Quote: AxelWolfThat might have something to do with smokers lungs not being as strong as a normal person's. I'm going to have believe that smokers have a higher probability of dying from the virus
(And in general, as well). Do smokers have a better chance to get it, that I have no idea.
This stuff goes to the lungs, smoking, asthma, it's all bad news. Then you get a fever, and then a ton of snot in your nose. Corona Virus. The lungs are what kill you.
Quote: Zcore13Sold out outdoor concert tonight (2,854 people) for John Fogerty.
I feel a Bad Moon Rising
"Effective Monday, March 16, the City of North Las Vegas is suspending all recreational sports leagues and classes, and is closing its recreation centers and libraries."
Quote: bobbartopThis stuff goes to the lungs, smoking, asthma, it's all bad news. Then you get a fever, and then a ton of snot in your nose. Corona Virus. The lungs are what kill you.
Michael Savage tweeted: Do not use ibuprofen if in contact with cov-19 or contract cov-19. Exacerbates condition. Consult physician.
Quote: JohnzimboI feel a Bad Moon Rising
Oops. 30 minutes before the concert it got cancelled due to the Governor banning all concerts, events and festivals of 50 or more people.
That should have been done many many years ago.Quote: bobbartopThe City of North Las Vegas is closing.
Quote: AxelWolfThat should have been done many many years ago.
What I don't understand is why on earth do the casinos still allow smoking and vaping within the casinos???
Why don't you just claim they run around licking slots?Quote: KeyserOf course smokers are more likely to die from the Wuhan Corona Virus. One reason is they're more likely to contract it because they typically have poor hygiene and are less likely to care about how dirty or clean a slot machine, electronic gambling terminal or table game is.
Or the seats.Quote: AxelWolfWhy don't you just claim they run around licking slots?
I just assumed everybody knew that, along with the ashtrays as well.Quote: petroglyphOr the seats.
Because although smokers with poor hygiene do run around casinos unconcerned about health or cleanliness and do run around molesting slot machines and performing various and sundry despicable and unspeakable acts, they sure loose one heck of alot of money in the process.. One can argue about risk takers and smoking and homosexuality and left-handedness genes all you want but at all times the argument is settled by The Bottom Line.Quote: KeyserWhat I don't understand is why on earth do the casinos still allow smoking and vaping within the casinos???
can you list your proof or your train of thought about how the casino is somehow being Reckless by letting people smoke cigarettes with regards to the Coronavirus?Quote: KeyserOf course smokers are more likely to die from the Wuhan Corona Virus. One reason is they're more likely to contract it because they typically have poor hygiene and are less likely to care about how dirty or clean a slot machine, electronic gambling terminal or table game is.
What I don't understand is why on earth do the casinos still allow smoking and vaping within the casinos???
Quote: AxelWolfI have no idea why they don't shut down buses. That has to be about one of the worst places to be if you are trying to avoid getting it(along with all the other crap).
Nice try.
I would argue the buses are now the safest place to be
This was the Port Authority NYC yesterday at 6pm. Yes on a Sunday but I have taken that particular time bus many times and it's a packed schedule

Buses are practically empty. There were many more people at the casinos
Quote: onenickelmiraclecan you list your proof or your train of thought about how the casino is somehow being Reckless by letting people smoke cigarettes with regards to the Coronavirus?
Multiple studies
Naturally there are quite a few now with the recent news
Quote: AZDuffmanEB mentioned "The Stand" somewhere. There was a scene where one of the main guys had his people clean out a casino and he was just sitting there at one of the tables, having a meeting, all the slots still turned on but no players. If I was a casino manager at Wynn or wherever I would have to want to re-create that scene for a meeting with my top people.
They are currently filming a new Stand miniseries for CBS All Access.
A lot of the story takes place in a deserted Las Vegas after most everybody has died from Captain Trips. Now would be a GREAT time for the filmmakers to go to Vegas and get some shots.
Quote: AZDuffmanI would think that the Gaming Control Board would be the logical one to make the call. Do they have any jurisdiction over the hotel parts? Forget for the minute that without the hotel the casino does not need to be there....
I know the Gaming Control Board shut down Binion's when they didn't have enough cash reserves on the property. However, that was a very specific regulation. I don't think they would have the jurisdiction to make such calls over matters of health. However, this is getting way out of my area.
Quote: WizardI know the Gaming Control Board shut down Binion's when they didn't have enough cash reserves on the property. However, that was a very specific regulation. I don't think they would have the jurisdiction to make such calls over matters of health. However, this is getting way out of my area.
The Gaming Control Board runs this state. They will just tell the Governor what to say.
As of 8pm tonight
Quote: darkozGovernment not waiting for Atlantic City to self-close
As of 8pm tonight
That is a good move.
NJ Casinos are permitted to continue offering online gaming.
Quote: rsactuary'
Maybe to you, but not to those who are immunocompromised or have underlying health issues. This is about protecting those people.
Look to Italy and you'll see it's way more than that.
Dad has a heart attack. Kid eats a peanut. Gramps gets stung. Aunty gets diabetic. The kid you're watching sends his tibia through his skin. One of your charges goes grand mal. And there's not one goddamn thing you can do for any if it but watch them die because there ain't nowhere to take them.
To say nothing of the docs who have to decide, person by person, who to save and who to abandon.
Re: smokers, we f@#$ up the biologic mechanisms meant to keep us healthy. Our cilia stop pushing gunk out our lungs and mucus builds up. Additionally, our fingers are always in or near our mouths. Double whammy as far as getting infected.
Second hand has the same effect. So yes, it's a danger. A danger not even in the same universe as congregating in crowds sharing filthy tools. Go your ass home
ETA: Oh yeah, and if Seneca ain't closed now, it's about to be
Quote: Keyser
What I don't understand is why on earth do the casinos still allow smoking and vaping within the casinos???
I agree, live and tournament poker is going strong in a non smoking room. I remember the days when every poker room allowed smoking. I use to carry a battery operated fan that I set on the table to blow the smoke away me from any player who was smoking next to me. When poker rooms decided to go nonsmoking everyone thought it was going to kill the action. Far from it, smokers will still visit the casinos of they ban smoking.
Quote: darkozMultiple studies
Naturally there are quite a few now with the recent news
This kind of thing is already evident, Keyser was saying the casinos shouldn't be letting people smoke, as if them smoking was endangering other people in some unusual way. It is already kind of known smoking has many risks, thought he was implying something different.

Secondhand smoke causes significant health problems. It increases your chances of experiencing lung infections, bronchitis, and worsening of asthma. Not to mention the extra bacteria that smokers are often blowing around because they frequently have gum disease from poor oral hygiene.
Smoking should be banned from all public places.
Casinos need to ban smoking. It won't hurt their bottom line, and people aren't going to stop coming to casinos. Disney World banned smoking and they're doing just fine (coronavirus notwithstanding). If a smoker wants to gamble they can just take a smoke break somewhere else.
Horse racing goes on without people in attendance
Trucks trying to enter Detroit Michigan today via the Ambassador Bridge were backed up almost three miles plus the mile on the bridge to get to US Customs .
Canadian Customs are still allowing Canadians back into their country and for the time being Americans too via both bridge and tunnel. Some Detroit hospitals were advising nurses and doctors to pack a suitcase to expect the American side to close up ..... so many Canadian nurses working in Detroit hospitals they would be in bad shape if they couldn't get back in.
Quote: onenickelmiracleYou know when these casinos re-open, they won't be the same. If you're at a casino before they closed, you might have seen a lot of machines being shut down with paperwork attached to them, the casinos are going to have a lot of changes when they reopen, hope I can still justify visiting them. Casinos will be taking in a lot of inheritance money when they open, maybe they'll be booming. At least the public won't associate the sickness with being at a casino. Maybe some will and be afraid of catching something new or catching the bug again. Tough to say how things will be, but recessions usually mean bad things for AP.
In the meantime, make online gambling in the USA legit like any other business.
Quote: rxwineIn the meantime, make online gambling in the USA legit like any other business.
It is a state issue. It already is in some States (such as NJ, though casinos are required to have a physical casino in order to have an online casino).
It is Federally allowed.
It is not a USA issue, but a state to state issue. Contact your state reps.
Quote: Keyser
Smoking should be banned from all public places.
Or we should have a free market where nonsmokers don't support businesses that allow smoking,
Quote: GandlerIt is a state issue. It already is in some States (such as NJ, though casinos are required to have a physical casino in order to have an online casino).
It is Federally allowed.
It is not a USA issue, but a state to state issue. Contact your state reps.
Are you sure about that? I remember, under the last administration, the "Wire Act" being relaxed or ignored. But was it definitively rejected? Are you sure a new administration couldn't stop it, if they felt like it for some reason? Say, perhaps, because Sheldon Adelson threw a hissy fit?
Quote: bobbartopAre you sure about that? I remember, under the last administration, the "Wire Act" being relaxed or ignored. But was it definitively rejected? Are you sure a new administration couldn't stop it, if they felt like it for some reason? Say, perhaps, because Sheldon Adelson threw a hissy fit?
Pretty Sure. The Wire Act was strictly about Sports betting (which has been overturned).
There is essentially a Federal Law that makes it illegal to essentially gamble where illegal (IE you place a bet in a state where gambling is not legal). But, there is no blanket prohibition on any kind of online gambling. If a State chooses to allow it, it is 100% legal (as seen in several states now).
" The first myth that should immediately be dispelled is that online gambling (by the gambler himself/herself) is in any way prohibited by Federal law. "
Wizard of Odds
"In Nevada, only poker is available for legal consumption; New Jersey offers poker rooms and other types of casino games at its state-licensed online casinos. As for sports betting - a form of gambling that was illegal under federal law - it has received a chance to be legalized in May 2018, when the US Supreme Court lifted the ban and allowed each individual state to decide whether or not legislation will take place. "
- "This story will be updated as information develops. Check RGJ.com for updates..."
Bars, restaurants, and Casinos are closed where I live. Schools are going to on-line instruction only, no in-person classes. I work in an office so have been told to work from home using my laptop computer. Meetings are held on-line.
Quote: GandlerPretty Sure. The Wire Act was strictly about Sports betting (which has been overturned).
There is essentially a Federal Law that makes it illegal to essentially gamble where illegal (IE you place a bet in a state where gambling is not legal). But, there is no blanket prohibition on any kind of online gambling. If a State chooses to allow it, it is 100% legal (as seen in several states now).
" The first myth that should immediately be dispelled is that online gambling (by the gambler himself/herself) is in any way prohibited by Federal law. "
Wizard of Odds
"In Nevada, only poker is available for legal consumption; New Jersey offers poker rooms and other types of casino games at its state-licensed online casinos. As for sports betting - a form of gambling that was illegal under federal law - it has received a chance to be legalized in May 2018, when the US Supreme Court lifted the ban and allowed each individual state to decide whether or not legislation will take place. "
I seem to have forgotten about 2018. I was just asking, not stating anything. And I remember the Wire Act applying to sports, but I'm pretty sure the anti-online gambling folks, (anti-online poker, casinos, etc.) used to bring up the Wire Act all the time in trying to suppress it, whether they were right or not. Quite a few hypocrites involved, in my opinion.
Anyway, the more the merrier. You can't put technology back in the bottle. I want online gambling of all sorts to be wide open, before I'm too old to enjoy it.
Thanks for your opinion and reply.
About one pm they began keying off machines that had no one seated
All the machines were being emptied systematically of cash. The bartender said they will be taking it all out not only for safety but to collect as much interest at the bank during the closure as possible. Not sure how reliable the bartender was. Sounds reasonable though.
Last night before the close order by the state every other machine was turned off so no one could be seated next to another patron. About 60% of the machines were still on (It wasn't half because of three bank setups they turned off the middle slot only)
I observed a lot of husband's gambling while their wives watched and were like "oh, how convenient there is an empty seat for me". Yep a lot of deactivated empty seats were simply occupied by people anyway completely negating any point to them being shut off.
Although e-games also had the empty seat arrangements live table games did not. Lack of workers/business meant fewer tables open so a lot were packed around with gamblers shoulder to shoulder.
Finally I observed a woman entering the men's room at Bally's about ten feet ahead of me. I entered in time to see her going into a stall with her boyfriend. The center stall of three and I had to go so I wound up in the stall to their left.
It was obvious from the slurping noises and shadow movement she was giving him head. Unhygienic during the best of times. Coronavirus be damned.
It didn't end well. A huge plopping turd and a release of pent-up gas from me caused them to freak out. They didn't finish and quickly left
Must be romantic to service your boyfriend surrounded by the pungent aroma of the guy crapping into the toilet next to you.
Days of wine and roses and plopping turds