimportant public event - that's overtime. A police "detail" in front of the convention center or at a sporting event? Overtime.
The most highly paid employee in the City of Boston in 2019? A police officer who made more than $300,000. Overtime.
MORE police - a greater number of officers - would actually REDUCE the need to fund the police, because it would reduce... overtime.
More police means more pension payouts, more benefits and probably even more cops to handle the paperwork that more police would generate. Localities have to decide if it is better to assume another couple of million dollars in future expenses with each officer hired or to pay OT to an existing officer.
What needs to be done is moving more cops out of offices and stations and into the streets and replace a cop making $75,000 with a civilian making half that when you factor in benefits. Do we need a cop sitting in his car watching a construction zone when an empty car with a camera will accomplish 99% of his job for the day? Do we need cops sitting at the front desk of a precinct when a civilian can do the job for half the money?
On Long Island, school crossing guards make $12 an hour so why do they have police officers making $100,000 working at crossing guards at some churches.
When Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy decided he could drive himself around and attempted to re-assign the two veteran Detectives who were to be his drivers, the police union went to court to keep the assignments.
It is not that we have too many cops, it's that we have too many cops routinely doing jobs that civilians could be doing for half the price.
It shouldn't be defund the police, it should be re-allocate the police. We need to re-examine police contracts such as the deal the union made with the town of Malverne that gave it's officers 50 paid holidays a year. Perhaps re-examine the whole pension system. Officers in NYC used to be eligible for full retirement after 20 years. Now,I believe, it is 22 years. Is it really too much to ask a person hired at 25 to work until 50? A superior officer in NYPD is assigned a SGT. to drive him around. Having a regular patrolman drive him would be a savings of $15,000 plus would make another Sgt available to supervise officers.
Quote: kewljWhy are people so adamant about fighting the wearing of masks?
Well, IMO, they are uncomfortable. In Vegas with 100+ temps...they are hot and they pull and also irritate the back of my ears. Glasses get fogged up. Voices get muffled to the point it can be difficult to have a conversation without pulling it down to articulate clearly. I’ve tried 3 different masks and they all tend to drop off my nose (small, Irish nose ;-)...There is also a pretty in depth CDC study that does not really show quantifiable benefit to wearing masks.
Nevertheless, I wear one because I abide by rules and guidelines. No Karen’s or Kens in this household. Rules are rules.
Now, as far as wearing them when outside....if we are going to get it while outside, walking around without a mask, then we might as well ALL get it because I can list 100’s if not 1,000’s of opportunities to get this virus while still attempting to mask up.
If I found myself in an outdoor setting with many people I'd wear one but that hasn't happened yet.
Quote: TDVegasWell, IMO, they are uncomfortable. In Vegas with 100+ temps...they are hot and they pull and also irritate the back of my ears. Glasses get fogged up. Voices get muffled to the point it can be difficult to have a conversation without pulling it down to articulate clearly. I’ve tried 3 different masks and they all tend to drop off my nose (small, Irish nose ;-)...There is also a pretty in depth CDC study that does not really show quantifiable benefit to wearing masks.
Nevertheless, I wear one because I abide by rules and guidelines. No Karen’s or Kens in this household. Rules are rules.
Now, as far as wearing them when outside....if we are going to get it while outside, walking around without a mask, then we might as well ALL get it because I can list 100’s if not 1,000’s of opportunities to get this virus while still attempting to mask up.
If you make an effort to stay 6' apart outside, you don't have to wear it outside.
And link to CDC claim? This is the opposite of what they have said for awhile now.
Quote: tringlomaneIf you make an effort to stay 6' apart outside, you don't have to wear it outside.
And link to CDC claim? This is the opposite of what they have said for awhile now.
This looks to be a fairly exhaustive study. I’m not talking about people talking out of their asses....but there does seem to be some credible studies that don’t promote the idea that masks are effective. They also cite that wearing masks may cause other issues such as people not washing their hands as much, touching or readjusting their mask and other issues related to wearing a mask that might contribute to “ineffectiveness”.
The reality is there is no concrete evidence to support a blanket statement that masks work for a pandemic such as this. We may know at some point....but that will be further down the line.
Quote: TDVegasThis looks to be a fairly exhaustive study. ... The reality is there is no concrete evidence to support a blanket statement that masks work for a pandemic such as this. We may know at some point....but that will be further down the line.
Yes, your CDC article at one point suggests hand washing and masks have minimal effect. One might ask, what "minimal" effect? The article appears to focus on "laboratory confirmed influenza transmission," but not where a pandemic occurs:
Quote:We did not find evidence that surgical-type face masks are effective in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza transmission, either when worn by infected persons (source control) or by persons in the general community to reduce their susceptibility. However, as with hand hygiene, face masks might be able to reduce the transmission of other infections and therefore have value in an influenza pandemic when healthcare resources are stretched.
Fighting a pandemic in the "real" world is perhaps different. Analyzing data on government implementation of pandemic countermeasures across 6 countries (including USA), this study from the journal Nature suggests in a pandemic masks (along with other measures) had a significant effect, saving peoples' lives, including avoiding a 14x increase in US cases:
Quote:... we estimate that there would be roughly 465 × the observed number of confirmed cases in China, 17 × in Italy, and 14 × in the US by the end of our sample if large-scale anti-contagion policies had not been deployed. Consistent with process-based simulations of COVID-19 infections, our analysis of existing policies indicates that seemingly small delays in policy deployment likely produced dramatically different health outcomes.
I think America is in for a bad case of "dramatically different health outcomes." I doubt an unhealthy America -- crippled by C-virus -- will restore a vibrant, healthy economy for months (or years). All because a mistrustful public has decided to behave much like rural communities struck by Ebola.
Quote: VegasriderAP for bank robberies. Now you can rob a bank and don't have to worry about getting recognized. Wearing a mask and sunglasses. Nobody will 2nd guess your intentions.
Sorry the banks are not open except for appointments or window tellers
Quote: DeMangoSorry the banks are not open except for appointments or window tellers
Depends who you bank with. Mine is open, certain branched.
Quote: TDVegasThis looks to be a fairly exhaustive study. I’m not talking about people talking out of their asses....but there does seem to be some credible studies that don’t promote the idea that masks are effective. They also cite that wearing masks may cause other issues such as people not washing their hands as much, touching or readjusting their mask and other issues related to wearing a mask that might contribute to “ineffectiveness”.
The reality is there is no concrete evidence to support a blanket statement that masks work for a pandemic such as this. We may know at some point....but that will be further down the line.
The transmission modes for influenza -the subject of the study posted above -are very different than for Covid-19. This article is probably not relevant.
We all know that Covid-19 is aspirated from human mouths inside of water particles. However, the initial studies simply assumed that all the virus was in large aspirated water particles which sink pretty quickly to the ground or onto other surfaces (countertops, etc.) This was the basis for the original guidance that hand washing was critical, but face masks were not a good source of protection - because large water particles plummet below the face level fairly quickly.
BUT THAT HAS ALL CHANGED. Covid-19 is also transmitted in small water particles of 5 microns diameter (and maybe even smaller) that come out of the human mouth, . Such tiny particles do not sink rapidly to the ground. They may stay airborne for tens of seconds to tens of minutes.
One piece of good news - smaller water particles will usually have a smaller viral load than large particles -which may result in a less severe course for the virus in the human body.
SO here are some bottom lines that I believe:
1. Face masks are essential for stopping the virus.
2. You can be walking or jogging and literally become infected by traveling through air that has been recently vacated by another person.
3. Even small crowds in indoor spaces with less-than optimal ventilation pose substantial jeopardy of infection -probably infecting a large fraction of the people present.
4. A distance of 6 feet, while a large help in reducing transmission, is probably not a large enough separation in some situations.
Why isn't this reaching the level of Dr. Fauci? Because of rivalries amongst epidemioligists -conservative epidemioligists who have stressed hand-washing don't want to reverse direction and concede that they were wrong. Science is as bedeviled by assholes who are trying to profit by building a reputation as any other field of human endeavor.
Replies here, rationalizing mask wearing by expanding on the few, older studies that exist and concluding that those studies aren't applicable because of some supposed difference between COVID and influenza makes no more sense than other "scientific" advise about playing roulette or craps. "Experts" exist everywhere, especially nowadays when all you need to be one is an internet connection.
When new scientifically valid studies are completed, verified and published, the facts will become known. It may well be that mask wearing will turn out to be an effective way to prevent the spread of the virus. When I see reports like the one cited above that confirm this, I will believe them.
But until then, I never accept as The Whole Truth anything that I see on the web, on television, or in a forum on gambling.
Quote: racquetNo one that frequents these forums is a medical expert
Quote: gamerfreakSOOPOO is an MD
Here is another MD's story and his advice [People got burnt, then they will learn quickly not to repeat the same mistake twice]:

"I thought I was INVINCIBLE—I thought I was immune to this coronavirus because I am healthy and young. But I was wrong..."